Ev Phev Roadmap
Ev Phev Roadmap
Ev Phev Roadmap
Technology Roadmap
Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
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Current trends in energy supply and use are unsustainable economically, environmentally and socially. Without decisive action, energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will more than double by 2050 and increased oil demand will heighten concerns over the security of supplies. We can and must change the path that we are now on; low-carbon energy technologies will play a crucial role in the energy revolution it will take to make this change happen. To effectively reduce GHG emissions, energy efficiency, many types of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage (CCS), nuclear power and new transport technologies will all require widespread deployment. Every major country and sector of the economy must be involved and action needs to be taken now, in order to ensure that todays investment decisions do not burden us with suboptimal technologies in the long-term. There is a growing awareness of the urgent need to turn political statements and analytical work into concrete action. To address these challenges, the International Energy Agency (IEA), at the request of the G8, is developing a series of roadmaps for some of the most important technologies needed for achieving a global energyrelated CO2 target in 2050 of 50% below current levels. Each roadmap develops a growth path for the covered technologies from today to 2050, and identifies technology, financing, policy and public engagement milestones that need to be achieved to realise the technologys full potential. These roadmaps also include special focus on technology development and diffusion to emerging economies, to help foster the international collaboration that is critical to achieving global GHG emissions reduction. The Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle (EV/PHEV) Roadmap for the first time identifies a detailed scenario for the evolution of these types of vehicles and their market penetration, from annual production of a few thousand to over 100 million vehicles by 2050. It finds that the next decade is a key make or break period for EVs and PHEVs: governments, the automobile industry, electric utilities and other stakeholders must work together to roll out vehicles and infrastructure in a coordinated fashion, and ensure that the rapidly growing consumer market is ready to purchase them. The roadmap concludes with a set of nearterm actions that stakeholders will need to take to achieve the roadmaps vision. It is the IEAs hope that this roadmap provides additional focus and urgency to the international discussions about the importance of electric-drive vehicles as a technology solution.
Nobuo Tanaka
Executive Director
This roadmap has been updated through June 2011 to reflect recent developments with electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Throughout the publication, various data, tables, figures, and policy descriptions have been updated, in order to keep the roadmap current and relevant. One new figure (Figure 8) and one new table (Table 5B) have also been added. The roadmap was drafted by the IEA Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology Directorate. This paper reflects the views of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Secretariat, but does not necessarily reflect those of individual IEA member countries. For further information, please contact: transportinfo@iea.org
Table of Contents
Key Findings Introduction Roadmap scope Roadmap vision Roadmap purpose and content EV/PHEV Status Today Overview EV technology PHEV technology Batteries: The key technology for EVs and PHEVs EV/PHEV Deployment: Market Impact Projections and CO2 Abatement Potential Overview of BLUE Map scenario targets and assumptions Market growth projections in model types and model sales Impacts on fuel use and CO2 emissions Vehicle and battery manufacturer partnerships and production targets Technology Development: Strategic Goals, Actions and Milestones 1. Set targets for electric-drive vehicle sales 2. Develop coordinated strategies to support the market introduction of electric-drive vehicles 3. Improve industry understanding of consumer needs and behaviours 4. Develop performance metrics for characterising vehicles 5. Foster energy storage RD&D initiatives to reduce costs and address resource-related issues 6. Develop and implement recharging infrastructure Additional Recommendations: Actions and Milestones Engage in international collaboration efforts Encourage governments to address policy and industry needs at a national level Conclusion: Near-term Actions for Stakeholders Appendix I. References Appendix II. Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 11 14 14 16 21 22 26 26 26 27 29 30 32 35 37 38 39 44 47
Use a comprehensive mix of policies that provide a clear framework and balance stakeholder interests 35
This publication was prepared by the International Energy Agencys Directorate of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology (SPT). Peter Taylor, Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division, and Tom Kerr, Coordinator of the Energy Technology Roadmaps project, provided important guidance and input. Lew Fulton was the coordinator of the Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Roadmap development effort and primary author of this report. Jake Ward provided writing and editing assistance. Other contributors were Pierpaolo Cazzola, Franois Cuenot, and John Staub. The IEA Mobility Model and its databases used in this study were developed by Pierpaolo Cazzola, Franois Cuenot and Lew Fulton. Annette Hardcastle and Sandra Martin helped to prepare the manuscript. The consulting firm Energetics, Inc. provided technical editing; Eddy Hill Design and Services Concept provided layout and graphics design support. This work was guided by the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology. Its members provided important review and comments that helped to improve the document. The IEA would like to thank the participants of the IEA-hosted workshop on EVs (electric vehicles) and PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) held in January, 2009, many of whom also provided review comments on the final report. However the resulting document is the IEAs interpretation of the workshop, with additional information incorporated to provide a more complete picture, and does not necessarily fully represent the views of the workshop participants.
Hisashi Ishitani, Professor, Graduate school of media and governance, Keio University Rob Jong, Head, Transport Unit, UNEP Gerald Killmann, Director, R&D Powertrain, Toyota Motor Europe Haruhiko Kondo, General Manager, Corporate Planning, NISSAN International SA Jean-Louis Legrand, French Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles Programme Phillippe Schulz, Senior Manager, Energy & Environment, Renault Hilde Strm, Business Development Manager, Hydrogen, StatoilHydro Robert Stssi, EVS 24 Chairman, AVERE President Tom Turrentine, Director, PHEU Research Center, Institute for Transportation Studies, University of California Martijn van Walwijk, Secretary, IEA IA-HEV Peter Wright, Technical Consultant, Motor Sport Safety, FIA Institute For more information on this document, contact: Transport Analysts Directorate of Sustainable Policy and Technology International Energy Agency 9, Rue de la Fdration 75739 Paris Cedex 15 France Email: transportinfo@iea.org
Key Findings
The mass deployment of electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs and PHEVs) that rely on low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission electricity generation has great potential to significantly reduce the consumption of petroleum and other high CO2-emitting transportation fuels. The vision of the Electric and Plug-in Hybrid (EV/PHEV) Vehicles Roadmap is to achieve by 2050 the widespread adoption and use of EVs and PHEVs, which together represent more than 50% of annual LDV (light duty vehicle) sales worldwide. In addition to establishing a vision, this roadmap sets strategic goals to achieve it, and identifies the steps that need to be taken to accomplish these goals. This roadmap also outlines the roles and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders and shows how government policy can support the overall achievement of the vision. The strategic goals for attaining the widespread adoption and use of EVs and PHEVs worldwide by 2050 cover the development of the EV/PHEV market worldwide through 2030 and involve targets that align with global targets to stabilise GHG concentrations. These technology-specific goals include the following: Set targets for electric-drive vehicle sales. To achieve the roadmaps vision, industry and government must work together to attain a combined EV/PHEV sales share of at least 50% of LDV sales worldwide by 2050. By 2020, global sales should achieve at least 5million EVs and PHEVs (combined) per year. Achieving these milestones will require that national governments lead strategic planning efforts by working with early adopter metropolitan areas, targeting fleet markets, and supporting education programmes and demonstration projects via government-industry partnerships. Additionally, EV/PHEV sales and the development of supporting infrastructure should first occur in selected urban areas of regions with available, low GHG emission electricity generation. Develop coordinated strategies to support the market introduction of electric-drive vehicles. Electric-drive vehicles are unlikely to succeed in the next five to ten years without strong policy support, especially in two areas: making vehicles cost competitive with todays internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and ensuring adequate recharging infrastructure is in place. Governments need to coordinate the expansion of EV and PHEV sales, help provide recharging infrastructure, and, along with electric utilities, ensure adequate electricity supply. Improve industry understanding of consumer needs and behaviours. Wider use of EVs and PHEVs will require an improved understanding of consumer needs and desires, as well as consumer willingness to change vehicle purchase and travel behaviour. Currently, the profile of car buyers in most countries is not well known; the industry needs to gain a better understanding of early adopters and mainstream consumers in order to determine sales potential for vehicles with different characteristics (such as driving range) and at different price levels. This information will also inform the development of appropriate policies to overcome market barriers and increase the demand for electric-drive vehicles. Auto manufacturers regularly collect such information and a willingness to share this can assist policy makers. Develop performance metrics for characterising vehicles. Industry should develop consistent performance metrics to ensure that EVs and PHEVs are achieving their potential. These include metrics related to vehicle performance (e.g., driving range) and technical characteristics (e.g., battery requirements). EVs and PHEVs are different in important respects; thus, the set of performance metrics for each must be tailored to each technology separately. Additionally, governments should set appropriate metrics for energy use, emissions and safety standards, to address specific issues related to EVs, PHEVs and recharging infrastructure. Foster energy storage RD&D initiatives to reduce costs and address resourcerelated issues. Research, development and demonstration (RD&D) to reduce battery costs is critical for market entry and acceptance of EVs. In order to achieve a break-even cost with internal combustion engines (ICEs), battery costs must be reduced from the current estimated range of USD 500 to USD 800 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of storage at high volume down to USD 300 to USD 400 per kWh by 2020, or sooner. RD&D to improve battery durability and life spans that approach vehicle life spans is also imperative. Over the mediumterm, strong RD&D programmes for advanced energy storage concepts should continue, to help bring the next generation of energy storage to market, beyond todays various lithium-ion concepts. Additionally, industry needs to focus RD&D efforts on addressing resource requirement issues and establishing
