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SWOT Analysis Epyllion Textile

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Swot analysis of Epyllion group The Bangladesh Ready Made Garment industry has achieved great success over

a short time of period. The garment industry has become the main source of export and major driver of the GDP of Bangladesh. o!ever the global mar"et environment for textile and clothing industries is in transitional stage and !ill change at the end of the phasing out #uota. This change in global trade !ill create ne! challenges for the Bangladesh RMG industry. The follo!ing analysis of strength$ !ea"ness$ opportunities and threats %&'(T) concisely sum up the conclusion of the competitiveness in *pyllion group Strength

+o! labor cost. *nergy at lo! price. *asily accessible infrastructure li"e sea road$ railroad$ river and air communication. ,D- is legally permitted. +oo"ing for!ard to Duty ,ree *xcess to .&$ tal"s are on$ and appear to be on hopeful trac". (P-/0s %(verseas Private -nvestment /orporation$ .&1) insurance and finance agendas operable. *pyllion is a member of Multilateral -nvestment Guarantee 1gency %M-G1) under !hich protection and safety measures are available. *xcellent Tele2communications net!or" of *2mail$ -nternet$ ,ax$ -&D$ and 3'D 4 /ellular services.

*nglish is spo"en !idely !hich ma"e communication easy. 'ea"ness of currency against dollar5euro and the condition !ill persist to help exporters. Ban" interest6 78 for financing exports. /onvenience of duty free custom bonded !5house. Readiness of ne! units to enhance systems and create infrastructure accordant !ith product gro!th and fast reactions to circumstances /areta"er government is ma"ing the country corruption free.

Weakness +ong lead2time +ac" of mar"eting tactics. The country is deficient in creativity. 1bsence of easily on2hand middle management. 1 small number of manufacturing methods. +o! ac#uiescence9 there is an international pressure group to compel the local producers and the government to implement social ac#uiescence. The .& G&P cancelled and purchasing from .&4 *. may decrease significantly.

The machinery re#uired to assess add on a garment or increase competence are missing in most industries. 1utocratic approach of nearly all the investors. ,e!er process units for textiles and garments. &luggish bac"!ard or for!ard blending procedure. -ncompetent ports$ entry5exit complicated and loading5unloading ta"es much time. &peed money culture. Time2consuming custom clearance. .nreliable dependability regarding Delivery5:15Product "no!ledge. /ommunication gap created by incomplete "no!ledge of *nglish. &ubject to natural calamities. The machinery re#uired to assess add on a garment or increase competence are missing in most industries. +ac" of training organi;ations for industrial !or"ers$ supervisors and managers. 1utocratic approach of nearly all the investors. ,e!er process units for textiles and garments. &luggish bac"!ard or for!ard blending procedure. -ncompetent ports$ entry5exit complicated and loading5unloading ta"es much time. &peed money culture.

Time2consuming custom clearance. .nreliable dependability regarding Delivery5:15Product "no!ledge. /ommunication gap created by incomplete "no!ledge of *nglish. &ubject to natural calamities. Opportunity *. is !illing to establish industry in a big !ay as an option to china particularly for "nits$ including s!eaters. Bangladesh is included in the +east Developed /ountries !ith !hich .& is committed to enhance export trade. -f s"illed technicians are available to instruct$ prearranged garment is an option because labor and energy cost are inexpensive. ,oundation garments for +adies for the ,D- promise is significant because both$ the technicians and highly developed machinery are essential for better competence and output

<apan to be observed$ as conventionally they purchase handloom textiles$ home furniture and garments. This section can be encouraged and expanded !ith continued progress in #uality.

/hittagong port is going to be handed over to the foreign operator$ !hich !ill ma"e the port=s service much faster$ it !ill also reduce lead2time as !ell as total cost !ill be decreased

Bangladesh is going to gain its political stability$ !hich !ill ma"e foreign trade much smoother and !ill foreign buyers !ill be more convinced.

Threat /hina is a most li"ely the biggest threat for Bangladesh and *pyllion as this country has relatively high labor productivity and applies more capital2intensive modern technology and it has less lead2time because of its relative advantages in getting locally available ra! materials li"e fabrics$ various RMG accessories. /hina has also relatively better infrastructural facilities li"e energy supply$ transportation and communication system.&ome 1frican and /aribbean countries have enjoyed ;ero2tariff facility under

1(1 act %1greement (n 1griculture) that helps them to be more competitive relative to Bangladesh

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