Syllabus: Week One: Polynomials

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Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

College of Natural Sciences MAT/117 Version 8 Algebra 1B
Copyright !1 by "ni#ersity of $hoeni%& All rights reser#e'&

Course Description
This course e%plores a'#ance' algebra concepts an' assists in buil'ing the algebraic an' proble( sol#ing s)ills 'e#elope' in Algebra 1A& Stu'ents *ill sol#e polyno(ials+ ,ua'ratic e,uations+ rational e,uations+ an' ra'ical e,uations& These concepts an' s)ills *ill ser#e as a foun'ation for subse,uent business course*or)& Applications to real-*orl' proble(s are also e%plore' throughout the course& This course is the secon' half of the college algebra se,uence+ *hich began *ith MAT 11.+ Algebra 1A&

Policies /aculty an' stu'ents *ill be hel' responsible for un'erstan'ing an' a'hering to all policies containe' *ithin the follo*ing t*o 'ocu(ents0 "ni#ersity policies0 1ou (ust be logge' into the stu'ent *ebsite to #ie* this 'ocu(ent& 2nstructor policies0 This 'ocu(ent is poste' in the Course Materials foru(&

"ni#ersity policies are sub3ect to change& Be sure to rea' the policies at the beginning of each class& $olicies (ay be slightly 'ifferent 'epen'ing on the (o'ality in *hich you atten' class& 2f you ha#e recently change' (o'alities+ rea' the policies go#erning your current class (o'ality& Course Materials 4oc)s*ol'+ 5& 6&+ 7 6rieger+ T& A& 8 !19:& Beginning and intermediate algebra with applications and visualization. 89r' e'&:& Boston+ MA0 A''ison-;esley& All electronic (aterials are a#ailable on the stu'ent *ebsite&

Week One: Polynomials

Objectives 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Si(plify polyno(ials& "se the 'istribution property *ith polyno(ials& $erfor( polyno(ial operations& "se polyno(ials in real-*orl' applications&



Course Preparation ea!in" ea!in" ea!in"

ea! the course 'escription an' ob3ecti#es& ea! the instructor<s biography an' post your o*n& ea! Ch& =+ sections =& >=&? an' =&. of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization& ea! the Associate @e#el Material0 MyMath@abA Stu'y $lan& ea! "sing B,uation B'itor an' MyMath@abA

Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation MyMath@abA Crientation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Cne Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Cne Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& esource& Associate @e#el Material0 "sing B,uation B'itor an' MyMath@abA 'o" on to MyMath@abA on the stu'ent *ebsite& Co(plete the MyMath@abA Crientation e%ercise& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

Co(plete the ;ee) Cne assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -ive proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -ive proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) Cne self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) Cne SelfChec)

Day 7 Sun'ay

Week Two: Factoring (Part 1)

Objectives 2.1 /actor polyno(ials using the 5reatest Co((on /actor& 2.2 /actor trino(ial e%pressions of the for( x E bx E c& 2.3 /actor trino(ial e%pressions of the for( ax E bx E c& ea! Ch& .+ sections .&1>.& of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&




#iscussion $uestions / Participation

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion&

During the *ee)

Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

%on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) T*o Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) T*o Stu'y $lan

)atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

Co(plete the ;ee) T*o assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -ive proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -ive proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) T*o self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) T*o SelfChec)

Day 7 Sun'ay


Week Three: Factoring (Part )

Objectives ea!in" 3.1 /actor polyno(ial e%pressions using special pro'ucts& ea! Ch& .+ sections .&9>.&? of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&



#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Three Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Three Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the ;ee) Three assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -ive proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -ive proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section.


Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

+n!ivi!ual ;ee) Three Self-Chec)

Co(plete the ;ee) Three self-chec) in MyMath@abA&

Day 7 Sun'ay


Week Four: !ational "#pressions

Objectives 4.1 $erfor( operations on rational e%pressions& 4.2 Sol#e rational e,uations an' for(ulas& 4.3 Sol#e proportion an' #ariation proble(s& ea! Ch& 7+ sections 7&1>7&? an' 7&.>7&7 of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&




#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) /our Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) /our Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the ;ee) /our assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -our proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -our proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) /our self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) /our SelfChec)

Day 7 Sun'ay


Week Fi$e: !a%ical "#pressions

Objectives 0.1 Si(plify ra'ical e%pressions& 0.2 Sol#e proble(s in#ol#ing ra'ical e%pressions&



Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8


ea! Ch& 1!+ sections 1!&1>1!&9 of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&

#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) /i#e Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) /i#e Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the ;ee) /i#e assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -ive proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -ive proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) /i#e self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) /i#e SelfChec)

Day 7 Sun'ay


Week &i#: Functions

Objectives 1.1 2'entify polyno(ial+ rational+ ra'ical+ an' ,ua'ratic functions& 1.2 2'entify the 'o(ain an' range of a function& 1.3 $erfor( operations on functions& ea! Ch& .+ section .&. of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization& ea! Ch& 8+ section 8&? of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&



ea!in" ea!in"

