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In many countries, construction industry is one of the most challenging

industries. Issues such as low investment rate, raising cost, adding risk,
and waste and labor productivity tremendously increase in this
industry. This is supported by Haron (2013) where in AIA Guide
(2007), many documents discussed on inefficiencies and wastes in the
construction industry. McKinsey & Company (2015) reported that
productivity issues in construction remain stagnant as compared to the
manufacturing sector from year 1994 to 2012.
The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as an
attractive solution to the problem occurred from traditional methods
such as complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity (Arayici et al., 2011);
(Harris et al., 2014) and (Had zaman et al., 2015). According to Ashcraft
(2008), BIM is a platform of collaboration where the information is
communicated and shared amongst project team members throughout
the entire lifecycle. Furthermore, BIM also enables.

The history of BIM started with the application of computer-aided

design or CAD in the 1950s and 1960s. In this era, Hanratty
developed the first commercial computer-aided machining (CAM)
in the year 1957. CAD software is then developed in 1963 by Ivan
Sutherland by creating a graphical interface named Sketchpad.
Sketchpad was a programmed in which the user could graphically
interact with the programmed through a screen, a light pen used
todraft, and a set of buttons that allowed the user to enter parameters
and constraints (Eastman et al, 2011). The transformationfrom two
dimension (2D) to three dimension (3D) was during the 1970s by the
French Aerospace Company who developed CATIA. CATIA is one
of the famous software in aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding
industries. In the 1980s, 3D as introduced by CATIA is already
known and leading the industry. Later, in the 1980s to 1990s,
Autodesk become a popular developer and leading in the
information technology (IT) industry with their product AutoCAD.
However, at same time, Bentley, as Autodesk’s competitor, also
introduced new products. Soon, the development of various
competitors in IT development increased tremendously from time to
time. The various software offers different function and tools, thus,
the transition from 2D to ND also changed and they were able to
solve various problems by using the respective. .

From inception through handover the project, BIM application could

be every single phase of the project. According to BIM project
execution planning guide by the Pennsylvania state university, there are
twenty-five uses of BIM for consideration on a project as can be seen
in fig 1. And as the guide suggest, it is not appropriate to implement all
of the application of BIM. The most importantly is to understand the
main reason why BIM is used in project and to set objective ofadoption.
Only then, the use of specific BIM application can be selected.

i. One of the ultimate benefits of BIM is the return one

investment (ROI). According to McGraw hill construction
(2012), the application of BIM gives positive values to many
stakeholders in the AEC industry. On the other hand, ROI is
one of the indicators of performance measurement of a certain
organization in the industry as it measure the reducing number
of variation orders, clashes issues, design dispute, and
ii. Easy design changes: the model is shared, so users can create
changes to the one BIM model. This can be at set times ready
for follow up design team meetings or even in real time, so
everyone is working with up-to-date information and a
collaborative workflow can be established.
iii. Minimal rework on site: BIM facilitates visibility of potential
problem areas and allows errors to be corrected through model
‘clash detection’ before they are physically committed. This
reduces the need for costly site rework and revision resulting
in both labor and material savings.
iv. Free software is available: all parties involved at every level of
the project can use the completed model, with the use of free
‘view only’ software. This has been used by Southam with great
effect on site with portable tablets, allowing the supervisor
instant access on site to the model for co-ordination of trades.
Viewing a 3D model is much more informative than looking
and interpreting various 2D drawings.

i. Modelling Software: BIM software to carry out initial model

construction or changes requires a substantial investment in the
software, along with more and more powerful PCs to process the
huge amount of data required.
ii. Training & staff: additional investment in training and education
is invariably required, with the introduction of new software to
a business. Along with additional staff comes office space and
office resource. The benefits provided by time saving on site
usually make the investment of the staff and software
worthwhile, but only if many projects use this resource and
ultimately the model produced is fully utilized and accurate.
iii. Trust and co-operation: are paramount to any successful BIM
project and a cultural change needs to take place in the industry.
The normal routine of tender, commercial agreement and project
award with a main contractor needs to be carefully managed
against time and expectation in order to have a BIM project
perform as it should. All parties need to be willing to share
knowledge and to invest, sometimes even before they are
awarded the project by the client.
iv. Client engagement: often the project specification or
procurement framework will demand BIM, only to find an end
user / occupier of the building who doesn’t see or understand the
ongoing advantages of using the model to its full extent. F&M
information contained within the finished ‘as built’ model is then
ignored, resulting in wasted time and effort from the
construction team populating the model with all the
manufacturers details and maintenance information in the first

I phase – Till early 1980s: Before 80’s design documents are

made traditionally by drawing lines to represent a building. These
documents like plan, section and elevation are the main source to
describe the building to be built. In these traditional drawings
each line meant to convey design so that a building can eventually
be constructed.

II phase – 1980s to Late 1990s: With the introduction of compute-

ers, the major switch over started from manual drafting towards
the computer aided drafting, which helped in producing drawings
faster. As buildings became more complex, specialization in the
design and construction process emerged, which in turn lead to
more elaborate forms of information. Use of computers, espy-
cially for 2D drawings and reports are revolutionary changes into
Architectural Documentation

III phase – Beginning of the 2K: In the present day, buildings are
much more complex than ever before. The numbers of people the
building systems are also many. Today, build-Ings have more
security, electrical, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning), and energy requirement. Computer based
technology has been updated in order reduce errors, but in the
end, they are still collections of manually created, non- intelligent
lines and text.

BIM objectives are the ways in which the BIM model is used – specific
project goals to be achieved using BIM tools at different stages of the
lifecycle of the facility.

For example, whether the model will be used in the construction logistics
because if so, we’ll need to upload at least 4D BIM (time) information in
it. Or whether the client’s parent company requires a precise, weekly cost
breakdown of the project, or at some point a hyper-realistic virtual tour
for board members, showing multiple scenarios. Should we take into
account the parameters of a particular building management software
used within a group of companies when feeding the model with
o What are the BIM objectives?

