Name:Anam Shoaib Reg # L1F11MBAE2058 Section (H) Assignment # 1 Serial # Date of Submission: November 7, 2013
Name:Anam Shoaib Reg # L1F11MBAE2058 Section (H) Assignment # 1 Serial # Date of Submission: November 7, 2013
Name:Anam Shoaib Reg # L1F11MBAE2058 Section (H) Assignment # 1 Serial # Date of Submission: November 7, 2013
Swot analysis
Strenght They have huge investment They have good brand name Weakness Management is not strong Lack of critical thinking Less profits
Problem statement
They have these problems 1. expansion strategy to ambitious, 2. huge gap between projection and actual sales, 3. stress on company owned outlets for expansion, 4. huge infrastructure cost 5. transportation cost 6. location of outlets 7. operation cost 8. pricing nationwide advertising campaign
Developing alternatives
Movement from company owned outlets to franchisee owned outlets extensive research before launch in new areas spread out the expansion plan over a few years advertising in areas where services are present sound top level management
Evalution of alternatives
1. Movement from company owned outlets to franchisee owned outlets.
More capital More managers Help in decision making Able to know customer needs and react accordingly increase profits Helps them to know the need and react accordingly Increase profitibility
Loss of ownership
Spread out the expansion plan over a few years 4. Advertising in areas where services are present 5. Sound top level management
Increase cost
They should divide their plan into segments and then start targeting these segments according to customer needs the top level management should make strategies that helps in increasing profits
This case study provides a lesson that while developing a strategy management should research more and must know the pros and cons of what they are doing they must know how to deal with different situations
The management should spread the plan to several years They should know the demand and affordability of their customers They should not launch their outlets in the areas in which demad is less and cost is more They should shrink their plan and invest only in the areas where demand is more and cost is less