Reading List 2010

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Reading list: - School of Pharmacy

The University has excellent library facilities. All texts associated with the course are listed in the Module Handbook, or other course documentation. Some books will be used extensively as supplementary reading material and you are encouraged to purchase your own copy. We know books are expensive and you are expected to buy only those that are essential. If you are asked to buy a book, do so immediately and get maximum use from it. Sharing the cost of a book with your colleagues may be an economical way of buying an expensive text. Several copies of the recommended texts used on the Pharmacy course are available on short-term loan from the George Green Science Library and the Greenfield Medical Library. We do not recommend that you purchase books prior to starting the course. The Pharmacy Society organize a book sale within the first couple of weeks of term and you will have the opportunity to purchase books at greatly reduced prices. Toole, Glenn. New understanding biology for advanced level / Glenn and Susan Toole, 4th ed. Stanley Thornes, 1999. NB. This is a key text. Phillips, William D. A-Level biology / W.D. Phillips and T.J. Chilton . Oxford University Press, 1994. NB. This is a key text. Clegg, C. J. Advanced biology : principles & applications / C.J. Clegg with D.G. Mackean, 2nd ed. John Murray, 2000. Note: Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Roberts, M. B. V. Biology : principles and processes / Michael Roberts, Michael Reiss, Grace Monger. Nelson , 1993. Fullick, Ann. Biology / Ann Fullick. Heinemann, 1994. Taylor, D. J. Biological science, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, 1997. Note: Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Sharpe, Jim. Biology / Jim Sharpe and Kevin Byrne. Letts Educational, 1999. Note: Good revision aid Madigan, Michael T. Brock biology of microorganisms, 12th ed. Benjamin Cummings, 2009. Note: Essential for year 1. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Mathews, Christopher K. Biochemistry / Christopher K. Mathews, K.E. van Holde, Kevin G. Ahern, 3rd ed. Benjamin Cummings, 2000. Note: Good all round textbook. Essential for years 1, 2 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library McKee, Trudy. Biochemistry : the molecular basis of life / Trudy McKee, James R. McKee, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 2003. Note: Useful for years 2 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Talaro, Kathleen P. Foundations in microbiology / Kathleen Park Talaro , 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2005. Note: Appropriate for all years, for reference use only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Prescott, Lansing M. Prescott, Harley, and Klein's microbiology, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Note: Appropriate for all years, for reference use only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Pommerville, Jeffrey C. Alcamo's fundamentals of microbiology, 7th ed. Jones and Bartlett, 2004. Note: Appropriate for all years, for reference use only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Cellular microbiology : bacteria-host interactions in health and disease / Brian Henderson ... [et al.]. John Wiley, 1999. Note: Appropriate for year 4, for reference use only Wilson, Michael. Bacterial disease mechanisms : an introduction to cellular microbiology / Michael Wilson, Rod McNab and Brian Henderson . Cambridge University Press, 2002. Note: Highly recommended for year 4 Primrose, S. B. Principles of gene manipulation and genomics / S.B. Primrose and R.M. Twyman, 7th ed. Blackwell Pub., 2006. Note: Appropriate for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library

