Appendix D - 2014 USG Constitution (With Proposed Amendments)
Appendix D - 2014 USG Constitution (With Proposed Amendments)
Appendix D - 2014 USG Constitution (With Proposed Amendments)
Student Government Constitution CONTENT Preamble Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X Article XI Article XII Article XIII Article XIV Article XV Article XVI Article XVII
Name and Seat Membership Declaration of Principles, Purposes and Policies Declaration of Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Students The Legislative Branch The Executive Branch The Judiciary Branch Constitutional Commissions The College Student Government Accountability of USG Elected and Appointed Officers The USG Assembly The Convention of Leaders Elections Vacancies General Provisions Amendments Transitory Provisions PREAMBLE
We, the undergraduate students of De La Salle University, imploring the aid of the Almighty God and invoking the patronage of St. John Baptist De La Salle, assert our inherent democratic right to pursue an autonomous and genuine student government that shall inspire us to become true Lasallian achievers for God and country, reinvigorate our formation as Lasallians who secure the common good, harmony, unity and cooperation among ourselves and with those who, together with us, make up the Lasallian community of persons, scholars, learners and citizens, and embody our libertarian ideals, nationalist aspirations and noble vision of a humane and sovereign society, do solemnly ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article I NAME AND SEAT Section 1 The name of this student government, established under this Constitution, shall be known as the University Student Government of De La Salle University, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the USG. The seat of the USG shall be in the De La Salle University with campuses in 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila and Science and Technology Complex, Barrio Malamig, Bian, Laguna, which shall both hereinafter be referred to as the University. The Science and Technology Complex campus shall hereinafter be referred to as the STC. Article II MEMBERSHIP The members of the USG shall be all undergraduate students of the University, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the students. Article III DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES, PURPOSES AND POLICIES PRINCIPLES Section 1 The USG shall have the power of which emanates from the student body. It shall be the sole, unified, autonomous and democratic representative body of the students. Section 2 The USG shall recognize the importance of the Universitys Vision-Mission Statement which shall serve as a guide of the USG in achieving its own Vision, goals and objectives. The USG is founded on the principles of representation, participative democracy, collaboration, equitability, common good, integrity, transparency, accountability and efficiency in the delivery of services and discharge of duties and responsibilities. The USG shall uphold the principle of unity and cooperation with all sectors of the Lasallian community.
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
PURPOSES Section 5 The USG shall be the university-level model government, upon which its structure and selected processes are patterned after the Philippine government.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014
Section 6
The USG shall be at the forefront of the students struggle for their rights and welfare, as embodied in Article IV of this Constitution, the Student Handbook, the Student Charter and the laws of the land. The USG shall provide mechanisms in fostering the physical, intellectual, moral, cultural, civic, spiritual and political interests of the students, as long as these are not contrary to the Universitys Vision-Mission Statement. The USG shall provide mechanisms in developing critical thinking among the students and encourage the use of knowledge, skills and resources in fulfilling their roles as the youth of this country by contributing to nation-building. The USG shall endeavor to maintain a progressive and innovative academic institution that offers holistic, scientific, liberating and world-class education. The USG shall continuously encourage student organizations to promote and safeguard the rights and welfare of their members.
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Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
POLICIES Section 11
The USG shall pursue an independent stand, not dictated by any other sector, other than the students. The USG shall value academic freedom, spirit of the law and the equality of gender, religion, race and political inclination. The USG shall provide avenues for different political views to support proposals in the legislative process and struggle against all forms of exploitation, oppression and corruption. The USG shall establish and maintain relevant linkages with various offices, sectors and cause-oriented groups within and outside the University to create venues for resource sharing and maximization, and development. The USG shall pursue a policy of dialogue with other student governments, movements and the marginalized sectors of society, consonant with its principles and purposes.
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Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 16 The USG shall renounce instruments of policy, programs and undertakings which are in contrary to the rules and regulations of the University and the laws of the land. The USG shall maintain open lines of communication among its branches and with its constituents through effective and efficient means, recognizing English and Filipino as its official languages for oral and written exchanges. The USG shall adopt and implement a policy of public disclosure of all its transactions involving the interest of its members.
Section 17
Section 18
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article IV DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS Section 1 The rights of every student shall be based on the provisions of the Student Handbook and the Student Charter which shall be observed and upheld by all sectors in the University. The rights of every student as a human being stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights shall be recognized and upheld by all sectors in the University. Every student shall observe and uphold the laws of the land, the rules and regulations of the University as stipulated in the Student Handbook and this Constitution. Every student shall exercise his or her rights responsibly and in good faith. Every student shall uphold the academic integrity of the University, endeavor to achieve academic excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his or her academic responsibilities. Every student shall promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the University by exerting efforts and initiatives to attain harmonious relationships with members of the Lasallian community. Every student shall uphold, preserve and maintain the integrity of his or her Alma Mater. Every student shall be encouraged to participate actively in extra-curricular and civic affairs and in the promotion of the common good, particularly in the social, economic and cultural development of his or her community
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Section 4 Section 5
Section 6
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Section 8
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article V THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Legislative Assembly The Legislative Assembly, which shall hereinafter be referred to as LA, shall be the highest policy-making body of the USG. The legislative power shall be vested in the LA, except to the extent reserved to the people by the provisions on initiative and referendum. The LA shall be composed of the following: 2.1. Chief Legislator; 2.2. All Legislators; and 2.3. Legislative Assembly Secretariat. The LA shall endeavor to discuss and decide on the following matters: 3.1. Resolutions on University-wide issues, curricular and extra-curricular; 3.2. Resolutions on national and sectoral issues; 3.3. Integral policies, existing operations, pending and existing projects and programs; 3.4. Budget allocation proposal of the USG as proposed by the Executive Treasurer; 3.5. Approval of Replacement Officers for resigning or impeached elected officers; and 3.6. File an appeal to the Judiciary for any disagreement with the Presidential Veto or Executive Order. The Chief Legislator shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 4.1 Be elected by the Legislators during the first session of term in office presided by the President; 4.2 Call and preside over the sessions of the LA and appoint from its members, except for the Majority and Minority Floor Leaders and LA Secretariat, a replacement upon his or her incapacity or absence; 4.3 Call and preside over the meetings of the LA Inner Circle and appoint from its members, except for the LA Secretariat, a replacement upon his or her incapacity or absence; 4.4 Call special LA sessions; 4.5 Preserve order and proper decorum during sessions and, in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the premises where the session is being held, take such measures as he or she may deem advisable or as the LA may direct;
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Section 4
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 4.6 Rule on all questions of order, subject to the appeal by any member of the LA, which appeal shall not be debatable, but the member appealing may explain his or her for not more than five minutes; Sign and affix the seal of the USG on all resolutions, memorials, writs, warrants and subpoenas issued by the order of the LA; Enforce all rules, policies and procedures governing the LA, acting as its supervisor, and ensure that parliamentary procedure is followed accordingly; Receive periodic reports from all units and members of the LA whose frequency of submission shall be at his or her discretion; Appoint Legislators to LA Committees; Be an ex-officio member of all LA Committees and multi-sectoral committees inside the University; Be the official representative and spokesperson of the LA in functions that require its presence; and Submit to the President and Chief Magistrate trimestral reports that shall present and evaluate the state of the administrative and operational affairs of the Legislative branch and recommend further actions.
