Impedance Functions in
] T HAS been shown by Foster' that the input impedance (or the "driving-point" impedance) of a network composed of a finite number of self-inductances, mutual inductances, and capacitances is equal to the impedances of properly constructed networks of types shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The number of parallel circuits in Fig. 1 is equal to the number of natural frequencies of the given network when the input terminals are open. The number of series combinations in Fig. 2 is equal to the number of natural frequencies of the network when its input terminals are short-circuited.
orthogonal functions2 or by function-theoretic methods.3 The only question is that of convergence of corresponding analytic expansions. In some instances (in the case of transmission lines, for example), the series are known to converge. Perhaps they always converge if the coefficients are given their exact values; but it is also true that these series often fail to converge if certain seemingly natural approximations in the values of the coefficients are made. Even the expansions which are known to be convergent, converge slowly. In this paper we obtain modified expansions -which converge more rapidly and in which reasonable approximations can be made without introducing serious errors. It turns out that these new expansions possess an attractive physical interpretation. Finally, we obtain similar expressions for the transfer impedance. In view of the practical importance of these analytic representations of impedance and admittance functions, we shall consider the entire problem anew, starting with simple systems but in a way which permits desired generalizations and modifications. In order to avoid approximations that would tend to obscure certain facts which we are anxious to bring out, we shall start with nondissipative systems; then we shall extend the results to dissipative systems.
II. THE ADMITTANCE OF A SIMPLE SERIES CIRCUIT Consider a circuit consisting of an inductance L and a capacitance C connected in series as shown in Fig. 3.
c OD
1 C2, 42-T
In principle there is no difficulty in extending Foster's theorem to include systems with an infinite number of natural frequencies either by representing certain solutions of Maxwell's equations in terms of appropriate
* Decimal classification: R140. Original manuscript received by the Institute, June 7, 1943; revised manuscript received, August 9, 1943. t Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New York 14, N. Y. l Ronald M. Foster, "A reactance theorem," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., vol. 3, pp. 259-267; April, 1924.
Its impedance and admittance across the input terminals A, B are Z = i(coL - 1/C), Y = 1/Z iwC/(l - 2oLC), (1) where o is the frequency in radians per second. The impedance vanishes and the admittance becomes infinite when = W, a=i/VLCU (2) WA is the natural frequency of the circuit with its input terminals short-circuited as in Fig. 4. Expressing the
2 E. U. Condon, "Forced oscillations in cavity resonators," Jour. Appl. Phys., vol. 12, pp. 129-132; February, 1941. A derivation similar to Condon's is given also in an unpublished report by J. C. Slater. 3 S. A. Schelkunoff, "Electromagnetic Waves," D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1943.
Fle-bruary, 1944
Febr vary
i A/L(2 - (,2)
TANCE FUNCTIONS HAVING PRESCRIBED SIMPLE POLES AND GIVEN RESIDUES AT THESE POLES ( For a number of parallel circuits connected in series as shown in Fig. 6 the impedance function is simply the
L 26, (5) where 6l is the energy stored in the circuit at resonance when the input terminals are short-circuited and the amplitude of the current passing through them is unity. The admittance may then be expressed as Y = iwI/26(61 - w2) (6)
1/2iC1 1/4iE1, 1 .. + 1/2iCm = + 1/4i6n, (15) are the residues. The isolated capacitor is a "parallel circuit" with an infinite inductance. The point cw =co is B a zero of Z. Now it is well known in the theory of functions of a complex variable that any single-valued function which L T has the same poles and residues as Z can differ from Z only by an entire function.4 It is easy to prove that the A impedance of a finite network varies ultimately as ic&.L, Fig. 5-Series connection of an inductance and a capacitance. where L may be zero. Thus any other impedance function which has the same singularities in the finite part nals A, B the admittance and iinpedance of the circuit of the plane as Z can differ from it only by' icoL. Hence are if we add a series inductance to the network in Fig. 6, we Y = i(cC -1wL) Z- i(L/(1 - (o2LC). (7) can say that it has the same impedance as any other The admittance vanishes and the impedance becomes network having the same poles and residues. The coefficient L is twice the maximum energy infinite when stored in the circuit at infinite frequency when the = 1/VLC; + co, (8) amplitude of the current through the input terminlals is X is the natural frequency of the circuit when the input unity. Hence our general impedance function having a terminals are left open. Expressing the impedance in finite number of simple poles may be expressed as terms of Co, we have Z = 2iw6 + E i(0/2EL(con2 - (2), (16) n Z = i(0/C( (2 - (2) (9) A positive reactive network can have only simple The energy of the circuit at resonance is poles and zeros and these must be on the real frequency axis. For if some tcn has an imaginary part, the ampli =CV2, (10) tude of the corresponding natural oscillation will either where V is the voltage amplitude across the terminals; increase or decrease indefinitely; this cannot happen unless there is either a concealed source of energy in the therefore network or a resistance. And if any zero or pole is of the (11) order higher than unity, then the C- 26, impedance Z(p), where and z = iw1/2 (CO2 (02) (12) p =+io, will be negative at some points in the right where 6 is the energy stored in the circuit at resonance 4A function such as a polynomial or an exponential function has no singularities in the finite part of the plane. when the input terminals are open and the amplitude of the which 5 A constant term is ruled out because the impedance of a purely voltage across them is unity. reactive network is an odd function of w.