The uses of BIM by purpose, in broad terms, with a few examples:

o Collect and organize facility information

 scanning existing buildings

 automatic quantification of building materials from a
 request energy data
 classification of building elements

o Generate information about the facility

 details and information content of facility elements,

 location and placement
 magnitude and scale

BIM is most associated with the design team. Construction managers

(CM) may not usually be involved in model authoring but they do play a
vital role in making sure the key elements needed to deliver a successful
project are present and correct. Construction managers need to
understand the processes and tools that are used throughout a project's
lifecycle, beyond the design phase. There is a need to manage the asset
from inception through to operation and end of life. Construction
managers need to understand, interrogate, contribute and validate BIM
data, to maximize its benefits. They need to harness the value of data by
using model information and new ways of working to better support new
construction techniques, scheduling, cost, quality, coordination,
fabrication, sequencing and facilities management to name but a few. To
be able to tackle this expanded role of the construction manager he needs
to consider new tools, processes and skillsets.
 Literature review of BIM

The renovation sector is very active throughout the world,

especially in France, partly because of its building stocks.
According to the General Commission for Sustainable De-
elopement, in 2001, 77.5% of French habitats were individua-al
houses, and 55% of primary residences are over 40 years old
(FNAIM, 2014). This study is therefore focused primarily on this
particular geographical area, since the renovation market accounts
for an annual volume of business of nearly 75 billion Euros (FFB,
2016), 60% of which is generated by companies withfewer than 20
employees. Most of them have fewer than 10 employees and an
annual turnover under €2 million and are called end in accordance
with the European commission (2003, secs 36-41). The profession,
however, has encountered some challenges in recent years. The
economic situation in the past 8 years has led to an increased
number of construction business failures. The annual bankruptcy
level in France has now stabilizedat around 15,000 (INSEE, 2016),
representing an increment of 50% as compared to cessations of
activities observed between 1990 and 2005. In response to these
challenges and in order to boostthe industry’s productivity index (-
10% for construction between 1995 and 2014, compared to +95%
for manufacturing activities, according to INSEE and highlighted
by the McKinsey report (2014)), major groups are reacting to, and
are actively engaged in, digitizing their activities to increase
interoperability. The technology behind this is known as BIM.
Based on the scientific literature, this acronym may take several
directions (Succor, 2009). BIM, according to the worldwide
authority (http://buildingsmart.org/) means "Building Information
Modelling" and stands for “a digital representation of physical and
functional characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared
knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a
reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing
from earliest conception to demolition”.
In this article, it is of interest to ask whether this transition to BIM
(with the organizational changes it engenders) is adapted and used
today to support or enhance activities and customer satisfaction
during renovation works. In this con-text, the remarks of Ghulam
et al. (2013), that the digital model has a reassuring and engaging
side, is already an argument for developing and maintaining
business. The present article will checkhow and to what extent BIM
has been able to benefit the renovationsector. After recalling and
defining the vocabulary of this sector inSection 2, Section 3 will
pro-pose a literature review on renovationin relationship to BIM
and end. Section 4 will discuss a scientificissue and Section 5 will
An analysis of more than two hundred scientific or industrial
references shows that it is more complicated to find an “in-
trinational” consensus for the scope and the meaning of these
different concepts. The majority of previous works are im-
lamented at a European level through the European Com- mite
for Standardization, (2011) or outlined in international standards
(ISO, 2010). For plastic pipe systems, for example (ISO, 2013),
renovation is related to improvement and rehabilitation to restoring
or improvement. The definitions in use in France are similar to
those used by Rosenfeld & Shohet (1999). However, they point out
that there is a significant overlap between concepts. Other studies
by Teo & Lin (2011) connect the various words to the degree of
obsolescence of the construction, which do not correspond to the
definitions previously found (2.1). Refurbishment, for instance, is
con-side red a performance enhancement, whereas it stands for
renovation and redecoration in the Oxford Dictionary (2013).
Finally, the notion of retrofit usedin scientific publications is used
in standards for seismicapplications, as an action to put a building
into the same functional state as it was before damage. However,
Georgiou et al. (2014) or Charalambous & Dimitrios (2014), in a
seismic context,use the term rehabilitation, while Menzel & Scherer
(2010) use the word repair. Therefore, there are sometimes multiple
lexical uses
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become the essential
methodology including the digitalization of the built environment
supply chain. BIM is a digital representation of the physical and
functional characteristics of a building and serves as a knowledge
sharing vehicle for building information (Baelish and Sullivan,
2012). Incentives and use related to BIM have been increasing over
the past few years and received considerable recognition for
its ability to reduce costs and time as well as improve quality (Juan
et al., 2017). Ashar et al. (2015) demonstrates; “BIM has gone from
being a buzzword to the centerpiece of AEC3 technology”.
Although BIM is applied to many large design and construction
projects it is still not common practice throughout the industry.
Now, design and construction projects are more efficient in terms
of cost reduction, quality improvement, time schedule and a better
work flow between project participants. In addition, project owners
have started realizing other benefits deriving from BIM as a work
method, such: as reduce claims, enabling easier calculations and
visualizations for promotional purposes and ease of cross-
disciplinary collaboration to name a few (Sanchez and

Implementing BIM in construction projects is challenging, but once

adopted, the BIM methodology brings multiple benefits, especially
in the area of productivity. BIM facilitates the creation of
visualizations, sections and elevations freely and helps to
incorporate this information later in the process of construction and
maintenance of buildings, infrastructure and facilities.

Problems in the practical application of BIM do not generally relate

to the capability of the BIM methodology or software, but to the
effective implementation within existing systems and to training and
equipping teams with the skills necessary to take advantage of its
many benefits.

The following are some of the most common issues that

organizations face when implementing BIM. Addressing them
before implementation begins can save the project and greatly
enhance the benefits achieved.

When a company, or rather a manager, asks to implement BIM without

understanding what that means, just because they have heard that it is
the future or what is “in”, it usually does not end well.

This is the most important challenge faced by BIM implementation

projects. Despite the fact that companies are well informed about the
general benefits of this new way of managing the construction business,
clients do not fully understand the real scope and implications of the
methodology on the way companies work.