Hugo and Russell's pharmaceutical microbiology / edited by Stephen P. Denyer, Norman A. Hodges, Sean P. Gorman, 7th ed. Blackwell Science, 2004. Note: Useful for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Greenstein, Ben. Medical biochemistry at a glance / Ben Greenstein, Adam Greenstein. Blackwell Science, 1996. Note: For reference only Russell, A. D. Understanding antibacterial action and resistance / A.D. Russell, I. Chopra, 2nd ed. Ellis Horwood, 1996. Note: This textbook is no longer in print, but is still available for loan from the George Green Library. Highly recommended for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Randall, Michael D. Disease management : a guide to clinical pharmacology / Michael D. Randall, Karen E. Neil, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2009. Note: Recommended for year 3 (Disease and Goals of Treatment). To be published in October 2003. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Guide to microbiological control in pharmaceutics / editors S.P. Denyer, R.M. Baird . Ellis Horwood , 1990. Note: No longer in print but still available from the George Green Library. Appropriate for year 2, for reference only Salyers, Abigail A. Bacterial pathogenesis : a molecular approach / Abigail A. Salyers and Dixie D. Whitt, 2nd ed. ASM, 2002. Note: Highly recommended for years 1, 2 and 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Antimicrobial chemotherapy / David Greenwood ... [et al.] , 5th ed. Oxford University Press, 2007. Note: For reference only, useful in year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Brown, T. A. Gene cloning and DNA analysis : an introduction / T.A. Brown, 5th ed. Blackwell, 2006. Note: Appropriate for years 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Glick, Bernard R. Molecular biotechnology : principles and applications of recombinant DNA / Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, 3rd ed. ASM Press, 2003. Note: Appropriate for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Watson, James D. Recombinant DNA : genes and genomes : a short course / James D. Watson ... [et al.], 3rd ed. W.H. Freeman ;, 2007. Note: Appropriate for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Rang and Dale's pharmacology / H.P. Rang ... [et al.], 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007. Note: Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Integrated pharmacology / Clive P. Page ... [et al.], 3rd ed. Elsevier Mosby, 2006. Note: Not as comprehensive as Rang, Dale and Ritter but a little more accessible. Good diagrams and explanations. Suitable for years 1-3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Neal, M. J. Medical pharmacology at a glance / Michael J. Neal , 6th ed. WileyBlackwell, 2009. Note: Useful revision text. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Molecular cell biology / Harvey Lodish ... [et al.], 6th ed. W.H. Freeman and Co., 2008. Note: Good pictures/diagrams. Suitable for Year 3 (and options in Year 4). Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. 4th edition available online; please follow Web Resource link. Sherwood, Lauralee. Human physiology : from cells to systems / Lauralee Sherwood , 6th ed. Thomson Brooks/ Cole, 2007. Note: There are teaching packages associated with this text. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Goodman & Gilman's The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 11th ed. McGrawHill, 2006. Note: Appropriate for years 2 & 3, for reference only. This text is available online, on campus only, through the Stat!Ref service. Click on the Web Resource link and scroll down the list of titles. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Keynes, R. D. Nerve and muscle / R. D. Keynes and D. J. Aidley, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Note: Useful reference for year 1. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library

Solomons, T. W. Graham. Organic chemistry, 8th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Note: Essential for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Solomons, T W G. Organic chemistry , 8th ed. Wiley, 2003. Note: On order for the Library Gilchrist, T. L. Heterocyclic chemistry / Thomas L. Gilchrist, 3rd ed. Longman, 1997. Note: Appropriate for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Joule, J. A. Heterocyclic chemistry, 4th ed. Blackwell Science, 2000. Note: Appropriate for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Skoog, Douglas A. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / Douglas A. Skoog ... [et al.], 8th ed. Brooks/Cole, 2004. Note: Appropriate for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Williams, Dudley H. Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / Dudley H. Williams, Ian Fleming, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1995. Note: Appropriate for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Kemp, William. Organic spectroscopy / William Kemp, 3rd ed. Macmillan, 1991. Note: Appropriate for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Nogrady, Th. Medicinal chemistry : a biochemical approach / Thomas Nogrady, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1988. Note: Appropriate for year 2 onwards. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Medicinal chemistry : principles and practice / edited by Frank D. King , 2nd ed. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Patrick, Graham L. An introduction to medicinal chemistry / Graham L. Patrick, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2009. Note: Highly recommended for years 3 and 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library A textbook of drug design and discovery / [edited by] Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, Tommy Liljefors, Ulf Madsen, 3rd ed. Taylor & Francis, 2002. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Wilson and Gisvold's textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry , 11th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Smith and Williams' introduction to the principles of drug design and action / edited by H. John Smith, 4th ed. Taylor & Francis, 2006. Note: For reference only. Check UNLOC for previous editions Sanders, Jeremy K. M. Modern NMR spectroscopy : a guide for chemists / Jeremy K.M. Sanders and Brian K. Hunter, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1993. Note: Appropriate for years 2, 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Dewick, Paul M. Medicinal natural products : a biosynthetic approach / Paul M. Dewick, 3rd ed. Wiley, 2009. Note: Essential for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Bruneton, Jean. Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, medicinal plants / Jean Bruneton ; translated by Caroline K. Hatton. Technique & Documentation ;, 1999. Note: Appropriate for year 2, for reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Evans, William Charles. Trease and Evans' pharmacognosy / William Charles Evans, 15th ed. W.B. Saunders, 2002. Note: Appropriate for year 2, for reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Cooper, Marion R. Poisonous plants and fungi in Britain : animal and human poisoning, 2nd ed. Stationery Office, 1998. Note: Appropriate for year 2, for reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Medicinal chemistry : the role of organic chemistry in drug research / edited by C.R. Ganellin and S.M. Roberts, 2nd ed. Academic Press, 1993. Note: Recommended for years 3 & 4 Jones, John. Amino acid and peptide synthesis / John Jones, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2002. Note: Highly recommended for years 3 and 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library.

