SACS is an integrated finite element structural analysis suite of programs that uniquely provides for the design, fabrication, installation, operations, and maintenance of offshore structures, including oil platforms and wind farms. Thirty-eight years of focus on these specialized requirements have made SACS the analysis mainstay for most of the world s offshore engineers. !irtually all of the world s energy companies specify SACS software for use by their engineering firms across the lifecycle of fi"ed offshore platforms. SACS provides comprehensive lifecycle applications for the analysis and design of new and e"isting fi"ed offshore structures for the oil, gas, and wind energy mar#ets. These include$ %on-linear Analysis for &ffshore 'latform (ailures (atigue )ife *valuation (oundation+Structures, Spars+Topsides
SACS consists of several compatible structural analysis programs which are interfaced to each other to eliminate the requirement, but not the ability, for user interaction with the output of one program before input to another. All programs include a full complement of standard engineering defaults in both *nglish and ,etric units to simplify input.
SACS components:
Interactive Modeling All input, including geometry, properties, loading and code chec# parameters modelled in -. interactive environment. /eam, plate and shell element modeling. Automatic offset generation. 0ntelligent ,.0 editor able to identify any input variable and includes input file wizard that ma#es creating input easy. )ibrary of A0SC, 12, *uropean, 3erman, and 4apanese standard cross - sections. (ull interface to (*,3! interactive modeler used for generating finite element models for a general purpose finite element stress analysis. Jacket Installation and Transportation -. )aunch time history analysis. (lotation and upending analysis, including gravity, buoyancy, sling, and tan# load generation. )aunch, transportation inertia, and upending load generation. Environmental Load Generation
5ave, gravity, buoyancy, wind, and current load generation. A'0 67th *dition environmental loading fully implemented. 0ncludes five wave theories and complete hydrostatic+dynamic overide capabilities. .iffraction wave generation via 5A,0T and ,&8A program interface. Static Analysis /eam, plate, shell, solid and non-linear gap elements. 8einforced concrete sections, including bi-a"ial beam columns. Stiffened cylinder and bo" cross-sections. 'late and shell pressure loads. *lastic spring supports and superelement implementation. Specified support displacements. /eam+finite element thermal loads.
Foundation Analysis %on-linear pile+soil interaction and code chec# for tubular and non-tubular pile crosssections. A'0, '-9, T-:, s#in friction and adhesion soill data generation. *quivalent linearized pile element or stiffness matri" creation. 'ile fatigue analysis.
on!linear "lastic Analysis %on-linear plastic collapse and large deflection analysis. 0ncludes strain hardening and ;oint fle"ibility. 1ltimate strength+ris# evaluation. #ynamic Analysis Animated mode shapes *arthqua#e response spectrum and time history analysis. .eterministic and random dynamic wave response analysis. *quivalent static load and modal acceleration techniques. *"treme wave analysis. Time history, response spectrum or 'S. base driven analysis. *ngine vibration with gas torques. 0ce vibration and impact analysis. .ynamic Spectral e"treme wind and wind fatigue analysis. /ase and force driven vibration analysis. Code C$eck and %edesign 0nteractive post processing, including member and plate code chec# and redesign, in -. graphics environment. Codes from <=>> to present supported. A'0 ?including 67th *dition@, A0SC, )8(., %'., .%!, /SA=A7, and .anish codes. A'0 61 and 6! /ulletins. AC0 -<B8-B= ?8evised <==6@ reinforced concrete code. .eflected shape, plate stress contours and shear and bending moment diagrams. Tubular ;oint punching shear and strength chec#, including overlapping ;oints.
Spectral and deterministic fatigue analysis. 0nteractive chec# and redesign for spectral and determinisic fatigue. Crac# propagation prediction. 'resentation of analysis results for models composed of plate, shell and solid finite elements. (ull interface to (*,3! finite element results viewer. #ra&ting and Material Takeo&& 0nteractive graphics program creates drawings in .C( format. 4oint detailing and lofting. ,aterial ta#e-off, weight control and cost analysis. -. hidden line drawings. Automatic finite element ;oint mesh generation.