Without strong leadership that understands the true dimension of BIM

and takes steps to bring all employees into the project, success is much
more difficult.

The biggest problem that can arise in any business organization is the
high cost of BIM implementation. We’re not talking so much about the
cost of equipment and technology, as less tangible but very important

When implementing BIM, you need to consider that all elements of

business operations, from compliance applications to vendor component
specification, need to be streamlined and integrated into a single system.

In addition, as discussed below, you should consider the potential cost

of training or hiring staff with sufficient knowledge and experience in

In large and medium-sized companies it may be easier to align their

equipment with BIM, as they have large teams that can adapt
appropriately. In smaller companies it is more difficult to commit an
entire team to the BIM project at one time or even over a period of time.

A viable option for them would be to take advantage of the experience

and knowledge of external consultants who would help them keep their
teams intact, facilitating better integration of BIM technologies into
their business model

Most employees are used to working with traditional tools that they know
and master perfectly. There are many barriers that prevent project
participants from using the latest technology and BIM. Barriers include
fear of failure, leaving the comfort zone, time to learn how to use the
software and, in many cases, lack of support from their managers and
the company’s management.

The implementation of a radically different comprehensive technology

within this environment requires appropriate strategic decision making
by management, involving employees using the available knowledge
and experience to execute the implementation without altering the
existing working model.

Getting the maximum benefits from BIM technology is directly

related to the ability to maximize the collaboration of all project
members. No matter who the leader is, the fact that all key
participants are involved offers the most benefit to the entire team.

As we have mentioned, the correct implementation of BIM in

organizations to obtain maximum benefit is a complex process that requires
the participation of many actors. For this reason, it is essential to
adequately plan and define the different activities.

It is necessary to incorporate BIM in the right measure for the objectives

of the company, without falling short, which would prevent the expected
benefits, nor in excess, producing more BIM than users can handle, which
is a clear waste.

The use of BIM and non-BIM systems operating within the same office
poses a staffing problem. With a single software platform such as CAD,
any staff member is available to work on a relevant project. However, in
the BIM application, only a small group of staff members would be

BIM pilot or BIM training projects should be carefully selected according

to size, timing and availability of team members. This division of team
members could cost the organization the efficiency of the team and the
billable time.

On the other hand, BIM user companies with a high number of assets are
faced with the long-term coexistence of existing assets, not designed with
BIM, with new assets to be incorporated according to the methodology.
The integration of non-BIM assets into the new BIM-based asset
management tools will be a key aspect of an effective transition.
(BIM Implementation in SECs)

The BIM implementation methodology for structural engineering

companies (SEC) has different stages, as shown in Figure 2. The
methodology maintains implementing manual principles from leading
authors, methodological recommendations, templates, and guides of the
“BIM Handbook” and the “Project Execution Planning guide” [23, 24]
while expanding and adapting the same for SEC. It is mainly characterized
by clear and flexible processes for company requirements, objective
evaluations of resources and processes, real implementation requirements
identified, and maximally optimized costs.
The requirements for an implementation methodology necessarily
include recognizing the objectives, expectations, and approaches that a
given company wishes to achieve when incorporating BIM
methodology; identifying roles, teams, and functional structures;
planning gradual scales and speeds of implementation and training; and
identifying the alignment of management and staff, along with a detailed
program of action, according to experiences reflected in various
research documents [25–27]. In addition to the above recommendations,
the model in the present paper has additional components to generate a
more complete and flexible implementation methodology, summarized
in six major sections: company analysis; reformulation of the BIM
objective in the company; requirements for the adoption of BIM;
determination of the “implementation gap”; strategies and planning for
implementation; and finally, assessment and monitoring.

In order to refocus company activities using BIM methodology, it is

necessary to understand how the organization works, what resources it
possesses, and its expectations and projections for the future. In this
way, the implementation will be aligned with the objectives, vision, and
mission of the company, will take advantage of available resources, and
will generate the most suitable plan. From the very first contact with the
company, management staff must be instructed on BIM in order to bring
them closer to the methodology and show them its potential.
Afterwards, in order to carry out a complete study of company
operations and characterize its needs, all the necessary information
points below are to be developed.


General, information on the organization is to be collected, which is

useful for identification of the company and future management. The
following is requested: name of the company, address, contact,
professional contact, organizational chart, number and type of
professionals, working hours, and timetables available for training


The implementation plan should be aligned with company vision,

mission, and the objectives it seeks to achieve through BIM
implementation. Thus, three perceptions should be defined: (1) vision
of the organization; (2) target market and projects developed; and (3)
purpose of BIM implementation.
Identifying the vision and mission of the company implies
understanding its own definitions of how it was conceived, how it has
acted, and how it projects itself towards the future. Respondents should
be ready to answer how BIM will help meet these institutional

Available resources are evaluated through three categories: (1) human

resources; (2) technological resources; and (3) physical space and office
furnishings. For each of these, it is necessary to know investment,
renovation, and/or plans for expansion in order to identify previously
assigned resources and align some implementation costs.

The human resources available are evaluated to obtain information

regarding capabilities and competencies, with technical and personal
skills such as: technical competencies (TC), personal and collaborative
work skills (PCWS), mentality and willingness to change (MWC), and
alignment with the vision and development of the company (AVDC). In
order to obtain high levels of veracity during consultations, self-
assigned scores from each professional (Pp) should be weighed against
the evaluation of their direct supervisor (Ps), at the discretion of the
evaluator. Table 1 shows the skills and abilities that should be consulted
with company employees. Items should be added or removed for
specific computer programs, depending on the context of the company.
The list shown, while not exhaustive, includes the most frequently found
programs in offices surveyed.
Item Competencies

1 Mastery SAP2000
2 Mastery ETABS
3 Mastery of SAFE
4 Mastery auto CAD 2D
5 Mastery auto CAD 3D
6 Advanced mastery EXCEL
7 Mastery of the programming program (MATLAB, other)
8 Mastery structural robot
9 Mastery of advance steel
10 Mastery advance concrete
11 Mastery of Tekla structures
12 Master and other structure programs (please specify)
13 Mastery Revit architecture
14 Mastery Revit structure
15 Mastery Revit MEP
16 Mastery ArchiCAD
17 Mastery of Navisworks
18 Mastery of “working in the cloud” (please specify)
19 Mastery of other BIM programs (please specify)
20 Mastery standards of structural design
21 Mastery of plan detailing standards
22 Mastery of BIM methodology
Inventory of the company’s technological resources should include
hardware and software; all software or virtual tools and/or platforms
used should be accounted for. Thus, at least 3 broad categories of these
media items are available: equipment (brand, model, processor, video
card, RAM, hard disk, and video adapter); software and/or virtual
platforms (name, developer, local provider, type and cost of licenses,
description of use); and local and/or “cloud” servers (brand, model,
capacity, and description of the network).

