Harris QCA 8e-Ch 14

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Harris QCA 8e-Ch 14

1. A calcium ion-selective electrode is dipped into a solution whose [Ca ] is i teen times less concentrated than the internal solution. !he potential di erence that would develop is
"a# $.$%& '. "(# $.$44 '. "c# $.444 '.

2. A )lass electrode with an internal pH o *.$$ is dipped into a solution whose pH is 1$.4$. + the actor is $.,8- how much volta)e is )enerated (. the pH )radient/
"a# $.1,* ' "(# $.0$% ' "c# $. 2$1 '

%. 1hich o the ollowin) operators would not lead to an incorrect pH readin) usin) a )lass electrode/
"a# 2easurin) the pH o a (asic solution with a hi)h concentration o 3a . "(# 4sin) a (rand new electrode directl. out o the (o5. "c# Cali(ratin) and measurin) pH at &$ 6C.

4. A luoride ion-selective electrode is used in two solutions. 7oth solutions have [8 ] o -% &.$$ 5 1$ 2- (ut one has a pH o 2.$$ and the other a pH o *.$$. 9ou would e5pect that
"a# the potential would (e the same in (oth solutions. "(# the potential would (e lower in the pH 2.$$ solution. "c# the potential would (e hi)her in the pH 2.$$ solution. &. !he :n ion inter eres with a Ca does. !his means that
2+ 2+

ion-selective electrode more than the same concentration o 2)

2+ 2+


"a# the selectivit. coe icient is hi)her or :n than or 2) . 2+ 2+ "(# the selectivit. coe icient is lower or :n than or 2) . "c# :n powers.

and 2)


have similar selectivit. coe icients (ut their concentrations are raised to di erent

0. An electrode speci ic or ;

responds to 9

with a selectivit. coe icient o $.%$. Calculate the chan)e


in the potential o a 1.$ m2 ; solution when &.$ m2 9 is added. +n this case where inter erin) ions has a di erent char)e rom the primar. ion- "kA-; A;# (ecomes ["kA-;#"A ;#<"n;=n9#] in e>uation 1&-8.
"a# -88.& m' "(# 11.* m' "c# $.1 m' *. A solution o ?2Cr@4 was titrated with A)3@%- usin) a silver indicator electrode and a A.C.B. re erence electrode. !he product- A)2Cr@4- has a ?sp C 1.1 5 1$ "a# $.%28 '. "(# $.%1$ '. "c# $.2$4 '.


. !hen potential at the e>uivalence point would (e

8. !he Dunction $.1$ 2 HCl=%.& 2 ?Cl develops a li>uid Dunction potential o +%.1 m' at 2& 6C (ecause
"a# the concentration o ?Cl is hi)her than the concentration o HCl. "(# the mo(ilit. o H "c# the mo(ilit. o H
+ +

is ver. much less than the mo(ilit. o ? . is much hi)her than the mo(ilit. o ? .

,. A dou(le-Dunction re erence electrode would (e pre erred over a A.C.B.

"a# alwa.s. "(# or the measurement o pH with a )lass electrode. "c# or the measurement o E(

with a E( indicator electrode.

+ +

1$. @ver time- the volta)e o the cell A.C. B. FF A) "1 2# F A)"s# decreases and the concentration o A) decreases. 1hich o the ollowin) statements is true/ "a# !he concentration o the Cl in the A.C.B. will increase. "(# !he concentration o the Cl in the A.C.B. will decrease. "c# !he concentration o the Cl in the A.C.B. will remain essentiall. constant.

11. A chloride ion-selective electrode o(e.s the e>uation B C constant --$.$&,lo)[Cl ]. !he potential was $.4%$ ' when the electrode was immersed in $.1$$ 2 3aCl. 1hat is [Cl ] i B C -$.%$$ '/
"a# 1.1% 2olar "c# 0.20 5 1$

(b) 6.26 x 10-2 molar



12. 1hich common error that occurs in pH measurements is correctl. descri(ed/

"a# G7u er BrrorH associated with pH standards used to cali(rate the electrode. "(# Iunction potential dri t associated with electrode response to 3a "c# !emperature errors associated )lass sur ace saturation.


1%. + the Bcell C $.222 ' versus. A.C.B.- what is the cell potential versus aA.H.B./
"a# -$.$1, ' "(# $.40% ' "c# $.$1, '

14. + the Bcell C $.$2% ' versus. A.C.B.- what is the cell potential versus aA)FA)Cl/
"a# $.200 ' "(# -$.41& ' "c# -$.$2

1&. 1hich o the ollowin) statements is correct/

"a# A A.H.B. is an indicator electrode- Et can used as a metallic re erence electrode- and sodium concentration cannot (e determined with an ion-selective electrode. "(# A AHB is an ion-selective electrode- Et can (e used as a metallic-indicator electrode- and sodium concentration can (e determined with a re erence electrode.

(c) A SHE is a reference electrode, Pt can used as a metallic indicator electrode, and sodium concentration can be determined it! an ion-selecti"e electrode.

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