6TH Semester

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Zool-02603 Animal Ecology 3(2+1)

An overview of the concepts of ecosystem with emphasis on interaction and homeostasis.

Basic global ecosystems (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and ecosphere). Biogeochemical
cycles: nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water, carbon nutrient. Limiting factors; basic concepts,
temperature, soil, water and humidity, light and fire. Energy: laws of thermodynamics, primary
and secondary productions, trophic levels and energy variation with increasing trophic levels,
energy flow, food chains and food web. Population ecology; basic population characters, growth
and growth curves, population dynamics and regulations. Community ecology: basic concepts,
community analysis, ecotones, inter-population interactions. Ecological niche, basic concepts and
types. An overview of the major biomes of the world. Applied Ecology.
Measurement of environmental factors on land, water and air. Study of different
ecosystems, viz. pond, agricultural, grassland and forest. Community analysis through different
sampling techniques viz. quadrat, and transect methods. Population dynamics of grasshoppers.
Adaptive features of animals in relation to food and environment. Food chain studies through
analysis of gut contents

Recommended Books:
1. Moles, M.C. 2002. Ecology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill, Boston.
2. Dodson, S.I., Allen, T.F.N., Carpenter, S.R., Ives, A., Jeanne, R.L., Kitchell, J.F.,
Langston, N.E. and Turner, M.G. 1998. Ecology. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.
3. Smith, R.L. 1996. Ecology and Field Biology. Harper and Rowe Inc., N.York.
4. Odum, E.P.,1994. Fundamentals of Ecology (3rd ed.). W.B. Saunders, N. Jersey .
5. Singby, D., and Cork, D. 1986. Practical Ecology. McMillan Education Ltd., London
Zool-02604 Introduction to Entomology 3(2+1)
General characteristics of insects. Relationship with other Arthropods, splitting up into different
evolutionary lines, Reasons for success of the insects in diverse environments.
Hard Parts: General segmentation, tagmatosis and organization.
Cuticle: Detailed structure along with its biochemistry. Epidermal layer; its structure and function.
Basement membrane. Colors of insects. cuticular outgrowths and appendages sclerotization.
Head: cephalization, sclerites, modifications.
Antennae: Different modes of ingestion and types of mouth parts.
Neck: Sclerites.
Thorax: Sclerites: legs, their different modifications and functions.
Wings: Origin; Different regions. Development and basal attachments, main veins and their
branches (generalized insects), wing coupling.
Abdomen: Secondary appendages and external genitalia, Flight; types of flight. Aerodynamics,
fuels, endoskeleton; head, thorax and abdomen.
Soft Parts: Muscular system; basic structure, types of muscles; muscle contraction and its
energetics, comparative structure of all the systems, e.g., digestive, excretory, respiratory,
incubatory, and nervous system and their physiology.
Sense organs: sound and light producing organs.
Nutritive requirements: Fat body, exocrine and endocrine glands including pheromones and their
Reproduction: Reproductive organs and different types of reproduction in insects, egg
fertilization and maturation
Development: Embryology up to dorsal closure, different types of metamorphosis, apolysis and
ecdysis and the role of endocrine secretions.

Preparation of permanent slides. All the hard parts (antennae, mouth parts, wings, legs,
terminal segments and genitalia). Different systems, especially digestive, reproductive of the
following insects. American cockroach, Gryllus, grasshopper, housefly, butterfly, mosquito, any
common beetle. Red cotton bug. Wasp and honey bee. Sympathetic nervous system of cockroach
and gryllus. Salivary glands of cockroach, red cotton bug and honey bee

Recommended Books:
1. RICHARDS, O. W. and DAVIES, R. G. Imm's General Textbook of Entomology. Vol. 1,
10 Edition. 1977. Chapman & Hall, London,
2. Chapman, R.F. The Insects: Structure and Function, 2000. Blackwell Science Inc., London.
3. Wigglesworth, V. B. Insect Physiology 8 Edition. 1984. Springer Publisher.
4. Robert L. Patton. W. B. Insect Physiology. 1963. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
5. Price, W. INSECT ECOLOGY. 1997. John Wiley & Sons.
6. Krebs, C. J. Ecology: The Experimental Analysist Abundance. 5 Edition. 2000.
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company.
7. Tembhare, Db. Modern Entomology. 2002. Himalaya Publishing House. India.
8. Southhood, T.R.E. Ecological Methods. 1978. Chapman and Hall, London.
9. Yazdani, S.S., and Agarwal, M.L. Elements of Insect Ecology. 1997. Narosa Publishing
House. India.
Zool-02605 Research Methodology 1(1+0)
What is science, philosophy and theory. How to do science. Questions, hypothesis, their
types. Experimentation, validation, theories and laws. Research Methods: planning research,
Various research methods. Analyzing results, giving reports, etc. Research process including:
formulating research questions. Sampling (probability and nonprobability). Measurement
(surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive). Research design (experimental and quasi-
experimental). Data analysis. Writing the research paper. The major theoretical and philosophical
underpinnings of research. The idea of validity in research; reliability of measures; and ethics.
Presentation related to the subject. Formulating research proposal and submission.
Recommended Books:

1. Flick, U. 2011. Introducing Research Methodology. Blackwell Publisher.

2. Francis, C. D. 2010. Evaluating Research Methodology. SAGE Publisher.
3. Shank, G. D. 2009. Qualitative research: a personal skills approach. Upper River, S.,
Columbus, N. J. O., Prentice Hall: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Zool-02606 Arachnology 4(3+1)

Course of Arachnolog will be completed during 16-weeks with 3 theory Lectures and 1
Lab (practical) per week. Introduction to arachnology. Systematic classification position of class
Arachnid. Systematic classification position of class Arachnid. Systematic classification position
of class Arachnid. Characters of the Arachnide. External and internal anatomy. External and
internal anatomy. External and internal anatomy. Mid-Term Examination. Life history of
Arachnides. Life history of Arachnides. Prey:Capturing. Defense mechanisms. Arachnide with
relationship to man. Arachnide families. Arachnide families. Arachnide families. Final-Term

Systematic. Collection. Preservation. Morphological characters of arachnida. Anatomy of
Arachnida. Anatomy of Arachnida. Anatomy of Arachnida. Writing description of identifeid
(Araneae)Arachnida. Preparation of identified specimen's slide.

Recommended Books:
1. Latest additions of books will be recommended from stock available in the main library of the
Zool-02602 BioChemistry –II 3(2+1)
Vitamins and cofactors: occurrence, structure and biochemical function of vitamins B complex
Metabolism: detailed description of glycolysis and catabolism of other hexoses; regulation and
bioenergetics of glycolysis. Anabolic role of glycolysis; fate of pyruvate under aerobic and
anaerobic conditions, lactate, acetyl CoA and ethanol formation; alcoholic fermentation;
gluconeogenesis, its regulation and significance in the tissues; feeder pathways in glycolysis;
utilization of other carbohydrates in glycolysis phosphorolysis and starch; regulation of glycogen
Citric acid (TCA) cycle: conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, pyruvate dehydrogenase, a multi-
enzyme complex; detailed description of citric acid cycle; bioenergetics and conservation of
energy produced in the cycle. Anabolic or biosynthetic role of citric acid cycle intermediates;
Nucleic Acid: Replication of DNA, Reverse transcriptase. Biosyntheses of DNA and RNA.
Components of protein synthesis, Genetic code. Steps of Protein synthesis: initiation, elongation
and termination.
1. Determination of pKa values of an amino acid by preparation of titration curves.
2. Biochemical tests for detection of different amino acids.
3. Separation of various protein fractions by precipitation method.
4. Demonstration of differential solubility of lipids in various solvents.
5. Quantitative analysis of phospholipids by estimation of inorganic phosphorous.
6. Quantitative analysis of Amylase activity from blood serum or liver.
7. Study on the effect of temperature on the enzymatic rate of reaction
Books Recommended
1. Nelson, D. L., Cox, M. M. 2012. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. McMillan worth
Publishers, New York.
2. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko,J. L.,Lubert Stryer. 2010. Biochemistry. 7TH Ed.
3. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, S. L., Paul. M., Baltimore D.,Darnell, J. 2012. Molecular Cell
4. McKee, T., McKee, J.R. 2003.Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life. 3rd Edition, McGraw
5. Wilson, K., Walker, J. 1994.Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques, 4th Ed.,
Cambridge University Press
Zool-02601 Genetics 3(2+1)
Introduction to genetics, History, multiple alleles, lethal alleles, genetics of blood group,
variations on dominance, penetrance and expressivity. Interaction of genes, chromosomal changes
(euploidy, aneuploidy, structural changes). Gene mutation: somatic versus germinal mutation,
mutation types, the occurrence of mutation. Mutagens in the genetic disorders (genetic diseases
and disorders), Molecular genetics: analysis and techniques of molecular genetics, genetic basis of
cancer. The nature of gene: how genes work, gene-protein relationship, gene fine structure,
mutational sites, complementation. Linkage-I: Linkage of genes on the X chromosome (sex linked
inheritance and sex- determination). Linkage II: Test cross inheritance, single, double and three
point test crosses linkage maps, interference and accurate. Analysis of single meioses, mitotic
segregation and recombination. Gene frequencies.

1. Numerical problems
a) Arrangement of genetic material:
i. Gene mapping in diploid
ii. Recombination in Fungi.
b) Population Genetics:
i. Gene frequencies and equilibrium.
ii. Changes in gene frequencies.
2. Drosophila
i. Culture technique
ii. Plant chromosomes.
3. Fungal genetics.
i. Sacchromyces culture techniques and study.

Recommended Books:
1. Edward, S. T., Connor, M. Smith, M. F. 2011. Essential Medical Genetics. Cambridge
University Press.
2. Hemming, D. 2011. Plant Sciences Reviews 2010. Wageningen Academic Publisher.
1. Suzanne, B. C., Judith E. A. 2010. Management of Genetic Syndromes. Kluwer Academic,
New York.

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