BIM implementation requires fluid interaction among project team

members, and it is essential that the physical workspace within the
company allows for this type of interaction [24, 25]. This is why the
organization must submit its plans for the existing physical facilities,
detailing locations of facilities, networks, furnishings, and people in
order to understand staff interaction conflicts within the office and to
propose restructurings adapted to the current scenario during BIM


The company should report current deliverables. The need to know the
characteristics of organizational deliverables lies in the fact that the
product achieved through BIM implementation must align with current

Any deliverable an organization currently has should be included in a

document called the “Traditional Design and Drafting Practices
Manual,” which details development of the plans made under traditional
work methodology and standardizes work done within the SEC. The aim
is for the organization to clarify three characteristics: (1) minimum
regulatory framework required; (2) standards set by the SEC above
regulatory requirements; and (3) established checkpoints for verifying
information at all levels of project development to prevent the spread of
errors and to seek timely correction. Many companies already have this
document for office criteria, so its identification should not be complex.

Evaluation of current processes (and components thereof) within the

organization is developed along three lines: current workflow and
processes; programs used in each activity; and current problems. Workflow
and processes within the organization are to be identified for all types of
resources and deliverables. In general, companies in the field do not
formally define processes; however, professionals usually do have a clear
definition. The evaluator then translates the declared processes into a
workflow template. For each of the activities declared within the workflow,
any programs used to develop or support work should be indicated. This
helps to identify current problems in the organization. To this end, Muñoz
[2] published a no exhaustive set of 25 common problems that occur in
structural engineering offices, which are reproduced in Table 2.

Since the implementation plan in this paper focuses on SEC, it is necessary

to adapt traditional generic BIM roles to the development of structural
design and calculation under BIM methodology [28–30]. The construction
of BIM roles for the work team expands and adapts the four roles and 15
competencies from the BIM role matrices as proposed by both the Dutch
BIR [31] and Chilean BIM Plan [25], given that they propose in a simple
and complete way the generic roles that must be assumed in the BIM
methodology. In addition, the BIM approach of the United Kingdom [E]
has been studied, pioneers in BIM worldwide, considering the articulation
of tasks and roles that they include, focused on aspects of training and skills
that must be assumed. It is important to note that BIM roles assign
responsibilities and functions to different members of the work team; they
are not necessarily related to specialties or positions, and moreover, they
can be developed by more than one person or allow one person to exercise
more than one role. Table 3 shows the five roles the current SEC BIM plan
considers: BIM coordinator, BIM modeler, BIM reviewer, BIM project
engineer, and BIM leader. In addition, the skills and abilities of the roles
detailed by the Chilean BIM Plan and the Dutch BIR have been adapted to
numerical parameters in order to quantitatively establish requirements for
the different attributes and capabilities for professionals assuming a
specific BIM role. Table 4 shows this quantitative measure of skills on a
scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents a low competency level required and 5
Role main characteristics
BIM leader Responsible for commanding BIM implementation in the
organization, defining protocols, and guiding the BIM
execution plan (BEP). Must have extensive knowledge of
BIM methodology.
BIM Responsible for verifying that the modeling is correct, based
reviewer on technical and normative aspects and according to
organizational protocols
BIM Articulator of the BIM process in the organization,
coordinator responsible for model validation and coordination. Serves
as a point of contact among different modelers and
specialties—must comply with the BEP and be fully aware
of BIM standards, mandates, and regulations.
In charge of developing BIM models, including 3D
BIM visualizations and information associated with the elements.
modeler Must have a broad mastery of the related computational
tools and a broad knowledge of the discipline modeled.

Software interoperability chosen for working in BIM environments is

important to the success of the workflow proposed by BIM methodology.
While industry foundation classes (IFC) look to be a universal language to
connect many software programs in BIM environments, the technology is
not yet fully resolved; the only 100% effective way to correctly connect
models from different platforms is currently through the use of native
programs, i.e., from the same provider or with partner providers. In
addition, in view of the variety of options offered by the market, it is
necessary to choose the specific tool that best solves objectives sought,
weighed in favor of its scale of use and interoperability.

Each BIM professional will have different uses for each computer program
[32], and thus differing levels of mastery to successfully perform tasks
(though further training is not to be disregarded) within the framework of
company-defined objectives. By accounting for these variables, it is
possible to optimize and plan training resources.

BIM software requires greater computing power. The recommendations

given in Table 5 correspond to specifications provided through consensus
among program brands and expert user opinions [33, 34]. Required
hardware capabilities are closely related to the size of the projects to be
modeled; thus, these are specified to reduce equipment costs that, in the
short or medium term, would not be used to maximum potential. Five
evaluation categories are defined: operating system, processor, hard disk,
RAM, and video card. Table 5 shows general hardware requirements and
provides recommendations according to project size. “Type I” projects are
considered to be single-family houses and small residential buildings;
“Type II” projects are considered to be medium-sized and large residential
buildings, and medium-sized office buildings and complex works (e.g.,
medium-sized clinics); and “Type III” projects are considered to be large
skyscrapers and complex works (e.g., large hospitals, airports, etc.).
1 Operating The use of Microsoft® 1. Microsoft®
system Windows® (not Linux or Windows®
Apple), higher than 7, 64-bit 10, 64 bits
version, is recommended. 2. Microsoft®
10, 64 bits
3. Microsoft®
10, 64 bits
2 Processor Single or multicore Intel®
Pentium®, Xeon®, or I-series
processor or equivalent AMD 1. Intel® core I5
processor (with SSE2). Select 2. Intel® core I7
version with the highest 3. Intel® core Xeon
possible speed.