Aulton's pharmaceutics : the design and manufacture of medicines / edited by Michael E. Aulton, 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2007. Note: Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Gibaldi, Milo. Biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics / Milo Gibaldi , 4th ed. Lea & Febiger, 1991. Note: Appropriate for year 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Pharmaceutical biotechnology : fundamentals and applications / edited by Daan J.A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm , 3rd ed. Informa Healthcare, 2008. Note: Appropriate for years 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Washington, Clive. Particle size analysis in pharmaceutics and other industries : theory and practice / Clive Washington. Ellis Horwood, 1992. Note: For reference only Wells, J. Pharmaceutical preformulation. Taylor & Francis, 1999. Note: For reference only., Florence, A. T. Physicochemical principles of pharmacy / Alexander T. Florence, David Attwood, 4th ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2006. Note: Appropriate for year 1 and useful for years 2 & 3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Atkins, P. W. Elements of physical chemistry / Peter Atkins, Julio De Paula , 5th ed. Oxford University Press, 2009. Note: Appropriate for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Site-specific drug delivery : cell biology, medical and pharmaceutical aspects / edited by E. Tomlinson and S.S. Davies. John Wiley & Sons, 1986. Note: Appropriate for year 3 Washington, Neena. Physiological pharmaceutics : barriers to drug absorption / Neena Washington, Clive Washington and Clive G. Wilson , 2nd ed. Taylor & Francis, 2001. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Rowland, Malcolm. Clinical pharmacokinetics : concepts and applications / Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer, 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins , 1995. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Albert, Adrien. Xenobiosis : foods, drugs and poisons in the human body / Adrien Albert. Chapman and Hall , 1987. Note: For reference only Pharmacology of the skin / Hasan Mukhtar, editor. CRC Press, 1992. Note: For reference only. Timbrell, John A. Principles of biochemical toxicology / by John A. Timbrell, 4th ed. Informa Healthcare USA, 2008. Note: Appropriate for year 3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Gibson, G. Gordon. Introduction to drug metabolism / G. Gordon Gibson, Paul Skett , 3rd ed. Nelson Thornes, 2001. Note: Appropriate for year 3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Mason, Pamela. Nutrition and dietary advice in the pharmacy / Pamela Mason , 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, 2000. Note: Suitable for years 3 & 4 only Human nutrition, 11th ed. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005. Note: Suitable for years 3 & 4 only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. The chemical industry / edited by Alan Heaton, 2nd ed. Blackie, 1994. Note: For reference only. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Spilker, Bert. Multinational pharmaceutical companies : principles and practices / Bert Spilker, 2nd ed. Raven Press , 1994. Note: For reference only. Medicines, ethics and practice : a guide for pharmacists. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.. Note: Our primary source of information on Pharmacy law. The school will supply you with an up-to-date copy free at the beginning of Semester 3 British National Formulary. British Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Note: The School will supply you with the latest edition free in year 3. Appelbe, G. E. Dale and Appelbe's pharmacy law and ethics / Gordon E. Appelbe, Joy Wingfield, 8th ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2005. Note: A comprehensive and detailed

