Jafar Estimate
Jafar Estimate
Jafar Estimate
An estimate for first & second floor of the above residential building for MD.ABU ZAFAR on RS Plot-350(P),352 (P),B.S PLOT - 584 (P),MOUZA - AGRABAD,P.S - HALISHAHAR, DIST - CHITTAGONG. with 1st class construction and luxurious fittings. A. Proposed Construction Area is 996 sft.in First Floor for residential 1 R.C.C Column casting up to roof level 2 R.C.C Stair,Beam & Roof Casting 3 10''&5'' Brick wall with lintel sunshade casting 4 Plastering work 5 Wooden (Segun & Karai) Door & Window including iron Grill & Aluminium Fabrication with glass pallah. 6 Sanitary,water supply,Gas line and bathroom fittings@ Tk. 330 - per sft Tk. 7 Electrical work 8 Patent stone with tiles 9 Painting (Distemper) Total Material Cost for construction of first floor Labour Cost for construction of 1st floor(20%of Material Cost) Total Cost for construction of first floor (A) @ Tk. 150 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. 328,680.00 149,400.00 129,480.00 129,480.00 1,703,160.00 340,632.00 2,043,792.00 @ Tk. 170 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 210 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 110 - per sft Tk. @ Tk. 350 - per sft Tk. 169,320.00 209,160.00 129,480.00 109,560.00 348,600.00
B. Proposed Construction Area is 996 sft.in Second Floor for residential 1 R.C.C Column casting up to roof level 2 R.C.C Stair,Beam & Roof Casting 3 10''&5'' Brick wall with lintel sunshade casting 4 Plastering work 5 Wooden (Segun & Karai) Door & Window glass pallah. 6 Sanitary,water supply and bathroom fittings 7 Electrical work 8 Patent stone with tiles 9 Painting (Distemper) @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 330 - per sft Tk. 150 - per sft Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. 328,680.00 149,400.00 129,480.00 129,480.00 1,703,160.00 340,632.00 2,043,792.00 @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 170 - per sft Tk. 210 - per sft Tk. 130 - per sft Tk. 110 - per sft Tk. 350 - per sft Tk. 169,320.00 209,160.00 129,480.00 109,560.00 348,600.00
Total Material Cost for construction of Second floor Labour Cost for construction of second floor( 20% of Material Cost) Total Cost for construction of second floor (B)
C 1 2 3
Other construction works Boundary wall modify,main gate/iron gate modify Stair finishing work with tiles fittings and stair grill works with wooden frame RCC Over Head water tank etc Lump sum Tk. 400,000.00
Total cost for materials for other construction in Taka Tk Labour Cost (20%) Total Cost SUMMATION OF COST SL NO A B C Construction Description Cost for 1st floor Cost for 2nd floor Others Total 1992 Tk Tk
Construction area in Material cost Total Cost in taka Sft in Taka 996 996 1,703,160.00 1,703,160.00 400,000.00 3,806,320.00 2,043,792.00 2,043,792.00 480,000.00 4,567,584.00
Total estimated cost of the first and second floor of the above residential building with luxurious fittings in Taka forty five lac sixty seven thousand five hundred eighty four only
An estimate for ground floor (Part) of the above residential building for MD.ABU ZAFAR on RS Plot-350(P),352 (P),B.S PLOT - 584 (P),MOUZA - AGRABAD,P.S - HALISHAHAR, DIST - CHITTAGONG. with 1st class construction and luxurious fittings. Proposed Construction Area is 800 sft.in Ground Floor for residential 1 RCC Pilling Works 2 Pile Cap,Short Column 3 Grade Beam 4 R.C.C Column casting up to roof level 5 R.C.C Stair,Beam & Roof Casting 6 10''&5'' Brick wall with lintel sunshade casting 7 Plastering work 8 Wooden (Segun & Karai) Door & Window glass pallah. 9 Sanitary,water supply and bathroom fittings 10 Electrical work 11 Patent stone with tiles 12 Painting (Distemper) @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 200 - per sft Tk. 100 - per sft Tk. 150 - per sft Tk. 50 - per sft Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. 160,000.00 80,000.00 120,000.00 40,000.00 2,216,000.00 443,200.00 2,659,200.00 @ Tk. 1310 - per sft Tk. 1,048,000.00 @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 150 - per sft Tk. 100 - per sft Tk. 120 - per sft Tk. 220 - per sft Tk. 90 - per sft Tk. 60 - per sft Tk. 220 - per sft Tk. 120,000.00 80,000.00 96,000.00 176,000.00 72,000.00 48,000.00 176,000.00
Total material cost for construction of ground floor in Taka (+) Labour cost for construction of ground floor (20% of material cost) Total Cost for construction of ground floor in
Total estimated cost of the ground floor of the above residential building with luxurious fittings in Taka twenty six lakh fifty nine thousand two hundred only
RCC Column C1 C2 C3 (1:1.5:3) Khoa sand cement 4 10 4 1 0.83 0.83 1.25 1 1 10 10 10 1.5 1.5 1.5 75 124.5 49.8 249.3 135.98 67.99 45.33
154.1463415 289.0243902
An estimate for finishing works of 3rd floor (Part) of the above residential building for MD.ABU ZAFAR on RS Plot-350(P),352 (P),B.S PLOT - 584 (P),MOUZA - AGRABAD, P.S.-HALISHAHAR , DIST - CHITTAGONG.with 1st class materials and luxurious fittings.
Floor Area is 996 sft.in 3rd Floor for residential 1 10''&5'' Brick wall with lintel sunshade casting 2 Plastering work 3 Wooden (Segun & Karai) Door & Window glass pallah. 4 Sanitary,water supply and bathroom fittings 5 Electrical work 6 Patent stone with tiles 7 Painting (Distemper) @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 180 - per sft Tk. 90 - per sft Tk. 140 - per sft Tk. 45 - per sft Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. 179,280.00 89,640.00 139,440.00 44,820.00 781,860.00 78,186.00 860,046.00 @ Tk. @ Tk. @ Tk. 80 - per sft Tk. 50 - per sft Tk. 200 - per sft Tk. 79,680.00 49,800.00 199,200.00
Total material cost for finishing works of 3rd floor in Taka (+) Labour cost for finishing works of 3rd floor (10% of material cost) Total Cost for finishing works of 3rd floor in
Total estimated cost of the 3rd floor part (996sft) of the above residential building with luxurious fittings in Taka eight lakh sixty thousand forty six only