DMT - Palenque, December 2012
DMT - Palenque, December 2012
DMT - Palenque, December 2012
The pipe went round li e a wa"e of #ubilation! $t came to me and (Girl 1) was alread% out, so $ too m% turn! &it! 'oo ng down at m% bright %ellow beach shorts the whole field of perception too on their patterned geometr%! Suddenl%, $ was in another realm! (&ard & )ast( *ame the "oice +lright, can deal with that, #umping around in this cosmic wonderland! (+gua( *ame the "oice and resonated with the girls, ,+gua( aaah, we were sitting the ri"er & the energ% matrix which sustained that "estige became apparent, ob"iousl% the bed of the ri"er was dr%, it hadn-t rained for nigh on . months! $t flowed, it was ama/ing to me how people appeared in this realm, the autonoous e%es of $ndra-s net, (Shaman) was at home here, (Girl 1) showed fear of a butterfl% contemplating her beaut%! The girl next to mesu into her being as (Supplier) and (&ost) deli"ered another hit, $ntentionall%! We were all on the same trip b% now! 0eah man, communicating in this immediate wa%, ba1da1bum it-s there, +1ha, $ see %ou! 2o"ing from place to place, completel% in the spirit of the time & space, #n 3#n , he% 2an4 5ut don-t ta e m% girl (Shaman inferred)6 5reathe, go for the elemental flow, tssssshhhhhhhh ssshhh7! ((noises)) The initial moment when the hit ta es hold and the entire ob#ecti"it% of perception merges into a swirled world of li"ing breathing intelligence7!
Experience 8 Sat on the other side of the fire now in a bit more space, had been strongl% anticipating this one! 2% hit came last so $ could watch all the people sat around, ensuring the% were safel% on their wa%! So man% fantastic colours!
&ard & )ast, 1,8,.! 5ac in to it! This time $ had a e% (The name of m%ster% girl 9:3 The long sotr%) Who can sa% what happened next, deep into it, hopefull% m% soul has remembered the lessons! ;$nteresting how in the dmt /one sa%ing a name was a powerful act for focussing the flow of information< That was when $ met the 2a%ans, creating from behind the scenes of the mundane ordinar% world! )ull% integrated with the h%perspace realit%! ;What $ saw was women creating from their "agina, worlds puring out & men stood b%, middle finger up, as if to sa% =he% bro, ta e it eas%=< (m%ster% girl 9:) $ ept on repeating her name, the central e%e of awareness mo"ing from scene to scene, she-s calling, she-s coming!! what is it that these beings are tr%ing to show me> (Supplier) spea s, but, ,hang on a minute, this is the part where we get to see whate"er we want( &%perspace 2ode ?n +cti"ate le"el @ of the angelic hierarch%! The archet%pe focali/es the incoming flow and the 2a%an intelligences behind the scenes show me the constructions that will be, ,The% are going to build lots of p%ramids in the future!( 7!! The gu% opposit me agreed, still in it! (m%ster% girl 9:) ,Where the fuc is she>( 5% the wa%, meeting her was the reason $ was in 2exico, or so $ thought!
Experience . )or me, this was the best one! She was there with me (in spirit), that is for sure, b% the latter stages it was close! We-ll get bac to where we belong! This time we found a Auiet spot down the ri"er! Berfect! (Girl 8) had set it up as a meditati"e /one, two da%s wor , as alwa%s, perfect timing! We c%ced through the hits, third from last, m% turn! Wow, so much has faded from present recollection, the intense "i"id imager%! The Auestion as ed going into this one regarded the rainbow bridge! 2% awareness wal ed past the stables at 2ount Bleasant, of the wa% to Grandma & Grandads, the manifestation was being sustained b% brilliant sunlight, e"en though it is ;was< Winter, now this
"ision is accurate, the% lo"e that place and ha"e been enriching the seeds of life there for me! $ was there! ;England< Still, $ was here! ;2exico< &ow can it be two places can exist side b% side simultaneousl%> ;Since these accounts were written $ ha"e returned to England, when re"isiting the place which was seen in the "ision the experience was the exact same experience< That was when saw the holographic rainbow matrix! +ll space & time enfolded through the sil"er cables3filaments that carr% the rainbow spectrum which enables ph%sicalit%! The method from switching from one focali/ed location to another in"ol"ed flipping a c%cle through the sil"er filaments in a similar st%le to the moebius strip! So man% fantastic colours! The light surround this matrix and constantl% enriches the circuit! )rom centrali/ed awareness it is possible to flip into an% space1time frame! +nother interesting sight is the locali/ed structure, from the centre of mental awareness a cuboid matrix was discerned, pineal at the centre, p%ramidal cuboid for constructs around! ;to imagine this loo at a 2a%an p%ramid and "isualise how the blueprints for that structure could also be the template for the creatiion on =realit%=< Source for amplif%ing ps%chic energ%, connection filaments of thought! ;0ou can tune in to this grid at an% gi"en moment< Seemingl% the whole cosmos is constructed through this filamental sustainabilit%! +n angular extro"ert manifestation of the internal cur"ature /iplined through the sil"er cables! This new form is an upgrade to o"ercome the implants which had been attached to the original, the freAuenc% fence!
