I. The document discusses various provisional remedies available under the Rules of Court, including preliminary attachment, preliminary injunction, receivership, replevin, and support pendent lite. It also discusses the termination of a guardianship upon the death of the ward.
II. It notes that property under custodia legis (in the hands of the court) can now be attached, subject to the procedures in the rules. Any damages from a wrongful attachment must be recovered in the same case, and proceeds from sales under an attachment order will be delivered to the party against whom attachment was issued if judgment is rendered against the attaching party.
III. Replevin seeks possession of property prior to determining
I. The document discusses various provisional remedies available under the Rules of Court, including preliminary attachment, preliminary injunction, receivership, replevin, and support pendent lite. It also discusses the termination of a guardianship upon the death of the ward.
II. It notes that property under custodia legis (in the hands of the court) can now be attached, subject to the procedures in the rules. Any damages from a wrongful attachment must be recovered in the same case, and proceeds from sales under an attachment order will be delivered to the party against whom attachment was issued if judgment is rendered against the attaching party.
III. Replevin seeks possession of property prior to determining
I. The document discusses various provisional remedies available under the Rules of Court, including preliminary attachment, preliminary injunction, receivership, replevin, and support pendent lite. It also discusses the termination of a guardianship upon the death of the ward.
II. It notes that property under custodia legis (in the hands of the court) can now be attached, subject to the procedures in the rules. Any damages from a wrongful attachment must be recovered in the same case, and proceeds from sales under an attachment order will be delivered to the party against whom attachment was issued if judgment is rendered against the attaching party.
III. Replevin seeks possession of property prior to determining
I. The document discusses various provisional remedies available under the Rules of Court, including preliminary attachment, preliminary injunction, receivership, replevin, and support pendent lite. It also discusses the termination of a guardianship upon the death of the ward.
II. It notes that property under custodia legis (in the hands of the court) can now be attached, subject to the procedures in the rules. Any damages from a wrongful attachment must be recovered in the same case, and proceeds from sales under an attachment order will be delivered to the party against whom attachment was issued if judgment is rendered against the attaching party.
III. Replevin seeks possession of property prior to determining
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A) the following are the provisional remedies provided for
in the Rules of Court: 1) Preliminary Attachment (Rule !)" #) Preliminary in$unction (Rule %)" &) Receivership (Rule ')" () Replevin (Rule )*)" and ) +upport pendent lite (Rule )1). ,ther provisional remedies include: A. Issued -y a .amily court 1. /emporary custody of minor children #. ,rder allowing visitation rights of parents 0. Interim reliefs in a petition for a writ of Amparo 1. /emporary protection order #. Inspection order &. Production order (. 1itness protection order -.) an attachment places the property under the custody of the court2 and is in the nature of proceeding 3uasi in rem. It is purely a statutory remedy and thus cannot e4ist without a stature granting it. A garnishment is a 5ind of attachment in which the plainti6 see5s to su-$ect either the property of the defendant in the hands of a third person called the garnishee2 to his claim or the money which said third person owes the defendant c.) in the case of the HEIRS OF PEDRO REGANON, vs. RUFINO IMPERIAL, /he new Rules of Court now speci7cally provides for the procedure to -e followed in case what is attached is in custodia legis.
/he clear import of this new provision is that property under custodia legis is now attacha-le2 su-$ect to the mode set forth in said rule. /he ward having died2 the guardianship proceedings no longer su-sist: /he death of the ward necessarily terminates the guardianship2 and thereupon all powers and duties of the guardian cease2 e4cept the duty2 which remains2 to ma5e a proper accounting and settlement in the pro-ate court.
d.) yes2 any award of damages for wrongful attachment may -e recovered2 -ut only in the +A89 CA+9. /he recovery of damages cannot -e had in a separate action. Also2 according to +ec 1' of Rule !2 If judgment be rendered against te atta!ing "art#, a$$ te "r%!eeds %f sa$es and m%ne# !%$$e!ted %r re!ei&ed b# te seri', under te %rder %f atta!ment, and a$$ "r%"ert# atta!ed remaining in an# su! %(!er)s ands, sa$$ be de$i&ered t% te "art# against *%m atta!ment *as issued+ e.) replevin is the provisional remedy see5ing for the possession of the property prior to the determination of the main action for replevin2 for the purpose of recovering personal property capa-le of manual delivery from the defendant. f.) no2 the trial court would err in denying the application for support pendent lite. According to +ec. ) of Rule )12 In !rimina$ a!ti%ns *ere te !i&i$ $iabi$it# in!$udes su""%rt f%r te %'s"ring as a !%nse,uen!e %f te !rime and te !i&i$ as"e!t tere%f as n%t been *ai&ed, reser&ed %r instituted "ri%r t% its -$ing, te a!!used ma# be %rdered t% "r%&ide su""%rt "endente $ite t% te !i$d b%rn t% te %'ended "art# a$$eged$# be!ause %f te !rime+ .e a""$i!ati%n teref%r ma# be -$ed su!!essi&e$# b# te %'ended "art#, er "arents, grand"arents %r guardian and te State in te !%rres"%nding !rimina$ !ase during its "enden!#, in a!!%rdan!e *it te "r%!edure estab$ised under tis Ru$e+