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Wi-Fi Technology

planning to make your network wireless


Introduction What is Wi-Fi ? WiWiWi-Fi Standards WiWi-Fi Network Topologies WiWi-Fi Configurations WiWi-Fi Network Elements How a Wi-Fi Network Works? WiWiWi-Fi Security Applications of Wi-Fi WiAdvantages/ Disadvantages of Wi-Fi WiConclusions


Wireless Technology is an alternative to Wired Technology, which is commonly used, for connecting devices in wireless mode. mode. WiWi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a generic term that refers to the IEEE 802.11 communications standard for 802. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).It was (WLANs). developed by key Brown to be used for mobile computing devices and laptops. laptops.

WiWi-Fi also allows connectivity in peer-to-peer peer-tomode, which enable devices to connect directly to each other

The Wi-Fi Standards WiWiWi-Fi Networks use Radio Technologies called IEEE 802.11 to transmit & receive data at high 802. speed The most familiar standards are: are:

IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11g


Standard Frequency
802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n * 5 GHz 2.4GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz

Transfer Range Rate Typical (Max) (indoor)

about 10 m (30 25 (50) Mb/sec ft) 6.5 (11) Mb/sec 30 m (90 ft) 25 (54) Mb/sec 30+ m (90+ ft) 200(540) Mb/sec 50m (150ft)

WiWi-Fi Network Topologies

APAP-based topology (Infrastructure Mode) Peer-toPeer-to-peer topology (Ad-hoc Mode) (AdPoint-toPoint-to-multipoint bridge topology

APAP-based topology

The client communicate through Access Point. Point. BSA-RF coverage provided by an AP. BSAAP. ESA-It consists of 2 or more BSA. ESABSA. ESA cell includes 10-15% overlap to allow 10-15% roaming. roaming.

Peer-toPeer-to-peer topology

AP is not required. Client devices with in a cell can communicate directly with each other. other. It is useful for setting up of a wireless network quickly and easily. easily.

Point-toPoint-to-multipoint bridge topology

This is used to connect a LAN in one building to a LANs in other buildings even if the buildings are miles apart. apart.These conditions receive a clear line of sight between buildings. The line-of-sight range varies based buildings. line-ofon the type of wireless bridge and antenna used as well as the environmental conditions. conditions.

WiWi-Fi Configurations 1

WiWi-Fi Configurations 2

Elements of a WI-FI Network WI

Access point(AP) point(AP)

The AP is a wireless LAN transceiver or base station that can connect one or many wireless devices simultaneously to the Internet. Internet.

Wireless RouterRouter-

The router support all home computers configured with wireless network adapters. These contain a adapters. network switch to allow computers to connect to Ethernet cables. cables.

Wireless AdapterA wireless network adapter allows a computing device to join a wireless LAN. Wireless network adapter contain a built-in transmitter and receiver.

How a Wi-Fi Network Works Wi

Basic concept is same as Walkie talkies. talkies. A wireless network uses radio waves, just like cell phones and radio. radio. The communication is like 2-way radio communication
1.A computer wireless adapter translates data into radio signal and transmits it using an antenna. antenna. 2.A wireless router receives the signal and decodes it. it.

The process also works in reverse. reverse. The radios used for Wi-Fi communication can transmit Wiand receive radio waves, they convert 1s and 0s to radio waves and vice versa. versa.

Adding Wi-Fi To Computers Wi    

Buy a 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11b network card. Install the card. Install the drivers of the card. Find an 802.11 hotspot. Access the spot.

HotspotHotspot-a connection point for a WiFi network . It is a small small box that is hardwired into the internet

WiWi-Fi Applications

Home Small Businesses Large Corporations & Campuses Health Care Wireless ISP (WISP) Travellers

WiWi-Fi Security
The requirements for Wi-Fi network Wisecurity can be broken down into two primary components: components: Authentication

User Authentication Server Authentication



Keeping unauthorized users off the network User Authentication Authentication Server is used Username and password


Data (username & password) send before secure channel established Prone to passive eavesdropping by attacker Establishing a encrypted channel before sending username and password


Server Authentication Digital Certificate is used Validation of digital certificate occurs automatically within

WiWi-Fi Security Techniques

Wired Equivalency Privacy(WEP)  numerical password  WiFi Protected Access(WPA)  signing on a password  Media Access Control(MAC)  MAC address for each computer


Easy setup&Inexpensinve Performance Security Roaming Moblity&Flexibility Cost Reliability Speed

Security concerns  Interference from other devices  Degradation in performance  High power consumption  Limited range


It is just beginning of Wi-Fi to see the next Wiphase of Wi-Fi movement. So it is to Wibecome expected even bigger & hotter technology for both home & business

Presented By SAGAR & SUNIL



J.Vamsi Nath, Nath, Asst.Professor, PBR VITS, KAVALI

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