Green Valley Stipulations
Green Valley Stipulations
Green Valley Stipulations
156 STIPULATED CONDITIONS AND ORDER OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OFFICER [Hearing Officer Name] Da e! "#$% &'( &))* S#+,ec %! '/0 A1e$ine S ree APN! ))/2))&02))32)& O.era -r4ABC Licen5ee! I+ra6im S6ariff 1+a Green Va$$e% Mar7e % O8ner5! 9i$$iam : E$$en P-n
On July 27, 2006, I rahi! "hari##, repre$ented and acco!panied y hi$ coun$el, %d&ard 'i((in otha!, !et and con#erred &ith )eputy City *ttorney %than +a$r and $tipulated to dee!ed appro,ed Condition$ o# *ppro,al ein( i!po$ed on -reen .alley Market, an alcoholic e,era(e retailer operated y I rahi! "hari## at 7/0 *deline "treet, Oakland, a property o&ned y 1illia! and %llen 2on, under Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 17.156. 3he partie$ to thi$ $tipulation al$o a(ree that it !ay e $u !itted to the )ee!ed *ppro,ed 'earin( O##icer and entered a$ an order under OMC Chapter 17.156 a$ thou(h it &ere pur$uant to a #ir$t dee!ed appro,ed hearin(. 3he o&ner and operator$ o# -reen .alley Market 4oin the City o# Oakland in the #ollo&in( "tipulated Order.
3he 2artie$ to thi$ "tipulated Order are5 O+ 3'% O+% '*+)5 1illia! and %llen 2on, the o&ner$ o# record o# the i!pro,ed lot
located at 7/0 *deline "treet, Oakland, Cali#ornia, *2+5 00/600206007602 (8the "u 4ect 2roperty8 or 9the 2roperty:), and 2) I rahi! "hari##, the $tore operator, doin( u$ine$$ a$ -reen .alley Market on the 2roperty, and licen$ee o# the Cali#ornia )epart!ent o# *lcoholic ;e,era(e Control<
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a$ &ell a$ their re$pecti,e $ucce$$or$, heir$, tran$#eree$, a$$i(n$, partner$, 4oint6,enturer$, $tockholder$, $pou$e$, o##icer$, and director$< *+) O+ 3'% O3'%A '*+)5 7) the City o# Oakland, a Municipal Corporation (8the City8).
3he partie$ to thi$ a(ree!ent no& $tipulate and a(ree that, in lieu o# a )ee!ed *ppro,ed 'earin(, and to co!pro!i$e and $ettle the !atter, the #ollo&in( ter!$ !ay and $hould e adopted a$ the #indin($ and order o# the )ee!ed *ppro,ed *lcoholic ;e,era(e "ale$ *d!ini$trati,e 'earin( O##icer a$ Condition$ o# *ppro,al pur$uant to Oakland Municipal Code $ection 17.156.150. 3he partie$ hereto a(ree and $tipulate that the Condition$ o# *ppro,al herein, re#er to and $peci#ically li!it the u$e o# the "u 4ect 2roperty.
3here#ore, the #ollo&in( $hall e ordered a$ Condition$ o# *ppro,al on the 2roperty pur$uant to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 17.156.1/0. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL
Vi5i+i$i % in - 6e Deeme1 A..r-=e1 Ac i=i % 1ithin 00 day$ o# eCecution o# thi$ a(ree!ent, O&ner$ $hall
re!o,e all o $truction$ to ,i$i ility throu(h &indo&$ and the door (&hen clo$ed). 3hi$ include$ ut i$ not li!ited to ad,erti$in(, $i(na(e, and $tore #iCture$ and #urniture. *ny eCi$tin( eCternal $ecurity ar$ or !e$h $hall e re!o,ed and no $uch re6in$talled. 3o en$ure that the (la$$ in the &indo&$ are $ecure &ithout the ar$, clear protecti,e #il! !ay e applied to the (la$$ $o lon( a$ the ,ie& in and out o# the pre!i$e$ i$ not o $tructed. %Cternal (ate$ !ay e in$talled to $ecure the &indo&$ and door &hen not open #or u$ine$$, pro,ided that they do not
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o $truct ,i$i ility &hen open. 3here $hall e 00D clear ,i$i ility in the &indo&$ at all ti!e$ &hen open #or u$ine$$. 3here $hall e 100D ,i$i ility into the pre!i$e$ throu(h the door open or clo$ed. +either Operator$ nor O&ner$ $hall apply #or any per!it #ro! the uildin( or Eonin( depart!ent$ to oard up any &indo&$.