#iscussion $uestions / Participation

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion&

During the *ee)

Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

%on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Si% Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Si% Stu'y $lan

)atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

Co(plete the ;ee) Si% assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -ive proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -ive proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) Si% self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) Si% SelfChec)

Day 7 Sun'ay


Week &e$en: 'ua%ratic "(uations

Objectives ea!in" 7.1 Sol#e ,ua'ratic e,uations& 7.2 Apply nonlinear e,uations to real-*orl' proble(s& ea! Ch& 11+ sections 11&1>11&= of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&



#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Se#en Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Se#en Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the ;ee) Se#en assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -our proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -our proble(s (ust inclu!e an/


Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Se#en Self-Chec) Co(plete the ;ee) Se#en self-chec) in MyMath@abA& Day 7 Sun'ay 9!

Week "ight: )onlinear Functions* &e(uences* an% &eries

Objectives 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 "se co(posite functions& "se in#erse functions& "se logarith(ic functions& "se arith(etic an' geo(etric se,uences an' series&



ea!in" ea!in"

ea! Ch& 1 + sections 1 &1 an' 1 &9 of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization& ea! Ch& 1?+ sections 1?&1-1?&9 of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&

#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Bight Vi'eos +n!ivi!ual MyMath@abA B%ercises +n!ivi!ual ;ee) Bight Stu'y $lan

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& )atc* this *ee)<s #i'eos locate' on your stu'ent *ebsite&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the ;ee) Bight assign(ent in MyMath@abA&

Day = /ri'ay Day . Sun'ay


evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA after co(pleting the ho(e*or) assign(ent for the *ee)& Co(plete -our proble(s -ro( t*e assi"ne! sections o- eac* c*apter -or t*e ,ee.. T*ose -our proble(s (ust inclu!e an/ pus* pins t*at *ave been assi"ne! in eac* section. Co(plete the ;ee) Bight self-chec) in MyMath@abA&


+n!ivi!ual ;ee) Bight Self-Chec)

Day 7 Sun'ay


Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

Week )ine: College +lge,ra !e$iew

Objectives 2.1 4e#ie* all ob3ecti#es fro( ;ee)s Cne through Bight&




evie, pre#iously assigne' chapters fro( ;ee)s Cne through Bight in Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization&

#iscussion $uestions / Participation %on"ra!e! Activities an! Preparation ;ee) Nine Stu'y $lan +n!ivi!ual /inal B%a(ination

espon! to *ee)ly 'iscussion ,uestions& $articipate in class 'iscussion& evie, your Stu'y $lan in MyMath@abA& Co(plete any re(aining topics fro( this course in your stu'y plan that ha#e been highlighte' for re#ie*&

During the *ee)

Co(plete the final e%a(ination in MyMath@abA&

Day 7 Sun'ay


Optional Discussion 'uestions )ee. One #iscussion $uestions 2(agine your younger relati#eFof (i''le school ageF*as ta)ing an algebra course an' as)e' for your help& Go* *oul' you teach the (ultiplication of polyno(ials to herH Then post t*o proble(s for the class sol#e *here *e ha#e to (ultiply polyno(ials together& ;hat four steps shoul' be use' in e#aluating e%pressionsH Can these steps be s)ippe' or rearrange'H B%plain your ans*ers& Then post t*o proble(s for the class to e#aluate *ith the gi#en #alues& Cne proble( (ust ha#e (ore than one #ariable an' both proble(s shoul' ha#e e%ponents&

)ee. T,o #iscussion $uestions Go* 'o *e fin' the greatest co((on factor of a polyno(ialH ;hen fin'ing the greatest co((on factor of a polyno(ial+ can it e#er be larger than the s(allest coefficientH Can it e#er be s(aller than the s(allest coefficientH #e(onstrate t*e process ,it* an e3a(ple4 s*o,in" /our ,or.. T*en provi!e an e3a(ple -or t*e class to -actor. B%plain ho* to factor the follo*ing trino(ial for(s0 x E bx E c an' ax E bx E c& 2s there (ore than one *ay to factor thisH Sho* your ans*er using both *or's an' (athe(atical notation& T*en provi!e t*e

Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8

class ,it* a proble( o- eac* t/pe to -actor. One trino(ial ,it* no nu(ber in -ront o- 35 an! one trino(ial t*at re6uires us to re(ove t*e 7C8 to -actor it. )ee. T*ree #iscussion $uestions Go* 'o you factor the 'ifference of t*o s,uaresH Go* 'o you factor the perfect s,uare trino(ialH Go* 'o you factor the su( an' 'ifference of t*o cubesH ;hich of these three (a)es the (ost sense to youH B%plain *hy& Then gi#e the class one of each type of proble( to sol#e for a total of three proble(s& $utting it all together /actoring in general regar'less of the proble( can still be 'one by certain steps& De#elop a chec)list or or'er to factoring any proble( an' gi#e us an e%a(ple of *hat *e shoul' 'o *hen factoring a proble( of any type& "sing e%ercise .&= choose four proble(s to post for the class to sol#e using ,uestions 8I - . :& Try to choose four 'ifferent types of proble(s so *e get goo' practice&