4.7 4.8
Section 5
The Legislators shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 5.1. Report directly to the Chief Legislator; 5.2. Participate actively in every session; 5.3. Conduct regular consultations with his or her constituents regarding curricular and extra-curricular issues and concerns; 5.4. Be assigned to only one (1) LA Committee and to only one (1) multisectoral committee inside the University objectively; 5.5. Be a member of the College Legislative Board; 5.6. Create, with the other College Legislative Board members, the Rules of Internal Governance of their respective College Student Governments; 5.7. Review pending and existing policies, programs and resolutions; 5.8. Pass resolutions that uphold Article III of this Constitution; 5.9. Be entitled to a copy of all minutes, resolutions and similar documents that concern the legislative proceedings; and 5.10. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Chief Legislator. The Legislators shall, during the first session of the term in office, elect among themselves the Majority Floor Leader and the Minority Floor Leader. 6.1 The Majority Floor Leader shall consolidate the arguments and positions in a specific issue or resolution of the members of the Majority Floor. He or she shall serve as the spokesperson of the majority side. In case of
Section 6
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 conflict of interest, he or she may appoint anyone from the Majority Floor to assume the position but may not vacate his or her position as part of it, except for meritorious cases to be decided by the Chief Legislator. He or she may call separate meetings outside the LA sessions to convene the Majority Floor. The Minority Floor Leader shall consolidate the arguments and positions in a specific issue or resolution of the members of the Minority Floor. He or she shall serve as the spokesperson of the majority side. In case of conflict of interest, he or she may appoint anyone from the Minority Floor to assume the position but may not vacate his or her position as part of it, except for meritorious cases to be decided by the Chief Legislator. He or she may call separate meetings outside the LA sessions to convene the Minority Floor. Legislators under independent electoral parties shall be members of the Minority Floor.
Section 7
The Legislative Assembly Secretariat, which we shall refer to hereinafter as LA Secretariat, shall be composed of a head and officers appointed and approved by the LA Inner Circle. The LA Secretariat shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 8.1 Report directly to the Chief Legislator; 8.2 Record the minutes of each LA session, each LA Inner Circle meeting, and each LA Committee meeting; 8.3 Organize and compile all documents pertinent to the Chief Legislator, the LA Inner Circle, and the LA Committees; 8.4 Be in charge of all logistical work of the LA, the LA Inner Circle, and the LA Committees; 8.5 Call the roll of the members of the LA before the opening of the session; 8.6 Note all questions in order with the decisions thereon; 8.7 Complete within five (5) working days after the adjournment of the session the printing and distribution of the minutes for the said session to the members of the LA; 8.8 Take charge of the counting and recounting of votes and ballots; 8.9 Enforce orders of the LA when such duty devolves upon them; and 8.10 Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the members of the LA Inner Circle.
Section 8
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 9 LA Sessions 9.1 The members of the LA shall have their sessions every Friday from 14301630H unless specified otherwise by the members regarding the frequency and time of the LA Sessions. 9.2 The members of the LA shall convene for sessions upon the start of term in office and before the start of the academic year. 9.2.1. The first LA Session, to be presided by the President, shall be reserved for the election of the Chief Legislator, the Majority Floor Leader and the Minority Floor Leader and for the administration of the LA Exam, drafted by the President and approved by the Chief Legislator. 9.2.2. The LA shall convene for several sessions, determined by the Chief Legislator, after the first LA Session to approve and confirm all appointments in the USG. 9.3 The LA shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members to do official business. 9.3.1. The Legislators in the STC shall be required to attend the LA Sessions at least once a month, unless otherwise specified by the Chief Legislator. 9.3.2. The Legislators in the STC shall regularly coordinate with the Chief Legislator and LA Secretariat Head on STC matters that concern the LA and its functions. 9.4 Decisions made in the absence of the quorum shall not be binding unless such are made in the context of an implied quorum. 9.4.1. Implied quorum shall only be decided through a 100% vote of the members present, which is composed of at least majority (50%+1) of the members of the LA, including at least one (1) representative per floor 9.4.2. Decision made during an implied quorum can be reached through a majority (50%+1) vote and shall remain final unless no member of the body challenges the decision in the succeeding sessions. 9.4.3. Decisions, which were reached through a 100% vote, made during an implied quorum shall be considered final. Resolutions 10.1. Resolutions shall be passed by a majority (50% + 1) vote of the Legislators present in the session, with the exception of resolutions which seek to amend this Constitution which requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the LA.
Section 10
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 10.2. A resolution passed by the LA shall be final and binding after the President has signed the resolution. However, if the Executive Committee does not concur through a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members, the Executive Committee may ask for reconsideration and return the same with objections to the LA immediately on its next session. In the event that the LA retains the original decision by a majority (50%+1) vote of Legislators present, the resolution is final and executory.
Section 11
Legislative Assembly Committees The LA Committees shall be formed to address specific tasks and functions and ensure that specialized issues and concerns are adequately addressed by the LA. 11.1. Students Rights and Welfare, which shall hereinafter be referred to as STRAW, shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 11.1.1. Discuss students rights and welfare issues, whether in or outside the University, and present recommendations on such to the LA; 11.1.2. Review the existing positions of the University on students rights and welfare issues, whether national or local in scope, and present recommendations to the LA whenever necessary; 11.1.3. Monitor the performance of all executive units of the USG on matters relating to addressing students rights and welfare issues, whether national or local in scope; 11.1.4. Report to the LA Inner Circle resolutions referred to it after the introduction of such; 11.1.5. Conduct public hearings on resolutions or propositions and inquiries in aid of legislation; and 11.1.6. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Chief Legislator or the LA. 11.2. National Affairs, which shall hereinafter be referred to as NatAff, shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 11.2.1. Discuss national and sectoral issues and present recommendations on such to the LA; 11.2.2. Review the existing positions of the University on national and sectoral issues and present recommendations to the LA whenever necessary; 11.2.3. Monitor the performance of all executive units of the USG on matters relating to addressing national and sectoral issues; 11.2.4. Report to the LA Inner Circle resolutions referred to it after the introduction of such; 11.2.5. Conduct public hearings on resolutions or propositions and inquiries in aid of legislation; and
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 11.2.6. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Chief Legislator or the LA. Rules and Policies, which shall hereinafter be referred to as RnP, shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 11.3.1. Initiate the review of the rules, policies and procedures of the LA, the USG, and the University, in coordination with the concerned offices and/or units and present recommendations to the LA, Executive Committee and offices concerned; 11.3.2. Monitor the implementation of rules, policies and procedures approved by the LA; 11.3.3. Report to the LA Inner Circle resolutions referred to it after the introduction of such; 11.3.4. Conduct public hearings on resolutions or propositions and inquiries in aid of legislation; and 11.3.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Chief Legislator or the LA.
Section 12
The Legislators shall be appointed to LA Committees and shall be limited to membership to only one LA Committee. The Chief Legislator shall appoint and approve the Legislators to the LA Committees in reference to, but not entirely based upon the preference rankings of each Legislator, and in a manner that he or she deems necessary. Each LA Committee shall have a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary whom shall be elected from among and by the members of the committee. The members shall determine the manner of election thereof. The LA Committee Chairpersons shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 14.1. Report directly to the Chief Legislator; 14.2. Preside over the meetings of their respective LA Committees; 14.3. Participate in the meetings of the LA Inner Circle; 14.4. Administer the overall operations of their respective committees; 14.5. Report to the LA Inner Circle actions on resolutions referred to their committees; 14.6. Appoint committee members to sub-committees as well as delegate committee tasks to committee members, whenever necessary; 14.7. Consolidate the committee members on matters pertinent to the LA and in their attendance to LA sessions; and
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Section 14
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 14.8. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Chief Legislator and the LA.
Section 15
The LA Committee Vice Chairpersons shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 15.1. Report directly to the LA Committee Chairperson; 15.2. Assume the powers and responsibilities of the LA Committee Chairperson in his or her incapacity or absence; 15.3. Supervise the LA Committee research efforts and initiatives; 15.4. Submit a Committee report to the LA Inner Circle once a month, unless otherwise specified by the Chief Legislator; 15.5. Inform members of the LA Committee meetings two (2) working days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting; 15.6. Assist the LA Committee Chairperson in supervising the operation of the LA Committee; and 15.7. Perform other functions deemed necessary by the LA Chairperson or as prescribed within the rules of their respective committees. The LA Committee Secretary shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 16.1. Report directly to the LA Committee Chairperson; 16.2. Record the minutes of the LA Committee meetings and provide copies to committee members; 16.3. Organize and compile all documents pertinent to the LA Committee; 16.4. Be in charge of all logistical work of the LA Committee; 16.5. Be responsible for drafting and submission of periodic reports to the Chief Legislator; 16.6. Inform members of the LA Committee meetings two (2) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting; and 16.7. Perform other functions deemed necessary by the LA Committee Chairperson or as prescribed within the rules of their respective committees. The members of the LA Committees shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities, other than those stated in Article V Section 5: 17.1. Report directly to the LA Committee Chairperson; 17.2. Be present and participate actively in all LA Committee meetings; 17.3. Aid the LA Committee Vice Chairperson in committee researches; and
Section 16
Section 17
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 17.4. Perform other functions deemed necessary by the LA Committee Chairperson or as prescribed within the rules of their respective committees.