Fa>a1e Im.r-=emen 1ithin /5 day$ o# eCecution o# thi$ a(ree!ent the O&ner$ andFor
the Operator $hall $u !it to an *;*3 ca$e planner a re,i$ed #aGade i!pro,e!ent plan to increa$e ,i$i ility into the e$ta li$h!ent and reduce the li(ht a$$ociated &ith the property. 3he #aGade i!pro,e!ent plan $hall e $u 4ect to de$i(n re,ie& y the CityH$ BaGade I!pro,e!ent -rant 2ro(ra! and accordin( to the ter!$ o# thi$ *(ree!ent. 3he O&ner $hall co!plete per#or!ance o# the i!pro,e!ent plan &ithin $iC !onth$ o# eCecution o# thi$ a(ree!ent. O&ner &ill #or&ard any application$ in proce$$ at the ti!e o# thi$ *(ree!ent to an *;*3 ca$e planner &ithin 10 day$ o# eCecution o# thi$ *(ree!ent.
3< Lig6 ing %Cterior li(htin( o# the eCterior #aGade o# the 2roperty $hall e !aintained to pro,ide enou(h illu!ination to !ake ea$ily di$cerna le the appearance and conduct o# all per$on$ on or a out the pre!i$e$. "uch illu!ination $hall re!ain lit durin( all hour$ o# darkne$$ &hen the u$ine$$ i$ open. 3he po$ition o# $uch li(htin( $hall not di$tur the nor!al pri,acy and u$e o# any nei(h orin( re$idence$. 3he interior li(htin( &ill pro,ide $u##icient li(htin( $uch that an en#orce!ent o##icer !ay clearly $ee the interior o# the pre!i$e$,
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Vi1e- M-ni -ring 3he Operator $hall in$tall and !aintain in &orkin( order, interior
and eCterior $ur,eillance ca!era$ and !onitor$. *t a !ini!u!, the eCternal ca!era$ $hall !onitor the entrance to the $tore and the $ide&alk$ on oth $ide$ o# the $tore. *t a !ini!u!, the interior ca!era$ $hall !onitor the ca$h re(i$ter area. 3ape$ (or ackup data) #ro! the$e ca!era$ $hall e retained #or at lea$t 1/ day$ #ro! &hen recorded e#ore de$truction or re6u$e, and &ill e pro,ided to la& en#orce!ent per$onnel i!!ediately upon reIue$t. "i(n$ &ith lock letterin( at lea$t three inche$ tall $hall e po$ted out$ide the pre!i$e$ on oth the +orth $ide and %a$t $ide, $tatin( 9JO@A *C3I.I3I%" *A% ;%I+- A%COA)%) *+) *A% *.*I>*;>% 3O 3'% O*?>*+) 2O>IC% )%2*A3M%+3 BOA A%.I%1.: ?< Na #ra$ S#r=ei$$ance *$ part o# the propo$ed #aGade i!pro,e!ent and interior re!odel, the ca$h re(i$ter $hall e located relati,e to the entrance and &indo& $o that the clerk $tandin( at the re(i$ter &ill ha,e a clear uno $tructed ,ie& o# the entire pre!i$e$ and the $ide&alk in #ront o# the entire len(th o# the pre!i$e$. * &all to &all !irror at ceilin( hei(ht &ill e in$talled alon( the entire ack &all o# the pre!i$e$ to allo& ,i$i ility do&n the ai$le$ et&een the $hel,in( y the clerk $tandin( at the ca$h re(i$ter and y o##icer$ lookin( throu(h the #ront &indo&. O&ner ha$ 60 day$ #ro! date o# eCecution o# thi$ *(ree!ent to in$tall $aid !irror.