III. THE IMPEDANCE OF A SIMPLE PARALLEL CIRCUIT Consider now a parallel combination of an inductance and a capacitance as shown in Fig. 5. Across the termi-
= E 7= n io/C (Jf - (2) n i0/2fln(COL2 - (02), where 0, * Om, 02, cot' COO are the given simple poles and
l/iCo = 1/2i6o,
half of the p plane and this also would require concealed sources of power. Thus, for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom, (16) and the representation in Fig. 1 are quite general. The poles of Z are the zeros of Y and it is easy to show from (16) that
iB'(cOn), B'(C)=46f, if
0 O
and Y'(0) iB'(O), B'(O) = 26o. (18) Z iw(Li (Lm2/L) + iC2LM2w/wL(Co2 - '2) (25) Thus most of the coefficients in (16) are related to the For future reference let us note that this equation may slopes of the susceptance at its zeros. The first coefficient be written in the following form: is related to the ultimate slope of the reactance function. -$2LM2FiL 1 What we have said about the impedance function of = + L (26) Z 2 - 2J' ioL1 networks in Figs. 1 and 6 can be repeated for admittance functions of the networks shown in Figs. 2 and 7. that as the frequency approaches zero the contribution from the last terms becomes negligible as compared to that of the first term, and that consequently L2C LiC Z-* iwL1 . (27) C, 1j 1 C? 2TIT m ~1VI. IMPEDANCE AND ADMITTANCE FUNCTIONS OF Fig. 7-Impedance with prescribed zeros. SYSTEMS WITH AN INFINITE NUMBER OF NATURAL FREQUENCIES Thus we write If the oscillating system has an infinite number of 2 - w02) 1-- ~ y YiwC -= i(.tc + ico/Ln wn2E iw/L( n: natural frequencies we have no a priori assurance that _~~~~~~ (16) and (19) will converge. The convergence = 2ijo + E ico/26n( COn2 _ 2) (19) expansions n} of these series has nothing to do with the actual exist, Z'(0,) = iX'(0n) XI(6n) = 4n if n '- 0, (20) ence of functions Z and Y but depends on their analytic properties. x'(0) = 26o. Z'(03 = ix,(O), Mittag-Leffler's theorem in the theory of functions of a complex variable states that it is always possible to V. A SIMPLE ILLUSTRATION As a simple illustration of how the foregoing expan- construct a function which is analytic in the finite part of the plane except at given simple poles and that any sions can be used let us obtain the input impedance of other function having the same poles and the same resithe network shown in Fig. 8. If the input terminals are dues at these poles differs from the original function by LM an additive entire function. Consider an infinite seB quence of poles arranged in the order of increasing magnitude
terminals A, B are short-circuited and the amplitude of the current through them is unity. At infinite frequency the impedance of the capacitor is zero, the impedance of the secondary circuit is iwL, the impedance coupled into the primary circuit is wLM2/iL, the effective inductance of the primary circuit is Li-LM2/L, and 2E = L- Lm2/L. (24) Substituting (23) and (24) in (16), we have
L, g
li '2, W3,
open, the network has only one natural frequency and this is unaffected by the coupling; thus
W4 1 1 cc2 co 2(p-1) = 1/v/LC. (21) ... + =+ -+ (30) t 2p (Jo2-Ci2 Un2 Un4 (n Next we compute the energy of the system on the assumption that the voltage between A and B is unity. To It can then be shown -that the series begin with we express the energy in terms of the curico iw icon ico2p3 ( rent amplitude I; thus 2n Cg2_-W2 (,2 (4 n2(p-1) (1 2, = LI2. (22) is convergent if conw Co The voltage across AB is -LMI and if this voltage is to We believe that in the case of impedance functions be unity, I must equal 1/CLM; hence encountered in practice the series corresponding to p- 2 2 = L/co2LM2. (23) ,= ,2] (32) Next we calculate the maximum energy E of the circuit at infinite frequency on the assumption that the will be convergent; but naturally the proof must be