3 Hard disk Preferably solid-state disks 1. Traditional 1 TB HDD

(SSD) or traditional HDD disks disk
of 750 GB or higher. 5 GB of 2. 500 GB solid state disk
free disk space is required. SDD

4 Ram RAM of 8 GB or more. 1. 8GB ram

2. 16GB ram
3. 32GB ram
5 Video NVIDIA Quadro cards: 2000
(1024 MB), 4000 (2048 MB), 1. Dedicated NVIDIA
5000 (2560 MB), 6000 graphics card
(6144 MB), k-series and above, 2. Dedicated NVIDIA
or similar to the above. The graphics card
video (or graphics) card must
be dedicated, not integrated.
AMD counterparts (less
recommended) may be used.

The distribution of physical spaces directly affects how professionals

develop their activities, even more so within a collaborative environment
such as BIM. To achieve greater and better interactions, it is necessary to
remodel the workspaces within the company. Field observations were
made to 10 structural engineering companies in Chile, noting that in all of
them, the engineers were separated from the modelers. In addition, the
professionals declare that there are communication problems between
engineers and modelers, mainly because of how the jobs are distributed,
having to move from place to consult the projects. Based on field
observations made in various companies in the area, a physical
arrangement called “3 pairs” is proposed (Figure 3). This arrangement has
professionals together at the same time in 3 types of pairings: engineer-
modeler (blue-yellow interaction); modeler-modeler (blue interaction);
and engineer-engineer (yellow interaction). Thus, engineers are able to
communicate directly with modelers, and engineers as modelers (designer
draftsmen) are able to provide feedback to each other, etc.; in short, each
may directly consult technical and theoretical doubts of their profession
with the colleague next to them. It is recommended that there should be
more experienced professionals at the ends of the “chains,” where there is
only one professional left without a paired colleague, since they will make
fewer consultations with their colleagues, spending less time overall.


shows the ideal SEC BIM methodology workflow diagram. The proposed
BIM methodology workflow provides fluid communication and document
generation processes and facilitates model revision, reducing time spent
overall. This workflow is an adaptation of generic BIM flows proposed in
the project execution planning guide [22] and is based on professional
interactions in a central model: the BIM platform for a given SEC (Revit,
for example) will contain volumetric models, reinforcement steel or other
structures, as appropriate, and detailed designs and drawings [40]. Thus,
all the models may be “superimposed” in order to visualize conflicts and
optimize interaction. The workflow also proposes coordination meetings
among all the professionals to advance criteria and/or agree on changes.
BIM Protocol

The structural design companies have their own manuals of procedures and
standards that define the work they do, which are based on the standards
and national design codes. Currently, based on the documented CAD-2D
drawings (complemented by three-dimensional analysis models),
companies are guided by 2D design manuals and drawing practice manuals
to standardize their design and detail outputs. Now, to work in BIM,
counterpart document should be generated for documentation under the
BIM methodology, to be called the “BIM Protocol.” This will contain the
minimum regulatory framework required, standards established by the
SEC (over and above the regulatory requirements for modeling, according
to the objectives defined with BIM), and the control points for verifying
information at all levels of project development in order to prevent the
spread of errors and seek their timely correction. This should be aligned
with the BIM execution plan (BEP) and look to standardize model
generation on BIM platforms, establish work platforms, define channels,
and connect models and professionals. It will be a dynamic document,
adaptable to regulatory requirements and technological changes. Table 6
shows recommendations for BIM Protocol content.
All information from the BIM Protocol that reiterates that of the
Traditional Design and Drafting Practices Manual should be explicitly
incorporated in this protocol (ideally referencing the traditional standard as
a user guide).

In addition, office project plans should explicitly indicate any particular

characteristics of the deliverables generated, so as to check that the work
is being properly standardized, especially in the initial stages of the project.
Once the first models have been generated, examples of these should be
attached to serve as a guide for future professionals and/or for queries
regarding how particular complex situations were modeled.

This protocol is meant to be flexible and may be modified in the future

provided that there is progress in BIM objectives. For example, this
protocol may incorporate new planning or construction tactics (when a
construction model is generated, for example).

It is assumed that the company will currently have a “design” of how it

structures and delivers its products (drawings), as detailed in its
“Traditional Design and Drafting Practices Manual.” In view of this, it is
necessary to generate all the templates used in BIM program
documentation, in such a way that the office professionals only use models
from previously created templates. These resources should be made
available in the initial phase of implementation and handed over to the
office for free use.


BIM implementation undoubtedly represents an important cost for the

company, which is why it is necessary to optimize the use of current
resources, i.e., to refocus and adapt them to the work under the BIM
methodology. After identifying objectives and establishing the tools to be
used, BIM methodology proposes that current resources should not be
ignored; on the contrary, they should be considered as the starting point for
implementation. From there, the resources missing to reach the total
requirements should be established. This establishes the concept of the
implementation gap,
Thus, BIM requirements (in terms of job roles, technologies, physical
space, BIM workflow, modeling protocols, and templates) must be
subtracted from currently available company characteristics and resources
in order to implement only those missing requirements. In other words,
technological implementation does not start from zero; the company will
already have equipment that can be totally or partially reused, from which
it is sufficient to acquire parts or improve systems to meet the requirements
of BIM.

By determining the implementation gap, it will be possible to identify the

costs of the actual implementation requirements. The economic cost of the
latter will be lower than would be requirements that do not consider the
current resources of the company and thus would be less impressive for
company managers looking to program future investment.


Implementation planning should clarify, specify, and contain details of the

actions that will be carried out. The general guidelines provided must be
adapted to the particularities of the company. The points discussed in this
section should be contained in the BIM execution plan (BEP), which
guides the successful development of BIM projects. Essential planning
points are discussed below, and details of the objectives and contents that
each section seeks are given.