*< On2Si e Sec#ri % G#ar1 Operator &ill hire a onded and licen$ed $ecurity (uard &ho &ill re!ain on6$ite durin( all hour$ o# operation to !aintain order at the "u 4ect
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2roperty, pre,ent hara$$!ent o# pede$trian$, and pre,ent loiterer$ &ithin t&enty #eet o# $tore. 3he $ecurity (uard $hall reIue$t all per$on$ han(in( around the eCterior o# the e$ta li$h!ent &ith no apparent u$ine$$ #or !ore than ten !inute$ to lea,e. 3echniIue$ di$cu$$ed in the !anual entitled 9>oiterin(5 ;u$ine$$ and Co!!unity ;a$ed "olution$: !ay e u$ed and are reco!!ended y the *lcoholic ;e,era(e *ction 3ea!. 3he $ecurity (uard($) $hall !aintain a lo( docu!entin( their e##ort$ taken to reduce loiterin(. 3he lo( $hall include de$cription$ o# loiterer$, date$ and ti!e$ o# incident$ and de$cri e &hat action &a$ taken y the O&ner$ and %!ployee$ and the re$pon$e y the loiterer($). * copy o# thi$ lo( $hall e !ailed to *;*3 y the la$t day o# each !onth co!!encin( on the la$t day o# the !onth #ollo&in( the $i(nin( o# thi$ a(ree!ent. * copy o# thi$ lo( $hall e !ade a,aila le to *;*3 upon reIue$t. Oakland 2olice )epart!ent $hall a$$i$t Operator in identi#yin( pro le! indi,idual$, and Operator $hall not $ell to the$e indi,idual$. Bor indi,idual$ &ho &ill not lea,e the pre!i$e$ a#ter ein( a$ked to lea,e or &ho atte!pt to or en(a(e in ille(al acti,ity on the property, the O&ner andFor Operator$ $hall reIue$t a $tay6a&ay order #ro! the Oakland 2olice )epart!ent. I# $uch indi,idual$ return a#ter a $tay6a&ay order ha$ een i$$ued, the Operator &ill contact the Oakland 2olice )epart!ent to co!e and arre$t any $uch indi,idual on the property #or a ,iolation o# the $tay6a&ay order.
Signage *t lea$t one $i(n, one $Iuare #oot !ini!u!, $hall e po$ted and
!aintained in a le(i le condition at eye le,el at each pu lic entrance to the uildin( prohi itin( litterin( and loiterin(. AeIuired $i(na(e re(ardin( open
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container$ and drinkin( in pu lic $hall al$o e !aintained in le(i le condition &ith at lea$t one $i(n on each $ide o# the pu lic entrance.
Tra56 C-n ainer 3he Operator$ $hall in$tall and !aintain one, non6#la!!a le, !etal
tra$h container on the property eCterior to e e!ptied daily and rou(ht in$ide o,er ni(ht.
Li er C$ean#. 3he Operator$ $hall clear the $ide&alk$ ad4oinin( the 2roperty, plu$
one hundred (100) #eet eyond the property line$ alon( the $treet on an hourly a$i$ or !ore a$ needed to control litter. In addition to the reIuire!ent$ o# ;u$ine$$ K 2ro#e$$ion$ Code $ection 25612.5 ($&eep or !echanically clean &eekly), the Operator $hall $tea! clean or hi(h6pre$$ure &a$h the $ide&alk &ithin the ound$ o# the 2roperty once per !onth.
;)< Graffi i 3he Operator$ $hall re!o,e all (ra##iti &ithin /= hour$ o# it$ application at the 2roperty or o# recei,in( notice o# it$ pre$ence.
;;< H-#r5 -f O.era i-n 3he hour$ o# operation $hall co!!ence no earlier than =500 a.!. and end no later than =500 p.!.
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;3< Sa$e -f A$c-6-$ic Be=erage5! 1ithin 60 day$ o# eCecution o# thi$ a(ree!ent, and continuin( #ollo&in( the co!pletion o# the propo$ed #aGade i!pro,e!ent and interior re!odel, the #ootprint o# the di$play o# alcohol product$ (eCcludin( the alcohol di$played ehind the counter) $hall e le$$ than 15D o# the total #loor $pace eCcludin( the re#ri(eration unit$. 3he other =5D o# the #loor $pace $hall e #or the $ale o# (rocerie$ and con,enience ite!$. *ll o,er$tock o# alcoholic e,era(e$ and other product$ &ill e kept in a $tora(e #acility or ack $tora(e roo! out o# pu lic ,ie&. (I# nece$$ary the operator $hall con$truct a $tora(e area in the ack o# the pre!i$e$ #or thi$ purpo$e.) ;/< Re5 ric ing 6e Sa$e -f Cer ain I em5 Operator a(ree$ not to $ell, (i,e a&ay or other&i$e pro,ide $in(le ci(arette$, $in(le di$po$a le cup$, unpacka(ed ice or any dru( paraphernalia.
