My Ideal School

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School is an institution for educating children. School life is one of the most important parts of our life. I t is a place where we achieve knowledge about the whole world. Not only that, we also learn how to socialize with all sorts of people, know how to speak for ones right, distinguish about manners and learn to be the part of a certain group. The site for an ideal school must be close to nature. It should be delimited by trees, have a big garden and a field where the students can play. It should have lockers so that students dont have to carry their heavy school bags. It should have different rooms for different kinds of e tra curriculums. !eside nature the students should also be introduced with science and new technology. "ach class should contain small number of students# about $%&$', so that the teachers can give more attention to each student. The students should have more pro(ect works so that they can enlarge their creativity. There should be a specific period where the teachers and the students can share new ideas and knowledge about different and innovative things. )n ideal school is provided with an ideal staff. The teachers of an ideal school are well *ualified. They are greatly interested in learning and teaching. They do not have any mercenary motive. They take teacher ship as a mission in their life. They work in the school with a missionary spirit. They are the men of character and integrity. They work together with a team&spirit and with full co& operation and understanding among themselves. )n ideal school is well&supplied with all sorts of educational re*uirements like apparatus and appliance maps, charts and globes, libraries and laboratories, magazines and newspapers, radio, television and audio&visual pro(ectors, museum and swimming pools, lawns and gardens and stadium and gymnasiums. The grade given to the students will be based on their involvement in co&curricular activities and also involvement would be based on interest and the satisfaction of publicly confirming their talents. +earning would be a fulfilling, e citing e perience, and students wouldnt have to dread school, as they do now. ,ost importantly, when the students graduated, they would have a firmly&instated sense of purpose that would make them better prepared for life.

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