BIM in 10 Lessons
BIM in 10 Lessons
BIM in 10 Lessons
John Hill | 02.25.2013 In December World-Architects attended a BIM Boot Camp presented by Nemetschek Vectorworks. The increasingly important topic of Building Information Modeling (BIM) was tackled across seven presentations in nine hours, ranging from basic definitions of BIM to indepth case studies. The day was not designed to cover every technical aspect of BIM; instead the presentations were aimed at helping architects determine if BIM is right for their office, and how current BIM users can refine their workflows. This article presents some of the lessons learned during the BIM Boot Camp, using illustrations from a few of the presentations.
1. Defining BIM
BIM is one of today's big architectural buzz terms, like sustainability or infrastructure, so it's worth defining it precisely before determining its uses and impact. One way is to define what it is not: BIM is not hand drawing, and BIM is not computer drafting (CAD). BIM is part of an evolution from drawing on paper to drafting on the computer (image below), but it breaks from those conventions where plans, sections, elevations, perspectives, and other 2- and 3-dimensionsion drawings were created through the articulation of lines.
BIM, as a Building Information Model (the distinction between Model and Modeling will be apparent soon) is a 3-dimensional digital representation of a building from which the plans, sections, elevations, perspectives, spreadsheets, and other output useful to the realization of a design are created. Or as Rubina R. Siddiqui of Nemetschek Vectorworks put it in her presentation: "BIM is a digital representation of a building that can be queried for information" (her emphasis). This ability arises from modeling with objects or systems (walls, doors, windows that "know" what they are and where they are in the model) rather than lines, and because these objects contain data.
3. BIM Software
So what piece of software should an architect use to take best advantage of BIM? The short answer is "not just one." To start, each of the three main BIM applications geared to architectsArchiCAD, Revit, and Vectorworkshas features and limitations that may make it the primary one for an architect, but a combination of applications is more likely the norm. Depending on the complexity of a design, another piece of software may be used in the conceptual design phase to create a model imported into a BIM application. In later phases, other pieces of software may be used to analyze the data in a BIM model for energy modeling, construction sequencing, or other uses. Not surprisingly, issues of interoperability come to the fore with so many pieces of software being used by different players, something that led to the development of Open BIM.
4. Open BIM
Open BIM, a program of buildingSMART, "is a universal approach to the collaborative design, realization and operation of buildings based on open standards and workflows." This collaboration across platforms happens via the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format, an open-source standard that Graphisoft, Autodesk, Nemetschek and other software vendors support. Open BIM is based on the fact that BIM is ultimately a collaborative tool, regardless if it's used as Little BIM or Big BIM. The ability to share data-rich models across disciplines makes IFC the architectural equivalent of HTML, opening up some legal issues but also freeing architects, consultants, users, and other players from being tied to one vendor or platform.
5. BIM as Process
Even with a definition of BIM and its application to little and big scenarios, it can still be confusing to determine if BIM is a product or a process. The answer is "yes/and" rather than "either/or," meaning that the software and model are inserted into a larger process that involves numerous other ways of envisioning information and realizing it, from pen and paper to bricks and mortar. Steve Alden, of Nemetschek Vectorworks, tackled BIM as a process in a presentation that was frank in its skepticism toward the technology as an appropriate design tool. With the typical SD/DD/CD framework (fourth image) as a base grid, he illustrated the move from human craftsmanship to machine craftsmanship (image above), from hand sketches to the execution of the design via construction documents. Within the latter is where he found BIM being used by architects, but the area in between Schematic Design and CDs is where the technology's greatest potential can be found.
6. Happy BIM
Alden found what he called "reasonably happy BIM" in the Design Development zone between concept and execution. This is the realm of Open BIM, what he charts in the image above with a slight hiccup in the transition between the human and the machine. But note how differences in the arcs in the early phases of the two charts above: Happy BIM allows for more time and effort to be expended in the early phases of a project, where many of the design decisions are made. As illustrated, this part of the process involves programming, sketching, team building, and client discussions, but also design software, such that BIM can also play a greater role in the formation of a design.
spoke during the BIM Boot Camp about the use of BIM in the design of "skin-dominated buildings," much of it culled from his 2011 book BIM in Small-Scale Sustainable Design. Since BIM is a technology embedded with highly specific data, many architects shy away from using it in the early phases of a project when materials, systems, and other considerations are not ready to be determined. But when considered in various shades of LOD (Levels of Detail), then the intelligent
functioning of BIM can be extended. Pictured here are LOD 100, what Lvy calls "the digital version of a foam-core model"; LOD 200, consisting of more detail with wall assemblies, windows, and so forth; and LOD 300, consisting of even more detail extending to a building's interiors. (LOD 400 and LOD 500 respectively deal with construction details and as-constructed assemblies, falling well beyond the SD and DD portions of a project.)
output can be quickly realized in BIM's digital realm where they can then be made intelligent toward various ends.
9. Legal Issues
While BIM and IFC offer great potential for architects, their collaborators, and owners, they also raise a number of legal questions, such as "who owns the model?" and "who is responsible for errors in the collaborative process?" Traditionally architects' intellectual property is tied to the drawings they produce for a project. File-sharing with consultants, contractors, and owners is easier with CAD, but that still deals with drawings. BIM models and the data they carry are something else entirely, forcing the AIA to create the E202 BIM Protocol in 2008. Attorney Robert F. Herrmann asserts in the 2012 book Law for Architects that the AIA agreement addresses some of the concerns, but an architect must make sure that their individual issues and concerns are addressed in whatever agreement is used. With architects, consultants, contractors, manufacturers, owners, and lawyers involved, an agreement can be tricky but necessary for a truly collaborative project and process. - See more at: