Astrological Predictive Techniques
Astrological Predictive Techniques
Astrological Predictive Techniques
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Introduction The Placidian House System Ayanamsa Astrological Analysis and Timing of Events Houses and planets for judging the Horoscopes /query Format Number -1.[Analysis of the Horoscope of SRI/ SMT--- ] Format number -2 [ Analysis of Events] Selection of a Planet using the significance and strength Harmonious of each house How matters are brought to perfection Signification, of Negation of each house Hindu and Westerns aspects Transits and Guide Lines for Transit of Slow Moving Planets Selection between particular and a Bhukthi -Bhukthi in a Dasa Duration of Dasa and Bhukthi Examples
Astrology is a noble divine science of hoary antiquity and is hailed as one of the Vedangas. The true meaning of the world Astrology is The message of the stars. Max Helndal and Augusta Fox Helndal in their instructive work The Message of the stars reveal their profound faith in karma and Reincarnation the same is Quoted here : The horoscope is a chart of the heavens for the time when the mystic sun of life arises and awakens us from the long sleep between two lives: then we are born into the physical world to continue the labors of a previous life, to reap joy bear the sorrow which is the fruitage of our former existences on earth The horoscope is merely a map of a frozen moment in time, a picture of a dozen or so cycles captured at a particular moment. Astrology has three broad divisions namely, Siddhanta, Samhati and Hora. Siddhanta deals with the astronomical side of the science, Samhita with the world events and Hora with horoscope of human and animal objects.
Hindus believe that, the divine science was originally handed over to sage Garga by the creator, later on other sages got it and it was spread all over. Westerners believe that, Seth was the worlds first astrologer (3769 B.C) Ancient records prove that the astrology was held in great esteem in all ages by the rulers and leaders of other sciences also.
The names great Hindu men who contributed to the astrological science and laid down the principles are: Varaha mihira, Kalidasa, Varuchi, Vasishita, Vias and Parashara, Venkatesh, Kashyap, Neelakanta, Jaydev, Ganapati, Satyacharya, Masitha, Jeevasharma, Baskaracharya, Aryabhatta and many others.
Accorording to A. B. Grimaldi, M. A. (The Origin and Meaning of the zodiacal Constellations, 1899), the first astrologer was Seth. Grimaldi bases this statement on the facts that some of the ancient Arabic , Jewish ,Persian an Egyptian writers assert that Seth was the father of Astronomy which then ,as always meant astrology . Josephus also declares that astronomy originated n the family of Seth, (3769). Further Seth studied the motions of the Sun and the planets, and that it was he who was the originator of the Zodiac. He also discovered that the Sun in his annual journey described a certain circuit in the heavens. The stars through which the Sun appeared to travel in this journey were divided by him into twelve groups called Mazzaroth, from the above history of astrology as per western system covers more than5600 years. Enoch (3270BC) was the successor of Seth and many others. Krishnamurti Padhdhati is one of the latest improvements made in this science of astrology which is known to give accurate results. Astrology considers three important principles: 1. The planets and their inter relationships .2. The angles or aspects formed upon the earth by such inter relationship, 3 .The relation of the earth by axial rotation to points of the ecliptic zodiac and to planets, producing their actual house, or mundane positions in maps set up for various latitudes. The Term Planet is a compound word with full of significance plane ET excreting influence over a certain plane or spherical planes. The Planets, Signs, Nakshatra and nod aspects which are cardinal factors in astrological delineations, unquestionably derive their meaning from cosmic principles. Astrology attributes to each planet a certain intrinsic nature and, likewise subjects each sign to a certain classifications according to its observed elemental and constitutional nature .The Planets represents the human nature: The signs are moulding influences. in order to give greater meaning which the location of the planet in sign bears to a particular point on the earths surface , the star scientists of yore divided the zodiac into twelve parts called houses in the manner of the sign divisions . As Michael Gangue in says the apparent movement of the Sun around the earth in every twenty four hours was regarded as a miniature version of its yearly movements
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a sort of a year which passes 365 times more quickly The Diurnal motion of the earth upon its axis from west to east causes the entire heavens to transit the visible horizon from east to west in a short period of twenty four hours. this causes the magnetic polarity of any geographical pint on the surface of the earth to continually change with a corresponding change in the electric and more ethereal vital currents of the atmosphere .The house position a planet, which is the result of this diurnal motion, is thus is most significant than its sign positions .Emphasizing the importance of the house division. It produces the individuality of astrological wheel. The signs measure mans personal characteristics. They exert an influence over his physical and mental constitution, governing the subjective mind metabolite processes, feelings, tendencies and consequential mental attitudes within the depth of his being which may or may not manifest outwardly on the plane of action. He houses on the other hand, affect circumstances rather than character. They deal with objective mind and environmental affairs routine activities and conditions of everyday human existence. All the affairs of life are distributed to twelve houses and generally speaking the houses have essentially the same meaning as the corresponding zodiacal signs ,that is say ,the first house has reference to head in the same way as Aries ,the fifth has relation to progeny and speculation as well as extramarital friendships just as Leo ,and so on . There is an also important consideration aspect. Each planet and each significant point in the ecliptic has a certain geometrical relation ship in space to each of the others. The greater refinement of planetary indication by sign is obtained by the use of aspects Each planet has its essential intrinsic nature modified by the sign in which it is placed. The sign is to a planet as an adjective is to a noun, that is it gives form or color the sign measures the planet strength for expression and bestow others influences according to the nature and quality of that sign. The expression depends on its strength, and of its lower side on its weakness, with regard to sign it occupied .Certain signs are found to be in affinity with the nature of the planet. In its Exaltation sign ,the planets actions are said to be enhanced in a special way ,In its own sign ,the planet is fully powerful for expression : in debilitation ,the planet is weak to perform its function ,and its detriment ,it is retarded for expressing itself freely and easily .
A planet does not only occupy a sign, also dwells in a certain house and in angular relationship with the other planet. When it occupies a certain house at birth, or by transit, the planet stamps its nature on the affairs governed by that house, promoting matters falling within the purview of the house in accordance with the nature, modified by the sign position. These influences are enhanced if it is harmoniously aspected, while it tends to destructive expression when in harmoniously aspected .In addition to the house occupied, each planet has domination over a certain house or houses according to lordship and the planet has the agency to activate these affairs too. The cuspal position (i.e., Longitude held by the house cusps) and the planetary houses position are styled as mundane position This is done to differentiate them from celestial positions which term designates the planetary sign positions. It is essential to be thoroughly acquainted with the cardinal factors in delineations Planets, signs, houses, and aspects both separately and in their combination. The tendencies or properties bestowed by the various signs, the affairs embraced by each one of the twelve houses and the quality of and influences of the aspects and combining them with logical judgment. The art of Synthesis is like good judgment which comes only with experience In studying a map, the most important attention should be paid to the mundane position 9 cuspal positions of the houses themselves and next mundane positions of the planets. This statement should not be understood as an affirmation of the non-importance of aspects or sign values but of their true relative value. The Views of the late, C. E .O. Carter are of relevance .He says roughly two fifths of the totality of significance is derived from planets and as much from the mundane positions, whilst only about one-fifth can be ascribed to the sign concerned.Again Even the sign positions of a quicker bodies cannot afford such a precise indications as do aspects, and far less is it able to complete in this respect with mundane positions. We may regard all sign positions a being of the nature of the back-ground influence---Aspects, the third consideration may be regarded as midway between planet/house and sign categories and as reprehensive of the interplay between temperament and environment Carters opinion is in accord with our experience. The Sidereal Zodiac
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In the investigation of a nativity, it is quite useless to content oneself ,as is frequently done ,with the consideration of planets ,signs ,houses ,and aspects alone .. Fact, it is not mere planet mappings, the so called digitizes and debilities or the antagonisms and friendships obtained among the planets which describe, accurately he destinies of individuals. We find many events in life explained only when we reckon the influence of the planets according to their sign location in the sidereal zodiac and, more particularly, there location in a specified Nakshatra division and its sub division, there is bound to be lot of divergences between and reality in predictive astrology. In ancient India they used constellation zodiac. The zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts known as lunar mansion or Nakshatra or Star or Constellation, Each is 13 -20 . Each star is further divided into four parts of 3 -20 Called as Padas. The consideration of Nakshatra and their division has a specific influence and its inclusion has remarkably superior when compare to western system. This is an important point at which two systems differs. Originally ,the zodiac corresponded with the constellation or fixed stars which are found to be close to the ecliptic even now .Both the zodiac were then identical and the signs were found to possess certain definite characteristics which were identified with the particular section of the havens in which they ere observed . These characteristics are as true today of the eastern zodiac as they were in times of old and will remain true of that section through all time. This is so because the eastern zodiac is always fixed in character ,its point of commencement being always coincident with the point which lies diametrically opposite alpha virginis ( Spica Chitra ) ,a sign fixed star of fixed magnitude close to the ecliptic and which occupies the midpoint of the sidereal zodiac or Nirayana Zodiac (180 of sidereal zodiac ). The western star scientists on the other hand, use nowadays what is called Tropical Zodiac based on the signs created by marking off the ecliptic in twelve equal segments commencing from the ever receding vernal equinoctial point. Their Zodiac, consequently, in no more related to the section of the heavens they once designated. In this background, how for is it logical to hold that the twelve signs of the movable Zodiac continue to carry today the same characteristic as before? Does it need any improvement? A table of Ayanamsa [ The exact amount in longitude by which the first point of the tropical Zodiac ] ahead of the Indian Fixed or Sidereal zodiac for several number of
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years from 1900 to 2050AD which only differ slightly from the Indians Nautical Almanac ,has been furnished in K. P. books . The western follow Sayana where as we follow Nirayana. The Difference is Ayanamsa. The Ayanamsa Values given by others differs from the Krishnamurti. This is because that Krishnamurti took the year 291 A.D. as the year of coincidence of the tropical and sidereal Zodiac and Simon Newcombs rate of precession applied correctly. The original K P Ayanamsa and that of Universal Table of Houses has a slight difference of about 3 minutes or so. .One can follow either of the two. ] Krishnamurti follow Vimshottari or Nakshatra Dasa system of the venerable sage Varaha mihira which is more reliable than any other system Dasa. Vimshottari Dasa system is 120 years in total which is distributed as follows ; Kethu -7 Years , Venus -20 Years , Sun -6 Years , Moon -10 Years , Mars-7 Years , Rahu -18 Yeas , Jupiter -16 Year , Saturn -19 Years and mercury -17 Years . Each Dasa is further sub divided in the same proportion called Bhukthi s in the same cyclic order and Bhukthi is further Sub divided into Anthra and Anthra is subdivided into Sookshma in the same Proportion and same cyclic order. The commencement of Dasa at birth is calculated noting the exact longitude of the Moon at Birth. The arc of even very small fraction of the zodiac has a specific influence. The ancient Hindu minds had perhaps a complete comprehension of the various influences at work in the cosmos and had known everything about the perfect scheme of perdition based on the star and their minutest subdivision. The new generation has no executive literature to know their way of perdition. This vacuum in this respect was filled by the Late Professor Krishnamurti. Let us assume that a planet Bliss deposited in the star of C, who is the occupant of 10 and lord of 11. B has certainly the agency to affect the matters of the house it occupies and /or the houses it rules, but it affects more powerfully the affairs of 10 by occupation and next of the 11by lordship. B: tenanting in C star assumes strength to activate the 10 and 11 house more powerfully than C . Between the two B is strongest than with regard to the former. With regard to the later,B is weaker than those who are placed in the 11, who in turn, will be weaker than those who
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posited in their stars. : B will also influence the affairs of the occupation but its power is slightly weaker than those posited is: B stars. In addition B has certainly the power to promote the affairs of the houses it rules but the planets in B stars is more powerful than B in this respect, and planets tenanting the houses owned by B and those in their stars. In the ascending order, are stronger still. The Planet is a source through which the matter described by the house occupied by the star lord, or the house occupied by the planet itself, are accomplished. The source is mainly on what the planet tenanting planet governs by lordship and subsidiary, on its own intrinsic nature. Jupiters nature is benign and brings gain by fair means, Saturn by foul means. Mars by boldness and enterprise, Venus, by concililiary approach, and soon. The Planets power will partly depend on the sign occupied, the congeniality or otherwise of that sign to its own nature The discoveries of the star into subdivision have added a new dimension to stellar astrology. If the star indication is general, the sub makes it specific, if a planet is in the star of the occupant of the second house, which signifies finance out of many other things, but in the sub of the occupant of the twelfth, the result is financial loss. If the tenanting planet is in the eleventh then gain or financial receipts. If the lord of the sub is a strong Significators of the sixth then there is financial gain through borrowing. A Planet X in a star denotes, as we have learnt, the matters signified by the lord of the constellation the house occupied and the houses owned by the later. If the lord of the sub occupied by X is favorably connected to the matters signified by the constellation lord, then the tenanting planet fulfills the matters affected by the lord of the constellation favorably. This happens especially in the conjoined period, in vimshottari Dasa, of the tenant, the constellation lord and the sub lord. If the tenanting planet is placed in the sub of a planet that occupies or owns houses deferential to the affairs ruled by the constellation lord either by occupation or lord of the house, then the matters is positively prevented from fruiting and remain unfulfilled. The sub lord in his period in the conjoined period of the tenant and constellation lord proves a stumbling block to the fulfillment of the matter. If the sub
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lord is neither favorably nor unfavorably connected to the affairs of the houses occupied and or owned by the constellation lord, it assumes some what neutral stance the matter is neither fulfilled nor prevented from progressing in its period in the conjoined period of the tenanting planet and the constellation lord. The sub lord thus plays a pivotal role in deciding whether the matter denoted by the constellation lord is prosper or perish As per western system matters are brought to perfection either by conjunction or by Sextile or Trine. . Hence we can say that if the sub lord is either by conjunction or Sextile or Trine with the star lord it can be considered as a favorable one. If the sub lord is connoted to all the houses concerned then it is said to be powerful. If the sub lord is a strong Significators of the prominent house then select that particular planet than any other planets which are week. It is worthwhile to note the essential and
accidental dignities of the sub lord then decide which can be selected. Transits are of great significance. They ignite the natal indications derived according to the vimshottari Dasa system, for the natal position to fulfill, transits must agree or concur. The Planets ruling the sensitive point of the zodiac coruled by the lords of the major, sub, inner period in operation accentuate the vibration of the lords of the conjoined period. Every minute part of the zodiac is together governed by two or more planet an when any planet transits that part it affects the matters signified by the co-rulers according to the source, intrinsic nature, modified by the sign and aspect, house occupied and lordship . From which it follows that even if, by transit, the planets are not in any aspect they will still have an important role to play according to the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Krishnamurti theory, fundamentally speaking, is that a planet moves the matters of certain houses which it has no connection by virtue of, nature, occupation, lordship, association or aspect. The Cause is due to the placement in a constellation or Nakshatra .and its influence. A very good idea that the Planets results are modified or signified by the constellation lord by its occupation, lordship, and nature and association or aspect .However the significance is favorable only if the sub lord is taken into consideration .If the Sub lord is not
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detrimental to the houses signified by the constellation lord then it the matter signified by the constellation lord is fulfilled otherwise not. Sub is nothing but a division of a Nakshatra into nine unequal parts based on the vimshottari Dasa system. . The Vimshottari division is a time division. Kishnamurti's Nakshatra division is a space division. The nine unequal sub divisions each express sub influence of the nature of the planet which co-rule it. Each sub-division
commences from the planet lord of the Nakshatra division and thereafter the planets follow in the cyclic order in which their Dasa occur in the vimshottari Dasa system. There are nine unequal sub lords in each Nakshatra. The sub lords are divided on the basis of Vimshottari Dasa. The Formula is as under : Sub Lord =Years of Planet in Vimshottari Dasa * Nakshatra Division / Total Years in Vimshottari Dasa First Nakshatra in zodiac is of Aswini rules by Kethu ,as such the first sub lord is Kethu ,second is Venus ,third is Sun , fourth is Moon , fifth is Mars , Sixth is Rahu , Seventh is Jupiter , eighth is Saturn and Lastly the ninth is Mercury . First Sub lord Kethu =7*800 /120 =0-46-40 Second Sub lord is Venus=20*800 /120 =2 -13-20 Similarly all the sub lords in each Nakshatra are calculated
The Extent of ruler ship of the each of the nine co-rulers in each Nakshatra remains same, namely:
Sun -0-40 -00, Moon -1 -06 -40, Mars 0-46-40, Rahu -2 -00 -00, Jupiter -1 -46-40 Saturn -2 -06 -40, Mercury -1-53 -20, Kethu 0 -46 40, Venus -2 -13 -20
Mars is 7 years; Rahu is 18 years; Jupiter is 16 years; Saturn is 19 years and Mercury is 17 years. Now to calculate sub we have to take the proportion based on Dasa as follows. 12
Astrological Predictive Techniques Kethu: -800 minutes*7/120=20*7/3=140/3 =46.66minutes or 46minutes 40 seconds Venus-800*20/120=20*20/3=400/3= 133.33minutes= 2degrees 13 minutes 20seconds Sun-- 800*6/120=20*6/3=40minutes. Moon---800*10/120=20*10/3=66.66or 1degree 6minutes 40 second Mars---800*7/120=20*7/3=140/3=46.66= 46 minutes 40 seconds Rahu---800*18/1220*18/3=120 minutes or 2degrees Jupiter---800*16/120=20*16/3=106.66minutes=1degree46 minutes 40seconds Saturn -800*19 /120 =126.6666=2 degree 06 minutes 40 seconds Mercury -800*17 /120 =113.333=1 degree53minutes 20seconds
According to Krishnamurti padhdhati, when a radical planet lies in certain part of the elliptic zodiac, its influence is modified by the sign it occupies and by the planets that presides over that part of the ecliptic as Nakshatra ruler and co-ruler. The Nakshatra ruler will not only impose his own quality on the tenanting planet but will also complete latter to give its effects, primarily, of the house that the former occupies and secondarily, of the house it owns. If a planet is in Sun star in Aries 28 degree and in the sub of the Moon then it will be mainly under the domination of the Sun as Nakshatra ruler , the Moon as Co-ruler which is also exerting certain effect
Chapter -2. The Placidian House System Circle is cut at thirty degree intervals starting at the Aries point and these points are projected onto present the house division according to placidus. This is a time system. Placidus divides time. Here the ascendant and M.C. are treated as the Cusps of those houses. If the ascendant is at the very beginning of Aries. It will be the M.C. six sidereal hours later. This correspondence to one quadrant of the chart. But if we take the zero degree of Gemini to be rising at London, this takes as many as eight hours to go through the diurnal semi-arc. This degree becomes M.C. after seven hours and fifty one minutes. Placidus then bases his system on the artificers equalizes subdivisions of the naturally UN equal amounts of time. Here the times taken for each degree of the ecliptic to rise from lower meridian to horizon and from horizon to upper meridian are trisected. When the Placidian system first came to England, Gipson in 1711 called it The doctrine of Ptolemy nicely placivianised and he stated Here is nothing but Egyptian obsoleteness and the power monkish in fallibility, Zealously urged in billingsgate rhetoric, all of which I could not read without just abhorrence and detestation and yet R.C. SMITH (Raphael) choose this system in 1821 when he calculated the tables. Raphaels Tables of Houses Since then Raphaels table of houses popularize the Placidian system and it is considered to be the best as of now. Placidian cusps are in actual practice treated as the centers of the houses concerned. It is the ancient Hindu method to treat the cuspal degree as the Beginning.TheCuusps obtained by using Raphael Table of Houses Gives Sayana Potions hen .This is to be converted suitably by subtracting The Ayanamsa. We prefer Krishnamurti Ayanamsa which is nothing but Newcombs Ayanamsa using the Rate of Precession, and the Year 291 A. D. C. G. Rajan Ayanamsa can also be
adopted Government Of India has accepted the Ayanamsa of Sri : N.C.Lahiri which can also be tried . Sayana Ayanamsa = Nirayana The celestial equator the ecliptic using house circles. The original cusps are then recalculated in a complicated adjustment cycle which continues until no further cuspal movement is perceived. CALCULATION CONVENTIONS The following standard abbreviations are used in the mathematics which follows: e represents the obliquity of the ecliptic f represents the terrestrial latitude ASC is the ascendant MC is the MC RAMC is the Right Ascension of the MC F, G, J, K, and L are working terms, unimportant astronomically +. -, x (or, *), , = represent their normal arithmetic functions SIN, COS, TAN, COT, etc. Represent the trigonometric functions For calculator purposes: COT = (1 TAN) and vice-versa, etc. ARCSIN, ARCCOS, ARCTAN, etc. represent the trig inverses H11, etc. stands for the offset to compute the cusp of house eleven, etc. C11, etc. stands for the value of the cusp of house eleven, etc. Standard computer notation parenthesis nesting conventions are used throughout the formulations. That is, three left parenthesis must be balanced by three right parentheses. Calculations are always performed within the inner parenthesis first and then outward to the outer parenthesis. Persons attempting the mathematics herein should refer to reasonable reference books if they are unfamiliar with trigonometric procedures. Particularly, the process of adjusting house cusp calculations for the correct trigonometric quadrant can be somewhat tricky if not performed with care. House cusps which are over 360o or under 0o should be converted to lie between 0o and 360o. That is, if you compute a house cusp as being 372 then this should be changed to 12 Aries. Add 360 to any
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negative values or results. House cusps with values between 0o and 29.99o lie in Aries; between 30 and 59.99in Taurus; between 60o and 89.99o degrees in Gemini, and so forth around the zodiac and through the signs. PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS AND THE PERSONAL SENSITIVE POINTS 1. The RAMC (the right ascension of the mid -heaven) is computed from Local Sidereal Time (LST) by converting time units to degree units. An example of this calculation follows: Given an LST of 12H 15M 00S, then first convert this to a decimal form of time, or 12.25 hours. 12.25 x 15 = 183.75o which is the RAMC. Given an LST of 6H 27M 14S then convert this to a decimal form of time, or 6.453889 hours. 6.453889 x 15 = 96.808333o. 2. MC = ARCTAN (TAN (RAMC) COS e) 3. ASC = ARCCOT (- ((TAN f x SIN e) + (SIN RAMC x COS e)) COS RAMC) 4. EQA = ARCCOT (- (TAN RAMC x COS e)) 5. VTX = ARCCOT (- ((COT f x SIN e) - (SIN RAMC x COS e)) COS RAMC) 6. CAS = ARCCOT (- ((COT f x SIN e) + (SIN RAMC x COS e)) COS RAMC) 7. PAS = ARCCOT (((TAN f x SIN e) - (SIN RAMC x COS e)) COS RAMC) 8. ARI The Aries Point is always zero of Aries. 9. The declination of any point on the ecliptic can be calculated from: Declination = ARCSIN (SIN (zodiacal longitude of point) x SIN e) 10. The obliquity of the ecliptic, for any date in modern times, is calculated by: e = 23 27' 08.26" - 46.845" x T - .0059" x T2 + .00181" x T3
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Where T is in fractions of a century starting from Jan 1, 1900 THE PLACIDIAN HOUSE SYSTEM FORMULATION 1. Compute the RAMC, MC, and ASC in the normal manner. Use the MC as the cusp of the tenth house and the ASC as the cusp of the first house. This is a very fast converging algorithm adapted from a work by M. Vijayaraghavulu.
2. Determine the following house cusp intervals: H11 = RAMC + 30 H2 = RAMC + 120 H12 = RAMC + 60 H3 = RAMC + 150 3. Set the Semi-arc ratios: F11 = 1 3 F2 = 2 3 F12 = 2 3 F3 = 1 3 4. Compute the cuspal declinations: D11 = ARCSIN (SIN e x SIN H11) D2 = ARCSIN (SIN e x SIN H2) D12 = ARCSIN (SIN e x SIN H12) D3 = ARCSIN (SIN e x SIN H3) 5. Compute the first intermediate values: A11 = F11 x (ARCSIN (TAN f x TAN D11)) A12 = F12 x (ARCSIN (TAN f x TAN D12)) A2 = F2 x (ARCSIN (TAN f x TAN D2)) A3 = F3 x (ARCSIN (TAN f x TAN D3)) 6. Compute the house cusp positions as follows: M11 = ARCTAN (SIN A11 (COS H11 x TAN D11)) M12 = ARCTAN (SIN A12 (COS H12 x TAN D12)) M2 = ARCTAN (SIN A2 (COS H2 x TAN D2)) M3 = ARCTAN (SIN A3 (COS H3 x TAN D3)) 7. Compute the intermediate house cusps: R11 = ARCTAN ((TAN H11 x COS M11) COS (M11 + e)) R12 = ARCTAN ((TAN H12 x COS M12) COS (M12 + e)) R2 = ARCTAN ((TAN H2 x COS M2) COS (M2 + e)) R3 = ARCTAN ((TAN H3 x COS M3) COS (M3 + e))
8. Substitute: D11 = R11; D12 = R12; D2 = R2; and D3 = R3. Then repeat steps 5 thru 8 again. Substitute the R's for the D's a third time and repeat steps 5 thru 8. The answer for R on the third try is the cusp you desire.
9. Compute the individual house cusps as follows: C11 = R11 C5 = 180o + C11 C12 = R12 C6 = 180o + C12 C2 = R2 C8 = 180o + C2
C3 = R3 C9 = 180o + C3
Chapter -3 Ayanamsa Ecliptic: It is the apparent pathways of the Sun. It is a great circle cutting the celestial equator at an angle of 23.5. This angle varies from 21-59 to 24-36 Zodiac: It is the band in heavens extending to about 7.5 to 9 degrees on each side of the ecliptic. This is called Bhachakra. It is the pathways of the planets. It contains twelve signs and it revolves on its axis once a day. Axis; It is the diameter about which it rotates from west to east. The poles of the earth are the points where the axis of the earth meets its surface. Celestial equator; the angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic. It is drawn halfway between the poles. It is the great circle wherein the earths equator cuts the celestial sphere. Equinox: Where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator we get two points on the celestial sphere. When the longitude of the Sun is zero. It is vernal equinox: when 180it is autumnal equinox. Tropical (Sayana) longitude: it is the arc of the ecliptic intercepted between the first point of Aries and a perpendicular arc of the ecliptic. It is measured from the point of vernal equinox .The equinoctial point always moves backwards at the rate of 5.3seconds per year. This longitude increases every year. Sidereal Year Longitude (Nirayana): In Indian astronomy the longitude is always measured from the point first point of Aswini, the first point of the fixed Mesha (Aries) Ayanamsa [ Sanskrit Ayanamsa : Ayana Movement + amsa Component also Ayanabhaga Portion is the Sanskrit term in Indian astronomy for the amount of precision . This is the longitudinal difference between Tropical) Sayana and Sidereal (Nirayana) zodiacs. Ayanamsa is now defined as the angle by which the sidereal ecliptic longitude of a celestial body is less than its tropical ecliptic longitude
The longitudinal difference between the Tropical [Sayana] and the Sidereal [The difference between the Tropical (Sayana) and the Sidereal (Nirayana) longitudes Sayana Ayanamsa = Nirayana [Indian System] Celestial longitudes are measured along the ecliptic from the vernal Equinoctial point Viz the intersection of the ecliptic and equator. The Vernal equinoctial point is slowly moving backwards at a nearly uniform rate of about 50.3 per year on account of the processional of equinoxes. In Nirayana system of Indian astrology, however, longitude s is reckoned from a fixed point on the ecliptic. The Ayanamsa, which is the angular distance between the fixed point and the vernal equinoctial point in thus the tropical longitude of the fixed of the fixed Hindu zodiac. The beginning of the zodiacal circle under Sidereal system is always the fixed 0 0 of Aries; the Tropical System assumes the point of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic at Vernal Equinox when the Sun begins its journey in the northern hemisphere as the 00 of Aries or the beginning of the (moving) zodiacs. It is estimated that in about A.D. 285 the two points were coincident. The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon produces retrogression to the-Equinoctial point leading to divergence in the two systems. In about 26,000 years this point is expected to complete the circle to meet the earlier point. This gives an annual divergence of 50.3". The Precession of Equinoxes is defined as the earlier occurrence of the equinoxes in each successive sidereal year because of the slow retrograde motion of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic In Chaitrapakaksha the bright star Spica which marks the middle of the Chitra group of stars was assigned a longitude of 180 degrees The opposite to this is considered as the fixed initial point of the Nirayana zodiac .Stars have got proper motion and the longitude of fixed stars undergo changes however gradually . For this reason the choice of Spica or any star may not found to be sound in principle. It is advisable to adopt the vernal Equinoctial point of any specified date to indicate the fixed initial point .The Renowned Indian Astronomer Sri. N. c. Lahiri has adopted the mean vernal equinoctial point of the vernal equinox day of the year 285A. D. as the fixed initial point He was the member secretary of the calendar Reforms committee is responsible for the planning preparation of the INEA. The beginning of the zodiacal circle under Sidereal system is
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always the fixed 00 of Aries; the Tropical System assumes the point of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic at Vernal Equinox when the Sun begins its journey in the northern hemisphere as the 00 of Aries or the beginning of the (moving) zodiacs. It is estimated that in about A.D. 285 the two points were coincident. The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon produces retrogression to the-Equinoctial point leading to divergence in the two systems. In about 26,000 years this point is expected to complete the circle to meet the earlier point. This gives an annual divergence of 50.3". The Precession of Equinoxes is defined as the earlier occurrence of the equinoxes in each successive sidereal year because of the slow retrograde motion of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic Our Guruji Krishnamurti has adopted the year of the coincidence of tropical and sidereal zodiacs. The division of zodiac into various Signs in the western Tropical system does not refer to the same portion of the zodiac as the Sidereal or Nirayana system. As the referral 00 does not mark the same portion of the ecliptic, the zodiacal signs, though given the same name, are not identical under the two systems. When we speak of converting a Western chart into the Hindu equivalent, it implies subtracting the Ayanamsa from the Tropical longitude. It suggests bringing into focus the same portion of the ecliptic, and the same name of the zodiacal signs while discussing the nature of planetary impulses. Differences have arisen in the estimates of Ayanamsa. All the estimates do not agree on A.D.285 as the year of nil Ayanamsa. The Western Sidereal astrologers usually use the Ayanamsa developed by Cyril Fagan and Donald Bradley, while in India, the best known estimates are of N. C. Lahiri, C. G RaJan, Krishnamurti, , B. V. Raman, And others The difference between > N.C. Lahiri and Krishnamurti is about 5 Minus . Though found to be small but it has effect while considering the sub lords etc., , However It is felt to use K. P. Ayanamsa for those who fellows K. P. system . As regards the rate of precession Prof: Krishnamurti accepts
the average rate of precession Viz, 50.2388475 seconds as given by Prof: Simon Newcomb. Professor Simon Newcomb is noted foreign en standard of accuracy and is being used even now in computation of longitude etc., of the Sun in the Nautical Almanacs of different countries. The accurate actual value of general precession in
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longitude per tropical ordinary year of 365.2422mean solar days as given by Newcomb and adopted in the Nautical Almanacs is 50.2564+0.000222t, where it is measured in tropical years from 1900.0AD. We shall still what exactly 1900.0A.D. Means later .The Tropical and the sidereal zodiacs coincided at a particular instant on a particular day in 291A.D. The Sayana zodiac is the basis of actual calculations and observation in modern Astronomy. As such, to be sound in principle, the coincidence of the Tropical and sidereal Zodiacs should be related to the vernal equinoctial point and the Sayana Sun. Let u therefore ,adopt the Vernal Equinoctial at the mean Vernal Equinox of 291A.D , as the epoch of the coincidence of Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs Sri Lahiris Table of the sun based in Professor Newcombs accurate Values . The longitude of the Sayana mean Sun would be exactly 360 or 0 At 4hours 41minutes 18 seconds Ephemeris time or 2hours 51miutes universal time or 8hours 21minutes Indian standard time. On the 23rd march 291A.D. (Saka era 213) The Mean Vernal equinox of 291A.D. occurred at that epoch which shall be treated as coincidence of Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs or the epoch of Zero Ayanamsa i.e. on the Monday. The mean elongation of the moon is 66-79 and the mean tithi Madhya SuklapakshaShasti According to Sri: N. C. Lahiri the positive Ayanamsa of 4-59-31at our zero Ayanamsa epochs (Viz 4hours 41minues 51seconds on the 23rdmarch 291A.D.) Prof: Newcombs accurate rate of precession at 1900.00A.d.being 50.2564, the accurate of precession at 291A.D. would be 50.2564-0.000222(1900-2991) on 49.899202Seconds. Professor Newcombs accurate rate of precession expressed in terms of the year 291A.D. would be 49.899202+.000222t, where t is measured in tropical years from 291A.D. Bessels fictitious year commences when the Sayana mean longitude of the Sun corrected for aberration of light -20.5is exactly 280 -00-00-. The Beselian year is same as tropical year. The 1900 year A. D. Referred to above is the commencement of 1900A. D. Of Beselian year. The longitude of the Sayana mean un at our Zero Ayanamsa epoch corrected for aberration is 359.994..Our zero Ayanamsa a epoch (Viz 4hours 41minutes 18seconds Ephemeris time on 23rd March 291A.D. expressed in
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terms of the Beselian year is 291+395.994-280-00/360or 291.2222A. D. .The rate of precession being 49.899202+0.000222t, the accumulated Ayanamsa for t tropical years from 291.2222A. Would be the sun of 49.899202+0.000222*t to t terms which again is the sum of an arithmetical series of which the first term is a is 49.899202+0.000222*t. The Sum of the arithmetical series is given by the formula n/2(2n + (n-1) d which reduced to (a d/2) n= Dn2 on substituting these values we get 49.899424-0.000111) t + 0.000111t+ =or 49.899313t +0.000111t2. The Epoch 1900.0A.A.D.Is1900.0-291.2222or608.7778tropicl years from the zoo Ayanamsa epoch Viz 291.2222A.D? ,as the zero Ayanamsa Epoch and the accurate rate of general precession of Professor Newcomb would be 2-2-44.186 Sri Lahiris Ayanamsa for the year 1900 is 22-27-46.51 ,the difference being 4-59.3. The general real precession reckoned from 1900.00A. D. Is 50.2564 +0.000222t, as we know? Applying the formula for the summation of an arithmetical series again, the Ayanamsa of any epoch after 1900.0. A.D.Measuring t tropical years From1900.0a.d. Will is given by theformula22-22-44.186+50.256511t +0.000111t2+formula G. +de.
Epoch 15 -04-1900 15 -04-1910 15 -04-1920 15 -04-1930 15 -04-1940 15-04-1950 15 -04-1960 15 -04-1970 15 -04-1980 15 -04-1990 15 -04-2000
N 22-2258.3 22-3120.9 22-39-43.5 22-45-06.1 22-56-28.8 23-04-51.4 23-13-14.1 23-21-36.8 23-2-59.6 23-38-22.3 23-46-45.1
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa 22-22 22-31 22-39 2-47 22-55 23-04 23-12 23-20 23-29 23-37 23-46
A 22-27-2 22-35.6 22-43.9 22-52.4 23-06.7 23-09.1 23-17.5 23-25.9 23-34.2 23-42.6 23-50.9
From the above it is noticed that there is an agreement with the Krishnamurti Ayanamsa given in the K.P. readers and the Values noted in N which is based on291 -2222A.d. as the coincidence of tropical and sidereal zodiacs and Newcomb ate of precisions that
means 50.2388475for hence it is opinioned that that the Value of N can be obtained by simply subtracting 5-11-8from the U.T.O.H Ayanamsa or 4-59-.3 from Lahiri for the same epoch..Hither to we have been discussing the mean Ayanamsa based on general precession only there remains the correction for Nutation in. Apart from the gradual Retrogradation motion due to precession of the equinoxes, the vernal equinoctial point (the first point of Aries) suffers a small periodic oscillatory displacement about the mean position along the ecliptic due to Nutation. This give rise to the mean equinox of date and the true or apparent equinox. The exact Sayana longitude of planets given in seconds in the Indian ephemeris and nautical Almanac and other Sayana ephemeris are referred to the true equinox. To obtain the exact true Nirayana longitude of planets in seconds, therefore the Ayanamsa to be deducted is the true Ayanamsa which is obtained from the mean exact mean Ayanamsa by applying the correction for Nutation. In work using the ephemeris which gives planetary positions correct to the minutes only ,however the correction to mean Ayanamsa for Nutation is not called for ,as the total correction is only about 19seconds for Nutation (Plus or Minus ) longitude. S There is one more peculiarity of the earths motion It resembles the oscillation of a spinning top. The oscillation of the Earths Axis makes a way motion at the pole of the equator round the pole of the ecliptic which is called Nutation. Nutation has a solar element and Lunar one .Solar Nutation is given by the formula 1.27 Sin2L where" L" is Sayana longitude of the Sun at the epoch. As this is little more than second it can be omitted Lunar Nutation -17.23Sin R where R is the Sayana longitude of Rahu at epoch .The same can be readily obtained from the ephermies. The mean Ayanamsa [N} for any desired as discussed above corrected for total Nutation will give true Ayanamsa for the epoch correct to seconds.
