WMC Seminar Report
WMC Seminar Report
WMC Seminar Report
INDEX 1. Introduction 1.1 What is RFID? 1.1.1 RFID Tags 1.1.2 RFID Readers 1.2 RFIDs over Barcodes 2. RFID Working Principle 2.1 RFID Frequency Bands & Air Interface Standards 2.2 Memory 2.3 Electronic Product Code 3. RFID Applications 4. Concerns 5. Conclusion 6. List of Tables & Figures 7. Reference 02 02 02 04 04 05 05 06 07 07 08 08 09 10
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1. Introduction
The history of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) can be tracked as far back as the 1920s with the birth of radar systems (the word radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging). The development of the technology, a combination of radar and radio broadcast technology, is messy and convoluted but there is consensus that it developed from the work carried out during WW2 to identify enemy aircraft, known as 'Identification: Friend or Foe' (IFF) systems.
There are two main components present in the RFID tag. Firstly, a small silicon chip or integrated circuit which contains a unique identification number (ID). Secondly, an antenna that can send and receive radio waves. These two components can be tiny: the antenna consists of a flat, metallic conductive coil rather than a protruding FM-style aerial, and the chip is potentially less than half a millimeter. These two components are usually attached to a flat plastic tag that can be fixed to a physical item. These tags can be quite small, thin and, increasingly, easily embedded within packaging, plastic cards, tickets, clothing labels, pallets and books. Figure1. A HF Tag RFID tags come in a variety of different types according to their functionality, and these types have been defined in an RFID Class Structure by the Auto-ID Center (and later through EPC global), which has been subsequently refined and built on. The basic structure defines five classes in ascending order as follows:
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Class 1 2
Purely passive, identification tags Purely passive, identification + some additional functionality (e.g. read/write memory) Addition of on-board battery power Communication with other active tags Able to provide power for and communicate with other tags i.e. can act as a reader, transmitting and receiving radio waves
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Table1. Tag Classes Note: These classes are not unique since different organizations define them differently. Due to this reason, another class of tag was developed which could work in any frequency band between 860 950 MHz. This passive tag class is known as class1gen2 and is globally accepted. Tags can be further classified as active, passive and battery assisted tags.
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Quality of print and condition of barcode need to be good Working environmental conditions Read option only Single read @ a time
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UHF 860 MHz - 950 MHz Microwave 2.4 GHz - 5.8 GHz
Railroad car monitoring, toll collection systems Carton & pallet identification
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Frequency Band Allotted Allowable Power Level 865 - 867 MHz 4 W ERP 865.6 867.6 MHz 2 W EIRP 902 - 928 MHz 4 W EIRP 908.5 - 914 MHz 4 W EIRP 866 - 869 MHz 0.5 W ERP 952 - 954 MHz 0.5 W ERP Table4. RFID in different countries Specification Generic parameters for air interfaces for globally accepted frequencies Air interface below 135 KHz Air interface for 13.56 MHz Air interface for 2.45 GHz Air interface for 5.8 GHz Air interface for 860 MHz 950 MHz Air interface for 433.92 MHz Table5. RFID Standards
2.2 Memory
Tags come in a variety of forms with varying types of on-chip memory capability. Tags can be read-only (the unique ID code is permanently stored on the tag also known as WORM: Write Once Read Many), read/write (allowing a user to change the ID and add additional data to the tags memory), or they can be a combination, with a permanent tag ID and some storage space for the user's data. Passive tags typically have anywhere from 64 bits to 1 kilobyte of nonvolatile memory. Active tags tend to have larger memories with a range of, typically, between 16 bytes and 128 kilobytes.
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3. RFID Applications
RFIDs have found their application in almost every sphere of life. In India, this technology is still young and struggling. Some of its application areas can be listed as below. Supply Chain Management Warehouse Management Pharmaceutical Counterfeit Detection Animal Tracking Asset Tracking (Container Yard) Automatic Vehicle Identification / Tracking Airline Baggage Tracking Hospital / Health Care Services Management Library Management Access Control Document Tracking Much More
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4. Concerns
The introduction of RFID tags, particularly into the consumer supply chain, has not been without controversy. Most of the concerns stem from the fact that once individuals move around in a world of widespread tagging, the products they buy, wear and consume will be capable of being identified and recorded by a widespread network of readers. Such information could provide a great deal of intelligence on a person, their habits, likes and dislikes and movements. In essence this is an aspect of a persons individuality and the right to privacy should be paramount. The argument is that by mining the data about the position and movement of 'things' one can obtain information about people, forming knowledge from 'the collection of diverse data from everyday life.
5. Conclusion
RFID has the potential to be a hugely significant technology within the ubicomp (ubiquitous) vision. However, the benefits of a pervasive computing environment are unlikely to be realized unless the technology can be trusted. Where that trust does not yet exist, or is likely to be undermined by problems that may arise as the consequence of ill-considered or malicious implementation of parts of the technological 'jigsaw', the ubicomp vision will also be negatively affected.
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7. References
1. Matt Ward (Department of Design Goldsmiths College, University of London) and Rob van Kranenburg (Resonance Design/Virtual Platform), RFID: Frequency, standards, adoption and innovation, JISC Technology and Standards Watch, May 2006 2. RFID Basics for Pre Sales Team, copyright 2009, Barcode India Limited.
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