Of course, in the immediate vicinity of any natural frequency one particular term is so much larger than the rest that it does not matter whether Z is written in the form (39) or (39'); but off resonance, particularly in the range the situation is quite different. lower-frequency )(33) For instance, consider two resonant circuits for which nE _ it is evident that C1= C, L1= L2 L C2=0.01C (34) Z/iiw O as -O, c'= C 1/V/LC c 2-1 0o, 0 Hence if at provided of course that (32) converges. and let the self-inductances of the coupling coils and the vanishingly small frequencies the system has an in- mutual inductances be equal to L and LM, respectively; ductance L, then the complete impedance function is then by (39) we have Z = 2iw,JL + iW3LM2/L(Co2 - 12) + iCO3LM2/L(100J.2 - 02) Z =icoL + E (5 COn2-. i 2En COn2 _2 Similarly for the admittance function, we have
supplied in each case when the information regarding the sequence of poles and residues is available. Since (32) may be written in the form
Here C is the capacitance at vanishingly small frequencies or a measure of the electric energy stored in the circuit when the input terminals are open and the voltage across them is unity. Compare now (35) with (26) which was obtained for the circuit shown in Fig. 8. As we should have expected expansions (16) and (35) are the same if both are convergent. Furthermore, if we write the impedance of the circuit directly in terms of the impedance of the primary and the impedance coupled from the secondary, we have Z = ijwLi + w2LM2/i(u.'L - 1/OC)
If w = 2Co, the last term contributes an inductance equal to 0.04L M2/L. This represents a very small effect and our formula is in agreement with our physical intuition which tells us that we are so far below the higher resonant frequency that the effect of the second resonant circuit should be small. On the other hand if we write Z in the form (39'), then we have Z- io,(2L- 2LM2/L) + ijCoLM2/L( 2 -@2)
+ 1QOiJo2wLM2/L(1OO 2
iwL, + i*3LM2/L(CJ.2 - co2) Comparing this equation with (33), we have LM2 L = 1/2 X2 Hence we may rewrite (35) as follows ZX+r inLm 2 iwLm 2 -) Lu] 1 _LL,(n=
In this case when coX=o the contribution of the last term exceeds the contribution of the second term.
2+-E2 Ln(co)n2 J
icO3LM, 2
VII. A SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF AN OSCILLATING SYSTEM WITH AN INFINITE NUMBER OF NATURAL FREQUENCIES Before passing to applications of the foregoing results to cavity resonators, it will be instructive to consider a case of an oscillating system with an infinite number of
and interpret it as the input impedance of the network shown in Fig. 9. Here L is the inductance of the primary circuit which consists of a loop coupled to a succession of independent simple circuits; Ln is the inductance of a typical secondary circuit and LM,n is the mutual inductance between it and the primary circuit. If the series formed by the first terms in the brackets of (39) is convergent, then (39) may be rewritten as an expansion of the type (16); thus
Z =
iv(L - L')
LM tn E-_ I1
natural frequencies in which the expansion given by (16) indubitably converges. Even in this case the expansion given by (35) is preferable on account of its more rapid convergence. Let us take an ordinary transmission line of length I and let it be short-circuited at one end, Fig. 10. If x is the distance from the open end, then the voltage for a typical oscillation mode is V(x) cos ((2n + 1)7rx/21), n = 0, 1, 2, 3, * . (40)
