Identification of Site Frequencies From Building Response Records by M. Çelebi
Identification of Site Frequencies From Building Response Records by M. Çelebi
Identification of Site Frequencies From Building Response Records by M. Çelebi
elebi1 ABSTRACT A simple procedure to identify site frequencies using earthquake response records from roofs and basements of buildings is presented. For this purpose, data from five different buildings are analyzed using only spectral analyses techniques. Additional data such as free-field records in close proximity to the buildings and site characterization data are also used to estimate site frequencies and thereby to provide convincing evidence and confirmation of the site frequencies inferred from the building records. Furthermore, simple codeformula is used to calculate site frequencies and compare them with the identified site frequencies from records. Results show that the simple procedure is effective in identification of site frequencies and provides relatively reliable estimates of site frequencies when compared with other methods. Therefore the simple procedure for estimating site frequencies using earthquake records can be useful in adding to the data base of site frequencies. Such data bases can be used to better estimate site frequencies of those sites with similar geological structures. KEYWORDS: site-frequency, structural frequency, structural response, spectral analysis, cross-spectrum, transfer function, coherence. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Reliable calculations and/or estimates of the fundamental frequency of a building and its site are essential during analysis and design process. Various code formulas based on empirical data are generally used to estimate the fundamental frequency of a structure. Alternatively, if dynamic modal analysis is performed,
fundamental frequencies and mode shapes are obtained. For existing structures, in addition to code formulas and available analytical tools such as modal analyses, various methods of testing including ambient and forced vibration testing procedures may be used to determine dynamic characteristics. Reliable strong-shaking dynamic characteristics are obtained, when and if the structures are instrumented and their on-scale responses are recorded during strong shaking events. Spectral procedures and system identification techniques applied to the recorded strong shaking response data yield very accurate assessments of the actual dynamic characteristics. While structural frequencies can be calculated using mathematical models or determined from records, identification of site frequencies are not as straightforward; hence, often, the estimation of site frequencies are made using simple empirical relationships with rough parametric values and without mathematical modeling. Recent codes provide approximate estimates of site frequencies if geotechnical logs are available. Furthermore, there are always some uncertainties in prediction of site frequencies because of the assumptions made in establishing representative site characteristics. The frequently used simple formula, Ts=4H/Vs, requires minimal but reasonable characterization of depth to bedrock and representative average shear wave velocities of layered media (International Building Code, 2000). In this paper, the objective is to show that, when and if structural response records are available from both the roof and ground floors or basements of building structures, simple spectral analyses procedures can be used to convincingly identify not only structural frequencies but also site frequencies. The benefits of such an identification procedure is considerable. Identified site frequencies can be
Earthquake Hazards Team, USGS (MS977), 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, Ca, 94025
used in data bases that aim to classify site characteristics against dynamic characteristics, and, in assessing other techniques used to identifying site frequencies. Furthermore, the procedure can be applied to sets of data available from code-type instrumented buildings (three tri-axial accelerographs placed at the roof, mid-height and basement of buildings) as well as from buildings instrumented with multiple sets of sensors in different floors. A data base that results from such assessments can be used for similar sites when, otherwise, there is insufficient information to infer site frequencies. The scope of this paper is limited to demonstration of the procedure with five sets of building response data, four obtained during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and another obtained during the Whittier, California earthquake. The intent here is to identify structural frequencies and site frequencies from synchronized strong-shaking data recorded during strong-shaking events from instrumented structures. Low-amplitude test data is not used in this study. For all of the five cases included in this study, detailed assessments of structural characteristics as well as assessments of site frequencies were included in previous studies with much wider scopes (elebi, 1992, 1993a,b,c, 1994, 1998). This study concentrates on primarily for identification of site frequencies using recorded building responses motions. It is envisioned that data bases of site frequencies extracted from building responses records may be developed for future use. 2.0 THE PROCEDURE In order to identify site frequencies, the following steps are essential: 1. At least two pairs of horizontal components of recorded data, one pair from the roof and the other from the ground floor or basement are required. Either parallel and/or orthogonal pairs of data from roof or basement can be used. The structural frequencies are identified first. The roof and/or upper floor records are naturally the best suited for this. The 5. 3.
