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Detailed Lesson Plan

in Music 4
By: Allyson Kathleen D. Baldemoro (BEED-2A)

At the end of a 1-hour discussion, 75% of the pupils are expected to:
a. define dynamics in music,
b. identify the symbols used in dynamics in music; and
c. perform a song involving the dynamics in music.
A. Topic: Dynamics in Music
B. Reference: MISOSA4-module 20 Manwal ng Guro: Umawit at Gumuhit
4, Valdecantos, Emelita C. 1999. pp. 52-54
C. Materials: visual aids, Bluetooth speaker, videos from Youtube,
pictures, evaluation sheet
D. Values: Appreciation on Dynamics in Music, Self-confidence, and
III. PROCEDURE: Inductive Method
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Good afternoon, class!

Good afternoon, teacher!
Please all stand up and let us pray. Ivy, can
you lead our prayer today?
Sure, teacher. Classmates, let us
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit… Amen!
Class, before you take your seats, kindly
check your surroundings to see if it is clean
and arrange your chairs properly.
(Pupils follow what the teacher said.)
You may now take your seats. Princess,
may I know if who is absent today?
No one is absent today, teacher.
Very good class! I am happy that everyone
is present today.

Before we start our discussion today, may I

remind you again my class rules. STOP,

STOP talking if the teacher in front is

discussing. LOOK only to the teacher
speaking in front for you to understand well
the lesson and LISTEN if the teacher is
speaking in front so that if the teacher asks
you a question, you can quickly answer her.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, teacher.
Alright. Now, who among of you can still
remember what lesson that we discussed
(Juan raised his hand.)
Yes, Juan. What did you still remember?
I remembered that the lesson we
discussed yesterday is all about kinds
of notes and rest, teacher.
Okay. Thank you, Juan. If our lesson
yesterday is about the different kinds of
notes and rest, who can give me now the
different kinds of note? Anyone?
(Elrey raised his hand.)
Yes, Elrey?
The kinds of notes teacher are whole
note, half note, quarter note, eighth
note, and sixteenth note.
Very good, Elrey! How about the different
kinds of rest? Anyone?
(Omessa raised her hand.)
Yes, Omessa?
Whole rest, half rest, quarter rest,
eighth rest, and sixteenth rest are the
different kinds of rest, teacher.
Awesome, Omessa! It seems that you are
ready now for our new lesson.

But before that, we will have first an activity.

We will hear and sing two songs. After that,
I will ask a question based on what you
observed. Is that clear, class?
Yes, teacher.
Okay. This is the first song that we will hear
and sing.
(The teacher plays the song entitled Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star)


(After the first song, the teacher plays again

a new song entitled If you’re happy and you
know it)

Okay. We’re done! Now, what did you
observe from the two songs that we sang?
(Emilyn raised her hand.)
Yes, Emilyn?
I observed that the first song has a
soft sound or tone while the second
song has a loud sound or tone.
Alright! Very good observation, Emilyn!
What else? Is there anything that you’ve
(Elrey raised his hand.)
Yes, Elrey?
The first song teacher makes me
sleepy, and the second song makes
me alive.
Wow! You’re so great, Elrey! Both of you
have a correct observation of the activity we
did earlier. The first song has a soft sound
that is why it makes you sleepy and the
second song has a loud sound that is why it
makes you feel alive. The first song is the
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and it is a
lullaby, a song that we sing to a child when
he/she will sleep and the second one is the
“If you’re happy and you know it, clap
your hands”, and it is a happy song that
makes us enjoy and feel alive. It is
connected to our topic today.


Our lesson for today is all about dynamics

of music. We will know what dynamics in
music is, identify the symbols used in
dynamics in music, and you will perform a
song involving the dynamics in music.


Class, I gave you yesterday an assignment,

Yes, teacher.
Did you prepare your assignment?
Yes, teacher.
Okay. Anyone who can know what
dynamics in music is?
(Diane raised her hand.)
Yes, Diane?
It is the degree of loudness and
softness of music, teacher.
Great! Because dynamics are the element
of music that deals with how loud or soft the
sound is played. Dynamics are one of the
key elements of music and have a lot of
influence on a song’s emotional quality and
(The teacher pastes the visual aids on the

Again, what do we call the element of music

that deals with how loud or soft the sound is
Great! Now, when we marked on sheet
music or music pad, dynamics are usually
represented by letters or symbols that
corresponds to Italian words for how loud or
soft the music should be. Who can give me
those symbols used in dynamics in music?
(Arnel raised his hand.)
Yes, Arnel?
The symbols used in dynamics in
music are triple f, double f, single f,
mf, mp, single p, double p, triple p, the
greater than symbol, and the less
than symbol.
You’re so fantastic, Arnel! Here are the
symbols used in dynamics in music.

Symbols Italian word Meaning

fff fortississimo extremely
ff fortissimo very loud
f forte loud
mf mezzo forte moderately
mp mezzo piano moderately
p piano soft
pp pianissimo very soft
ppp pianississimo extremely
< crescendo gradually
> decrescendo gradually
Class, when you write the symbols always
use the small letter. While in its Italian word,
always take note that in fortississimo,
fortissimo, pianissimo, and pianississimo, it
is double letter s. Can you follow, class?
Yes, teacher.

Before we proceed to our activity, let’s go

back again to what we discussed earlier.

Again, what is dynamics in music?

(Divine raised her hand.)
Yes, Divine?
Dynamics are the element of music
that deals with how loud or soft the
sound is played.
Very good! What are the symbols we use in
dynamics in music?
(Rose raised her hand.)
Yes, Rose?
The symbols used in dynamics in
music are triple f, double f, single f,
mf, mp, single p, double p, triple p, the
greater than symbol, and the less
than symbol.
Great! What is an Italian word and the
meaning of p?
(Diane raised her hand.)
Yes, Diane?
It is piano teacher, and it means that
it is a soft sound.
Bravo! How about f? What is an Italian word
for that and its meaning?
(Jonelle raised his hand.)
Yes, Jonelle?
Its forte and it means that it is a loud
Very good! What do you call the symbol
which is triple f?
(Princess raised her hand.)
Yes, Princess?
The symbol triple f is what we called
fortississimo means that it is an
extremely loud sound, teacher.
Alright. You’re correct! It seems that all of
you are ready for our next activity.

For our next activity, I will divide you into five

groups. Each group will make a song
involving the dynamics in music. That is why
this activity is entitled “EVERYBODY

After you make your short song, each group

will present it here in front. I will evaluate
your work and presentation by using these

Dynamics- 50%
Vocal Tone Quality- 30%
Performance Delivery- 20%
Total: 100%

Go to your group now and let’s start your

activity today.
(The pupils go to their respective
groups and talk about their activity.)

A. Direction: Write p if the sound is soft or quiet and write f if the sound is loud.





B. Direction: Fill in the blanks the missing terms.

p ____________ soft
_______ forte loud
mf mezzo forte ____________
< crescendo ____________
________ pianississimo extremely soft
mp ____________ moderately soft
_________ decrescendo gradually becoming softer
pp ____________ very soft
fff _____________ extremely loud
ff fortissimo __________

Direction: Write and answer the following questions in your Music notebook.
1. What is tempo?
2. Differentiate the fast and slow tempo.
3. Give an example of fast and slow tempo.

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