textbook covering all the elements of the undergraduate law and ethics syllabus. Appropriate for year 3 & 4 Rees, Judith A. Introduction to pharmaceutical calculations / Judith A. Rees, Ian Smith, Brian Smith, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2005. Note: Useful for all four years Appelbe, G. E. Practical exercises in pharmacy law and ethics / Gordon E. Appelbe, Joy Wingfield, Lindsay M. Taylor, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. Note: Useful for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Merrills, Jonathan. Pharmacy law and practice / Jonathan Merrills and Jonathan Fisher, 4th ed. Elsevier, 2006. Note: An alternative to Dale amd Appelbe which is less detailed overall but more comprehensive on NHS law Pharmaceutical practice / edited by A.J. Winfield, R.M.E. Richards, 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2004. Note: Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Useful and up-to-date. Good, basic information on formulation and techniques of manufacture. Appropriate for year 1. Recommended you buy one copy between 3 or 4 students Banyard, Philip. Applying psychology to health / Philip Banyard. Hodder & Stoughton, 1996. Note: Recommended for year 2 A behavioural approach to pharmacy practice / edited by Paul Gard . Blackwell Science, 2000. Note: Recommended for years 2, 3 & 4 Handbook of pharmacy healthcare : diseases and patient advice, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. Note: Appropriate for years 2, 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Greene, Russell J. Pathology and therapeutics for pharmacists : a basis for clinical pharmacy practice, 3rd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2008. Note: Good reference book. Useful for years 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2007. Note: Recommended for years 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library. Medicines in the elderly / edited by David Armour, Chris Cairns. Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. Note: Useful reference source in 4th year, particularly chapters 2, 14, 15 and 16 Hess, Cathy Thomas. Wound care / Cathy Thomas Hess, 4th ed. Springhouse, 2002. Note: Useful reference source in 4th year, particularly the 1st section on wound types Drugs in use : clinical case studies for pharmacists / edited by Linda J. Dodds , 3rd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2004. Note: Essential for years 3 & 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Patient care in community practice : a handbook of non-medicinal healthcare / edited by Robin J. Harman, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. Note: Excellent book for those considering working in Community Pharmacy - well worth buying. Appropriate for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Blenkinsopp, Alison. Symptoms in the pharmacy : a guide to the management of common illness / Alison Blenkinsopp, Paul Paxton, and John Blenkinsopp , 6th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Note: Appropriate for years 2 & 3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Nathan, Alan. Non-prescription medicines / Alan Nathan, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. Note: Appropriate for years 2 & 3. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Winter, Michael E. Basic clinical pharmacokinetics / Michael E. Winter, 4th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. Note: Appropriate for year 3 Independent inquiry into inequalities in health : report . Stationery Office, 1998. Note: Appropriate for year 3 Blenkinsopp, Alison. Health promotion for pharmacists / Alison Blenkinsopp, Rhona Panton, Claire Anderson, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2000. Note: Essential for year 4. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library NB. This is a key text. Sykes, Peter. A primer to mechanism in organic chemistry / Peter Sykes. Longman Scientific & Technical, 1995. Note: Appropriate for years 1 & 2

Blundell, T. L. Protein crystallography / T.L. Blundell and L.N. Johnson . Academic Press, 1976. Note: For reference only, appropriate for year 4 STM and SFM in biology / edited by Othmar Marti, Matthias Amrein . Academic Press, 1993. Note: For reference only, appropriate for year 4 Morris, V. J. Atomic force microscopy for biologists / V.J. Morris, A.R. Kirby, A.P. Gunning. Imperial College Press, 1999. Note: For reference only, appropriate for year 4 Fifield, Frederick William. Principles and practice of analytical chemistry / F.W. Fifield and D. Kealey. Blackwell Science, 2000. Note: For reference only, appropriate for years 1 & 2. Please check UNLOC for other editions held by Library Gordon, M. H. Instrumental analysis in the biological sciences / M.H. Gordon and R. Macrae. Blackie, 1987. Note: For reference only, appropriate for years 1 & 2 Wills, Simon. Drugs of abuse / Simon Wills, 2nd ed. Pharmaceutical Press, 2005. Note: For 4th year module B34HAG Nicholls, David G. Proteins, transmitters and synapses / David G. Nicholls. Blackwell Scientific, 1994. Note: Item is out of print Timbury, Morag Crichton. Notes on medical virology / Morag C. Timbury , 11th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 1997. Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens / edited by James A. Roth ... [et al.] , 2nd ed. ASM Press, 1995. Mims' medical microbiology, 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2008. Iron and infection : molecular, physiological and clinical aspects / edited by J.J. Bullen and E. Griffiths, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Textbook of radiopharmacy : theory and practice / edited by Charles B. Sampson , 3rd ed. Gordon & Breach, 1999. Neal, M. J. Medical pharmacology at a glance / Michael J. Neal , 6th ed. WileyBlackwell, 2009. Stockley's drug interactions pocket companion 2008 / editor Karen Baxter ; editorial staff Mildred Davis ... [et al.] ; digital products team Julie McGlashan, Elizabeth King ; consultant editorial advisor Ivan H. Stockley. Pharmaceutical Press, 2008.

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