Section 18
LA Committee Meetings 18.1. The members of the LA Committees shall determine the frequency and the time of their meetings. 18.1.1. The Legislators in the STC shall be required to attend their respective LA Committee meetings at least once a month, unless otherwise specified by their respective LA Committee Chairperson. 18.1.2. The Legislators in the STC shall regularly coordinate with their respective LA Committee Chairperson on STC matters that concern the committee and its functions. 18.2. Any member of the LA Committees may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary. 18.3. The LA Committees shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of those present. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the LA Committee members are informed and have agreed. Legislative Assembly Inner Circle The Legislative Assembly Inner Circle, which shall hereinafter be referred to as LA-IC, shall be the highest representative body, vested with administrative power, of the LA. The LA-IC shall be composed of the: 21.1. Chief Legislator; 21.2. Majority Floor Leader; 21.3. Minority Floor Leader; and 21.4. All LA Committee Chairpersons. The LA-IC shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 22.1. Discuss and decide on matters relating to the administration of the LA; 22.2. Receive reports from LA Committees on resolutions referred to it and on the performance of the committee and its members; 22.3. Discuss and decide on matters relating to the rules and procedures to be used in the consideration on the floor of resolutions reported to it, such as
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 time limit for the debates, rules on germaneness and amendments and the like; Calendar resolutions reported by the LA Committees for consideration; Outline the agenda of all LA sessions; Appoint and approve members of the LA Secretariat; Review and adopt the Legislative Manual; and Create ad-hoc committees in the LA as may be necessary to discharge its functions.
Section 23
All rulings by the LA-IC on matters pertaining to the administration of the LA may be overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Legislators. LA-IC Meetings 24.1. The members of the LA-IC shall determine the frequency and the time of their meetings. 24.2. Any member of the LA-IC may call special meetings if he or she deems it necessary. 24.3. The LA-IC shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of those present. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority of the LA-IC members are informed and have agreed.
Section 24
Section 25
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article VI THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Executive Board and Cabinet The Executive Board, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the EB, shall be the highest governing body and representative authority of the USG. The EB shall be composed of the following: 2.1 President; 2.2 Executive Vice President ; and 2.3 Executive Treasurer. The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the EB: 3.1. Implement and enforce the provisions stipulated in this Constitution and its by-laws; 3.2. Outline and enforce basic policies that shall facilitate the performance of its duties and responsibilities; 3.3. Determine the vision, goals and objectives for the USG for the academic year and ensure that resources be made available towards their attainment; 3.4. Discuss on national, sectoral and university-wide issues and academicrelated matters, projects, programs and campaigns to be presented to the College Presidents; 3.5. Ensure fair, efficient and effective representation in all University committees which services and decisions affect the welfare of the students; 3.6. Handle scholarship programs initiated by the USG in coordination with the administration and other sectors; 3.7. Issue Executive Proclamations to confirm all appointments in the USG; 3.8. Review and adopt the Executive Manual; and 3.9. Create ad hoc committees in the Cabinet as may be necessary to discharge its functions. The Cabinet shall serve as the shared office of the members of the EB which shall exercise functions that concern its administrative, operational and financial affairs. The Cabinet shall be composed of the following officials: 5.1 Chief of Staff, recommended by the President upon consultation with the Executive Vice President and Executive Treasurer;
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Section 5
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Documentations Head, appointed by the EB; Marketing and Communications Head, appointed by the EB; External Relations Head, appointed by the EB; Special Projects Head, appointed by the EB; Finance Head, recommended by the Executive Treasurer upon consultation with the President and the Executive Vice President; and Executive Department Chairpersons, who shall be Batch Representatives or College Representatives in the STC appointed by the EB.
Section 6
The Executive Departments, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the EXEDEP, shall serve as the operational arm of the Cabinet. 6.1. The EXEDEP shall be composed of the Batch Representatives and the College Representatives in the STC. 6.2. The membership of each Batch Representative and each College Representative in STC to the EXEDEP shall be appointed by the EB as recommended by the Executive Vice President. 6.3. The members of the each EXEDEP shall elect a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary for their respective department. 6.4. The powers, duties and responsibilities of the respective EXEDEP are the following: 6.4.1. Department of Students Services Ensure proper coordination with the University administration as well as other sectors of the Lasallian community regarding the various student services offered. Refer to the proposals of the LA and enhance student services based on the current needs and concerns of the students. Develop research outputs and programs in order for the service inside the University to be utilized and maximized by the students. 6.4.2. Department of Advocacy Ensure proper coordination with the University administration as well as other sectors of the Lasallian community regarding various advocacies for the academic year. Streamline the efforts and initiatives on advocacies of the students inside and outside the University. Determine the advocacies to be promoted and supported by the students for the academic year.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014
6.4.3. Department of Community Development Ensure proper coordination with the University administration as well as other sectors of the Lasallian community regarding community development efforts. Streamline the efforts and initiatives on community development of the students inside and outside the University. Determine the adopted and supervised communities to be promoted and supported by the students. The frequency of the meeting of each EXEDEP shall be determined via a majority (50%+1) decision of the members of their department and shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of their members. 6.5.1. The College Representatives in the STC shall be required to attend their respective EXEDEP meetings at least once a month, unless otherwise specified by the Chairperson of the EXEDEP. 6.5.2. The College Representatives in the STC shall regularly coordinate with their respective EXEDEP Chairperson on STC matters that concern the department and its functions.
Section 7
Cabinet Meetings 7.1. The members of the EB shall determine the frequency and time of the Cabinet meetings. 7.2. Any member of the EB may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary 7.3. The Cabinet shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of the EB. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority of the EB members are informed and have agreed.
Section 8
Powers, Duties Responsibilities of the Executive Board Members and Cabinet Officials Section 9 The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the President: 9.1 Be the Chief Executive Officer of the USG; 9.2 Be the official representative and spokesperson of the USG at any meeting or gathering within and outside of the University;
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 9.2.1. Represent the students in policy-making bodies and multi-sectoral committees in the University as stipulated in the Student Handbook. 9.2.2. Appoint the representatives to external alliances, seminars, sector organizations, University-wide multi-sectoral committees and other functions requiring student representation in his or her absence The order for the appointment is as follows: Executive Vice President; Executive Treasurer; Chief of Staff; College President/s; Batch Representative/s; and Other USG appointed officer/s. Preside over the meetings of the Cabinet, Executive Committee, USG Assembly and Executive Assembly and other meetings that he or she called for; Have no voting powers, unless in cases of ties in votes, but shall have the power to veto policies, resolutions, programs and projects approved by the EB, Executive Committee and the LA; 9.4.1. The presidential veto must be communicated in writing to the Chief of Staff within three (3) working days of the approval of the policy, resolution, program or project and received by the Chief Legislator and Chief Magistrate. Otherwise, the policy, resolution, program or project may be released or implemented. 9.4.2. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the LA is required to override a presidential veto within ten (10) working days after the veto was communicated. Otherwise, the veto shall take effect. 9.4.3. If the President vetoes a resolution passed by the LA. The validity of the veto is to be decided on by the Magistrates via a majority (50%+1) vote within ten (10) working days after the veto was communicated in writing. Oversee the administrative, operational and financial affairs of the USG; Approve and initiate the implementation of all the resolutions passed by the LA; Issue Executive Orders which shall contain general directives and stands for the Executive branch not stated in the Constitution, upon consultation with the Executive Committee; Establish and maintain relevant linkages with external entities that are deemed important and necessary in the discharge of duties and responsibilities of the USG;
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 9.9 9.10 Be an ex-officio member of all the departments and committees under the executive arm of the USG; Submit to the Chief Legislator and the Chief Magistrate trimestral reports that shall present and evaluate the state of the administrative, operational and financial affairs of the Executive branch and recommend further actions; Receive and review trimestral reports from the Executive Vice President, Executive Treasurer, Chief of Staff, College Presidents, Chief Legislator, Chief Magistrate, COA Chairperson, Ombdusman, and CAP Chairperson; Perform other functions to facilitate the discharge of his or her responsibilities or acts prescribed herein and be answerable to the LA for the consequences of such; and Be vested with the power to grant presidential pardon to any USG officer found guilty of violation of this constitution and its by-laws by the courts of justice, provided that the pardon is with just cause. 9.13.1. A presidential pardon shall render the offender free from the sanction/s imposed by the courts of justice and may no longer be revoked once granted; 9.13.2. A presidential pardon must be of just cause which is a reason deemed rationale by the discretion of the officer granting the pardon; 9.13.3. A presidential pardon may either be conditional or unconditional: A conditional pardon imposes a condition which can be fulfilled at the moment of imposition on the offender before the pardon takes effect (i.e. commutation of a sanction). An unconditional pardon restores the state of innocence of the offender as though he/she had never committed the crime upon declaration of the pardon.