VIII. THE INPUT IMPEDANCE ACROSS THE TERMINALS OF A LooP IN A CAVITY RESONATOR Let us now consider a cavity resonator with a pern= (2n + 1)7r/21\/LC, Xn = 41/(2n + 1), (41) fectly conducting boundary and a perfectly conducting loop A CB, Fig. 11. In practical calculations it is difficult where L,C are, respectively, the inductance and capaci- to avoid approximations; but before making them let tance per unit length. The energy associated with a us consider an exact mathematical problem so that later typical mode is we could appraise the nature of our approximations. In (42) order to make the problem definite we assume that the 2en = f [V(x)]2dx = "Cl. electric charge is transferred from B to A and back by Therefore by (16) we have applied forces concentrated in a tubular region which in Fig. 11 is indicated by dotted lines. The impedance of 2ico the is then the ratio of the applied electromotive (43) forceloop n= Cl(Jn2 - C2) 1 whose positive direction is from B to A, let us say, The direct-current inductance of the line is Li; hence to the current at A flowing into the loop. The applied by (35) we have electromotive force is equal to the electromotive force 2 ~ ~ of the field taken from A to B along the boundary of the "ielectric generator." co2 .nOCl -n$2 _ t2 _ oo~~8Ll,;3 = xI+ 1X7 ( 2) j.i+ n=o (2n + 1)2 nr2(&oi - w2) Since (43) and (44) are convergent, we must have 2 Ll E _ (45)
The amplitude has already been adjusted so that V(O)= 1. The corresponding natural frequencies and wavelengths are
This is actually the case. Let us now obtain (44) directly from (39) in accordance with which we interpret the transmission line as a -simple loop having inductance L = Ll and which is coupled to its own oscillation modes. If the maximum current amplitude is unity, the current distribution in the line for a typical oscillation mode is (46) I,,(x) sin ((2n + 1)7rx/21). The inductance for this mode is then
n00 ClW52
In accordance with the preceding section this impedance may be expressed in the form (35) where Co is a typical natural frequency of the system obtained on the assumption that the terminals of the loop are electrically open, n is the corresponding energy content when the voltage from A to B along the boundary of the electric [J7(x)]2dx -nL (47) generator is unity, and L is the "direct-current inductLn 26i = L 2. ance" of the loop as affected by the cavity resonator. In The mutual inductance is equal to the flux coupled with computing the latter the. generator is to be short-cirthe loop; hence cuited; in the present case this means that on the boundof the generator we must suppose a perfectly conary 2LI LM, (48) LM,n L J 1I,(x)dx (2 ), (4~8) ducting sheet. The terminals of our generator are 0(2n + if there is no current flowing inside "electrically open" Substituting from the above equations in (39) we obtain the tube occupied by the generator and that conse(44). the generator is surrounded by a sheet of infinite Similarly we can obtain the following formulas for quently that the magnetic intensity tangential to impedance6 the admittance function of the transmission line shown it vanishes. so Thus we have a complete set of boundary in Fig. 10 conditions for obtaining the natural frequencies of the 1 2ijo n7r system: Aco, (49) y~~~~~~~~~ iwLi n0=1 1) 1. The tangential electric intensity vanishes on the Ll((n -c iVLC boundaries of the cavity resonator and the loop, + - +co -iwCi 2. The tangential magnetic intensity vanishes on the 3 iwLi ns iL n =~ 6e on2i of the "generator region." boundary 00 2C2 3 1 1 For obtaining L the secondary boundary condition is =-iwCI +._ + i (50) 3 2) iwLi n1n 7r co 2 l replaced by: The tangential electric intensity vanishes It is noteworthy that the first two terms of this equation on the boundary of the generator region and the parrepresent an excellent low-frequency approximation to ticular solution we are interested in corresponds to w -0. the admittance of a short-circuited transmission line. 6 Zero conductivity and infinite permeability.
