REC Power Distribution Company LTD: "End - To-End Solutions For All The Needs in Distribution Sector"
REC Power Distribution Company LTD: "End - To-End Solutions For All The Needs in Distribution Sector"
REC Power Distribution Company LTD: "End - To-End Solutions For All The Needs in Distribution Sector"
(A wholly owned subsidiary of REC, a Navratna CPSE under the Ministry of Power)
Leading Consultant in Power Sector Benchmark Quality Service Excellence Transparency PAN India Presence Customer Delight
1. RECPDCL Meritorious Scholarship Scheme AY 2013-14: 1.1. RECPDCL proposes to award 125 nos. of Meritorious Scholarships for the B.E/B.Tech students pursuing 2nd year of Engineering (Full time) in the current Academic Year i.e. AY 2013-14 and who have successfully completed their 1st year Engineering in single attempt and studying in Government Engineering Colleges, National Institutes of Technology (NITs)/ Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), the details are as under: Eligibility** Duration for which Scholarship will be awarded Candidates pursuing 2nd year One year Engg. Candidates (B.E/ B.Tech in any stream) No. of Basis of Scholarshi Selection ps Minimum Eligibility marks in Qualifying Exam (1st Year of Engineering) PC/ PH Scholarship amount (per month)
Merit selection GEN SC/ST/ based on the OBC marks obtained NCL & in the 1st Year Girls *60% of Engineering *65%
Abbreviations: SC: Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, OBC-NCL: Other Backward Class Non Creamy Layer, GEN: General, PC/PH: Physically challenged/Physically handicapped (The disability percentage of 40% & above as per definition under Disabilities Act 1952 are eligible) Note :* - In case, the University/Institutes award marks on the basis of CGPA/DGPA or other Grading system, the equivalent % of marks secured in the first year of Engineering shall be given as per the rules/norms of the University/Institutes. 2. Eligibility**: 2.1. The students pursuing 2nd year of Engineering (B.E/B.Tech - Full time course) during the current Academic Year i.e. AY 2013 14 and who have successfully completed their 1st year Engineering in single attempt through Government Engineering Colleges in 12 States viz., Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya are eligible to apply. 2.2. The students, whose state of domicile is Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya and he/she is currently pursuing 2nd year of Engineering (B.E./B.Tech - Full time course)during the current Academic Year i.e. AY 2013-14 and who have successfully completed their 1st year Engineering in single attempt through any of the Indian Institute of technology (IITs) and National Institute of Technology (NITs) across the country are also eligible to apply.
2.3. The candidate applying for scholarship, the gross total annual income of whose parent should be less than or equal to Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh and fifty thousand only) are only eligible. The student has to mandatorily enclose the latest income certificate in original issued by the competent Revenue authorities, which but not issued prior to the Financial Year 2012-13. 2.4Students whose state of domicile of the following states are eligible: Zone List of states of domicile of candidates, who are eligible for RECPDCLs scholarship North South East West North Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu &Kashmir Andhra Pradesh Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya Total scholarships
2.5 Not Eligible: Diploma holders who have got direct admission in the 2nd year of Engineering are not eligible to apply for the above scholarship. Students pursuing part time or distance learning programme of Engineering and AMIE are also not eligible for the above scholarship. The students pursuing Engineering Degree other than Govt. Engg. Colleges/NITs/IITs are not eligible. 2.6Student has to submit the attested Xerox copy of the 1st Year Engineering mark sheet along with the Online Application form (after registering Online) and all the certificates/documents as mentioned in Para 6.3 below. 2.7. Minimum eligibility percentage of marks for various categories has been indicated above. This is the minimum eligibility criteria, however, the selection will be based on Merit based on the marks obtained in the 1st Year of Engineering (B.E./B. Tech). 3. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years as on 01.10.2013. Persons born between 30.09.1988 and 30.09.1995 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply. Relaxation in the upper age limit is 3 years for OBC - NCL candidates, 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 10 years for Physically Challenged/Physically Handicapped candidates.
