Supply Chain Rfid WP Web
Supply Chain Rfid WP Web
Supply Chain Rfid WP Web
Manufacturers, retailers, logistics providers and government The following sections provide more details about
agencies are making unprecedented use of RFID technology RFID tags, readers, printers and performance.
to track, secure and manage items from the time they are raw
materials through the entire life of the product. Manufacturers Tags (Transponders)
can especially benefit from RFID because the technology can RFID tags have two basic elements: a chip and an
make internal processes more efficient and improve supply chain antenna. The chip and antenna are mounted to form an
responsiveness—for example, early RFID adopters in the consumer inlay (figure 1). The inlay is then encapsulated in another
goods industry reduced supply chain costs between 3 and 5 percent material to form a finished tag or label (figure 2).
and grew revenue between 2 and 7 percent because of the added
visibility RFID provided, according to a study by AMR Research.
also provides a longer range. This makes active tags larger
and more expensive than passive tags. Semi-passive tags
communicate like passive tags but also have a battery. Their
range falls between passive and active, and though their batteries
have a long life, their size is comparable to passive tags.
Reader/Writer Options
RFID devices allow pronounced flexibility for placement
because unlike bar-code readers, direct line
of sight is not necessary and read ranges can be extensive. For
example, readers can be installed under floors and mounted on
ceilings. And the ultrahigh frequency (UHF) band used in many
commercial RFID systems can provide a read range of more
Figure 4: Smart Label than 10 meters. There are several types of readers that can be
incorporated into supply chain operations, portable readers
Paper-thin labels referred to as “smart labels” usually integrated with handhelds, readers mounted on vehicles/
serve single-use applications, such as case and pallet forklifts, and fixed readers on dock doors and portals.
identification. Printer/encoders produce smart labels on
demand, encoding the tag while printing text and/or a bar
code on the outer label. Smart labels will satisfy most RFID
compliance tagging requirements for cases and pallets.
and liquids may cause interference that will affect range and
RF Shielding - Mesh Screen Portal Status Lights read/write performance. Thus multiple systems within the
same facility may function within differing ranges depending
on immediate surroundings and antenna location. For read/
write tags, the read range typically exceeds the write range.
IF5 Standards
In the early days of RFID, there was a lingering misperception
that RFID was a proprietary technology lacking standards. Today,
Figure 8: Dock Door Fixed Mount Reader numerous standards ensure diverse frequencies and applications.
For example, RFID standards exist for item management, logistics
RFID systems can also function simultaneously with wireless containers, fare cards, animal identification, tire and wheel
networks, and are often integrated with wireless LANs to identification, and many other uses. The International Standards
exchange data with host computer systems—Wi-Fi LANs do Organization (ISO) and EPCglobal Inc. are two of the standards
not cause interference for RFID systems. (Older, proprietary organizations most relevant for the supply chain. Many national
915MHz wireless networking equipment can interfere with and industry standards are based on ISO or EPCglobal standards,
UHF RFID systems, but few of these devices are still in use.) such as the U.S. ANSI standard MH10.8.4, for returnable
container identification (based on an ISO specification).
RFID Performance
The basic characteristics described above apply to all RFID By definition, ISO standards can be used anywhere in
technologies. RFID systems vary by the range and frequency the world, and serve as the national standard in many
used, chip memory, security, type of data collected and countries. The EPCglobal Generation 2 (EPC Gen 2) UHF
other characteristics. Understanding these variables is standard has been submitted to ISO and is expected to
key to understanding RFID performance and how it can become part of the ISO-18000 series of standards.
be applied to operations. The following sections briefly
describe the most important RFID characteristics. The Gen 2 standard was created to facilitate the use of Electronic
Product Code™ (EPC) numbers, which uniquely identify objects
Frequency such as pallets, cases or individual products. EPC standards
Frequency is the leading factor that determines RFID range, provide both RFID technical specifications and a numbering
resistance to interference and other performance attributes. system for unique, unambiguous item identification. Gen 2
Most commercial RFID systems operate at either the UHF and other EPC standards are administered by EPCglobal, a
band, between 859 and 960 MHz, or high frequency (HF), subsidiary of GS1 (the same not-for-profit organization that
at 13.56 MHz. Other common RFID frequencies include issues U.P.C. numbers and manages the EAN.UCC system).