secure supply chains. In particular, lithium and rare earth metals supply and cost are areas of concern that should be monitored over the near-to mid-term to ensure that supply bottlenecks are avoided. Governments should help offset initial costs for battery manufacturing plant start-up efforts to help establish and grow this important part of the supply chain. Develop and implement recharging infrastructure. Reliable electricity supply must be available for EV/PHEV recharging and recharging stations must be convenient to access. It is therefore critical to understand the likely impact of a given number of EVs and PHEVs on daily electricity demand, generation and capacity, and to provide a sufficient planning horizon for utilities. While it will be necessary to standardise the vehicle-togrid interface, it is important to avoid overregulating in order to allow for innovation. Policies should foster low-cost infrastructure to facilitate PHEV and EV introduction. Other valuable areas to explore include innovative electricity recharging systems (e.g., battery swapping centres), grid powering from batteries, smart metering, and implications for drivers and utilities. To make these efforts most effective, the role of utilities and governments (including policymaking and regulatory agencies) in developing the recharging infrastructure should be clearly established. The roadmap outlines additional recommendations that must be considered in order to successfully meet the technology milestones and strategic goals. These recommendations include the following: Use a comprehensive mix of policies that provide a clear framework and balance stakeholder interests. Governments should establish a clear policy framework out to at least 2015 in order to give stakeholders a clear view. To the extent that it is possible, policies should not favour particular technologies, but rather promote good performance. Policy goals should be grounded in societal goals (e.g., energy security, low CO2 emissions). Engage in international collaboration efforts. Industry and government can work together on an international level to help lower costs and accelerate EV/PHEV technology diffusion. Key areas for information sharing and collaboration include: research programs; codes and standards; vehicle testing facilities; setting of vehicle sales targets; alignment of
infrastructure, charging and vehicle systems as appropriate; and policy development and experience in implementing different approaches. It will be important to track progress (e.g., regional EV/PHEV production, infrastructure investments, etc.) and keep all stakeholders in all regions up to date. Address policy and industry needs at a national level. Successful implementation of this roadmap requires that governments around the world enact the policies supportive of the necessary technology development and dissemination, possibly via the policy recommendations for governments put forth in this document. Like this roadmap, national roadmaps can be developed that set national targets and help stakeholders better set their own appropriate targets, guide market introduction, understand consumer behaviour, advance vehicle systems, develop energy, expand infrastructure, craft supportive policy and collaborate, where possible. By formulating common goals, targets and plans, countries and the global community can work toward an electric-drive transport future. The IEA will work in an ongoing fashion with governments and stakeholder organisations to coordinate activities identified in this roadmap and monitor and report on progress toward identified goals and milestones.
Key Findings
Roadmap scope
The Electric and Plug-in Hybrid (EV/PHEV) Vehicles Roadmap has been developed in collaboration with governments, industry and non-government organisations (NGOs). The approach began with a review and assessment of existing domestic and international collaboration efforts by member governments and industry groups on EV/PHEV technology and deployment. These efforts included all technical and policy-related activities associated with moving this technology from the laboratory to widespread commercial use. This roadmap covers the two main types of electrification for light-duty vehicles: pure batteryelectric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Non plug-in hybrids and other efficiency improvements in current ICE vehicles will be covered under a separate roadmap. In the near term, electric-drive vehicles will most likely appear as personal vehiclessedans, light trucks and electric scooters and bikes. Buses may also be relatively early adopters, especially in applications such as extended electric range hybrids and electric trolleys (i.e., trolleys that can leave the overhead line system and run autonomously on batteries for part of the route). However, for heavier vehicles such as long-haul trucks, planes and ships, for example, the energy density and range limitations of batteries are likely to prevent significant market penetration until additional advances are made in lightweight, energy-dense battery (or other energy storage) technology. As such, this roadmap focuses on passenger vehicles and what stakeholders can do to expedite their electrification.
Roadmap vision
The vision of this roadmap is to achieve the future outlined in the ETP BLUE Map scenario, whereby EVs and PHEVs contribute approximately a 30% reduction in light-duty vehicle CO2 emissions by 2050 (see box below). More generally, the vision is to achieve the widespread adoption and use of EVs and PHEVs worldwide by 2050 and, if possible, well before, in order to provide significant reductions in GHG emissions and oil use. These reductions must be achieved in an economically sustainable manner, where EVs and PHEVs and their associated infrastructure achieve commercial success and meet the needs of consumers. The EV/PHEV roadmap vision To achieve the widespread adoption and use of EVs and PHEVs worldwide by 2050 and, if possible, well before, in order to provide significant reductions in GHG emissions and oil use.
Estimates taken from comments made at the IEA EV/PHEV Roadmap Workshop.
EV technology
Battery-powered EVs benefit from the removal of the entire ICE system, the drivetrain and fuel tank, giving savings of up to USD4000 per vehicle as compared to PHEVs;2 however, EVs require much greater battery capacity than PHEVs in order to have a minimum acceptable driving range and peak power. EVs provide a substantial energy efficiency advantage, with up to three times the engine and drivetrain efficiency of conventional ICE vehicles and over twice that of HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles). At typical retail electricity prices, the fuel cost per kilometre for EVs can be far below that for ICE vehicles. If charging components such as converters are located on board vehicles, many vehicles should be able to use standard outlets and home electrical systems, at least for slow recharging (such as overnight). For daytime recharging, public recharging infrastructure (for example at office locations, shopping centres and street parking) will be needed. Currently, public recharging infrastructure for EVs is very limited or non-existent in most cities, though a few cities have already installed significant infrastructure as part of pilot projects and other programmes. To enable and encourage widespread consumer adoption and use of EVs, a system with enough public recharging locations to allow drivers to recharge on a regular basis during the day will be necessary. Such infrastructure will effectively increase the daily driving range of EVs (and PHEVs range on electricity). Public charging infrastructure could include opportunities for rapid recharging, either via fast recharge systems (with compatible batteries) or via battery swapping stations that allow quick replacement of discharged battery packs with charged ones. While a battery swapping system would require a way to ensure full compatibility and similar performance between all batteries, it also has the potential to help decrease battery ownership costs for EV consumers via innovative business models where swapping charges cover both electricity and battery capital costs on an incremental basis. Even for home rechargingoriented systems, the cost of batteries could be bundled into the daily costs of recharging, allowing consumers to pay for batteries over time. Decoupling battery costs from vehicle purchase costs could enable EVs to be sold at more competitive prices but doing so may be closely linked to the development of infrastructure and the associated business models adopted.3
Battery cost
Energy storage requirements create major hurdles for the success of EVs. For example, if drivers demand 500 km of range (about the minimum for todays vehicles), even with very efficient vehicles and battery systems that are capable of repeated deep discharges, the battery capacity will need to be at least 75kWh. At expected near-term, high-volume battery prices of approximately USD500/kWh, the battery alone would cost USD35 000 to USD40 000 per vehicle. Thus, to make EVs affordable in the near-term, most recently announced models have shorter driving ranges (50km to 200km) that require significantly lower battery capacities. This roadmap assumes that EVs have a typical range of 125 to 150 km with 30 kWh of batteries, which reflects an average efficiency of 0.15 kWh/km to 0.2 kWh/km, with some additional reserve battery capacity. This translates to a battery cost for such a vehicle of USD 15 000. There would be a savings of up to USD 4 000 from eliminating the ICE and its transmissions sytem (depending on the engine size and the transmission type), which partially offsets the cost of the battery. However, if the battery needs to be replaced during the life of the vehicle, the lifetime battery costs will be significantly higher.
