Prius P Hev Manual

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Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual E0uipment +ork procedure% ))%V!C household electricity7Enginer PHEV conversion #it7Hybrid vehicle 0E8 9toc# battery7Hybrid electric motor. 1atteries :ype Capacit y )* Cells ,$ Cells .i/eP0& &%!H 3%!H !verage ;as 8ileage mpg 34 34 EV+8i'ed <ange )% ($%) $% (&%) Charge time hour , 4

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit User Manual

You are strongly recommended to have a specialist to undertake the task HV !High Voltage" #C !#irect Current" $arning% &raction 'attery Packs( Motors( Chargers( and other HV sources could cause serious in)ury or death i* proper precautions are not taken +hile +orking on or around such High Voltage #irect Current sources, Please note that anyone attempting to install this Conversion Kit and modi*y their vehicle is doing so at their o+n discretion and risk, $arranty% -n per*orming some o* these modi*ications you may void your +arranty +ith the vehicles manu*acturer, &his is a patent pending application,

=se ))%V !C source only.

1alancers> monitoring and balance battery cells. Each controls 3 cells. Press ?.iPo + .i/e> to select battery type( .i/e mode should be set or this e6uipment at all times. ! ter setup( press 9tart + 9top to initiate balancer. :he balancer@s screen "ill sho" in order data o > :otal voltage o the 3 cells( Voltage o individual cell( 9tandard deviation o voltage ! red dot lashes during balancing and turns o "hen voltage di erence is less than %.%)V. :he balancer "ill alert i any cell voltage drops belo" $.3V or is charged above ,.A4V. 1ttention ). Please read instructions be ore installation. $. Bever "rongly connect "ires. ,. Be" batteries should be re-charged to ull be ore use. &. Please chec# the batteriesC voltage regularly at the irst e" times o usage. 4. E6uipment must be recharged at ))%V!C household electricity to ull each time and ully balanced to e'tend battery li e a ter charged. *. Circuit brea#er in the enclosure bo' shall be automatically s"itched o i the current is over the limit ()%%!). Dou "ill then need to resume the s"itch be ore use. A. 3. Please s"itch the e6uipment o i de ect is ound during driving. Please do not disassemble components i the e6uipment is in normal "or#ing conditions.

Product .vervie+ Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit (PHEV) is a rechargeable battery set supplementary to a Hybrid vehicle. It supplies electricity charged rom !C "all soc#et or $% to &% mile mi'ed drive per charge( su icient or normal daily commute. It is sa e( reliable( cost saving and user and environmental riendly. Product /peci*ications )* + ,$ cells or $K-H + &K-H( .i/eP0& batteries 1attery balancers2one or every 3 cells( monitoring and balancing battery voltage to avoid over or under charge individual cells( e'tending battery li e by , times. &3V + )4! high po"er charger ,%%%- 5C + 5C Converter and Controller !utomatic circuit brea#er to discontinue e6uipment operation at abnormal high current. Easy installation( simple to use

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit $arranty $ year limited parts "arranty applies. I e6uipment de ect occurs in normal use conditions( Enginer shall repair the e6uipment or change de ect components in this conversion #it only. =se this in ormation at your o"n ris#> :here is no "arranty e'pressed nor implied and "e are not liable or any o your past( present( nor uture actions. Even should you per orm these modi ications to the letter you could still damage any number o components in your vehicle causing it to no longer unction. Even i it appears to unction properly your actions may cause it to sel destruct "ith collateral damage to surrounding properties other than your vehicle. 1y utiliEing these ideas and instructions in an attempting to enhance national security( reduce gas consumption( vehicle FemissionsF( your carbon ootprint( or smog( you do so at your o"n ris# G peril.

User Manual

Contacts U/ #istributor% 1utomation&ech -nc, +++,automationtechinc,com &oll 2ree% 344 335-3364 7859 Hamlet #rive( &roy( M- :3;3:( U/1 Made 'y% Enginer Environment&ech Co, <td, $eb% +++,enginer,us 1ddress% 7;7; = 74;7 'ei)ing >i ?oad( /hanghai 9;;;:;( China

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual ment to avoid inIury or e6uipment damage. 7. :a#e the supporting pole rom accessories and hold it "ith your right hand. 0pen the enclosure bo' cover and stic# the pole in the hole at right hand side close to your body and prop up the cover on the other end. :a#e out a "hite small plastic brac#et holder rom accessories and push it hard to a small hole on right side to rest the pole a ter use. 8. ! ter popping up the cover irmly( ta#e out all insulating oams gently and chec# inside component against the ollo"ing list>

