The Life of Muhammad Makkan Period
The Life of Muhammad Makkan Period
The Life of Muhammad Makkan Period
t person to have walked on this earth Two primary sources: Seerah of Ibn Kathir, He wrote an encyclopedia, titled the beginning to the end, from the start of creation all the way to when people enter hell or paradise. One of his volumes, is about the life of Muhammad. Second book, Sahih a Seerah by Ibrahim Ali, based on the rules of Hadith from many Ahadiths from Bukhari, Muslim. The book Ibn katheer combines both the hadiths and history which makes it unique. -Definition of Seerah: Linguistically it means path, walking is called sayr- so its a path that the person takes in their lifetime. Other words that mean seerah include conduct, way of life, attitude, position, biography. (life of person). We can use the word seerah for anyone, but because it was used so much for Muhammad, when you say seerah we think of him automatically. Importance of his Seerah (saw) History of Islam, help us in everything we need to know in terms of dawah. Some past Sahabahs would study the seerah like they would the Quran, it holds that much of an importance. This study is also to develop the proper love for Muhammad. Part of our deen and faith is to love him more than anything else, more than our parents and our own selves- attaining complete faith. To love a person deeply, you need to know the core, the more you learn, the more you love. How the Sahabahs treated Muhammad, according to the man who was sent by the Quraish to negotiate with Muhammad (SAW), he said that he never say any Persian king or any king be respected and loved like the way Muhammad (SAW). So he said to the Quriash, do whatever want, because his followers would not give him up and they would die for him. No name mentioned more than his name. Meaning of his: He is the praised one. Allah say, say if it be your sons, brothers, loved ones, the wealth you have you earned and provisions is more loved to you than Allah and his Messenger and fighting the cause of Allah, then wait to fight with Allah. We also study the seerah to follow him. He is the perfect character. Understanding Quran is also another reason, verses reveled after, before an event. The seerah will give explanation of the verses and significance behind them. His life also illustrated the methodological steps of the Islamic movement, first secret dawah, and then public then jihad. These stages are important for us to understand. Allah has guided him all his steps and were planned for us to establish Islamic..Application of the some verses are taught to us through the seerah. Studying his life is also an of worship, session of thikr. Allah says, if you do love me, then follow me and the Messenger of Allah and Allah will forgive you of your sins, for Allah is merciful and oft forgiving. Study is help us in developing a Muslim Identity. Hidden global culture that gives you no choice to accept their way, very intolerant culture. Destory a people you must first destroy their roots the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam. A Muslim can be practising but they may have more in common with a rock star or NBA players. The youth today do not the names of the Sahabahs.
How to solve this problem and develop a Muslim Identity: by having strong study of Islamic history, lifes of all prophets, sahabahs and then learning the general muslim history attachment with history. We are not separated by our roots, we are part of it, an extension. Being part of the worldwide Muslim Ummah, Identity with my nation should not override my Islamic identity. What happens in one country to a Muslim brother/sister should concern me, care about it. The study of his biography is testimony of his prophet hood, by studying his in itself is an evidence of his prophet hood. He was living a normal life, no desire for power, never lied, couldnt read or write, for 40years, then he reveals the greatest the book in history. No one could have achieved what he did without the help of Allah through revelation. He was living a normal life for 40years then he all of the sudden becomes a political leader, military leader, religious leader, lawmaker, teacher imam, head of a large house, etc, all in 23years. We are studying the life of the greatest man on earth! Michel heart he wrote the book, 100 most influential persons ever lived in history, after the study of the all leaders, it became apparent to him that Muhammad undisputable was the greatest man who ever lived. In his introduction he felt the need to explain because many of his readers are non-Muslims read it, they questioned his choice. So he said, my choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the worlds influential person, may surprise many, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successfully in both the secular and religious level. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which gives him the title and he apologizes to his readers saying, these are the facts and I cant put anyone before him, Subhanallah. We are studying the life of the chosen one.
Lineage of Muhammad Ibrahaim(AS), took his wife and new born son to traveled to Hijaz and took then too present day Makkah and the place where you can find zamzam water. So Ibrahim left his wife and son with some water and some dates and he turned away left. She asked him three times, are you going to leave me here with no cultivation and no people, but he didnt answer. Then she says did Allah tell you to do this, then he replied yes. So she said then Allah will take care of us, He will not neglect us. So when Ibrahim can no longer see them, he turned to face the direction of the Kabah and made dua. He said: Oh Allah, I am leaving my offspring in infertile land, next to your sacred house (Although the kabah wasnt built, it was known that it was a sacred place). First thing he asked for was establishing prayer, then their love in hearts of people, draw people to them, then finally he asked Allah to provide then with food so that they may grateful. (Reverse Maslow Pyramid) After a short while, they ran out of food. Hajra was breastfeeding and the milk dried up. Her son, Ismail was crying and hungry. She couldnt bare to see her son agonizing in pain, so she left him and she started climbing a hill, which is later called Asaf. She climbed the top to see if she can see anyone coming. She climbed down and when she reached the valley, she would tuck up her clothes and ran. She would then climb another hill, now called Al-Marwa. She would reach the top and see if she can see
anyone from horizon. And her son is twisting and turning in pain. Hajra continued between these hills and the seventh time, when she reached the top of the hill, she heard a sound. To her amazement, the sound was coming from down below beneath the feet of Ismail (AS). Jibreal (AS) descended and was digging the well of ZamZam. The prophet (saw) said, may Allah have mercy on Hajra because she contained the water with rocks because she was afraid the it would dry up from the sand, had she not done so, it would have turned into a river. When you have water in a desert, naturally it would attract forms of life. Birds started coming to the well. There was a tribe called Jurham, who were nomads in that area. Jurham was a tribe that moved out of Yemen. Yemen was the birth place of the Arabic language and the Arabic people and that is where the Arabic tribes emigrated from. There many waves of emigration that took place from Yemen to different places. One of them was due to the destruction of a Dam, (Surah in the Quran). Jurham was one of the tribes from Yemen. So when they saw birds hovering in the sky, they investigated the matter. They ask Hajra, can we settle in this place? Its strange because this is tribe of warriors coming to a woman and asking for her permission, if they wanted they could have pushed her away. Her answer was: if you want to stay, condition is that the water is mine. Ismail grew up with them and learned Arabic from them. Ismail was from Iraq and spoke Aramah. He married a women from their tribe. This is the beginning of the lineage of RasoAllah (saw). Later Ibrahim came and him his son build the Kabah. The religious leadership was with Ismail and it later continued through his offspring/descendants. Jurham never had the leadership of the religion and the Kabah, only politics. Jurham stayed in Makkah for 2000 years, however they became corrupt so Allah sent them Uzah. And Ukah kicked them out of Makkah. This was another tribe from Yemen. Before Jurham left they dumped the well of Zamzam, filled it up and erased all of this makes and they stole the treasures that were in the Kabah. Uzah now became the new political leaders. By this time the descendants of Ismail have increased in numbers and branched out all over Arabia. There was one branched that stayed in Makkah and that was Quraish. Quraish was many of different tribes who were the descendants of Ismail. They were from Adnan. Leaders of Uzah was Amr.. The head of Quraish, Ossaih bin Kalab, was able to unify them and lead a revolt against Uzah and took out of Makkah. Now Descendants of Ismail were political and religious leaders. Ossaih had the guardianship of Al-Kabah, controlled provision of water and food to the pilgrims, controlled over the assembly of Quraish, and over the banner of war, power over declaring war. When he died, these different roles were spread to his children. His grandson Amr, he ended up inheritaining from his father