following well known methods are used to identify structural frequencies: a. spectral analyses (amplitude spectra and spectral ratios, cross-spectra and coherence and phase relationships) and b. system identification methods. In the event that system identification procedures are used, the roof and/or upper floor data constitute the output and basement and/or ground floor records are adopted as the input motion. Once structural frequencies are confidently identified, then the site frequency distinguished: a. if one of the non-structural dominant peaks of cross-spectrum of groundfloor (or basement) motions is different than the structural frequency, than that frequency is likely the site frequency, b. if the spectral ratio cancels out a dominant frequency that clearly appears in amplitude and/or crossspectrum, then that frequency is not a structural frequency but it most likely is the site frequency, and/or, c. cross-spectra or normalized crossspectra [Sxy/max(Sxy)] calculated from pairs of roof and basement (or ground floor) data exhibit site frequencies. Availability of free-field records from a free-field station that is in the proximity of the building adds further confidence in confirming the identified site frequency. The amplitude spectra of the components of and/or cross-spectrum of orthogonal horizontal components of free-field motions usually reveals the site frequency. If, in addition, site characterization data (depth to bedrock, geological borehole data, shear-wave velocities of different layers of soil below the foundation) is available, transfer functions can be calculated to add further confidence.ions can be calculated to add further confidence.
2.1 Case 1: Pacific Park Plaza [PPP], Emeryville, California: Detailed analyses of 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (Ms=7.1) response recordings of the 30-story, reinforced concrete framed Pacific Park Plaza [PPP] in Emeryville, California, have been presented by elebi and Safak (1992), Anderson, Mirando and Bertero (1991) and elebi (1998). Recently compiled borehole and site characterization information is also available (Gibbs, Fumal and Powers, 1994). Figure 1 shows plan view, instrumentation scheme of the building and the location of the free-field stations associated with this building instrumentation. The available free-field strong motion recording is pertinent to the convincing identification of the site frequency. Figures 2a and b depict building accelerations recorded at the core of the top instrumented level, at the core of the ground floor and the associated south free-field of the threewinged building. Corresponding amplitude spectra are provided in Figures 2c and d. The first three modal structural frequencies (periods) clearly identified from the recordings are 0.38, 0.95 and 1.95 Hz (2.63, 1.05, 0.34 s). The peak at 0.7 Hz that appears in the amplitude spectra of the roof also appear as the dominant peak in the amplitude spectra of the ground floor and the south free-field (SFF). However, this peak at 0.7 Hz disappears in the spectral ratios calculated from the amplitude spectra of the roof and ground floor as depicted in Figures 2e and f. This indicates that 0.7 is the site frequency as, although it appears in the roof spectra, it cancels out when ratios are calculated. In Figure 3, cross-spectra, calculated from pairs of orthogonal components of acceleration recorded at the (a) roof , (b) gound floor and (c) free-field are presented. The roof cross-spectrum clearly identifies the aforementioned frequencies of the first three modes. These modes are coupled torsional-translational modes (elebi, 1998). The peak at 0.7 Hz that appears in the cross-spectrum of the roof appears as the dominant peak in the cross-spectra of the ground floor and the south free-field (SFF). Next, when the normalized crossspectra are calculated for the ground floor and free-field, the site frequency at 0.7 Hz is distinguishable from the structural frequencies in
the normalized cross-spectrum of the roof (Figure 2d). This is further confirmed by the lowest frequency peak at 0.7 Hz of the transfer function (Figure 4) calculated by using Haskell's shear wave-propagation method (Haskell, 1953, 1960) using site characterization data related to variation of shear wave velocities with depth (Gibbs, Fumal and Powers, 1994). The depth to bedrock has been adopted from a map by Hensolt (1993) as 150 m. (~500 ft). 2.2 Case 2: Two-story Office Building [OAK], Oakland, California:
McClure (1991) provides detailed particulars of the two-story office building in Oakland, California. The instrumentation scheme of this building as well as accelerations recorded during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake from the roof, second and ground floors are provided in Figure 5. Ambient tests of the building performed in the 1965 yielded first mode frequency (period) as 2.13 Hz (0.47 sec) and 2.08 Hz (0.48 sec) for the NS and EW, respectively, and forced vibration tests, also performed in 1965, yielded 2.35 Hz (0.426 sec) (Bouwkamp and Blohm, 1966). These and other assessments of modal frequencies of the building are summarized in Table 1. Figure 6 shows amplitude spectra of recorded accelerations in both the NS and EW directions and rotational accelerations (difference