Seminar Report

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Seminar Report



Wi !i Te chno"og ie #

Submitted By:RAHUL
Submitted To:Mr. Naveen Kumar Tyagi (H.O.D. Computer Science) (CS Third Year)


Marathwada Institute of Technology


A Seminar Report On

Wi !i Techno"ogy


$ttar %rade#h Technica" $niver#ity& 'uc(no)

This work has been carried out in the computer laboratory of MA#AT$%ADA INSTIT&T' () T'*$N(L(G+, B&LANDS$A$#

During the academic session 2011-12

Wi !i Tech. *genda
Introduction Purpose Wi-Fi Alliance The Wi-Fi Technology Elements of a WI-FI Network How a Wi-Fi Network Works Wi-Fi Network Topologies Wi-Fi onfigurations

Wi-Fi Applications Wi-Fi !ecurity Authentication Ad"antages # $isad"antages

Wireless Technology is an alternati"e to Wired Technology% which is commonly used% for connecting de"ices in wireless mode& Wi-Fi 'Wireless Fidelity( is a generic term that refers to the IEEE )*+&,, communications standard for Wireless -ocal Area Networks 'W-ANs(& Wi-Fi Network connect computers to each other% to the internet and to the wired network& Wi-Fi works on physical and data link layer&

The purpose of Wi-Fi is to hide comple.ity /y ena/ling wireless access to applications and data% media and streams&

The main aims of Wi-Fi are the following0 make access to information easier ensure compati/ility and co-e.istence of de"ices eliminate ca/ling and wiring eliminate switches% adapters% plugs% pins and connectors

Wi !i *""iance
The Alliance promotes standards with the aim of impro"ing the interopera/ility of wireless local area network products /ased on the IEEE )*+&,, standards& The Wi-Fi Alliance% a consortium of separate and independent companies% agrees on a set of common interopera/le products /ased on the family of IEEE )*+&,, standards&The Wi-Fi Alliance certifies products "ia a set of defined testprocedures to esta/lish interopera/ility& The Wi-Fi Alliance initially complicated matters /y stating that it actually stood for 1Wireless Fidelity1% as with the ad"ertising slogan1The !tandard for Wireless Fidelity1% /ut later remo"ed the phrase from their marketing&

The Wi !i Techno"ogy

Wi-Fi Networks use 2adio Technologies to transmit # recei"e data at high speed0 IEEE )*+&,,/ IEEE )*+&,,a IEEE )*+&,,g IEEE )*+&,,n

+,,, -./.001
Appear in late ,333 4perates at +&56H7 radio spectrum ,, 8/ps 'theoretical speed( - within 9* m 2ange 5-: 8/ps 'actual speed( ,** -,;* feet range 8ost popular% -east E.pensi"e

+,,, -./.00a
Introduced in +**, 4perates at ; 6H7 'less popular( ;5 8/ps 'theoretical speed( ,;-+* 8/ps 'Actual speed( ;*-<; feet range 8ore e.pensi"e Not compati/le with )*+&,,/

+,,, -./.00g

Introduced in +**9 om/ine the feature of /oth standards 'a%/(

,**-,;* feet range ;5 8/ps !peed +&5 6H7 radio fre=uencies

,"ement# o2 a W+ !+ Net)or(
Access Point 'AP( - The AP is a wireless -AN transcei"er or >/ase station? that can connect one or many wireless de"ices simultaneously to the Internet& Wi-Fi cards - They accept the wireless signal and relay information&They can /e internal and e.ternal&'e&g P 8 IA ard for -aptop and P I ard for $esktop P ( !afeguards - Firewalls and anti-"irus software protect networks from unin"ited users and keep information secure&

Ho) a Wi !i Net)or( Wor(#

@asic concept is same as Walkie talkies& A Wi-Fi hotspot is created /y installing an access point to an internet connection& An access point acts as a /ase station& When Wi-Fi ena/led de"ice encounters a hotspot the de"ice can then connect to that network wirelessly&

A single access point can support up to 9* users and can function within a range of ,** up to 9** feet& 8any access points can /e connected to each other "ia Ethernet ca/les to create a single large network&

Wi !i Net)or( Topo"ogie#
AP-/ased topology 'Infrastructure 8ode( Peer-to-peer topology 'Ad-hoc 8ode( Point-to-multipoint /ridge topology

*% 1a#ed topo"ogy
The client communicate through Access Point& @!A-2F co"erage pro"ided /y an AP& E!A-It consists of + or more @!A& E!A cell includes ,*-,;A o"erlap to allow roaming&

%eer to peer topo"ogy

AP is not re=uired& lient de"ices within a cell can communicate directly with each other&

It is useful for setting up of a wireless network =uickly and easily&

%oint to mu"tipoint 1ridge topo"ogy

This is used to connect a -AN in one /uilding to a -ANs in other /uildings e"en if the /uildings are miles apart& These conditions recei"e a clear line of sight /etween /uildings& The line-of-sight range "aries /ased on the type of wireless /ridge and antenna used as well as the en"ironmental conditions&

Wi !i Con2iguration#
Wi-Fi is composed of three main sectors0 Home 'indi"idual residences and apartment /uildings( Pu/lic '2ound a/out <*%*** >hotspots? through out the world&( Enterprise 'corporations% uni"ersities% office parks(

Wi !i *pp"ication#
Home !mall @usinesses or !4H4 -arge Health orporations # are ampuses

Wireless I!P 'WI!P( Tra"ellers

Wi !i Security
The re=uirements for Wi-Fi network security can /e /roken down into two primary components0 Authentication Pri"acy

Wi !i Security Techni3ue#
!er"ice !et Identifier '!!I$( Wired E=ui"alent Pri"acy 'WEP( )*+&,B Access ontrol

Wireless Protected Access 'WPA(

IEEE )*+&,,i

Authentication !er"er is used Csername and password 2isk0 $ata 'username # password( send /efore secure channel esta/lished !olution Esta/lishing a encrypted channel /efore sending username and password

8o/ility Ease of Installation Fle.i/ility


2elia/ility !ecurity Cse unlicensed part of the radio spectrum 2oaming !peed

'imitation# O4 Di#advantage#
Interference $egradation in performance High power consumption -imited range

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