Section 10
The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Executive Vice President: 10.1. Report directly to the President; 10.2. Be the Chief Operating Officer of the USG; 10.3. Be the supervisor and coordinator of the EXEDEP; 10.4. Supervise the planning and implementation of special projects during celebrations of University-wide weeks and other occasions warranting the participation of the USG under the direction of the President and upon consultation with the Executive Committee;
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 10.5. Conduct research undertakings on University policies and structures and present results and recommendations to the Executive Committee, LA and/or the University administration; Be an ex-officio member of each EXEDEP; Assume the responsibilities of the President if the President is absent or incapacitated or if so directed by the EB; Assume automatically the Presidency in the event that the position of the President is permanently vacated; and Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB.
The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Executive Treasurer: 11.1. Report directly to the President; 11.2. Be the Chief Finance Officer of the USG; 11.3. Act as custodian of the funds of the USG and enforce standard operating procedures within the USG with regards to the financial system; 11.4. Formulate and implement policies and procedures governing the financial resources of the USG upon consultation with the EB; 11.5. Be in charge of the appropriation of funds released by the administration for the USG, to be approved by the Legislative Assembly; 11.6. Review and monitor all fund-raising activities and disbursement of funds initiated by the USG; 11.7. Review, monitor, and advance proposals to ensure justified student fees in the University; 11.8. Require financial documents necessary for the maintenance of an effective monitoring system and preparation of trimestral and academic year financial reports to be examined by the Executive Committee, the LA and the Magistrates as well as audited by the Commission on Audit; 11.9. Assume automatically the Presidency in the event that both the positions of the President and the Executive Vice President are permanently vacated; and 11.10. Perform other such functions as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Cabinet officials: 12.1. Chief of Staff 12.1.1. Report directly to the President; 12.1.2. Be the administrative officer of the Cabinet;
Section 12
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 12.1.3. Prepare the agenda of meetings of the Cabinet, Executive Committee, Executive Assembly, USG Assembly and Convention of Leaders after due consultation with its members; 12.1.4. Oversee the training and development and other concerns and needs of USG officers in the discharge of their duties; 12.1.5. Advise the EB on matters of general administration; and 12.1.6. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. Documentations Head 12.2.1. Report directly to the Chief of Staff; 12.2.2. Record all minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet, Executive Committee, Executive Departments, Executive Assembly, USG Assembly and Convention of Leaders; 12.2.3. Act as custodian of all the records and paper works of the USG and enforce standard operating procedures within the USG with regards to efficient office management and filing system under the direction of the President; 12.2.4. Advise the EB on matters of documentation; and 12.2.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. Marketing and Communications Head 12.3.1. Report directly to the Chief of Staff; 12.3.2. Handle the marketing and publicity concerns of the EB, Cabinet and EXEDEP; 12.3.3. Approve, implement and supervise the information dissemination of the University-wide activities, programs and campaigns of the USG through publicity materials, publications and the like; 12.3.4. Advise the EB on matters of public relations; and 12.3.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. External Relations Head 12.4.1. Report directly to the Chief of Staff; 12.4.2. Gather feedback from the students and other sectors of the Lasallian community regarding the performance of the USG; 12.4.3. Assist the President in establishing and maintaining relevant linkages with external entities that are deemed important and necessary in the discharge of duties and responsibilities of the USG; 12.4.4. Advise the EB on matters of external relations; and 12.4.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. Special Projects Head 12.5.1. Report directly to the Chief of Staff;
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 12.5.2. Handle the logistics and operational concerns of the EB, Cabinet and EXEDEP; 12.5.3. Assist the Executive Vice President in the planning and implementation of special projects during celebrations of USG University-wide weeks and other occasions warranting the participation of the USG; 12.5.4. Advise the EB on matters of program development and implementation; and 12.5.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. Finance Head 12.6.1. Report directly to the Executive Treasurer; 12.6.2. Assist the EB in handling scholarship programs initiated by the USG; 12.6.3. Assist the Executive Treasurer in performing his or her duties and responsibilities; 12.6.4. Advise the EB on financial matters; and 12.6.5. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB. Executive Department Chairpersons 12.7.1. Report directly to the Executive Vice President; 12.7.2. Preside over the meetings of their department; 12.7.3. Administer the overall operations of their department; 12.7.4. Report to the Executive Committee actions on programs and projects referred by the EB to his or her respective department; 12.7.5. Delegate department tasks to members, whenever necessary; and 12.7.6. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB.
Section 13
Executive Committee The Executive Committee, which shall hereinafter be referred to as EXECOM, shall serve as the implementing body of the USG and shall be composed of the following: 13.1. Executive Board; and 13.2. All College Presidents. The EXECOM shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 14.1. Discuss and decide on measures and initiatives on national, sectoral, university-wide issues and academic-related matters, projects, programs and campaigns for endorsement and final approval of the LA, whenever necessary; 14.2. Ensure that national, sectoral and University-wide issues be adequately addressed by the USG;
Section 14
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. Identify, determine and streamline relevant measures to address university-wide and college-wide issues and concerns of the students; Implement all resolutions approved by the LA and signed by the President; and Appeal for reconsideration to the LA any approved motion or resolution upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the EXECOM.
Section 15
EXECOM Meetings 15.1. The members of the EXECOM shall determine the frequency and time of their meetings. 15.1.1. The Campus President in STC shall be required to attend the EXECOM meetings at least once a month, unless otherwise specified by the President. 15.1.2. The Campus President in STC shall regularly coordinate with the President on STC matters that concern the EXECOM and its functions. 15.1.3. Any member of the EXECOM may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary 15.1.4. The EXECOM shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of the EXECOM. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the EXECOM members are informed and have agreed. Executive Assembly The Executive Assembly shall serve as an advisory and coordinating body of the USG-EB which shall be chaired by the President and be composed by at least one (1) representative from each organizational group in the student sector namely: 17.1. Council of Student Organizations (CSO); 17.2. Culture and Arts Office (CAO); 17.3. Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA); 17.4. Lasallian Pastoral Office (LSPO); 17.5. Student Media Office (SMO; 17.6. Office of Career and Counseling Services (OCCS); 17.7. Office of Sports Development (OSD); 17.8. Student Discipline Formation Office (SDFO) and; 17.9. Representative/s from other student organizations, determined by the members of the Executive Assembly.
Section 16
Section 17
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 18 The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Executive Assembly: 18.1. Gather feedback from the students regarding the efforts and initiatives of the University; 18.2. Assess the performance of the USG and recommend necessary steps to further attain its objectives; and 18.3. Streamline and support efforts and initiatives of all organizational groups in the student sector. Executive Assembly Meetings 19.1. The Executive Assembly shall meet at least once a month. The frequency and time of their meeting shall be determined by the President upon consultation with the members of the Executive Assembly. 19.1.1. The schedule of the meeting must be communicated by the Chief of Staff to the members of the Executive Assembly at least five (5) working days before the scheduled meeting. 19.1.2. In cases of absence, members of the Executive Assembly may assign a representative in his or her behalf provided that it is coordinated with the Chief of Staff at least three (3) working days before the scheduled meeting. 19.2. Any member of the Executive Assembly may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary. 19.3. The Executive Assembly shall constitute a quorum of no less than twothirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of the Executive Assembly. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the Executive Assembly members are informed and have agreed.