between parallel records) at the three structural levels (roof, second floor and ground floor). Figure 7 shows time-histories, amplitude spectra and spectral ratios for pairs of recorded accelerations at the roof and ground floor. From the spectra, three distinctive frequencies (0.82-0.85, 1.65 and 1.95 HZ) are identified. The frequencies 1.65 Hz and 1.95 Hz are structural frequencies determined by the fact that they have a very high ratio amplitude as seen in the in the spectral ratio plots (Figure 6g6i) calculated from the pairs of amplitude spectra of the roof and ground floor motions (Figure 6d6f). These two frequencies are very close to one another. Therefore, given the structural irregularity created mainly by the north and east end walls, the structure responds in a closely-coupled translational-torsional mode with frequency between 1.65-2 Hz. The 0.82-0.85 Hz (NS) and
0.65-0.85 Hz (EW) frequencies that appear in the amplitude spectra do not appear in the spectral ratios because they cancel out. Therefore, it is safe to declare that the site frequency is between 0.650.85 Hz. Figure 8 depicts coherence, phase angle and crossspectrum of the pairs of parallel motions at the roof [CH2 and CH3] and ground floor [CH6 and CH7]. Because the 2-story building is very rigid, both the structural frequency and the site frequency appear in the cross-spectrum plots of the roof and ground floor motions, although the amplitude of the site frequency at the ground floor is much larger than that of the structural frequency. There is no free-field station associated with the building; however, recently documented site characterization data in proximity to the building (Gibbs, Fumal and Powers, 1993) allows determination of site transfer function (Figure 9). Depth to bedrock (two cases) have been estimated from Hensolt map (1993). There is a good match between the lowest frequency (0.6-0.7 Hz) in Figure 9 and the site frequency (0.65-0.85) extracted from the building records (Figures 6-7). 2.3 Case 3: Santa Clara County Office Building [SCCOB], San Jose, Ca.
Mahin, 1991). Due to this type of behavior, the building was retrofitted by adding viscous elastic dampers (Crosby, Kelly and Singh, 1994). Although strong shaking data has not been recorded since the retrofit in 1994, it is expected that in the future the response of this building will not resemble those in Figure 11 and due to expected shift in building frequency and increased damping, the beating effect will disappear. Figures 12a-c shows pairs of parallel translational accelerations at the roof and their differences representing torsional accelerations (NS: CH6, CH7, and CH6-CH7) and (EW: CH4, CH5 and CH4-CH5) and translational accelerations (NS: CH22, EW: CH20 and CH21) at base of the SCCOB. Corresponding amplitude spectra of these motions are provided in Figure 12d-f. The fundamental frequency (period) of the building at 0.45 Hz (2.22 sec) belongs to the translational mode and the frequency (period) at 0.57 Hz (1.75 s) belongs to the torsional mode; hence, the closely coupled translational-torsional response of the building that causes the beating effect. Details of these effects are provided by elebi (1994, 1998) and Boroschek and Mahin (1991). The frequency at 0.38 Hz (2.63 sec) belongs to the site. The attributions to structural and site frequencies are confirmed by the spectral ratios of roof motions with respect to base motions (Figures 13 a and b). The site frequency (0.38 Hz) cancels out in the spectral ratios of roof/base motions. This frequency (0.38 Hz) also appears in the crossspectra of orthogonal (CH21 and CH22) and parallel (CH20 and CH21) pairs of motions at the base; hence, indicating that it is site related and not structural related. Limited geological logs (Earth Sciences, 1971) available allows approximate calculation of site transfer function using estimated shear wavevelocities and depth to bedrock estimated anywhere between 150-270 m. Figure 14 shows that the site, in the Santa Clara basin, is capable of generating motions with periods between 2-3 seconds, depending on the assumed depth to bedrock. The long-period site characterization is also confirmed by a study of the basin effect in the Santa Clara (CA) by Frankel and Vidale (1992)
The building for Case 3, Santa Clara County Office Building (SCCOB) in San Jose, California is perhaps the most complex response cases caused by three close frequencies (0.38, 0.45, and 0.57 Hz) (elebi, 1998). Figure 10 depicts the instrumentation scheme and the relative location of the building and the epicentral locations of the three earthquakes that were recorded on and before October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta, Ca. earthquake. Figure 11 shows the very unique responses of the roof of the building to the three different earthquakes. These are typical exhibitions of coupled torsional and translational responses with significant beating effect caused by closely spaced translational frequency (0.45 Hz) with the torsional frequency (0.57 Hz) and low critical damping of approximately 2 % of the structural system (elebi, 1994, 1998, Boroschek and
who concluded that 2-5 second long-period motions can be generated in this particular basin. 2.4 Case 4: Embarcadero Building [EMB], San Francisco, Ca.