A variant method of expressing the impedance of the X. THE TRANSFER IMPEDANCE ACROSS A loop in a cavity resonator is based on (39). The boundCAVITY TRANSDUCER ary value problem to be solved is the same as in the preThe foregoing results can readily be extended to cavceding method. ity transducers, Fig. 12, which may be represented diaThe lowest natural frequencies of the complete system grammatically as shown in Fig. 13 with the understandmay be divided roughly into two groups: 1) the natural frequencies of the cavity as affected by the presence of the loop and 2) the natural frequencies of the loop as affected by the cavity. Naturally such separation is impossible when a natural frequency of the loop is nearly equal to a natural frequency of the cavity. For higheroscillation modes such proximity is unavoidable and then we can speak only of the natural frequencies of the entire system. If now the loop is small, the lowest natural frequenFig. 12-Two loops inside a cavity resonator. cies of the cavity are affected but little by the loop and the effect of the natural frequencies on the impedance of the loop is small. This is certainly the case when the length of the loop is so small that the current in it is distributed substantially uniformly. Under these conditions the input impedance of the loop is given by (39) where
= LM-n
Hnf Hn*dv,
The volume integral is extended over the entire cavity and the surface integral over a surface subtended by the ing that the number of simple resonant circuits is infiloop; Hn is the magnetic intensity for the n h oscillation nite. Thus the transfer impedance is oo2 = Li2 3L2 nL2n mode, Hn* is the conjugate of it and Hn,n is the normal Z12 coL12' + (55) E;-~~component of LHn n=l Ln (Con2 -.() + i6nWXnA)) On account of rapid convergence of (39) a good ap- where L120 is the low-frequency mutual inductance proximation for the input impedance of the loop for fre- between the loops in-the cavity, Li,, is the mutual intquencies not exceeding the second natural frequency is ductance between the first loop and the cavity, and L2n is the mutual inductance between the second loop and the Z ~ ica)L + iow3LMl2/Ll(J(l2-o 2c cavity. If we are interested in frequencies which are of + iw3LM,22/L2(C22 - (x2). (52) the order of magnitude of the first resonant frequency or higher, then L120 is computed for frequencies which are In the vicinity of the first natural frequency only the small compared with the first resonant frequency and first two terms will usually suffice. yet are sufficiently large to make the cavity a good shield. The field is then confined to the interior of the IX. THE INPUT IMPEDANCE OF A SLIGHTLY At really low frequencies L120 is affected by the cavity. DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM field spreading outside the cavity. The ratio L~~M,/Ln is the inductance coupled into the The foregoing method of expressing impedance fu'nctions in terms of the natural frequencies of the system is primary from the nth mode at frequencies very much exact when the system is nondissipative. If the system is higher than the corresponding resonant frequency and slightly dissipative, then we obtain an approximate ex- may be referred to as high-frequency coupled inducpression based on retaining the physical picture cor- tance. Similarly the ratio Li, L2n/Ln is the high-frequency transfer inductance. responding to (39); thus we have
Z = R + icoL +
L(5o Ln(c2
where an is the relative bandwidth for the nth oscillation mode or the reciprocal of the Q
Co-nsider a parallelepipedal cavity the dimensions of which are a, b, h, and let h be small. Let the inner conductor of a coaxial pair extend into the cavity as shown in Fig. 14. At frequencies for which h is substantially smaller than a quarter wavelength the current in the
wire is practically uniform and hence in the direction where L is the -direct-current inductance of the wire (of parallel to h the field is substantially uniform. Hence we radius r) and is approximately8 need to consider only those oscillation modes for which L = (1uh/47r) cosh-' (2(y2/r2) - 1). (64) the electric intensity parallel to h is (56) The series is now convergent and is not sensitive to small Ez= sin (m7rx/a) sin (nry/b). changes in the coefficients of higher modes. When referred to a unit maximum E., the energy conIn the case of a cylindrical cavity (Fig. 15) of radius tent E of the cavity for a typical oscillation mode is a and height h, small compared with a, the fields of the (57) lowest oscillation modes are given by 2 leabh = Lm,n8. The amplitude of the voltage induced in the wire is E:= Jn(knmn-) cos no, (65) Jn(kn,m) = 0. (58) Om,nLm.nM = h sin (mir/2) sin (nwry/b), where y is the distance between the axis of the coupling wire and the nearest cavity wall. The natural frequencies are Wm,n V\m2/a2 +-- n2/b2, (59) where v is the velocity of light. a _ 'I .