Experience C This was the strangest of the lot! Wh% wasn-t (m%ster% girl 9:) here> Sat on top of the hill loo ing down onto the drum circle, it was a li"el% e"ening! This was a solo hit! The initial "isions were showing the ma ing of the products but from the perspecti"e of the D2T dimension! +ll that was shown did not translate into a language which $ could understand, the experiential flow began to concentrate in m% second and third cha ras! This was the area that $ needed to wor on! The other part of the "ision showed a ginormous being situated standing o"er the drum circle, it was similar to th creatures in the mo"ie +lien, definitel% not of the rainbow! $t wasn-t alone either, it was
li e some terrible set1up from another dimensional fun1fair, nobod% in the circle could see! The smaller beings whihch accompanied this grand, gross har"ester all had specific functions but the "ision didn-t hold for long enough to be able to see what the% were! The% were tending two wheels, one "ertical, which har"ested the energ% from the circle, the other hori/ontal, this one also rotated and was imprinted with the signs of the /odiac! &ard to sa% what the purpose was, for sure, the intent was not bene"olent! There must be a connection between this har"esting and the second and third cha ras! $ said to (Shaman 8) afterwards, ,We-re going to ha"e to fight them but we-re not read% %et!(
Experience @ There were . of us, we snuc into the ruins at BalenAue on the full moon, through the #ungle! That was a trip in itself! Tentati"el% we climbed to the summit of the higheest p%ramid at the bac of the complex! ;The B%ramid of The *ross< $ set the other two gu%s up with a hit6 bang, bang6 then went into it m%self6 bang! ?h wow, that was random, in the neon realms of h%perspace e"er%thing progressed and %et again words fail! $t was li e a computer generated "ersion of a da% at a Spanish resort (of course infinitel% more curious)! $ was en#o%ing m%self & the proximit% to which the trip had brought me to her! $nterruption, it was (Gu% 1) ,We ha"e to lea"e this place, we-re not supposed to be here!( That "exed, again ,%ou ha"e to lea"e this place,( this time something was spea ing through him! $ decided to find out what it was, not before "ocali/ing to (Gu% 1) that our departure would ha"e to wait until $ was read%! Then appeared in m% minds e%e / green dragon, it was smilingE ,What do %ou want here>( 6 ,Fnowledge & Beace( was m% response! ,+h (name)( (>>wtf>>) was the response! $t seemed to recogni/e me! There was more to the exchange but that has faded into the obscurit%! The image remains & a heart lin , BalenAue 8G18 will remember me! 5ac in the mundane & (Gu% 1) is "ocali/ing that the beings he encountered told him we beha"ed li e idiots, no preparations, no blessings, no white sage, nothing ceremonial! Hue Tal! &e spo e about seeing a shadow% figure crouch o"er me when $ went under, (Gu% 8) also saw the figure! The% said it disappeared into the tree that is close to the p%ramid & coul ha"e been a Shaman!
$ told them about m% image of the dragon, (Gu% 1) #umped7 ,$ saw the same dragon, $ forgot about it because it was at the start of m% trip, but $ loo ed up with m% e%es open & saw this huge dragon, green with red plumage fl% out o"er m% head( Whoa444 $ntuiti"e speculation began to flow from himE The% (2a%ans) used the p%ramid to bring the dragon into this dimension & the dragon had a connection to the wor ings of time! The p%ramid somehow ept the dragon in this dimension! $n the original construction there were two pillars, of which onl% one remained, on the side facing in, there were four inlets, each with a bar, we reasoned these could ha"e been used to tie restraints! +fter posting images relating to this experience (The Wiseman) updated his profile picture to a triangle containing two dragons, the lords of time!
This is a strange world we li"e in! Iust be%ond the borders of what %ou now, there is a dar ness, not in a positi"e or negati"e sense, #ust in the sense that %ou do not now what is out there!