Recharging infrastructure
Many households around the world already have parking locations with access to electricity plugs. For many others, such access will require new investments and modifications of electrical systems.
Cost estimates for EVs, PHEVs, and batteries in this section are based on analysis presented in IEA (2009). 3 See Berkeley CET study by T. Becker (July 2009).
PHEV technology
PHEVs retain the entire ICE system, but add battery capacity to enable the extended operation of the electric motor, as compared to HEVs. PHEVs have an advantage of being less dependent on recharging infrastructure and possibly less expensive (depending on battery costs and range) than EVs, and therefore might be targeted for higher volumes in early years. While PHEVs need far less battery capacity than pure EVs, they will likely need at least five times the battery capacity of todays HEVs. PHEVs will also have to be capable of repeated deep discharges, unlike todays HEVs, which typically are operated in a near-constant state-of-charge mode and are prevented from experiencing deep discharge-recharge cycles. Further, since the battery capacity levels are still far below those of pure EVs, more power-oriented battery configurations are needed to deliver power at levels required for operating the vehicle when the engine is idle or during bursts of acceleration. Additionally, poweroriented batteries can be much more expensive per kWh capacity than energy-oriented batteries. The IEA publication Transport, Energy and CO2: Moving Toward Sustainability (2009) estimates battery costs for PHEVs to be 1.3 to 1.5 times higher per kWh than for EVs, although total battery costs for PHEVs will likely be lower than for EVs because the total battery capacity for PHEVs is significantly lower. Assuming near-term, mass production estimates for lithium-ion batteries close to USD750/kWh of capacity, medium-range PHEVs (e.g., a driving range of 40km with 8kWh of energy storage capacity) would require roughly USD6000 to cover battery costs. PHEVs may also need a larger motor, adding to their cost. Without discounting, a vehicle driven 200000 km over its lifetime might save USD 4000 in fuel costs; this saving is not enough to offset such a high battery cost. However, if battery costs for PHEVs can be reduced to around USD 500/kWh in the future, the resulting battery cost per medium range vehicle (around USD4000 for an 8 kWh system) could be competitive. Cost competitiveness will also depend on future electricity and oil prices, and consumer willingness to pay more (or possibly less) overall for PHEVs than similar ICE vehicles.
Infrastructure: Greater need for public infrastructure to increase daily driving range; quick recharge for longer trips and short stops; such infrastructure is likely to be sparse in early years and will need to be carefully coordinated. Economies of scale Mass production level of 50 000 to 100 000 vehicles per year, per model will be needed to achieve reasonable scale economies; possibly higher for batteries (though similar batteries will likely serve more than one model). Vehicle range: Minimum necessary range may vary by region possibly significantly lower in Europe and Japan than in North America, given lower average daily driving levels. 100km (62miles) to 150 km (93miles) may be a typical target range in the near term.
Consumer adoption: Many consumers may be willing to pay some level of price premium because it is a dual-fuel vehicle. This needs further research. People interested in PHEVs may focus more on the liquid fuel efficiency (MPG) benefits rather than the overall (liquid fuel plus electricity) energy efficiency. Metrics should encourage looking at both. Electric range should be set to allow best price that matches the daily travel of an individual or allow individuals to set their own range (e.g., providing variable battery capacity as a purchase option).
Consumer adoption: Early adopters may be those with specific needs, such as primarily urban driving, or having more than one car, allowing the EV to serve for specific (shorter) trips. More research is needed to better understand driving behaviour and likely EV purchase and use patterns. With involvement from battery manufacturers and utilities, consumers may have a wider range of financing options for EVs than they have for conventional vehicles (e.g., battery costs could be bundled into monthly electric bill). EVs will perform differently in different situations (e.g., weather) and locations (e.g., Colorado versus California); therefore utility and operating costs may vary significantly. Test procedures for EVs: SAE J1634*** (Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure) and UNECE R101**** (Electric energy consumption) adopted test procedures for measuring EV electric energy consumption.
Test procedures for PHEVs: SAE J1711* (Recommended Practice for Measuring Fuel Economy and Emissions of Hybrid-Electric and Conventional Heavy-Duty Vehicles) and UNECE R101** (Emissions of carbon dioxide and fuel consumption) adopted test procedures for measuring PHEV fuel economy and electric energy consumption.
* http://standards.sae.org/j1711_201006 ** www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs/r101r2a2e.pdf
cycles. In both cases, these demands are very different than those on batteries being used on conventional ICE-HEVs, which experience almost exclusively shallow discharge/recharge cycling. Current battery deep discharge durability will need to be significantly improved to handle the demands of EVs and PHEVs. Durability, life expectancy, and other issues Batteries must improve in a number of other respects, including durability, life-expectancy, energy density, power density, temperature sensitivity, reductions in recharge time, and reductions in cost. Battery durability and life-expectancy are perhaps the biggest technical hurdles to commercial application in the near-term. Since the above issues are inter-related, a central challenge is to create batteries that are better in all of the above respects without completely trading off one for another. For example, battery durability must include reliability over a wide range of operating conditions as well as have a consistently
long battery life, which may be adversely affected by the number of deep discharge cycles. In addition, all of these remaining technology issues must be addressed in ways that ultimately reduce battery costs, or at the very least, do not add to cost.
1 000
KEY POINT: Among battery technologies, lithium-ion batteries have a clear edge over other approaches when optimised for both energy and power density.
Technology Roadmaps
Within the lithium-ion family, there is a range of different types and configurations of batteries. These vary in terms of characteristics such as battery life, energy, power, and abuse tolerance.
A summary of five battery chemistries and the strengths and weaknesses along these dimensions is shown in Table 2.
Source : Guibert, Anne de (2009), Batteries and supercapacitor cells for the fully electric vehicle, Saft Groupe SA.
Figure 2: Annual light-duty vehicle sales by technology type, BLUE Map scenario
200 180 H2 Fuel cell Electricity Plug-in hybrid Hybrid CNG/LPG Conventional diesel Conventional gasoline
KEY POINT: This roadmap sees rapid light-duty vehicle technology evolution over time.
A slightly revised BLUE Map scenario for transport has been developed for Transport, Energy and CO2: Moving Toward Sustainability (IEA, 2009). This scenario retains the important role for EVs and PHEVs in meeting 2050 targets that is depicted in ETP 2010, but in addition to focusing on LDVs, also acknowledges that some electrification will likely occur in the bus and medium-duty truck sectors.
Table 3: Global EV and PHEV sales in BLUE Map, 20102030 (millions per year)
2010 PHEV EV Total
Source : IEA 2010.