The recommendations outlined below have been based mainly on the

methodological recommendations of the “BIM Handbook” [24] and the
templates and guides of the “Project Execution Planning Guide” [23],
together with recommendations for implementation experiences declared
in the literature [25–27]. All of them declare themselves considering the
specific processes that are developed in the structural engineering
companies, focused on the work, professionals, and dynamics of structural
engineering companies.
The general strategy should be the initial motivating impulse for the entire
work team, with the company’s vision and mission strongly present. It
should indicate the objectives of the BIM (previously defined with the
company), the scope of the implementation plan, and a general timeline
indicating the actions required to achieve the goals.


A parallel and incremental implementation is to be developed in the

company. On one hand, the implementation will be incremental; that is,
there will be training and stages for implementation (or uses) that, once
successfully completed, will allow for the company to proceed
implementing the next. In this way, quality will be assured in the
fulfillment of small objectives, avoiding dragging errors downstream. On
the other hand, the implementation is to be carried out in parallel with
traditional techniques (so as not to jeopardize the current project). Parallel
work can become part of the real chain once mastery of that phase or
objective has been successfully achieved; that is, in subsequent projects,
work previously done in parallel (but now validated) can be incorporated
into real process lines. Thus, processes dominated by professionals are
continuously incorporated.


The implementation process is to be carried out with a pilot project, which
may be a current company project or one already completed. If a current
project is used, its implementation on BIM platforms should be carried out
in parallel with the work carried out under the traditional methodology; in
this way, the changes in work methodology and the ease of use provided
by the BIM platforms can be demonstrated with evidence. On the other
hand, when working with a previously completed project, there are benefits
in contrasting implementations under BIM vs traditional methodology
(e.g., how previous problems are now simplified with BIM), as well as
comparisons of results once the pilot has finished (results from material
take off for the previous project, for example).
The professionals to be trained in BIM should be established. For small
and even mid-sized companies, BIM training and implementation should
be done by all professionals in the company. However, in medium-sized or
large companies, a group of professionals should be assigned. In small
companies, it is much easier to manage and instruct a small group of people
(strengthened by the likely closeness and trust among the work team) and
to take their different professional roles into consideration. This is
especially true given that there are not a sufficient number of professionals
to assign specific tasks to each. On the other hand, large companies
generally establish working groups and areas of expansion, and it would
be unmanageable to work with all professionals in the first instance.

Rather, the aim is to generate a “BIM nexus” within the organization,

which will generally be in charge of future expansion of BIM knowledge
in the rest of the organization and with any new professionals who can be
strengthened by formal training.


The requirements of BIM propose an ideal workflow; however, initially, a
gradual incorporation of BIM into the office should encourage compliance
with this flow, from partially to wholly. In view of this, the adaptation of
the workflow should start with what the company has declared,
reformulated, and oriented towards partial, gradual replacements and,
eventually, ideal BIM workflow. The speed of these changes will be in
accordance with the traceability of objectives achieved.


The selection of professionals that best meet the profiles required of new
BIM roles is possible by identifying current competencies found in the
roles of the work team, and the characteristics of each of the professionals
that the office currently has. This selection should first be made with
reference to personal and collaborative work skills, followed by technical
knowledge; it is easier to train technical skills than soft skills.

To define the technological gap of a company to work in BIM, it must have

the following information: current capabilities of technologies and
technological characteristics. Here, it is also important to know the plan for
the acquisition and renewal of equipment and licenses in order to take
advantage of any already planned resources in purchasing platforms and
equipment necessary for the operation of the BIM methodology. This
procurement schedule should also be planned according to the traceability
of defined objectives.

The implementing company should be responsible for installing licenses

and configuring the organizational intranet network. In this way, it will be
possible to offer the service of sale of licenses (through a strategic partner
distributor of programs) or to leave the choice open to the organization. In
addition, there must be a technical team to install the necessary equipment
and networks.


A remodeling plan should be proposed regarding resources of the physical

space required by the BIM workflow and the company’s current physical
state in order to adapt to the size of the office. A gradual plan for site
changes and/or a change to another branch, as planned with the owners,
should be proposed. Here, it is attractive to know the acquisition and
expansion plan of the organization, in order to channel it with the required

In sequential terms, it will be imperative to first reorganize the teams, as

shown in Figure 4, and then (based on the gradual progress of
implementation and available resources) incorporate the office layout
shown in Figure 5 and/or generate the necessary physical changes.

Training strategies are organized into three focuses: initial general

dissemination of the plan, methodological training, and technological

Once the action plan for the office is defined, it will be relevant to inform
all professionals about what will be developed. This “empowerment” and
“conviction” should begin with senior company management to ensure
firm commitment to the project. It is important to achieve these high levels
of commitment with the work team as well, since they will have to make
the greatest effort in terms of training and time dedication. Specifically,
there should be explanatory sessions and consultations about the plan to
give the entire team written support for the actions to be taken.

Training in BIM methodology should be a priority. The methodology, its

scope, and general challenges should be taught theoretically. Afterwards,
there should be specific explanations of how the company will adapt in
functional and strategic terms, how roles will be assigned to each member,
and what implications the process will have. Failure to correctly
understand this will have a strong impact on the success of the
implementation. Group training sessions are to be established, along with
provision of background explanatory material.

Technological trainings should be oriented around BIM role requirements

and selected technologies. Program trainings should consider previous
professional knowledge in order to optimize curricula of employees. If
professionals do not have an official certificate for the knowledge they
declare (from e.g., professional internships or academic courses),
evaluations to measure their content mastery are convenient: an instrument
may be developed independently or jointly with a university to provide
proof of academic certification for professionals. In turn, training should
be conducted by level and based on implementation progress so as to
distribute resources invested in training over time.

The BIM Protocol, and the extent to which it has been reformulated from
the Traditional Design and Drafting Practices Manual, should have the
same guidance and order as the latter in order to facilitate and accelerate
understanding of new requirements, details, and necessary
reconsiderations. The implementing company is to be in charge of
generating the document, requesting all the required background
information from the company, and providing examples and
recommendations for its use. The different updates the protocol undergoes
as it evolves in the use of BIM should be monitored.

