Lesson 1 Final

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Ms. Poole

Date April 28,2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Lie !"cle #ra$e
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
The &'it pla' is o' (orms a'$ this is the irst lesso' o the (orms
Learners will be able to#
, & Ap A' - !.
&'$ersta'$ that (orms )o throu)h a lie c"cle as (ell as huma's &
!reate a lie c"cle o (orms ! /
-*aluate ho( much the" remember rom the stor"

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
L.0L.-.1 Lie ,e1uireme'ts+ 0r)a'isms ha*e basic 'ee$s. A'imals a'$ pla'ts 'ee$ air, (ater, a'$ oo$. Pla'ts also re1uire li)ht. Pla'ts a'$ a'imals use oo$ as a
source o e'er)" a'$ as a source o buil$i') material or )ro(th a'$ repair.
L.0L.-.2 Lie !"cles+ Pla'ts a'$ a'imals ha*e lie c"cles. 2oth pla'ts a'$ a'imals be)i' lie a'$ $e*elop i'to a$ults, repro$uce, a'$ e*e'tuall" $ie. The $etails o
this lie c"cle are $iere't or $iere't or)a'isms.
34ote# 5rite as ma'" as 'ee$e$. 6'$icate ta/o'om" le*els a'$ co''ectio's to applicable 'atio'al or state sta'$ar$s. 6 a' objecti*e applies to particular lear'ers
(rite the 'ame3s7 o the lear'er3s7 to (hom it applies.7
.remember, u'$ersta'$, appl", a'al"8e, e*aluate, create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
5orms lie c"cle has to $o (ith rec"cli') as (ell because the $i)estio' is part o the lie c"cle
Outline assessment
3applicable to this lesso'7
Pre-assessment (for learning):
Formative (for learning):
The lie c"cle project
Formative (as learning):
Summative (of learning79
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Pro*i$e optio's or perceptio'+
making information perceptible
Ater rea$i') the boo: the stu$e'ts
are creati') a lie c"cle o the (orm
Pro*i$e optio's or ph"sical actio'+
increase options for interaction
Creating the life cycle and
interacting with materials
Pro*i$e optio's or recruiti')
i'terest+ choice relevance value
authenticity minimi!e threats
"ot a lot of choice
Pro*i$e optio's or la')ua)e,
mathematical e/pressio's, a'$
s"mbols+ clarify # connect
Pro*i$e optio's or e/pressio' a'$
commu'icatio'+ increase medium
of e$pression
Pro*i$e optio's or sustai'i') eort
a'$ persiste'ce+ optimi!e
challenge collaboration mastery-
oriented feedback
#i*e ee$bac: b" (al:i')
arou'$ a'$ ma:i') sure the" are
$oi') it ri)ht
Pro*i$e optio's or comprehe'sio'+
activate apply # highlight
;i)hli)hti') the lie c"cle o
the (orm
Pro*i$e optio's or e/ecuti*e
u'ctio's+ coordinate short # long
term goals monitor progress and
modify strategies
5al:i') arou'$ a'$ (atchi')
them a'$ a's(eri') 1uestio's
Pro*i$e optio's or sel+re)ulatio'+
e$pectations personal skills and
strategies self-assessment #
The i'ish pro$uct o the lie
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to
The boo: A' -arth(orm>s Lie b" ?oh' ;immelma', popcor' :er'els, coo:e$ 'oo$les, mar:ers,
plastic plates. 3Pare'ts (ill be se'$i') i' the 'oo$les, popcor' :er'els a'$ paper plates7
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
4o special set up
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
6#89 /otivation
Do a @5L a'$ see (hat the stu$e'ts :'o( about
(orms alrea$"
co''ect that the compost bi' that (e ha*e ma$e
$uri') our rec"cli') u'it ties i' (ith (orms
because (orm composti') is usi') (orms to
rec"cle oo$ scraps a'$ other or)a'ic material i'to
a *aluable soil
$o po(er poi't o (hat (orms eat
,ea$ the boo: A' -arth(orm>s Lie
Stu$e'ts $iscuss a'$ the' sit a'$ listem
3the lar)est
compo'e't or
mai' bo$" o
the lesso'7
-/plai' to the stu$e'ts that (e are )oi') to ma:e a
lie c"cle o a (orm a'$ sho( them a' e/ample
a'$ e/plai' that the plate (ill be i' our sectio's
(ith cocoo' a'$ a popcor' :er'el, hatchli') (ith a
piece o 'oo$le, ju*e'ile (ith a thi' 'oo$le a'$
mature (ith a thic:er 'oo$le.
6 (ill be mo$eli') (hat the" (ill be $oi') a'$ 6
(ill project the lie c"cle e/ample o' the
As: i stu$e'ts ha*e 1uestio's
Se'$ them to their $es: to (or: o' project
Stu$e'ts as: 1uestio's i a'"
#o to $es: a'$ (or: o' project
#ather stu$e'ts to carpet
As: 1uestio's about (hat the stu$e'ts lear'e$, i
the" lear'e$ a 'e( act, (hat (ere the", a'$ tal:
about (orms a'$ the lie c"cle
Stu$e'ts )o to carpet
A's(er 1uestio's
;our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. 35rite this ater teachi') the lesso', i "ou ha$ a cha'ce to teach it. 6 "ou $i$ 'ot teach this lesso', ocus o' the
process o prepari') the lesso'.7
Sta)e 1 is the cocoo', represe'te$ b" a :er'el o popcor'. Sta)e 2 is the hatchli'),
represe'te$ b" a :er'el o popcor' (ith a stra'$ o a')el hair pasta Ahatchi')B out.
Sta)e = is the ju*e'ile sta)e, represe'te$ b" a thi' spa)hetti 'oo$le, (hile sta)e 4,
the i'al sta)e, is the mature earth(orm. To ma:e the mature earth(orm, use a
stra'$ o thic: spa)hetti (ith a slice o elbo( macaro'i threa$e$ o*er the 'oo$le to
represe't the clitellum. 5he' the earth(orm is rea$" to ha*e babies, pooC The
clitellum comes o o*er the ro't o the earth(orm a'$ is the cocoo'C

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