0.0 0.0
0.3 1.1
2.0 6.9
13.1 4.5
24.6 8.7
35.6 13.9
47.7 23.2
56.3 33.9
59.7 46.6
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Plug-In Hybrid Electricity
KEY POINT: EV/PHEV sales must reach substantial levels by 2015 and rise rapidly thereafter.
It is important to note that for the near- to mediumterm (2010 to 2020) data in the figures above, the BLUE Map scenario was revised in 2009 to account both for the economic crisis that began in 2008, which decreased projected car sales, as well as for PHEV/EV product plans announced since the ETP was published, which suggest the possibility of a higher level of EV sales through 2020 (IEA 2009). This is an ambitious but plausible scenario that assumes strong policies and clear policy frameworks, including provision of adequate infrastructure and incentives. While it may be possible to reach CO2 targets in other ways, if this target level of EVs and PHEVs relying on low-carbon electricity is not introduced, then other low CO2-emitting solutions will be needed. Altering the BLUE Map strategy in this way will likely result in an equally or even more difficult challenge.
Vehicle efficiencies EVs are assumed, on average, to have a range of 150 km (90 miles) and PHEVs all-electric ranges are assumed to start at 40 km (25 miles), rising on average over time due to improvements in battery technologies and declining costs. Both types of vehicles are assumed to have an average in-use fuel efficiency of about 0.2 kWh/km (0.3 kWh/ mile). While vehicles could potentially be made more efficient, which would increase the range for a given battery capacity or decrease battery capacity requirements, the chosen efficiency assumptions reflect a more probable outcome. Other important assumptions included in these projections involve battery range and cost. The scenario assumes an average 150 km-range EV and 40 km-range PHEV, and simplifies the likely range of variation around these averages.
For PHEVs, the percentage of kilometres driven on electricity is assumed to rise over time as recharging times diminish, electric recharging infrastructure spreads, and the number of opportunities to recharge the battery during the day increases5. The cost of batteries for EVs is assumed to start at about USD 500 to USD 600/kWh at high volume production (on the order of 100 000 units), and drop to under USD 400/kWh by 2020. Higher per-unit battery costs are assumed for PHEVs, due to higher power requirements. PHEV batteries are assumed to start around USD 750/kWh for high-volume production and then drop to under USD 450 by 2020. These cost reductions depend on cumulative production and learning, so if production levels remain low over the next ten years, it reduces the probability of gaining the target cost reductions and hence reaching BLUE Map deployment targets.
Figure 4: EV/PHEV number of models offered and sales per model through 2020
140 000 40 Number of models 30 20 10 0 2010
Source : IEA projections.
KEY POINT: Sales per model must rise rapidly to reach scale economies, but the number of models introduced must also rise rapidly.
5 A paper by D. M. Lemoine, D. M. Kammen and A. E. Farrell explores this in depth for California, and looks at a range of factors that might push PHEV use towards more electric or more liquid fuel use. The paper can be found at: www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1748-9326/3/1/014003
Technology Roadmaps
On a regional basis, Figure 5 offers a plausible distribution of EV/PHEV sales by region, consistent with this roadmaps global target of achieving an annual sale of approximately 50million lightduty EVs and PHEVs by 2050. Regional targets reflect the expected availability of early-adopter consumers and the likelihood that governments will
aggressively promote EV/PHEV programmes. EV and PHEV sales by region are also based on assumed leadership by OECD countries, with China following a similar aggressive path. Sales in other regions are assumed to follow with a market share lag of five to ten years.
PHEV Sales
5 4 Millions 2015 2020 3 2 1 0 2010
I All other I India I China I OECD Pacific I OECD Europe I OECD North America
I All other I India I China I OECD Pacific I OECD Europe I OECD North America
KEY POINT: In this roadmap, EV/PHEV sales increases are seen in all major regions.
Although the ramp-up in EV/PHEV sales is extremely ambitious, a review of recently announced targets by governments around the world suggests that these combined targets add up to a similar ramp-up through 2020 (Table 4 and Figure 6). Additionally, most of these announcements considered were made in the past 12 months, demonstrating the high priority that developing and deploying EV/ PHEV technology has on an international level. If all announced targets were achieved, about 1.5million EVs/PHEVs would be sold by 2015 and about 7 million by 2020. These figures are not far from IEA BLUE Map targets in Figure 5. Thus at this time, the targets set by these countries are sufficient to put them on a BLUE Map trajectory, at least through 2020. The challenge will be achieving these ambitious targets.. A key question is whether manufacturers will be able to deliver the vehicles (and battery manufacturers the batteries) in the quantities and timeframe needed. As mentioned, the IEA scenario has been developed with consideration for providing time for vehicle demonstration and
small-scale production so manufacturers can ensure that their models are ready for the mass market. To achieve even the 2050 sales targets, a great deal of planning and co-ordination will be needed over the next five to tenyears. Whether the currently announced near-term targets can all be achieved, with ongoing increases thereafter, is a question that deserves careful consideration and suggests the need for increased coordination between countries.
04 Jun 2009
10 Jun 2009 Jun 2008 15 Jul 2009 March 2011 8 Jul 2009 27 Apr 2009
Oct 2008
McKinsey & Co. ENS Denmark EVI EVI EVI Houses of the Oireachtas Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
9 Sep 2008
March 2011
May 2011
Target 2020: 600 000 2020: 145 000 2020: 1 200 000 stock EVs + 350000 stock PHEVs 2030: 3 300 000 stock EVs + 7 900000 stock PHEVs 2015: 1 000 000 PHEV stock 2015: 1 700 000 2030: 5% to 10% market share 2020: 10% market share 2015: 250 000 EVs 2015: 480 000 EVs 2020: 1 300 000
United Kingdom
Oct 2008
Jan 2009 8 Jul 2009 Oct 2008 26 Jun 2009 4 Jul 2008 8 May 2009 May 2009
President Barack Obama Pike Research McKinsey & Co. Carlos Ghosn, President, Renault Frost & Sullivan Frost & Sullivan Nordic Energy Perspectives
Source : Individual Country Roadmaps and Announced Targets, as listed in the references.
Figure 6: N ational EV/PHEV sales targets if national target year growth rates extend to 2020
8.0 7.0 Canada Austria Netherlands Switzerland Ireland Israel United Kingdom Korea Denmark Sweden Portugal Germany France Spain Japan United States China 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
KEY POINT: National EV/PHEV targets are consistent with IEA BLUE map targets through 2020.
So far sales are low for electric cars but this could soon change; Reva sold only 600 in 2008-2009, but is targeting 5 000 cars in 2012. Manufacturers suggest that low sales figures are the product of high costs, attributable to high taxes. Reva estimates that it pays INR 35 000 to 40 000 (USD 720 to USD825) extra in excise tax (10% of its vehicles INR 400 000 [USD 8 250] price). Value-added tax (VAT) is another point of contention. Indian electric vehicle manufacturers jointly requested to reduce VAT to 4% from 12.5% in early 2009. Additionally, few public charging stations have been installed so far, perhaps due to the high upfront cost, estimated to be about INR 50 000 (USD 1 030) per station, not including land costs. The Indian Government is aiming for a full policy in place by 2012 to promote PHEVs/EVs (CarDekho 2011). However the government already provides an incentive for electric vehicles, for up to 20% of the ex-factory price of a given vehicle (CarWale 2011). This incentive is only for the first 140 cars sold in the current fiscal year, but is expected to increase to cover 700 cars in 2012 (EVHub 2011). States and municipalities have also begun to provide EV incentives. In states such as Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat and West Bengal, VAT rates for EVs have been brought down to 4%, resulting in a substantial increase in sales. Some cities refund road tax and registration charges (Centre for Science and Environment 2008).
1 000
2030 BLUE
Africa World
KEY POINT: The BLUE Map scenario targets strong GHG intensity reductions for electricity generation by 2030 and 2050.
