Aloe Vera-Miracle Plant
Aloe Vera-Miracle Plant
Aloe Vera-Miracle Plant
Reuben Titus
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
The Aloe plant is a part of the lily family but it is Aloe Barbadensis which is
commonly called ALOE VERA. It is the most efficacious natural plant of our
time used both externally and internally and there are numerous benefits that are
derived from this wonderful plant. The health benefits of aloe Vera have been
propagated throughout the world and there are but very few places where it has not
made a dent.
Aloe has the ability to penetrate the deepest body tissues some 7 layers deep. It has
6 antiseptic agents, which kill bacteria, viruses and fungus. The gel of aloe Vera is
potent and it is got from the leaves. This Aloe gel has as many as 75 nutrients,
which augur good health. It stimulates the growth of new health tissues. It has
calming effect on the body’s nervous system and cleanses, detoxifies and
normalizes the body’s metabolism. It has been discovered that this plant ALOE
VERA has been very result oriented for the past 30 Centuries and there are
beautiful – testimonies from users who have now become part of this naturally
efficacious plant.
Aloe Vera (Latin for “True Aloe”) is one of the oldest known medicinal plants.
The semi-tropical plant, Aloe Vera, has a long and illustrious history dating back
to pre-biblical times. It has been mentioned throughout recorded history and given
a high ranking as an all purpose herbal plant. It was originally a plant indigenous
to South-Central Africa. However some articles claim the Cape Verde Islands as
the original source. Why is this, because knowing about the details of “True Aloe”
is knowing the details about “True History”.
The ancient Nile Valley civilization of Kemet (“Land of the blacks” now referred
to as ancient Egypt which derived from Greek name Aigyptos later Latinized
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
under Roman rule to Aegyptus which derived from the name “Hekaptah” which
means “Lands of the temple of Ptah”) used Aloe for medical treatments, beauty
care and embalming, while the early Greek doctors used it in their prescriptions.
Queen Nefertiti (1353BCE) advertised as “the most beautiful woman who ever
lived” and wife of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), the Nubian Queen Nefetari chief
wife of Remeses II “the Great” (1290 BCE) and Queen Cleopatra VII (69-30
BCE) who reigned over the Aloe harvest Island of Socotra were said to have used
it extensively in their cosmetics and medicines.
Two of the oldest and most profound medical documents known to civilization,
the Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus (ca. 1552 BCE) recorded
Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) medical men using Aloe Vera. The Ebers Papyrus
explores a broad range of medical science and includes chapters on the pulse and
cardiovascular system, dermatology, dentistry, gynecology, obstetrics,
ophthalmology, tumors, burns, fractures, intestinal disorders and much more. The
Edwin Smith Papyrus (ca. 1552 BCE) is the oldest medical treatise in existence
(published in 1930 by James Henry Breasted, who spent ten years translating the
document) and it describes 48 different injuries to the head, face, neck, thorax and
spinal column and the appropriate surgical methods for attending to them. There
are more than 90 anatomical terms referenced in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, and
there are more than 200 terms listed in other various ancient Nile Valley medical
literatures. This papyrus is also of great importance because of its use of the word
“brain” and references to the neurological relationship between the brain (spinal
cord and nervous system) and the body.
Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) is not a cactus but is a cactus like plant with a
rubber touch growing in the warmer tropical climates of the world. Aloes’ thick,
tapered, green, spiny leaves grow from a short stalk near ground level. It is a sub-
tropical plant and member of the tree Lily family known as Aloe Barbadensis.
Aloe is closely related to other members of the Lily family such as onions, leeks,
garlic, tulips, turnips and asparagus.
Aloes’ relationship to the lily family is evident from the tubular yellow flowers
produced annually in spring that resembles those of Easter Lily.
There are over 250 different species of Aloe Vera plants grown around the world,
ranging from tiny little one-inch plants to others as tall as a tree. However, only
two species are grown today commercially, with Aloe Barbadensis Miller and
Aloe Aborescense being the most popular. In the United States most of the Aloe is
grown in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Florida and Southern California.