For the natural wavelengths and frequencies we have Xn,m= 2ra/kn,,m (n,in - 6r X 108/Xn,m (66) h where ko 3= 8.65, ... ko,2= 5.52', ko,1 = 2.40, ki,3 = 10.17, -kl,2= 7.02 kl,l = 3.83, (67) k2,3 =11.62, k2,2 = 8.42, k2,1=5.14, L-11X zI Fig. 14-Top and side views of a parallelepipedal cavity resonator. k3,1 6.38, k3,3 = 13.02, k3,2= 9.76, The energy associated with each mode is From the above equations we have if n 0, 2 = 7reha2J12(ko,m), (68) eab. 4h sin2--sin2 (60) [C,,,,nLtn,nM]2/Lm,ns - 2)rEha2[Jn'(kn,m)]2, if n 0; 2 b Using (16) or the equivalent equation7 (39'), we obtain and the voltage induced in the coupling wire is V = hJn(kn npl/a), (69) 2Mr nry (1 4hiw sin2-sin2 where Pi is the distance between the axes of the wire and z (61) the cavity. Hence the high-frequency coupled inductm,n Eab(W00,2 - c2 + jbm,nUmno) is ance If a = b, then with respect to convergence this series be(Ln,mM)2 AhtXom2 [Jo(ko,m pl/a) 12 haves as L Jl(ko,m) Jt if n Lnm s L,i,m + n2) (62) E 1/(m2 which is evidently divergent. It is quite likely that using rJn( kn,m pi/a) 12 AhXn,m2 (70) 2__ta2 L Jn'(knm) J, if n # 0. the exact values for wm,n and Lm,nM obtained by replac2izr3a2 Jnf(kn ,m) ing the conducting wire with a wire of infinite impedance we should obtain a convergent expansion; but this is not The direct-current inductance of the coupling wire is practicable. L-(Mh/2r) cosh-1 [(a2 -P2 + r2)/2ar]. (71) On the other hand from (39) we have If si =a -pl is small compared with a, then approxiWiry mir mately 4kiw3 sin2 sin2 b 2 n = 0, Ln,l= 1uhsl2/7ra2, (63) ( -+ Z=icOL+ 2. n r= 0. (72) = 21hsi /Xra 2 (comn2 -(A)2+ ibm,nW,,Co) t hm n v a7bom'n m,n
11 11
11 11 11 11
A typical high-frequency transfer inductance is i.thXo,m2Jo(ko,,m p /a) Jo (ko,m p2/a) if n=0, Lnrn 4,r3a2 [U (kn ) 12
27302 [Jn'(kn,,m) ]2 For low-frequency transfer inductance we obtain Auh (pip2/a)2 - 2p1P2 cos 4 + a2 Lt = - log (74) 4r p12-2plp2 cos 4 +a2 There exists also a transfer resistance associated with each oscillation mode; this resistance is negligible ]however in its effect on coupling between the coupling
(77) XI [- Jo(1p') + iNo(3p') ], A- 2r/X = cov, where p' is the distance from the axis of the wire. This function can be expressed in terms of p and 4, where p is the distance from the axis of the cavity and 4 is the angle measured from the plane passing through the axes of the cavity and the wire; thus we have (for p >pi)
/I E + Jr(f3p1)
At resonance the principal terms in the expanm (53) and (55) are
(79) Eel, en2 if n O. For cavities with perfectly conducting walls, the reflected intensity is obtained from the condition that the total intensity should vanish on the boundary p=a; thus we have
cos n>. (80)
Hence the total field is
-lio.AI No(op')
E en
Jn(#P) cos no 1
Thus we have the following expressions for the input Pr(Z) = Ln7n/3n = ConQnnLn (75) impedance as seen from the wire at (pi, 0) and the transQJ P = CO,Qn7:ntPr(Z12) fer impedance between this wire and another wire at There exists also the following relationship between (p2, 45)
4 iAkh 4 [3
COI n(
high-frequency inductances coupled into two coupling We note that while the expressions in the preceding elements and high-frequency transfer inductance section are double series, the present ones are simple If we were to take into account the nonuniformity (76) series. in t VTL7/7'. of current distribution in the wire or to consider small The quantities Cn, Qn, cWnQ n7nare measurable. coupling loops, we should arrive at the results expressed as double series by the method of this section and as XII. CAVITY RESONATORS AS SECTIONS OF triple series by the method of the preceding section. WAVE GUIDES In the above expressions the effect of dissipation has Cavities considered in the preceding section may be been excluded and the formulas are applicable to actual regarded as sections of wave guides. For example, a cavities only sufficiently off resonance. Equation (82) coupling wire in a cylindrical cavity of radius a, Fig.16, could be generalized but there is no practical need for it sends outward a cylindrical wave which impinges on the because near a resonance only one term in the expansions lateral wall of the cavity and is reflected from it. For the of the type (53) and (55) is needed; it is only off resonance that we may be interested in expansions (82). In computing (82) it should be remembered that for large n we have approximately -Nn(f3a)Jn((3p1)Jn(0p2)/Jn(0a) = (1/7n) (plp2/a2) n. (83)
purposes of computing the reflected wave it is convenient to regard the incident wave as emerging from a virtual source along the axis of the cavity. Thus assuming again that the current distribution in the wire is uniform, we have
Furthermore 1 xn cos n
-xncOs n.