Ayanamsa We have a sidereal and a tropical year. The sidereal year and the tropical year is based on the same principle as the topical year of the ancient Egyptians .It is the time taken by the Sun to appear at the same point in the heavens as some fixed stars .The Suns appearance at the first of the fixed Aries is taken to be the starting point here. The tropical year is the result of the averages between noon at the successive vernal equinox and it refers to the sun appearance at the first pint of the moving Aries .The average length of the sidereal year is not the same s that of the tropical year because of the precession of the equinoxes (Ayanachalana) The Plane of the terrestrial equator rotates on the earths orbit. Consequently the position of the UN on the vernal equinox shifts round the ecliptic. This shit was first noticed by Hipparchus, in 150B.Cin Europe, though it is known to ancient HINDU from the remotest antiquity. The Babylonian astronomer Cadenzas revealed it in 340.B.C. The positions of the star do not change with reference to the plane of the ecliptic .But the axis of the ceslesticial equator moves round the ecliptic axis at angle of 2235to 2413as shown in the picture . The point of intersection of the Suns apparent p ath with the celestial equator are not constant. They shift , and the rate of this shifting taken at the rate of procession According to Ptolemy this shift is 50.25 seconds of an arc per year ., along with the ecliptic circle in the direction opposite to the Suns .
Surya Siddhanta. The Great Astronomer Bhaskara, in one Maha Yuga the bhachakara oscillates like a pendulum for 600times, from the first of point fixed Aries; it swings 27 degrees forwards and backwards. Each swing has four divisions each covering a period of 1800 solar years. Commenting on these lines. Bhaskara writes that pata is Sampata or equinox. The equinoctial point is the point of the intersection o the Suns apparent path with the celestial equator. This point slowly recedes, and therefore the intersection does not take place at the beginning of the constellational Aries this point was nearer the beginning of the fixed point Aries. Now it is great and it can be seen, hence we can not ignore it .The Surya Siddhanta speaks of thirty thousand bhaganas in a kalpa for this krabtipata. Munjalaa and others give 199.669as the bhaganas .Readingtrimsatkritvah bhaskara argues that the equinox revolves thirty times a Yuga
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The actual movement of the equinoctial pint annually varies from one astronomer to another Aryabhatta gives it as 46.3seconds, Parashara give it to be as 46.5, Munjala and Bhaskara give it as 59.9seconds >Newcomb in 1850A.D. gives out the annual movement as 50.262seconds. The formula given by him is 50.2453+ (0.0002225*the required year -1853A.D. for instance we get for 1962A.D. 50.2453+ (0.0002225*115) =50.27022 Bhaskara was born in 1036Shaka which is 600A.D.Applying Newcombs formula we get 50.2453-0.0002225*1250=49.969275. Adding this difference between Bhaskara and the modern European one .it works out to58.5through Bhaskara gives the arc of59.9007only. Bhaskara was born in 10636Shakawhich means 600A.D.Applying Newcomb formula we get 50.2453+ (0.0002225*1250=49.969275 adding the difference between Bhaskaras year and modern European one, it works out to58.3though Bhaskara gives the arc of 59.9007only. The precise moment of when the moving and fixed zodiac s coincided is only a guess .Sri Lahiri feels that the coincidence is on Sunday 22 nd 11-18AMIsT. At that moment the tropical and sidereal longitude of Chitra (Spica was 180-0 -03and the moon 353.31. He gives the precision rate as 50.2721seconds and the mean Ayanamsa on 1st January 1962was 23 -19-34. The only trouble about this date is Varahamihiras statement. We are told by the greatvarahamira that he had found the entry of the sun into 273 degrees 20 minutes as beginning of the uttarayana, as against the Vedangas jyotishya. Kalidasa jyotirvidabharana was composes in 3068 kali or 34b.c. kalidasa mentions Varahamihiras as his contemporary. Since the precession of 1 degree takes nearly72 years, the two zodiacs must have coincided 240 years after Varahamihiras. This gives the date 200 A.D. The Indian governments almanac makers have some more ignored. Mr. Fagin found after research that the two zodiacs exactly coincided in 213 A.D. Sri Lahiri has taken it to 72 years after, thus affecting a difference of 1 degree. The first magnitude star Spica or Chitta is the determinate of the measurement of sidereal longitude. The ancient Chaldeans and Egyptians placed it at 29 degree of the constellational Virgo. Surya Siddhanta places it at 180 degrees, Brahma Gupta at 183 degrees, Graha laghava at 183 degrees and Mr. Dixit at180 degrees. Fagans theory
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makes the Ayanamsa for 1st January 1961 to be 24-17-38; while3 Lahiri would be 2318-38. Hence a difference of 59 minutes. The formula given by Prof. B.V.Raman; is deduct 398 from the year of birth in the Christian era and multiply it by 50.33. Thu8s for 1961 we have 21-51-11. This figure is not strictly in accordance with the traditional account as given by the surya Siddhanta. As per western the Ayanamsa at the beginning of 1900 appears to be 22-26-45.6. The precession rate is 50.2664. This is to be multiplied by to and then added to, the product of the rate of difference multiplied by the years after 1900. The rate of difference is 0.0002.Thus for 1961we have 2850.2664+60*0.0002=100.5448 This is to be halved and then multiplied by the year counted from the beginning of the century thus we get: 61*0.5*100.544/=51-6-.6164 This is to be added to the Ayanamsa at the beginning of the century then we get 22-2645.6 +51-6.6164 =23-18-52.2This is the Ayanamsa of the year 191. From the above discussion we notice that all these also assume a uniform movement of about 50seconds per year .But the Vernal equinox point undergoes a good deal of wobbling in the course of the year Let us take 1960for example from the first of January to the 20februaryit recedes 24seconds by the 20tth April it moves back by 13seconds and remain constant for a month. Then it advances by a second and by the 7 th of October the advance is 19seconds forwards and the resending begin and by 26 th December it moves back by 24seconds. This is due to forces of precession and mutation.
Out of this maze if we are to land safely, we cannot forget few points Varaha mihira, put the beginning of the tropical zodiac at 3-20 of Aries And Bhattotpala, his comment or, did not find any appreciable difference between two zodiacs >Spica beg being in the 30th degree of Virgo, the two zodiacs might have been coincided sometime between 285A. D. And 338A.D.In the predictive Astrology one has to examine the various Ayanamsa and the annual rate of precession which is between 50.2 and 50.3 seconds
One more point is that we believe that the two zodiac must have coincided either in 292A.D/or in 307A.D. Precession covers one constellation in about 960years. The Ayanamsa entered Aswini about 668 B.C. only 118years later ,that is when the half of the last quarter of Aswini was completed .We get 550 B. C. which was the Shaka accepted by ancient Indian astronomers .. By about 1236A.D.the Ayanamsa moved to Utarabhadrapada and this synchronizes the consolidation of the Muslim conquests in India .By about 1708A. D. Half of the constellation is covered and we have the beginning of British Empire, The Last quarter of the constellation came to be traversed by about 1945A. . And this year ends the war. This makes us to behave that the two Zodiacs coincided in 292 A. D. If so the Ayanamsa for1962 is would be 23-19-05
The KP Ayanamsa is explained with comparison to Lahiris as under: Zero Ayanamsa, Year and Precession Rate of the Ayanamsa Ayanamsa -Zero Ayanamsa Year*Annual Precession, Rate of the Ayanamsa, Adjustment Rate of Precession, Rate per year. KPOA 291 AD 50.2388475 *2 KPNA 291 *3 50.2388475sec0.000111 sec Formula w/o base offset KPSTLA 291 AD 50.2388475 Not applied Formula with base offset LAHIRI 285 AD50.2564 *4 0.000222 sec *5 Formula with base offset KPOA= KP Old Ayanamsa, KPNA= KP New Ayanamsa, KPSTLA= KP Straight Line Ayanamsa 1. Assumed year of coincidence of both Sayana and Nirayana zodiacs 2. Newcomb rate of sec per year 3. @ 23 March, 291 A.D. 4. so-called modern astronomical values for the year 1900 5. Usually 0.000111 is used for 50.2388475 and 0.000222 is applied for 50.2564.
Formulas NKPA = B + [T P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600 Where, B = base offset = 22+1350/3600 = 22:22:30 @ 15 Apr 1900) T = decimal years in the form Year - 1900 P = precession rate value per year = 50.2388475 sec A = annual precession rate adjustment= 0.000111 sec (as given by Prof. K. Balachandran in KP & Astrology Year Book 2003)KP- to questions of readers KPSTLA = T*P/3600 Where T= Year of Birth minus 291 A.D. P = 50.2388475sec per year Note: T = fractional/decimal year taking days between given date and 15th April The KP Straight Line Ayanamsa such calculated up to the required date is called KP Straight Line (Adjusted) Ayanamsa In the K.P.astro 4.0.(as per MC Khare in the A&A Oct 1978 issue pp 6-8, and as explained by Rangarajan Krishnamurthy, developer of K.P.astro 4.0) LAHIRI = B + [T P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600 Where B = 80890.1535 sec = 22:28:10.1535 @1 Apr 15, 1900 T = Year of Birth minus 1900 P = precession rate 50.2564 (Modern Astronomical value for the year 1900)
Chapter -4 Astrological Analysis and Timing of Events The Hindu System and The western system of analyzing the horoscope are pretty much the same expect certain aspects .In both the systems we consider the relevant house (s) and their effects which will depend upon: 1. The Nature of the house. 2. Lord of the house, its occupation and the other house ruled if any. 3. Planets therein. 4. The Influence of other planets either by conjunction or by aspects to the lord of the house and planets therein. 5. Karaka planets, its occupation, lordship and Planet aspecting 6. Dispositor If the planets are well placed and strong and receives beneficial aspects, then favorable results are assured .in Hindu system the aspects are benefic or Malefic depending on the nature of Planets .Jupiter, Venus, Full Moon and well associated Mercury are considered to be Beneficial aspects and Sun, new Moon, Afflicted Mercury Saturn, Mars Rahu and Kethu are considered to be malefic, hence evil .Out of all Saturn is consider to be the first rate Malefic. In western system sun is consider to be benefic In western System aspects are found by the angular difference between any two planets or between a planet and Cusp .aspects are said to be favorable or unfavorable depending on the angular difference .Further aspects are Major and Minor, Applying, Rapt or Separating, Oriental, Occidental etc., Full details are given in the annexure. Krishnamurti Padhdhati is one of the best methods to analysis the horoscope and to find the time of an Event. K.P.adopts Placides system (Semi-arc) of house division and adopts K.P.Ayanamsa .now a days some of the scholars prefer to use K. P. New Ayanamsa and Straight line etc., however it is enough to use K.P. old Ayanamsa, if needed one can try to use Lahiri or C.G .Rajan Ayanamsa, all are nearby only .It is better to use K.P.Nirayana Ephemeris. Number of Accurate Software have been
developed by eminent persons, the same can be conveniently used, out of which one developed by K.P. Astro Version 3 of Man Machine systems, Chennai, Jyothis deepeeka by Dr: S.Nagalakshmi .Bangalore and Astro 3.3 developed by K.P.astro forum, Hyderabad is the best and useful to get accurate results. In accordance with the principles of K.P.The Significators are as follows: 1. The Planets in the Constellations of the occupants, which is said to be the strongest. 2. Occupants. 3. Planets in the Constellations of the Lord of he sign. 4. Lord of the sign. 5. Planets Con joined with or Aspecting the Significators and also Planets Aspecting the Cusps. 6. Karaka Graham, if well placed and receives good aspects, and then it is also strong. 7. *Effective cuspal Links. 8. *Yoga karaka 9. *Dispositor-* denotes Vedic System not K.P 10. Cusps indicate the nature of the results i.e., favorable or not, where as significators point the time of an event. A planet not only has its fixed implication but also an acquired nature .The acquired nature is of two sorts ,namely those resulting from its situation by sign known as essential dignity and those resulting from its placement by house or from the position of the planets relative to each other (angular relationship )called Accidental Dignity
A Planet is at its best when located n its own sign .It is Next best when located in the sign of exaltation .It is not so strong when in the sign of determent .It is most weekly when located in the sign of fall ..If a planet is angular i.e., placed in houses 1 ,4 ,7 and 10 ,its strength is the same although in own or in exaltation in .If in the Succeedent house 2 ,5 8 or 11 ,it is same as though in the sign of determent .If in a cadent house 3 ,6 ,9or 12 it is same as though the planet is in the sign of fall .Note that a planet in the
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house 5 and 9 are exempted ,since it is said to be Trinal house .there by good results can be expected . A planet is also deemed to be accidentally dignified when it has preponderantly favorable aspects from others or when it is direct or swift in motion .Conversely ,it is accidentally debilitated when occupying the sign opposite its exaltation ,or a cadent house when retrograde or slower than its mean motion and when adversely aspected by others . When a planet is at own sign or in exalted, dignified by position in the chart or in angles or being most elevated or nearest to Mid heaven or well aspected by benefic planets, it manifests its highest qualities .when a planet is out of dignity and debilitated by unfavorable sign position or aspects, especially malefic planets, the lower side of its nature is more likely to be prominently manifested If a planet should receive good aspect from a benefic and an adverse aspect from a malefic, the planet in question will manifest both sides of its nature when influence by directions and transits and in accordance with the nature of such aspects. The influence of natural benefic is weakened when they are retrograde .the condition of retro gradations is contrary or inharmonious to the regular directions of actual movement in the zodiac and is in that respect evil .hence when malefic by nature are retrograde ,their influence are increased .aspects whether radical or progressed ,.that are through to a retrograde planet ,rob the promoter of its efficacy ,what it promises falling short in actual results Should both the planets be retrograde ,the thing indicated by the aspect would be deficient or disappointing .Hence retrograde is considered as debility. The favorable influence of a good aspect formed by a planet during retro gradation is considerably debilitated and falls short of its efficacy in good results which would otherwise be indicated .The adverse influence of an adverse aspect formed by a planet during retro gradation is considerably accentuated. Of retro gradation, it is said that it tends to bring out the introspective rather than the objective qualities of the native, and is generally synonymous with belated or denied benefits.
The effect of a planet is usually very strong when it is stationary upon the place of a radical or progressed planet or in aspect to such. The fact that a sign is intercepted in a horoscope neither increases nor decreases the force of tendencies bestowed by that sign. Count the number of degrees between planets from sign to sign regardless whether or not a sign is intercepted. Intercepted is an appearance while longitudinal distance is a fact. To Find the Significators and to analysis the Horoscope a Format has been developed by me, .The same is furnished for the benefit of one and all (annexure -1) .As experienced by many K.P.followers it is found that all planets will become the Significators in one way or other and found difficult to eliminate it, so as to get only fruitful Significators. The Planets in the constellation of occupants though considered being the strongest; this alone will not offer the results many times. However it is necessary to note the Significators in their order of strengths shown in the format .It is preferable to use green color for Benefic aspects and red color for Malefic aspects and similarly for Western aspects where dark Green color for major favorable aspects and Dark Red color for Un favorable aspects and Light color for Minor aspects .this will help to know how much Modifications are made by the Aspecting Planets .My opinion is to consider only Significators of Planets in the constellation of cupants,occupants,Planets in the constellations of lord the Sign and Lord of the Sign where the cusps falls in ,Also Karaka ,then modifications of these planets by Cuspal links and. aspects Then it is necessary to find fruitful Significators based on the occupants, lord and aspects of the Sub. If the Sub Lord is one of the Significators, Well placed and receives beneficial aspects then that particular Planet is said to be a Fruitful Significators and one which is negation to the concerned house is to be rejected... Importance of Fruitful Significators An event happens during the joint period of DBAS of the Significators of houses under consideration. Many a time many planets and even all the 9 planets become the Significators of the relevant houses. In case, where the Significators of the houses under consideration exceed more than four, the really beneficial or fruitful Significators amongst them are to be found out after eliminating the unimportant Significators which
P.R.Muralidharan 33
are only tempters? This is really a very difficult Task even for an experienced KP astrologer and most failures in prediction are mainly due to the wrong selection of fruitful Significators. The KP system stress importance to the cuspal sub lord for a matter that fructifies an event and help to find the fruitful Significators. The first method of selecting fruitful or beneficial Significators is. To see the cuspal sub lord of the concerned houses. And to check which of the Significators are posited in their Stars. Those Significators who are in the stars of such cuspal lords can be taken straightaway as fruitful Significators. The rest can be dropped or eliminated for further consideration. The sub lord of the Significators is the deciding factor, regarding the matters of the star lord and planet. If the sub Lord is harmonious to the matters Indicated by the star lord and planet, the Significators gives favorable results. It is also better to take the planet which is posited in the sub of a Significators whose star is not tenanted? If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters Indicated by the star lord and planet, the Significators does not give favorable Results. It is also better to consider the planet, which is posited in the sub of Significators whose star is also not tenanted. Further it is necessary to find out whether a planet is a strong Significators or a weak Significators in a specific order in which one makes the selection of the Significators. For example of marriage, if a Planet is not at all connected with houses 2, 7, 11, except that one of the Significators aspects it, and then it is a weak planet. If the sub lord of a planet is a strong Significators of the matter under consideration, then that planet is to be selected as a Fruitful Significators. But if the sub lord is one of the weak Significators, Then it is a weak planet. The next step is to select the fruitful Significators with the help of the Ruling Planets (RPs) invented by Guruji KSK. According to him The Ruling Planets at the time of query would be the Ruling Planets at the time of fructification of the event expected. The Significators which are in common with the Ruling Planets are to be selected as the fruitful Significators for the event in question to get the correct result.
The following are the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment and their order of preference or strength:
1) Ascendant star lord 2) Ascendant signa lord 3) Moon star lord 4) Moon sign lord 5) Day lord The day is from sunrise to next sunrise. The Ruling Planets is to be taken at the time of judgment. Their help should be sought only when there is an urge to decide the Significators .This can bring out the event under consideration. The Ruling Planets Which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be Omitted and to take the remaining. In case of Horary, in natal charts no effects. apart from the above nodes, which offer the results of Planets with which it is conjoined, that by which it is aspected and lord of the sign in which it is situated Out of them Planet Conjoined is most prominent and the same is to be considered as ruling Planets. Further, I am of the opinion that the Ruling Planets stated in stated above needs some addition: It is worth while to include the Position of Sun by sign and star. Planets Rising, Planets aspected by Lord of the ascendant and Planet aspecting the ascendant and its lord .and Finally Planets Dominating at the time of Judgment .this will help to select a right planet for time of an event. Some KP followers have added two more Ruling Planets i.e., Ascendant Lord Sub and Moon sub lord. For the purpose of selecting the Fruitful Significators, which may not be necessary. Even here, it is to select such of those planes which are deposited in such a sub that contributes to the matter concerned. It is also necessary to reject such a planet which happens to be both the Significators of positive and negative houses, for example Of marriage, the positive houses 2, 7 and 11, and also The Significators of the negative houses 12 to 2 or 7 or 11, i.e.1 or 6 or 10. If the Dasa of such Significators is running, in a few Cases it may not give marriage; and so the next period alone may give marriage .The method of selection of fruitful Significators is always useful. The Next method of selecting fruitful Significators is to Check each Significators whether its sub lord is included in the List of the Significators. If yes, such a planet can be selected as a fruitful Significators or else dropped.
General Rules As a general rule, all those Significators which signify 12th to the relevant houses under consideration should be rejected. The planet whose sub lord is the Significators of the house negating the house concerned i.e. in the 12th to the House concerned should be rejected as an unfruitful Significators. The planets which are in 6,8,12 to the concerned house are supposed not to contribute to the matters signified by such houses. Similarly any house which is in 6, 8 and 12 to any house are supposed to negate the matters governed by the house concerned. Preference should be given to Rahu or Kethu, if it represents any Significators. A planet which appears many times amongst the Significators/Ruling planets or connected with various Significators as their star or sign or as a sub lord should be selected as the strongest to give the result. Conversely a planet is not in the sub lords of the concerned houses should be treated as the weakest in producing the result. Note the star lord in which a planet is posited and its occupation and lord of the signs owned by them .The results will be given during their period of the planet situated in that constellation. The sub is the deciding factor. In spite of considering the above points still many Planets will signify and at times it becomes very difficult to select the right planet and their Dasa ,Bhukthi ,Anthra and Sookshma .In order to facilitate for easy selection ,I heroin furnish many more points ,which may be considered ..Fruitful Significators are found using the format ,where in Planet ,essential and accidental dignity and significance of house and its strength are considered ,Similarly the star lord and Sub lord .finally Looking into the strength of planet ,Star, Sub and also taking into considerations of. Essential and accidental dignity, final strength is assigned, which clearly indicates the strength of a planet .A Planet which is very stung may be selected for Sookshma. To select a Dasa may not be a problem ,however to select a particular Bhukthi ,Anthra and Sookshma is difficult hence a check list is framed and furnished here ,which may be of some use .It is also very important to note the transits of Dasa ,Bhukthi ,Anthra and Sookshma .apart from the transit of Sun to know the Month of an event and Moon transit to know the day of an event is necessary . Transit plays an important role to fruity and pin point an event ,In order to assess the correct transit positions, I herein
P.R.Muralidharan 36
furnish a method in a checklist form .It is also worthwhile to note both Hindu and western system of aspects and their modifications systematically .,for which a checklist is prepared which may be used . All the above will definitely help to correctly find out the time of an event. Two examples are included. For reference A planet not only has its fixed implication but also an acquired nature .The acquired nature is of two sorts ,namely those resulting from its situation by sign known as essential dignity and those resulting from its placement by house or from the position of the planets relative to each other (angular relationship )called Accidental Dignity A Planet is at its best when located n its own sign .It is Next best when located in the sign of exaltation .It is not so strong when in the sign of determent .It is most weekly when located in the sign of fall ..If a planet is angular i.e., placed in houses 1 ,4 ,7 and 10 ,its strength is the same although in own or in exaltation in .If in the Succeedent house 2 ,5 8 or 11 ,it is same as though in the sign of determent .If tin a cadent house 3 ,6 ,9or 12it is same as though the planet is in the sign of fall .Note that a planet in the hose 5and 9are exempted ,since it is said to be Trinal house .there by good results can be expected . A planet is also deemed to be accidentally dignified when it has preponderantly favorable aspects from others or when it is direct or swift in motion .Conversely ,it is accidentally debilitated when occupying the sign opposite its exaltation ,or a cadent house when retrograde or slower than its mean motion and when adversely aspected by others . When a planet is at own sign or in exalted, dignified by position in the chart or in angles or being most elevated or nearest to Mid heaven or well aspected by benefic planets, it manifests its highest qualities .when a planet is out of dignity and debilitated by unfavorable signs position or aspects, especially malefic planets, the lower side of its nature is more likely to be prominently manifested. If a planet should receive good aspect from a benefic and an adverse aspect from a malefic, the planet in question will manifest both sides of its nature when influence Ed by directions and transits and in accordance with the nature of such aspect. The influence of natural benefic is weakened when they are retrograde .the condition of retro gradations is contrary or inharmonious to the regular directions of actual
P.R.Muralidharan 37
movement in the zodiac and is in that respect evil .hence when malefic by nature are retrograde ,their influence are increased .aspects whether radical or progressed ,.that are through to a retrograde planet ,rob the promoter of its efficacy ,what it promises falling short in actual results Should both the planets be retrograde ,the thing indicated by the aspect would be deficient or disappoint ting .Hence retrograde is considered as debility The favorable influence of a good aspect formed by a planet during retro gradation is considerably debilitated and falls short of its efficacy in good results which would otherwise be indicated .The adverse influence of an adverse aspect formed by a planet during retro gradation is considerably accentuated. Of retro gradation, it is said that it tends to bring out the introspective rather than the objective qualities of the native, and is generally synonymous with belated or denied benefits. The effect of a planet is usually very strong when it is stationary upon the place of a radical or progressed planet or in aspect to such. The fact that a sign is intercepted in a horoscope neither increases nor decreases the force of tendencies bestowed by that sign. Count the number of degrees between planets from sign to sign regardless whether or not a sign is intercepted. Intercepted is an appearance while longitudinal distance is a fact. One of the important points for consideration is the aspects, which are the modifying the influence. An analysis is incomplete without looking into aspects of a nativity or horary .chart. Anciently, aspects were termed Familiarities or: Configurations. An Aspect is a certain angular relationship between the rays which reach the earth from two heavenly bodies or between one ray and a given point. The term Aspects is defined as an angular distance measured in degrees, .it has been established that a angular distance exert some influence on people living on the planet earth .minutes and seconds of celestial longitude between any two planets or between a planet and the cusp. Aspects are grouped into Benefic or Good aspects or Malefic or Bad aspects The Benefic aspects symbolize progress ,harmony ,and concord ,whereas the malefic aspects are adverse in nature denoting disharmony and discord .The following are some of the most important aspects ;conjunction (same Longitude Parallel (Same
P.R.Muralidharan 38
distance from celestial equator ),opposition -180,Trine -120 ,Square -90,Quincunx 150 ,,and Sextile -60are classified as major aspects .The other angular distances such as 18and 22.5andtheir multiples ,expect 90and 180are classified as minor aspects An aspect are modifying influences surpassing even the lord of the constellation and lord of the Sub in the horoscope ,and a prediction is never complete unless the aspects are properly computed and studied and incorporated in the analysis .Krishnamurti Padhdhati consider all the aspects of the western system. In addition, aspects like 24, 54, 126, and 162 degrees, which are moderately beneficial, and aspects of 22 1/2degrees and its multiples 67.5 Degrees, 112.5 Degrees, 157.5 Degrees etc., which are feebly adverse in nature are also adopted .All these aspects are to be exact for operation, but in actual practical, they are seen to be Effective even within the orb of to degree. Besides progression and Transits are to be followed for precise reading. If a planet receives good aspects and at the same time, the same planet is in evil aspect with another, either the results will be experienced .The good or bad effects attributed to and to aspect will be co enjoyed suffered in the conjoined period of the planets involved in the aspect. The Dasa and Bhukthi lords are who are strong Significators by constellation and their subs are also powerfully strong ,if the aspect between the Dasa and the Bhukthi lord is evil and only unfavorable results are indicated Krishnamurthy padhdhati lays importance to lays stress on the need to see whether the planets involved in an aspect are benefic or malefic by lordship and occupation of constellation ,since the results shown by the constellation lord will be pronounced .The Planet associated with the lord of the beneficial house in the chart is very good and auspicious .any connection with the lords of the houses 6 ,8 or 12 either by being conjoined with them or occupying their constellation is evil and such a planet aspects cannot be expected to be benign ,because it is afflicted . When a planet has to offer by lordship will even change the results indicated by its nature .Jupiter ,a natural benefic ,owing evil houses will be evil ,much worse if it is in the constellation of a planet who is lord of an evil house ..On the other hand Though Saturn is a Malefic, owing good houses will give immense good results if it is in the constellation lord owns or in favorable houses.
A planet Placed in 6, 8 or 12 to the one it owns is to give diametrically opposite results signified by the house concerned .Here also aspects plays an important role .notwithstanding such a bad relation .If the longitudinal distance between the planet and the cusp of the hose to which it is 6 ,8 ,or 12 relation constitute a harmonious one ,no unfavorable results are given .,a planet may be in the 12th house ,can be Vigintile -18 in aspect or semi-Sextile -30so also a planet in the 6th house can be in Trine ..If a planet own two signs, only that house to which it is in bad aspect will suffer but not the other The matter of the house to which it I in good aspect will more proximately manifest than the other. Aspects formed from the cardinal signs are the strongest, and next in fixed and the next is common Signs .A planet exaltation is the one stronger than Vargothama .Next is MoolaTrikona And next is in friends camp .a Planet in debilitation ,enemys camp or connected with malefic in any manner are said to be are weekly posited and afflicted The aspected planet is of no use .Planets in 1 ,4 7 or 10 attain full powers and its aspects are more beneficial or powerful .Planets in 2 ,5 8 or 11 gain moderate strength and aspects are moderate .Those in 3 ,6 9 or 12 ,cadent houses are weekend and they are lacking opportunity to express themselves .The aspect of a planet form a sign of its own nature as Mars in a fiery sign, will be strong .and lacking opportunity to express the themselves .The aspect of a planet from its own sign and its nature will be strong to express its qualities.
Chapter -5
A group of houses is to be considered, for judging the Horoscopes /query of which one of the houses is the prime house and its sub-lord is the deciding factor. A particular planet is a karaka .A few subject-matters are mentioned below, with relevant houses, Prime house and the principal sub-lords. The sub lords of the concerned house will indicate success or not and the Significator point the time of event during its DBAS, only when Transit agree in full.
Major Events
Sub lord
Facilitators / Neutral
1 2 3
Venus Sun,
5, 9./ 3 ,4
Saturn 7
Love affairsPlutonic
5 6 7
5 5 7 ,8
7 ,8 ,12
Call Girl
3 ,5,8 12 ,7 ,11
Majority of
Astrological Predictive Techniques Planets are connected Venus devoid of strength Mars connected 10 Longevity 2 ,7 ,Maraca Apart from this 12h Mooksha Saturn 1 4th house Bhdhaka -Movable -11 fixed-9 common-7 Maraca Lagna /Lord is evil 1 ,5,9,10 ,11-God span of life 11 Employment 2 ,6 ,10 Saturn ,sun for 10 government service 12 13 Business change in job /business 14 Addition in Job /business 15 loss in job 5 ,8 ,12 2 ,7 ,10 ,11 5,9 Mercury Separative planets Jupiter /mercury.
termination of life
/business 16 Promotion 2,6,10 ,11 Saturn 10connecte d to 11,6if in service. 17 18 Transfer Suspension 3,10 ,12 5,8,12 are signified with 2,6,10. 19 pension Interviews and written tests 6, 11 or 10, 11 or 4,9,11 or 5, 11 or 4, 11. For success in interview and group discussions the combinations is 3,6,11 10
Astrological Predictive Techniques or 3, 10, 11 or 3, 11. 20 Dismissal from service 21 Troubles service 22 No job or in 5th house is very good in all aspects. It is the house of 11 of the competitor. 23 Constriction of house or immovable property. 4 ,11 ,12 Mars Saturn agriculture Lands 4 5 ,9 ,10 Sun ,moon ,mercury in
,11in benefics
DBAS ,then DBAS, then Good and Lucky and prime location ,if Sun enjoys and moon are
,beautiful with interior decoration involvement location good will unless not .Malefic the be
other favors
.Mercury and 7h house makes one to have commercial property . 24 Loan for Purchase of property 4 ,11 ,12 ,6 Mars Saturn and 4and 6 .Jupiter
Astrological Predictive Techniques Finance. 25 Purchase in joint When Name 26 Purchase installments 27 Income by Rent or by lease 28 loss of property 3 ,6 ,8 ,12 Demolition by 4 ,6 ,11 3rd house
government when sun or Moon in the DBAS 29 Portion property of 3 ,11 If between and then
3 ,5 ,10
Change residence
of 3 ,5
Separative planets
Constructed Property
mars Saturn
33 34
4, 6, 11 Venus
of 4,11 ,12
dignity makes one to purchase old or used vehicles. 35 Purchase of Vehicle Loan 4,11,12,6 Venus 4, 6, 8 Cannot pay Loan, then the vehicle may be taken by
releasedwhen4, 6, 11 operates. 36 Sale of vehicle 3 ,5 ,10 Venus Good maintenance 5 ,9 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,11 ,10if 6 ,8 ,12 ,then Bad maintenance and expanse due to constant repairs .Venus strength is to be clearly assed here . 37 38 Gift of vehicle Income through vehicles 39 Theft of Vehicle 4 ,6 ,8 ,12 3 ,4 ,5 ,8 ,10 ,11 4 ,6 ,11 Jupiter aspects to 2nd house. Venus /Kethu 40 snatching Vehicle 41 42 Travel Foreign Travel 3 ,9 ,12 3, 9, 12 9and 12 Airy for of 4 ,7 ,8 ,12 Venus /Kethu /Rahu /Rahu
travel in air and watery in travel on sea. 43 retiring Back from travel 44 coming back to mother land 45 Orbit or Space 3 ,9 ,12 Neptune and 2 ,4 ,11 Moon 4 ,11 ,1 2
Astrological Predictive Techniques connected to 3 ,9 ,12 46 purpose of travel -studies 47 48 49 50 51 Job Business Tourism marriage Medical treatments 52 535 4 55 Prizes Venus Jupiter 56 57 58 Awards Pilgrimage Change Journey 59 Extension of stay 10 ,11 3 ,12 or 9 ,12 of If 7th house is signified along with 3 ,9 ,12 3 ,9 ,12 in DBAS and no operation of 2 ,4 ,11 60 Politicians ,Ambassadors ,Bureaucrats Travel 61 Political Leaders. 1 ,6 ,10 ,11 Sun or Prominent in tenth any is 1st house signifies self ,5th Minister ,8,udden Gain ,6,loss or defeat 9th fortune10 ,the Name ,fame position and Authority and 11 gain and success . 3 ,9 ,12 Sun or Moon or both. Venus or Jupiter Jupiter or Venus and Conferences Sports 3 ,11 5 ,11 Sun 2 ,6 ,10 ,11 2 ,7 ,10 ,11 5 2 ,7 ,11 1 ,6 ,8 ,12 benefics DBAS in 2 ,4 ,5 ,9 ,11
without afflictions
Astrological Predictive Techniques 62 63 64 65 Political Leaders. Political Leaders. Political Leaders. Political Leaders.-. 66 Political Leaders who Gain and success 1 ,11 5 ,8 ,12 or 6 ,8 ,12 or 7, 8 ,12 Obstacles in political career ,as leaders .,he will become more and more powerful deepening upon sun s strength 67 Education 4,9,11 Jupiter for karaka 9th house higher 1 ,5 ,10 ,11 1 ,8 ,10 ,11 1 ,9 ,10 ,11 1 ,10 ,11
mercury intelligence. 68 No inclination to 3 ,6 ,8 /3,6,12 /3 ,8 ,12 study Jupiter Mercury and 69 70 71 72 73 Maximum Marks Less Marks C-Grade D-Grade Low Failure 4 ,9 ,11 4,11 /5 ,11 4,5 ,9 2 ,4 ,5 9 6,8,12
house and
connected to 4thhouse or 9
Competitive examination
4,9,11 :6,11
Astrological Predictive Techniques prize 77 78 Getting Prize Research getting PhD 79 Education continuation 80 81 Scholarship Receipt of Money 82 Receipt of Money by stock and Share 83 Receipt of Money 84 85 86 Overdraft Loan Lottery: 2, 6, 10/ 2 ,6,11 3 ,8 ,11and 5th for speculation 6 6 3rd and 5th cusp time shown (but is by 49 2 ,5 ,9 ,11 Jupiter 2 ,5 ,8 ,11 Jupiter 5and 8 6 ,11 2,6,10 ,11 Jupiter is 3 Saturn 6,11 and 4,9 Mercury
Significator of houses 2, 6, 11 87 Getting telephone 88 Child Birth 2,5,11 females 89 No child 1,4,10 Signs 90 Abortion 1,4,10 ,6,8,12 and Barren Jupiter Devoid 5/9 include 9for Jupiter 5/9 a 3, 9, 11/. 3
Astrological Predictive Techniques 91 Prgency periods 1 ,4 ,10 and Miscarriages along Saturn with ,Rahu 2 ,5 ,11 and bionics results good growth and delivery on the contrary 1 ,4 ,10 ,6 ,8 ,12 and malefic gives weak and premature child . 92 abortion 5 ,8 ,12 Saturn ,Kethu ,Rahu 5th house is aspected by Saturn, Rahu, Kethu or affliction to 5th house .Saturn can cause still born. 93 94 Adoption Custody of Child Father /Mother /others 95 96 97 God health Sickness Long disease 1 ,5 ,9 ,11 1 ,6 1 ,6 ,8 Any Planet Mars Surgical aid require d for Cure 98 incurable diseases 99 Treatment becomes infective for cure 100 101 Curable disease Cure 1 ,6 /1,19 5 ,11 Jupiter for good 5 health Saturn for Bad health. 102 Surgery Depression and Suicide 1 ,6 ,8 1 ,2 ,6 ,8 Mars Saturn and Moon Saturn, Mars, M on or Rahu and Moon or 1, 5, 1 good health is signified by 5, 11 and 9th house acts as 1 ,4 ,10 1 ,6 ,12 /1,6,8,12 4,8 3.9 /4,8/3,8 Duality of 8
Astrological Predictive Techniques Depression Mars and Moon Violent. Kethu and Moon Depression and Violent.
means Saturn is the cause. . 104 Discharge from hospital: 105 106 107 Litigation Bail or win Imprisonment 6,8,12 6,1 1 /10,11 2,3,8,12 Jupiter Rahu Kethu 108 ImprisonmentPhysical fight 109 Imprisonmentmurder 110 ImprisonmentRape 111 ImprisonmentTheft 112 Imprisonment Forgery - 3 ,6 ,8 2,3,8,12 8th significant Mars in 3, 6, 8 significant Lord 7 ,8 ,12 7 ,8 ,12 2,3,8,12 Mars Saturn Mars and 8Lord significant. Venus and 6 11 12 2 ,4 ,11 4 Cure if any 5and 11
3 ,6 , 8
Political Imprisonment
Astrological Predictive Techniques 115 House arrest 4 ,8,12 Rahu Kethu 116 Under ground 3 ,4 ,8 ,12 Rahu Kethu 117 kidnapping 2,3,8,12 Rahu Kethu 118 Recovery property lost: 119 Return of missing person: 120 Reunion with husband: houses 121 122 123 Good life Partner *Mars and Pluto or either of them in 1or3 signifying 7 ,8 ,12 Rash and behavior ,abusive ,fights and beats the spouse *Gang Rape. 124 Aggressive Nature 125 Cohesive Nature 2, 5, 9,11ExtremelyCohesiv e 5,9,11 /or 2.11 cohesive. 126 Assassination 5 ,10and 6 ,11 Tenth name position house fame and fifth signify and is 7,8,12 Mars Pluto 1or 3 Venus/Jupiter well placed 2 ,7 ,5 ,9 ,11 7,8,12 Venus /Jupiter Mars or Pluto in 1 or 3 or both. 5, 9, 2, 7, 11,3and Mars or Pluto in1 or 3 do not signify 7,8,12 non 2, 7, 11. Venus /Jupiter 11 2, 4, 6, 11. 11 of 2 ,6,11 11
Astrological Predictive Techniques vacuum 127 Glamour and film 3 ,5 ,8,10 ,11 world modeling ,Art 128 Poetry ,Literature and similar fields 3 ,10 ,11 and 7th house signifying of
come when 8, 12 are found when most of the planets signifying the above houses This is also found in case of Scientist.
involved. 130 Muhurtha-Graha Pravesham 131 Purchase Vehicle /Machine 132 Employment 2 ,6,,10 ,11 3 ,4 ,5 ,11 Venus well placed 5, 9 should not be connected to 6, 8, and 12. 133 Starting Business 134 135 Travel Partnership 5 ,9 ,11 3 ,5 ,11 No connection to 6 ,8 ,12 136 137 interview Sowing seeds 3 ,6 ,11 2 ,5 ,9 ,11 1, 4 10 and 6, 8 12 should be avoided. 138 Treatment Natural benefics 5 ,11 1 ,9 re good houses .surgery 1 ,5 ,9 ,11 new 2 ,7 ,10 ,11 7th should be free from affliction. Sale 3 ,5 ,10 2 ,5 ,11 9
Astrological Predictive Techniques avoid 4 ,10 ,6 ,8 ,12 139 140 Playing Match Films 6 ,10 ,11 3 ,5 ,8 should signify 6 10 11 141 visa Benefics in 3 ,9 ,12 3, 6, 10, 11 in the Star and Sub. 142 book Publishing 3 ,11 Mercury s 5th house strong
EXALTATION: Good[1.0]Rupa In its Deep Exaltation, planet has one Rupa of strength .In its Deep debilitation it has nothing .The Strength of a planet increases gradually from debilitation to exaltation and decreases as it moves from exaltation to debilitation .In 180,it
gains or loses 1Rupa or 60 shashtiamsha i.e., 1shashtiamshain every 3[18060] or 0.3shashtiamsha per degree
Strength in Rupas
Strength in Shashtiamsha
MOOLA TRIKONA: Very Good [0.75] Rupa. The strength is limited only to the position in Rasi.
DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH: Very Good1.0 Rupa when placed in the house where it is powerful and 0. Rupa in the house where it is powerless. If the difference is more than 180 deduct it from 360to get rectified difference .If Planets longitude is less than its powerless house, add 360to the longitude.
DEBILITATION: Bad[0.0]Rupas-only in deep Debilitation otherwise proporsanate Value to be calculated as mentioned in Shad Bala .In its Deep Exaltation, planet has one Rupa of strength .In its Deep debilitation it has nothing .The number of degrees from its debilitation divided by180 gives its Exaltation strength which is to be considered
DETERMINTS: Weak[0.125]Rupa
NICHABILASHI:Not so Bad[0.0+0.25*]Rupa
Friend , Friend ,
Temporary friendship: Planets in2, 3, 4, 10, 11,12from a planet are the temporary friends of the given planet .we have to relate this to the natural relationship
Effective Relationships
ACCIDENTAL DIGNITIES: 0.125, 0.0625Rupas with exception like Venus in the 12th house. Venus the 6th gives medical education ,Mercury in the 8th house is not bad, Mars in 6th house is also not bad ,however care is to be taken to note that these Planets are in own, Exaltation, MoolaTrikona ,Friends house, and well aspected and in between benefics on the contrary in debilitation 1, 5 ,9 - Very Good[1.0+]Rupa 1, 4, 7 ,10- Good [1.0]Rupa 6, 8, 12 - Bad [0.25]-determents enemys house or in between Malefic cannot give good results 3, 11: Moderately Good [0.25]Rupa 2 : Good/Bad[0.5]Rupas
Odd Even Rasi-Navamsa: Planets Sign in Rasi or Navamsa Male [Sun Mars Jupiter, Mercury ,Saturn ] Female[Moon ,Venus ] ODD Even ODD Even
Strength in Rupas
Planets Male Sun ,Mars Jupiter, Neutral[Mercury, Saturn ] Female [moon ,Venus ] PLANETS SUN MARS JUPITER MERCURY SATURN MOON VENUS RAHU KETHU Drekana 1st [0-10] 0.5Rupas 0 0 1st [0-10] 2
Planets in combust:Mercury and Venus do not suffer combustion Varahamihiras view that only Venus and Saturn lose the strength About half.
Planets in War:
Vedic Aspects:
Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Charon
7 7 8 7 8 7
7 7
7 7
House Aspects Planets I II Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu
Note: We have to add in case of special aspects of Jupiter 0.5, Saturn 0.75, and Mars 0.25Rupas
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron
Astrological Predictive Techniques Collective Strength: Planets Benefic or Malefic [Yoga karaka ] Aroha /Avoroha Dignities Shadbala Place Strength /Ratio Strength
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Strength of Planets
Very.Very.Good: [1+ +]Rupa Very Good: [1.0 +]Rupa Good: [1.0]Rupa Moderately Good:[0.125]Rupa Bad: [0.0625]Rupa Very Bad[0.03125]Rupa
Total :-
26. Vimshopaka Bala Vimshopaka Bala 0 -2.5 2.5 -5.0 5.0 -7.5 7.5 -10 10 -12.5 12.5 -15.0 15.0 -17.5 17.5 -20.0 Nature Ati heena Heena Ati swlpa Swalpa Madhya Ati Madhya Poorna Ati poorna Percentage of Beneficial results 0 -12.5 12.5 -25 25 -37.5 37.5 -50 50 -62.5 62.5 -75 75 -87.5 87.5 -100
16 to 20
21 to 25
24 to30 31 to 39
41,42 ,43 44
Astrological Predictive Techniques Gods ,and his glory is spread over the entire earth Rules over entire earth with out any enemies, honored by every one and a ruler like Indra The native is the head of the state and if it is more than 51 rays he is emperor, a king of kings .The results are felt when raja yoga and strong and well placed are present in the horoscope .The strength of planets has an effect on the number of rays A king of Kings
47 41 to 50
More than 51
28. The lord of the year, Month, Day of Birth, and Hora has a strength of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0Rupa, this increases kala Bala apart from this Diurnal and Nocturnal strength ,Fortnightly strength ,Tribhaaga Bala ,Ayana Bala is to be considered .at local Mid day The sun ,Jupiter ,Venus has 1Rupa ,the Moon ,mars ,Saturn has 0Rupa .At local Mid night The Sun ,Jupiter ,Venus has 0Rupas ,the Moon ,Mars ,Saturn has 1Rupa .Mercury will have 1Rupa either on Mid day or night .When Moon is full ,the benefics get 1Rupa and 0Rupaat new moon .thus the gain or lose is 1Shastiamsha for every 3during dark half ,the malefic planets are strong while benefics are weak .Moon Longitude Sun Longitude 3gives Paksha Bala .
Tribhaaga Bala Birth during 1st of the day 2nd part of the day 3rd part of the day 1st part of the night 2nd part of the night 3rd part of the night Tribhaaga Bala Mercury ,Jupiter=1Rupa The sun ,Jupiter=1rupa Saturn ,Jupiter =1rupa The moon ,Jupiter =1rupa Venus ,Jupiter =1rupa Mars ,Jupiter =1rupa
Find the time of Sun rise and Sunset on the day of birth, If birth is on day and note the difference this is Dina man, then divide it by 3 and add the value to Sunrise to know which part of the day the native is born .Assign value as per above table . In case night deduct Dinamanam from 24 and there after divide by 3 and add to the time of Sunset to know which part of the night the native is born .Assign Value as per above table .Birth is in the ------------- part of the day /Night ,hence ------------------------------------All planets from sun to Saturn have Ayana Bala of 0.5 Rupas at 0 declinations. The Sun .Mars, Jupiter and venue get maximum 1Rupa when they are northern most point and minimum 0Rupa at the southern most point .The Moon and Saturn gets Maximum of
1Rupa at 24 s declinations and minimum in the north .Mercury gets 1Rupa at northernmost and southernmost points .The Ayana Bala of Sun is always to be doubled.
Declination of Planets and their Ayana Bala. Declination The Sun ,Mars ,Jupiter ,Venus 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 0 Planets and Ayana Bala Moon, Saturn 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 0 (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa Mercury 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa
29. Motional strength [Cheshta Bala]: All Planets become retrograde when placed at a certain distance from sun .They are said to be powerful .The strength obtained by them are as follows: Different kind of Motion during retrogression and their strength. Sl No 1 2 3 4 Motion Vakra (retrograde) Amuvakra or ati vakra Sama Chara Speed Planet is retrograde but remains in the same sign. Planet is retrograde and moves into previous sign. Planet is retrograde and moving at its average speed. Planets speed is increasing continuously and faster than its average motion Planet moves very fast and ruches into next sign in accelerated motion. Planets speed is slower than its average motion. Planets speed decreases continuously and is much slower than its average speed When planet becomes stationary and remains in the same longitude for 2-3 days .This occurs just before and after retrogression. Strength 1Rupa 0.5Rupa 0.5Rupa 0.75Rupa
5 6 7
Astrological Predictive Techniques Palnetry Counts Planets above the horizon: 7, 8, 9,10,11,12
Positive temperament :
Negative temperament: Note: ------------ temperament Oriental: Any planet between 4 &10 via 1st
2 Total
Note: Sun- ------ moon----------- Ascendant-----------Therefore -------------. Luminaries and ascendant in Triplicites. Sun Moon
THEREFORE: -----------------
Planet in his own Star and own sub is strongest provided well placed and gets strength as stated above.
Planets ruling 1,5,9,1, 4 ,7and 10th houses are functional benefics of high order .Planets ruling 2nd,3rd and 11th houses are functional benefics of somewhat weak order .Planets ruling 6th ,8th and 12ssth houses are functional Malefic . Planets owning or occupying auspicious stars 2nd star [Sampat ],4th star [kshema ],6thstar [Sadhaka] and 8th star [Mitra]from Janma Nakshatra may give auspicious during their periods .Planets owning 3rd star [Vipat],5thstar [Pratyak]and 7th star [Vadha ]from Janma Nakshatra may give bad results during their periods .Planets owning or occupying JammaTara[1st star] and Paramamaitra [9th star] give quite good results during their periods . Satyacharya highlights some more points, which are as follows: P.R.Muralidharan 67
Astrological Predictive Techniques planet placed in the 1st,2nd,4th ,,6th,8th ,and 9th stars counted from Janma Nakshatra may give good results in their periods and these good results are further enhanced (a)if such planets rules over some auspicious house .(b)if such planet is in a Trinal house ,and (c)If it is conjoined with a natural or a functional benefic . Benefic planets in auspicious stars may give very good results during their periods provided transits are also auspicious. Benefics in evil stars i.e., 3, 5, 7th stars from Janma Nakshatra may give ordinary results during their periods. Planets occupying evil stars may give evil results during their periods .these evil results further enhanced (a) if planets also rules evil houses. (b) If the planets are also occupies evil houses and (c) if such planets are also conjoined with natural or functional Malefics.5.Malefic planet occupying in evil stars may give maximum evil results during their periods. Malefic Planets occupying auspicious 1,2,4,6,8,and 9th stars from Janma Nakshatra do not give much bad effects ,however ,they are placed in 3,5and 7th stars produce evil results during their periods .from the above it is opinioned that only 3rd ,5th ,and 7th stars from Janma Nakshatra are evil stars .Remaining 1,2,4,6,8,and 9th stars were held to be auspicious though Satyacharya at some places he treats moderate results for the 1st and 9th stars .Both Lordship and occupation of stars should be given proper weight age and importance .
Janmma Nakshatra Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury
Auspicious stars Kethu, Venus, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Mercury. Venus,Sun,Mars,Jupiter,Mercury ,Kethu Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Kethu, Venus. Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Sun. Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Kethu, Sun, Moon. Rahu,Jupiter,Mercury,Venus,Moon ,Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Kethu. Sun ,Mars ,Rahu Saturn,Mercury,Venus,Moon,rahu ,Jupiter Mercury, Kethu, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. 68
Evil stars Sun,Mars,Jupiter Moon, Rahu ,Saturn Mars,Jupiter,Mercury Rahu,Saturn,Kethu Jupiter,Mercury,venus Saturn, Kethu ,Sun Mercury,Venus,Moon Kethu,Sun,Mars Venus, Moon ,Rahu
32. Uttara Kalamrita by kalidasa States that, [1a]If the owner of a bhava (1) is in a malefic house 6,8 ,12 .(2)is debilitated or in an enemys house (3)is combust (4)has no conjunction or aspect of benefics (5) is with or aspected by its enemy(6) is in an enemys amsa (7)is in a debilitated amsa (8)is defeated in a planetary war with Malefics ,then that bhava is completely destroyed .[1b] If the owner of a bhava is in a Trikona or Quadrant (Kendra ),(b)is in the third or eleventh from it ,(c) is in a friendly or Exaltation sign ,(d)Is in own Rasi or Navamsa (e) and is in between benefics then the owners of such Trikona ,Quadrant ,third, eleventh houses also should be in exaltation(2)If the owner of that bhava is with or aspected by benefics then such owner planet brings unequalled prosperity in a short time to that bhava . When a bhava, its lord, and its Significators (1) are all hemmed between Malefic, (2) are in conjunction with Malefic and are weak, and (3) no benefic aspect or conjunction. 2.(1) when Malefic are in houses 4 ,5,8,,9and 12counted from that bhava ,its lord and its karakas(2)and when the lords of the Navamsa having these Malefic are inimical ,combust ,or defeated by war then one has to affirm that bhava is destroyed literally harmed. A Malefic (1) in his own house (2) in exaltation, (3) in his friends house (4) in Vargothama brings happiness to the native .If such planets a malefic one, placed in any of these positions will give favorable results .The planet owning the Rasi and Navamsa of the lord should be strong .then the owner of that bhava will give profitable results .A powerful benefic in a friendly Rasi and Navamsa of any bhava will confer the benefic results of the bhava. Benefics in a Kendra ,or in 2,3,5,9and 11and even in the sixth are auspicious .Malefics in 3,6,10 ,and 11th houses are auspicious .Sun and Saturn in the 9th are auspicious Mercury in the 8th is beneficial .Saturn in exaltation ,Own or in the Jupiter sign will give good results ,even if it is in the ascendant .Venus in the 12th is auspicious expect when occupies in Rasi and amsa of Saturn .
33. Shad Bala: Plants Sun Shadbala Ratio Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Aspe cts the Cusp s and Aspe cted by the other plane ts
34 Analyses as per Krishnamurti System Effect Star Occu Aspe Effect Sub ive Lord pant cts ive Lord cusp /Own the cusp al s Cusp al links s and links Aspe cted by the other plane ts
Aspe cts the Cusp s and Aspe cted by the other plane ts
Signif ies
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Fortuna
35. Lucky Days etc, Lucky Day General grand successes can be expected during Lucky Colour Lucky Number Lucky Gem
From 0
To 13-20
Venus Sun Sun Moon Mars Mars Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Mercury
Aries , Leo , Sagittarius Aries , Leo , Sagittarius Taurus , Virgo , Capricorn Taurus , Virgo , Capricorn Taurus , Virgo , Capricorn Gemini , Libra , Aquarius Gemini, Libra. Aquarius Gemini, Libra. Aquarius Cancer , Scorpio , Aquarius Cancer , Scorpio , Aquarius Cancer , Scorpio , Aquarius
13--20 26 -40 0-00 10-00 23- -20 0-00 6 -40 20-00 0-00 3-20 16-40
26-40 30 -00 10 23 -20 30-00 6 -40 20-00 30-00 3-20 16-40 30-00
2. Duration of the Signs, Sign lords,stars and their lords Stars Star Lord From Aswini Kethu 0-0 Bharani Krittika-1 Venus Sun Sun Moon Mars Mars 13-20 26-40 30-00 40-00 53-20 60-00
Taurus Venus
Gemini Mercury
Aridra Punarvasu -1,2,3 Cancer Moon Punarvasu-4 Pushya Ashlesha Leo Sun Makka Pubba Uttara -1 Virgo Mercury Uttara-2,3,4 Hastha P.R.Muralidharan
Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Sun Moon 71
66-40 80-00 90-0 93-20 106-40 120-00 133-20 146-40 150-00 160-00
80-00 90-00 93-20 106-40 120-00 133-20 146-40 150-00 160-00 173-20
Astrological Predictive Techniques Chitta-1,2 Libra Venus Chitta-3,4 Swathi Vishaka-1,2,3 Scorpio Mars Vishaka-4 Amerada Jyeshtha Sagittarius Jupiter Poorvashdha UttaraAshadha-1 Capricorn Saturn Sravana Dhanishta-1,2 Aquarius Saturn Shthabhisha Rahu 306-40 320-00 320 -00 330-00 Dhanishta-3,4 Moon Mars Mars 280-00 293-20 300 -00 293-20 300 -00 306-40 UttaraAshadha-2,3,4 Venus Sun Sun 253-20 266-40 270-00 266-40 270-00 280-00 Moola Mars Mars Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu 173-20 180-00 186-40 200-00 210-00 213-20 226-40 240-00 180-00 186-40 200-00 210-00 213-20 226-40 240-00 253-20
Poorvabhadrapada-1 ,2 Jupiter ,3 Pisces Jupiter Poorvabhadrapada-4 Uttrabhadrapada Revathi Jupiter Saturn Mercury
3. Yogakarakas: Signs Aries Taurus Yoga karakas Sun, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Mars ,Mercury, Saturn , Rahu , Uranus , Kethu , Pluto Venus, Rahu , Uranus Moon, MarsJupiter.Neptune. Kethu , Pluto Neutral Rahu , Uranus Venus, Neptune Malefic Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Kethu , Pluto Moon ,Jupiter
Gemini Cancer
Sun, Mars ,Jupiter, Saturn, Kethu , Pluto Mercury, Venus, Rahu , Uranus
Astrological Predictive Techniques Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Sun, Mars, Kethu, Pluto, Rahu , Uranus Venus, Neptune Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu , Uranus Sun, Moon, Jupiter Sun, Mars, , Neptune Mercury, Venus, Saturn Moon ,Jupiter, Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun ,Mercury, Saturn, Kethu, Pluto Kethu , Pluto Mars, Saturn Moon, Jupiter, Rahu , Uranus Sun, Kethu , Pluto , Rahu , Uranus , Neptune Mercury Neptune Moon, Mars ,Jupiter, Rahu ,Uranus Sun, Moon, Jupiter. Neptune Mercury, Venus Mercury, Saturn, Kethu , Pluto Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn , Rahu , Uranus ,Neptune ,Kethu , Pluto Moon, Mars, Kethu , Pluto , Neptune
Moon, Jupiter
4. Birth yogi: The first yoga commences from Vishkambha with the star Pushya which in Cancer to calculate the Birth yogi add 93 -20to the longitude of Sun and moon .Locate this value in the zodiac. Note the star and its ruler .This will be the Birth yogi. The lord of the sign in which birth yogi falls is Duplicate yogi. Example: Longitude of Sun = 168-05-38 31-47-27 =93 -20-00 =293-13-05
Longitude of Moon = Plus First Yoga Point Birth Yogi Point falls in
This is in Capricorn Sign Sravana star Ruled by Moon. Therefore Moon is the Birth Yogi and Saturn is the Ruler of the sign Capricorn, so Saturn is the Duplicate Yogi. 5.Avayogis: for every positive Birth Yoga there will be Negative or Adverse Yoga which is known as Avayogi.In the example Chart as Birth yogi is Moon, Mercury is Avayogis
Yogi Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus P.R.Muralidharan Avayogis Saturn Mercury Ketchup Mars Sun Jupiter Avayogis Triple sets of Planets Ketchup ,Moon ,Jupiter Venus ,Mars, Saturn Sun,Rahu, Mercury 73
6. .Zero Rasis of a Tithi: Tithi Prathame Dwitiya Thrithya Chaturthi Panchami Sasti Sapthami Ashtami Navami Dasami Ekadasi Dwadasi Thrayodashi Chaturdasi Full Moon New Moon Zero- Rasi Libra Capricorn Sagittarius Pisces Leo-Capricorn Taurus Aquarius Gemini Virgo Aries Leo Cancer Sagittarius Gemini Virgo Leo Scorpio Leo-Scorpio Sagittarius Pisces Libra Capricorn Taurus Leo Pisces GeminiVirgo Sagittarius None None
Mars(12 -30) Venus(0 -30) Mercury(0 -30) Moon(0 -20) Sun20-30 Mercury20-30 Venus20-30 Mars030,Pluto,Kethu Jupiter10-30
Sagittarius Jupiter
Astrological Predictive Techniques Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Saturn Saturn Jupiter Saturn0-30 Saturn20Saturn(030,Rahu,Uranus 20),Rahu Jupiter030,Neptune Mars (28) Venus(27) Jupiter(5) Mercury(15)
* Some are of the opinion that Kethu like Mars so Sun, Moon, Jupiter arefriends Venus, Saturn are neutral and Mercury is the enemy 9. Temporary friendship: Planets in2, 3, 4, 10, 11,12from a planet are the temporary friends of the given planet .we have to relate this to the natural relationship. 10.Vedic aspects ;All planets aspects the seventh house from its position ,Jupiter, Mars and Saturn has special aspects .Jupiter aspects 5and 9 .Mars aspects 4and 8 .Saturn aspects 3and 10..It is said that the planets Jupiter ,Mars and Saturn has greater power in special aspects than 7th aspects .Saturn has full aspect on the 3 and 10houses from himself .the other planets aspects their 3and 10th houses with one- fourth glance Jupiter aspects fully in the 5and 9th from himself .other planets have half-aspect on these houses from himself .Mars has full aspects in 4and 8th houses from himself .Others have a three- Fourth aspect on these houses . Parashara, state that, Rahu aspects 5, 7,9and 12 fully, 2and 10by half, and 3and 6by onefourth.
11. Westerns aspects; an aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house Aspecting Degree 0 Degrees or same degree. Name of the Aspects Conjunction Effects good or adverse according to the nature of planets 0 Degrees or Same degree of declination 18 Degrees 24 Degrees
Vigintile Quindecile
Slightly Good Slightly good. Moderalately Evil. Favorable, good. Slightly good. Disappointing, rejective, obstructive.
Tredecile Trine
Slightly evil. Slightly good. Slightly Evil. Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive.
Semi -Sextile.
18 .
108 .
Major aspects: Conjunction, Parallel, Opposition, Trine, Square, Sextile. Favorable and unfavorable
Aspects considered favorable in the order of strength are: Trine-120 .Sextile -60 Biquintile -144,Tredecile-108 ,Quintile -72 ,Decile -36 ,SemiSextile -30Quindecile -24and Vigintile -18 Those considered unfavorable in the order of strength are; Opposition -180, Square -90, Quincunx -150, Semi-Square -45, Sesquiquadrate 135
Conjunctions and Parallels Planets Moon ;C or P Mars P.R.Muralidharan Good Mercury ,Venus and Jupiter No with C or P is Adverse Mars ,Saturn and Uranus Saturn ,Uranus and 78 Doughtful Sun ,Neptune and Pluto -
Astrological Predictive Techniques considered Good Mars Venus ,sun and Jupiter Neptune Sun ,Jupiter and Neptune Saturn No with C or P is considered Good Uranus Pluto Mars ,Saturn and Uranus Saturn and Uranus Mars ,Saturn and Uranus Uranus ,Neptune and Pluto Neptune and Pluto Neptune and Pluto Pluto Pluto -
Note; Neptune and Pluto are included in the foregoing paragraphs. An Applyingaspect is always storngit brings newexperiences in life.It becomes more and more powerflas the aspect is nearing completion and wanes off slowly as the aspects separates. Separating bad aspectis advantageous, i.e., evil will disappear. Separatingaspectafter good aspectalsoindicats thatthat the jubilant spiritwil fade awayslwly.There is no furthercauseto enhancethe pleasure. Separationof a planetfrom a maleficand its appilication to a beneficgives health, happiness expansion, etc., after a struggle Weighting The most importantpoint iabout interpreting a given aspect is that any planetry configuration, indeed any fcotor in the chart, has to be examined. Aspects with widw orbs for example, might not be heavily stresses in an interpretation but will usually confirm what rwritten elsewhere is, or indeed will refine what is already more heavilystated. Briefly the most important factors to be taken into account when assessing the relative importance of a given aspect might include angular planets. Planets tightly conjunct any of the four angles will be of exceptional importance. However, if the birth time, is not knownwith accuracy such conjunction should be treated with caution, for they may not exit. Other tight contacts to the angles are also very important. Exactitude of aspects. Aspects which are exact are nearly show will always be highly significant. Aspect involving the sun, moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler and sun ruler might be more heavily waited than other aspects. The relative strength of the planet. Aplanet in his own sign are house will be purer in his manifestation and thus could be said to be stronger in his effects. Orb of an Aspect
Conjunction Opposition Trine Square Sextile 8 8 8 8 4 2 2 2 2 2 2
In Quincuinx.
Quintile Bi-Quintile Semi- Square Sesiquadrate Semi- Sextile
12. AROHA-Strength AROHA: Considered to be good [0.0 to 1.0] Rupa MARS, MERCURY, SATRUN, MOON (as Moon exceeds 3 in Scorpio moon can be considered in AROHA Planets Deep Signs Signs Signs Signs Signs Signs Debilitation +10sh +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 60sh point and [End of [End of [End of [End of [End of At deep strength at the sign ] the sign the sign the sign the sign exaltation the end of point. the sign. Sun Libra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries 10/6.67 +10sh s +20sh +30sh +40sh +50 10[60 sh ] @180 Moon Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus 3@9sh s +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 3[60sh ] 240 +10sh Mars Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn28@0.66s s 28[60sh ] h 300 Mercur Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo y 15@5sh 15[60sh ] 360 Jupiter Capricorn - Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer 5@8.3330 5[60sh ] 0 Venus VirgoLibra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricor Aquarius Pisces 27@3sh s n 27[60 sh ] 180 Saturn Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra 20@3.333 20[60sh ] 0 Rahu Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius 20@3.33 -20[60sh ] 90 Kethu Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini -6-@8sh +10sh +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 6[60sh ] 270 Note: For 180 Degrees it is 60, then for one sign of 30 it is 30*60 /180 =10Sh Planets noted in this color: Deep Exaltation point Planets noted in this color Uchha bilashi; 13. Position of Sub and Sub Sub in the Zodiac. SUB LORD P.R.Muralidharan Sub- sub lord Degree 80 Minutes Second
Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury total Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu total Sun Moon Mars Rahu
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
02 07 02 03 02 07 07 06 06 46 22 06 11 07 20 17 21 18 07 13 02 03 02 06
43 47 20 54 43 00 13 23 37 40 12 40 07 47 00 47 07 53 47 20 00 20 20 00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
05 06 05 02 06 40 05
20 20 40 20 40 00 33
Rahu Jupiter
0 0
10 08
00 53
Astrological Predictive Techniques Saturn Mercury Ketchup Venus Sun total Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon total Rahu 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 09 03 11 03 06 02 07 06 07 06 02 07 02 03 46 18 33 26 54 07 20 40 43 00 13 23 37 43 47 20 54 40 00
Jupiter Jupiter
Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketchup Venus Sun Moon Mars total Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketchup Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Total Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
16 19 17 07 20 06 10 07 00 14 16 15 06 17 05 08 06 16 46 20 17 07 21 06 10
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 14 53 07 13 47 20 53 13 00 40 03 58 23 07 20 33
Astrological Predictive Techniques Mars Rahu Jupiter TOTAL MERCURY Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn TOTAL 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 07 19 16 06 16 06 18 05 09 06 17 15 17 53 23 00 53 40 02 37 53 40 26 37 00 07 58 20
KETHU-7-0-0 6-5-21 5-11-12 5-5-3 5-3-0 4-10-24 4-4-15 3-10-6 3-6-0 3-3-27 2-9-18 2-3-9 1-9-0 1-2-21 0-8-12 0-2-3 VENUS -20-0-0 19-0-0 17-6-0 16-0-0 15-0-0 14-6-0 13-0-0 11-6-0 10-0-0 8-6-0 7-0-0 5-6-0 5-0-0 4-0-0 2-6-0 1-0-0 SUN -6-0-0 5-10-6 5-4-24 4-11-12 4-9-18 4-7-24
SUN-4-6-0 4-0-18 3-7-6 3-1-24 3-0-0 2-8-12 2-3-0 1-9-18 1-6-0 1-4-6 0-10-24 0-5-12 MOON-10-0-0 9-3-0 8-6-0 7-9-0 7-6-0 6-3-0 5-6-0 5-0-0 4-9-0 4-0-0 3-3-0 2-6-0 1-9-0 1-0-0 0-3-0 0-3-0 MARS-7-0-0 6-7-24 6-1-15 5-7-6 5-3-0 5-0-20 4-6-18 4-0-9 3-10-6 3-8-3
MARS-3-6-0 2-11-21 2-5-12 1-11-3 1-9-0 1-4-24 0-10-15 0-4-6 RAHU-18-0-0 17-6-18 16-2-12 14-10-6 13-6-0 12-1-24 10-9-18 9-5-12 9-0-0 8-1-6 6-9-0 5-4-24 4-6-0 4-0-18 2-8-12 1-4-6 JUPITER-16-00 14-9-18 13-7-6 12-4-24 12-0-0 11-2-12 10-0-0 8-9-18 8-0-0 7-7-6 6-4-24 5-2-10 4-9-18 4-4-24
CancerScorpioPisces JUPITER-4-0-0 2-9-18 1-7-6 0-4-24 SATURN-19-00 18-0-18 16-7-15 15-2-12 14-3-0 13-9-9 12-4-6 10-11-3 9-6-0
8-0-27 6-7-24 5-2-21 4-9-0 3-9-18 2-4-15 0-11-12 MERCURY-170-0 16-6-27 15-3-18 14-0-9 12-9-0 11-5-21 10-2-12 8-11-3 8-6-0 7-7-24 6-4-15 5-1-6 4-3-0 3-9-27 2-6-18 1-3-9 0-10-6 0-5-3
Astrological Predictive Techniques Table-2 Equivalent Dasa period for Minutes of longitudes Minutes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Keth u
0-3 0-6 0-9 0-13 0-16 0-19 0-22 0-25 0-28 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-10 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 2-0 2-3 2-6 2-9 2-12 2-16 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-28 3-1 3-4
Venu s
0-9 0-18 0-27 1-6 1-15 1-24 2-3 2-12 2-21 3-0 3-9 3-18 3-27 4-6 4-15 4-24 5-3 5-12 5-21 6-0 6-9 6-18 6-27 7-6 7-15 7-24 8-3 8-12 8-21 9-0
0-3 0-5 0-8 0-11 0-14 0-16 0-19 0-22 0-24 0-27 1-0 1-2 1-5 1-8 1-11 1-14 1-16 1-19 1-22 1-24 1-27 1-29 2-2 2-5 2-8 2-10 2-13 2-16 2-18 2-21
Moo n
0-5 0-9 0-14 0-18 0-23 0-27 1-27 1-16 1-11 1-15 1-201-24 1-29 2-3 2-8 2-13 2-17 2-22 2-26 3-0 3-5 3-9 3-14 3-18 3-23 3-27 4-0 4-6 4-11 4-15
0-3 0-6 0-9 0-13 0-16 0-19 0-22 0-25 0-28 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-10 1-14 1-17 1-20 1-23 1-26 2-0 2-3 2-6 2-9 2-12 2-16 2-19 2-22 2-25 2-28 3-1 3-4
0-8 0-16 0-24 1-2 1-11 1-19 1-27 2-5 2-13 2-21 2-29 3-7 3-15 3-23 3-2 4-10 4-18 4-26 5-4 5-12 5-20 5-28 6-6 6-14 6-23 7-1 7-9 7--17 7-25 8-3
0-7 0-14 0-22 0-29 1-6 1-13 1-20 1-28 2-5 2-12 2-19 2-25 3-4 3-11 3-18 3-25 4-2 4-10 4-17 4-24 5-1 5-8 5-16 5-23 6-0 6-7 6-14 6-22 6-29 7-6
0-90-17 0-26 1-4 1-13 1-21 2-0 2-8 2-17 2-26 3-5 3-13 3-22 4-0 4-8 4-17 4-25 5-4 5-12 5-21 6-0 6-8 6-17 6-25 7-4 7-12 7-21 7-29 8-8 8-17
0-8 0-15 0-23 1-1 1-8 1-16 1-24 2-1 2-9 2-17 2-25 3-2 3-10 3-18 3-25 4-3 4-10 4.-18 4-26 5-3 5-11 5-18 5-26 6-4 6-11 6-19 6-27 7-47 7-12 7-20
Saturn---800*19/120=20*19/3=126.66=2degrees 6minutes 40seconds Mercury---800*17/120=20*17/3= 340/3 =113.33=1degrees 53 minutes 20seconds. Total of all is 800 minutes or 13 degrees 20 minutes Now to calculate sub- sub ,let us take easier one ,Rahu, which is 120 minutes , this to be split in same proportion as follows; Rahu SUBSUB for 120years Rahu is 18 years that means 3/20is the proportion ,Rahu sub is 120minutes , now Rahu sub- sub will be120 minutes of Rahu*18years/120=18minutes. Jupiter Sub- sub. ---120*16/120=16minutes. P.R.Muralidharan 85
Astrological Predictive Techniques Saturn120*19/120=19minutes Mercury---120*17/120=17 minutes Kethu---120*7/120=07minutes. Venus---120*20/120=20minutes Sun120*6/120=06minutes. Moon120*10/120=10minutes. Mars120*7/120=07minutes
Ref No:
Name: -----------------------------------Question: --------------------------------Date of Birth: ---------------------------Place of Birth: ________________ Time of Birth -----------AM/PM IST
Houses to be judge - --------------------------------------------Karaka: ------------------------------------------------------------General:------------------------------------------------------------Is It Promised or Not: --------------------------------------------- [Note the relevant Cusp. then its sign star and sub lord, if necessary its sub sub lord. If the sub lord is in any manner connoted to the concerned houses then the matter in question is fulfilled otherwise not. . This can be done by noting the star in which the sub lord is situated either by occupation, lordship or by aspects, [Vedic and western aspects]. Then note the sub lord occupation, lordship and aspects of the relevant cusp. If any one them depending upon its strength will indicates whether the matter in question is promised or not. If promised then find the Significators and tabulate it as shown below. ] Analysis whether the event will be Promised or nor?