The site frequency is 0.7-0.8 Hz (1.25-1.43 sec) and is identifiable in the cross-spectra. The site transfer function, presented in Figure 19, confirms this identification. Site characterization data has been adopted from Gibbs and others (1994). 2.5 Case 5: Norwalk Buildings, Norwalk, Ca. [NOR]
Figure 15 shows a three-dimensional view and the instrumentation scheme of the Embarcadero Building (EMB) in San Francisco, Ca. Figures 16a-b show the acceleration responses recorded at the roof and basement of EMB in the NS and EW directions, respectively. The normalized amplitude spectra of these motions are depicted in Figures 16c-d. The reason these spectra are normalized is to show the significant peaks of both the roof and basement in the same plot. Otherwise, since the building is tall, the basement spectra would not clearly be seen if they are plotted on an equal scale. The fundamental frequencies (periods) of the building are identified as 0.19 Hz (5.26s) in the NS and 0.16 Hz (6.25s) in the EW directions respectively. Detailed analyses of recorded data from this building is presented by Astaneh, Bonovitz and Chen (1991), and elebi (1993a). Figures 16e-f show the ratios of amplitude spectra of pairs of roof and basement motions. The site frequency (period) at 0.7-0.8 Hz (1.25-1.43 sec) clearly seen in the normalized amplitude spectra of basement motions cancels out in the spectral ratio plots. In the spectral ratio plots (Figure 17 e-f), the second (NS: 0.57Hz [1.75 s], EW: 0.46 Hz [1.02 s]) and third (NS; 0.98 Hz and EW: 0.77 Hz) modal frequencies are clearly identifiable. These periods, in general, follow the T, T/3, T/5 rule-of-thumb. Figure 17 shows coherence, phase angle and crossspectrum plots of the pairs of motions at the roof (NS: CH17 and CH18) and at the base (NS: CH4 and CH6). Cross-spectrum of the pair of roof motions, shown in Figure 17e clearly indicates the third modal frequency (0.98 Hz). The same for basement motions has a much wider frequency band that includes the 0.98 Hz frequency. This implies that the site frequency (~0.7-0.9 Hz) that appears in the amplitude spectrum of the basement motions is very close to the third modal frequency in the NS direction and possibly causes resonance.
Figure 19 shows the extensive instrumentation for the two buildings and the site at 12400 block of Imperial Highway, Norwalk, Ca. In this study, only Building B (hereby called NOR) and the south free-field (SFF) is considered. Responses of both buildings and three of the four free-field stations were recorded during the 1987 Whittier, Ca. earthquake (Ms=5.8). Detailed studies of these records are reported elsewhere (elebi, 1993b and c). Figure 20 shows (a,b) NS and EW accelerations at the roof and the basement of NOR and its south free-field. Figures 20c and d show the corresponding amplitude spectra calculated from these accelerations. Figures 20e anf f show the corresponding spectral ratios calculated from the amplitude spectra. The fundamental structural frequencies of Building B are identified as 0.76 Hz (NS) and 0.83 Hz (EW). The very small peak at 0.3 Hz observed in the amplitude spectra as well as in the basement cross spectra is the site frequency. It is noted that this frequency cancels out in the spectral ratio plots (Figures 20e and f). Another possible larger mode site frequencies is detectable at approximately 1.7 Hz. This frequency also cancels out in the spectral ratio plots. The depth to bedrock in the vicinity of the buildings is not well described; however, logs from existing nearby oil wells indicate that below 500 m depth, well-cemented sandstone and marine rock are prevalent. The site transfer function using estimated shear wave velocities is shown in Figure 21 and exhibits that the site is capable of generating motions with low frequencies (e.g. 0.3 Hz).