Table 5A: Manufacturers of EVs/PHEVs and partnering battery manufacturers, with production targets where available
Car manufacturer Announced/reported production/sales targets 10 000 in 2013 (5) 50 000 in 2013 (1) 85 000 in 2014 18 000 in 2012 21 000 in 2013 120 000 in 2012 (1) 40 000 in 2012 (2) 5% in 2015 20% in 2020 50 000 in 2010 in Japan 150000 in 2012 in United States 50 000 in 2013 in United Kingdom 40 000 in 2014 (4) 250000 in 2013 10 000 in 2013 (1) 20 000 in 2014 10 000 in 2013 (1) 20 000 in 2014 3% in 2018 (3) Battery manufactures (may contains development partners and former partnership) Johnson Controls-Saft (JCS), Sanyo, SK Innovation, Li-Tec Battery A123 Systems LGChem, JCS, MAGNA E-Car Systems, Toshiba, Sanyo LG Chem, JCS GS Yuasa Corporation, Lithium Energy Japan, Toshiba AESC
Nissan PSA Renault Tesla Th!nk Volkswagen BMW BYD Auto Chrysler-Fiat Coda Automotive Hyundai SAIC Magna Subaru Suzuki Tata Toyota Volvo
Lithium Energy Japan, GS Yuasa, JCS AESC, LG Chem, SB Limotive (SBL) Panasonic Energy Company A123 Systems, Enerdel, FZ Sonick Sanyo, Toshiba, SBL,Varta Microbattery SBL, E-One Moli Energy BYD group SBL, LG Chem Coda Battery Systems LG Chem, SBL, HL Green Power, SK Innovation JCS GS Yuasa Corporation AESC Sanyo Electrovaya,EIG Primearth EV Energy, Sanyo EnerDel, LG Chem
(1) www.energy.gov/media/1_Million_Electric_Vehicle_Report_Final.pdf. (2)www.mitsubishi-motors.com/publish/pressrelease_en/corporate/2011/news/detail0771.html. (3) www.treehugger.com/files/2010/03/volkswagen-plans-sell-300000-electric-cars-year-2018.php. (4) www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3a4324f4-4353-11e0-aef2-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1FLb87CdI. (5) www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=aT_u.QS7Y4tg. (6) http://gm-volt.com/2011/04/15/lg-chem-opens-ochong-battery-plant-expects-major-market-share/. Sources: Various, updated by IEA May 2010.
Ford Projection (estimated from each country's target) General Motors Mitsubishi Nissan Renault Think Tesla Peugeot/Citron Volkswagen 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
* Production/sale capacity levels shown here are assumed to remain constant after year of construction. In practice, capacities may rise after plants enter service.
Table 5B: Specifications of several plug in vehicles sold or expected to be sold in 2011
Mileage Size (mm) LxWxH Start of sales Price Weight (kg)
Model name
2010(JPN,US) 2011(EU)
160km (1015)
35k USD
1 438
1 715
41k USD
1 852
1 126
1 236
ca. 200km
2 620
1 640
1 550
Targets are subject to constraints in terms of rates of investment, manufacturing capability, recharging infrastructure and consumer demand.
electric utilities, relevant NGOs and academic researchers need to continually communicate, work together and coordinate their efforts. Additionally, the development of national roadmaps can help individual countries recognise their internal constraints and establish national goals to clearly lay out the roles for automobile manufacturers, suppliers, researchers, and the government itself in facilitating a transition to electric mobility as quickly and smoothly as possible. The successful market introduction of electricdrive vehicles also requires the identification of a break-even metric the point at which EVs pay for themselves (or become sufficiently attractive to consumers relative to the replaced ICE vehicle). It is at this point that the achievement of target sales levels becomes possible. The importance of noncost attributes such as range, refuelling/recharge time, environmental impact, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) opportunities should be included in this metric. Variation across different consumer groups should also be explored. Once this metric has been identified, incentives will likely be needed to reach break-even points for most consumers in the nearterm. The extent of incentives will depend in part on how much (if any) premium consumers are willing to pay for electric-drive vehicles. When EVs and PHEVs gain a sufficient long-term market share, increased taxation on electricity may be needed to maintain state revenues currently lifted by taxation on fossil fuels. This may be partly counterbalanced by cost reductions resulting from technological advances and learning. Countries may also shift toward different taxation systems, possibly based on factors such as GHG emissions, infrastructure use, pollutant emissions, noise, and/or the occupation of public land. Additional analysis should be carried out in order to figure
out how electric-drive vehicles would perform in different taxation scenarios. This roadmap recommends that, as soon as possible, the following milestones and actions should be achieved: Improve national and regional market potential estimates. Ensure that national targets and auto company production planning are coordinated. Identify a break-even metric and implement policies to make vehicles cost-competitive with ICEs. Identify and implement policies to ensure that adequate recharging infrastructure is in place at the time of, or slightly before, vehicles that will rely on the infrastructure enter service. Coordinate the launch and ramp-up of EV and PHEV sales, the provision of recharging infrastructure, and the changes in electricity supply. Coordination should include national and local governments, auto industry, electric utilities, relevant NGOs and academic researchers, and very importantly consumers. Evaluate the near- and expected medium-term cost competitiveness of EV/PHEVs in the context of potential evolution of required support, and develop comprehensive policies to ensure a smooth transition phase is undertaken with a view toward achieving commercial viability of EVs and PHEVs as soon as possible.
To effectively understand consumer needs and behaviours, industry must answer questions such as the following: How do demographics of car buyers vary in different markets (e.g., older customers in developed countries versus younger customers in developing countries)? What are the typical characteristics of those who buy car types that EVs may compete with (such as smaller urban vehicles)? How important is the multi-car family (e.g., electric-drive vehicles as second cars)? How many multi-car families are there in different countries? Will electric-drive vehicles appeal to low- to medium-mileage drivers? (Range limits may make it difficult to drive EVs and PHEVs far enough to pay for vehicle costs through fuel savings.) What is the distribution of driving (e.g., in km per day) for different types of consumers, in different locations? How does this distribution impact electricity demand, and oil or CO2 reductions? How many and what type of consumers may be willing to pay a premium for EVs or PHEVs? How many may be willing to purchase such vehicles with various levels of incentives?
What role might businesses play in becoming early adopters? Are there large fleets that may be interested in making bulk purchases? This roadmap recommends the following actions be undertaken at a national and municipal level as soon as possible: Collect better data, especially on markets and consumer behaviour; utilise metrics for gauging consumer aspects and market potential (see Table 6). Actively include consumers in the planning process of government and industry and ensure that consumers needs and desires are met. Develop good outreach and information programmes to help consumers understand the benefits of EVs and PHEVs, and increase their interest in adopting them. Get good feedback systems in place to allow early adopters to provide feedback that helps planners optimize infrastructure and other EV/ PHEV-related systems.
Driving behaviour daily driving distance Driving behaviour actual in-use vehicle efficiency and range Recharging behaviour
Performance (e.g., acceleration) Safety (passive and crash) Reliability (e.g., average maintenance cost and service requirements per year) Efficiency (kWh/km; L/100km equivalent)
Actual in-use efficiency measurement will also be important. EV/ PHEV performance in heavy traffic, in cold/hot weather, and in hilly terrain must be understood and communicated to potential consumers to avoid unwanted surprises.