125 KHz (a short-range frequency often used for vehicle Many manufacturers, retailers, other companies, public sector
identification), and 430 MHz and 2.45 GHz, both used for long- organizations and industry associations have adopted or
range identification, often with expensive, battery-powered endorsed EPC standards, particularly Gen 2. Visit Intermec’s
tags. The UHF band is most common for supply-chain and Web site ( for more white papers and
industrial-automation applications. EPCglobal’s popular Gen 2 additional resources about Gen 2 and other RFID technology.
standard (which will be detailed later) is a UHF technology.
Using RFID
Range RFID provides options when it is impractical or impossible to
An RFID system’s read range—the proximity to the tag that a use other technologies or manual labor to collect data. RFID
reader antenna must be within to read the information stored can operate in environments where factors such as indirect
on the tag’s chip—varies from a few centimeters to tens of line of sight, high-speed reading requirements, temperature
meters, depending on the frequency used, the power output extremes, and exposure to gases and chemicals prevent the
and the directional sensitivity of the antenna. HF technology use of other data collection methods. RFID also provides
is used for short-range applications and can be read from convenience for innumerable common tasks. Consumers
up to about three meters. UHF technology provides a read regularly use RFID to unlock car doors remotely, to quickly
range of 20 meters or more. Range also depends greatly on
the immediate physical environment—the presence of metals
check books in and out of libraries, and to speed gas-station tags to subassemblies in the production process, rather than
transactions by waving a key fob at the pump. Businesses to finished goods, manufacturers can gain accurate, real-time
rely on RFID to securely track and report the locations of visibility into work-in-process in environments where bar
thousands of assets, shipments and inventory items. codes are unusable. Industrial control and material handling
systems can integrate with RFID readers to identify materials
And RFID still has a wealth of untapped potential—especially when moving down a production line and automatically route the
integrated with other technologies and software applications. items to the appropriate assembly or testing station. This
Imagine a temperature or shock sensor integrated into an RFID capability, which requires no human intervention to look up
tag to automatically issue warnings about changing conditions item serial numbers or other identification marks, provides
that could damage or spoil products. RFID and wireless network the accuracy and labor savings needed to efficiently execute
systems could be integrated to provide full-time, wide-scale complex sequencing and make-to-order production.
monitoring. Inventory movements from monitored locations
could automatically trigger a replenishment request, or contact Inventory Control
security if the item was moved by unauthorized personnel. These The main benefits to using RFID in the supply chain come from
applications are already in the works, as are other future-looking improved inventory tracking, especially when the technology’s
systems to further convenience and efficiency in consumer capabilities are used to collect information and provide
transactions, healthcare, personal identification, manufacturing, visibility in environments where tracking was not done before.
logistics, asset management and many other operations. Manufacturers, distributors, logistics providers and retailers can
all use RFID for inventory applications, and in carefully planned
Asset management systems, may share the same tags to reduce implementation
RFID tags can be permanently attached to capital equipment costs. Because it can be read through packaging, without concern
and fixed assets including pallets, RPCs, cylinders, lift trucks, to orientation, without direct line of sight between object and
tools, vehicles, trailers and equipment. Fixed position readers reader and can withstand exposure to dirt, heat, moisture and
placed at strategic points within the facility can automatically contaminants that make bar codes unusable, RFID can remove
track the movement and location of tagged assets with 100 blind spots from inventory and supply chain operations.
percent accuracy. This information can be used to quickly
locate expensive tools or equipment when workers need By using the highly accurate, real-time and unattended
them, eliminating labor-wasting manual searches. Readers monitoring capability of RFID to track raw materials, work-in-
can be set to alert supervisors or sound alarms if there is an process and finished goods inventory manufacturers can improve
attempt to remove tagged items from an authorized area. visibility and confidence into their inventory to enable overall
inventory levels, labor costs and safety stocks to be reduced.
By tracking pallets, totes and other containers with RFID, and Readers covering warehouse racks, shelves and other storage
building a record of what is stored in the container as items locations could automatically record the removal of items and
are loaded, users can have full visibility into inventory levels update inventory records. If an item was misplaced or needed
and locations. With visibility and control, manufacturers can urgently to complete an order, fixed-position readers or a worker
easily locate items necessary to fill orders and fulfill rush with a mobile computer and RFID reader could automatically
orders without incurring undue managerial or labor time. search for the item by reading for its specific ID number.