3.0. ESTIMATES OF SITE FREQUENCY USING CODE FORMULA: In order to assess the reliability of the extracted site frequencies and to facilitate comparisons, the approximate site formula (Ts=4H/Vs) is used to calculate approximate periods of the sites using the site characterization data displayed in the site transfer function plots (Figures 4, 9, 14, 18 and 22). These calculations are summarized in Table 2 and compared with the site frequencies assessed from earthquake records and site transfer functions. It is noted herein that the above simple formula uses an average shear wave velocity, Vs(ave)=H/( (hi/Vsi) and that while the Uniform Building Code (1997) does not state a limitation on the total depth for which this formula can be used, the new International Building Code (2000) limits the use of this relationship up to a depth of ~ 30m (100ft). 4.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A procedure that is used to identify site frequency from building responses recorded during earthquakes has been presented. The procedure distinguishes site frequency among several frequencies that appear in amplitude spectra and cross-spectra of horizontal records from roof and basements of buildings. These results are further substantiated by analyses of additional data from associated free-field records of each building and site transfer function calculated by using site characterization data. Furthermore, these results are compared with simple code formula computation even though the formula, T=4H/Vs, may be limited to layered media with depths to 30 meters (100ft) (International Building Code, 2000). All results presented for five cases are summarized in Table 2 and comparatively plotted in Figure 23. As noted both in Table 2 and Figure 23, the site frequencies identified from building records are higher than those estimated by transfer functions and the simple code formula. The procedure can be used to process numerous sets of accumulated data from instrumented structures and promises to be an effective and simple technique to identify site frequencies from actual building responses recorded during earthquakes.
The only real difficulty in applying this procedure could arise when and if the site and structural frequencies are identical or if they are too close to one another; in which case, further examination of the data by other procedures can be applied or estimates of free-field data or site data can be used to clarify the situation. 5.0 REFERENCES 1. Anderson, J. C., Miranda, E., and Bertero, V. V., 1991, Evaluation of the seismic performance of a thirty-story RC building, University of California, Berkeley, California, Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report 91/16, December 1991. 2. Astaneh, A., Bonowitz, D., and Chen, C.,1991, Evaluating design provisions and actual performance of a modern high-rise steel structure. SMIP91 Seminar on Seismological and Engrg. Implications of Recent StrongMotion Data, California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 5-1--5-10. 3. Boroschek, R. L., and Mahin, S. A.,1991, Investigation of the seismic response of a lightly-damped torsionally-coupled building, University of California, Berkeley, California, Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report 91/18, December 1991. 4. Bouwkamp, J. G., and Blohm, J. K., 1966, Dynamic response of a two story steel frame structure, Bull. Seismological Society of America, 56, 6. 5. elebi, M., and Safak, E., 1992, Seismic response of Pacific Park Plaza. I: Data and preliminary analysis, J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 118(6), 1547-1565, June 1992. 6. elebi, M., 1993a, Seismic response of eccentrically braced tall building, J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 119 (4), 1188-1205, April 1993. 7. elebi, M., 1993b, Seismic responses of two adjacent buildings. I. Data and analyses, J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 119(8), 2461-2476, August 1993. 8. elebi, M., 1993c, Seismic responses of two adjacent buildings. II. Interaction, J. Struct.