5. Foster energy storage RD&D initiatives to reduce costs and address resource-related issues
Battery cost reduction is critical to achieve EV break-even cost with ICEs. Estimated achievable lithium-ion battery costs under mass production in the near-term (2012 to 2015) range from USD300 to USD 600 per kWh of storage capacity (possibly higher for PHEVs if they will require power-oriented batteries). For EVs with 20 kWh of capacity (the minimum requirement for a pure EV), this yields a battery cost per vehicle of USD 6 000 to USD12 000. Moving toward the lower end of this range as quickly as possible will greatly help to achieve commercialisation. There is hope that this can occur via large battery production scales and learning, but it is uncertain. In the next two to three years, key battery technology performance should be verified via in-use testing, after which companies may be able to quickly go to mass production to achieve cost reductions. Model years 2010 to 2012 appear key for proof of concept and moving toward mass production of batteries. Appropriate performance metrics should be established, especially for battery energy/power density and specific energy targets, to ensure adequate battery and EV/PHEV performance. Resource requirements for electric vehicles and batteries also need to be understood, and secure supply chains established. Today there are very few world-class battery manufacturers; most of them have strong strategic partnerships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Governments should strongly encourage and support promising start-up battery manufacturers, particularly those with innovative approaches. This support includes ensuring that investment cost and risk are not obstacles to construction of battery manufacturing plants and capacity expansion. The supply of batteries (and materials to make them) needs to be sufficient to align with incremental EV/PHEV production and capacity expansion. Access to necessary inputs must be ensured for all manufacturers. Lithium and possibly rare earth metal supply/cost are also mediumterm areas of concern and should be monitored, to ensure that supply bottlenecks are avoided. Conducting effective RD&D to foster greater use of advanced (e.g., light-weight) materials and innovative designs, can also help reduce the need for resources in building electric and other types of vehicles. Supply chains of materials required for vehicle manufacture should also be optimised. For example current battery supply chains and battery shipping can be very expensive (e.g., due to high weight and relatively low volumes). Production locations close to assembly locations may help cut such costs.
Batteries could be useful after their retirement from service in vehicles, mainly as stationary energy devices. New business models and battery designs may help decrease total cost, by extending battery life via multi-stage battery use. However, secondary uses should not detract from the first and primary purpose of the battery energy storage on-board vehicles. Batteries should have minimal life-cycle environmental impacts, including production and disposal. Maximising recycling is a key way to ensure minimal impacts and resource recovery; systems and rules dictating its use and implementation need to be established early on. To ensure the continued improvement of electricdrive vehicle batteries and battery systems, strong RD&D programmes for advanced energy storage concepts should continue. Flywheels and ultracapacitors continue to improve and should not be ignored; a next-generation of energy storage beyond current Li-ion battery concepts must be sought. This roadmap recommends the following milestones and actions by 2015 or sooner: Reduce battery costs via large scale production, optimisation and improved logistics.
Develop innovative vehicle/battery cost and financial models for vehicle ownership. Establish appropriate metrics and empirically verify battery performance via in-use testing. Develop and optimise supply chains and ensure sufficient battery and hybrid electric system supply through incremental production capacity expansion aligned with EV/PHEV vehicle volume. Incentivise battery manufacturers to achieve large-scale production and adopt advanced designs in a timely manner, in concert with expected roll-out of vehicles. Establish strategies for retiring batteries from vehicle use (e.g., secondary use or recycling programmes). Continue to support and accelerate innovative energy storage research. Develop standards for battery construction and disposal, with emphasis on recycling, for use around the world. Utilise the key metrics included in this roadmap (see Table 8).
Power density per unit weight, volume State of charge (percentage of full battery charge) limits Battery recharge time and rate
Possible targets and notes Estimated achievable lithium-ion battery costs under mass production in the near-term (2012 to 2015) for pure EVs range from USD 300 to USD 600 per kWh of storage capacity. For EVs with 20 kWh of capacity (probably the minimum requirement for a pure EV) this yields a vehicle cost of USD 6 000 to USD 12 000. Manufacturers will need to shift to the lower end of this range as quickly as possible to achieve commercialisation. Costs per kWh of battery will be somewhat higher for PHEVs, given smaller battery packs with higher power requirements. PHEVs will be able to tolerate somewhat higher unit costs since battery energy storage requirements will be much smaller. Measured as energy out of battery divided by energy in; should achieve (90% to 95%) in in-use conditions, over battery life. Plug efficiency is also important, which is the energy out of battery divided by metered energy out of wall plug and into battery. Two metrics include the number of deep discharge cycles and total calendar life. Reasonable targets are 2 000 to 3 000 discharge cycles and calendar life of 10 to 15 years. (For reference, the US Department of Energy uses: 300 000 power assist cycles for plugins plus 1 000 full discharges). Minimising battery performance deterioration over life is essential. Maximum 20% deterioration in key performance metrics (e.g., capacity) over ten years is a good target. Targets must hold over a wide range of conditions, such as the typical range of weather and temperature conditions in inhabited parts of the planet. Reliable operation under a range of drive cycles and road conditions must also be ensured. At least as safe, in use, as current liquid fuel systems. Need nearly full recovery of battery components, especially toxic components; need clear methodologies for measuring battery lifecycle environmental impacts.
Battery performance deterioration over time Battery performance deterioration, depending on ambient conditions Battery safety Battery disposal and recycling
Communications protocols between cars and recharging infrastructure. Regulations for public recharging that ensure safety with minimal administrative challenges. Battery recycling standards and regulations. Utility regulations conducted by state/provincial authorities to ensure orderly participation in this market. Infrastructure cost is estimated to run on the order of USD 1000 to USD 2 000 per car.7 However, governments and industry need to determine who will pay these costs, at what point during EV expansion should different investments be made, and how investments will be recovered. PHEVs may need less recharging infrastructure, at least to gain viability, than pure EVs. A lowcost strategy could rely on initial sales and stock accumulation of PHEVs to build-up the night-time recharging market, help lower battery costs, and encourage initial investments in public recharging infrastructure. Pure EVs could then be phased in as more daytime infrastructure becomes available. For each country, a clear PHEV versus EV rollout scenario will help determine infrastructure requirements. EV and PHEV expansion will be primarily driven by infrastructure investment. National governments can help coordinate early adoption sites, targeting large cities and urban areas that have ample recharging access. By 2012 or sooner, it should be determined which local and regional units of government are welcoming electric-drive vehicles through such efforts, and they should be coordinated to ensure a transition toward a national system. Governments should also ensure local electrical capacity and systems to accommodate whole areas plugging in their electric-drive vehicles at night; the development of local grid/distribution plans will help. Another key issue is determining how and when to join up cities for EVs by developing recharging opportunities on intra-city travel routes. Ultimately, to enable longdistance travel by EVs and access to all parts of a country, easily accessible, fast-charging facilities will be needed on motorways. Innovative electricity recharging systems should be considered. Battery exchange systems can provide very rapid replacement of depleted batteries with those that are fully charged, although many
questions remain in regard to cost, extra required battery supply, compatibility of the battery systems used by different original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and replacement of new batteries with potentially older batteries. Battery technologies and licensing systems would also need to be compatible. Additionally, fast charging will be important for battery exchange systems, since it increases the effective supply and lowers the number of batteries that must be kept in reserve to meet peak demand. Grid powering from batteries could be very useful for provision of peak power and load balancing, but needs to be controllable by vehicle owners. There could be important limitations on how much depletion in battery capacity that vehicle users will tolerate (e.g., the driver must be able to leave the car parked at work and be able to get home again). Adverse impacts on battery life must also be understood and minimised. The role of smart metering should be fully explored via trials, with good information sharing. All forms of advanced charging systems (e.g., vehicle-togrid power flow, day/night price differentials, restricted charging during peak demands) will require smart metering systems. But different levels of technology will involve different costs. Optimisation and standardisation will eventually be necessary. Lastly, the role of utilities and regulators should be clearly established. Utilities will be expected to play a lead role in investing recharging infrastructure; regulators must ensure that utilities have incentives that allow them to earn a fair return on their investments. Utilities will need to work closely with cities, regions and vehicle OEMs in order to achieve a coordinated roll-out strategy that centres on consumer needs. This roadmap recommends the following milestones and actions: Analyse each region to better estimate the relationship between EV/PHEV electricity supply and demand, especially during a fast growth phase after initial introduction (the system should anticipate the possibility of large numbers of vehicles in the 2020 time frame; simulation model tools are available and should be used in each region to determine the optimal location of charging points and timing of installation).