Preparing and 1ssembling the PHEV Conversion Kit

Please read care*ully and comprehend this instruction be*ore moving out the product,
-nstallation and Use
1. 2. 3. 4. Prepare at least $H$ meter lat ground near the end o your hybrid vehicle( and cover the loor "ith ).4H).4 meter so t and lat cloth or cardboard. :he e6uipment must be removed by t"o adults. Knoc# open the "ooden bo' and then open the cardboard bo' in side. :a#e out accessory bags and chec# against the ollo"ing list to see "hether components are complete.

9tainless steel bo' and cover (AJ*.&K4$%.%K)3%.%mm) 1atteries> $ sets o 3 cells ($K-H)( or & sets o 3 cells (&K-H) depending on your order. Please ma#e sure batteries match your order. :"o battery mounting rames to i' the t"o ro"s o batteries.

1alancers i'ed on the rear battery rame> t"o or $K-H #it or & or &K-H #it( blac#(
each lin#ing 3 cells "ith "ires.

0ne &3cm lid supporting pole

0ne plastic holding brac#et.

0ne converter connected bac# le t( connecting batteries "ith one red and one blac#
po"er inlet "ires "ith a pair o !nderson plug. It also contains one red and one blac# po"er outlet( and a * pin cable.

:"o ,cm red and blac# Iumper "ires "ith ring terminal.
0ne red and one blac# parallel connection bars (0ptional &K-H batteries)

0ne charger connected on right bac# connecting blac# po"er inlet cable( "ith le t
hand side one red and one blac# cable "ith an !nderson plug. 0ne circuit brea#er mounted on right lo"er conner

EC= signal "ires (red( blac# and "hite)

0ne s"itch panel "ith on+o s"itch( red and green .E5 lights & sets o e6uipment mounting brac#ets and scre"s :"o scre"s "ith handle 0ne double-siEed spanner ! set o t"o ire e'tinguisher holders and mounting scre"s. 5. Place the above accessories in a place not impeding the installation. :a#e out the oam plastic cover rom the cardboard bo' and pull out the stainless steel bo' by t"o people "ith both hands( care ully and steadily move out the entire e6uipment and place it gently on the loor. 5o not incline or turn over the e6uipment( avoid scratching the product.

6. :he e6uipment "eighted 4423% #g. Enginer strongly suggests you use pro essional
li ting e6uipment( or operators should be strong enough. 9lo"ly handle the e6uip-

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

/igure $> Connection o one ro" batteries ($K-H) Connection o t"o ro"s o batteries (&K-H) Connection bet"een balancers and batteries are normal and irm>

/igure ,> 1alancer Connection

/igure )> Component .ayout

10. -iring> Pull out the protection cap o the batter terminals (positive and negative) 9. -iring Chec#> 8a#e sure circuit brea#er is in the 0// position(( !nderson plugs
rom charger and converter are disconnected( balancers@ inter aces are pulled o L charger and converter connections are connected irmlyL Connection bet"een blac# "ires rom converter and circuit brea#er is connected irmlyL Connection bet"een circuit brea#er and another blac# "ire is connected irmly. positive and negative o each group o batteries are connected irmly )* cells in series( t"o )* cell pac#s in parallel sho"n in /I;)terminal plastic covers are in position. bet"een t"o battery pac#s( use red+blac# short Iumper cable to put them in series as sho"n in /igure $. I it is &K-H model( connect t"o strings o the $K-H battery pac#s in parallel (positive to positive( negative to negative terminals) Connect the 5C+5C converter())) to the end terminals o the battery pac#( red to positive and blac# or negative. Connect the "hite connectors to the balancers. Connect the gray !nderson connector to the charger 11. <emove the lid supporting bar( close the cover and tighten t"o scre"s on both side o the cover. 12. :he conversion #it assemble is completed and ready to be installed into the vehicle.


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

Connecting Enginer PHEV Conversion Kit to a Toyota Prius

-nstallation &ime% 9-@ hours by pro*essionals( 5 hours or longer by *irst timers,

13. 1umper outlet or charger connection.