As per K. P. If the sub lord of the prominent house is in is in any manner connected t the houses then the event will metalize otherwise not.
Sign Prominent House Prominent HOUSE Prominent House deposited in sign Prominent House Sign Lord Prominent House Sign Lord Prominent House Star Lord Degree MinutesSeconds Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Note its essential and accidental dignity so that its strength could be analysised. Note its essential and accidental dignity so that its strength could be analysised
-----Occupies / ---Lord
Note its essential and accidental dignity so that its strength could be analysised
Prominent House Sub lord is in the RETRO/ NON-RETRO constellation Sub lord is connected to houses under consideration YES / NO Sub lord is connected to opposing houses P.R.Muralidharan 88
Astrological Predictive Techniques STRONG/ WEAK Sub lord ------------occupies / --------owns and its connection to ----Note its essential and accidental dignity so that its strength could be analysised Note the relationship between sub lord and star lord if both of them is harmonious then its Said to be fruitful one.
Sub lord / its star lord well placed and strongly connected to ------Houses Hence the event is promised or not?
Note: Aspects to sub lord both Vedic and western aspects. . Matter is brought to perfection either by conjunction or by Sextile or Trine.
SIGNIFICATORS Planets in Ho use s the Planet s in the constel Occup lation ants of the Lord of the sign Planets conjoined with *or
aspecting the Significators or houses Hindu B M Western Favor able Unfavor able Effecti ve cuspal links
Signific ators in their order of strengt h Note: 1. The first four columns is filled with upper case letter and reaming columns by lower case letters using normal color for first four columns and Green colors for benefic aspects Vedic and Western favorable aspects and Red color for Malefic and Unfavorable aspects clearly noting whether the aspects is applying or separating and the Relative strength of aspects in case of western aspects. Blue Color for effective cusps lords. Now the order of Significators should be filled in bracts in their order of strength using upper case letters in the same color used above. When a Planet is repeated then under line or use * using the same color. This way of tabulation will help to tabulate the fruitful Significators table duly mentioning the house it signifies and its strength 2 .Selection of Planets 1. First note all the planets in a sign in the order of their degrees .and also its star and sub lord. 2. Now note its essential and accidental r dignities such as Yogyakarta, Own, Exaltation, directional strength, MoolaTrikona, Debilitation, Determents friends camp Etc. There by you can clearly find which is most favorable and also assign tits strength as per my Analysis format -1.
P.R.Muralidharan 90
3. Planets offer the results of the planet with which it is conjoined and that by which it is aspected Sextile, Trine or any major aspects depending on its relative strength. Minor aspects also give results but its strength is considered to be weak .As per Hindu benefic aspects are beneficial and males aspects is not favorable either it may delay or deny. But in accordance to western aspects only his angular distance has to be considered. Refer for details my analysis format and compilation on Aspects for detail study. It may be noted that Jupiter in Trine to Saturn will ward of all the malicious effects of Saturn. Sun is to be considered s a Benefic only. 4. It is also worth to note Shadbala, Vimshopaka Bala and Planetary rays strength. 5. A Planet which is connected to the most relevant cusp a, Karaka and receiving beneficial aspects is the best among all planets which are in a sign provided if it is in the star and sub of a strong Significators. 6. A Planet which is connoted to all the houses is most favorable than any other planet. (More Details in the Annexure) *Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators [5+/5- ] Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Conjoined Vedic Western
Essential and accidental dignities of Planets Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
P.R.Muralidharan 91
Planet Deposite Strengt h d in the Star ruled by Deposite Strengt h d in the sub ruled by s Signifie s the Strengt h their order of strengt h in
Significator s
Signifie s the
Signifie s the
Note: - + sign indicates that No Planets are in his /her stars hence it is one of the strong Significators 2. ** If in own star and own sub then also it is one of the strong Significators. 3. ***If any Planets are connected to all the houses concerned then it is a
strongest Significators
Signifies Bhukthi
Details Lagna Sun Planets Rising Planets Aspected Planet in by Lagna Domination lord /Rising Moon Day Lord Rahu Kethu
Sub Sub
Ruling Planets. -------------------------------------. Common Significators. ---------------------------------------Selection of strong Significators ---------------------------------[Nodes are stronger than the planets to bestow results in preference if it is conjoined with the planet, that by which it is aspected and lord of the sign in which it is situated. It becomes really a very strong Significators if it is also a signifies the concerned houses]
P.R.Muralidharan 93
DASANATHA BHUKTHINATHA ANTHRANATHA: SUN MOON RESULTS: -------- Dasa --------- is under operation from ------ to --------. In this select either ---------- Bhukthi which is between ------ and ------ or --- Bhukthi which operates between ------ and ---- In this Bhukthi the most favouarable Anthra is between ------.Finally select the SookshmaPeriod. ----and -
Sun,Moon,Dasa,Bhukthi,Anthra and Sookshma .Sun should Transits in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. Sun should be in Transit in the sub of a strong Significators [See Notes in Annexure for Details] .Sun Transits in ----- sign -------- star from --------- -to -------This period is considered to be favouarable. As Sun is a fast moving planet select among the fruitful Significators a strong one as the star lord and the strongest sub, so that transit agrees in full. Then Look into the Transit of Moon during this period when it Transits either in the sign or
P.R.Muralidharan 94
Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha or in its stars or a strong Significators star and sub which will indicate the day of the event, provided the Transits of Dasanatha and Bhukthinatha and Anthranatha also Transits in a fruitful strong Significators and Su. . [Please see the guide lines given in the Table Below and Annexure for Details] Selections of Week Days Planets Conjoined and aspected Dasanatha -- Star in which ---------Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied ------ -----------Are in with and and by Dasanatha Bhukthinatha Planets and Conjoined by
the -
week day will be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who repeated Selected Day Dates . . is
Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star lord and sub lord and their significations with their strength If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful Planet in own star lord and own sub lord is powerful Planet in own sign, is powerful. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, Vargothama, MoolaTrikona is powerful. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fortifies. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful If a planet is aspected by many favorable Significators is also powerful If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that planet. Planet in conjunction with a strong Significators is most favorable The relationship between Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord; is most important. If Bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow materialize, similarly Anthra lord to Bhukthi lord, and Sookshma lord to Anthra lord. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or Bhukthi lord and also the star lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the event. (Normally the day of event will be the Bhukthinatha of the star lord) Sun should transit in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha which will indicate of the period. Now look into the transit of Dasa and Bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of favorable Significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event.
Now most important is the transit of moon. Moon should transit in strong Significators which will indicate the day of an event. Now look into transit of Antharlord as well as Sookshma lord if they are also in favorable Significators then the event will fructify. It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in Navamsa chart or in relevant divisional chart such as drekana, Chathuramsa etc. Sookshma lord should be the strongest and next Anthra lord Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered. Zerorasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important The permanent and temporary friendship and internal relationship between Dasa Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma is to be considered. Importance may be given to the sub in case of slow moving planet and star in case of fast moving planet.
Chapter -8 Selection of a Planet using the significance and strength 1. We are usually finding the Significators per Krishnamurti Padhdhati and assigning the strength as per Column 1 -4 and 5+,5- , both Vedic and western aspects and Cuspal links as 3A.[Analysis Format -2] 2. After this Fruitful Significators are found assigning significance and strength for all planets, Star in which they are situated and sub. The Strength of each planet, its star lord and sub lord is assigned as per column 1 to 4, 5+ / 5- and 3A 3. Now we have to assign the final strength based on Planet, star lord and sub Lord .This can be done like this: As per K. P. Planets offer the results of the star lord, by occupation, lordship and aspects as well as the nature of the planets, duly considering the essential and accidental dignities .If the star lord signifies a certain matters depending on its occupation and if the sub lord deny then the events is not going to materialize. Here we to Consider Negation to each houses as detailed by me else where. We find in many cases all the planets will signify in one way or the hen it becomes very difficult for any one to select a particular planet which gives the fruitful results. This is can be made easy if one follows the steps indicated below: 4. The final strength of the planets is to be assigned as under: A planet is a Significators of Prominent house with grade -1 strength also indicated by its constellation lord with strength -1, provided the Sub lord is also signify the prominent house having Grade -1 strength. then it is better to select that particular Planet as the best, Next similarly look into star lord and sub lord which has connection to prominent house but as Planet may signify the supporting houses. Finally select the Planet which has higher strength as a Planet, Star lord and Sub lord. All the three having greater strength is to be selected
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However here importance is given o Sub Lord which is favorably placed to star lord and then Planet Note the Sub lord if it is prominently connoted to the house in question receiving favorable aspects then this planet is the best Planets results are modified by the sign in which it is situated and also its nature If the sub lord is connected to a well placed Karaka Graha then prefer this planet , so also star lord and as a planet . Nodes are stronger than the planet to bestow results in preference to the planets. Nodes offer the results of the planets with which it is conjoined and that by which it is aspected and lord of the sign where it is situated. This becomes stronger if node is also a strong Significators. And having any connection with the karaka Graha. The Views of the late C. E .O. Carter are of relevance .He says roughly two fifths of the totality of significance is derived from planets and as much from the mundane positions, whilst only about one-fifth can be ascribed to the sign concerned. The Planet is a source through which the matter described by the house occupied by the star lord, or the house occupied by the planet itself, are accomplished. The source is mainly on what the planet tenanting planet governs by lordship. And subsidiary, on its own intrinsic nature. Jupiter s nature is benign and brings gain by fair means, Saturn by foul means s. Mars by boldness and enterprise, Venus, by concililiatory approach, and so on. The Planets power will partly depend on the sign occupied, the congeniality or otherwise of that sign to its own nature The matter signified by the constellation lord, then the tenanting planet fulfills the matters affected by the lord of the constellation favorably. This happens especially in the conjoined period, in vimshottari Dasa, of the tenant, the constellation lord and the sub lordpovided the sub lord is favorably situated. The Planets power will partly dep end on the sign occupied, the congeniality or otherwise of that sign to its own nature
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The sign is to a planet as an adjective is to a noun, that is it gives form or color the sign measures the planet strength for expression and bestow others influences according to the nature and quality of that sign. The expression depends on its strength, and of its lower side on its weakness, with regard to sign it occupied .Certain signs are found to be in affinity with the nature of the planet. In its exaltation sign ,the planets actions are said to be enhanced in a special way ,In its own sign ,the planet is fully powerful for expression : in debilitation ,the planet is weak to perform its function ,and its detriment ,it is retarded for expressing itself freely and easily . As could seen from the above if the Sub Lord is either in own or exaltation can be more preferable than any other planets collectively star lord and as a planet can be viewed. If a Planet is connected to all the housed concerned so also star lord and sub lord it s the best to offer fruitful results next look to star lord and sub lord irrespective of planet and mostly planet and sub lord having
connection to all the houses and then planet and Sub lord connoted to all the houses in question If No Planet is in his star then it is said to be powerful Planet in own star and own sub is also to be considered as the best or at least planet and its star lord. Matters are brought to perfection either by conjunction or Sextile or trine. Consider all major aspects Here give importance to the nature of the planets as per Hindu system besides considering Sun as benefic Karaka Graha is also equally important if well placed and receives beneficial aspects. 5. A planet which is has essential and accidental dignities Including Vedic and western Aspects and effective cuspal links from the Significators. Is the best to select than any other planet to effectively give results during its Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma? 6. Any Planet signifying the matter can be selected irrespective its strength as Dasanatha but while selecting Bhukthi one should be careful to select a particular
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Bhukthi only which has connection to Dasanatha and not any other planet. Similarly the Anthranatha which is favorably connected to Bhukthinatha as weal as Dasa should be selected. The Anthra thus selected should be in higher strength as a Significators 7. Planets which has proximately connected to a house and to Karaka planet is the best. This Planet alone can give a particular events, for example If Significators are connected to 4, 11, 12 then it could be for purchase of property or Vehicle then to differentiate I could be done only through Karaka Graha and with Planetary counts only such as Movable sign which signify Vehicles and Fixed sign signify Immovable property, thus one has to think. 8. If Karaka Graha is well placed then it can give the results 9. In Transits select the planet which is strong and connected to relevant to the cusps T 10. Transits are of great significance. They ignite the natal indications derived according to the vimshottari Dasa system, for the natal position to fulfill, transits must agree or concur. Notes for Judgment of the Right Period for the Event Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star lord and sub lord and their significations with their strength If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful Planet in his own star lord and own sub lord is powerful Planet in own sign, is powerful. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, Vargothama, MoolaTrikona is powerful. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fortifies. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful If a planet is aspected by many favorable Significators is also powerful If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that planet. Planet in conjunction with a strong Significators is most favorable The relationship between Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord; is most important. Either by conjunction or Sextile or Trine is or any major aspect is most powerful to time an event.
If Bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow materialize, similarly Anthra lord to Bhukthi lord, and Sookshma lord to Anthra lord. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or Bhukthi lord and also the star lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the event. (Normally the day of event will be the Bhukthinatha of the star lord) Sun should transit in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha which will indicate of the period. [See Transit Chart] Now look into the transit of Dasa and Bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of favorable Significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event. Here one should whether it is a slow moving planet r fast moving planet. If it is slow moving planet give importance to sub in which it is transiting select the sub which is strongest Significators or one which is connected to most prominent house and well placed and strong . Similarly in case of fast moving planet give importance to star lord and select sub for precise timing of an event. [Refer notes for slow moving Planets] 16Now most important is the transit of Moon. Moon should transit in a well placed and a strong Significators or one which is connoted to the most prominent house .which will indicate the day of an event 17 Now look into transit of Antharlord as well as Sookshma lord if they are also in favorable Significators then the event will fructify. 18 It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in Navamsa chart or in relevant divisional chart such as drekana, Chathuramsa etc. 19Sookshma lord should be the strongest and next Anthra lord 20. Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered 21. Zerorasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important 22., Transits must agree or concur. The Planets ruling the sensitive point of the zodiac co-ruled by the lords of the major, sub, inner period in operation accentuate the vibration of the lords of the conjoined period.
23. A Planet in a Shishodaya gives results in the early half , in a prishthodaya sign it gives in the second part or half and in Ubhayodaya it gives through out 24. The Dasa and Anthra Dasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial
or auspicious. Those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets
P.R.Muralidharan 102
owing 6, 8 and 12 are always difficult or The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign Troublesome .these results are to be given only after
examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects
26. The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign . 11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. From 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit .
Chapter -9 Harmonious of each house Planet is the source, Star lord shows the result through its occupancy and ownership of the cusps and the sub lord decides whether the results are positive or negative is the key principle in Krishnamurti Padhdhati Hence the sub lord of the Dasa Lord must be harmonious to the houses signified by the DL through self and its star lord in order to see the results are enjoyed by a native during the Dasa lords period. If the sub lord (SL) of the Dasa Lord (DL) is not harmonious then the matter will not go through Whenever, the CSLs sub lord is 4, 5, 7 or 8, 9 or 12 houses away from the signified houses; the matter will not go through Main Rule- Upachayas Sthanas or houses 1, 2,3,6,10,11 are favorable from the house or cusp for the matters to go through. The houses 7, 8, 9, 12, 4, 5 are favorable to opposite side and hence are negative to the matter under consideration For Dasa find out which are the houses it is signifying through the occupancy of Dasa lord and the ownership and also Dasalords star lord its occupancy and its ownership. Guruji Krishnamurti in his books has mentioned at various places the utility of Vedic and western aspects as such the same is to be incorporated in the analysis, hence I wish to state the improvements to be made while considering the Favorable house 1,2,3,6,1and
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11 apart from the house 4,5,7,98,and 12 as under : As seen K. P. utilizes the exact degree in which the cusps r planets are placed using Sign lord ,star lord and sub lord as such merely utilizing the houses ,2,3,6,10,11 may not be correct ,as such it shall be modified by the aspects formed by the other planets both vedic and western aspects is to be taken into account to get more clear idea in selecting a significator.
Hous e
Un Favorable houses
Perfectly Harmon Little Harmonious iousoppositi - Very good Good on - bad 1 ,3 ,11 2,4 ,12 3 ,5 ,1 4 ,6 ,2 5 ,7 ,3 6 ,8 ,4 2 ,6 ,10 3 ,7,11 4 ,8 ,12 5 ,9 ,1 6 ,10 ,2 7,11 ,3 8 ,12 ,4 9 ,1 ,5 10 ,2 ,6 5 ,7 ,9 6,8,10 7 ,9 ,11 8,10,12 9,11,1 10 ,12,2 11 ,1 ,3 12,2,4 1 ,3 ,5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 ,5 ,7 ,9, 8 ,12 5 ,6 ,8 ,10 ,9 ,1 6 ,7 9 ,11, 10,2 7,8 ,10 ,12 ,11 ,3 8 ,9 ,11, 1 ,12 ,4
10 11 12
1 ,2 ,4,6,,5,9
10,12 ,9
2 ,4 ,6 3 ,5 ,7 4 ,6 ,8
5 ,9 1 6 ,10 ,2 7 ,11 ,3
Note: -1
Note -2:
Exemption- For matter under consideration we take one main house and
other houses as supportive houses ,if the sub lord signifies these supportive houses then even though it is 7,8 ,9 ,4,5 ,12 houses away then also it is considered to be favorable . Then also we take sub lord as harmonious to the house under consideration Under consideration we take one main house and few supporting houses. E.g. for marriage 7th House is the main house and 2 and 11 are supportive houses If the sub lord is indicating 2nd or 11th house and if either 7,8,9,4,5,12 houses away from the house under consideration
Note -3 :
Angles -1,4,7and 10 - Good [ Quick ] Succeedent houses-2,58 ,11[then the matter will be much slower in coming to perfection ] Cadent -3,6,9 ,12 [then the matter will be much slower in coming to perfection :still slower in cadent houses ] According to the western astrological system , Semi- Sextile (30Degreedistance between two planets or a planet and a house cusp ), rine -120 ,and conjunction
P.R.Muralidharan 105
Same Degreeand minute of Longitude ) are reckoned as beneficial aspect aspects of concord or harmony , The square -90 Degree s , quincunx -150 degrees ,and Opposition -180 degrees are treaded as evil or harmful aspects of discord or inharmonic .All multiples of 22.5 ,45, 67.5 ,90,112.5 ,135, 157.5 Degrees are unfavorable .Except 90, the others are minor aspects and so feeble in quality. The Multiples of 36 degree , that is to say 36,72, 108 ,144, are feebly good in quality .Carter does not treat 90Degree ass evil .He says it is an aspect of Struggle and success in the end .Likewise Opposition is not wholly evil it depends upon the planets alsottheir nature ,sign,position etc., First house means it is between first and second house that means it is from 0 to 30 degrees. In this range Conjunction is highly effective as such if any planet is in conjunction its effects will be reflected by the other planet also. Conjunction -0 degree -Good or adverse according to the nature of planets18 Degrees- VigintileSlightly Good, 24 Degrees- Quindecile- Slightly Good,30 Degree Semi Sextile Slightly Good Second house means it is between 30to 60 degrees. In this Semi -Sextile is considered to be slightly good and 60 degreesextile aspect is good, where as 36 Degrees- Decile- Slightly good. Where as 45 degrees- Semi square -Moderalately Evil. 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. , As such while considering second house this favorable and un-favorable aspects may be kept in view. Third house means 60 to 90 degrees. In this 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. 72 Degrees- Quintile- Slightly good, where as 90 degrees- Square Disappointing, rejective, and obstructive. Fourth house means 90 to 120degrees .in these 90 degrees- Square Disappointing, rejective, and obstructive. 108 degrees- Tredecile- Slightly good, 120 Degrees- Trine- Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good Fifth house means 120degrees to 150 degrees. In these 120 Degrees- TrineFortunate, constructive, harmonious very good. 135 Degrees- Sesquiquadrate-Slightly evil. 144 Degrees- Bi-Quintile- Slightly good. Where as 150 DegreesQuincunx- Slightly Evil.
Sixth house means 150to 180 degrees. In this 150 Degrees- Quincunx- Slightly Evil.180 Degrees- Opposition- Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive Seventh house means 180 to 210 degrees. In this 180 Degrees- OppositionSeparative, extreme, opposed, destructive. [7House 210 degrees means 150degrees ] -150 Degrees- Quincunx- Slightly Evil. Eighth house means 210 to 240 degrees. In this 216 is Quintile aspect which is slightly god .240 Degree means a trine 120 degree aspect as such Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good. 210 degree means [150degrees] -QuincunxSlightly Evil. Ninth house means 240 to 270 degrees in ties 240 Degree means a trine 120 degree aspect as such Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good where as 270 degree means Square aspect Disappointing, rejective, and obstructive. Tenth House means 270 to 300 degrees. It means 270 degree means Square aspect Disappointing, rejective, and obstructive. Where as 300 degrees mean sextile aspect -Favorable, good. Quintile286- Slightly God Eleventh house means 300 to 330 degrees. It means 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. ,and30 degree - Semi Sextile Slightly good , 315 Semi square -Moderalately Evil Twelfth House means 330 to 360 degrees. In this 330 degrees means 30egrees it is semi-Sextile aspect which is lightly good where as 360degrees means Conjunction which is god or Bad depending upon the nature of the planets , Quintile and Bi- quintile aspects are 72,144,216,286- Slightly Good
Chapter -10 HOW MATTER ARE BROUGHT TO PERFECTION Matter are brought to perfection first by conjuction,when the ascendant and the lord of the house ruling or person are hasting to conjunction and in angles and movable signs ,and forming the conjunction before either meets with an aspect from another planet ;If planets are swift in motion ,so much the quicker will it come to pass ;if the conjunction occurs in Succeedent houses ,then the matter will be much slower in coming to perfection :still slower in cadent houses :If the lords meet without frustration or impediment ,the matter will be brought to perfection ,but by a very slow process, and will drag heavily and there will loss of time and shuffling . Next, by the Sextile or Trine .If the Significators are applying by a Sextile or Trine, angular, and strong essentially and no malevolent planet intervenes, then the matter enquired about will be brought to perfection. If the Significators apply by Square there will be difficulty ,a lot of suspicion one of the other ,hankering and ought ,but if the planets are be angular and strong ,the matter will be brought to perfection with or without difficulty :but if the significators are in Succeedent or cadent houses ,the
P.R.Muralidharan 108
parties will quarrel and thing will not be brought to satisfactory conclusion . If the Significator are in opposition they denotes envy, and that the quitrent or quested shall be determined by the person or matter inquired about .and whichever is weaker of the two, that person will suffer the damage. Abscission: When a planet is simultaneously riming an aspect with two other planets, the one that culminates first may produce an abscission of light (Cutting off), that will frustrate the influence of the second aspect. Frustration:In horary astrology ,when one planet is applying to an aspect of another ,which signify some event ,before such aspect culminates ,a third planet by its swifter motion interposes to anticipate the culmination of the forming aspect by completing the aspect of its own .It is said to frustrate the promised effect of the slower moving aspect ,constituting a prohibition against its operation .the matter thus subjected to prohibition will be retarded or utterly prevented ,through the influences connected with the house of which the frustrating planet is the ruler For example ,If Venus ,the lady of the ascendant of the horary chart ,were hastening to the trine of Mars ,lord of the 7thhouse ,in a question of marriage ,it would denote that the match would take place ,but if Mercury were to form an opposition to Mars before Venus reached trine of Mars ,it would be frustration and would show that he hopes of the quitrent will cutoff ,and if it were lord of the 12th ,it denotes that would be done by a private or secreat enemy ,if he is lord of 3,by relations and so on . Translation of Light: Things are brought to perfection by translation of light .Suppose the Planet are separating from an aspect but another planet aspects favorably one Significators and immediately applies to and aspects other, such is called translation of light Then the matter are brought to perfection by the third party, and the house occupied by or ruled by this third planet which shows the person that shall bring the matter to perfection. The Moon is most powerful translation of light.
P.R.Muralidharan 109
planets which are not themselves in aspect ,that planet is said to collect the Light .It denotes that the affair will be forwarded by a third person ,described by that planet ,but not unless both receives them in some of their dignities ,such as own house ,exaltation ,triplicity ,terms or fa ce. : matter are also brought to perfection by collection .this means when both the principal Significator do not behold or aspect each other ,but both cast there rays to a weightier planet than themselves ,and both receive this planet in some of other dignities ,then that planet which thus collects both their lights brings the things to perfection .the person signified by this planet shall be the one who brings it to perfection .This is nothing but a friend who comes and settle the matter when ourselves cannot comes together and reconciles all differences . Reframation: It is a term used in horary astrology ,When the faster of the two planets applying to an aspect turns retrograde before the aspect is complete .When the quicker of the two bodies in aspect turns retrograde before the aspect is full ,it is said to separate from he aspect .when both bodies turn retrograde before the aspect is full or exact ,dought less a mutual separation is effected .These relations have distinct significations .The party representing the planet thus separating will decline the proposition, back out of the agreement or contract .When both the planets turns retrograde there will be annulment by mutual consent .Similar effects are noticed in case of marriage . Influence of aspects on the selection of Harmonious planets Same degree Same degree of 18 Degrees declination 24 Degrees conjunction Parallel Vigintile Quindecile Good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Good or adverse according to the nature of planets Slightly Good Slightly Good
30degrees 36 Degrees 45 Degrees 60 Degrees 72 Degrees 90 degrees 108 degrees 120 Degrees 135 Degrees 144
Slightly Good Slightly good. Moderalately Evil. Favorable, good. Slightly good. Disappointing, rejective, obstructive. Slightly good.
Fortunateconstructive, harmonious very good. Slightly evil. Slightly good. Slightly Evil. Separative, destructive. extreme, opposed,
Relative Power of aspects 1. 0conjunction 2. 0Parallel. 3. 180Opposition. 4. 120Trine 5. 90Square. 6. 60 Sextile. 7. 45 semi-squares.
P.R.Muralidharan 111
8. 30semi -Sextile. 9. 150Quincuinx. 10. 72Quintle 11. 135sesquiquadrate. 12. 144 Bi-quintile. 13. 18 Vigintile. 14. 24 Quindecile. 15. 36 Decile. 16. 108 Tredecile.
SesquiquadrateBi- quintile 5 6
Trine Square Sextile SEMI SEXTILE Conjunction
Chapter -11 Signification, of Negation of each house A general principle is that 12th house to any house is said to negate the matter signified by that house. Ascendant signifies self and life in general, so 12th house signifies death. 11th house signify gain ,profit ,fulfillment of desire etc., however it is the 12 th from 12th cusp ,hence cannot negates the events signified by 11 th house ,the answer is no ,instead it will stop expenses , or any losses or cure etc., . 12th from 11th cusp is the tenth house which signify profession ,name ,fame honor etc., inspire of this being 12th from 11and also 11from 12 , as such it will no way affect the house matters ,instead it is a complementary house and is good business also . Similarly 4th is good for education as 5th is house of intelligence .and also 3rd, which is good for vehicles since 3rd signifies Travel. Where as 9th house being 12th to 10, makes him to change or leaving the present job. Or foreign travel
8th house creates obstacles, misfortune, and tension in the life, but it signify Dowry ,Legacies ,stock ,share etc., and income derived from partner in life or business ,as such it is neutral in case of Marriage but it should be carefully seen , as it may be bickering and cause separation due to tension and misfortune etc .in case of marriage .
6th house is 12th to house of legal bondage, so it makes one to separates from marital life and may lead for divorce.Aprat from this Separative Planets influence is a must. Sun, Saturn and Rahu are called Separative Planets.
Fifth house is 12th to Sixth, which is negation to service signified by the sixth; as such it signifies change in service, similarly the ninth house which is negation to tenth signifying Employment or profession and First house which is Negation to Second signifying Finance. The First house also signifies self and efforts and second is self- aiqustion which may be money or any articles worth in value. Now can we say it is negation? The answer is No. As such serious thinking is needed to say which house is negation and how it affects.
Fifth house signify Cinema, fine arts and Speculations Etc., Can we consider this as negation to service .The Answer is No. Similarly the ninth house which is negation to tenth ,but it also signifies Foreign or Long Journey or Higher study ,which may be on deputation during service , as such one think twice before considering a plant negates the matters of house or not . It may be complementary the concerned house. .
But 12th from 6th makes one free from disease and litigation although it indicate negation to service. 3rd house is negation to 4th ,which signify mother ,property ,education etc., ,but this negation will be loss of property or sale or change of mother land etc., From the above we can notice that the penultimate houses signified by a planet with the main house doughty in fructification of matters of the houses by the planets in there DBAS.however if the main is signified by he planet and penultimate house by the star and sub lord of the same then the significanance is completely destroyed , incase pen ultimate house is signified by the planet or star
and the main house by star or planet respectively the significance remains intact .Complete combinations deny t the events in DBAS
Chapter -12 Hindu and Westerns aspects; According to Indian system Jupiter ,Venus Full Moon and well associated Mercury are benefic aspects and Sun ,New Moon ,afflicted Mercury ,Mars ,Saturn ,Rahu ,Kethu Are Malefic ,Out of which Saturn is the first rate malefic .,which will delay and at times Delay .Sun is said to be benefic per western system all Planets aspects the 7th house, where as Jupiter has special aspects 5and 9: mars 4and 8: Satan 3and 10, where they are more Powerful. Rahu and Kethu aspects 2, 5 7 and 9 th house It is also worth to note to include Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Fortuna in the analysis and their effects. By occupation and aspects According to Western system: An aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house Same degree-conjunction-good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Same degree of declination Parallel- good or adverse according to the nature of planets. 18 Degrees-VigintileSlightly Good 24 Degrees Quindecile Slightly Good 30degrees Semi-Sextile Slightly Good 36Degrees Decile Slightly good. 45 Degrees Semi square-Moderalately Evil. 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. 72 Degrees Quintile Slightly good. 90ddegrees Square Disappointing, rejective, obstructive. 108 degrees Tredecile slightly good. 120 Degrees Trine Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good. 135 Degrees Sesquiquadrate-slightly evil. 144 Degrees Bi-Quintile Slightly good. 150 Degrees Quincunx-slightly Evil. 180 Degrees Opposition Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive.
1. 0conjunction 2. 0Parallel. 3. 180Opposition. 4. 120Trine 5. 90Square. 6. 60 Sextile. 7. 45 semi-squares. 8. 30semi -Sextile. 9. 150Quincuinx. 10. 72Quintle 11. 135sesquiquadrate. 12. 144 Bi-quintile. 13. 18 Vigintile. 14. 24 Quindecile. 15. 36 Decile. 16. 108 Tredecile. Major aspects:: Conjunction, Parallel, Opposition, Trine, Square and Sextile
Chapter -13 Transits and Guide Lines for Transit of Slow Moving Planets
1-JUP-14 MAR TO 17 MAR 4-SAT-17 MAR TO 30 MAR 4-MER-30 MAR TO 14 APR
4-KET-14 DEC TP 27 DEC 4-VEN-27 DEC TO 10 JAN 1-SUN-10 JAN TON 14 JAN
EXAMPLE: suppose Venus Dasa Mars Bhukthi is under operation, then notes the stars in which the Dasa and Bhukthinatha is posited. If by chance it is Sun and Moon respectively, Venus Mars
P.R.Muralidharan 118
Sun star
Moon star
Note :.To select the week day preference may be given to Bhukthinatha star or any planet repeating or conjoined with Dasa or Bhukthinatha or one who is strongest ,before this it is advisable to take panchaga and find out any one of the star in which moon is transiting either in Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,both day and star agree .
2 .Dasanatha & Bhukthinatha should have a good relation that is they must be interrelated. Same for Bhukthinatha to Anthra and Anthra to Sookshma. Dasa & Bhukthinatha is not advisable in 6,8,12 or in negative/negation of the matter questioned. That means Dasa & Bhukthinatha should be strong to the houses concerned & along with Bhukthinatha & Anthranatha. Transits Tips
Transits are current aspects formed between the current position of the planets to the radical or progressed positions of planets .and angles .A transit is the passage of planets over its natal or radical position or progressed positions of the planets and cusps .The passage of the of planets opposite to the natal or progressed positions is also regarded as transit .In order to differentiate it is said as conjunctions or oppositions by transit .In accordance with the principle of western the transit by square ,Semisquare ,trine ,Sextile ,semi-Sextile and Bi-Quintle and other aspects may also be considered at least and Major aspects Apart from the above the four angles , is also necessary ,of which the Mid-heaven (0 and ascendant is and also luminaries are generally important ,and the reaming seven planets is of lesser value .it is also worth to note transits over Fortuna and other sensitive and critical degrees are very important .The planet transiting over the a radical or progressed positions is the transiting planet or body or exciter or promoter and it may one of the nine planets .the Transit of Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus ,Neptune, Pluto ,Rahu and Kethu lasts for long period and their depends upon its constellations and Sub .the transit of Mars is less lasting than the former but deceive and so important .Moon ,Mercury ,Venus and sun being quickly moving planets .,their transits will be for few days and hours But the Transits of sun Ann moon are very important ,they only indicate the month and day of the event .and their transits are very effective .especially when they pass through the houses of the horoscope . In considering tee orb of one or two degrees may be allowed .Transit includes full moon, new moon and Eclipses. it is necessary to note transits of the Sun moon and then note conjunctions ,opposition ,Square ,Trine ,Sextile Etc., both at birth positions and progressed positions .of the date corresponding to the given time .and arranged systematically increasing order to facilitate out transits .then the range of positions of all
P.R.Muralidharan 120
planets during the given period It may be one day or over some periods .when the transits agree to the significations of planets in the horoscope ,then only matter will masteries otherwise only tempts to give a event .The detailed check list prepare by me may be referred for accurate results . 1. The Sun should transits in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 2. The above rule is applicable only when Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and strong. 3. If No Planets are in the Star of Dasa or Bhukthi, then it is preferable to look into transit of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha in their sign and in their stars. 4. This rule gets modified by the planets with which they are in conjunction or aspected by other Planets. Provided they are stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 5.If the Star in which Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha Then, when Sun transits in the Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha 6. If Anthra is properly selected ,then Look into the occupation of Anthranatha and Star in which it is situated ,If they are Stronger than Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,then Sun Transiting the sign of Anthra and Star of either Dasa or Bhukthi or anthrax whichever is Well placed and strong may be selected 7. Let any Planet. Transiting any sign ,or in any house .As per K.P. one should note the transits of the Significators in the star and sub of a particular matter ,Well placed and strong will surely indicate the time of event 8. Moon transiting the Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra jointly indicate the time of an event. 9. Note whether any planet is a slow moving Planet, if so give importance to the sub .If it is fast moving give Importance to Star, who is a strong Significators. 10 .Note the Karaka Planet, well placed and strong, then Look to the transit in his sign and preferably the Star and sub. 11 .If Karaka Planet is aspecting any one of the periods, then select the transit of Sun in that planet Sign or preferably Star and Sub. 12. Note the Sign, Star and Sub of the concerned houses in question ,then note which of these are signifies strongly , well placed and receives aspects either from Karaka or
P.R.Muralidharan 121
any Strong Significators .The Sun or Moon will transit in the Sign and mostly in the Star and Sub of this House . 13 .Note the most important Cusp of the matter in question ,then note whether Sign or Star or Sub is well placed and strongly signifies the event .Consider essential and accidental dignities also .The Sun will mostly Transit either in this Sign ,Star or Sub either individually or Jointly . 14. Note the Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma, Preference is to be given to Sookshma, who must be strongest Significators .The Sun will transit in the Sign of any one of them and in the strongest star and Sub during transit. 15 .The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign.i.e., , from 11 to 20 .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. from 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit .Some are of the opinion that the Moon and Rahus results in Transit and Moon And Mercury give results in the whole sign .Saturn and Rahu give results their results at the end Jupiter and Venus in the Middle .The Sun and Mars In the beginning 16 .TRANSITS OF PLANETS: The Moon sign is also called jamma Rasi. During transits it gives good results at certain places and bad results at other places .The Good results are some times blocked due to occupation of other planets at specific house from it .Such position are known asVeda positions for transiting planets.The Good results are deferred till Veda positions are occupied by planets
Exception s
6/1 2
10/4 11/ 5
6/12 7/2
10/ 4
and Moon MARS MERCUR Y 3/12 2/3 6/9 4/5 11/5 6/9 8/1 10/ 8 11/1 2 No Veda between Mercury and Moon No Veda between Saturn and Sun -
11/ 8 5/9 -
8/5 -
9/1 1 -
11/ 9 -
12/ 3 -
3/12 3/12
6/9 6/9
11/5 11/5 -
17. Vipareeta Vedha places: The Concept is an old one and may be tested. As in Vedha, there is also no Vedha between the Sun and Saturn. No Veda between Mercury and Moon A Planet gives malefic results in transits in certain houses from Moon Sign at Birth and if some Planets is /are in some specific houses from the position of Moon at Birth ,then the malefic results of the former planet are obstructed by the later planet .this is tern\med as Vipreet Vedha .