Internationally Aloe can be found in Mexico. The Pacific Rim countries, India,
South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Australia and Africa.
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
The leaves of the Aloe Vera plant grow from the base in the rosette pattern.
Mature plants can grow as tall as two and one half inches to 4 feet with the
average being around 28-38 inches in length. Each plant usually has 12-16 leaves
that, when mature may weigh up to 3 pounds. The plants can be harvested every 6-
8 weeks by removing 3 to 4 leaves per plant.
Aloe Vera is one of the most versatile plants on the face of the earth. It can be
used to treat many ailments both external and internal and comes in tea, gel, juice,
salve, capsule and decoction forms. It is effective for animals as it is for humans. It
is found in almost every part of the world with a warm tropical climate and cannot
survive freezing temperatures. The major ingredient in the internal gel of Aloe is
water, making up 99+ percent of its content. The remaining 1 percent or so of
solid is divided amongst 200 different constituents, constituting a marvelously
diverse mixture of antibiotics, pain inhibitors, cell growth stimulators,
inflammation fighters, burns healers, capillary dilators, vasoconstrictor inhibitors
and moisturizers all having a remarkable degree of penetration. Thus Aloe
possesses almost a complete drug store of medically useful ingredients along with
pH reaction factor of pH 4.5 the same as human skin.
Scientists have not yet been able to isolate the one component in Aloe Vera
responsible for its healing, moisturizing and cell regenerating powers. The sum of
the parts creates a potential that is something greater than the whole. Knowledge
of the extraordinary healing powers of the fresh Aloe Vera plant has been
transmitted to the modern times in folklore medicine practices all over the world,
but scientists have been unable to explain of duplicate the plant’s effectiveness.
The original commercial use for the Aloe plant was in the production of a late
substance called Aloin, a yellow sap used for many years as a laxative ingredient.
This product became synonymous with the name “Aloe” and recorded in the trade
in the trade, technical, and government literature during the early 20th century.
This terminology created much confusion later when Aloe’s other main ingredient,
Aloe Gel, beginning in the 50’s, has gained respect as a useful commodity that is
used as a base for nutritional drinks, as a moisturizer, a healing agent in cosmetics
and OTC Drugs.
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
use of the stabilized Aloe Vera gel in medical, athletics, health and beauty,
cosmetics and animal care.
Through chemical analysis this clear gel has been to contain Amino Acids,
Minerals, Enzymes, Proteins, Polysaccharides and Biological stimulants. Public
interest in Aloe has grown quickly and now there is a considerable amount of
research into the various components of Aloe to find out more about their
properties and to characterize these components so that more specific research can
provide clues to the “magic” that is attributed to Aloe Vera.
This “magic” concept brought the industry under the US Federal Food And Drug
Administration microscope in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Some of the claims
made to the consumer about uses and effectiveness of Aloe were exaggerated.
The great success of Aloe as a commodity for use in nutritional foods, and
cosmetics is due to the proper stabilizing procedures that enable processors to
store and ship the Aloe Vera Gel without fear of spoilage throughout the market
places of the world.
Research conducted around the world leaves little doubt that certain biochemical
properties of Aloe Vera be proven facts. Such attributes as moisturizing and
penetrating properties are known, but the attributes such as healing abilities and
analgesic action to bacterial activity has not been clearly defined and documented
through enough properly controlled scientific research of testing. Yet research is
advancing in very conservative modes in groundbreaking areas such as HIV and
Today, the Aloe industry has established high ethical standards for business and
their Aloe products. Through the International Aloe Science Council, the industry
has solidified its dedication to providing world with the highest quality Aloe. The
wide acceptance of Aloe by society in so many consumer products suggests that
the IASC has a dedicated group of professionals who are committed to the further
growth, research and marketing of quality Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe products made
from this Gel. This is because the IASC knows that the future of Aloe is full of
promise for those willing to make the necessary effort.