;?< Pac7aging Sing$e Can5 -f Beer in C$ear P$a5 ic Bag5 Operator$ a(ree that they andFor any e!ployee $hall only pro,ide clear or tran$parent pla$tic a($ #or packa(in( o# $in(le can$ o# eer. ;*< AS ree Merc6an1i5eB Operator$ a(ree that they andFor any e!ployee $hall not purcha$e (ood$, article$, !erchandi$e or any other ite!$ o# ,alue #ro! a per$on or per$on$ &ho i$ not a ona6#ide &hole$aler, either on the property or durin( the cour$e and $cope o# the u$ine$$ located on thi$ property.
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;'< Firearm5 Operator$ a(ree that any #irear! or other deadly &eapon kept on thi$ property $hall e $urrendered to any peace o##icer #or in$pection upon reIue$t. Birear!$ kept on the pre!i$e$ !u$t e re(i$tered to the u$ine$$ o&ner &ith the "tate o# Cali#ornia auto!ated #irear!$ $y$te!.
;@< Reg#$a i-n5 3hi$ u$e $hall con#or! to all pro,i$ion$ and condition$ o# the "tate o# Cali#ornia )epart!ent o# *lcoholic ;e,era(e Control licen$e. 3he $tate licen$e and $tate condition$ $hall e po$ted alon( &ith the$e )ee!ed *ppro,ed Condition$ o# *ppro,al in a place ,i$i le to the pu lic. 3hi$ u$e $hall al$o con#or! to all "tate Aetail Operatin( "tandard, "ection 25612.5 o# the ;u$ine$$ and 2ro#e$$ion$ Code and local 2er#or!ance "tandard$, "ection 15210, &here applica le includin( any #uture chan(e$ in the a o,e re(ulation$. 3he$e Condition$ $hall e #or&arded to the )epart!ent o# *lcoholic ;e,era(e Control. ;0< O+e1ience - ECi5 ing La85 Operator($) a(ree to o ey all la&$, #ederal, $tate, and local. It i$ ackno&led(ed that thi$ a(ree!ent i$ ,iolated upon the con,iction o# any operator or any e!ployee arre$ted #or ,iolation o# any #ederal, $tate or local la& or ordinance co!!itted on the property or durin( the cour$e and $cope o# the u$ine$$ located on thi$ property. &)< Deeme1 A..r-=e1 Fee5 Operator a(ree$ to !aintain record$ and proo# on the pre!i$e$ that the )ee!ed *ppro,ed Bee$ #or the current year are paid in accordance &ith City Ordinance +o. 1162/ C.M.". * paid receipt, $ta!p or decal i$$ued y the City o# Oakland or cancelled check $hall e con$idered a$ proo# o# pay!ent.
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&;< Bea )&D NCPC Mee ing5 Operator and O&ner $hall attend and participate in all !eetin($ o# the ;eat 02L +C2C #or &hich they recei,e notice includin( notice o# re(ularly $cheduled !eetin($. (Contact "andra "ander$61e$t, +ei(h orhood "er,ice$ Coordinator at (510) 7776=720 #or a $chedule.) &&< Time f-r C-m.$iance @nle$$ another later date i$ $peci#ied herein, all condition$ re#erred to herein $hall e #ully co!plied &ith &ithin 10 day$ o# the $i(nature o# the partie$ to thi$ a(ree!ent.
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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -A%%+ .*>>%J M*A?%3, %llen 2on 2AO2%A3J O1+%A MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -reen .alley Market, I rahi! "hari## "3OA% O2%A*3OA
I3 I" "O OA)%A%)5 )ated5 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM N'earin( O##icer +a!eO, )%%M%) *22AO.%) *)MI+I"3A*3I.% '%*AI+- OBBIC%A
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