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Table 1. Modal Frequencies (Periods) of the 2-Story Oakland Building Assessment Method Modal Frequencies [Hz] (Periods [seconds]) NS EW 1965 Ambient Test 2.13 (1st ) 2.08 (McClure, 1991) (0.47) (0.48) st 1965 Forced Vibration Test (1 ) 2.35 (0.426), (Bouwkamp & Blohm,1966) (2nd) 7.70 (0.130) 1988 UBC (McClure, 1991) 2.29 (0.437) McClure Computer Model (1st) 1.59 (0.63), (1991) (2nd) 5.0 (0.20) (1st) 2.16 (0.463), (2nd) 7.69 (0.130) Spectral analyses (this study) 1.95(0.51) Translational, 1.65 (0.61) Torsional Comments Walls in, no plaster Walls in with plaster Code Formula w/o plaster With plaster Loma Prieta (1989) data
Table 2. Assessment of site period (frequency) using code formula [Vs(ave)=H/( (hi/Vsi)], earthquake records and transfer functions. Method Parameter H= hi [m] (hi/Vsi) Vs(Ave) [m/s] Site T=4H/Vs [s] Site f=1/t [Hz] Structural T(s) Structural f(Hz) Site T (s) Site f (Hz) Site T (s) Site f(Hz) PPP 150 0.46 329.5 1.82 0.55 2.63 0.38 1.33 0.7 1.181.54 0.650.85 OAK_2ST A B 152 169 0.41 0.46 366.5 369.6 1.65 1.83 0.60 0.55 0.51(trans.), 0.61 (tors.) 1.95(trans.), 1.65(tors.) 1.18-1.25 0.8-0.85 1.43-1.54 0.65-0.70 SCCOB A B 270 500 0.66 1.05 407.8 478.3 2.65 4.18 0.38 0.24 2.22(trans.), 1.75(tors.) 0.45(trans.), 0.57(tors.) 2.63 0.38 2.0-4.0 0.25-0.5 EMB 64 0.33 195.8 1.31 0.76 5.26(NS) 6.25(EW) 0.19(NS) 0.16(EW) 1.11-1.42 0.7-0.9 1.25-1.42 0.7-0.8 NOR 500 1.01 493.7 4.05 0.25 1.32(NS) 1.20(EW) 0.76(NS) 0.83(EW) 3.3 0.3 3.3 0.3
Transfer Function
Figure 1. General Layout and Instrumentation Scheme of Pacific Park Plaza, Emeryville, Ca.
ROOF GR.FL. SFF 20 30 TIME(S) 1.95 ROOF GR.FL. SFF 1 .38 ROOF/GR.FL. 2 3 4 [e] 5 40
0 10 20 30 40 TIME(S) x 104 2 [d] .95 .7 ROO F 1.95 .38 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 GR.FL. SFF 5 4 [f ] ROOF/GR.FL.
1 .38
8 6 4 2 0 0
2 3 FREQ(HZ)
2 3 FREQ(HZ)
Figure 2. (a,b) Recorded orthogonal accelerations at the roof, ground floor and south free-field of Pacifica park Plaza, (c,d) corresponding amplitude spectra and (e,f) ratios of amplitude spectra.
4 PPP: ROOF x 10 0.95 5 [a] 4 0.7 A350 & A260 3 1.95 2 1 .38 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 PPP: SOUTH FF x 10 0.7 3 [c]
15000 10000
5000 0
PPP: ROOF, GR.FL, SFF 3 .7 .95 [d] 1.95 .38 ROOF 2 .7 GR. FL. 1 .7 A350 & A260 SFF 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 FREQ (HZ)
Figure 3. Cross-spectra of motions at the (a) roof, (b) ground floor, and (c) free-field of Pacific Park Plaza, Emeryville, California, and (d) normalized cross-spectra.
SITE TRANSFER FUNCTION: PACIFIC PARK PLAZA 5 DEPTH(M) 0-2.5 2.5-5.2 5.2-8.1 8.1-23.5 23.5-47.5 47.5-51.8 51.8-60.0 60.0-150.0 3 3.5 Vs(KM/S) 0.279 0.143 0.067 0.241 0.402 0.296 0.363 0.400 4 4.5
4 3 2 1 0
Figure 4. Site transfer function for described characterization at Pacific Park Plaza.