House s
House s
House s
House s
House s
House s
House s
House s
9/5 -
10/4 -
---11/9 --
Note: The Dasa and Anthradasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects . When the lord of the major period is a malefic and Anthra Dasa is a benefic the results will be bad ,if they are not conjoined .If they are associated with one another ,there are mixed results .the Anthra Dasa lord may be yoga karaka ,but if he is not conjoined with the lord of the Mahan Dasa ,the results are unfavorable .if the lord is both good and bad results ,he will give first give good results in his own Anthra Dasa and later on bad results. To select the week day preference may be given to Bhukthinatha star or any planet repeating or conjoined with Dasa or Bhukthinatha or one who is strongest ,before this it is advisable to take panchaga and find out any one of the star in which moon is transiting either in Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,both day and star agree . Dasanatha & Bhukthinatha should have a good relation that is they must be interrelated. Same for Bhukthinatha to Anthra & Anthra to Sookshma. Dasa & Bhukthinatha is not advisable in 6,8,12 or in negative/negation of the matter questioned. That means Dasa & Bhukthinatha should be strong to the houses concerned & along with Bhukthinatha & Anthranatha. DASA- It is necessary to note that matters are brought to perfection by conjunction, Sextile and trine etc., If by transits Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha are in Trines and favorably connected With the relevant house choose that period for the fulfillment of an even
\Guide Lines for Transit of slow Moving Planets 1. Jupiter, Saturn, Rau, Kethu are Slow Moving Planets. 2. Jupiter will be in a sign for about one year .Saturn will be in a sign for 2Yers 6Months .Rahu and Kethu will be in a sign for 18 Months. 3.Jupiter will be Transiting around 3 .5 minutes in a day 1Degree in 12 days
considering 360 days makes one year though it is actually 365 days ,that means in a star of 13 -20 it will be transiting about 160days .During Transiting It will be in retrograde for some known period and may change the sign or remain in the same sign thereafter it will be stationary for some days and becomes direct and completes its transit in the originally occupied sign it was there and move to another with certain more speed ..For detailed study on retro gradation read my article exclusively written on retro gradation .Rahu and Kethu Can never is retrograde as they move always in the anticlockwise direction, as such this aspect is only in case of slow moving planes Jupiter and Saturn. 4. From the above we can say Jupiter will be transiting in a sign for one year, which means the Sign Lord remains the same. Now to assess its indications further, the first point is to note whether it is in town house or in another planet house, if it is own house it mainly gives its significance as karaka and house occupied and aspects it receives, with respected natal Jupiter, natal Lagna as well as Natal Moon. 5 Next step is to find out whether Jupiter is in conjunction, Sextile or Trine or any one of the Major Aspects as per western aspects and also Vedic aspect with the planet under considerations as well as other planets. This gives some modifications besides depositors. 4. Next step is to Note the position of Jupiter, now under consideration the star in which it is transiting. And find the essential and accidental dignity if any in the natal chart as well as at the time of transiting, further note the period at transit only in this dignity and any change may also be noted. 5. It is essential to note the Natural ,temporary and effective relations between Slow moving plant and the star in which it is transiting ,which gives whether it is transiting planet in a star transiting is favorable or not ,if it is Friendly ,considering both then it will
P.R.Muralidharan 125
give desired results .If it is friend and enemy then it will give moderate or it will be neutral in as of enemy it may not give the desired results or affects adversely . 6.It is worthwhile To note the Strength as per Shadbala ,Vimshopaka Bala ,planetary rays strength of the slow moving Planet and the strength of the star Shadbala ,etc ., which will definitely Guide which star is o be considered or Not .Only strong planet star is to be preferred as it give full desired results .. 7 Now find what is its karakathvas ,and also which houses it signifies and strength clearly as per K.P. system in the format usually adopted ,it makes it clear now that the slow moving planets will signifying in this star besides the as karaka , houses and aspects it receives .. 8. If the star is favorable as per K.P by being in a star as signified by P A C and also aspects it forms during Transit will give more points or ideas. 9. Next note also as a Transiting in this star what is its significance by PAC .this when combined with the natal gives what it can give transits. 10. This gets modifies as per significance in which it is transiting .Now it is the time to give importance to sub. 11 At this point Note whether the slow moving planets is retrograde and various positions in retro gradations assign its strength .Generally during retro gradation it has some debility .As such correctly assess this how much it has become weak based on my Analysis format -1 . 12. If the sub lord who is a strong Significators in the natal chart and well placed and also during Transit you can finally sleet that sub which will shortest range, then proceed further with other planes whether it supports or retrace it and also week days during current DBAs significations 13. The Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra and Sookshma should signify the event and Anthra lord should Transit in the strongest Significators preferably first two columns or ne who is repeated and receiving favorable aspects. 14. This is best and correct way to think and select the slow moving planet Transits. 15. Similar methods can be thought off in case of Fast moving planets but importance has to be given star lord first and easily you can sleet the sub.
Chapter -14 Selection between Dasa and A particular Bhukthi Specific Point s. Moon Occupies Star Lord Sub Lord Sub Sub Lord Planets are said to be strong when no planets are placed in his star or sub. Sub Lord Receiving very favorable Aspects from strongest Significators Star Lord Receiving very favorable Aspect from strongest Significators Essential Dignities Aspects Conjunction Planets in 6 ,8 12 to Dasa Trine/Angles/Cadent Cadent Movable /Fixed /Common Relation ship between Dasa Western aspects Cuspal Links Cuspal LinksPlanets Ruling Planets on Matters are Brought to perfection by conjunction or Sextile or Trine. -------Dasa------Bhukthi
------- Anthra ------Sookshma Transits Sun Moon Dasanatha Bhukthinatha Note: The Dasa and Anthra Dasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects . When the lord of the major period is a malefic and Anthra Dasa is a benefic the results will be bad ,if they are not conjoined .If they are associated with one another ,there are mixed results .the Anthra Dasa lord may be yoga karaka ,but if he is not conjoined with the lord of the Maha Dasa ,the results are unfavorable .if the lord is both good and bad results ,he will give first give good results in his own Anthra Dasa and later on bad results.
Astrological Predictive Techniques Sun Moon Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Saturn Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Mercury Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn 0-04-06 0-07-00 2-08-12 02-04-24 02-10-06 02-06-018 01-10-18 3-000 00-10-24 01-06-00 01-00-18 2 -01-18 2-06-12 2 -03-6 0-11-06 2 -08 -00 0-09-18 1-04-00 0-11-06 2-04-24 3 -03-01 2-04-27 01-01-9 03-02-00 00-11-12 01-07-00 01-01-9 02-10-06 02-06-12 02-04-27 00-11-27 02-10-00 00-10-06 01-05-00 00-11-27 02-06-18 02-03-06 02-08-09
OWN HOUSE - Very Good [0.5+] Rupa .it should be greater than 1.0Rupa, so 1.0+Rupa may be considered Mars , Venus
EXALTATION: Good[1.0]Rupa In its Deep Exaltation, planet has one Rupa of strength .In its Deep debilitation it has nothing .The Strength of a planet increases gradually from debilitation to exaltation and decreases as it moves from exaltation to debilitation .In 180,it gains or loses 1Rupa or 60 shashtiamsha i.e., 1shashtiamshain every 3[18060] or 0.3shashtiamsha per degree Sun,Saturn,Kethu ,Rahu
MOOLA TRIKONA: Very Good [0.75] Rupa.The strength is limited only to the position in Rasi. Mars can be considered in Moola Trikona
DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH: Very Good1.0Rupa when placed in the house where it is powerful and 0. Rupa in the house where it is powerless. If the difference is more than 180 deduct it from 360to get rectified difference .If Planets longitude is less than its powerless house, add 360to the longitude. nil
DEBILITATION: Bad[0.0]Rupas-only in deep Debilitation otherwise proporsanate Value to be calculated as mentioned in Shad Bala .In its Deep Exaltation, planet has one Rupa of strength .In its Deep debilitation it has nothing .The number of degrees from its debilitation divided by180 gives its Exaltation strength which is to be considered Nil
UCCHABILASHI:Good[1.0-0.25*]Rupa Nil
Tempoorary Friendship
PLANETS SUN MOON MARS MERCURY JUPITER VENUS SATURN SUN Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy MOON Friend Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy MARS Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy MERCURY Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy JUPITER Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend VENUS Friend Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy SATURN Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy -
Effective Friendship
Bitter Enemy
Enemy Enemy Enemy Fiend Neutral Friend
Bitter Enemy
Bitter Enemy
Intimate Frien Friend
Bitter Enemy
Friend Neutral
Bitter Enemy
Bitter Enemy
ACCIDENTAL DIGNITIES: 0.125, 0.0625Rupas with exception like Venus in the 12th house. Venus the 6th gives medical education ,Mercury in the 8th house is not bad, Mars in 6th house is also not bad ,however care is to be taken to note that these Planets are in own, Exaltation, Moolatrikona ,Friends house, and well aspected and in between benefics on the contrary in debilitation 1, 5 ,9 - Very Good[1.0+]Rupa Mercury, Chiron, Venus 1, 4, 7 ,10- Good [1.0]Rupa -, Kethu & Neptune, - , Rahu , Moon 6, 8, 12 - Bad [0.25]-determents enemys -, Sun , Mars, house or in between Malefic cannot give good results 3, 11: Moderately Good [0.25]Rupa 2 : Good/Bad[0.5]Rupas Uranus Jupiter Fortuna, Saturn, Pluto
Dispositor: Planetbecomes strong or weakdependingupon its depositors.(Take both rasi & navamsa chart)
Odd Even Rasi-Navamsa: Planets Sign in Rasi or Navamsa Male [Sun Mars Jupiter, Mercury ,Saturn ] Female[Moon ,Venus ] ODD Even ODD Even
Rasi SUN ODD Navamasa
Strength in Rupas
Planets Male [sun ,Mars Jupiter, Neutral[Mercury, Saturn ] Female [moon ,Venus ] PLANETS SUN MARS JUPITER MERCURY SATURN MOON VENUS Rahu Ketu Drekkana nd 1st [0-10] 2 [10-20 ] 0.5Rupas 0 0 1st [0-10] 2
Planets in combust:Mercury and Venus do not suffer combustion Varahamihiras view that only Venus and Saturn lose the strength About half. Sun and mars are about three degree may be considerable combust if it is with in one degree then combust - effective
Planets in War :
Vedic Aspects
Plane ts Su n Mo on Ma rs Merc ury Jupit er Ven us Satu rn Ra hu Keth u Ur an us Neptu nee Plu to Chir on Fortu na
8 7
7 7 7 -
7 -7 8 7 7 137 7 7 7 7 7 -
Astrological Predictive Techniques s Satur n Rahu Kethu Uran us Neptu ne Pluto Chiro n Fortu na
7 C 7 -
7 -
7 -
7 -
7 7
C -
7 -
House Aspects Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Fortuna I II III 7 7 7 IV V 7 8 5 7 3 C 7 7 7 7 7 C 10 7 4 9 VI VII VIII IX X XI XII
Note: We have to add in case of special aspects of Jupiter 0.5, Saturn 0.75, and Mars 0.25Rupas
S E x t i l e (
Decile (A)
SemiSquare (A)
Oppositi on (S)
Trinee (S)
De ((S
Mars Mercury
Quino x (A)
Quinox (S)
Vig (S
Viginti le (S)
Decile (S) -
Oppos ition(A ) -
Trine (S)
Sextil e (S)
Vig (S
Squ -
Opposition (A)
Sextile (A) -
Sesi -
Planets Dignities Shadbala Place Strength /Ratio Strength
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Strength of Planets
Total :-Vimshopaka Bala 0 -2.5 2.5 -5.0 5.0 -7.5 7.5 -10 10 -12.5 12.5 -15.0 15.0 -17.5 17.5 -20.0 Nature Ati heena Heena Ati swlpa Swalpa Madhya Ati Madhya Poorna Ati poorna Percentage of Beneficial results 0 -12.5 12.5 -25 25 -37.5 37.5 -50 50 -62.5 62.5 -75 75 -87.5 87.5 -100 2 7 3 1
Strength Miserable ( sun 2, Mer -1, sat 2, Jup 0, Ven - 0) Poor (Mar 6
16 to 20
Astrological Predictive Techniques 21 to 25 21. Honorable ,many persons depends on him .22 .Charitable ,benevolent ,fortunate and generous 23.Refined ,happy, Cultured ,and courageous .24.Scharship25.Kingship .The general results are that he is lucky ,and cause of happiness to friends and good effects increase in proportion to increase in rays between 24and 30rays ,the native is Wealthy, noble ,Powerful famous, close to kings and admirers Wealthy ,Powerful (moon- 27) Royal patronage, celibrated in the world, is like a king, minister, controls many armies, a very high position in the court of king.32. Rules many towns villages and hills 33. Rule over 1000villages34. Rules over 3000villages35. Very strong ,lot of wealth ,famous,,fortunate,rules many provinces, chief of his lands ,clean and pure disposition ,glorious pleasures of senses and own lot of property and wealth .36. Ruler of 1 to 1.5lakh villages.37. Ruler of 3lakh villages.38. Extremely powerful, strong, rules 3 to 4 lakh villages, equalivalent to Indra, king of devas39. He is a ruler whose subjects are very happy, Honored, Rules over large lands ,and is very prominent Ruler of 3lakh villages, famous and Very strong ,lot of wealth ,famous,,fortunate,rules many provinces, chief of his lands ,clean and pure disposition ,glorious pleasures of senses and own lot of property and wealth . is lord of earth and he conquers 10directors .Between 31 Land 40 rays ,the natives maintains10to 1000persons and is a ruler Rules over the lands between one,Two,three seas repetitively He is king of kings-an emperor. He has a giant of elephants in his army .,many chhartras,many flags like fishes, many chariots like boats ,and many weapons like the waves of the sea .He honors Gods and Brahmins rules many lands no obstacles equal to Indra and honored by every one .,the king of god in his velour The native has many auspicious results and rules over the whole earth .A native with 45 rays are more ,is unconquerable even by Gods ,and his glory is spread over the entire earth Rules over entire earth with out any enemies, honored by every one and a ruler like Indra The native is the head of the state and if it is more than 51 rays he is emperor, a king of kings .The results are felt when raja yoga and strong and well placed are present in the horoscope .The strength of planets has an effect on the number of rays A king of Kings
24 to30 31 to 39
41,42 ,43 44
47 41 to 50
More than 51
28. the lord of the year, Month, Day of Birth, and Hora has a strength of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0Rupa, this increases kala Bala apart from this Diurnal and Nocturnal strength ,Fortnightly strength ,Tribhaaga Bala ,Ayana Bala is to be considered .at local Mid day :The sun ,Jupiter ,Venus has 1Rupa ,the Moon ,mars ,Saturn has 0Rupa .At local Mid night The Sun ,Jupiter ,Venus has 0Rupas ,the Moon ,Mars ,Saturn has 1Rupa .Mercury will have 1Rupa either on Mid day or night .When Moon is full ,the benefics get 1Rupa and 0Rupaat new moon .thus the gain
Astrological Predictive Techniques or lose is 1Shastiamsha for every 3during dark half ,the malefic planets are strong while benefics are weak .Moon Longitude Sun Longitude 3gives Paksha Bala .
Tribhaaga Bala Birth during 1st of the day 2nd part of the day 3rd part of the day 1st part of the night 2nd part of the night 3rd part of the night Tribhaaga Bala Mercury ,Jupiter=1Rupa The sun ,Jupiter=1rupa Saturn ,Jupiter =1rupa The moon ,Jupiter =1rupa Venus ,Jupiter =1rupa Mars ,Jupiter =1rupa
Find the time of Sun rise and Sunset on the day of birth, If birth is on day and note the difference this is Dina man, then divide it by 3 and add the value to Sunrise to know which part of the day the native is born .Assign value as per above table . In ase night deduct Dinamanam from 24 and there after divide by 3 and add to the time of Sunset to know which part of the night the native is born .Assign Value as per above table .Birth is in the 1st part of the day ,hence Mercury ,Jupiter=1Rupa All planets from sun to Saturn have Ayana Bala of 0.5 Rupas at 0 declinations. The Sun .Mars, Jupiter and venue get maximum 1Rupa when they are northern most point and minimum 0Rupa at the southern most point .The Moon and Saturn gets Maximum of 1Rupa at 24 s declinations and minimum in the north .Mercury gets 1Rupa at northernmost and southernmost points .The Ayana Bala of Sun I always to be doubled.
Declination of Planets and their Ayana Bala. Declination The Sun ,Mars ,Jupiter ,Venus 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 0 Planets and Ayana bala Moon, Saturn 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 0 (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa Mercury 0.5Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa (24 +declination) *5/4 1Rupa
29. Motional strength [Cheshta Bala]: All Planets become retrograde when placed at a certain distance from sun .They are said to be powerful .The strength obtained by them are as follows: P.R.Muralidharan 143
Astrological Predictive Techniques Different kind of Motion during retrogression and their strength. Sl .no. 1 2 3 4 Motion Vakra (retrograde) Amuvakra or ati vakra Sama Chara Speed Planet is retrograde but remains in the same sign. Planet is retrograde and moves into previous sign. Planet is retrograde and moving at its average speed. Planets speed is increasing continuously and faster than its average motion Planet moves very fast and ruches into next sign in accelerated motion. Planets speed is slower than its average motion. Planets speed decreases continuously and is much slower than its average speed When planet becomes stationary and remains in the same longitude for 2-3 days .This occurs just before and after retrogression. Strength 1Rupa 0.5Rupa 0.5Rupa 0.75Rupa
5 6 7
Negative temperament: Note: ------------ temperament Oriental: Any planet between 4 &10 via 1st
Fiery 3 2 Total 5
Watery 2 2
28. Planet in his own Star and own sub is strongest provided well placed and gets strength as stated above. Planets ruling 1,5,9,1, 4 ,7and 10th houses are functional benefics of high order .Planets ruling 2nd,3rd and 11th houses are functional benefics of somewhat weak order .Planets ruling 6th ,8th and 12ssth houses are functional Malefic . Planets owning or occupying auspicious stars 2nd star [Sampat ],4th star [kshema ],6thstar [Sadhaka] and 8th star [Mitra]from Janma nakshatra may give auspicious during their periods .Planets owning 3rd star [Vipat],5thstar [Pratyak]and 7th star [Vadha ]from Janma Nakshatra may give bad results during their periods .Planets owning or occupying JammaTara[1st star] and Paramamaitra [9th star] give quite good results during their periods . Satyacharya highlights some more points, which are as follows: planet placed in the 1st,2nd,4th ,,6th,8th ,and 9th stars counted from Janma Nakshatra may give good results in their periods and these good results are further enhanced (a)if such planets rules over some auspicious house .(b)if such planet is in a Trinal house ,and (c)If it is conjoined with a natural or a functional benefic . Benefic planets in auspicious stars may give very good results during their periods provided transits are also auspicious. Benefics in evil stars i.e., 3, 5, 7th stars from Janma Nakshatra may give ordinary results during their periods. Planets occupying evil stars may give evil results during their periods .these evil results further enhanced (a) if planets also rules evil houses. (b) If the planets are also occupies evil houses and (c) if such planets are also conjoined with natural or functional
Malefics.5.Malefic planet occupying in evil stars may give maximum evil results during their periods. Malefic Planets occupying auspicious 1,2,4,6,8,and 9th stars from Janma Nakshatra do not give much bad effects ,however ,they are placed in 3,5and 7th stars produce evil results during their periods .from the above it is opinioned that only 3rd ,5th ,and 7th stars from Janma Nakshatra are evil stars .Remaining 1,2,4,6,8,and 9th stars were held to be auspicious though Satyacharya at some places he treats moderate results for the 1st and 9th stars .Both Lordship and occupation of stars should be given proper weight age and importance .
Janmma nakshatra Kethu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Auspicious stars Kethu, Venus, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Mercury. Venus,Sun,Mars,Jupiter,Mercury ,Kethu Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Kethu, Venus. Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Sun. Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Kethu, Sun, Moon. Rahu,Jupiter,Mercury,Venus,Moon ,Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Kethu. Sun ,Mars ,Rahu Saturn,Mercury,Venus,Moon,rahu ,Jupiter Mercury, Kethu, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Evil stars Sun,Mars,Jupiter Moon,Rahu ,Saturn Mars,Jupiter,Mercury Rahu,Saturn,Kethu Jupiter,Mercury,venus Saturn,Ketchup,Sun Mercury,Venus,Moon Kethu,Sun,Mars Venus, Moon ,Rahu
32. Uttara Kalamrita by kalidasa States that, [1a]If the owner of a bhava (1) is in a malefic house 6,8 ,12 .(2)is debilitated or in an enemys house (3)is combust (4)has no conjunction or aspect of benefics (5) is with or aspected by its enemy(6) is in an enemys amsa (7)is in a debilitated amsa (8)is defeated in a planetary war with Malefics ,then that bhava is completely destroyed .[1b] If the owner of a bhava is in a Trikona or Quadrant (Kendra ),(b)is in the third or eleventh from it ,(c) is in a friendly or Exaltation sign ,(d)Is in own Rasi or Navamsa (e) and is in between benefics then the owners of such Trikona ,Quadrant ,third, eleventh houses also should be in exaltation(2)If the owner of that bhava is with or aspected by
P.R.Muralidharan 148
benefics then such owner planet brings unequalled prosperity in a short time to that bhava . When a bhava, its lord, and its Significators (1) are all hemmed between Malefic, (2) are in conjunction with Malefic and are weak, and (3) no benefic aspect or conjunction. 2.(1) when Malefic are in houses 4 ,5,8,,9and 12counted from that bhava ,its lord and its karakas(2)and when the lords of the Navamsa having these Malefic are inimical ,combust ,or defeated by war then one has to affirm that bhava is destroyed literally harmed. A Malefic (1) in his own house (2) in exaltation, (3) in his friends house (4) in Vargothamma brings happiness to the native .If such planets a malefic one, placed in any of these positions will give favorable results .The planet owning the Rasi and Navamsa of the lord should be strong .then the owner of that bhava will give profitable results .A powerful benefic in a friendly Rasi and Navamsa of any bhava will confer the benefic results of the bhava. Benefics in a Kendra ,or in 2,3,5,9and 11and even in the sixth are auspicious .Malefics in 3,6,10 ,and 11th houses are auspicious .Sun and Saturn in the 9th are auspicious Mercury in the 8th is beneficial .Saturn in exaltation ,Own or in the Jupiter sign will give good results ,even if it is in the ascendant .Venus in the 12th is auspicious expect when occupies in Rasi and amsa of Saturn .
Shad Bala: Plants Sun ShadBala Ratio Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Lucky day General grand successes can be expected during: Lucky color: Lucky no: Lucky stone:
Guide lines To analysis The Horoscope . 1. Yoga karakas : Signs Aries Taurus Yoga karakas Sun, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Mars ,Mercury, P.R.Muralidharan Neutral Venus 149 Malefic Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn Moon ,Jupiter
Astrological Predictive Techniques Saturn Venus Moon, Mars Jupiter Sun, Mars,ketu,plooto,rahu,ura nus Venus Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sun, Moon, Jupiter Sun, Mars Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sun, Mars, Venus ,Saturn Moon, Mars
Moon, Mercury Sun, Saturn Moon ,Jupiter, Saturn,mercury,vinus Sun ,Mercury, Saturn
Moon, Mars ,Jupiter Sun, Moon ,Jupiter Mercury, Venus Mercury, Saturn Moon, Mars, Jupiter Moon, Jupiter Sun, Mercury ,Venus, Saturn
2. Birth yogi: The first yoga commences from Vishkambha with the star Pushya which in Cancer to calculate the Birth yogi add 93 -20to the longitude of Sun and moon .Locate this value in the zodiac. Note the star and its ruler .This will be the Birth yogi. The lord of the sign in which birth yogi falls is Duplicate yogi. Example: Longitude of Sun = 168-05-38 31-47-27 =93 -20-00 =293-13-05
Longitude of Moon = Plus First Yoga Point Birth Yogi Point falls in
This is in Capricorn Sign Srvana star Ruled by Moon. Therefore Moon is the Birth Yogi and Saturn is the Ruler of the sign Capricon ,so Saturn is the Duplicate Yogi. 3. Avayogi: for every positive Birth Yoga there will be Negative or Adverse Yoga which is known as Avayogi.In the example Chart as Birth yogi is Moon, Mercury is Avayogi Avayogi
Astrological Predictive Techniques Venus Saturn Rahu Ketchup Jupiter Moon Venus Rahu 4.Zero Rasis of a Tithi: Tithi Prathame Dwitiya Thrithya Chaturthi Panchami Sasti Sapthami Ashtami Navami Dasami Ekadasi Dwadasi Thrayodashi Chaturdasi Full Moon New Moon Zero- Rasi Libra Capricorn Sagittarius Pisces Leo-Capricorn Taurus Aquarius Gemini Virgo Aries Leo Cancer Sagittarius Gemini Virgo Leo Scorpio Leo-Scorpio Sagittarius Pisces Libra Capricorn Taurus Leo Pisces GeminiVirgo Sagittarius None None
Mars(12 -30) Venus(0 -30) Mercury(0 -30) Moon(0 -20) Sun20-30 Mercury20-30 Venus20-30 Mars030,Pluto,Kethu Jupiter10-30
Jupiter(5) Mercury(15)
Sun ,Moon Mercury ,Venus ,Mars Venus Mercury ,Saturn Mars ,Jupiter Sun ,Moon Saturn Mercury ,Venus Jupiter Sun ,Moon, mars Rahu Mercury ,Venus Jupiter Sun ,Moon, mars Kethu* Moon ,Mars ,Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn * Some are of the opinion that kethu like Mars so Sun ,Moon, Jupiterare friends Venus ,Saturn are neutral and Mercury is the enemy
7. Temporary friendship: Planets in2, 3, 4, 10, 11,12from a planet are the temporary friends of the given planet .we have to relate this to the natural relationship. 8.Vedic aspects ;All planets aspects the seventh house from its position ,Jupiter, Mars and Saturn has special aspects .Jupiter aspects 5and 9 .Mars aspects 4and 8 .Saturn aspects 3and 10..It is said that the planets Jupiter ,Mars and Saturn has greater power in special aspects than 7th aspects .Saturn has full aspect on the 3 and 10houses from himself .the other planets aspects their 3and 10th houses with one- fourth glance Jupiter aspects fully in the 5and 9th from himself .other planets have half-aspect on these houses from himself .Mars has full aspects in 4and 8th houses from himself .Others have a three- Fourth aspect on these houses . Parasara, state that, Rahu aspects 5, 7,9and 12 fully, 2and 10by half, and 3and 6by one-fourth. 9. Westerns aspects; an aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house
An Applyingaspect is always storngit brings newexperiences in life.It becomes more and more powerflas the aspect is nearing completion and wanes off slowly as the aspects separates. Separating bad aspectis advantageous, i.e., evil will disappear. Separatingaspectafter good aspectalsoindicats thatthat the jubilant spiritwil fade awayslwly.There is no furthercauseto enhancethe pleasure. Separationof a planetfrom a maleficand its appilication to a beneficgives health, happiness expansion, etc., after a struggle Weighting The most importantpoint iabout interpreting a given aspect is that any planetry configuration, indeed any fcotor in the chart, has to be examined. Aspects with widw orbs for example, might not be heavily stresses in an interpretation but will usually confirm what rwritten elsewhere is, or indeed will refine what is already more heavilystated. Briefly the most important factors to be taken into account when assessing the relative importance of a given aspect might include angular planets. Planets tightly conjunct any of the four angles will be of exceptional importance. However, if the birth time, is not knownwith accuracy such conjunction should be treated with caution, for they may not exit. Other tight contacts to the angles are also very important. Exactitude of aspects. Aspects which are exact are nearly show will always be highly significant. Aspect involving the sun, moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler and sun ruler might be more heavily waited than other aspects. The relative strength of the planet. Aplanet in his own sign are house will be purer in his manifestation and thus could be said to be stronger in his effects. Orb of an Aspect
Conjunction Opposition Trine Square Sextile 8 8 8 8 4
In Quincuinx.
Quintile Bi-Quintile Semi- Square Sesiquadrate Semi- Sextile 22.5or 36Degree In case of 18Degree
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0.5Degree
AROHA-Strength AROHA: Considered to be good [0.0 to 1.0] Rupa MARS, MERCURY, SATRUN, MOON (as Moon exceeds 3 in Scorpio moon can be considered in AROHA Planets Deep Signs Signs Signs Signs Signs Signs Debilitation +10sh +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 60sh point and [End of [End of [End of [End of [End of At deep strength at the sign ] the sign the sign the sign the sign exaltation the end of point. the sign. Sun Libra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries 10/6.67 +10sh s +20sh +30sh +40sh +50 10[60 sh ] @180 Moon Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus 3@9sh s +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 3[60sh ] 240 +10sh Mars Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn28@0.66s s 28[60sh ] h 300 Mercur Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo y 15@5sh 15[60sh ] 360 Jupiter Capricorn - Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer 5@8.33 5[60sh ] 300 Venus VirgoLibra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricor Aquarius Pisces 27@3sh s n 27[60 sh ] 180 Saturn Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra 20@3.333 20[60sh ] 0 Rahu Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius 20@3.33 -20[60sh ] 90 Kethu Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini -6-@8sh +10sh +20sh +30sh +40sh +50sh 6[60sh ] 270 Note: For 180 Degrees it is 60, then for one sign of 30 it is 30*60 /180 =10Sh Planets noted in this color: Deep Exaltation point P.R.Muralidharan 155
Astrological Predictive Techniques Planets noted in this color Uchha bilashi; Example-2 .
Nam eXXXXXXX Question: PROMOTION WHEN? Date of Birth/:25-10-1942 Time of Birth 7 -45 IS IST [WAR IME 8 -45 AM] Place of Birth: DHARAPURAM /TAMIL NADU
ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Houses to be judged: 2, 6, 10, 11, .2
th th nd
signifies profession and 11 house signifies Higher status. .Saturn is the karaka for profession. Is it Promised or not: Note the 10 cusp .The 10 Cusp falls in 28-52i Cancer. It is Moon Sign Mercurystar Saturn sub .Saturn that is in Mercury sub, occupant and lord of 11 . Saturn is in Moon star that is in 6 and lord of 10 .Moon is aspected by Sun, Mars and Venus. .Moon is in Mars sign .Saturn is Yoga karaka and in the 7 house ,having directional strength further he ,aspects the 2 also lord of 11 cusp. Hence Promotion is promised.
th nd th th TH th th th
and 10
Planets in the constellatio n of the occupant Planets in the constellatio n of the lord of the sign
Planets aspecting the houses Lord of the sign 4 MARS Hindu B 5+ Jupit er M 5Saturn Western
Favorable Unfavorable
House s
Occupan ts
1 2 -
2 -
Saturn Sext(S)62 .34 Rahu BiquA) 143.18 Kethu Deci(A)36 .82 Uranus SEXT(a05 4.40 10 SUN KETHU RAHU MERCUR Y MOON Saturn Sext(A) 54.97 Uranus Sext(S)62 .92 Neptune Sext(A) 54.04 Pluto Conj(S) 0.50 11 MERCU RY MERCU RY Sun Deci(A) 53.01 Moon Trine (A) 116.67 Pluto Rahu Conj(S0 5.41 Kethu Squa(S94.1 9 Uranus Neptune ,Fortune Sun SSqua(A 84.29 Moon Squa(A) 85.39 Sun ,Moon ,Jupiter Rahu ,Kethu ,Pluto
Squa(S)94.1 9
Venus ,Mars
Moon -
Moon Mars
Sun ,Venus
Sun Conj(S)6 Venus Conj (S0 Moon Quin Sun Square Moon Square Mars Square Venus-Square Rahu Deci Kethu -Biqui Jupiter Square Sun Conj(A0 Mars Conj(S0 Mercury Trine Moon Sextile Jupiter S.Squa Venus Sesqua Sun Sextile Mars Sextile Mercury Semi Square Sun Trine
Mercury Jupiter
Mars ,sun
Jupiter ,Kethu
Kethu P.R.Muralidharan
Sub lord
10 /11 10 /11 2 10
6 2 1010 10 10
10 /11 6
Su Links b Lord
Effective Links
10 11 -
10 10 -
10 10 -
2 /6 10
2 /6/10
-2 /6 10 2 /6 /10
Details Lagna Planets Rising Planets Aspected by Lagna lord /Rising Planet in Domination
Sign Jupiter -
Star Kethu -
Sub Saturn -
Ruling Planets; JUPITER ,KETHU ,SATURN ,MARS ,MERCURY, VENUS ,SUN ,MOON .Rahu is in Saturn sign and Kethu is in Moon sign ,so they represent Saturn and Moon respectively . Common significators::SATURN, JUPITER, MARS, VNUS, SUN, MERCURY. MOON, RAHU, KETHU Selection of strong significators: RAHU, SATURN, JUPITER, MECURY, VENUS JUPITER IS IN MOON SIGN EXALTED IN JUPITER STAR RAHU SUB., Hence strong.significator.
Planets essential and accidental dignities. Signi fies the hous e Deposit ed in the Star ruled by Planets essential and accidental dignities. Signi fies the hous e Planets essential and accidental dignities. Signi fies the hous e Plan ets in their orde r of stre ngth
Significat ors
Stre ngth
Stre ngth
Stre ngth
Astrological Predictive Techniques SATU RN + Yoga karaka Directio nal Strengt h JUPIT ER Exaltati on ,Trinal,Succe edent SUN + Angle Debilita tion MOO N MARS Angle Determ ents Angle 6 /10 2 /6 3 2 VEN US MAR S Angle Determ ents 2 /6 3 MERC URY + Own Exaltati on Moolatr ikona Cadent MERC URY + Own Exaltati on Moolatr ikona Cadent VENU S Angle Own 2 /6 3 MAR S Angle Determ ents
Note:No planets in Sun, SATURN and Mercury star. .Neptune is in Sun star .Saturn cuspal sub lord of 2 and 10 cusp without any planet in his star hence Saturn is very strong significators.
th nd
2 /6 /10
6 /10
6 /10 /11
6 /10
6 /10 /11
6 /10 /11
6 /10
2 /6
the strength 5+, it may be considered as strong and assigned the strength as 1. DASA DETAILS:
TO 6 -07 -1995 17 -06 -1985 17 -06 -1985 10 --03 -1985 23 -08 -1997
60 -40 -50
Astrological Predictive Techniques Star in which Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied KETHU MOON [Venus ,Sun ,Mars ] -
Normally the week day ill be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who is repeated Selected Day
Friday is selected since it is in own sign along with sun and mars and aspected by moon .Venus is in mars star Kethu sub.