This estimate is for all recharging infrastructure; it is therefore likely to be much lower for simple home recharging.
Establish appropriate codes and standards for recharging, electricity supply and smart metering. Draft national EV/PHEV infrastructure roll-out strategies that identify infrastructure priorities and priority areas, timelines, and funding. Define the roles and responsibilities of different actors (governments, regulators and utilities, vehicle OEMs, consumers) clearly and develop cooperative and collaborative strategies among multiple levels of government along with electric utilities and OEMs. Prioritise home recharging, but plan to bring in commercial recharging centres rapidly as vehicles accumulate (early build-up of commercial recharging may be less important for a PHEV-led transition strategy; urban centres may take priority over intercity recharging facilities).
Explore the viability of various approaches to rapid recharge systems (e.g., battery exchange systems). Evaluate the role for and system designs of vehicle-to-grid electricity provision, including the need for next-generation infrastructure, such as smart metering technologies. Assess willingness of drivers to sell electricity back to the grid under various circumstances. Utilise the metrics recommended in this roadmap (see Table 9).
Impacts per unit infrastructure investment (or per unit investment overall), measured in value of net benefits to society Supply-related metrics Infrastructure-related metrics
Use a comprehensive mix of policies that provide a clear framework and balance stakeholder interests
A comprehensive policy framework should be established through 2020 in order to give stakeholders a clear view of the road ahead, enable early decisions to be made, and reduce investment risks. Governments need to establish a consistent and dependable incentive framework to support the implementation of electric-drive vehicles. OEMs are currently seeking to secure near- to medium-term markets through policy agreements that ensure adequate volumes for OEM returns. Overall policy goals should be established (e.g., energy security, low CO2 emissions) with appropriate incentives so manufacturers can tailor their production to achieve these policy goals. To the extent possible, policies should not favour particular technologies but promote good performance (e.g., low CO2 emission vehicles, fuel diversification and improved energy security). Thus, CO2 and other exhaust emission-based standards, taxes, etc., are generally superior to ones that directly promote the use of EVs/PHEVs. However, some technology picking policies may be unavoidable, such as supporting the provision of EV/PHEV recharging infrastructure. Policies should aim towards achieving first cost and full ownership (life-cycle) cost-equivalence between EVs/PHEVs and similar ICE vehicles, at least during the transition period aimed at building sufficient confidence from all stakeholders (e.g., customers, battery and vehicle manufactures and recharging grid investors). Based on empirical data, some consumers (especially early adopters) may tolerate some level of ownership cost increment for EVs/ PHEVs as compared to ICEs, but the smaller this increment, the larger the likely market size for EVs/ PHEVs. To limit policy (and taxpayer) cost of encouraging electric-vehicle development and deployment, governments can set market penetration targets, cost reduction targets, maximum spending caps or time limits for programmes. However, there is a risk of ending programmes before they succeed. Any limits should be clear to all stakeholders so these can be factored into decision making (both for investors and potential EV/PHEV buyers). Policies must be based on policy-relevant metrics, including: Geography of incentives, or net value of incentives to consumers. Consumer behaviour (e.g., average driving distance). Reliability of electricity, especially in developing countries. Sales in fleets versus Households. Types of purchase contracts. Life-cycle CO2 emissions Policy elements should target fleet markets, which are among likely early adopters of EVs/ PHEVs. Necessary infrastructure and purchase contract issues may be quite different from the personal vehicle market. Governments can also spur markets by acquiring EVs/PHEVs for official use. Large, coordinated vehicle purchases can help ensure minimum levels of demand to encourage commencement of vehicle production. Implementation of recharging infrastructure should also be coordinated with expected vehicle purchases. Governments will need to lead such coordination efforts. Government-industry partnerships can support education and demonstration to increase consumer awareness of the availability and benefits of EVs/ PHEVs. Labelling programmes and high-visibility trials (e.g., taxi fleets) can raise awareness. There is also a need for accurate information on in-use performance (e.g., range, recharging times, recharging grid location information and expansion plan) to raise consumer confidence. Policies are also needed to promote R&D, especially for advanced energy storage; these can include corporate tax incentives and direct spending on R&D programmes.
This roadmap recommends the following milestones and actions be completed by national governments (and in some cases local/regional governments), as soon as possible: Establish clear national policy frameworks through 2020, complete with establishment of clear market incentives, evidence of commitment, and well-bounded timeframes. Maintain technology neutrality, to the extent possible. Use policies to achieve first cost and full ownership (life-cycle) cost-equivalence between EVs/PHEVs and similar ICE vehicles during a fixed transition period. Combine a mix of policy elements that are harmonised and not in internal conflict, and adjust existing policies to remove any potential conflicts. Incorporate caps to limit the costs of policies, and indicate the time extent of policies (e.g., sunset provisions), but do so clearly and give adequate time for market development.
Base CO2-related policy incentives on life-cycle CO2 emissions. Encourage regional strategies through multilevel governance. Develop infrastructure development plans in cooperation with government and industry. Encourage business/government fleets to serve as early adopters. Develop information campaigns via governmentindustry partnerships. Make a strong commitment to ongoing public RD&D programs. Utilise the metrics recommended by this roadmap (see Table 10).
Policy cost: net level of public subsidy per vehicle Policy benefit: net social benefits
The preceding discussion on policy recommendations focused on the goals of the policies. These goals can be accomplished through a variety of policy elements. Table 11 summarises the types of policies and policy elements that could
play a role in incentivising electric-drive vehicles. Optimally, governments would use a mix of policies that is least-cost and provides just enough incentive to build the market at the target rate. This roadmap does not attempt to analyse specific sets of policies.
Table 11: Types of policies and policy elements that could play a role in incentivising electric-drive vehicles
Vehicle-fuel price related Favourable financing terms e.g., battery leasing to minimise up-front and monthly cost. Feebate (vehicle fee/rebate) system at time of vehicle purchase, based on performance (e.g., life-cycle CO2 emissions). Differential CO2-based fuel taxes. Reductions in highway tolls and other vehicle fees (annual registrations). Incentives for providing recharging infrastructure in commercial/public areas. Subsidisation of the cost of recharging infrastructure for households/apartment buildings. Not cost-related Differential treatment for EVs/PHEVs in terms of regulations, such as access to otherwise vehiclerestricted zones in city centres, preferential parking spots with charge points. Guarantees for re-sale values, battery replacements. Additional credits under regulatory systems (e.g., in EU vehicle CO2 regulations, EVs/PHEVs are considered zero emissions, so automakers get an advantage for producing them; similar credits exist in the US Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) law). Electric-drive vehicles would be favoured by strong regulations addressing pollutants (apart from CO2). Initial introduction of EVs by government fleets to help spur manufacture. Public transport vehicles, two/three-wheeled vehicles exploit EVs in these segments to promote EVs for individual consumers and increase battery production scales. Direct provision of recharging infrastructure in public areas.
Source : IEA EV/PHEV Workshop, January 2009.