'e*ore installation( please be advised to login to &oyota &echnical $ebsite techin*o,toyota,com *or ?e*erence -nstructions, !A78 *or t+o day usage as o* Bune 9;;6"

Installation Procedure
)). PHEV s"itch panel operation> 0B:urn on PHEV 5C+5C Converter.E5 ;reen---0n<ed21attery .o" 0//:urn o PHEV 5C+5C Converter (.E5 ;reen-- 0 )
7, /top your Prius engine completely by removing t car key 9, ?emove truck interior cover on the back o* the back seat to gain access to .EM stock battery orange service plug and unplug it,

@, ?emove auCiliary battery negative terminal,

:, Mount your Enginer PHEV Conversion Kit to the truck, 1, Mark *our mounting holes according to siDe and dimension o* the KitEs mounting brackets, ', #rill and tap F7; scre+ on the truck *loor plate C, &ighten *our mounting scre+s +ith +ashier and spring ring,

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

8, ?emove back seat and gain access to the .EM stock battery output terminals

Prius 9;;;-9;;@ Model !?e*erence% HV-: HY'?-# VEH-C<E C.G&?.< HV BATTERY" 1, Pull up the seat cushion pad *ront edge to+ard back, ', ?emove back cushion scre+s and pull it up, C, ?emove battery carrier catch bracket to access to po+er cable terminal, &he upper terminal is positive( the lo+er is negative,

$%%%-$%%, 8odel 9ho"n

Positive +

9;;;-9;;@ Model /ho+n

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

9;;:-9;;6 Model, !?e*erence% 97-8: HY'?-# C.G&?.< /Y/&EM HV BATTERY)

User Manual

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

9;7; Prius Model !?e*erence%?M;;;;;9>G$;;<>"

User Manual


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

8, Connect the conversion kitHs po+er cable to positive and negative terminals o* the stock battery output po+er cable,

5, -nstall on=o** s+itch panel, 1, &ake o** the blank panel on the le*t hand side o* your meter board ', #rill three holes *or the s+itch and the 9 <E# lights to *it in !5mm *or the s+itch( @mm *or each <E# light"

C, <oosen the s+itch bolt( place it on through the panel hole and tighten it on the panel, 4, Hook up ECU -gnition ?eady signal to on=o** s+itch panel


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

9;;;-9;;@ Model !?e*erence% #--9; &erminals o* ECM"

User Manual

CON2 (H12-2) Grey: Ignition Ready (Connect to the Red wire of PHEV switch panel) GND1 (H14-31) - White/Black: Ground (Connect to the White/Black wire of PHEV switch panel) $hite +ire is not connected *or 9;;;-9;;@ Model


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual
Add EV switch wire (Reference:

9;;:-9;;6 Model !?e*erence% ;8-:;3 #-1IG./&-C/ HYBRID CONTROL SYSTEM) CON2 (H162) Green: Ignition Ready (Connect to the Red wire of PHEV switch panel) GND1 (H141) White-Black: Ground (Connect to the White/Black wire of PHEV switch panel) EV (H14-27) Blank Pin: EV Mode (Connect to the White wire of PHEV switch panel)


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

9;7; Prius Model !?e*erence% >@34;;;;;;3;7<#)

User Manual

SMRG (L5-2) Yellow: Ignition Ready (Connect to the Red wire of PHEV switch panel) E01 (L5-5) White-Red: Ground (Connect to the White/Black wire of PHEV switch panel) $hite +ire is not connected *or 9;7;J Prius


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual

3, Hookup 5-Pin on=o** s+itch panel cable to your Enginer battery boC, 6, #rill a hole and mount 'umper 1C .utlet 7;, ?e--nstall back seat and trunk panels, Your Enginer PHEV Conversion Kit installation is no+ complete, Please test the e0uipment in the *ollo+ing steps% 7, Charging batteries 9, $ait overnight *or the cell to be balanced @, &urn on circuit breaker :, &urn o** PHEV s+itch 8, &urn vehicle ignition key 5, &urn on PHEV s+itch, Po+er <E# should turn green and 'attery <o+ <E# should be o**, .nce all the above steps are completed and no de*ect occurs( you are sa*e to drive your Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle no+

Please dial Enginer assistance hotline on 344-335-3364 i* you encounter di**iculty or risk during and a*ter installation,

Enginer very much appreciates your action o* saving the earth and +ishes you en)oy your driving +ith the ne+ PHEV,


Enginer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

User Manual



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