The company will not be able to start its work in BIM if it does not have
this document or if it has not been disseminated and socialized by all the
members of the team.


Vignettes, templates, parametric elements (families, for example),
information requirements sheets, and interference detection sheets, among
others, must be created and/or adapted so that, at the beginning of the pilot
project, the office has all the necessary elements available in BIM
platforms for the successful development of the project. The objective is
that deliverables are plotted and visualized in the BIM platform (Revit, for
example) with same details and characteristics as in 2D CAD (referring to
the final product in plans). The indications for this will be set out in the
office BIM Protocol.
3.6.1. Monitoring of Compliance with Objectives and Plan
The process must exhaustively document all company actions carried out
and decisions taken within the platform that the implementing company
deems appropriate. This record should note progress and compliance vis-
à-vis indicators. This will allow for the generation of plans and actions to
reformulate and restructure scheduled actions not yet completed.

3.6.2. Knowledge Monitoring

The knowledge acquired by professionals should be constantly monitored.
To this end, knowledge tests are to be conducted on the use of programs
and methodology as aligned with the progressive advancement of
knowledge professionals acquire. Such evaluations generated by the
implementing company and/or by university or technical entities (house
certification programs) certify professionals and thus increase the
competitiveness of the work team (with respect to personnel training in
bidding, for example). The type of certification is subject to the resources
available in the organization [42].

3.6.3. Resolving Doubts

Active communication channels are to be established between the
organization and the implementing company in order to establish means,
times, and dates of assessments regarding procedures and technical aspects
of the use of programs. Professionals are encouraged to self-teach and learn
collaboratively with team members in order to gradually allow the
organization to be self-sufficient.

Compliance and quality indicators are related to the achievement of BIM

objectives and purpose within the organization. In this sense, the evolution
of the implementation will be measured with respect to its degree of
capacity, understood as company aptitude in developing BIM features and
services; and maturity, understood as the degree, depth, quality, and
repetition of BIM features and services [41]. The above measurements
provide generic indicators of BIM methodology progress (and
implications) in global terms; that is to say, they serve to compare and
classify the company within a certain range that, for example, is useful in
identifying compliance with a maturity profile requested by a contractor
(for e.g., bidding bases). That said, in order to measure progress and
fulfillment of proposed objectives, the topics necessary for the fulfillment
of each objective (theoretical and technological learning and/or
acquisitions) should be identified and evaluated into three possible
categories (1 = not achieved, 2 = somewhat achieved, and 3 = achieved).
With this, efforts can be redirected to reinforcing unsuccessfully learned
content or to reviewing moderately acquired content. Evaluations should
be conducted on a topic-by-topic basis, so as not to leave knowledge or
implementation gaps in the course of the process.

For updating the construction sector in line with current trends, Life Cycle
Thinking (LCT) has to be integrated into the building process from the
beginning. In this perspective, the digitalization increasingly assists
practitioners in the task, taking advantage in particular of the now
widespread Building Information Modeling (BIM). To face construction
challenges, the research suggests conceiving BIM as a life cycle database
that evolves over time in conjunction with building process development.
In this way, to support the players involved in the shift both in thinking and
in process, the result of the research is a data collection framework that
activates over the process a rigorous life cycle-oriented information flow
to build up the expected life cycle project-based BIM database. Indeed,
since to guarantee the effectiveness of the digitalization process
collaboration environments, each stakeholder has to know the
requirements of the information content, it points out, based on current
practice, the set of life cycle information, the actors in charge and the
derived life cycle information flow demanded during the process. The aim
is to establish, in one single BIM record, a project-based and well-framed
set of data of the facility during the whole life cycle.
1. Change of Paradigm of BIM Toward LCT

To handle buildings as complex systems, the construction sector is

increasingly confronted with a BIM approach. However, to face
sustainable goals straight away, it should be complemented with LCT
and related methodologies, which are now recognized as pivotal in
improving resource efficiency with environmental, social and economic
benefits (UN environment 2018). There is the need to shift the shared
mental model of buildings from stuff (i.e., products and technologies)
to purposeful systems- and life cycle-thinking (Becker et al. 2009; Ruse
and Popescu 2018).

In this perspective, the advancement of technology, computation, and

digitalization consistently boosts the transition of the building sector in
that direction (Jiao et al. 2013). A wide range of methodologies and tools
is now available to help practitioners in the understanding of buildings
as systems and as parts of a larger system of their context, extending
thus their influence beyond the site and toward the whole environment
(Reguli et al. 2011; Rise 2012; Hirji and Ben 2017). Moreover, as
anticipated, BIM is adopted even more in design and construction
practice to address the challenging tasks which characterize the building
sector (Beleric and Knezek 2010; Dupuis et al. 2017). Despite the
technological, cultural, and legal barriers, the great potential offered by
BIM is that it is conceived as a database that embeds, displays, and
calculates graphical/tangible and non-graphical/intangible information,
ensuring the connection of information and data to the related objects.
These functionalities appear pivotal in providing a reliable basis for
decisions during the whole building life cycle, especially because,
serving as a shared resource for information, it encourages
communication, collaboration, and cooperation across the broad
spectrum of disciplines and stakeholders involved in the process (Succor
and Kassem 2015). Nevertheless, since BIM is tailored to fit a multitude
of practices and projects, if, on one hand, it allows maximum flexibility
to practitioners, on the other, it requires considerable effort to customize
and arrange all the data in an efficient and effective way. For this reason,
industry players agree that they are only just beginning to explore the
full capabilities of BIM, claiming to achieve far more than they currently
do (McGraw Hill Construction 2009), regarding, for instance, the
amount of data and information included in the building model.
In this context, to support building practitioners toward the requested
system- and life cycle-thinking, the paper shows a data collection
framework aimed at creating a life cycle project-based BIM database
(Dalla Valle et al. 2018). It is the result of a 3-year research project,
based on the in-depth analysis of current practice taking, in line with
construction trends, a life cycle perspective. Indeed, to face the
forthcoming construction challenges, it emerges the need for a change
of paradigm in the conception of BIM towards LCT. To take full
advantage of the potential of digitalization, BIM has to be advanced
from a database that evolves over the building life cycle in terms of
quality and quantity to a life cycle database that properly progresses
over time from its inception onward. The transition of BIM into a
building life cycle database consists of the integration of the life cycle
information content into the model showing, as normally happens as the
phases are perfected, different degrees of depth (detail), stability
(development), and reliability (approval). The improvement during the
process of the set of intangible information attached to the tangible BIM
objects and model with the related life cycle information and data has a
dual objective. First, from the outset it provides additional specifications
on the selected technological elements, not limiting them to the
construction phase but involving their entire life cycle. Second, it
reveals and traces the set of criteria adopted during the decision-making
of the whole building process, expanding the typical performance and
aesthetic parameters with the connected life cycle information to make
aware decisions, avoid shifting problems and gain a long-term
The paper therefore presents the data collection framework that, by
organizing the required life cycle information and actors in charge and
envisioning the resulting information flow during the process, supports
in practice construction players in the establishment and development
of their life cycle BIM database, creating over time a valuable source of
information for all the stakeholders involved in the building process.
2. Joining Life Cycle Information, Building Elements and Actors