Technology and research should also be shared. Hardware and software relating to analysis, recharging infrastructure, and other aspects should be shared to harmonise approaches. Expertise sharing and exchanges of experts should be explored. Common research agendas can address shared problems (e.g., supplies of lithium, rare earth materials and battery materials). Global recycling system for batteries, common electricity demand, and GHG impact methodologies will all be needed. The IEA Secretariat can play a role in convening workshops and in coordinating activities, including planning, data collection, international analysis and research methodologies. Through its roadmapping efforts, the IEA can help coordinate planning in linked areas, including EV/PHEV development, smart grid development, and planning for low-CO2 electricity generation around the world. The IEA Implementing Agreement on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles plays an important role in running joint research programmes. Countries and private organisations can join for specific projects. Currently eight specific projects (Annexes) are operating. The IEA is a member of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, which can provide a
framework for engaging governments on the adoption of advanced technology vehicles such as EVs and PHEVs, and help them develop strategies and adopt targets and principles as outlined in this roadmap. There are several other potential and active forums for international collaboration on EVs/PHEVs, e.g., the Electric Drive Transport Association (EDTA) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) agency. This roadmap recommends the following milestones and actions: Achieve standardised safety and performance regimes. Develop websites and have regular international meetings for information and research sharing (includes hardware and software sharing). Identify countries (including developing countries) that are candidates to become early adopters, and help to get them involved. Convene workshops and coordinate activities. Publish periodical reports and scorecards on progress; report on best practices, issues arising and how these can be overcome.
A summary of the Japanese and American roadmaps can be found in the Appendix.
Action item Target a combined EV/PHEV sales share of at least 50% of LDV sales worldwide by 2050. By 2020, achieve at least 5 million EV and PHEV combined global sales per year or more, if possible. Improve and refine regional and national market potential estimates. Draft national EV/PHEV infrastructure roll-out strategies that identify infrastructure priorities and priority areas, timelines and funding. With automobile manufacturers and suppliers, ensure that all national targets can be matched to auto company production planning, and vice versa. Coordinate the launch and ramp-up of EV and PHEV sales, provision of recharging infrastructure, and electricity supply among national governments. Collect better data, especially on markets and consumer behaviour. Develop good outreach and information programmes to help consumers to understand the benefits of EVs and PHEVs and increase their interest in adopting them. Develop websites and have regular international meetings for information sharing. Establish appropriate codes and standards for recharging, electricity supply, smart metering, etc. Establish standards for battery construction and disposal, with emphasis on recycling. Achieve standardised safety and performance regimes. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of different actors (governments, regulators and utilities, vehicle OEMs and consumers); develop cooperative and collaborative strategies among multiple levels of government along with electric utilities and OEMs. Base CO2-related policy incentives on life-cycle CO2 emissions. With utilities, cooperatively develop infrastructure development plans. With science ministries, design, implement and make a strong commitment to ongoing RD&D programmes.
Reduce battery costs for EVs to USD 300/kWh or below by 2015. Establish appropriate metrics and empirically verify battery performance via in-use testing. Continue strong energy storage research. Conduct research, testing and benchmarking to establish standards for battery construction and disposal, with emphasis on recycling. Conduct research, testing and benchmarking to establish appropriate codes and standards for recharging, electricity supply, smart metering, etc. Explore viability of various approaches to rapid recharge systems (e.g., battery exchange systems). Design, implement and make a strong commitment to ongoing RD&D programmes.
Action item Improve and refine regional and national market potential estimates. With governments, ensure that all national targets can be matched to auto company production planning, and vice versa. Identify and implement policies to ensure adequate recharging infrastructure is in place at the time of, or slightly before, vehicles enter service that will need it. Governments and industry must include consumers in the planning process and ensure that their needs and desires are met. Develop good outreach and information programmes to help consumers understand the benefits of EVs and PHEVs, and increase their interest in adopting them. Consider and set needs and desirable levels of attributes for EVs and PHEVs separately. Develop innovative vehicle/battery cost and financial models for vehicle ownership. Optimise the supply chain and ensure sufficient battery and hybrid electric system supply through incremental production capacity expansion aligned with EV/PHEV vehicle volume. Help identify business/government fleets that can serve as early adopters.
Electric utilities
Ensure adequate recharging infrastructure is in place at the time of, or slightly before, vehicles enter service that will need it. Include consumers in the planning process and ensure that their needs and desires are met. Help develop innovative vehicle/battery cost and financial models for vehicle ownership. Work with business/government fleets as early adopters. Establish appropriate codes and standards for recharging, electricity supply, smart metering, etc. Explore role for and system designs of vehicle-to-grid electricity provision, including the need for next-generation infrastructure, such as smart metering technologies; explore willingness of drivers to sell electricity to the grid under various circumstances. Governments and utilities should cooperatively develop infrastructure development plans.
Target regions and urban areas that have the best chance to deliver adequate infrastructure and low-GHG electricity by 2020 for initial EV/PHEV sales. Focus initial recharging infrastructure development on home recharging, but with plans for bringing in commercial recharging centres rapidly as vehicles accumulate. Incentivise battery manufacturers to achieve large scale production quickly and adopt advanced designs in a timely manner. Maintain technology neutrality to the extent possible. Encourage regional strategies (multi-level governance). Share hardware, software and research.
Action item Encourage, coordinate, and facilitate the sharing of hardware, software and research. Study and make recommendations regarding the launch and ramp-up of EV and PHEV sales, provision of recharging infrastructure, and electricity supply among national governments. Document efforts and make recommendations regarding coordination among national and local governments, auto industry, electric utilities, relevant NGOs and academic researchers. Establish strategies for retiring batteries from vehicle use, e.g., secondary use or recycling programmes.
Co-ordinate sharing of hardware, software and research among countries. Co-ordinate and monitor the launch and ramp-up of EV and PHEV sales, provision of recharging infrastructure, and electricity supply among national governments. Identify countries (including developing countries) that are candidates to become early adopters, and help to get them involved. Convene workshops and coordinating activities. Publish periodical reports and scorecards on progress; report on best practices and issues arising (including how to overcome them).
Motor 12 USD/kW > 1.2 kW/kG > 3.5 kW/L > 93% < 50 USD/kW > 1.0 kW/kG > 2.0 kW/L > 95% < 25 USD/kW > 1.2 kW/kG > 3.0 kW/L > 96% 8 USD/kW > 1.4 kW/kG > 4.0 kW/L > 94%
< 75 USD/kW > 0.8 kW/kG > 1.0 kW/L > 92%
Motor Cost Motor Specific Power Motor Power Density Motor Efficiency Converter Converter Cost Converter Specific Power Converter Power Density Converter Efficiency Battery Battery Capacity Battery Cost Battery Power Density Battery Energy Density Battery Life EV Range Market Penetration Recharging Infrastructure Year 40 kWh 300 USD/kWh 460 W/L 150 Wh/kg 10 years 40 kWh 270 USD/kWh 150 USD/kWh2 600 W/L 200 Wh/kg 10 years 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2020 2025 2030 2050 2080
15 years
15 to 201 150 400 1200 8 to 10 30k Li-ion 100 250 2000 8 to 10 30k Li-ion SR motor In-wheel motor High frequency HFET 200 500 2500 10 to 15 20k 250 600 1500 20 to 301 500 1000 1000 700 1500 1000
Energy density
EV Battery
5 to 8 100k to 200k
HEV Battery
70 200
[Wh/kg] [Wh/L] [W/kg] Power density [W/L] Calender life [years] Cost [JPY/kWh] Type [Wh/kg] Energy density [Wh/L] [W/kg] Power density [W/L] Calender life [years] Cost [JPY/kWh] Type
5 to 8 100k to 200k
efficiency improvement
Ultra Low Ron SiC device Low parastic impedence High power density assy.
Charger (normal) 2 million units1 Charger (quick) 5k units1 Charge from house (200V) Discharge to grid (V2G)
2. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/pdfs/program/vt_mypp_2011-2015.pdf
Connector standardisation
1. www.meti.go.jp/press/20100412002/20100412002-3.pdf (METI Strategic advanced vehicle working group 2010 in Japanese) All other: www.meti.go.jp/english/press/data/20100614_02.html (METI Strategic Technology Roadmap 2010 in Japanese) and http://app3.infoc.nedo.go.jp/informations/koubo/other/FA/nedoothernews.2010-05-17.7840439413/ (NEDO Battery Roadmap 2010 in Japanese)
Appendix I. References
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