RFID tags or labels on pallets, cylinders, RPCs and other shipping To secure inventory from theft and diversion, readers could
containers can be automatically read at the dock door as they be set to sound alarms or send notification if items are placed
leave with an outgoing shipment. By matching the reading with in unauthorized areas of the facility or removed from storage
specific shipment information in a database, manufacturers without prior approval. An Auto-ID Center study found consumer
could automatically build a record of what specific shipping goods manufacturers would reduce shrink (inventory loss) by an
containers were sent to each customer. This information could estimated 10 percent by implementing secure storage areas.
be used to document cycle times, improve returns and recoveries
and aid in disputes with customers about lost or damaged Direct store delivery (DSD) and other remote sales and service
assets. Chep, the world’s largest pallet pooling company, is personnel could take advantage of RFID readers integrated with
applying RFID tags to the 250 million pallets it manages to mobile computers to quickly and accurately count inventory
gain the automated tracking benefits. Applications like these held in stores or in the vehicle. The automated counting would
enable manufacturers to lower their asset base and realize some save significant time in the field, enabling representatives to
of the cost savings identified in the Auto-ID Center and AMR visit more customers in a day. For field service applications,
Research studies. For more information about this application, permanent asset tags applied to equipment could store its
see the Intermec white paper Radio Frequency Identification ID, configuration and service history information to ensure
for Tracking Plastic Pallets and Reusable Containers. accurate and appropriate service is performed in the field where
access to a central records database may be unavailable.
Production Tracking
The Auto-ID Center study found manufacturers can reduce Shipping & Receiving
their working capital needs between 2% and 8% by taking The same tags used to identify work-in-process or finished
advantage of RFID to provide greater visibility into work-in- goods inventory could also trigger automated shipment tracking
process tracking and materials inventory. By applying RFID applications. Items, cases or pallets with RFID tags could be
read as they are assembled into a complete customer order or of shipment to the tag immediately prior to distribution.
shipment. The individual readings could be used to automatically Producing and recording this information would provide
produce a shipment manifest, which could be printed in a several benefits. In the event of a recall, companies could
document, recorded automatically in the shipping system, trace specific shipments to specific customers, which would
encoded in an RFID tag, printed in a 2D bar code on the shipping enable a highly targeted notification and return operation and
label, or any combination. For example the Serial Shipping avoid a costly general recall. For general returns, companies
Container Code (SSCC) data structure, which is commonly used could verify that the customer returning merchandise is
in bar codes on shipping labels, could be encoded into RFID to actually the customer who received it, which would deter
facilitate automated handling. The new RFID application could diversion, counterfeiting and other forms of return fraud.
be very effectively integrated into existing business processes
because it takes advantage of data structures that are already Service and Warranty Authorizations
supported in enterprise databases and software applications. Authenticating the product and customer with proprietary
information could also be used to authorize warranty and
Manifest information encoded in an RFID tag could be read service work. Upon completion of repairs or service, a record of
by the receiving organization to simplify the receiving process the activity performed could be encoded on the tag to provide
and to satisfy requirements like those for advance shipping a complete maintenance history that travels with the item. If
notices (ASN), so there would not be processing delays if future repairs or service are required, a technician could access
the physical shipment arrived before the electronic data the item’s complete maintenance and configuration information
interchange (EDI) transmission with the ASN information. without accessing a database simply by reading the tag. This
application ensures workers have necessary information if no
Having complete shipment data available in an RFID tag database access is available, and eliminates the need and expense
that can be read instantly without manual intervention is of making phone calls or wireless data inquiries to access records.
very valuable for cross dock and high-volume distribution
environments. Incoming shipments can be automatically Conclusion
queried for specific containers. If a sought-after item was Intermec Technologies Corp. offers a complete range of services
present, it could be quickly located and selected. and products to help organizations evaluate whether they will
benefit from RFID, and how it can be integrated into existing
Regulatory Compliance business processes. Intermec is a leader in RFID technology
Companies that transport or process hazardous materials, food, and standards development, with extensive experience
pharmaceuticals and other regulated materials could record in helping organizations implement complete RFID data-
the time they received and transferred the material on an collection systems. Visit our Web site to see complete case
RFID tag that travels with the material. Updating the tag with studies on RFID users from multiple industries, and additional
real-time handling data creates a chain-of-custody record that white papers on RFID technology and other data-collection
could be used to satisfy FDA, DOT, OSHA and other regulatory topics. Intermec has been helping companies profit by taking
reporting requirements. RFID tags are also an effective way to advantage of data-collection technologies for more than 35
satisfy the tire traceability requirements of the TREAD Act. years. Visit us today at to learn
more about how Intermec can help you prepare for RFID.
Returns & Recall Management
Companies could supplement the basic shipment identification
information by writing the specific customer and time
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