The data collection framework is based on the list of life cycle

information required for performing building Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) studies (EN 15978: 2011; EPD PCR UN CPC 531: 2014). In this
way, LCT, which represents a general mindset, is explained taking as a
reference frame LCA, providing an added value since it depicts an
international standardized methodology. However, it is important to
stress that the paper focuses only on the data collection of “foreground
systems” (EC-JRC 2012), involving the set of quantitative information
since directly demanded by building practitioners and therefore to bear
in mind during the process. The environmental information of the
“background system” are thus actually omitted, since they are not tied
to practice but rather attributed to literature, external database (e.g., Eco
invent) or primary data (e.g. EPD).

Besides the systematic arrangement of the life cycle information

breakdown in the connected technological elements, the data collection
framework promotes their progressive implementation into the expected
life cycle BIM database from the beginning of the process: the design
phase. Indeed, it figures out the life cycle information for each design
subphase according to the process development of current practice,
explored through an ethnographic approach (Pink et al. 2013), joining
an internationally affirmed architectural and engineering firm and
analyzing a sample of representative case studies. In this way, the data
collection framework specifies to practitioners the information to be
collected in each phase, distinguishing the ones already considered in
practice, based on the decision-making of the reference projects,

from the ones to be implemented to turn into a life cycle oriented

practice. Concerning the latter, the targeting of the life cycle information
is established depending on the information and requirements now
available and outlining the associated life cycle topics to be included in
the different process phases.
Based on the progressive information setup, narrowed—due to the
partnership agreement—on the design process, the data collection
framework entrusts the design team with integrating into BIM right
from the beginning the advised life cycle information and data according
to the specific phase in progress.
In this way, the aim is to orient the whole decision-making in line with
life cycle perspective, soliciting not only a gradual implementation but
also a growing level of detail and accuracy of the life cycle information
in conjunction with the process development. In fact, to boost the
optimization of the process, the whole set of life cycle data, inputted
following the data collection framework recommendations, turn out to
be the thresholds not to be exceeded in the subsequent process phases.

In addition, due to the broad spectrum of information required toward

LCT and the wide range of competencies involved in the building design
process, the data collection framework is structured in such a way that
the roles of gathering the recommended life cycle information are shared
with the main design competences. The actors in charge are explained
in accordance with a recognized classification (Omni class 2012),
joining them with the highlighted technological elements based on
current practice. In particular, they involve: architecture for cladding,
envelope, walls and floor; interior design for furnishing;
health/laboratory design for equipment; structural engineering for
structure; mechanical engineering for HVAC systems; plumbing
engineering for plumbing systems; electrical engineering for electrical
systems; building energy design for renewables systems and building
operational energy use; and environmental design/sustainability for
building operational water use. In this way, the joint combination of all
individual efforts allows to obtain an overall and systemic vision of the
designed building, resulting in the life cycle BIM database with the
associated opportunities offered (Fig. 1).
3. Life Cycle Information Flow During the Process

Appointing the specific design competencies as responsible for the

defined life cycle information, the proposed data collection framework
activates, during the process, a rigorous life cycle-oriented information
flow to build up a project-based life cycle database within a BIM working
environment. To this end, it is important to underline a key strength
compared to current design practice. Indeed, even today very little life
cycle information are actually ever considered in practice by the design
team, although they are exchanged in one-to-one relationships and cited
fragmentarily in various supporting documents. By contrast, following the
data collection framework, all the responsible actors enter the entire set of
life cycle information and data into the life cycle BIM database of the
facility. In this way, all life cycle information are collected in one single
record, enabling all practitioners not only to fill in their assigned
information but also easily to find all the available data for the widest range
of purposes

BIM is linked to a defined level of maturity that ranges from

Level 0 to Level 3. Level zero represents the use of 2D CAD
drawings in conjunction with written specifications. The use of 3D
design information, by individual members, is introduced at Level
1. This is referred to as ‘lonely BIM’, because members use BIM
in isolation rather than using a common platform for collaboration
and sharing of information. At level 2, model checking software
tools can be exploited and some degree of coordination can be
achieved. Integration can take place, but on the basis of proprietary
interfaces or use of bespoke middleware. It is only at level 3 where
a single project model is used as a platform for collaboration
There are obstacles in BIM implementation that categorized
into 4, i.e. high cost, time, legal issue, and organization. BIM
implementation is such a long-term investment in a company. It
couldn’t call by cost if BIM has many benefits and advantages
later. Then, it would be better if high cost named by investment.

People’s mind set categorized in time, BIM implementation

process categorized in organization, and BIM tools categorized in
high cost are three of the obstacles that is often faced by BIM
implementers in Indonesia.

Recommendations for BIM implementation in Indonesia are make

a new department of BIM in company, BIM implementation
reliable executor needed, make a target, keep socializing about
BIM, and government requires BIM on its projects.

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