Section 19
Section 20
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article VII THE JUDICIARY BRANCH Section 1 The Judiciary shall be composed of courts of justice, one Supreme Court and Collegiate Courts/Campus Court. These courts of justice shall be vested with judicial power which includes the duty of the Judiciary to settle actual controversies involving rights, which are legally demandable and enforceable upon a petition for judicial review, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the USG. 1.1. Judicial review shall be the authority of the courts of justice to examine an executive or legislative act and to invalidate that act if it is contrary to this Constitution and its by-laws and shall be subject to limitations stipulated in the Rules of Court 1.1.1. Any member of the Lasallian community may submit a petition for judicial review of any executive or legislative act regarding its constitutionality as long as it meets the requisites for Judicial Review stipulated in the Rules of Court. 1.1.2. The USG shall render a response from the Office of the Ombudsman for the petitioner within six (6) working days upon submission of petition. 1.1.3. The proceedings for the judicial review and appeals on decisions shall be stipulated in the Rules of Court. 1.2. All hearings concerning violations of any USG officer of this Constitution and its by-laws shall be heard and decided upon by the lower courts. In cases of appeals and special considerations, petitions shall be heard and decided upon by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall be highest body in the USG vested with judicial power. It shall be composed of representatives, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the College Magistrates, one from each College including the School of Economics , and one Campus Magistrate in the STC. The Collegiate Courts and Campus Court in STC shall be the lower courts of justice in the USG vested with judicial power and shall be chaired by the respective College Magistrates and Campus Magistrate. The courts of justice shall be aided by committees in the discharge of its operational and administrative functions. These committees are the following:
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Section 3
Section 4
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 4.1 Counsel Officers Committee, which shall hereinafter be referred to as COC, shall assist the courts of justice in handling cases in the USG and shall be composed of Counsel Officers who are trained in the USG Constitution and its by-laws. Judicial Administrative Affairs Office, which shall hereinafter be referred to as JAAO, shall concern itself in the performance of administrative affairs for the Judiciary and shall be composed of JAAO Officers. Student Advisers Committee, which shall hereinafter be referred to as SAC, shall assist the courts of justice in handling grievance cases and shall be composed Student Advisers who are trained in the Student Handbook and its by-laws.
Section 5
The appointment process for the Magistrates is as follows: 5.1 The Judiciary shall be appointed and approved by the outgoing members of the EXECOM, LA-IC, and Supreme Court. 5.2 The completion of appointment of all Magistrates shall be at most ten (10) working days after the release of the official results of the General Elections. The term in office of the Magistrates shall commence right after the completion of appointment. 5.3 A Magistrate may hold office for more than one academic year provided that he or she still meets the qualifications of a Magistrate for the succeeding academic year and undergoes a special interview, determined by the President. The Magistrates shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 6.1 Sit en banc, hear, try and resolve, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, within eighteen (18) working days any request for judicial review or any complaint involving the constitutionality, legality or jurisdiction of the acts, policies and resolutions of USG officers; 6.2 Summon, order the investigation of suspension and impeach or recall USG officers; 6.3 Conduct impeachment trials for any USG officer who is subject of an impeachment complaint; 6.4 Reprimand or cite in contempt any USG officer or office; 6.5 Review the constitutionality of activities, projects and programs of the units in the USG during activity approval meetings and deliberations of the units in the USG such as the GOSM defense, SCRAP, and the like; 6.6 Review and approve appointments by the officers of the USG; 6.7 Review and approve the budget allocation of the USG, as presented by the Executive Treasurer;
Section 6
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 6.8 6.9 Section 7 Review and adopt its Rules of Internal Governance and the Rules of Court; and Be ex-officio members of the JAAO, and SAC.
The Supreme Court shall have a Chief Magistrate, elected during a joint session of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches to be chaired by the President It shall convene within six (6) working days after the completion of appointment of the Magistrates. Only the elected officers in the USG shall be eligible to vote for the Chief Magistrate. The Chief Magistrate shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities 8.1. Be the official representative and spokesperson of the Supreme Court and the Judiciary; 8.2. Preside over all the proceedings of the Supreme Court; 8.3. Appoint a replacement among the members of the Supreme Court in his or her absence or incapacity; 8.4. Preside over college-based cases in the event where there is a vacancy in the position of Magistrate for that particular college; 8.5. Preserve order and proper decorum during proceedings in the Supreme Court and, in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the premises where the proceedings are being held, take such measures as he or she may deem advisable or as the Judiciary may direct; and 8.6. Submit to the President and Chief Legislator trimestral reports that shall present and evaluate the state of the administrative and operational affairs of the Judiciary branch and recommend further actions. Judiciary Meetings 9.1. The Magistrates shall determine the frequency and the time of the meetings of the Judiciary. 9.2. Any Magistrate may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary. 9.3. The Judiciary shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of the Magistrates. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the Magistrates are informed and have agreed.
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article VIII CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS Section 1 The Constitutional Commissions shall be independent which shall consist of the following: 1.1 Commission on Elections; 1.2 Commission on Audit; 1.3 Office of the Ombudsman; and 1.4 Commission on Activity Processing. The appointment, approval and confirmation of all Commissioners and Ombudsman shall be conducted before the start of the academic year. The Commissioners and Ombudsman shall begin their term in office on the day of their appointment and end on the day of the appointment of their successors. All Commissioners and Ombudsman shall be prohibited to be appointed in the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches for the duration of term in office. Commission on Elections The Commission on Elections, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the COMELEC, shall be composed of eighteen (18) commissioners, with two (2) coming from each College, two (2) coming from the School of Economics and two (4) coming from each college in the STC. COMELEC Commissioners shall be appointed and approved by their respective College President, College Legislative Board and College Magistrate. A Chairperson, elected by the Commissioners, shall be the official spokesperson and representative of the COMELEC. The COMELEC Commissioners shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: 7.1 Elect among themselves a Chairperson of COMELEC; 7.2 Adopt and uphold the Election Code passed by the LA; 7.3 Serve as the steering committee for USG Elections; 7.4 Certify the qualifications of the candidates; 7.5 Penalize or disqualify candidates and/or political parties who violate the Election Code; 7.6 Educate voters on the voting process to be used in the USG Elections; 7.7 Encourage students to vote;
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Section 6
Section 7
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 7.8 7.9 Section 8 Enforce and administer all rules and regulations relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum and recall; and Review the Election Code and propose amendments to the LA.
Amendments to the Election Code shall be approved upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the LA. Decisions by the COMELEC on all practices shall be considered final unless appealed to the Supreme Court. The Commissioners shall be aided by a staff of student volunteers and shall assist in the discharge of administrative and operational functions of COMELEC. Commission on Audit The Commission on Audit, which shall hereinafter be referred to as COA, shall be composed of three (3) Commissioners, one of which shall be the COA Commissioner for STC. A Chairperson, who shall be the official representative and spokesperson of COA, shall be appointed from the Commissioners by the Chief Magistrate upon the approval from the President and the Chief Legislator. The COA Commissioners shall have the following power, duties and responsibilities: 12.1. Adopt and uphold the COA Manual passed by the LA; 12.2. Examine and audit all accounts pertaining to the receipts, expenses and disbursements of funds of the USG; 12.3. File a complaint to the Magistrates against any USG officer accused of misappropriating fund; 12.4. Submit trimestral reports to the President, Chief Legislator and Chief Magistrate; 12.5. Create departments and ad-hoc committees to discharge its functions; and 12.6. Review the COA Manual and propose amendments to the LA. Amendments to the COA Manual shall be approved upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the LA. Decisions by the COA on all practices shall be considered final unless appealed to the Supreme Court.