1 -03 -1985
Sub Sub
1 -3 1985
60 -40 50
1 /3 /1 /3
1 /2 /3 /1
Dasanatha P.R.Muralidharan
SUN 163
3 /1 /3
Astrological Predictive Techniques 28 -27-16 Bhukthinatha SATURN /4-31 55 Anthranatha JUPITER 11 -28 22 Sookshma SATURN /4 -31 55 Preference 1 -031985 Final Selection- of Day
Note: Importance may be given to Sub Lords in case of Slow moving Planets and Star lords in case of Fast Moving Planets .Saturn, Rahu, Ketchup and Jupiter are Slow moving Planets. * Mars and Venus is Strong,hence even though the strength assigned as 3 may be considered as 1. Transits on the e Selected Days
3 /1 /1
1 /2 /2
3 /1/ 1
1 -031985
Sub Sub
Moon Sun Dasanatha Bhukthinatha Anthranatha Sookshma JUPITER JUPITER MARS MERCURY
3 /2 /1 5+ /1 /5+ 1 /2 /1 1 /2 /1 1 /3 /1 3 /3 /3
Example No -3
Ref No; Date: 6 -10 -2008 Time: 9 -41 -07AM IST Place: Dharwad
Name: XXX3 Question: CHANGE OF JOB IF ANY? Date of Birth/; 21-05-1968 Place of Birth ;:) QUILON KERALA.
ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Houses to be judged: 3, 9, 12. Include Fifth house as it is 12 to 6 house, denoting service and 8 house from 10. Third house denotes change of residence or place .It is Sixth from the tenth house. Ninth house denotes change of job, as it is Twelfth from tenth house .Twelfth house denotes change of environment and Loss of Finance Is it Promised or not: Note the tenth Cusp .It IS 3 -20 PISCES. JUPITER Sign JUPITER Star RAHUSUB.Rahu is in Mercury star Venus sub .Normally when Moon is in the tenth and in a Movable
th th th
Signs denotes frequent change of Job .However in the present chart as Moon is in fixed sign owned by Saturn in the ninth house which did not indicate frequent change of job, but as Tenth sign is a n dual sign more than one job is indicated. Rahu is in Mercury star who is in the 12Mercury ibis lord 1 and 4..Further Mercury aspects 3 house by Sextile 9 house by Trine .Rahu has a cuspal link with 9 house, Rahu is in Jupiter sign and Conjoined with Saturn who is in tenth and lord of 8and 9 hose .Hence Change of Job is indicated at the Latter part of Life.
th rd th th
House s
Occupan ts
Lord of the
Effective cuspal
sign 4 SUN
links 3A -
1 3 MOON
5Sun Squa(A)
Sun Squa(S) JupiterOpp(A) ) Venus Opp (A Sun Conj(A) Mars Conj(S0 Jupiter Squa(A0 KethuSesq() Sun Quin (S)
MoonBiqu(A) JupiterSex(S)
Mars, Neptune
Astrological Predictive Techniques Planets Conjoined Aspecting the Significators. Vedic Sun Moon Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter Western Venus Conj(A) Sun Conj(A)VenVigi (S) Mercury Mars Mars Squa(S0 Venus SemiSex (S) Jupiter Moon ,Venus Sun Squa(S) Mercury Sex(A) Venus Squa( Venus Saturn Rahu Mars ,Mercury ,Kethu Moon Sex(A) Moon S.Sex(S0 Mercury Sex(S) Venus S.Sex(S) Rahu Saturn Mercury-Sex(S) Saturn-Conj(S) Kethu Sun Sesq(A) Mercury-Trine (A) Venus Biqu(A) Saturn Opp(S)
Sub lord
Astrological Predictive Techniques Sun Moon Mars Mercury + Jupiter Venus + Saturn + Rahu+ Kethu Moon Mars Jupiter Rahu Rahu 10 3/5/11/12 1/9/10/12 1 /10 /12 6/1/12 2 /9 6/11/12 3/6 3//9 /10 3 /9 /10 Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn 9/10 9/12 1/12 5/12 3/10 9/10
Planetary Links
Su Links b Lord
Effective Links
12 10 5 5/9 6/12 12 /9
9 3 10 2 5 5/9 10
12 10 5 /9 2 6 /10 /12 12 9
9 5/9
1/10/11 1/10/11
Details Lagna
Degree 215-53-57
Sign Mars
Star Saturn
Sub Mercury
Astrological Predictive Techniques Planets Rising Planets Aspected by Lagna lord /Rising Planet in Saturn in 10 :Kethu in -Saturn aspects by 3rd Aspect .Mars aspects Rahu by 4th Aspect. ---
Domination 9:Jupiter in Own Venus in Own Moon Day Lord Rahu Kethu 246 -17-56 Monday-Moon 291-40-14 111-40-14 Jupiter Saturn Moon Kethu Moon Mercury Rahu Venus Sun Saturn Jupiter Mars
Ruling planets Moon, Jupiter Kethu, Mars Saturn, and Rahu is in the Sign of Saturn and Kethu is in the Sign of Moon Common Significators; Moon, Jupiter, Kethu, Mars, Saturn, Rahu Selection of strong Significators: _ Kethu, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Kethu Moon
9 3 /9
1 1
Moon Jupiter
3 /9 3 /9
1 2
Sun Venus
3 3
1 2
3 /9 /12
3 /9
3 /9
12 3 /9 9 /12
1 2 1
12 9 12
1 1 1
3 /9 3 /9 3 /9
1 1 2
1 1 1
Astrological Predictive Techniques Mercury 12 1 Mars 3 /9 /12 Sun 3 /12 3 Sun 3 /12 3 Mercury 12 1 3 1 Saturn 9 /12 1 1
DETAILS DASA BHUKTHI kethu Kethu Mars Anthra Sookshma Jupiter Saturn /Rahu 23 -11 -2009
DASANATHA [_Kethu] Venus _Sign Sun _StaVenusSub Mercury Sub-Sub. BHUKTHINATHA_Mars _MercurySignSun Star _StaJupiter Sub ANTHRANATHA; Jupiter] Venus; Sign Sun-Star Venus _Sub Jupiter andKethu are in close conjunction SOOKSHMANATHASaturn] _Mercury Sign Mars Star- Saturn Sub - Mars and Moon are Conjoined in Mercury sign, Saturn is also in the same sign SUN__Mercury _Sign_Rahu _Star_SaturnSub MOON Mercury _Sign-_Sun/Moon star.
RESULTS: ____The native will serve for a long period and after full satisfaction, then only think for quitting job and simultaneously do Job which will give him satisfactory in-come .Preferably similar organization though not executive .Independent .During Kethu dasa Mars bhukthi Jupiter Anthra and in Saturn or Rahu Sookshma .On 27 -06 -2012wednesday the Native will change the Present Job .It is good to stay till then as the native will be much benefited in the present position itself.
Astrological Predictive Techniques Star in which Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied Moon Moon Moon aspects Jupiter Mars and Mercury conjoined.-Kethu is in the Sign Mercury and Aspected by Saturn .Hence Wednesday is preferred
Normally the week day ill be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who is repeated Selected Day Dates Example -4
Wednesday -
VARAHAMIHIRA STELLAR ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUE # 48, Poorna Teja, Ranichennama Nagar, 2nd stage, Dharwad-580001 Ph: 0836-2770657, Mob: 9845692002
Ref No:
Name: Chi: N .Karthikeyan Question: PURCHASE OF FLAT WHEN? Date of Birth: 14 -12 -1985 Time of Birth: 11 -16 -00 PM IST Place of Birth: Bangalore ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Houses to be judged: 4, 11 AND 12. Mars is the karaka for Lands and buildings P.R.Muralidharan 171
General. Fourth denotes the domestic life, Mother Houses, Horses, Conveyance, and comforts, education and relatives. Popularity, and reputation, guests, and hosts, Merchandance and friendship, inheritance and position of life at close. In order to know about lands and other dwelling properties, we have to consider the fourth house and Mars The karaka. Mars generally denotes lands and buildings, Saturn and earthy signs for agricultural lands. Mahadeva in Jataka Tatwa states that, a person will reside in many houses if the 4 th house is in a movable sign or its lord is in movable signs. Or Mars is in movable sign. This means that one will change his residence during their periods or sub periods. In case 4th house is in movable signs whereas its lords are in fixed signs, then one will change his quarters or change of dwelling. SsarvarthaChinthamani says movable signs denote houses in many localities. If 4th house, lord of 4th and Mars is in fixed signs then one will remain permanently in the same house similarly if 4th house lord is in. a benefic amsa. Note the occupants of 1st, 2nd, and 4th house, if they are in angles or in trines and Strong indicate the number of good houses one will. Reside Mahadeva is of opinion that the lord of the 4th house in combination with 6th, and 8th, destruction or loss of house. Jataka parijata says that 4th house is for possession of dwelling house, if Sun or Mars occupy this house and be in depressions or in an enemys house, then the person will not own a house. Similarly if 4th house has connection with 8th house .If 4th is in connection with 12th then he will live in a distant place in others house or in foreign place. If the lord of 4th is in 6th then he will be in uncle house, cousin etc., If 4th house lord is in 6, 8, or12th and is weak or evil planets occupies then the house will be haunted. The lords of 2, 4, and 12in 3, 6, 8, or12indicatenumber of houses to be lost. Many strong planets in angles or in trines denotes good house to live-in. Well placed Moon and strong or moon in Gemini, or Virgo. Or in Libra, Scorpio, pieces, Aries, generally have own house. The following are in general indicating difficulty in child birth. 1. If sun and Saturn are in close conjunction in the horoscope of the wife. 2. Or if sun and Saturn receive bad aspects and if they themselves form disharmonious aspects. 3. 4. 5. Or if they occupy the barren signs and receive evil aspects. Or if the lord of the 5 and 8 conjoined together, children born will have very short life. If Saturn occupies an angle and it receives evil aspects from Venus and moon.
6. If Saturn and Venus are in the 7th house and if moon and the lord of the 5th form evil aspects, even if one performs poojas or homa, one can not have child birth. P.R.Muralidharan 172
Astrological Predictive Techniques 7. Even though one is born in any watery signs and Jupiter in the fifth and mercury and Venus are in the seventh, if they are in the constellation of the lords of 6, 8, or 12th. 8. Or if there is a malefic in the forth house and 5th cusp is squared by mars from the 8th house. 9. Or if the moon is in 4, malefic in ascendant and its lord weak I the 5th house. 10. If Moon is in 10th, malefic in 4 and Venus in 7. 11. If moon is in Upachayas house receiving beneficial aspects from male planets, one can not have a son. 12. In the horoscope of the males sun indicates vitality and fertility by Venus. If these planets receive good aspects one will surely have children.
Uthirakalamrita, Kalidasa says that, Moon and Jupiter will bless own house Prithuasas mentions that one will in others house if mercury is in debilitations. And also similar situation if Pisces Navamsa rises at birth. And further states that the birth in Krittika star promises own house. Fourth house and Mars will generally indicate lands and building, provided benefic occupies and lord of 4th well placed and un afflicted, further Mars is well placed and receives beneficial aspects, Native gets the inherited building, if the 4th house receive good aspect from 10th, but construct if it is connected to 12th and 1st lord, but if it is connected to lords of 1st, 6th, and 12th, one will borrow money and acquire it. If the lord of 1st has no connection with 4Mars, but 4th and 6th has connection with Mars then one will acquire house by mortgage. If lord of 1st has no connection with mars but 4th and 8th lord has connections then he sells away the property and so he acquires. If 4th lord has any connected to Sun then he acquires the property by auction. One uses much of wood if the planet which gives the house is in any manner connected with Jupiter; Kethu and mars indicate that one will use well-burned bricks; Saturn and Venus indicates cement; Saturn Venus and mars indicate R.C.C.. Sun connected with the planet indicate thatched and grass roof; moon indicates that there will be plenty of water; mercury indicates twin houses or out house or servant quarters etc. Venus and moon indicate that one will use lime and render it to give marble appearance; mars and Venus indicate mosaic flooring; Venus gives garden, furniture, glass etc; Saturn gives air condition; mars improves the kitchen Venus improves the bed room; Jupiter the cash room; mercury the reading room; Saturn indicates that he may have a locker, an underground room, cellar etc; in case one lets the house for rent, sun indicates government department; moon for nurses, midwife navy people or one who works in water supply; mars indicate surgeon, police, military, industrialist; mercury
Astrological Predictive Techniques shows business people, post office, journalist, commission agents etc; Jupiter for bank and school. Venus is for hotel, silk and silver shop. Saturn is for servants and laborers. If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in any manner connected to 4, 11, or 12th. Mars well placed and strong and in connection with 4th house indicates that one will purchase house property. If it is Saturn and also earthy signs are prominent then one will purchase agricultural lands. In the present case fourth house is to be considered to know whether one purchase a Flat or not?
Prominent house for Immovable Property is the The Fourth cusp falls in
It is Mars Star
Mercury Sub-Sub Mars the Sign lord Mars is in Venus sign in his own star occupant of 2nd, lord of 4and 9, a best yoga karaka. Mara aspectssixth, ninth and tenth cusps. Mars is in Mars star who is Venus sign in his own star Mars signifies 2, 4 9and by in an Occupant of 2, lord of aspects signifies 6,9and 10. 4and 9. The sub lord of the fourth Jupiter is in the Sixth house Jupiter is a significator of cusp is Jupiter Subs Star lordMoon lord of 5 and 8. 6,5and 8. Jupiter
aspects10, 12and 2 cusps. Occupies 5 lords of 12. Moon signifies 5and 12. Moon aspects her own
house 12. Main House Sub lord is in Sub lord is non retrograde theRETRO/NONRETROconstellation. YES Mars is the karaka for lands and buildings and signifies 2, 4 ,9 .
Sub lord is connected to Moon the sub lord is the opposing houses STRONG/ occupant of 5and lord of WEAK Purchase of Land or Immovable property is promised to the native or P.R.Muralidharan 175 12
Planets Planets Hou ses in the constellat ion of the occupant Occup ants in the constella tion of the lord of the sign Lord of the sign
Hindu B M
cuspa l links
1 4 MOON
5+ -
5+ Venus
3A Satur n
Conjuncti on (S) Jupiter Sextile (S) 11 VENUS SUN MERC URY Mercury BiQuintile (A) Jupiter BI_Quintile (S) Saturn P.R.Muralidharan 176 Kethu Rahu Merc ury
Astrological Predictive Techniques BiQuintile (S) Rahu Sextile (A) Kethu Trine (A) 12 -JUPITE R MOON JUPI TER Saturn Trine (A) -Sun Satur Sesiq uadrat e (A) Jupite r n
*Leo Born Sun is lord of the first house, hence Yoga karaka. Moon is Lord of Twelve. Mars is lord of fourth and ninth, hence it is a best Yoga karaka. Mercury is lord of 2 and 11. Jupiter is lord of 5 and 8 .Venus is lord of 3and 10. Saturn is lord of 6 and 7; hence P.R.Muralidharan 177
Astrological Predictive Techniques all these planets signify the event of purchase of flat or an immovable property. Rahu is lord of 7, and Kethu is lord of the 4th, hence Yoga karaka. Sun is in an angular house along with a natural benefic and a karaka for Marriage. . Sun is in Mars sign best Yoga Karaka and an occupant of the second house, besides Mars is in own star in Venus sign. Saturn the occupant of the third house is lord 6 and 7 being conjoined with Mercury lord of 2 and 11. Saturn is in Mars house, hence h is depositor. . Sun is in Mercury star who is lord of 2 and 11. , . Sun is in Saturn Sub ,who is in Third house which is considered as neutral to marriage , lord of 6and 7 Saturn is in Sextile to second and square to seventh and Bi- Quintile to eleventh cusps .Sun is in friends camp and in a fruitful sign. Considering the above and other factors in fruitful Significators table is a strong Significators for marriage. Hence Purchase of a flat and Marriage will take Rahu is a Yoga karaka. He is in the eight houses and lord of 7. Rahu is Kethu star who is the occupant of second house along with Mars, a best yoga karaka. Rahu is Quin to second and Sextile to seventh and eleventh cusps. Rahu is aspected by Mars, hence a strong Significators of marriage. Rahu is in the sub of Mercury, who signifies 2, 7 and 11. Mars aspecting his own house fortifies. Two hoses 8 and 12 facilitate marriage when signified with 2, 7, and 11 since 8th house signifies sexual parts and dowry .12th house s house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure in marriage. However these two houses will signify bickering, insults and loss of married life when they signify 1, 6, 10 also.3and 4th houses remain neutral to marriage and married life. From the above Marriage as is also promised during the conjoined periods of 2,7and 11 and Purchase of flat during the conjoined period of 4,11and 12. .
Astrological Predictive Techniques Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators [5+/5- ] Planets Sun Conjoined Venus Vedic Western Mars Decile (A) Jupiter Decile (S) Saturn Vigintile 9S) Rahu Sesiquadrate (S) KethuSemi-Square (S) Moon -Sun Decile ((S) Mars Square (a) Mercury Sextile (a) Venus Semi-
Square (S) Saturn Sextile 9A) Mars Rahu Jupiter Moon Mercury Saturn Mars Semi Rahu Opposition (A)
Sextile (S) Saturn Conjunction (A) Jupiter Venus Sun Sun Conjunction (A) Mars Semi-
Square (A) Jupiter Sextile (S) Rahu(s) Kethu Decile 9S) Saturn Mercury Jupiter Moon P.R.Muralidharan 179 Bi-quintile
Note: A benefic aspect means 5+ {Green Color) Malefic aspects means 5- (Red color) Ruling Planets
ON 31 -10 -2011 @ 10- 19 -00AM IST @DHARWAD
Details Lagna Sun Planets Rising Planets Aspected by Lagna /Rising Planet in Domination Moon Day Lord Rahu Kethu lord
Sign Jupiter
Star Kethu
Sub Rahu
Sub Sub
Mars Venus
Mercury Moon
Moon Venus
Ruling Planets. Moon, Jupiter, Kethu, Jupiter, Kethu. Common Significators. Moon , Jupiter *, Kethu *. Selection of strong Significators Moon, Jupiter, Kethu
Astrological Predictive Techniques FRUITFUL SIGNIFICATORS: Planets essenti Signific ators Signi Depo sited Stren in the gth Star ruled by 2 Mercu ry 11 4 Signifi Stre Depo sited in the sub ruled by Satur n 4/11/1 2 5+ Signifi Stre Plan ets in their order of stren gth 1
4/11/1 2
Mercu ry
Mercur y
Enemi es Camp
Satur n
4/11/1 2
5+/ 5-
11/1 2
Mercu ry
4/11/ 12 11/1 2
Satur n
4/11/1 2 11/12
5+/ 5-
5+/ 5-
Mercu ry
Astrological Predictive Techniques Kethu 11/1 2 5+/ 5Rahu 11/12 5+/ 5Mercu ry 11 4 4
DBSAS SIGNIFICATIONS Dasa PLANET Rahu Star Lord Sub Lord Mercury 3 /2 -11 Venus 4 /3-10 Mercury 3 /2-11 Venus 4 /3-10 Kethu Signifies Bhukthi 8 2 Saturn Saturn Signifies Anthra 3 /6 -7 3 /6 -7 Rahu Kethu Signifies Anthra 8 2 Jupiter Moon Signifies 6 /5 -8 5 /12
Note: Rahu is in the eight houses in Kethu star that is in the second house. Rahu is in Mercury sub occupant of three and lord of 2 and 11. Nodes offer the results of the planets with which it is conjoined that by which it is aspected and lord of the sign in which it is situated. In the present case Rahu is not conjoined with any planets 1. Mars and Pluto Aspects by 7th aspect .It is in Mars sign, as such Rahu Represents Mars .Kethu is conjoined with Mars and is in Venus Sign, as such it represents Mars and Venus. DASA DETAILS: DETAILS DASA BHUKTHI Rahu Saturn Mercury ANTHRA Saturn -Rahu Saturn- Jupiter SOOKSHMA Sun Moon Dasa Bhukthi Anthra Dasa Rahu Saturn Jupiter 04-04-2012 23-04-20121 Rahu -Saturn- Jupiter FROM 9 -9 -2004 16 -10 -2009 21 -08 -2012 01 -11 -2011 05 -04 -2012 06-03 -2012 14 -03 -2012 05 -04 -2012 TO 9 -09 -2022 21 -08 -2012 0 -03 -2015 05 -04 -2012 21 -08 -2012 14-03 -2012 27 -03 -2012 21 -08 -2012
Astrological Predictive Techniques Bhukthi Anthra Sookshma Rahu Saturn Jupiter 23 -04-2012 Saturn Rahu Saturn -Jupiter 15 05-2012 Mercury 04-06-2012 15-05-2012 Jupiter
Transits on26-04 -2012@-11 -20-00AM IST [Rahu das Saturn Jupiter Jupiter] DESCIPTION DBAS DEGREE 222-5304 BHUKTHINATHA Saturn 181 05 ANTHRANATHA: Rahu 222 -53 - Mars 04 ANTHRANATHA: Jupiter 25-08-57 Mars Venus Mercury Rahu Saturn Mars Moon -26- Venus Mars Mercury Jupiter SIGN STAR SUB SUB SUB . DASANATHA Rahu Mars Saturn Mars Moon
25 57
-08- Mars
Moon .
Note: On 26-04-2012 @11-12AM IST It is Mercury Jupiter Kethu Sub when the vender signed
Transits on31-05 -2012@7 -40-00AM IST [Rahu das Saturn Jupiter Mercury r] [Bangalore] [Griha Praveshavesam] DESCIPTION DASANATHA P.R.Muralidharan DBAS Rahu DEGREE 221-02-01 SIGN Mars 183 STAR Saturn SUB Moon SUB SUB Moon
Astrological Predictive Techniques BHUKTHINATHA Saturn [R] ANTHRANATHA: Jupiter 179 -20 - Mercury 09 33 -22-06 50 -04-07 46 -05 -51 Venus Sun Saturn Mercury Mars Saturn Mars
Moon Moon
Saturn Jupiter
Mercury Moon
RESULTS: Rahu Dasa is under operation from 9 -9 -2004 to 9-09-2022 .Purchase of a flat will take place during Rahu Dasa Saturn Bhukthi which will be from 16 -10 -2009 to 21 -08 2012 .Rahu Dasa- Saturn Bhukthi Rahu Anthra will operate between 01 -11 -2011 and 05 -04 -2012. There after Jupiter Anthra between 05 -04 -2012 and 21 -08 -2012. Sun Sookshma i.e., between 06 -03 -2012an14-03 -2012-. Moon Sookshma from 14 -03 -2012 to 27 -03 -2012. Or in Rahu Dasa - Saturn Bhukthi Jupiter Anthra Jupiter Sookshma i.e., between 05 -04 20121and 23 -04 -2012 as the period of Flat registration .In this period Mostly on or around 18-04-2012 ,when Sun transits in Jupiter sign Saturn star Mercury Sub Is most favorable day of Registration .On 26-04-2012 Sun will transits in Mars sign Kethu star Mercury sub and Moon will be in Mercury sign Mars star As such one can expect Purchase of Flat on Thursday the 26-04-2012around 11-20AMISTand House Warming Fuction will be held on 3105-2012 @ 7-40-00 AM IST .. When Gemini sign rising i.e., Mercury sign Rahu star Jupiter Sub. .
Selections of Week Days
Rahu P.R.Muralidharan
Saturn 184
Astrological Predictive Techniques Star in which Kethu Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied Saturn Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn. Jupiter and Moon Saturn. aspected Jupiter is by in
Saturn sign
the -
Normally we could select Saturday but in this case Custom Does not permit to select as such
who is repeated Selected Day Dates Thursday 26-04-2012 . .Registration will be on 26-04-2012 booking is though on
place. [ Thursday ] 26-052012 8-34-59AM IST 9-01-00 AMIST /64% 35/29 Saturday, Pinkham Pushya, Vriddhi, Balava Gemini Ascendant. 1825-13or @ 35/35Gemin- 5-11-54 7-36to 8-10AM 22/37
26-05-2012 31 -05-2012
7-37-59to 8-0059AMIST
70% 59%
Results: It is expected that that the native will look for a flat on 12-02-2012 and will pay advance on the Wednesday the 15February 2012 when Venus sign Mars star - Mars sub operates i.e. around 1-30PM. Moon will transits on this day in Mars sign Saturn Venus sub. Sun will be transiting in Saturn sign Mars star Kethu sub, laterpays the amounts by releasing his. self earnings and the help from his mother as Mars signifies he fourth and the help of father as Mars signifies ninth besides third house signifies brother and sisters. The loan will be taken
Astrological Predictive Techniques from LIC [8] Loan is signified by 6thhouse. . Finally Registration is on 26-04-2012 and Grih Pravesham is on 31-05-2012. In Gemini Ascendant around 7-40AM IST. Rahu is not conjoined with any planet, Mars aspects Rahu. Rahu is Mars sign. Along with Kethu in Venus sign. Rahu represents Mars and Kethu represents Mars and Venus. Rahu is a slow moving planets, as such give importance in transit to Sub Lord while transiting. At present Rahu is Transiting in Mars sign. Scorpio, where Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are there. Both Mercury and Saturn is a strong Significators for marriage. Jupiter can also be considered. Mercury is in enemies camp Eight from Rahu in the natal position, so lord of 3and 6 with respect Rahu position in natal chart where as Saturn is in eight but lord of 10 and 11 with respect to Rahu in natal chart. Jupiter is in tenth and lord of ninth and twelfth with respect to Rahu in natal position. , From the above consideration it may wise to consider Saturn instead of Mercury or Jupiter. When Rahu Transits in Mars sign, a best Yogyakarta, consider Mars or Rahu Sub. Rahu Represent Mars, as Such Rahu should Transit in Mars sign Saturn star Rahu, Which is between -08 -03 -2012 and -25 -03 -2012. Saturn the Bhukthinatha is also a slow moving planet as such give important to Sub lord while transiting. Saturn enters Libra sign on 6 -11 -2011, in this sign Mars star, Rahu star and Jupiter star exists, Let us consider Mars or Rahu. Mars comes First hence it is taken for consideration. The Sub lords in this signor Mercury ,Kethu Venus , sun , and Moon .Mercury , Kethu , Venus Sun and Moon all are Good .Prefer Kethu or Venus or sun . Mars represents Venus o also Kethu. Kethu is most preferable which will be from -2 -12 2012 to 10 -12 -2011or Venus from 10 -12 -2011--and 11 -01 -2012. Now look into Transit of sun and Moan and Fix the Date. Mars in Kethu star that is can conjunction with Mars in Venus sign. Saturn turns Retrograde on 8 -02 -2012 @185 -34 Rahu is a slow moving planet ad now it is transiting in Mars sign mercury star Moon sub as per the strength assigned for the event, Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Mercury subs can be selected. Now let us look for Rahu Transiting in Mercury star Sun sub, which will be around Sun Sub which will be around 9 -11 -2011 Venus Sign Mars star Saturn Venus Sign Mars star P.R.Muralidharan 186 15 -11 -2011 to 01 12 1 -53 -2 to 2 -40 -00 2 -12 -2012 to 10 2011201120112011 12 -2011
0 -0 -0 to 1 -53-20
Astrological Predictive Techniques Saturn Saturn Saturn Rahu Rahu Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Mars Mercury star Mars Saturn star.
Saturn turns retrograde on 8 -02 -2012 .@185 -34
Venus sub Sun sub. Moon Sub Rahu Sub Rahu Sub
2 -40 -00 to 4 -53 -20 4 -53 -20 to 5 -33 -20 5-33 -20 to 6 -40 -00 24 -06 -40 to 26 -06 40 12 -53 -20 to 14 -53 20
1. Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star lord and sub lord and their significations with their strength 2. If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful 3. Planet in own star lord and own sub lord is powerful 4. Planet in own sign, is powerful. 5. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, Vargothama, MoolaTrikona is powerful. 6. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fortifies. 7. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful 8. If a planet is aspected by many favorable Significators is also powerful 9. If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that planet. 10. Planet in conjunction with a strong Significators is most favorable 11. The relationship between Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord; is most important. 12. If Bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6 th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow P.R.Muralidharan 187
Astrological Predictive Techniques materialize, similarly Anthra lord to Bhukthi lord, and Sookshma lord to Anthra lord. 13. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or Bhukthi lord and also the star lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the event. (Normally the day of event will be the Bhukthinatha of the star lord) 14. Sun should transit in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha which will indicate of the period. 15. Now look into the transit of Dasa and Bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of favorable Significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event. 16. Now most important is the transit of moon. Moon should transit in strong Significators which will indicate the day of an event. 17. Now look into transit of Antharlord as well as Sooksma lord if they are also in favorable Significators then the event will fructify. 18. It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in Navamsa chart or in relevant divisional chart such as Drekana, Chathuramsa etc. 19. Sooksma lord should be the strongest and next Anthra lord 20. Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered. 21. Zerorasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important 22. The permanent and temporary friendship and internal relationship between Dasa Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma is to be considered. 23. Importance may be given to the sub in case of slow moving planet and star incase of fast moving planet. 24. A Planet in a Shishodaya gives results in the early half , in a prishthodaya sign it gives in the second part or half and in Ubhayodaya it gives through out
Transits Tips Transits are current aspects formed between the current position of the planets to the radical or progressed positions of planets .and angles .A transit is the passage of planets over its natal or radical position or progressed positions of the planets and cusps .The passage of the of planets opposite to the natal or progressed positions is also regarded as transit .In order to differentiate it is said as conjunctions or oppositions by transit .In accordance with the principle of western the transit by square ,Semi-square ,trine ,Sextile ,semi-Sextile and Bi-Quintile and other aspects may also be considered at least and Major aspects Apart from the above the four angles , is also necessary ,of which the Mid-heaven (0 and ascendant is and also luminaries are generally important ,and the reaming seven planets is of lesser value .it is also worth to note transits over Fortuna and other sensitive and critical degrees are very important .The planet transiting over the a radical or progressed positions is the transiting planet or body or exciter or promoter and it may one of the nine planets .the Transit of Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus ,Neptune, Pluto ,Rahu and Kethu lasts for long period and their depends upon its constellations and Sub .the transit of Mars is less lasting than the former but deceive and so important .Moon ,Mercury ,Venus and sun being quickly moving planets .,their transits will be for few days and hours But the Transits of sun Ann moon are very important ,they only indicate the month and day of the event .and their transits are very effective .especially when they pass through the houses of the horoscope . In considering tee orb of one or two degrees may be allowed .Transit includes full moon, new moon and Eclipses. it is necessary to note transits of the Sun moon and then note conjunctions ,opposition ,Square ,Trine ,Sextile Etc., both at birth positions and progressed positions .of the date corresponding to the given time .and arranged systematically increasing order to facilitate out transits .then the range of positions of all planets during the given period It may be one day or over some periods .when the transits agree to the significations of planets in the horoscope ,then only matter will masteries otherwise only tempts to give a event .The detailed check list prepare by me may be referred for accurate results . 1. The Sun should transits in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 2. The above rule is applicable only when Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and strong. 3. If No Planets are in the Star of Dasa or Bhukthi, then it is preferable to look into transit of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha in their sign and in their stars.
Astrological Predictive Techniques 4. This rule gets modified by the planets with which they are in conjunction or aspected by other Planets. Provided they are stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 5.If the Star in which Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha Then, when Sun transits in the Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha 6. If Anthra is properly selected ,then Look into the occupation of Anthranatha and Star in which it is situated ,If they are Stronger than Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,then Sun Transiting the sign of Anthra and Star of either Dasa or Bhukthi or anthrax whichever is Well placed and strong may be selected 7. Let any Planet. Transiting any sign ,or in any house .As per K.P. one should note the transits of the Significators in the star and sub of a particular matter ,Well placed and strong will surely indicate the time of event 8. Moon transiting the Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra jointly indicate the time of an event. 9. Note whether any planet is a slow moving Planet, if so give importance to the sub .If it is fast moving give Importance to Star, who is a strong Significators. 10 .Note the Karaka Planet, well placed and strong, then Look to the transit in his sign and preferably the Star and sub. 11 .If Karaka Planet is aspecting any one of the periods, then select the transit of Sun in that planet Sign or preferably Star and Sub. 12. Note the Sign, Star and Sub of the concerned houses in question ,then note which of these are signifies strongly , well placed and receives aspects either from Karaka or any Strong Significators .The Sun or Moon will transit in the Sign and mostly in the Star and Sub of this House . 13 .Note the most important Cusp of the matter in question ,then note whether Sign or Star or Sub is well placed and strongly signifies the event .Consider essential and accidental dignities also .The Sun will mostly Transit either in this Sign ,Star or Sub either individually or Jointly . 14 .Note the Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma, Preference is to be given to Sookshma, who must be strongest Significators .The Sun will transit in the Sign of any one of them and in the strongest star and Sub during transit. 15 .The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign .{11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. . from 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit .Some are of the opinion that the Moon and Rahu s results in
Astrological Predictive Techniques Transit and Moon And Mercury give results in the whole sign .Saturn and Rahu give results their results at the end Jupiter and Venus in the Middle .The Sun and Mars In the beginning 6 .TRANSITS OF PLANETS: The Moon sign is also called jamma Rasa .During transits it gives good results at certain places and bad results at other places .The Good results are sometimes blocked due to occupation of other planets at specific house from it .Such position are known as Veda positions for transiting planets. The Good results are deferred till Veda positions are occupied by planets
Except ions
No Veda betwe
Astrological Predictive Techniques en Mercu ry and Moon JUPIT ER VENU S SATU RN 3/12 6/9 11/5 No Veda betwe en Satur n and Sun RAH U KETH U 3/12 6/9 11/5 -3/12 6/9 11/5 1/8 2/7 3/1 4/10 5/9 8/5 9/11 11/9 12/3 2/12 5/4 7/3 9/10 11/8 -
17. Vipareeta Vedha places: The Concept is an old one and may be tested. As in Vedha, there is also no Vedha between the Sun and Saturn. No Veda between Mercury and Moon A Planet gives malefic results in transits in certain houses from Moon Sign at Birth and if some Planets is /are in some specific houses from the position of Moon at Birth ,then the malefic results of the former planet are obstructed by the later planet .this is tern\med as Vipareeta Vedha .
Planet s
9/3 9/6
12/6 12/11
Mercur 1/8 y Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu 3/7 1/3 5/11 5/11 5/11
12/2 6/11 -
7/2 -
8/1 -
9/5 -
10/4 -
11/9 --
Note: The Dasa and Anthra Dasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects . When the lord of the major period is a malefic and Anthra Dasa is a benefic the results will be bad ,if they are not conjoined .If they are associated with one another ,there are mixed results .the Anthra Dasa lord may be yoga karaka ,but if he is not conjoined with the lord of the Maha Dasa ,the results are unfavorable .if the lord is both good and bad results ,he will give first give good results in his own Anthra Dasa and later on bad results.
