Metals Superstructure

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Metals - Superstructure

Item # Description Quantity Location Remarks

5.2 Grating M.S.Grating 400 KG AD-051 [Drawing] 260000 Rs/-

5.3 PVC Grating 3 SM Ground Floor – External & Pool 5384 Rs/-

5.4 25 mm dia , 14 SWG

stainless steel pipes 28 NO. OHWT –walls 109928 Rs/-

Thermal and Moisture Protection - Superstructure

7.1.1(a) Internal surface Base 275 SM OHWT 214500Rs/-
& wall
7.1.1(b) Internal surface 250 SM Water Channels 19500 Rs/-
7.1.1(c) Internal surface Base 2300 SM Planters 1794000
& wall Rs/-
7.1.1(d) Floor & Wall as 5200 SM Toilet 4056000
required Rs/-
7.1.1(e) Part of External
Development area 3500 SM Ground Floor 2730000

7.1.1(f) Pool ( Base & Wall) 325 SM Ground Floor 253500 Rs/-

Roof Treatment – Superstructure :

7.4 1) 1:3:6 concrete
screed slope minimum 230 SM Type A – Roof Level – Open Terrace 2079660
40 mm thick including Rs/-
curing etc.
2) 4 mm thick torch
bonding Hy-grip water
proof sheet membrane
coated on both sides
with APP modified
bitumen compound.

3) 50 mm Thick layer
of Extruded
Polystyrene Insulation
Board of 35 Kg /CM.
4) 50 mm thick 1:2:4
Concrete Screed
including drains , Un-
Galvanized BRC weld
Mesh M-410 (100x100
mm x 10 SWG wire
5) PT Tile Flooring & ----Do----
Skirting with 1:4
cement sand mortar
6) 20 SWG G.I. Metal
Lathe flashing screwed
to wall with S.S.
screws and sealing
7) Making of
Khurra/scupper detail
around disposal points
including gravel , non-
shrink grout etc

----Do---- 600 SM Type B – Roof Level 3831000

----Do---- 700 SM Type C – Roof Level 26502000
400 SM Type D – Upper & Top Roof Level 4982400
----Do---- Rs/-

----Do---- 275 SM Type E – Upper Roof & O.H.T. Roof Level 1513325
----Do---- 50 SM Type F -- Ground Floor (Vestibule & Guard House) 52700 Rs/-

Plaster - Superstructure
9.1.1 1:4 cement sand 2500 SM 20 mm thick min. to external surfaces at any level 5187500
plaster of min. Rs/-
thickness including
200 mm wide metal
lathe of 18 SWG at the
junction of concrete
and masonry , conduit
chases etc fixed with
G.I. masonry nails and
G.I. sheet stip
9.1.2 20mm x 20mm x 2mm 750 RM Skirting Level 913500
Aluminum Angle fixed Rs/-
with galvanized
screws, etc
9.1.3 1:4 cement sand Overhead Water Tank, Water Channels, Planters, etc.
plaster / flooring,
finished with cement 875 SM Flooring in slope minimum 40mm thick 1004500
niru, of minimum Rs/-
thickness as specified 1950 SM Plaster on walls 20mm thick. 2460900
over waterproofing (to Rs/-
be paid separately

9.1.5 Architectural Textured

Coating Finish to 16550 SM External Smooth Plaster. 36194850
External Surface- Rs/-

Stair , Steps and Landings

Precast Granolithic Panel & Porcelain Tiles Finish
9.4.1 Pre-Finished Precast 200 SM Fire Stair # 1 & 2 2104800
Granolithic Panel on Rs/-

Porcelain Tile Flooring 260 SM Fire Stair # 1 & 2 590720 Rs/-

on Landings - PT9
(Statuario Polished
60cm x 120cm of

Cut to size Porcelain 125 SM Fire Stair # 1 & 2 347000 Rs/-

Tile Riser & Skirting -
PT9 (Statuario
Polished 60cm x
120cm of Kale).

9.4.2 Granite Finish

20mm thick granite on 230 SM Staircase # 3 & 4 3044280
Treads Polish Finish. Rs/-
20mm thick granite on 300 SM Staircase # 3 & 4 3970800
Landings Polish Finish. Rs/-
10mm thick granite on 130 SM Staircase # 3 & 4 1370720
Riser & Skirting's Rs/-
Polish Finish.
9.7.1 Reception Counter 01 JOB Ground Floor 839484 Rs/-
(CT1, CT2, FR1 &

9.7.2 Acrylic Finish Counter 08 SM Ground Floor - GYM 493560 Rs/-

Top & Coping
9.7.13 Boundary Wall:
a) R.C.C. Concrete 3000 Boundary Wall
psi cylindrical strength
at 28 days for
Columns & Beam /
Upstand (under block
masonry) from Existing
Pile Beam 217056 Rs/-
Columns 04 CM 3169595
Beam / Upstand 55 CM Rs/-
b) 150mm thick Hollow 900 SM 1817100
Block Masonry of Rs/-
approved quality,
setting the blocks in 1:4
cement sand mortar
c) 20mm thick minimum 800 SM 1211200
plaster outside (Refer Rs/-
to BOQ Item # 9.1.1 A).

d) Weather Shield Paint 800 SM 583200 Rs/-

(Refer to BOQ Item #

e) Tyrolean Plaster 1300 SM 1749800

Finish. Rs/-
f) Pre-Cast C.C.Coping. 70 SM 219870 Rs/-
50 mm thick 3000 psi
cube strength precast
coping of varying
widths/lengths in slope
where required
9.7.14 Guard Room ,Guard House & IESCO Room:
a) Solid Block Masonry 130 SM 224380 Rs/-
150mm thick (Refer to
BOQ Item # 9.7.13 a).

b) 12mm thick minimum 150 SM 193500 Rs/-

plaster inner side
(Refer to BOQ Item #
9.1.1 A).

c) 20mm thick minimum 150 SM 328050 Rs/-

plaster outside (Refer
to BOQ Item # 9.1.1 A).

d) Weather Shield Paint - 300 SM 218700 Rs/-

internal & external
(Refer to BOQ Item #

e) Cutting, fabricating, 1000 KG 460000 Rs/-

erecting, placing and
installing, fixing in
position steel structure
works. All structural
steel members having
minimum yield strength
of 36 ksi, consisting of
Channels, Angles,
Tubes, Plates, Bolts,
f) Fabricating, laying and 50 SM 140200 Rs/-
fixing in position 18
SWG G.I. Pre-Painted
Corrugated Sheet of
approved sample
complete with proper
fixing with fasteners, J-
Bolts and sealed with
sealants, scaffolding,
fixing arrangement, etc.
complete in all respect.
g) Reinforced Cement 5 CM 123390 Rs/-
Concrete (Metal Deck
Concrete) to achieve
minimum cylindrical
strength of 3000 psi at
28 days
h) 18 SWG G.I. Sheet 4 SM 11216 Rs/-
Flashing including
fixing arrangement,
sealing the edges, etc.
complete in all respect.

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