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 15 The COA Commissioners shall be aided by a staff of student volunteers and shall assist in the discharge of administrative and operational functions of COA. Office of the Ombudsman The Office of Ombudsman shall be the monitoring and evaluating body of the USG and shall be composed of the following: 16.1. Ombudsman; 16.2. Two (2) Deputy Ombudsmen, one of which shall be the Deputy Ombudsman for STC, to be appointed by the Ombudsman, and; 16.3. The USG Monitoring Board. The Ombudsman shall be appointed by the Chief Magistrate upon the approval of the President and the Chief Legislator. The Ombudsman shall have the following power, duties and responsibilities: 18.1. Adopt and uphold the Ombudsman Code passed by the LA; 18.2. Be in charge of the monitoring and evaluation on the performance of USG officers according to the provisions of the Constitution and its by-laws; 18.3. File cases to the Judiciary for USG officers who have violated any provision in Article X Section 5; 18.4. Report any misconduct of any USG officer to the Judiciary; 18.5. Chair the USG Monitoring Board; 18.6. Submit mid-year and year-end reports to the President, Chief Legislator and the Chief Magistrate; and 18.7. Review the Ombudsman Code and propose amendments to the LA, and; The USG Monitoring Board, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the USGMB, shall assist the Ombudsman in the monitoring and evaluating the officers and activities of the USG and in the discharge of administrative and operational functions of the Office of the Ombudsman. The composition of the USG-MB shall be determined by the Ombudsman and the deputy Ombudsmen as stipulated in the Ombudsman Code. Amendments to the Ombudsman Code shall be approved upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the LA. Decisions by the Ombudsman on all practices shall be considered final unless appealed to the Supreme Court.
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014
Section 23
Commission on Activity Processing The Commission on Activity Processing, which shall hereinafter be referred to as CAP, shall serve as the coordinating body of the USG in approving and monitoring programs, activities and projects of the USG under the direction of the Student Activities Manual. The CAP shall be composed of three (3) Commissioners, one of which shall be the CAP Commissioner for STC. A Chairperson, who shall be the official representative and spokesperson of CAP, shall be appointed from the Commissioners and approved by the EXECOM, the Chief Legislator and the Chief Magistrate. The CAP Commissioners shall have the following power, duties and responsibilities: 25.1. Adopt and uphold the CAP Manual passed by the LA; 25.2. Sit en banc in activity approval meetings and deliberations of the units in the USG such as the GOSM defense, SCRAP, and the like; 25.3. Approve, reject and pend proposals for activities, projects and programs of units in the USG; 25.4. Ensure that activities and projects of the USG abide by the provisions stipulated in the Student Activities Manual; 25.5. Submit trimestral reports to the President, Chief Legislator and Chief Magistrate; 25.6. Create departments and ad-hoc committees to discharge its functions; and 25.7. Review the CAP Manual and propose amendments to the LA. Amendments to the CAP Manual shall be approved upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the LA. Decisions by the CAP on all practices shall be considered final unless appealed to the Supreme Court. The CAP Commissioners shall be aided by a staff of student volunteers and shall assist in the discharge of administrative and operational functions of CAP.
Section 24
Section 25
Section 26
Section 27
Section 28
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article IX THE COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERNMENT Section 1 The College Student Government shall be composed of all undergraduate students of each respective college or school. The name of the College Student Government of the respective college and school shall be the following: 1.1. Arts College Government, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the ACG, for the College of Liberal Arts; 1.2. College Government of Business, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CGB, for the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business; 1.3. College Government of Education, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CGE, for the Br. Andrew Gonzales FSC College of Education; 1.4. College Government of Science, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CGS, for the College of Science; 1.5. Computer Studies Government, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CSG, for the College of Computer Studies; 1.6. Engineering College Government, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the ECG, for the Gokongwei College of Engineering; and 1.7. School of Economics Government, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the SEG, for the School of Economics; With the integration of De La Salle Canlubang and De La Salle University-Manila, this Constitution do hereby recognizes the integration of the Student Council of De La Salle Canlubang, which shall hereinafter be known as the Science and Technology Complex Campus Student Government, with the USG of the University. The Science and Technology Complex Campus Student Government, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the STCG, shall also be considered as a College Student Government in this Constitution.
Section 2
LEGISLATIVE Section 3 The College Legislative Board, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CLB, shall be the highest policy-making body of the College Student Government. In the case of STCG, its CLB shall be known as the Campus Legislative Board. Section 4 Section 5 The CLB shall be composed of all the Legislators of the college, school or campus. The CLB shall concern itself with discussing and deciding on the following matters: 5.1. Integral policies, existing operations, projects and programs of the college;
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. Resolutions of curricular and extra-curricular matters which are collegewide or batch-wide, as may be necessary, in scope; Representation of administrative and non-administrative units and committees requiring such within the college; Creation of standing and ad hoc committees for the college whose functions shall be determined by the body; Approval of budget allocation proposal at the college level, as presented by the College President; Approval of College Commissioners for the Commission on Elections and Magistrate for the college; Distribution of the budget allocation in the College Student Government; and Approve the Rules of Internal Governance and Organizational Chart of the College Student Government Management Committee.
Section 6
Any resolution approved by the CLB must be presented to the LA in the next LA session upon its approval. The resolution shall take effect immediately unless any of the remaining Legislators calls for the LA to discuss and decide on the resolution within three (3) days after the approval of the resolution by the CLB. CLB Meetings 7.1. The members of the CLB shall determine the frequency and the time of their meetings. 7.2. Any member of the CLB may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary. 7.3. The CLB shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a unanimous vote of all the members of the CLB. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until all of the CLB members are informed and have agreed.
Section 7
Section 8
EXECUTIVE Section 9 The College Student Government Executive Board, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the CSG-EB, shall be the highest governing body and representative authority of the respective college, school or campus. Section 10 The CSG-EB shall be composed of the following: 10.1. College President or Campus President in STC; and
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 10.2. All Batch Representatives under the college or school or all College Representatives in STC.
Section 11
The Campus President in the STC shall also be considered as a College President in this Constitution. The College Representatives in the STC shall also be considered as Batch Representatives in this Constitution. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the CSG-EB are the following: 13.1. Discuss and decide on matters which are pertinent to their respective college, school or campus; 13.2. Determine the vision, goals and objectives of the College Student Government and ensure that resources be made available towards their attainment; 13.3. Outline and enforce basic policies that shall facilitate the performance of their duties and responsibilities; 13.4. Execute all policies and directives issued by the LA and their respective CLB; 13.5. Handle college, school or campus affairs and the needs of students majoring in academic programs of the college, school or campus; 13.6. Organize and implement programs for their particular college, school or campus; 13.7. Create ad hoc committees as may be necessary to discharge its functions; and 13.8. Draft and adopt a Rules of Internal Governance and Organizational Chart of the College Student Government Management Committee within the framework of this Constitution upon the approval of the CLB. The powers, duties and responsibilities of the College President are the following: 14.1 Report directly to the President; 14.2 Be the official representative and spokesperson of the College Student Government at any function, meeting or assembly of his or her college, school or campus; 14.3 Discuss and update the EXECOM on college-wide, school-wide or campus-wide programs and concerns; 14.4 Implement and enforce programs of the Cabinet to his or her college, school or campus;
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Section 13
Section 14
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 14.5 Spearhead the execution of all policies and directives issued by the LA and/or the CLB which are pertinent to his or her college, school or campus; Coordinate with the EXECOM regarding University-wide issues and programs; Chair the CSG-EB and appoint from its members a replacement in case of their incapacity or absence.; and Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the EB.
The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Batch Representative are the following: 15.1 Report directly to the College President and Executive Vice President; 15.2 Be a member of the CSG-EB and an EXEDEP; 15.3 Discuss and update the College Student Government on batch-wide issues and concerns; 15.4 Enforce programs of the College Student Government and spearhead the execution of all policies and directives issued by the LA and CLB which are pertinent to his or her batch; 15.5 Coordinate with the College President regarding University-wide and college-wide issues and concerns; and 15.6 Perform other functions as defined in the Rules of Internal Governance of the College Student Government and as deemed necessary by the College President and Executive Vice President. The College Student Government shall have a Management Committee, which shall hereinafter be referred to as CSG-MANCOM, and shall be concerned with its administrative, operational, and financial affairs. The CSG-MANCOM shall be composed of the following: 17.1. CSG-EB; 17.2. Chief of Staff; 17.3. Documentations Head; 17.4. Marketing and Communications Head; 17.5. External Relations Head; 17.6. Academic Affairs Head; 17.7. Activities Head; 17.8. Finance Head; and 17.9. Ad-hoc Positions as deemed necessary by the CSG-EB.