To Select the week day preference may be given to Bhukthinatha Star or any planet repeating or conjoined with Dasa or Bhukthinatha or one who is strongest ,before this it is advisable to take panchaga and find out any one of the star in which moon is transiting either in Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,both day and star agree Dasanatha & Bhukthinatha should have a good relation that is they must be interrelated. Same for Bhukthinatha to Anthra & Anthra to Sookshma. Dasa &Bhukthinatha is not advisable in 6,8,12 or in negative/negation of the matter questioned. P.R.Muralidharan 193
Astrological Predictive Techniques That means Dasa & Bhukthinatha should be strong to the houses concerned & along with Bhukthinatha & Anthranatha. Dasa :It is necessary to note that matters are brought to perfection by conjunction, Sextile and trine etc., If by transits Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha are in Trines and favorably connected to the relevant house choose that period for the fulfillment of an even . Guide Lines for Transit of slow Moving Planets 1. Jupiter, Saturn, Rau, Kethu are Slow Moving Planets. 2. Jupiter will be in a sign for about one year .Saturn will be in a sign for 2Yers 6Months .Rahu and Kethu will be in a sign for 18 Months. 3.Jupiter will be Transiting around 3 .5 minutes in a day 1Degree in 12 days considering 360 days makes one year though it is actually 365 days ,that means in a star of 13 -20 it will be transiting about 160days .During Transiting It will be in retrograde for some known period and may change the sign or remain in the same sign thereafter it will be stationary for some days and becomes direct and completes its transit in the originally occupied sign it was there and move to another with certain more speed ..For detailed study on retro gradation read my article exclusively written on retro gradation .Rahu and Kethu Can never is retrograde as they move always in the anticlockwise direction, as such this aspect is only in case of slow moving planes Jupiter and Saturn. 4. From the above we can say Jupiter will be transiting in a sign for one year, which means the Sign Lord remains the same. Now to assess its indications further, the first point is to note whether it is in town house or in another planet house, if it is own house it mainly gives its significance as karaka and house occupied and aspects it receives, with respected natal Jupiter, natal Lagna as well as Natal Moon. 5 Next step is to find out whether Jupiter is in conjunction, Sextile or Trine or any one of the Major Aspects as per western aspects and also Vedic aspect with the planet under considerations as well as other planets. This gives some modifications besides depositors. 4. Next step is to Note the position of Jupiter, now under consideration the star in which it is transiting. And find the essential and accidental dignity if any in the natal chart as well as at the time of transiting, further note the period at transit only in this dignity and any change may also be noted. 5. It is essential to note the Natural ,temporary and effective relations between Slow moving plant and the star in which it is transiting ,which gives whether it is transiting planet in a star transiting is favorable or not ,if it is Friendly ,considering both then it will give desired results .If it P.R.Muralidharan 194
Astrological Predictive Techniques is friend and enemy then it will give moderate or it will be neutral in as of enemy it may not give the desired results or affects adversely . 6.It is worthwhile To note the Strength as per Shadbala ,Vimshopaka Bala ,planetary rays strength of the slow moving Planet and the strength of the star Shadbala ,etc ., which will definitely Guide which star is o be considered or Not .Only strong planet star is to be preferred as it give full desired results .. 7 Now find what is its karakathvas ,and also which houses it signifies and strength clearly as per K.P. system in the format usually adopted ,it makes it clear now that the slow moving planets will signifying in this star besides the as karaka , houses and aspects it receives .. 8. If the star is favorable as per K.P by being in a star as signified by P A C and also aspects it forms during Transit will give more points or ideas. 9. Next note also as a Transiting in this star what is its significance by PAC .this when combined with the natal gives what it can give transits. 10. This gets modifies as per significance in which it is transiting .Now it is the time to give importance to sub. 11 At this point Note whether the slow moving planets is retrograde and various positions in retro gradations assign its strength .Generally during retro gradation it has some debility .As such correctly assess this how much it has become weak based on my Analysis format -1 . 12. If the sub lord who is a strong Significators in the natal chart and well placed and also during Transit you can finally sleet that sub which will shortest range, then proceed further with other planes whether it supports or retrace it and also week days during current DBAs significations 13. The Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra and Sookshma should signify the event and Anthra lord should Transit in the strongest Significators preferably first two columns or ne who is repeated and receiving favorable aspects. 14. This is best and correct way to think and select the slow moving planet Transits. 15. Similar methods can be thought off in case of Fast moving planets but importance has to be given star lord first and easily you can sleet the sub.
Hindu and Westerns aspects; According to Indian system Jupiter ,Venus Full Moon and well associated Mercury are benefic aspects and Sun ,New Moon ,afflicted Mercury ,Mars ,Saturn ,Rahu ,Kethu Are Malefic ,Out of which Saturn is the first rate malefic .,which will delay and at times Delay . Sun is said to be benefic per western system all Planets aspects the 7th house, where as Jupiter has special P.R.Muralidharan 195
Astrological Predictive Techniques aspects 5and 9: mars 4and 8: Satan 3and 10, where they are more Powerful. Rahu and Kethu aspects 2, 5 7 and 9th house It is also worth to note to include Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Fortuna in the analysis and their effects. By occupation and aspects According to Western system: An aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house Same degree-conjunction-good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Same degree of declination Parallel- good or adverse according to the nature of planets. 18 Degrees-VigintileSlightly Good 24 Degrees Quindecile Slightly Good 30degrees Semi-Sextile Slightly Good 36Degrees Decile Slightly good. 45 Degrees Semi square-Moderalately Evil. 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. 72 Degrees Quintile Slightly good. 90ddegrees Square Disappointing, rejective, obstructive. 108 degrees Tredecile slightly good. 120 Degrees Trine Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good. 135 Degrees Sesquiquadrate-slightly evil. 144 Degrees Bi-Quintile Slightly good. 150 Degrees Quincunx-slightly Evil. 180 Degrees Opposition Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive.
Relative Power of aspects 1. 0conjunction 2. 0Parallel. 3. 180Opposition. 4. 120Trine 5. 90Square. 6. 60 Sextile. 7. 45 semi-squares. 8. 30semi -Sextile. 9. 150Quincuinx.
Astrological Predictive Techniques 10. 72Quintle 11. 135sesquiquadrate. 12. 144 Bi-quintile. 13. 18 Vigintile. 14. 24 Quindecile. 15. 36 Decile. 16. 108 Tredecile.
Major aspects: Conjunction, Parallel, Opposition, Trine, Square and Sextile
Example -5
Ref No:
Name: Chi: XXXX Question: MARRIAGE WHEN? Date of Birth24 -11 -1987Time of Birth10 -59 -00 PM IST Place of Birth: Mumbai Davanagere ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Houses to be judged: 2, 7 and 11 are to be considered. .Venus is the karaka for marriage .In case of women Jupiter is to be seen as it signifies husband. The 2nd house Signify family .The 7th House is the prime House of Marriage /Partner /Spouse .The 11th signify Fulfillment of Desires, Gain of Life partner, Spouse. Family. There are two houses 5, 9 which will always facilitate marriage .5th being 12th from 6th will negate no marriage, it is also the house of love .9th house being 12th from 10th and house of Fortune. Two hoses 8 and 12 facilitate marriage when it signified with 2, 7, and 11, since 8th house signifies sexual parts and dowry .12th house is the house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure in marriage. However these two houses will signify bickering, insults and loss of married life when they signify 1, 6, and 10 also. Sun, Saturn and Rahu are called Separative planets .3rd and 4t remain neutral to marriage and marital life. Is it Promised or not: P.R.Muralidharan 197
Astrological Predictive Techniques General: Marriage is an institution of varied association. Marriage is made in heaven. Marriage is fixed by destiny. The promise or denial of marriage depends largely upon the condition and aspects of the Moon and Venus in a males horoscope, Sun and Venus in case of females. In case of Males the signs of marriage are: Mars in aspects to Venus and Venus
Strong. The Moon in a fruitful sign and strong .Venus in a fruitful sign and strong .Jupiter or Venus in the seventh house The fruitful signs ,Cancer ,Pisces ,Scorpio ,on the seventh ,or intercepted therein :the Moon in a fruitful sign in the first ,fifth ,tenth ,or eleventh :Venus similarly placed : The Moon and Venus unaspected by Saturn and stronger than Saturn: The lords of the first and seventh house in conjunction or good aspect. Pluto or Neptune in the seventh although emphasizing the idealistic marriage again brings a liability towards unfaithfulness on the side of the partner , leads temptations towards adultery which ,if given away to, will break the marriage The Moon in a males horoscope ,being in a fruitful signs in aspect to Saturn ,disposes late marriage .The Moon oriental and unaffiliated .Mars in aspect to Venus ,Venus or Jupiter in the seventh ,or lord of first going to an aspect with the ruler of the seventh denotes early marriage The Moon and Venus well placed in congenial or fruitful signs ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,the native le feel to marry .If Moon is found to be ore natal of the Sun .i.e. increasing in light . and oriental i.e., between fourth and seventh ,or the first and tenth cusps ,the native marry early ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , denotes marriage taking place in later part of life .Moon and Venus are in good positions ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , then marriage take place at a moderate age .,neither early nor late .In Case Of females Sun and Venus aspect one another, whether they are square or trine, or inimical to another must be carefully be studied The Moon strong in the fifth or seventh , aspects to many planets ,denotes early marriage . Marriage is intended for the growth of family, at the same time it permits husband and wife to legally live together to perform certain rights, duties and for pleasures. In a horoscope 7th house signifies legal bondage, partnership in life. The potentiality of the 7th house in a chart is governed by the nature of the 5th, 9th, and 10th houses. In addition to this we have to consider the 2nd house, which signifies additional member to the family by birth of children, 11th house signifies permanent tie of friendship for P.R.Muralidharan 198
Astrological Predictive Techniques pleasure and progeny. Venus is said to be the chief governor of marriage .or a karaka. Further, as for as men is concerned, the chief indicator of marriage is the natural seventh house from Aries i.e. Libra and its lord Venus , in case of women it is Aries, being the seventh from Libra i.e. Aries and Mars and also Jupiter. In a womens chart it is also necessary to consider Moon and Mars, since the menstrual period is regulated by these planets. In man chart Sun is to be examined. In man chart, we have to consider Libra and 7th house from the ascendant, Sun and Venus, and in women chart we must note Aries and seventh from the ascendant/, Moon and Mars and also Jupiter. The eighth house signifies sex life, from these houses and Scorpio in case of men and Taurus in case of women have to be added. Then the extra marital life is determined by the twelfth house from the ascendant and Pisces. While in womens chart Virgo needs to be included. However in man chart the ascendant, Sun and Venus, in case of men and in case of women the ascendant, Moon and Mars apart from Jupiter. Is to be considered. A strong, well placed, unaffiliated Venus gives a harmonies and balanced marital life of man. .Similarly Mars governs the balanced sex life of women. Venus is to be examined with the Sun, and Mars with Moon. The position of Venus is in a male chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wife chart and in case of women to be seen with that and similar comparison is to be made between Sun of husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes chart is necessary. Either they agree or not. The next step would be to look for Navamsa and note the agreement. Saturn in seventh house frustration and disappointments. If afflicted in the eighth it makes one serious in matter of sex life. Sun and Moon are in a close conjunction along with Jupiter in a fruitful sign .Venus is in own sign in 6th house, but nearer to 7th cusp Sun and Moon are not afflicted by Saturn .Jupiter is not afflicted .Sun and Venus is in NO ASPECT. According to K .P Note the 7th cusp if the sub lord of the seventh house is in any manner connected 2, 7 or 11 ones marriage is promised in this chart the 7th cusp falls in19 -4310 CAPRICORN -It is Saturn Sign Moon Star Kethu Sub.-Venus Sub-Sub .Saturn the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in exaltation, and lord of 2and 3 .Saturn is in the Rahu star Venus sub..Saturn is in fifth house and aspects 2, 7 and 11. Saturn aspecting all the houses concerned to marriage is generally delays marriage very much and also causes some troubles during marital life during certain period unless he gets other beneficial connections Saturn is not a Yogyakarta for Cancer Born but in this case he is P.R.Muralidharan 199
Astrological Predictive Techniques posited in a fruitful sign which favors to certain extent further Jupiter aspects Saturn by 9thaspect who is in his own sign occupant of ninth, lord of 6and 9, Jupiter to Saturn is in Trine aspect as per western system. It is stated that Jupiter aspecting Saturn in Trine will mitigates all the evil effects of Saturn .which is most beneficial .which mitigates the evil effects of Saturn . . Kethu the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in 2ndKethu is in Mercury sign sun star Mercury sub Venus sub sub. Kethu is aspected by Jupiter by 7h aspect that is in his own sign, a Karaka for husband. Jupiter the karaka for husband is in 9 lord of 6 and 9 in own house which is favorable. . Saturn in the fifth house normally makes delay in fixation in marriage as it aspects 2,7and 11, all the houses concerned with marriage .Saturn may delay or in selection of bridegroom may not be easy or second or subsequent selection may finalize, however in the present case Saturn in no way harm, as it is aspected by Jupiter a karaka for husband from his own house and both Saturn and Jupiter are in a fruitful sign.. No Planets occupies the seventh house. Saturn is the lord who is in the fifth aspecting 2 ,7 and 11,from the above considerations planets are, in one way or other connected to 2 ,7 or 11 ,hence Marriage is promised but with litter delay. With least problems
Planets in the constella tion of the lord of the sign Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators or houses Lord of the sign
Hou ses
Occup ants
Hindu B M
Western Favorable Unfavor able 5+ Moon Sextile (A) Mercu ry Sextile (S) Kethu Vigintil e (S)) 5-
5+ -
3A -
Mercur y Square (A) Rahu Semi Square (S) Kethu Sesiqu adrate(
Astrological Predictive Techniques A) 11 MOON VENU S Sun Saturn Moon _ BiQuintile (S) Jupiter Sextile (A) Mercur y Quin (S) Ven us MarsSesiqu adrate 9S) Moo n Sun
Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators [5+/5- ] Planets Conjoined Aspecting the Significators. Vedic Sun Western Mars SemiSextile (S) Saturn Vigintile (S) Rahu Trine (A) Kethu Sextile (S) Sun Semi Square (S) Mercury Sextile (S)
Astrological Predictive Techniques Jupiter Square (S)Kethu Tredecile (S) Rahu Quin (A) Kethu semi Sextile (S) Mercury Mars Vigintile (A) Saturn Decile (A) Rahu Sesiquadrate (A)
Saturn Conjunction (S) Separate sign. Rahu Square (S) Kethu Square (A) Jupiter Trine (A) Mars Sextile S) Jupiter Trine (S)
Note: A benefic aspect means 5+ {Green Color) Malefic aspects means 5- (Red color).
Astrological Predictive Techniques Ruling Planets ON 5 /6 -11 -2010-@ 5-38-00AM IST @DHARWAD Details Lagna Sun Planets Rising Degree 187-05-49 195 -33 -09 Sun Moon Mercury Planets Aspected by Lagna lord /Rising Jupiter aspects Lagna and its Lord Venus Planet in Domination Moon Day Lord Rahu Kethu 196 -54 -36 Venus 251-21 -14 71 -21 -14 Venus Jupiter Mercury Rahu Kethu Rahu Venus Saturn Saturn Saturn -Jupiter Venus Sign Venus Venus Star Rahu Rahu Sub Rahu Mars Sub Sub Jupiter Saturn
Ruling Planets; Venus, Venus, Rahu, Venus, Rahu Common Significators Venus, ** Rahu Selection of strong Significators, Venus, ** Rahu
Significat ors
Streng th
Stre ngth
Streng th
2 /7 /11
2 /7 /11
2 /11
2 /11
2 /11
Mercur y
2 /7 /11 7 2 /7 /11
5+/5 -
Mars + Mercury
11 2 /7 /11
55+/5 -
Rahu Jupiter
7 11
3 5-
Rahu Saturn
3 3
3 3
2 /7 /11
5+/ 52 5+/ 53
Venus Saturn
2 /11 2 /7 /11
1 3
Kethu Mercury
2 /7 2 /7 /11
Venus Jupiter
2 /11 11
1 5-
1 1
2 /7 /11
Mercur y
2 /7 /11 2 /7 /11
5+/5 -
2 /7
2 /7 /11
Mercur y
5+/5 -
DBSA SIGNIFICATIONS Dasa PLANET Star Lord Sub Lord Rahu 8 Saturn 5 /7 -8 Mercury 4 /3-12 Mercury 4 /3-12 Mars Rahu Signifies 3 /10 8 Bhukthi Mercury Jupiter Signifies 4 /3-12 9 /6-9 Bhukthi Kethu Sun Signifies 2 4/ Anthra Moon Venus Signifies 6/1 5/4-11
Astrological Predictive Techniques MA is not in its own star. But, MA has no planets in its stars. Hence it fully signifies 3. 5 contain one or more Planets. Hence MA does not signify 5. 10 are empty. Hence MA fully signifies 10. MA is in the Star of RA. RA occupies 8. Hence MA fully signifies 8 through its Star Lord. RA owns none MA is in SUB of RA. RA signifies 5, 8, and 7. Hence MA gets signification of 5, 8, and 7 through its SUB LORD. MA is Cuspal Sub Lord for: 2 Because, MA has no planets in its stars, MA fully signifies 2 for which it is the Cuspal Sub Lord. ME Occupies 4 and owns 3, 12. Mercury is not in its own star. Also, there are one or more planets in its stars. Hence it does not signify 4. Also, Mercury does not signify the cusps owned. Mercury is in the Star of JU. JU occupies 9. Hence Mercury fully signifies 9 through its Star Lord. JU owns 6, 9. 6 are not empty. Hence Mercury does not signify 6. 9 are not empty. Hence Mercury does not signify 9. Mercury is in the of SUB of SA. SA signifies 4, 5, 3, 12, 7, and 8. Hence ME gets signification of 4, 5, 3, 12, 7, 8 through its SUB LORD. Mercury is the Cuspal Sub Lord for: 3, 9 As ME is not in its own star or, has other planets tenanting its stars, It does not fully signify 3, 9 for which it is the Cuspal Sub Lord. VE Occupies 5 and owns 4 11. VE is not in its own star. Also, there are one or more planets in its stars. Hence it does not signify 5. Also, VE does not signify the cusps owned. VE is in Star of KE. KE occupies 2. Hence VE fully signifies 2 through its Star Lord. KE owns none P.R.Muralidharan 206
Astrological Predictive Techniques VE is in its own SUB. Hence it fully signifies 1, 5, and 11 for which it is the Cuspal Sub Lord. VE also signifies 2, 5, 4, and 11 by stellar significations KE Occupies 2 and owns none. KE is not in its own star. Also, there are one or more planets in its stars. Hence it does not signify 2. Being a Node, KE is in the star of SU occupies 4. Hence KE fully signifies 4 through its Star Lord. SU owns 2. 2 are not empty. Hence KE does not signify 2. KE is in SUB of ME. Isignify9, 4, 6, 3, and 12. Hence KE gets signification of 9, 4, 6, 3, and 12 through its SUB LORD. KE is Cuspal Sub Lord for: 7 As KE is not in its own star or, has other planets tenanting its stars, It does not fully signify 7 for which it is the Cuspal Sub Lords not own any house cusps. KE is in Star of SU. Signify 12 through star lord .Jupiter owns 1and 4 .1 is empty star lord. Jupiter owns 1nd 4 .Both these houses are not occupied by any planets ,as such signifies fully 1 and 4, .Mars is in the Sub of Sun , who signifies 8 ,7 ,10 ,9 .Mars signify 8 ,7 ,10 ,9 through sub lord .Mars is the cuspal sub lodes of 3 ,as no planets are in this house it signifies fully 3for which it is cuspal sub lord .
Mars Mercury Kethu Venus Mars Kethu Venus Mars Venus Moon
16 -02 -2007 17 -08 -2010 15 -08 -2011 14-01 -2012 23 -08 -2011
Su Saturn
Sub Sub.
Mercury Mercury
Moon Jupiter
Sun Venus
Rahu Venus
RESULTS: Marriage will take place during Mars Dasa -Kethu Bhukthi - Venus Anthra
i.e. .,
between 23 -08 -2011and 17 -09 -2011. In this Select Venus Sookshma which will be from 23 08 -2011and 27 -08 -2011or in Sun Sookshma i.e., between-27 -08 -2011 and 29 -08 -2011 in this most favorable period is Sun Sookshma i.e., between 27 -08 -2011 and 29 -08 -2011, as such marriage is likely to happen during this period. It is expected that the marriage will be on or P.R.Muralidharan 208
Astrological Predictive Techniques around 28 -08 -2011.or as an alternate 11 -09 -2011; however it is likely to be postponed to Venus Bhukthi. Venus is considered to be the strongest one. [Grade -1], as such Venus may be considered. . It is certainly expected that the marriage will take place only in Venus Bhukthi. In this select Moon Anthra. . Mars Dasa Venus Bhukthi is from 14-01-2012 to 16 -01-2013 In this Moon Anthra is from 16-04-2012 to 21 -05-2012. Saturn Sookshma is from 01-05-2012 to 0605-2012. .Marriage will take place on 04-05-2012 when Mars Dasa Venus Bhukthi Moon Anthra Saturn Sookshma operates Fourth cusp falls in 20 -10-10Libra .It is Venus sign Jupiter star Jupiter sub Jupiter Sub
sub. .The fourth house is occupied by Mercury and Sun. Venus is the lord of this house, well placed by occupying the fifth Trinal house. Venus to Jupiter is in Trine aspect and Sextile to Mars. Venus lord of 4and 11. , Venus is in close conjunction with Uranus which signifies electronics. . .The Significators of 4, 8, and 12 denotes the profession of the partner. Mercury, sun is the occupant of fourth house and Rahu occupies the eight houses. Saturn is the Lord of this house. No planets occupy the twelfth house. Mercury is the lord. Twelfth house and is aspected by Venus and Moon. Venus Jupiter - Jupiter is the sign, star and sub lord, Which denotes varied interests in many subjects and in varied profession mostly an Engineer with specialization in Electronics and computer science and Managemement in finance / Human recourses mostly an M.B.A or a post graduate? Venus is in Jupiter Sun sign along with Moon, both are in Jupiter sign. Jupiter is for finance, bank, Law, teacher where as Mercury for business, engineer, journalism etc, Moon denotes public relation, as Venus and Mercury are predominates mostly an engineer With Electrical and Electronic. Or computer / industrial information science Good knowledge in computer science. A Post Graduate. Mercury star denotes engineer with wide knowledge in computer science and he will be highly qualified, and a post graduate. According to K .P. the sub lord of the7th cusp falls in 19-43 -10 Capricorn .It is Saturn Sign Moon Star Kethu Sub.-Venus Sub-Sub .Kethu the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in second house aspected by Jupiter by 7th aspect. Kethu is in Mercury sign in the second house , .Jupiter denotes proper age difference mostly five years but Kethu is in Mercury denotes less age difference as such the age difference will be mostly in the range of about four to five years . .7th cusp Sub lord .Kethu is in 2in Mercury Sign aspected by Jupiter. Who is in 9, lords of 6
and 9 as such a new relation, a stranger comes from not for from the place of birth. Normally Tenth house means the partner is from home town and 3rd signifies short distance. , the partner maybe a co-tenant, or live in ones street, town, district etc., after marriage it does not involve a distant to reach husband place .but in this case Kethu is in Second aspected by Jupiter who is P.R.Muralidharan 209
Astrological Predictive Techniques in Ninth house lord of 6and 9 signify new relationship and not for from the birth place . Ninth signify long distance, a stranger and ninth signifies who stays in foreign countries. , .The birth star of the native is in Saturn sign Sun star i.e., Capricorn. The most possible Ascendant is Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter in Kethu Star. The following stars are suitable :Aswini -30,Bharani -31 , , Mrigasira -20 /13Pushya -32, 27Pubba 32,Amerada -31 Jyeshtha -24Moola -29 , Poorvashdha -34 , Shthabhisha 24, 30 /26Pisces,Uttra- Bhadrapada -33and ,Revathi -21 . Probably the partners star will be Saturn. 7th house is UN occupied Saturn is in a fruitful sign Jupiter is well placed in own and fruitful sign in the ninth house denotes Spouse just and honorable comes from a respectably family and good Married Life. .
Star in which Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied Normally the week day will be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who is repeated
Normally it should be Friday as Rahu is in Venus sign. , however I preferred Thursday as Jupiter is in his own, and aspects the 7 and in Venus star. A strong Significators of 7and 11 .and also aspected by Saturn who
Friday 4-05-2012
. .
1. Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star lord and sub lord and their significations with their strength 2. If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful 3. Planet in own star lord and own sub lord is powerful 4. Planet in own sign, is powerful. 5. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, Vargothama, MoolaTrikona is powerful. 6. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fort ifies. 7. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful 8. If a planet is aspected by many favorable Significators is also powerful 9. If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that planet. 10. Planet in conjunction with a strong Significators is most favorable 11. The relationship between Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord; is most important. 12.If Bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6 th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow materialize, similarly Anthra lord to Bhukthi lord, and Sookshma lord to Anthra lord. 13. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or Bhukthi lord and also the star lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the event. (Normally the day of event will be the Bhukthinatha of the star lord)
Astrological Predictive Techniques 14. Sun should transit in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha which will indicate of the period. 15. Now look into the transit of Dasa and Bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of favorable Significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event. 16. Now most important is the transit of moon. Moon should transit in strong Significators which will indicate the day of an event. 17. Now look into transit of Antharlord as well as Sookshma lord if they are also in favorable Significators then the event will fructify. 18. It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in Navamsa chart or in relevant divisional chart such as Drekana, Chathuramsa etc. 19. Sooksma lord should be the strongest and next Anthra lord 20. Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered. 21. Zerorasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important 22. The permanent and temporary friendship and internal relationship between Dasa, Bhukthi, anthers and Sookshma is to be considered. 23. Importance may be given to the sub in case of slow moving planet and star in Case of fast moving planet. 24. A Planet in a Shishodaya gives results in the early half , in a prishthodaya sign it gives in the second part or half and in Ubhayodaya it gives through out . Transits Tips Transits are current aspects formed between the current position of the planets to the radical or progressed positions of planets .and angles .A transit is the passage of planets over its natal or radical position or progressed positions of the planets and cusps .The passage of the of planets opposite to the natal or progressed positions is also regarded as transit .In order to differentiate it is said as conjunctions or oppositions by transit .In accordance with the principle of western the transit by square ,Semi-square ,trine ,Sextile ,semi-Sextile and Bi-Quintile and other aspects may also be considered at least and Major aspects Apart from the above the four angles , is also necessary ,of which the Mid-heaven (0 and ascendant is and also luminaries are generally important ,and the reaming seven planets is of lesser value .it is also worth to note transits over Fortuna and other sensitive and critical degrees are very important .The planet transiting over the a radical or progressed positions is the transiting planet or body or exciter or promoter and it may one of the nine planets .the Transit of Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus ,Neptune, Pluto ,Rahu and Kethu lasts for long period and their depends upon its constellations and Sub .the transit of P.R.Muralidharan 212
Astrological Predictive Techniques Mars is less lasting than the former but deceive and so important .Moon ,Mercury ,Venus and sun being quickly moving planets .,their transits will be for few days and hours But the Transits of sun Ann moon are very important ,they only indicate the month and day of the event .and their transits are very effective .especially when they pass through the houses of the horoscope . In considering tee orb of one or two degrees may be allowed .Transit includes full moon, new moon and Eclipses. it is necessary to note transits of the Sun moon and then note conjunctions ,opposition ,Square ,Trine ,Sextile Etc., both at birth positions and progressed positions .of the date corresponding to the given time .and arranged systematically increasing order to facilitate out transits .then the range of positions of all planets during the given period It may be one day or over some periods .when the transits agree to the significations of planets in the horoscope ,then only matter will masteries otherwise only tempts to give a event .The detailed check list prepare by me may be referred for accurate results . 1. The Sun should transits in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 2. The above rule is applicable only when Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and strong. 3. If No Planets are in the Star of Dasa or Bhukthi, then it is preferable to look into transit of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha in their sign and in their stars. 4. This rule gets modified by the planets with which they are in conjunction or aspected by other Planets. Provided they are stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 5.If the Star in which Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha Then, when Sun transits in the Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha 6. If Anthra is properly selected ,then Look into the occupation of Anthranatha and Star in which it is situated ,If they are Stronger than Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,then Sun Transiting the sign of Anthra and Star of either Dasa or Bhukthi or anthrax whichever is Well placed and strong may be selected 7. Let any Planet. Transiting any sign ,or in any house .As per K.P. one should note the transits of the Significators in the star and sub of a particular matter ,Well placed and strong will surely indicate the time of event 8. Moon transiting the Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra jointly indicate the time of an event. 9. Note whether any planet is a slow moving Planet, if so give importance to the sub .If it is fast moving give Importance to Star, who is a strong Significators. 10 .Note the Karaka Planet, well placed and strong, then Look to the transit in his sign and preferably the Star and sub. P.R.Muralidharan 213
Astrological Predictive Techniques 11 .If Karaka Planet is aspecting any one of the periods, then select the transit of Sun in that planet Sign or preferably Star and Sub. 12. Note the Sign, Star and Sub of the concerned houses in question ,then note which of these are signifies strongly , well placed and receives aspects either from Karaka or any Strong Significators .The Sun or Moon will transit in the Sign and mostly in the Star and Sub of this House . 13 .Note the most important Cusp of the matter in question ,then note whether Sign or Star or Sub is well placed and strongly signifies the event .Consider essential and accidental dignities also .The Sun will mostly Transit either in this Sign ,Star or Sub either individually or Jointly . 14 .Note the Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma, Preference is to be given to Sookshma, who must be strongest Significators .The Sun will transit in the Sign of any one of them and in the strongest star and Sub during transit. 15 .The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign .{11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. . from 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit .Some are of the opinion that the Moon and Rahu s results in Transit and Moon And Mercury give results in the whole sign .Saturn and Rahu give results their results at the end Jupiter and Venus in the Middle .The Sun and Mars In the beginning 16 .TRANSITS OF PLANETS: The Moon sign is also called jamma Rasi. During transits it gives good results at certain places and bad results at other places .The Good results are sometimes blocked due to occupation of other planets at specific house from it .Such position are known as Veda positions for transiting planets. The Good results are deferred till Veda positions are occupied by planets
6/1 2
11/ 5
10/ 4
No Veda between Saturn and Sun No Veda between Mercury and Moon
Astrological Predictive Techniques MERCURY 2/3 4/5 6/9 8/1 10/ 8 11/1 2 No Veda between Mercury and Moon No Veda between Saturn and Sun -
9/1 0 4/1 0 -
11/ 8 5/9 -
8/5 -
9/1 1 -
11/ 9 -
12/ 3 -
3/12 3/12
6/9 6/9
11/5 11/5
17. Vipareeta Vedha places: The Concept is an old one and may be tested. As in Vedha, there is also no Vedha between the Sun and Saturn. No Veda between Mercury and Moon A Planet gives malefic results in transits in certain houses from Moon Sign at Birth and if some Planets is /are in some specific houses from the position of Moon at Birth ,then the malefic results of the former planet are obstructed by the later planet .this is tern\med as Vipareeta Vedha .
Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu
Houses 4/10 2/7 5/11 1/8 3/7 1/3 5/11 5/11 5/11
9/5 -
10/4 -
---11/9 --
Note: The Dasa and Anthra Dasas of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects .
Astrological Predictive Techniques When the lord of the major period is a malefic and Anthra Dasa is a benefic the results will be bad ,if they are not conjoined .If they are associated with one another ,there are mixed results .the Anthra Dasa lord may be yoga karaka ,but if he is not conjoined with the lord of the Maha Dasa ,the results are unfavorable .if the lord is both good and bad results ,he will give first give good results in his own Anthra Dasa and later on bad results. To select the week day preference may be given to Bhukthinatha star or any planet repeating or conjoined with Dasa or Bhukthinatha or one who is strongest ,before this it is advisable to take panchaga and find out any one of the star in which moon is transiting either in Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,both day and star agree .
Dasanatha Bhukthinatha should have a good relation that is they must be interrelated. Same for Bhukthinatha to Anthra to Sookshma. Dasa Bhukthinatha is not advisable in 6,8,12 or in negative/negation of the matter questioned. That means Dasa Bhukthinatha should be strong to the houses concerned & along with Bhukthinatha Anthranatha. DASA - It is necessary to note that matters are brought to perfection by conjunction, Sextile and trine etc., If by transits Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha are in Trines and favorably connected to the relevant house choose that period for the fulfillment of an even . Hindu and Westerns aspects; According to Indian system Jupiter ,Venus Full Moon and well associated Mercury are benefic aspects and Sun ,New Moon ,afflicted Mercury ,Mars ,Saturn ,Rahu ,Kethu Are Malefic ,Out of which Saturn is the first rate malefic .,which will delay and at times Delay .Sun is said to be benefic per western system all Planets aspects the 7th house, where as Jupiter has special aspects 5and 9: mars 4and 8: Satan 3and 10, where they are more Powerful. Rahu and Kethu aspects 2, 5 7 and 9th house It is also worth to note to include Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Fortuna in the analysis and their effects. By occupation and aspects According to Western system: An aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house Same degree-conjunction-good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Same degree of declination Parallel- good or adverse according to the nature of planets. 18 Degrees-VigintileSlightly Good 216
Astrological Predictive Techniques 24 Degrees Quindecile Slightly Good 30degrees Semi-Sextile Slightly Good 36Degrees Decile Slightly good. 45 Degrees Semi square-Moderalately Evil. 60 Degrees Sextile Favorable, good. 72 Degrees Quintile Slightly good. 90ddegrees Square Disappointing, rejective, obstructive. 108 degrees Tredecile slightly good. 120 Degrees Trine Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very good. 135 Degrees Sesquiquadrate-slightly evil. 144 Degrees Bi-Quintile Slightly good. 150 Degrees Quincunx-slightly Evil. 180 Degrees Opposition Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive.
Relative Power of aspects 17. 0conjunction 18. 0Parallel. 19. 180Opposition. 20. 120Trine 21. 90Square. 22. 60 Sextile. 23. 45 semi-squares. 24. 30semi -Sextile. 25. 150Quincuinx. 26. 72Quintle 27. 135sesquiquadrate. 28. 144 Bi-quintile. 29. 18 Vigintile. 30. 24 Quindecile. 31. 36 Decile. 32. 108 Tredecile. Major aspects: Conjunction, Parallel, Opposition, Trine, Square and Sextile
VARAHAMIHIRA STELLAR ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUE # 48, Poorna Teja, Ranichennama Nagar, 2nd stage, Dharwad-580001 Ph: 0836-2770657, Mob: 9845692002 Ref No:
Name: Chi: N .Karthikeyan Question: MARRIAGE WHEN? Date of Birth: 14 -12 -1985 Time of Birth: 11 -16 -00 PM IST Place of Birth: Bangalore
ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS Houses to be judged: 2, 7 and 11 are to be considered. .Venus is the karaka for marriage .In case of women Jupiter is to be seen as it signifies husband. The 2nd house Signify family .The 7th House is the prime House of Marriage /Partner /Spouse .The 11th signify Fulfillment of Desires, Gain of Life partner, Spouse. Family. There are two houses 5, 9 which will always facilitate marriage .5th being 12th from 6th will negate no marriage, it is also house of love .9th house being 12th from 10th and house of Fortune. Two hoses 8 and 12 facilitate marriage when signified with 2, 7, and 11 since 8th house signifies sexual parts and dowry .12th house s house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure in marriage. However these two houses will signify bickering, insults and loss of married life when they signify 1, 6, 10 also.3and 4th houses remain neutral to marriage and married life. Is it Promised or not: General: Marriage is an institution of varied association. Marriage is made in heaven. Marriage is fixed by destiny .The promise or denial of marriage depends largely upon the condition and aspects of the Moon and Venus in a males horoscope, Sun and Venus in case of females. In this chart Sun and Venus 1-2450Conjunction [S]and in a fruitful sign .In case of Males the signs of marriage are :Mars in aspects to Venus and Venus Strong ;Mars and Venus is in 44-0704Semi- Square (S) Venus is in a fruitful sign and in fourth house getting direction strength and both are in mutual exchange /, hence considered strong The Moon in a fruitful sign and strong .Venus in a fruitful sign and strong .Jupiter or Venus in the seventh house :The fruitful signs ,Cancer ,Pisces ,Scorpio ,on the seventh ,or intercepted therein :the Moon in a fruitful sign in the first ,fifth ,tenth
,or eleventh :Venus similarly placed :Venus is in a fruitful sign and strong as sated above : The Moon and Venus unaspected by Saturn and stronger than Saturn The lords of the first and seventh house in conjunction or good aspect. The Lord of the first and seventh is in the same sin . Pluto or Neptune in the seventh although emphasizing the idealistic marriage again brings a liability towards unfaithfulness on the side of the partner , leads temptations towards adultery which ,if given away to, will break the marriage The Moon in a males horoscope ,being in a fruitful signs in aspect to Saturn ,disposes late marriage .The Moon oriental and unaffiliated .Mars in aspect to Venus ,Venus or Jupiter in the seventh ,or lord of first going to an aspect with the ruler of the seventh denotes early marriage The Moon and Venus well placed in congenial or fruitful signs ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,the native le feel to marry .If Moon is found to be oriental of the Sun .i.e. increasing in light . and oriental i.e., between fourth and seventh ,or the first and tenth cusps ,the native marry early ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , denotes marriage taking place in later part of life . Moon and Venus are in good positions ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , then marriage take place at a moderate age .,neither early nor late .In Case Of females Sun and Venus aspect one another, whether they are square or trine, or inimical to another must be carefully be studied The Moon strong in the fifth or seventh , aspects to many planets ,denotes early marriage . Marriage is intended for the growth of family, at the same time it permits husband and wife to legally live together to perform certain rights, duties and for pleasures. In a horoscope 7th house signifies legal bondage, partnership in life. The potentiality of the 7th house in a chart is governed by the nature of the 5th, 9th, and 10th houses. In addition to this we have to consider the 2nd house, which signifies additional member to the family by birth of children, 11th house signifies permanent tie of friendship for pleasure and progeny. Venus is said to be the chief governor of marriage .karaka. Further, as for as men is concerned, the chief indicator of marriage is the natural seventh house from Aries i.e. Libra and its lord Venus , in case of women it is Aries, being the seventh from Libra i.e. Aries and Mars and also Jupiter. In a womens chart it is also necessary to consider Moon and Mars, since the menstrual period is regulated by these planets. In man chart Sun is to be examined. In This chart Sun is in friends camp in fruitful sign conjoined with Venus ,hence favorable In man chart, we have to consider Libra and 7th house from the ascendant, Sun and Venus, and in women chart we must note Aries and seventh from the ascendant/, Moon and Mars and also Jupiter. The eighth house signifies sex life, from these houses and Scorpio in case of men and Taurus in case of women have to be added. Then the extra marital life is determined by the twelfth house from the ascendant and Pisces. While in womens chart Virgo needs to be included. However in man chart the ascendant, Sun and Venus, in case of men
and in case of women the ascendant, Moon and Mars apart from Jupiter. Is to be considered. A strong, well placed, unaffiliated Venus gives a harmonies and balanced marital life of man. .Similarly Mars governs the balanced sex life of women. Venus is to be examined with the Sun, and Mars with Moon. The position of Venus is in a male chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wife chart and in case of women to be seen with that and similar comparison is to be made between Sun of husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes chart is necessary. Either they agree or not. The next step would be to look for Navamsa and note the agreement. Saturn in seventh house frustration and disappointments. If afflicted in the eighth it makes one serious in matter of sex life. Sun and Moon are in a close conjunction along with Jupiter in a fruitful sign .Venus is in own sign in 6th house ,but nearer to 7th cusp Sun and Moon are not afflicted by Saturn .Jupiter is not afflicted .In this chart Sun and Venus are in Conjunction [S] in a fruitful sign. Sahams are the significant points in the zodiac related to specific matters. For example, raajya means kingdom and raajya Sahams is a significant point in the zodiac related to obtaining kingdom. Paradesa means a foreign country and Paradesa Sahams is a significant point in the zodiac related to going abroad. Each Sahams has a formula that looks like A B + C. What this means is that we take the longitudes of A, B and C and find (A B + C). This is equivalent to finding how far A is from B and then taking the same distance from C. However, if C is not between B and A (i.e. we start from B and go zodiacally till we meet A and we do not find C on the way), then we add 30 to the value evaluated above Vivaha Marriage Venus Saturn + Lagna Saturn is in 219-49-52, Venus is in 230-31-06and Lagna is in 134-11-04We Get From this Vivaha Marriage as 144-58- According to K .P Note the 7th cusp if the sub lord of the seventh house is in any manner connected 2, 7 or 11 ones marriage is promised in this chart the 7th cusp falls in 14-11 -04Aquarius It is Saturn Sign Rahu Star Mercury Sub. Saturn Sub-Sub .Mercury the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in Mars sign Saturn star Kethu Sub Mercury Sub Sub . Mercury is in the Third house conjoined with Saturn and lord of 2and 11. Mercury aspects the tenth Cusps. Saturn is in his own star in the third house, lord of 6 and 7 .Saturn aspects Sixth, Tenth and First cusps. .Mercury and Saturn signifies 2, 7 and 11 as such Marriage is promised. Jupiter is transiting in Aries till 18 -05 -2012-afterwards it will be in Taurus for, a year. Then he wills aspect the natal position of Jupiter who is in 6, lords of 5 and 8.and also a yoga karaka which is also good period for marriage and all prospects. As Such I Expect That Marriage will take Place when Jupiter transit either in Aries or Taurus.