0.6 CH8 0.4 CH9 0.2 CH10 0 -0.2 0 5 0.8 0.6 CH2 0.4 CH4 0.2 0 CH6 -0.2 0 5 1 0.5 CH3 CH5 0 CH7 0 5
ROOF 2ND FL. GR. FL. 10 15 20 25 ROOF 2ND FL. GR. FL. 10 15 20 25 30 30
Figure 5. (Left) Instrumentation scheme of the torsionally eccentric 2-story building in Oakland, Ca. and (Right) Accelerations recorded at the roof, second and ground floors during the 1989 Loma Prieta, Ca. earthquake.
x 10 3
x 10 6
x 10 5
0.82 ROOF(CH8)
4 3 2 1
4 2 0 0
2 4 FREQ (HZ)
2 4 FREQ (HZ)
0 0
2 4 FREQ (HZ)
Figure 6. Amplitude spectra of translational and torsional accelerations recorded at Oakland (2Story Building).
NS:CH8 & CH10 0.6 [a]
0.4 0.2 0 0
0.8 [b] 0.6 0.4 0.2 CH10 0 0.2 20 40 0 TIME(S) CH8 .85 CH8
CH10 2 4 FREQ(HZ)
0 0 4 2 0 0
CH6 2 4 FREQ(HZ)
0 0
10 [i]
5 CH3/CH7 2 4 FREQ(HZ)
0 0
2 4 FREQ(HZ)
2 4 FREQ(HZ)
0 0
Figure 7. [a-c] Time-histories of roof and ground floor acceleration pairs, [d-f] corresponding amplitude spectra and [g-i] corresponding roof/ground floor spectral ratios.
OAK:EW(CH6&CH7) 1 [b]
0.5 GR. FL. 2 3 4 5 0 0 100 0 100 3 4 [e] 5 0 4 1 x 10 0.85 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 FREQ (HZ) 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 FREQ (HZ) 5 2 3 4 [f] 5 [d] 1 2 3 4 5
100 0 -100
0 4 1 2 x 10 1.95 4 0.85 2 0
Figure 8. [a,b] Coherence, [c,d] phase and [e,f] cross-spectra plots of pairs of parallel motions at the roof (CH2 and CH3) and ground floor [CH6 and CH7].
SITE TRANSFER FUNCTION:OAKLAND:2-STORY BUILDING 5 4.5 4 DEPTH(M) A 0-11 11-14.6 14.6-18.9 18.9-27.7 27.7-32.3 32.3-60.0 60.0-152 B 0-11 11-14.6 14.6-18.9 18.9-27.7 27.7-32.3 32.3-60.0 60.0-167 Vs KM/S 0.311 0.223 0.429 0.309 0.527 0.342 0.400
Figure 9. Computed site transfer function for described site characterization (see figure) of the site of the 2-story building, Oakland, California.
Figure 10. Location map of Santa Clara County Office Building in San Jose, Ca. and the epicenters of the three earthquakes that were recorded by the instrumentation array within the building.
MORGAN HILL EQ.(1984) 0. 5 MT. LEWIS EQ.(1986) 0 LOMA PRIETA EQ.(1989) 0 20 40 60 TIME (S) 80 100 120
MORGAN HILL EQ.(1984) 0. 5 MT. LEWIS EQ.(1986) 0 LOMA PRIETA EQ.(1989) 0 20 40 60 TIME (S) 80 100 120
Figure 11. Time histories of accelerations recorded at the roof of the Santa Clara County Office Building during the 1989 Loma Prieta, 1996 Morgan Hill and 1994 Mt. Lewis earthquakes. The building was retrofitted in 1994. The responses exhibit beating effect caused by closely couple translational and torsional modes and low damping.
LPE:SCCOB-ROOF 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 6 4 x 10 .45 4 .57 2 CH7 0 0 CH6 -CH7 1 2 FREQ(HZ) 0 0 NS CH6 2 NS CH6 [a] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 4 x 10 .45 4 .57 EW CH4 LPE:SCCOB-ROOF EW CH4
0.2 0.1
0 -0.1 0
Figure 12. [a-c]Translational and torsional accelerations at the roof and translational accelerations at the basement and [d-f] their amplitude spectra.
[NS] : ROOF/BASE 25 20
[EW] : ROOF/BASE 30 25
.45 solid:CH6/CH22
.45 solid:CH5/CH21
15 10 5 0 0
dashed:CH7/CH22 .57
20 15 10 5 0
dashed:CH4/CH20 .57
2000 1000 0 0
4000 2000 0 0
parallel at base
1 1.5 FREQ(HZ)
1 1.5 FREQ(HZ)
Figure 13. (a and b) Spectral ratios of roof/basement motions indicate structural frequencies (translational [0.45 Hz], and torsional [0.57 HZ]) and cross-spectrum of basement motions indicate site frequency (0.38 HZ).