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Section 17
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 18 The Batch Representative shall be aided by a Batch Council, the composition of which shall be determined by him or her upon consultation with the College President. The Batch Council shall serve as the advisory body of the Batch Representative in determining the specific needs and concerns of the batch. In the case of the STCG, the Batch Council shall hereinafter be known as the College Council. The powers, duties and responsibilities of the CSG-MANCOM and its members shall be stipulated in its own Rules of Internal Governance which shall be drafted by the CSG-EB and approved by the CLB. CSG-MANCOM Meetings 20.1. The members of the CSG-EB shall determine the frequency and time of the CSG-MANCOM meetings. 20.2. Any member of the CSG-EB may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary 20.3. The CSG-MANCOM shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50%+1) vote of the CSG-EB. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the CSG-EB members are informed and have agreed.
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
JUDICIARY Section 22 The Collegiate Courts and Campus Court in STC shall be the lower courts of justice vested with judicial power and shall be chaired by the respective College or Campus Magistrate. Section 23 The power, duties and responsibilities of the College Magistrate and Campus Magistrate shall be the same as stipulated in the provisions in Article VII Section 6 of this Constitution. He or she shall also be in-charge of the following: 23.1. Be the official representative and spokesperson of the Collegiate Court; 23.2. Preside over all the proceedings of the Collegiate Court; 23.3. Preserve order and proper decorum during proceedings in the Collegiate Court and, in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the premises where the proceedings are being held, take such measures as he or she may deem advisable or as the Judiciary may direct; and 23.4. Submit periodic reports to the Supreme Court, whose frequency of submission shall be determined by the Chief Magistrate.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Section 24 The College or Campus Magistrate shall be assisted by representatives from the COC, JAAO, and SAC in the discharge of his or her functions in the Collegiate or Campus Court. Decisions made by the College Magistrate or Campus Magistrate can be subject to appeal provided that new evidences and/or points supporting the case of the accused are found. Such appeal process shall be provided for in the Rules of Court and will be decided upon by the Supreme Court.
Section 25
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article X ACCOUNTABILITY OF USG ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFFICERS Section 1 All USG elected officers, appointed officers and must be accountable to the students at all times. 1.1. Elected officers are those mandated by the plurality of all votes casted by the students during the elections. 1.2. Appointed officers are non-elected officers placed into an office, unit or committee in the USG by appointment. All USG elected and appointed officers must fully serve his or her term in office except for cases of vacancies as stipulated in Article XV of this Constitution. 2.1. For elected officers, their term in office shall begin on the last day of the preceding academic year and end on the last day of the same academic year, except for Freshmen elected officers. 2.2. For appointed officers, their term in office shall begin on the day of their appointment and end on the last day of the academic year, unless specified otherwise by provisions in this Constitution and/or their respective Rules of Internal Governance. All USG elected and appointed officers must serve the students with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency and professionalism.
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IMPEACHMENT Section 4 All USG elected officers and appointed officers may be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violations of this Constitution and betrayal of public trust. Section 5 The following may be grounds for impeachment: 5.1 Any willful violation of this Constitution and its by-laws. 5.2 Gross negligence of duty. 5.3 Illegal disbursement of funds. 5.4 Any behavior which undermines the integrity of the USG. 5.5 Any other forms of gross misconduct as provided by the USG policies. Any member of the Lasallian community may file a case of impeachment against any USG elected officer and/or appointed officer. The case must be communicated in writing to the Chief Magistrate. In cases of impeachment against any appointed officer in the Judiciary branch, the case must be communicated in writing to the President.
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014
Section 7
The policies on cases of impeachment shall be as follows: 7.1. All hearings concerning violations of an Executive Board USG officer of this Constitution and its by-laws shall be heard and decided upon by the Collegiate/Campus Court of the USG Officer concerned. Violations of a Non-Executive Board USG officer shall be heard and decided upon by their respective collegiate/campus court. 7.2. The magistrate(s) shall order investigations of cases of impeachment and recall at its own discretion or on the basis of written complaints from any student or officer of the USG within six (6) working days. The magistrate(s) shall then decide whether to initiate impeachment or recall proceedings or neither. Should the magistrate(s) fail to meet this deadline, the complaint shall automatically be dismissed. 7.3. The presiding magistrate shall serve notice of impeachment or recall to the officer/s concerned at least three (3) working days before the set hearing date. Any USG officer must take a leave of absence once notice of impeachment or recall is served to him or her. 7.4. In an impeachment hearing of an Executive Board USG Officer, the decision on impeachment shall be made upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Magistrates. In an impeachment hearing of a non-Executive Board USG Officer, the decision shall be made by the Collegiate/Campus Magistrate of the officers concerned. 7.5. The Magistrate(s) shall impose the necessary sanctions. All decisions of the Magistrate(s) on matters of impeachment and recall are final and executory, except for meritorious cases. 7.6. Should any Magistrate in the Judiciary branch be the subjected to an impeachment complaint, he or she must take a leave of absence filed to the Legislative Assembly Secretariat before any investigation on the complaint is conducted. An appointed officer shall be selected by the remaining Magistrates to temporarily replace the Magistrate concerned within twenty-four (24) hours. A special body in full attendance, guided by any of the remaining Magistrates and chaired by the President, with five (5) randomly selected students by the President according to the qualifications determined by the Legislative Assembly, shall initiate impeachment proceedings on the Magistrate in the Judiciary branch concerned. 7.7. All cases impeachment shall be resolved and decided upon by the concerned body within eighteen (18) working days after the start of the hearing, unless specified otherwise by the body.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 7.8. An appeal may be made to the Supreme Court regarding the rulings of the courts of justice, provided that new evidences are found. Such appeal may only be made within three (3) school days after the ruling by the courts of justice has been made.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XI THE USG ASSEMBLY Section 1 The USG Assembly shall be the coordinating body within the USG which shall be chaired by the President. It shall be composed of the following: 1.1. All members of the EXECOM; 1.2. All members of the LA-IC; 1.3. All Magistrates; 1.4. All Constitutional Commission Chairpersons; and 1.5. The Ombudsman. The following are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the USG Assembly: 2.1. Discuss issues and concerns relevant to the performance of the USG; 2.2. Gather feedback regarding the efforts and initiatives of each USG unit; 2.3. Assess the performance of each USG unit and recommend necessary steps to further attain its respective objectives; 2.4. Identify and determine relevant USG-initiated measures to address issues and concerns of the students; and 2.5. Streamline and support efforts and initiatives of all USG units. USG Assembly Meetings 3.1. The USG Assembly shall meet at least once a month. The frequency and time of their meeting shall be determined by the President upon consultation with the members of the USG Assembly. 3.2. Any member of the USG Assembly may call special meetings if he or she deemed it necessary. 3.3. The USG Assembly shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members. A final decision must be reached via a majority (50+1) vote of the USG Assembly. Decisions made outside this provision are tentative and unofficial until majority (50%+1) of the USG Assembly members are informed and have agreed.
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XII THE CONVENTION OF LEADERS Section 1 The Convention of Leaders, which shall hereinafter be referred to as COLE, shall serve as a general assembly of student leaders in the University and be the venue for the President to deliver the his or her report on the general updates and progress of the undergraduate students of the University. The COLE shall be composed of the following: 2.1 All members of the USG Executive Committee; 2.2 All members of the LA Inner Circle; 2.3 All Magistrates; 2.4 All Commissioners of the Constitutional Commissions; 2.5 The Ombdusman; 2.6 All Legislators; 2.7 All Batch Representatives; 2.8 All members of the Council of Student Organizations Executive Board; 2.9 At least one (1) representative from each Executive Team in the Council of Student Organization; 2.10 At least one (1) representative from each student organization, group, varsity team and/or club under the following: 2.9.1. Council of Student Organization (CSO) 2.9.2. Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA) 2.9.3. Culture and Arts Office (CAO) 2.9.4. Lasallian Pastoral Office (LSPO) 2.9.5. Student Discipline Formation Office (SDFO) 2.9.6. Student Media Office (SMO) 2.9.7. Office of Career and Counseling Services (OCCS) 2.9.8. Office of Sports Development (OSD) 2.9.9. University Administration units 2.10. At least one (1) representative from each student organization or unit not listed, determined by the USG EB; and 2.11. Immediate past members of the USG EB. The COLE shall convene at least twice during the academic year, preferably midyear and year-end, during the time that the President finds most convenient for most of the members. It shall constitute a quorum of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of its members.
