Banco Espanol Filipino vs. Palanca: FACTS: (Note: Not in Bernas)

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STREET, J +4 concurred, 1 dissent FACTS: (note: not in Bernas) This action was instituted by "El Banco Es anol!"ili ino" to #oreclose a $ort%a%e u on ro erty situated in the city o# &anila' The $ort%a%e was e(ecuted by the ori%inal de#endant herein, En%racio )alanca Tan*uinyen%, as security #or a debt owin% by hi$ to the ban+' ,#ter the e(ecution o# this instru$ent by Tan*uinyen%, he returned to -hina and he there died' ,s Tan*uinyen% was a nonresident at the ti$e, it was necessary #or the ban+ in the #oreclosure roceedin% to %i.e notice to Tan*uinyen% by ublication ursuant to sec /00 o# the -ode o# )rocedure' )ublication was $ade in a news a er o# &anila' The court also directed the cler+ o# court to de osit in the ost o##ice a co y o# the su$$ons and co$ laint directed to Tan*uinyen% at his last lace o# residence, the city o# ,$oy, -hina ursuant to the sa$e ro.ision' Sec' /00,-ode o# )rocedure: 1n case o# ublication, where the residence o# a nonresident or absent de#endant is +nown, the 2ud%e $ust direct a co y o# the su$$ons and co$ laint to be #orthwith de osited by the cler+ in the ost!o##ice, osta%e re aid, directed to the erson to be ser.ed, at his lace o# residence 3hether the cler+ co$ lied with this order does not a##ir$ati.ely a The case roceeded in the -"1, and the de#endant not a hi$ by de#ault' July /, 1045, decision was rendered in #a.or o# the ban+' ear' eared, 2ud%$ent was ta+en a%ainst

1t was ordered that the Tna*uinyen% should a$ount owed to the cler+ o# the court, and it was declared that in case o# #ailure to satis#y the 2ud%$ent, the $ort%a%e ro erty should be e( osed to ublic sale' The ay$ent cont$e lated in said order was $ade' -ourt ordered the sale o# the ro erty which was bou%ht in by the ban+' 6 years a#ter con#ir$ation o# sale, $otion was $ade by 7icente )alanca, as ad$inistrator o# Tan*uinyen%, re*uestin% the court to set aside the order o# de#ault and the 2ud%$ent rendered u on July /, 1045, and to .acate all the roceedin%s subse*uent thereto' Basis o# $otion: that the order o# de#ault and the 2ud%$ent rendered thereon were .oid because the court had ac*uired 2urisdiction the de#endant or the sub2ect o# the action' The $otion was denied' ISSUES: ,ssu$e that the cler+ o# court #ailed to $ail the de#endant in ,$oy 1) a ers which he was directed to send to the

389 the court ac*uired the necessary 2urisdiction to enable it to roceed with the #oreclosure o# the $ort%a%e' :ES ;) 389 those roceedin%s were conducted in such $anner as to constitute due rocess o# law' :ES RATIO: 1' (note: not in Bernas) "2urisdiction," $ay ha.e re#erence (1) to the authority o# the court to entertain a articular +ind o# action or to ad$inister a articular +ind o# relie#, or it $ay re#er to the ower o# the court the arties, or (;) the ro erty which is the sub2ect to the liti%ation'

Jurisdiction the erson is ac*uired by the .oluntary a earance o# a arty in court and his sub$ission to its authority, or it is ac*uired by the coerci.e ower o# le%al rocess e(erted the erson' Jurisdiction the ro erty which is the sub2ect o# the liti%ation $ay result either #ro$ a sei<ure o# the ro erty under le%al rocess, whereby it is brou%ht into the actual custody o# the law, or it $ay result #ro$ the institution o# le%al roceedin%s wherein the ower o# the court the ro erty is reco%ni<ed and $ade e##ecti.e' 1n this -ase: Tan*uinyen% is a nonresident and, re$ainin% beyond the ran%e o# the ersonal re#uses to co$e in .oluntarily, the court ac*uires 2urisdiction the, is not essential' rocess o# the court, erson at all' This,

The ro erty itsel# is the sole thin% which is i$ leaded and is the res onsible ob2ect which is the sub2ect o# the e(ercise o# 2udicial ower' 1t #ollows that the 2urisdiction o# the court is based e(clusi.ely on the ower which it ossesses the ro erty' The 2urisdiction the ro erty based u on the #ollowin%: (1) that the ro erty is located within the district= (;) that the ur ose o# the liti%ation is to sub2ect the ro erty by sale to an obli%ation #i(ed u on it by the $ort%a%e= and (/) that the court at a ro er sta%e o# the roceedin%s ta+es the ro erty into custody, i# necessary, and e( ose it to sale #or the ur ose o# satis#yin% the $ort%a%e debt' >i.en that 2urisdiction is e(lusi.ely ro erty, the relie# %ranted by the court $ust be li$ited to such as can be en#orced a%ainst the ro erty itsel#' ;' (this is the only issue included in Bernas) Re*uire$ent o# due rocess is satis#ied i#= (1) There $ust be a court or tribunal clothed with 2udicial ower to hear and deter$ine the $atter be#ore it= (;) 2urisdiction $ust be law#ully ac*uired the erson o# the de#endant or the ro erty which is the sub2ect o# the roceedin%= (/) the de#endant $ust be %i.en an o ortunity to be heard= and (4) 2ud%$ent $ust be rendered u on law#ul hearin%' 1ssue in this case concerns (/)' 8 ortunity to be heard: 1n a #oreclosure case so$e noti#ication o# the roceedin%s to the nonresident owner, ti$e within which a earance $ust be $ade is essential' To answer this necessity the statutes %enerally ro.ide #or: 1) ublication ;) ersonal notice thru $ail, i# his residence is +nown )ersonal 9otice (a+a constructi.e or substituted Such noti#ication does not constitute a o# rocess in any true sense' 1t is $erely a $eans ro.ided by law whereby the owner $ay be ad$onished that his ro erty is the sub2ect o# 2udicial roceedin%s and that it is incu$bent u on hi$ to ta+e such ste s as he sees #it to rotect it' This $ode o# noti#ication does not in.ol.e any absolute assurance that the absent owner shall thereby recei.e actual notice' The ro.ision o# our law relati.e to the $ailin% o# notice does not absolutely re*uire the $ailin% o# notice unconditionally and in e.ery e.ent, but only in the case where the de#endant?s residence is +nown' 1n the li%ht o# all these #acts, it is e.ident that actual notice to the de#endant in cases o# this +ind is not, under the law, to be considered absolutely necessary' rescribin% the

,ssu$ tion in reco%ni<in% the e##ecti.eness o# a $eans o# noti#ication which $ay #all short o# actual notice is: )ro erty is always assu$ed to be in the ossession o# its owner, in erson or by a%ent= and he $ay be sa#ely held, under certain conditions, to be a##ected with +nowled%e that roceedin%s ha.e been instituted #or its conde$nation and sale' Ri%ht to due rocess has not been in#rin%ed' (#urther discussion on the irre%ularity o# the non! er#or$ance o# the cler+ o# court o# deli.erin% the notice is discussed in the case, but Bernas no lon%er includes' )rocedural cra na ito@)

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