)ee. 8our #iscussion $uestions B%plain the fi#e-steps for sol#ing rational e,uations& Can any of these steps be eli(inate'H Can the or'er of these steps be change'H ;oul' you a'' any steps to (a)e it easier+ or to (a)e it easier to un'erstan'H T*en post t,o proble(s -or t*e class to si(pli-/4 one proble( involvin" (ultiplication an! one proble( involvin" a!!ition. At least one proble( (ust *ave a variable in t*e !eno(inator. T*e a!!ition proble( (ust re6uire us to -in! a co((on !eno(inator. Describe the steps to sol#ing a proportion& Then post a proble( fro( the stu'y plan or fro( the boo) in chapter 7&7 in#ol#ing a proportion for the class to sol#e& Then thin) of a proportion proble( fro( your 'aily life or 3ob that you can post for the class to sol#e&

)ee. 8ive #iscussion $uestions ;hat are the t*o steps for si(plifying ra'icalsH Can either step be 'elete'H 2f you coul' a'' a step that (ight (a)e it easier or easier to un'erstan'+ *hat step *oul' you a''H $lease post t*o proble(s for the class to sol#e+ one (ust inclu'e a #ariable& 4e#ie* section 1!& 8p& .?7: of your te%t& Describe t*o la*s of e%ponents an' pro#i'e an e%a(ple illustrating each la*& B%plain ho* to si(plify your e%pression& Go* 'o the la*s *or) *ith rational e%ponentsH $ro#i'e the class *ith a thir' e%pression to si(plify that inclu'es rational 8fractional: e%ponents& Consi'er respon'ing to class(ates *ho ha#e chosen la*s 'ifferent fro( the ones you selecte'& As) clarifying ,uestions of your class(ates to (a)e sure you un'erstan' the la*s& $ractice si(plifying your class(ates< e%pressions& )ee. 9i3 #iscussion $uestions ;hat are the steps to sol#ing a ,ua'ratic e,uationH Then sho* an e%a(ple of sol#ing a ,ua'ratic e,uation using the steps& /inally post t*o proble(s for the class to sol#e using this process& 2f the e,uation e'itor is not *or)ing still an' you are trying not to use an attach(ent& $lease put *hat is un'er the ra'ical in parenthesis0 = - s,rt8?J - ?K=K.:

Syllabus MAT/117 Version 8


;hat is the 'ifference bet*een a polyno(ial function an' a rational functionH Create a rational function+ then tell us the 'o(ain an' range of the function& /or the class create t*o functions+ one of the( (ust be a rational function+ pro#i'ing t*o input #alues for each function& /or your class(ates proble(s i'entify the 'o(ain an' range of each function an' e#aluate the function *ith the gi#en #alues& )ee. 9even #iscussion $uestions

Lua'ratic e,uations+ *hich are e%presse' in the for( of ax E bx E c M !+ *here a 'oes not e,ual !+ (ay ha#e ho* (any solutionsH B%plain *hy& Then post a proble( that the 5C/ 'oes not turn a into 1 for the class to sol#e& ;hat is the ,ua'ratic for(ulaH ;hat is it use' forH $ro#i'e a useful e%a(ple+ not foun' in the te%t& ;hat happens if the proble( is actually factorable+ *ill the ,ua'ratic for(ula still *or)H )ee. :i"*t #iscussion $uestions ;hich of the four operations on functions 'o you thin) is the easiest to perfor(H ;hat is the (ost 'ifficultH B%plain *hy& Then post t*o functions for the class& The class *ill respon' perfor(ing all four operations& ;hat is the relationship bet*een e%ponents an' logarith(sH Go* *oul' you 'istinguish bet*een the t*o+ using both a se,uenceH $ost a couple of proble(s for the class to sol#e in#ol#ing logs or e%ponents&

)ee. %ine #iscussion $uestions ;hat one concept learne' in this course *as the easiest for you to graspH ;hy 'o you thin) it *as easy for youH ;hich *as the har'estH ;hat *oul' ha#e (a'e that har'-to-learn concept easier to learnH 2f your neighbor as)e' you to e%plain *hat you learne' in this course+ *hat *oul' you tell herH

"ni#ersity of $hoeni%A is a registere' tra'e(ar) of Apollo 5roup+ 2nc& in the "nite' States an'/or other countries& MyMath@ab is a registere' tra'e(ar) of $earson B'ucation+ 2nc& B'ite' in accor'ance *ith "ni#ersity of $hoeni%A e'itorial stan'ar's an' practices&

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