First Things First: Important Dates Important Notes
First Things First: Important Dates Important Notes
First Things First: Important Dates Important Notes
This will be a sign to you: You will nd a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. Luke 2:12-14
Important Dates!
12/13 Elementary Music Program (2:00 in the auditorium)! 12/16 Christmas Around the World Readers Theater and 1st Grade Christmas Party (2:00-3:30 in the 1st grade classroom)! 12/17 1st and 2nd Concert at Nursing Home (Parents are welcome to join us! Please meet at the 1st grade classroom at 2:00.We will walk to the nursing home and begin the concert at 2:30.)! 12/18 Last day of school for 2013! (School begins at 8:30 and ends at 12:00)!
Important Notes!
No Reading Chart this Week: This week, there will be no reading chart and no book bags. Instead, we would like the students to practice their Christmas Around the World plays each night. Thank you for helping your child practice their parts!! Clothing for Music Program: This Friday will be the Elementary music program. It is good if children can wear nice clothes for the program. If you would like, your child can bring their nice clothes in a bag to school and we will give them time to change into the nice clothes before the concert. Sometimes it is hard to play at recess and PE with nice clothes, so many children prefer to bring their clothes and change later. ! Treats for Nursing Home Staff: Next Tuesday, we look forward to being Gods messengers of love to the people at Kisui-en nursing home. We hope to give each member of the staff a small bag of Christmas goodies. Please look for the paper in your childs blue folder about helping to provide food for these bags. Some 2nd grade moms will put the bags together, but it is 1st grades job to provide the snacks. Thank you so much for your contributions!! First Grade Christmas party: Next week on Monday, we will have our Christmas party after our Christmas Around the World readers theater. We have decided to have ice cream sundaes for the snack at our party. It would be great if each rst grader could bring something for our ice cream sundaes. We will contact you later this week about what to bring.!
Language Arts!
This week, we will work hard on getting ready for our Christmas Around the World readers theater. We hope many of you can come and watch next Monday! We will also enjoy reading lots of Christmas books and doing some writing related to Christmas.!
We will continue our unit on data and graphing this week. The students will learn about the range (biggest-smallest), mode (number you see the most), and median (number in the middle) of data. The students will also practice problem solving related to graphs.!
! We will continue learning about the Christmas story this week and will thank God for sending His Son, Jesus! This weeks Bible verse is the last part of our Christmas passage. If the rst graders are able to say all of Luke 2:7-14 by Friday, they will get a special prize from the teachers. We have Thank you,! been so impressed by their hard work on their "1 Miss Julie Johnson and Mrs. Janet Ekstrand! Bible verses!!