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
• Hair/Scalp
• Hands Feet and Nails
• Sprains and Strains
• Sunburn
• Scratches, Scars and Bruises
• Open Sores
• Herpes Simplex
• Burns of any degree
• Lines due to aging
• Irritations and Infections
• Ulcerated Skin Lesions
• Eczema
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
Aloe Vera has been used medically for a very long time. There are numerous
biblical references to the use of various forms of Aloe including Numbers 24:6,
Palms 45:8, Proverbs 7:17, Songs of Solomon 4:14, Genesis 1:29, Ezekiel
47:12 and John 19:39. Man has cultivated Aloe for its curative powers for over
3000 years. Drawings of the planet have been identified on the walls of the
tombs of Pharaohs.
In skin care, Aloe Vera’s power to penetrate deeply into the dermal layers (7
layers deep) is possibly its greatest asset. Without this ability, all the other
properties it possesses would be much less effective. In relatively recent years,
Aloe has become a key ingredient in cosmetic and bodycare products. Aloe serves
to retain moisture in damaged tissue. Perhaps the most dramatic external use
results with Aloe Vera to date have been found in treating burns. Studies have
shown that healing is very rapid (one third of normal time) when Aloe Vera is
used in preference to other medications. Aloe posses the type of enzymatic action
that can absorb purulent matter and keep festering sores clean. The penetrating
power of Aloe allows water and other moisturizers to sink deep into the skin,
restoring lost fluids and replacing the fatty layer. It permits the uronic acids (which
strip toxic materials of their harmful effects) to penetrate deeply and allows the
cleansing astringent qualities of Aloe to perform more effectively.
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
• Repel attacking insects, rodents, snakes and dear by means of the bitter
Aloin (the yellow colored part of the sap) just beneath the rind
By the late 1970’s doctors of the former Soviet Union found Aloe extract
effective against hearing impairments; application of the extract improved
auditory function in patients with poor hearing by preventing the destruction of
the remaining auditory nerve fibers. The Soviet’s use of Aloe in treating people
with tuberculosis was of its fist kind. 75 patients were given inhalations of
Aloe Vera extract, once in the morning and once at night. After only 2 to 3
days, X-rays showed that their lungs had already healed and temperature
returned to normal.
1. Put the pieces of lemon grass, juice of limes, ginger, sugar and 2 tablespoons of
water in a saucepan over low heat. Stir the mixture gently with a wooden spoon
until the sugar is melted. Let it simmer for 5 more minutes. Turn off the fire and
let it stand covered for 10 minutes.
2. Cut open the passion fruit and scoop out the flesh. Skin the Aloe Vera, put the
two in a blender and add 200ml of water. Blend the mixture on high speed, then
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
drain it (some like to drink it with the residue of the passion fruit seeds which are
high in fibre) and pour into a jug or punch bowl.
3. Drain the lemon grass syrup and pour it into the passion fruit juice, add the
remaining drinking water, and serve with crushed ice.
Aloe Vera has been used in everything: food, medicine and cosmetics. It is full of
goodness. When mixed with honey and lemon, it can be refreshing to eat as a
sweet after a meal.
1. Skin the Aloe Vera, cut the flesh into small cubes.
4. Refrigerate the mixture for at least one hour (before serving) for the slimy
mixture to settle and become watery.
5. When the slimy mixture has become watery and ready to be served, other fruits
like peaches, strawberries or oranges can be added too.
1. Buy the cheaper locally grown passion fruit available from the organic shops
rather than the imported ones.
2. Fresh Aloe Vera is available in organic shops and some wet markets.
3. The Medicinal Drink and Honey Lemon Aloe Vera are cooling drinks. Do not
have too much of them.
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus
Mix juice from Aloe Vera whole leaf (60%), nettle tea (30%) and 5% carrots
and grape juice
Mix with honey
Take 2 ounces 3 times daily
Extract the juice from the whole leaf at 80% and 20% of infusion of …….
Add a little quantity of honey
Mix together and refrigerate
Take 4 ounces three times daily – continuously
Free Extract “Aloe Vera – The Magical Plant Amongst Us” by Dr. Reuben Titus