Cfli Preliminary Application For Funding - en

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Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) – Preliminary Application for Funding

All text in blue is intended to provide assistance in filling out the project application. You may
delete all blue writing and replace with your project proposal information.

1. Applicant contact person (name/title):

2. Applicant e-mail:

3. Organization name

4. Organization description (2-3 sentences)

e.g. mandate, mission statement, membership, etc.

5. Is your organization legally registered?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ No, it puts the organization and/or personnel at risk

6. Where is your organization based? (city/village, district/state, country/territory)

7. Is/has your organization been funded by Canada? If yes – when, and for which
project? (please respond with project duration and title, in point form)

 E.g. 2015-2019 – Improving access to health, community, and other public services for
LGBTQ2I youth.
 [insert year(s) of Canadian funding and project title, if applicable]
 [insert year(s) of Canadian funding and project title, if applicable]

8. Are other donor(s) funding your organization currently? If yes, which donor(s)?

 [insert donor name, if applicable]

 [insert donor name, if applicable]

9. What type of organization do you have? Please check only one.

☐ Local, national or community-based organization (non-governmental and not-for-profit)

☐ Local municipal, regional or national government institution or agency of the recipient country
☐ Local academic institution
☐ Canadian organization (non-governmental or not-for-profit) that is working on local
development activities
☐ International or regional organization (non-governmental or not-for-profit) that is working on
local development activities
☐ Intergovernmental or multilateral institution, organization or agency working on local
development activities

10. Canada is committed to gender equality. All approved CFLI projects will therefore
have to include a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) in order to consider how women,
girls, men and boys are affected differently by the problem their project is aiming to
address. How familiar are you with the GBA process?

☐ Very familiar - My organization has conducted them before

☐ Somewhat familiar - My organization applies the principles but has not done a GBA before
☐ Not familiar - But my organisation would be prepared to do this for our project

Note: If you are unfamiliar with GBA, please see Government of Canada resources here.

11. In 4-5 sentences (150 words maximum), please briefly describe your project. What is
your objective? What problem do you hope to address? What are the main activities
(point form)?
e.g. The goal of the project is to enhance women’s political participation in country
X. Currently, women’s political participation is only 26%. Long term expected
result(s): 25 female political candidates will have run successful political campaigns
with effective messaging, increasing their chances of being elected.
o Seminar with 50 women discussing barriers to their political engagement and
the importance of female representation
o Workshop with successful local female leaders on running an effective political
o A national campaign will be developed in order to encourage women to get
involved in politics at the local and national level. The main goal of the
campaign will be to raise awareness on women’s role in politics and the
importance of voting.

12. Which of Canada’s thematic areas will your project address? (Select only the most

☐ Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

☐ Inclusive governance, including diversity and the rule of law
☐ Democracy
☐ Protecting and promoting human rights
☐ Protecting and promoting LGBTQ2I rights
☐ Peace and security, with a focus on conflict prevention and building peace
☐ Human dignity, covering health, education and nutrition
☐ Growth that works for everyone, including women’s economic rights, decent jobs and
entrepreneurship, investing in the poorest and most vulnerable, and safeguarding economic gains
☐ Environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water

13. Where will your project activities be carried out? (Check all that apply)
Country1 Country2 Country3 Country4 Country5 Country6
Capital city ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Other city ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Rural area ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Please specify in which city/cities or rural areas your project activities will be carried

14. Can your project be fully completed before 28 February 2024?

☐ Yes
☐ Yes, but it is one part of a larger project
☐ No
If no, when do you foresee your project being completed?

15. What are the risks that project activities will not be completed within project
timelines, or that delays may occur?
For example, rain season impacting movement, limited/difficult access to
necessary materials (including supply chain), delays seeking government
approval for projects, complications with banking systems. If none, put N/A.

16. Does your project include the construction of infrastructure?

☐ Yes ☐ No

17. Finally, the average CFLI contribution is expected to be roughly $35,000 CAD per
project. Approximately how much funding are you looking for (in CAD)?

☐ $20,000 CAD or less

☐ $20,001-30,000 CAD
☐ $30,001-40,000 CAD
☐ $40,001-50,000 CAD
☐ $50,001-100,000 CAD

Thank you for your application. We will contact all applicants using your submitted e-mail
address with information on the status of your application. If selected, we will invite you to
complete out a full proposal.

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