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XIII ELECTIONS Section 1 The election of the USG officers shall be held not later than the 10th week of the third trimester of the preceding academic year, which shall be known as the General Election. With the exception of the election of incoming freshmen officers, which shall be known as the Freshmen Election, it shall be held not later than the 10th week of the first trimester of the academic year. The USG officers shall be elected by the plurality of all votes cast. Protest of a majority (50% + 1) against any officer by his or her constituent population shall render the election of such an officer invalid. The qualifications to be a candidate for the USG elections shall be provided in the Election Code. The members of the EB shall be voted into office by the members of the entire student body. The College Presidents shall be voted into office by the members of their respective college, school and campus. The Batch Representatives and the Legislators shall be voted into office by the members of their respective batches in their respective college, school and campus. The validity of the election shall be determined by a majority (50% + 1) turnout of votes of eligible students per elected position. Any turnout below the required number of votes shall result to a failure of election. The COMELEC shall call for a special election within the succeeding four weeks after the election for any failure of election and/or vacancies arising from the disqualification of candidates.
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XIV VACANCIES Section 1 The LA shall decide on actions required for vacancies in the USG following a special session. In case of incapacity in the discharge of duties, removal from office or resignation of the President, the Executive Vice President shall take the position of the President while maintaining his or her powers, duties and responsibilities as the Executive Vice President until the necessary appointment is made. In case of incapacity in the discharge of duties, removal from office or resignation of the President and the Executive Vice President, the Executive Treasurer shall take the position of the President while maintaining his or her powers, duties and responsibilities as the Executive Treasurer until the necessary appointment is made. In case of incapacity in the discharge of duties, removal from office or resignation of the President, the Executive Vice President and the Executive Treasurer, the Chief Legislator shall take the position of the President while maintaining his or her powers, duties and responsibilities as the Chief Legislator until the necessary appointment is made. In case of incapacity in the discharge of duties, removal from office or resignation of any member of the Executive Committee excluding the President, the President shall endorse a USG officer, excluding the Judiciary department, which shall be approved by the LA. In case of incapacity in the discharge of duties, removal from office or resignation of the Batch Representative or Legislator, his or her College President shall endorse a USG officer, excluding from the Judiciary department, which shall be approved by the LA. Resignation shall only be valid if it concerns health and academics, among others, subject to the approval of the LA. There shall be no leave of absence from the duties and responsibilities, except for the case of incumbent USG officers seeking to run for office in the next general elections. Such officers are, however, required to resume their original posts and complete the term of their original office after the elections.
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1 The official logo of the USG shall be the slanted five-pointed Lasallian signumfidei green and white star with the acronym USG. The official office hours of the USG shall be from 0800-2130H on weekdays and 0800-1700H on Saturdays. All days specified with official office hours are considered working days except in cases of holidays and suspension of classes. The official documents of the USG shall be made available to all students and sectors of the Lasalian community at all times. These documents shall include but not limited to the following: 3.1. Constitution 3.2. Code of Conduct 3.3. Legislative Manual 3.4. Executive Manual 3.5. Judiciary Manual 3.6. Rules of Court 3.7. Election Code 3.8. Commission on Audit (COA) Manual 3.9. Ombusdman Code 3.10. Commission on Activity Processing (CAP) Manual 3.11. House Rules 3.12. All organizational deliverables of the units in the USG for the academic year which include but not limited to the following: 3.12.1. Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Measures or the GOSM 3.12.2. Rules of Internal Governance 3.12.3. Organizational Chart 3.12.4. Directory of Elected and Appointed Officers The USG shall maintain and keep an archive of all documents such as resolutions, minutes of the meetings and the like that concern the history and present achievements of the USG. These documents shall be made available to students and all sectors of the Lasallian community. The USG shall maintain a set of qualifications for all elected and appointed officers, including special qualifications for specific positions. The qualifications shall be the following:
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Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 5.1. Must have completed at least three (3) academic terms in the University upon start of academic year of the term in office, except for Freshmen elected and appointed officers. 5.1.1. In the case of members of the Executive Board, they must have completed at least six (6) academic terms in the University upon start of academic year of the term in office. 5.1.2. In the case of the Campus President in STC, he or she must have completed at least six (6) academic terms in the STC upon start of academic year of the term in office. 5.1.3. In the case of the College President, he or she must have complete at least three (3) academic terms in his or her College of the University upon start of academic year of the term in office. Must have at least three (3) academic terms remaining upon start of term in office. Must be enrolled in the University for the duration of term in office; Must have no more than eighteen (18) units of failure for a single degree and twenty-one (21) of failure for double degree holders for the duration of term in office. Must not be an elected or appointed Executive Board officer or its equivalent in any De La Salle University duly recognized student organization for the duration of term in office. Must not have been a USG officer who was impeached during his or her stay in the University unless given a Presidential pardon. For the Chief Legislator, he or she must have been a Legislator for at least one (1) academic year upon start of term in office, except in special cases determined by the President. For all appointed officers and members of the Judiciary branch and in the Constitutional Commissions, they must not have been actively involved in any political party as certified by the political party presidents during his or her stay in the University. For all Magistrates, they must have gone under the Magistrate Training Program provided by the outgoing Magistrates during the application period. For all COMELEC Commissioners, they must have been a Commissioner or Volunteer of COMELEC for at least one (1) academic year upon start of term in office, except in special cases determined by the President. For COA Commissioners, they must be taking up academic degree programs in Accountancy, Finance and/or Economics, except in special cases determined by the President.
5.6. 5.7.
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 5.12. For the Ombudsman, he or she must have been an appointed officer or member of the Judiciary branch for at least one (1) academic year upon start of term in office, except in special cases determined by the President. For CAP Commissioners, they must have been a Commissioner or appointed member of the Commission for at least one (1) academic year upon start of term in office, except in special cases determined by the President.
Section 6
All confirmation of USG appointed officers shall be done via an Executive Proclamation released within six (6) working days by the EB after the approval of the appointments. Otherwise, the appointment and approval of USG appointed officers shall take effect. The results of all referenda and plebiscites not provided herein shall be valid upon a majority (50%+1) turnout of voters.
Section 7
Operation REFOCUS University Student Government Constitution with Proposed Amendments De La Salle University AY 2013-2014 Article XVI AMENDMENTS Section 1 Any amendment or revision of this Constitution may be proposed by the students through an initiative upon a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the LA and after complying with the prescribed period indicated in Section 4 of this article. A Constitutional Convention, the composition of which shall be determined by the LA, may be called by the President upon a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the LA which shall propose amendments or revisions to this Constitution after complying with the prescribed period indicated in Section 4 of this article. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be valid only when ratified by a majority (50% + 1) of all votes cast in a plebiscite. No amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be authorized within five years following the ratification of this Constitution.
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Article XVII TRANSITORY PROVISIONS Section 1 A Transitory Commission, the composition of which shall be determined by the LA, shall convene after complying with the provision indicated in Section 4 of this article. It shall draft and adopt a transition process to guide the succeeding USG officers in upholding this Constitution and its by-laws. All existing manuals, codes, deliverables and guiding documents of the USG must be amended in consonance with the provisions of this Constitution. If any provision of this Constitution is declared invalid, the remainder thereof not affected thereby shall continue in full force and effect. This Constitution shall take effect the academic year following the ratification by a majority (50% + 1) vote cast by the members of the USG at a plebiscite called for by this purpose and shall supersede all previous constitutions.
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