SITE TRANSFER FUNCTION: SCCOB: ESTIMATED PARAMETERS 6 5.5 5 4.5 DEPTH(M) A B 0-20 20-40 40-80 B A 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 FREQ (HZ) 3.5 4 4.5 5 80-150 150-270 0-20 20-40 40-80 80-150 150-500 Vs KM/S .200 .275 .350 .400 .600
Figure 14. Site transfer functions for 2 postulated depths to bedrock (SCCOB) site.
Figure 15. Three-dimensional schematic of Embarcadero Building [EMB] and its instrumentation scheme.
EMB [NS] 1
EMB [EW] 1 [b] 44TH FL. CH16 0.5 0 0 1 [d] .16 .46 BASEMENT 50 TIME(S) .77 CH5 100 CH17
44TH FL.
0.5 0 0 BASEMENT
CH16[solid] CH5[dashed]
1.5 [e]
0 20
1.5 [f ]
Figure 16. [a-c] Time-histories of roof and ground floor acceleration pairs of EMB in theNS and EW directions, [d-f] corresponding amplitude spectra and [g-i] corresponding roof/ground floor spectral ratios.
EMB:(NS)CH17&CH18 EMB:(NS)CH4&CH6 1 [a] 0.5 34TH FL. 0.5 [b] BASEMENT
0 [c]
0 [d]
100 0 -100
0.5 [f ]
1.5 0.80-0.98
2 0
Figure 17. [a,b] Coherence, [c,d] phase angle and [e,f] cross-spectra plots of pairs of parallel motions at the roof (CH17 and CH18) and basement [CH4 and CH5].
EMBARCADERO BUILDING: SITE SITE TRANSFER FUNCTION 8 DEPTH (M) 0-8.5 8.5-20.0 20.0-33.8 33.8-44.8 44.8-66.1 66.1-80.0 Vs (KM/S) 0.290 0.130 0.166 0.264 0.297 0.781
6 4 2 0 0
Figure 19. Instrumentation of the two buildings and the site at 12400 block of Imperil Highway, Norwalk, Ca. In this sudy, Building B (NOR) and the south free-field (SFF) is considered.
WHITTIER:NORWALK(NS) 0.8 [a] ROOF(CH21) 0.6 0.4 BASE(CH9) 0.2 SFF(NS) 0 -0.2 0 4 10 20 30 TIME(S) x 10 [c] .76 3 1.95 2 .3 CH21 1 CH9 SFF(NS) 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 15 [e] .76 CH21/CH9 CH21/SFF(NS) 1.95 0 1 2 3 FREQ (HZ) 4 5 WHITTIER:NORWALK(EW) ROOF(CH1) 0.6 [b] 0.4 0.2 0 SFF(EW) 30 0 4 10 20 TIME(S) x 10 [d] .83 2.35 2 CH1 1 0 CH8 SFF(EW) 5 3 4 CH1/CH8 CH1/SFF(EW) 2.35 3.90 0 1 2 3 FREQ (HZ) 4 5 BASE(CH8)
0 [f]
1 .83
10 5 0
10 5 0
Figure 20. [a-c] NS and EW time-histories of roof, basement and SFF accelerations of NOR building, [c-d] corresponding amplitude spectra and [g-i] corresponding roof/ground and roof/free-field spectral ratios.
3000 2000
4 x 10 6 4 2 0
500 .3
2 3 4 FREQ (HZ)
0 0
2 3 4 FREQ (HZ)
Figure 21. [a] Normalized cross-spectra of pairs of parallel NS accelerations [CH21 and CH13] at the roof and EW accelerations [CH1 and CH3] at the roof and second floor, and cross-spectrum of [b] parallel NS accelerations [CH5 and CH9] at the base, [c] orthogonal accelerations [CH 21 and CH1] at the roof and [d] orthogonal accelerations at the base [CH8 and CH9].