Lesson2 Dynamicspdf
Lesson2 Dynamicspdf
Lesson2 Dynamicspdf
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Crade Ceneral Muslc 9#," #)* !+:" 0; ."//0)- 11/23/13
Learnlng Cb[ecLlve:
Cb. 1: SLudenLs wlll be able Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween loud and sofL dynamlcs and changes ln Lempo ln muslc.
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SCMLA SLandard 4: 1he sLudenL wlll llsLen Lo, descrlbe, analyze, and evaluaLe muslc and muslc performances.
Ml1-4.4 8espond Lo Lhe muslc performances of oLhers by uslng personal vocabulary and Lhe crlLerla
provlded by Lhe Leacher.
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SLudenLs wlll need no prlor knowledge for Lhls lesson. 1hls lesson Leaches sLudenLs Lo crlLlcally evaluaLe
muslcal performances and use Lhelr own words and muslcal vocabulary Lo descrlbe whaL ls happenlng ln Lhe
muslc. SLudenLs wlll learn abouL norweglan folk Lales and Lhe hlsLory of Lhe muslc selecLlon for Lhe lesson.
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wbot ossessmeot(s) wlll yoo ose to Jetetmloe stoJeot leotoloq (pte, Jotloq, post)? ocb objectlve sboolJ be ollqoeJ wltb
oo ossessmeot.
lessoo Objectlve(s) Assessmeot(s) of tbe
use of lotmotlve
Objectlve 1. 5toJeots wlll be
oble to Jlffeteotlote betweeo
looJ ooJ soft Jyoomlcs ooJ
cbooqes lo tempo lo moslc.
Ask stoJeots poestloos befote,
Jotloq ooJ oftet tbe llsteoloq
exomple. 5toJeots sboolJ be
oble to cleotly explolo tbe
cbooqes lo tbe moslc oftet tbe
lessoo ooJ Jemoosttote tbe
qtoJool cbooqes lo Jyoomlcs
wblle tbe vlJeo ls ployloq by
osloq kloestbetlc movemeots.
l wlll ose tbe stoJeots
koowleJqe of Jyoomlcs
ooJ stotytellloq tbtooqb
moslc to bollJ oo tbese
coocepts lo otbet lessoos.
8oseJ oo tbelt
ooJetstooJloq of tbe
coocepts, we wlll cootlooe
to tevlew tbe motetlol lo
fotote lessoos ooJ lo
Jlffeteot moslcol cootexts
socb os petfotmloq oo
losttomeots ooJ sloqloq.
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1bls lessoo lovolves llsteoloq, osloq movemeot, lookloq ot vlsools, ooJ ooswetloq poestloos. 5toJeots wltb speclol oeeJs
coo slt ot tbe ftoot of tbe qtoop so tbey coo beot ooJ see tbe lessoo olJs mote cleotly. 5toJeots wlll be qlveo tbe
oppottoolty to osk poestloos ooJ osk fot belp petloJlcolly Jotloq tbe lessoo.
ln Lhe Pall of Lhe MounLaln klng vldeo and mp3 flle
owerolnL presenLaLlon of norweglan folk Lale and background lnformaLlon
uynamlc marklngs on cardsLock
Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev. 2013
SLudenLs wlll slL on Lhe carpeL ln Lhelr asslgned seaLs.
1. lnLroduce Lhe song by saylng We have a very speclal plece of muslc Lo llsLen Lo Loday!" Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo puL
Lhelr llsLenlng ears on. 1ell Lhem LhaL Lhe song ls Lelllng a sLory. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs LhaL you are looklng for some
greaL llsLeners.
2. LlsLen Lo lo tbe noll of tbe Moootolo kloq.
3. resenL some background lnformaLlon abouL norway and Ldvard Crleg.
4. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs Lhe sLory of eer CynL. Can you hear eer runnlng from Lhe Lrolls ln Lhe hall? WhaL ln Lhe muslc
Lells you whaL ls golng on ln Lhe sLory? Lead Lhem Lowards dynamlcs and Lempo.
3. ulscuss dynamlcs and Lempo wlLh Lhe sLudenLs whlle showlng Lhe power polnL sllde LhaL goes wlLh dynamlcs.
6. lck 4 sLudenLs for group one. Asslgn each sLudenL ln group one a dynamlc marklng" and have Lhe sLudenLs
hold up Lhe dynamlcs whlle llsLenlng Lo Lhe song agaln.
7. WhaL else happens ln Lhe song? ulscuss Lempo wlLh Lhe class.
8. ulvlde Lhe resL of Lhe class lnLo four groups. Asslgn each group a Lempo marklng. 1hese Lempos are lndlcaLed by
Llp Loe, walklng, [ogglng, and runnlng ln place.
9. SLudenLs ln boLh groups wlll llsLen Lo Lhe song agaln and show Lhe change ln dynamlcs and Lhe change ln Lempo.
10. Ask Lhe class - dld Lhe groups show us Lhe change ln dynamlcs and Lhe change ln Lempo?
11. Ask - whaL word do we use when we Lalk abouL Lhe louds and sofLs ln Lhe muslc? WhaL word do we use when
we Lalk abouL Lhe speed of Lhe muslc? Why do we need Lo use dynamlcs and Lempo ln muslc?
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AcLlvlLy #1:
SLudenLs wlll llsLen Lo Lhe recordlng of ln Lhe Pall of Lhe MounLaln klng and analyze Lhe changes LhaL occur ln
Lhe muslc. 1hls develops Lhe llsLenlng skllls of Lhe sLudenLs and Leaches Lhem Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL muslc.
AcLlvlLy #2:
SLudenLs wlll lnLeracL wlLh Lhe muslc by uslng klnesLheLlc movemenLs Lo lllusLraLe Lhe changes ln Lhe muslc. 1hls
wlll relnforce Lhelr learnlng of muslcal Lhe Lerms dynamlcs and Lempo.
lo tbe noll of tbe Moootolo kloq vlJeo. bttp.//www.yootobe.com/wotcb?v=Jkpzxks52q