Seventh Karaka Venus and Jupiter as karaka for husband in case of women.
14-11 -04Aquarius
Saturn is in sun star who is in The sub lord of the seventh cusp is Mercury
A fruitful sign Third a Neutral to marriage Saturn is lord of 6and 7. Sixth is negation to marriage whereas seventh is connected to Marriage, Saturn is in conjunction with Mercury who is lord of 2and 7 both signifies marriage. Saturn in the sub of Venus Mercury is in the third house conjoined with Saturn lord of 6and 7. Mercury is lord of 2and 11. Occupies 3
Saturn Sub-Sub Occupant of third lord of 6and 7. 7is is the prominent house of Marriage and 6th is negation to marriage
7, 2, and 11 are the houses connected with marriage where as 3rd house is neutral to marriage. Lord of6and 7. Saturn aspects 6,10and 1st house. .
Main House Sub lord is in Sub lord is non the RETRO/NONretrograde RETRO constellation. Sub lord is connected to houses under consideration YES/ NO YES Mercury signifies 3,2and 11 being in Saturn star signifies 3,6,7 as such Mercury signifies 2,7 and 11 apart from 3and 6 one neutral and one negation to marriage houses . Mercury is in third aspecting the tenth cusp, conjoined with Saturn who is lord of 6nd aspecting the 6,10and 1st as such it is weak to the opposing to marriage.
Sub lord -3occupies / owns the 2, and 11 and is also cuspal links of 11. 7as cuspal link Sub lord / its star lord well placed and strongly connected to -2, 7 and 11 Houses Mercury Bi- Quintile (A) to eleventh cusp. Marriage is Promised to the native
Planets in the constellat ion of the occupant Planets in the constell ation of the lord of the sign Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators or houses Lord of the sign
Hou ses
Occupa nts
Favorable Unfavo rable
Jupi ter
Mercury Sextile (A) Saturn Sextile ((A) Kethu SemiSextile (A) Rahu Sextile (A) Kethu Trine (A)
Mercury BiQuintile (A) Jupiter BiQuintile (S) Saturn BiQuintile (S) Rahu Sextile (A) Kethu Trine (A)
Keth u -
*Leo Born Sun is lord of the first house, hence Yoga karaka. Moon is Lord of Twelve still it is considered to be neutral. Mars is lord of four and ninth, hence it is a best Yoga karaka. Mercury is lord of 2 and 11. Jupiter is lord of 5 and 8 .Venus is lord of 3and 10. Saturn is lord of 6 and 7; hence all these planets are neutral. Rahu is lord of 7, and Kethu is lord of the 4th, hence Yoga karaka. Sun is in an angular house along with Venus a natural benefic and a karaka for Marriage. . Sun is in Mars sign best Yoga Karaka, friends house and an occupant of the second house, besides Mars is in own star in Venus sign. Saturn the occupant of the third house is lord 6 and 7 being conjoined with Mercury lord of 2 and 11. Saturn is in Mars sign, who is a best yoga karaka. Saturn is in a fruitful sign. Sun is in Mercury star who is lord of 2 and 11. Sun is in Saturn Sub ,who is in Third house which is considered to be neutral house for marriage, lord of 6and 7 sixth is negation to marriage and seventh house signifies Marriage .Saturn is in Sextile to second and square to seventh and Bi- Quintile to eleventh cusps .Sun is in friends camp and in a fruitful sign. Considering the above and other factors mentioned in the fruitful Significators table promises marriage. Rahu is a Yoga karaka. He is in the eighth houses and lord of 7. Rahu is in Kethu star who is the occupant of second house along with Mars, a best yoga karaka. Rahu is Quin to second and Sextile to seventh and eleventh cusps. Rahu is aspected by Mars; hence Rahu is a strong Significators of marriage. Rahu is in the sub of Mercury, who signifies 2, 7 and 11. Mars aspecting his own house fortifies. Two houses 8 and 12 facilitate marriage when signified with 2, 7, and 11 since 8th house signifies sexual parts and dowry .12th house is house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure in marriage. However these two houses which signify bickering, insults and loss of married life when they signify 1, 6, 10 also.3and 4th houses remain neutral to marriage and married life.
Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators [5+/5- ] Planets Sun Conjoined Venus Vedic Western Mars Decile (A) Jupiter Decile (S) Saturn Vigintile 9S) Rahu Sesiquadrate (S) KethuSemi223
Moon -
Square (S) Sun Decile ((S) Mars Square (A) Mercury Sextile (a) Venus SemiSquare (S) Saturn Sextile 9A) Rahu Opposition (A) Mars Semi Sextile (S) Saturn Conjunction (A) Sun Conjunction (A) Mars SemiSquare (A) Jupiter Sextile (S) Rahu- Bi-quintile (s) Kethu Decile 9S) ---
Jupiter Venus
Mercury -
Jupiter Moon -
Note: A benefic aspect means 5+ {Green Color) Malefic aspects means 5- (Red color)
Lagna Sun Planets Rising Planets Aspected by Lagna lord
245 -52 51 193 -2900 Moon Jupiter [R] Sun aspects
Jupiter Venus
Kethu Rahu
Astrological Predictive Techniques /Rising Planet in Domination Moon Rahu Kethu Day Lord Jupiter Saturn , Sun 253-05-42 232-19-10 52-19-10 Monday Jupiter Mars Venus Moon Kethu Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Venus
Planets essenti al and acciden tal dignities Signif ies the hous e Deposi ted in the Star ruled by Planet s in their order of streng th
Significa tors
Stren gth
Stre ngth
Stre ngth
Moon Mars
Angle / Friend s camp /Yoga karaka Trinal Determ ents , Best Yoga karaka Enemi es Camp Directi onal strengt h Upach ayas Dustha na -
1 2/7 11
2 3
3 Mercu ry
4 2/7 11
5+ 3
5+ 2/7 11
3A 1
7 2 /7
3A 1
Sun Mars
2/7 11 2 /7
3 1
Mercur y Moon
2/7 /11 7
3 3A
3 2
2 /7 /11 2 2 /7 /1
2 /7 /11 7 2 /7 /11
2 /7 /11
4 3
3A 3
Venus Venus
2 /7 /1 2 /7 /11
3 3
3 1
2 /7 /11 2 /7 /11 2 /7
3 1 2
3 2 1
3 3 3
1 1 2
Signifies Bhukthi
8 2 Saturn Saturn Venus
Signifies Anthra
3 /6 -7 3 /6 -7 4 /3-10 Rahu Kethu
Mercury 3 /2 -11
Mercury 3 /2-11
Note: 1. Rahu is in the eighth houses in Kethu star that is in the second house. Rahu is in Mercury sub occupant of three and lord of 2 and 11. 2. Nodes offer the results of the planets with which it is conjoined, that by which it is aspected and lord of the sign in which it is situated. In the present case Rahu is not conjoined with any planets 3. Mars and Pluto Aspects by 7th aspect .It is in Mars sign, as such Rahu Represents Mars .Kethu is conjoined with Mars and is in Venus Sign, and as such it represents Mars and Venus. DASA DETAILS: DETAILS DASA BHUKTHI ANTHRA SOOKSHMA Dasa Bhukthi Anthra Sookshma Dasa Bhukthi Anthra Sookshma FROM 9 -9 -2004 16 -10 -2009 21 -08 -2012 01 -11 -2011 04 -04 -2012 06-03 -2012 14 -03 -2012 31-07-2112 TO 9 -09 -2022 21 -08 -2012 0 -03 -2015 05 -04 -2012 21 -08 -2012 14-03 -2012 27 -03 -2012 21-08-2012
Rahu Saturn Mercury Saturn -Rahu Saturn- Jupiter Sun Moon Rahu Dasa Saturn Jupiter Rahu Rahu Saturn - Jupiter Mercury Sookshma
1. TRANSITS ON 21 -03 -2012 @-11 -54 -16-AM IST Rahu Das a Saturn Bhukthi Rahu Anthra Sun Sookshma] DESCIPTION DASANATHA BHUKTHINATHA
224 -47 29
Mars Jupiter
Saturn Saturn
Mars Sub Sub. Rahu Mercury Saturn sub Sub Saturn Saturn sub Sub.
2. TRANSITS ON 23 -05-2012@-9 -22 -00-AM IST [Rahu Dasa Saturn Jupiter Mercury] - Mysore [Marriage Engagement] DESCIPTION DASANATHA BHUKTHINATHA ANTHRANATHA: DBAS Rahu Saturn [R] Jupiter DEGREE 221 -2714 179-4150 31-30-25 23 -1705 38-29 09 62 -13 11 85-20-27 SIGN Mars Mercury Venus Mars Venus Mercury Mercury STAR Saturn Mars Sun Venus Sun Mars Jupiter SUB Moon Saturn Jupiter Saturn Venus Kethu . Mercury Sub Sub. Jupiter Rahu Saturn Mars Mars Venus Jupiter
3. TRANSITS ON 20 -08-2012 @-10-00 -00-AM IST @ Mysore [Rahu das a Saturn Bhukthi Jupiter Anthra Rahu Sookshma] [Marriage] DESCIPTION DASANATHA BHUKTHINATHA ANTHRANATHA: DBAS Rahu Saturn Jupiter DEGREE SIGN 216-4427 181-15 -24 19 -15 05 Mars Venus Venus STAR Saturn Mars Moon SUB Mercury Rahu Mercury . Mars . Sub Sub. Rahu Rahu Jupiter
RESULTS: Rahu Dasa is under operation from 9 -9 -2004 to 9-09-2022 .Marriage will take place during Rahu Dasa Saturn Bhukthi which will be from 16 -10 -2009 to 21 08 -2012 .Rahu Dasa- Saturn Bhukthi Rahu Anthra will operate between 01 -11 -2011 and 05 -04 -2012. There after Jupiter Anthra between 05 -04 -2012 and 21 -08 -2012 Out of this Select first Sun Sookshma i.e., between 06 -03 -2012an14-03 -2012-. This is for Selection of bride. Thereafter Moon Sookshma from 14 -03 -2012 to 27 -03 -2012. . In Rahu Dasa - Saturn Bhukthi Jupiter Anthra Jupiter Sookshma i.e., between 05 -04 -20121and -23 -04 -2012 or in Saturn Sookshma 23 -04 -2012 and 15 -05 2012 is the period of engagement for marriage Mercury Sookshma is from 15-052012 to 04-06-2012. .However as Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction who signify 3,2and 11as such Mercury Sookshma will be period of Marriage engagement i.e., on 23-05-212 when transit agree in full around 9-22AM IST but earlier on or around 21 -03 -2012, when Sun transits in Jupiter sign Saturn star Mercury Sub is the most favorable day for acceptance of the bride .for Marriage. As such one can expect acceptance for Marriage on Wednesday the 21st March 2012.Or as an alternate 18 -04 2012 which is also possible. Finally Marriage engagement will take place on Wednesday the 23rd May 2012 is the date of Marriage engagement In Gemini sign and on Monday the 20th August 2012 Marriage will take place in Virgo Lagna around 10AM . Fourth cusp falls in 15 -32 52 Scorpio .It is Mars sign Saturn star Jupiter sub Mercury Sub Sub. .The fourth house is occupied by Venus and Sun. Rahu is in the eighth and No Planets occupies the twelfth house. . Mars, Jupiter and Moon is the lord of 4, 8 and 12th cusps. Moon is in Sun star. Venus and Sun are the occupants of the fourth house. Rahu is in eighth house. Kethu is Rahu star. no planets occupies the twelfth house Mars is Mars star , No planets in Jupiter star and Jupiter is in Moon star , as such Moon ,Venus , Sun ,Kethu ,Rahu , Mars , and Jupiter are the Significators of 4 ,8 and 12 houses . This denotes profession of the partner. No Planets is in Venus or Jupiter star. Mars represents industry and defense. Venus signifies Electrical. .Saturn signifies Bones and Teeth which mean Dental Course .Jupiter signifies Physician, Law, Bank or education. Mostly the partner may be one who is familiar with Computer and Finance may be working in a bank or a programmer for bank, she will be. Highly qualified .She May be E &C. with MBA -Finance /HR .The Significators of 4, 8, and 12 denotes the profession of
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the partner. Mars, Jupiter and Moon, is the cuspal lords of 4, 8, and 12. Mars signifies authority. Jupiter is the lord of fifth and eighth is in Sixth house. Jupiter signifies a Teacher. Whereas Moon the 12th cusp lord aspecting her own twelfth cusps Mon signifies Public Relations Majority of the planets are in -----sign. Mars in Airy sign whereas Jupiter and Moon are in earthy sign .Saturn and Mercury are in Watery sign., This signifies one who is working in a bank Nationalized or Reserve/Stator a programmer connected with the above organization, As it is the Movable sign and 4thh cusp is in a fixed sign, in a reputed bank with name, fame and reputation. Mostly in an industry connoted with finance. The partner has varied interests in many subjects and in varied profession mostly an Engineer with specialization in Electrical and Communication [E &C ] and management in Human Recourse or finance mostly an M.B.A or a post graduate, .Jupiter is for Finance, Bank, Law, teacher where as Mercury for business, engineer, journalism etc, Moon denotes public relation. Good knowledge in computer science. A Post Graduate. Mars also indicates Civil or Mechanical Engineer with wide knowledge in computer science and She will be highly qualified, post graduate life She May be a Software Engineer writing programmers for a financial or for an Instruments Company. Mars being Lord of Fourth indicates Education or Teaching .Twelfth signifies outside may be in foreign or goes frequently in connection with profession. The age difference will be little. Since the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury. The sub lord of the7th cusp falls in 14-11 -04Aquariu It is Saturn Sign Rahu Star Mercury Sub.-. Saturn Sub Sub .Mercury the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in the, Third lord of2and 11 aspecting the ninth house. .he is in Mars sign -the Saturn star Kethu sub. - Mercury sub sub. Mercury signifies 3, 2, 11 and ninth by aspect .Mars is in 2 lord of the 4, and 9 .which signifies that the partner is from a home town friends and a new relationship . Or one lives in the same street .or cousin, nebeoureres. The birth star of the native may be Venus or Rahu Star. Mostly is the Aquarius Ascendant. The following stars are suitable :, ,Bharani -21, Rohini -22Taurus , Mrigasira -28/ 26Taurus /Gemini ,Aridra 27 , Gemini / cancer , ,* ,Makka -8* ,Pubba -25 , ,Hastha -22 Chitta -18 /27 Virgo / Libra, Swathi -19,Anuradha -14,.Poorvarashda -22, Sravana -32, Dhanishta -29 /28 Capricorn / Aquarius ,Shthabhisha -25 , , ,Uttara- Bhadrapada -27Revathi -30 .Probably the partners star will be Rahu or Venus . Lord of the 7th house is Saturn who is in Mars sign along with Mercury, Venus, is in Fourth house getting Directional strength along with lord of the Ascendant; as such Spouse just and honorable comes from a respectable family and good Married Life.
Note:* Though less than 18 can be considered.
Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn. Saturn aspects Jupiter and Moon Normally we could select Saturday but in this case Custom Does not permit to select as such M mercury day is selected. . .
Normally the week day will be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who is repeated Selected Day Dates
The proposal for marriage will be from 14-03-2012 and 27-03-2012. On 20-03-2012 .Moon will be Saturn sign Rahu star in the evening around 6-36pm. Sun will be in Jupiter sign Saturn - Mercury Sub on 25-03-2012 around 9-30AM IST Lagna will be Venus Sun Jupiter. Sun will be in Jupiter Saturn sun and Moon will be Mars Kethu Jupiter as such Interview is likely to take place on this day 25-03-2012 around 9-30AMIST . Marriage will take place on 20-08-2012@ 10Am IST in Virgo Ascendant. Rahu is not conjoined with any planet, Mars aspects Rahu. Rahu is Mars sign. Along with Kethu in Venus sign. Rahu represents Mars and Kethu represents Mars and Venus. Rahu is a slow moving planets, as such give importance in transit to Sub Lord while transiting. At present Rahu is Transiting in Mars sign. Scorpio, where Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are there. Both Mercury and Saturn is a strong Significators for marriage. Jupiter can also be considered. Mercury I in enemies camp Eight from Rahu in the natal position, so lord of 3and 6 with respect Rahu position in natal chart where as Saturn is in eight but lord of 10 and 11 with respect to Rahu in natal chart. Jupiter is in tenth and lord of ninth and twelfth with respect to Rahu in natal position. , From the above consideration it may wise to consider Saturn instead of Mercury or Jupiter. When Rahu Transits in Mars sign, a best Yogyakarta, consider Mars or Rahu Sub. Rahu Represent Mars, as Such Rahu should Transit in Mars sign Saturn star Rahu, Which is between -08 -03 -2012 and -25 -03 -2012. Saturn the Bhukthinatha is also a slow moving planet as such give important to Sub lord while transiting. Saturn enters Libra sign on 6 -11 -2011, in this sign Mars star, Rahu star and Jupiter star exists, Let us consider Mars or Rahu. Mars comes First hence it is taken for consideration. The Sub lords in this signor Mercury ,Kethu Venus , sun , and Moon .Mercury , Kethu , Venus Sun and Moon all are Good .Prefer Kethu or Venus or sun . Mars represents Venus o also Kethu. Kethu is most preferable which will be from 2 -12 -2012 to 10 -12 -2011or Venus from 10 -12 -2011--and 11 -01 -2012. Now look into Transit of sun and Moan and Fix the Date. Mars in Kethu star that is can conjunction with Mars in Venus sign. Saturn turns Retrograde on 8 -02 -2012 @185 34
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Rahu is a slow moving planet ad now it is transiting in Mars sign Mercury star Moon sub as per the strength assigned for the event, Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Mercury subs can be selected. Now let us look for Rahu Transiting in Mercury star Sun sub, which will be around Sun Sub which will be around 9 -11 -2011 Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Rahu Rahu Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Venus Sign Mars star Mars Mercury star Mars Saturn star. Mercury Sub. 0 -0 -0 to 1 -53-20 15 -11 -2011 to 01 12 2011201120112011 2 -12 -2012 to 10 12 -2011 10 -12 -2011to 11 01 -2012 11 -01 -20124 -02 2012
Kethu Sub. 1 -53 -2 to 2 -40 00 Venus sub Sun sub. Moon Sub Rahu Sub Rahu Sub 2 -40 -00 to 4 -53 20 4 -53 -20 to 5 -33 20 5-33 -20 to 6 -40 00 24 -06 -40 to 26 06 -40 12 -53 -20 to 14 53 -20
Judgment of the Right Period for the Event 1. Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star lord and
sub lord and their significations with their strength 2. If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful 3. Planet in own star lord and own sub lord is powerful 4 .Planet in own sign, is powerful. 5. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, Vargothama, MoolaTrikona is powerful. 6. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fortifies. 7. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful 8. If a planet is aspected by many favorable Significators is also powerful 9. If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that planet. 10. Planet in conjunction with a strong Significators is most favorable 11. The relationship between Dasa lord and Bhukthi lord; is most important. 12. If Bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow materialize, similarly Anthra lord to Bhukthi lord, and Sookshma lord to Anthra lord. 13. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or Bhukthi lord and also the star lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the event. (Normally the day of event will be the Bhukthinatha of the star lord) P.R.Muralidharan 231
Astrological Predictive Techniques 14. Sun should transit in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of 15.Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha which will indicate of the period. 16. Now look into the transit of Dasa and Bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of favorable Significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event. 17. Now most important is the transit of moon. Moon should transit in strong Significators which will indicate the day of an event. 18. Now look into transit of Antharlord as well as Sookshma lord if they are also in favorable Significators then the event will fructify. 19. It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in Navamsa chart or in relevant divisional chart such as Drekana, Chathuramsa etc. 20. Sooksmalord should be the strongest and next Anthra lord 21. Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered. 22. Zerorasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important 23The permanent and temporary friendship and internal relationship between Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma is to be considered. 23. Importance may be given to the sub in case of slow moving planet and star incase of fast moving planet. 24. A Planet in a Shishodaya gives results in the early half , in a prishthodaya sign it gives in the second part or half and in Ubhayodaya it gives through out . 25. The Dasa and Anthra Dasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects 26. The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign .11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. . From 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit Transits Tips
Transits are current aspects formed between the current position of the planets to the radical or progressed positions of planets .and angles .A transit is the
26. The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign .11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. . From 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit sage of planets over its natal or radic2 al position or progressed positions of the planets
and cusps .The passage of the of planets opposite to the natal or progressed positions is also regarded as transit .In order to differentiate it is said as conjunctions or oppositions by transit .In accordance with the principle of western the transit by square ,Semi-square ,trine ,Sextile ,semi-Sextile and Bi-Quintile and other aspects may also be considered at least and Major aspects Apart from the above the four angles , is also necessary ,of which the Mid-heaven (0 and ascendant is and also luminaries are generally important ,and the reaming seven planets is of lesser value .it is also worth to note transits over Fortuna and other sensitive and critical degrees are very important .The planet transiting over the a radical or progressed positions is the transiting planet
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or body or exciter or promoter and it may one of the nine planets .the Transit of Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus ,Neptune, Pluto ,Rahu and Kethu lasts for long period and their depends upon its constellations and Sub .the transit of Mars is less lasting than the former but deceive and so important .Moon ,Mercury ,Venus and sun being quickly moving planets .,their transits will be for few days and hours But the Transits of sun Ann moon are very important ,they only indicate the month and day of the event .and their transits are very effective .especially when they pass through the houses of the horoscope . In considering tee orb of one or two degrees may be allowed .Transit includes full moon, new moon and Eclipses. it is necessary to note transits of the Sun moon and then note conjunctions ,opposition ,Square ,Trine ,Sextile Etc., both at birth positions and progressed positions .of the date corresponding to the given time .and arranged systematically increasing order to facilitate out transits .then the range of positions of all planets during the given period It may be one day or over some periods .when the transits agree to the significations of planets in the horoscope ,then only matter will masteries otherwise only tempts to give a event .The detailed check list prepare by me may be referred for accurate results . 1. The Sun should transits in the sign of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha and in the star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 2. The above rule is applicable only when Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and strong. 3. If No Planets are in the Star of Dasa or Bhukthi, then it is preferable to look into transit of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha in their sign and in their stars. 4. This rule gets modified by the planets with which they are in conjunction or aspected by other Planets. Provided they are stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha. 5.If the Star in which Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha is well placed and stronger than Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha Then, when Sun transits in the Star of Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha 6. If Anthra is properly selected ,then Look into the occupation of Anthranatha and Star in which it is situated ,If they are Stronger than Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,then Sun Transiting the sign of Anthra and Star of either Dasa or Bhukthi or anthrax whichever is Well placed and strong may be selected 7. Let any Planet. Transiting any sign ,or in any house .As per K.P. one should note the transits of the Significators in the star and sub of a particular matter ,Well placed and strong will surely indicate the time of event 8. Moon transiting the Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra jointly indicate the time of an event. 9. Note whether any planet is a slow moving Planet, if so give importance to the sub .If it is fast moving give Importance to Star, who is a strong Significators. 10 .Note the Karaka Planet, well placed and strong, then Look to the transit in his sign and preferably the Star and sub. 11 .If Karaka Planet is aspecting any one of the periods, then select the transit of Sun in that planet Sign or preferably Star and Sub. 12. Note the Sign, Star and Sub of the concerned houses in question ,then note which of these are signifies strongly , well placed and receives aspects either from Karaka or any Strong Significators .The Sun or Moon will transit in the Sign and mostly in the Star and Sub of this House .
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13 .Note the most important Cusp of the matter in question ,then note whether Sign or Star or Sub is well placed and strongly signifies the event .Consider essential and accidental dignities also .The Sun will mostly Transit either in this Sign ,Star or Sub either individually or Jointly . 14 .Note the Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthra and Sookshma, Preference is to be given to Sookshma, who must be strongest Significators .The Sun will transit in the Sign of any one of them and in the strongest star and Sub during transit. 15 .The Sun and Mars give their results immediately after entering the sign .The Sun and Mars give their results vigorously from 0 to 10 a sign .Jupiter and Venus give their results exclusively in the middle part of a sign .{11 to 20 in a sign .The Moon and Saturn will give their results in the later part of sign i.e. . from 21 to 30 .Mercury and Rahu will give their results throughout the sign .in transit .Some are of the opinion that the Moon and Rahu s results in Transit and Moon And Mercury give results in the whole sign .Saturn and Rahu give results their results at the end Jupiter and Venus in the Middle .The Sun and Mars In the beginning 6 .TRANSITS OF PLANETS: The Moon sign is also called jamma Rasa .During transits it gives good results at certain places and bad results at other places .The Good results are sometimes blocked due to occupation of other planets at specific house from it .Such position are known as Veda positions for transiting planets .The Good results are deferred till Veda positions are occupied by planets
6/1 2
11/ 5
10/ 4
No Veda between Saturn and Sun No Veda between Mercury and Moon No Veda between Mercury and Moon No Veda between Saturn and
3/12 2/3
6/9 4/5
11/5 6/9
10/ 8
11/1 2
9/1 0 4/1 0 -
11/ 8 5/9 -
8/5 -
9/1 1 -
11/ 9 -
12/ 3 -
3/12 3/12
6/9 6/9
11/5 11/5
17. Vipareeta Vedha places: The Concept is an old one and may be tested. As in Vedha, there is also no Vedha between the Sun and Saturn. No Veda between Mercury and Moon A Planet gives malefic results in transits in certain houses from Moon Sign at Birth and if some Planets is /are in some specific houses from the position of Moon at Birth ,then the malefic results of the former planet are obstructed by the later planet .this is tern\med as Vipareeta Vedha .
9/5 -
10/4 -
Note: The Dasa and Anthra Dasa of planets owing Kendra and konas are highly beneficial or auspicious. those owing houses 2,3and 11give average result .those of the planets owing 6 ,8 and 12 are always difficult or troublesome .these results are to be given only after examining the position and house occupied by the lords of the Dasa and Anthra Dasa When the Anthra Dasa lord are in good aspects . When the lord of the major period is a malefic and Anthra Dasa is a benefic the results will be bad ,if they are not conjoined .If they are associated with one another ,there are mixed results .the Anthra Dasa lord may be yoga karaka ,but if he is not conjoined with the lord of the Maha Dasa ,the results are unfavorable .if the lord is both good and bad results ,he will give first give good results in his own Anthra Dasa and later on bad results. To Select the week day preference may be given to Bhukthinatha Star or any planet repeating or conjoined with Dasa or Bhukthinatha or one who is strongest ,before this it is advisable to take panchaga and find out any one of the star in which moon is transiting either in Dasa or Bhukthinatha ,both day and star agree Dasanatha & Bhukthinatha should have a good relation that is they must be interrelated. Same for Bhukthinatha to Anthra & Anthra to Sookshma. Dasa & Bhukthinatha is not advisable in 6,8,12 or in negative/negation of the matter questioned. That means Dasa & Bhukthinatha should be strong to the houses concerned & along with Bhukthinatha & Anthranatha.
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Dasa :It is necessary to note that matters are brought to perfection by conjunction, Sextile and trine etc., If by transits Dasanatha or Bhukthinatha are in Trines and favorably connected to the relevant house choose that period for the fulfillment of an even . Guide Lines for Transit Of slow Moving Planets 1. Jupiter, Saturn, Rau, Kethu are Slow Moving Planets. 2. Jupiter will be in a sign for about one year .Saturn will be in a sign for 2Yers 6Months .Rahu and Kethu will be in a sign for 18 Months. 3.Jupiter will be Transiting around 3 .5 minutes in a day 1Degree in 12 days considering 360 days makes one year though it is actually 365 days ,that means in a star of 13 -20 it will be transiting about 160days .During Transiting It will be in retrograde for some known period and may change the sign or remain in the same sign thereafter it will be stationary for some days and becomes direct and completes its transit in the originally occupied sign it was there and move to another with certain more speed ..For detailed study on retro gradation read my article exclusively written on retro gradation .Rahu and Kethu Can never is retrograde as they move always in the anticlockwise direction, as such this aspect is only in case of slow moving planes Jupiter and Saturn. 4. From the above we can say Jupiter will be transiting in a sign for one year, which means the Sign Lord remains the same. Now to assess its indications further, the first point is to note whether it is in town house or in another planet house, if it is own house it mainly gives its significance as karaka and house occupied and aspects it receives, with respected natal Jupiter, natal Lagna as well as Natal Moon. 5 Next step is to find out whether Jupiter is in conjunction, Sextile or Trine or any one of the Major Aspects as per western aspects and also Vedic aspect with the planet under considerations as well as other planets. This gives some modifications besides depositors. 4. Next step is to Note the position of Jupiter, now under consideration the star in which it is transiting. And find the essential and accidental dignity if any in the natal chart as well as at the time of transiting, further note the period at transit only in this dignity and any change may also be noted. 5. It is essential to note the Natural ,temporary and effective relations between Slow moving plant and the star in which it is transiting ,which gives whether it is transiting planet in a star transiting is favorable or not ,if it is Friendly ,considering both then it will give desired results .If it is friend and enemy then it will give moderate or it will be neutral in as of enemy it may not give the desired results or affects adversely . 6.It is worthwhile To note the Strength as per Shadbala ,Vimshopaka Bala ,planetary rays strength of the slow moving Planet and the strength of the star Shadbala ,etc ., which will definitely Guide which star is o be considered or Not .Only strong planet star is to be preferred as it give full desired results .. 7 Now find what is its karakathvas ,and also which houses it signifies and strength clearly as per K.P. system in the format usually adopted ,it makes it clear now that the slow moving planets will signifying in this star besides the as karaka , houses and aspects it receives .. 8. If the star is favorable as per K.P by being in a star as signified by P A C and also aspects it forms during Transit will give more points or ideas.
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9. Next note also as a Transiting in this star what is its significance by PAC .this when combined with the natal gives what it can give transits. 10. This gets modifies as per significance in which it is transiting .Now it is the time to give importance to sub. 11 At this point Note whether the slow moving planets is retrograde and various positions in retro gradations assign its strength .Generally during retro gradation it has some debility .As such correctly assess this how much it has become weak based on my Analysis format -1 . 12. If the sub lord who is a strong Significators in the natal chart and well placed and also during Transit you can finally sleet that sub which will shortest range, then proceed further with other planes whether it supports or retrace it and also week days during current DBAs significations 13. The Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthra and Sookshma should signify the event and Anthra lord should Transit in the strongest Significators preferably first two columns or ne who is repeated and receiving favorable aspects. 14. This is best and correct way to think and select the slow moving planet Transits. 15. Similar methods can be thought off in case of Fast moving planets but importance has to be given star lord first and easily you can sleet the sub.
Hindu and Westerns aspects; According to Indian system Jupiter ,Venus Full Moon and well associated Mercury are benefic aspects and Sun ,New Moon ,afflicted Mercury ,Mars ,Saturn ,Rahu ,Kethu Are Malefic ,Out of which Saturn is the first rate malefic .,which will delay and at times Delay . Sun is said to be benefic per western system all Planets aspects the 7th house, where as Jupiter has special aspects 5and 9: mars 4and 8: Satan 3and 10, where they are more Powerful. Rahu and Kethu aspects 2, 5 7 and 9th house It is also worth to note to include Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Fortuna in the analysis and their effects. By occupation and aspects According to Western system: An aspect is certain angular distance formed between any two planets or between any planet and a point in the house
Aspects Same degree Same degree of declination 18 Degrees 24 Degrees 30degrees 36Degrees 45 Degrees 60 Degrees 72 Degrees 90degrees 108 degrees 120 Degrees P.R.Muralidharan Name of the Aspects Conjunction Parallel Vigintile Quindecile Semi-Sextile Decile Semi square Sextile Quintile Square Tredecile Trine Results Good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Good or adverse according to the nature of planets. Slightly Good Slightly Good Slightly Good Slightly good. Moderalately Evil. Favorable, good. Slightly good. Disappointing, rejective, obstructive. Slightly good. Fortunate, constructive, harmonious very 237
Astrological Predictive Techniques good. Slightly evil. Slightly good. slightly Evil Separative, extreme, opposed, destructive.
Aspects Tips
Aspects Planets /Cusp Lord Planet star Lord /cusp star lord 238 Planet Sub Lord /cusp sub Lord Fruitful Significators with their
Benefic Malefic Relative Power Of major Aspects Conjunction and parallel Opposition Trine Square Sextile Relative Power Of major Aspects Semi square Semi-Sextile Quincunx Sesiquadrate Bi-quintle Vigintile Quindecile Decile Tredecile Platic-Wide orb or PartileExact aspect Forming or waning Sinster or Dexter is Planet aspecting angular ,Succeedent or Cadent is Planet aspecting Movable Fixed ,common , Is the aspecting a so-called benefic or malefic /fruitful or Barren
P.R.Muralidharan 239
House occupied by aspecting planet Have any other aspects at the same time if so compare them and decide Nature of Aspected Planet Benefic or Malefic ?Is elevated above the aspecting planet or bellow Dignity or debility Whether retrograde /St\\stationary or direct Jupiter Trine To Saturn Will Mitigate all Malefic effects Of Saturn, if so note it. Finally select the Planets who has more beneficial aspects and which signify an event