4. Reservation: Out of the total of 125 nos. of scholarship, an overall 35% are reserved for the following categories of the candidates as under: Category SC ST OBC NCL PC/ PH Girls Total Reservation (In Percentage) 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% 35%
While selecting the scholarship for the reserved & unreserved (General) category, equitable opportunity shall be given to the candidates of all the states mentioned above. However, if the sufficient number of eligible applications has not been received from the candidates from any particular state(s), RECPDCL shall award the scholarships at its discretion for compliance of the above reservation. 5. Award of Scholarship: 5.1. The selected awardees as per the RECPDCLs meritorious scholarship award scheme will be awarded scholarship @Rs.2,000/- per month (i.e. Rs. 24,000 in total) in one or more instalment at the sole discretion of RECPDCL. 5.2 RECPDCL may increase/decrease the number of Scholarships to be awarded at its discretion. 5.3 The scholarship award shall be sent to the Awardees through the Principal/Dean/Registrar of the respective Govt. Engg. Colleges/NIT/IIT. 5.4 A scholarship holder under this scheme will not receive/hold any scholarships from any other source. The candidate has to obtain certificate from the Principal/Registrar/Dean in this regard as per the standard format enclosed at Annexure. In case, the candidate is in receipt of any Scholarship from any other source, he/she has to forego the same in order to draw the RECPDCLs Meritorious Scholarship. 6. How to apply: 6.1. Candidates studying in 2ndyear of Engineering Course in the Academic Year 2013-2014 are to apply through Online. To apply online, scholars may log in to the RECPDCL website i.e. and RECs website ; or
6.2 The candidate has to take printout after completing the online registration for RECPDCLs Scholarship and paste his/her recent passport size colour photograph and put his/her signature in the space provided in the form. The form is then to be sent to the following address on or before the last date along with the requisite certificates/Documents as mentioned in Para 6.3 below to the following address: RECPDCL Scholarship Cell HR Division REC Power Distribution Company Limited 1016 1023, 10th Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place New Delhi 110019 For any clarification please send your communication to Email ID:; ***Please note that the application should not be sent to the above E-mail ID. 6.3 Certificates/Documents to be sent along with the Application: i. Printout of the application registered online along with photo affixed on it and duly signed by the candidate. ii. Original certificate issued by the Principal/Dean/Registrar of the Govt. Engineering Colleges/NIT/IIT as per the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure to the Online application. iii. Attested copy of certificate in proof of Date of Birth iv. Attested copy of 1st Year Engineering Mark sheets v. Original Income Certificate issued by the competent Revenue authority vi. State of Domicile Certificate of the candidate issued by the Competent Authority as per the Govt. Guidelines. vii. Attested copy of certificate for SC/ ST/ OBCNCL, PH/PC as applicable for the candidates. viii. Duly signed check list 6.4. If for any reason candidate encounters any problem/difficulty in applying through Online System, the candidate should download the standard Application format available in the website and send the same along with the above enclosures. Applications not in prescribed format will be summarily rejected. 6.5. The performance i.e. marks secured by the candidates in the first year of Engg. is to be duly certified by the by the Principal/ Dean/ Registrar of the Govt. Engineering Colleges/NIT/IIT as per the prescribed format. 6.6 Last date for submission of application: The last date for online registration is: 15.12.2013. The last date for receipt of the hard copy of the application: 31.12.2013 upto18.00 Hrs.
7. General instruction: (i) Incomplete application and the application received beyond the last date 31.12.2013 shall not be accepted. RECPDCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay/loss in transit. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Delhi. However, in case the marks, income or any other information, declared at the time of initial application is found incorrect during scrutiny, the candidature of such candidates shall be summarily rejected. Decision of RECPDCL regarding Scholars selection shall be final and no correspondence on the selection process shall be entertained. RECPDCL reserves the right to modify, alter or withdraw the scheme at any point of time as considered necessary. Students whose state of Domicile of the above mentioned 12 states as mentioned in Para 2 above and who are studying in the Government Engineering Colleges in the above 12 states/any of the NITs/IITs shall be eligible to apply for the above scholarship. Candidates whose state of Domicile of the above mentioned 12 states as mentioned in Para 2, only are eligible. Students whose state of domicile other than the above states is not eligible. The CEO, RECPDCL is the appropriate authority to administrate RECPDCLs Scholarship Scheme and to make any interpretation and any changes/modification/additional rules as may be considered necessary at the sole desecration of RECPDCL. His decision in this regard shall be final and binding. Any addendum/modification in the RECPDCLs Scholarship scheme shall be uploaded only at the RECPDCL website i.e. and RECs website or
(iii) (iv)
Online Application
Male -
CGPA/SGPA/GPA/Point Grade or Others Grading system, the equivalent % of marks secured in the candidate in first year of Engineering as per the rules/norms of the University/Institute : ( with two decimal points) Total Gross Annual Income of parents as per latest income certificate (INR) (It should not exceed Rs. 1,50,000/- & to be enter only numerical value) Source of Income 3. Correspondence Address Address District Pin Code 4. Permanent Address Address District Pin Code 5. Education Details Name of the college State State Agriculture Service Business Any Other
Contact Number. with STD Code Email id of the Institution Fax Number with STD code
6.Other Details How do you know about the scholarship scheme Are you holding any other Scholarship from any other sources If Yes, Amount of received scholarship Source of Scholarship Received 7. Declaration
I hereby declare that the above information furnished by me is true to the best of my knowledge and I am aware that providing wrong information will make me liable and for taking legal action against me and recovery of scholarship amount from me. Further, I undertake that if I have been selected for award of RECPDCL scholarship, I shall surrender the scholarship received from any other sources, if any, to the respective source of receipt.
Online Registration Number:
(To be certified by the Principal/Dean/Registrar of the College/Institute) (For students pursuing 2 year of B.E/B.Tech in Govt. Engg Colleges) (Please delete whichever is not applicable) This is to be Certify that: 1. (a) Shri/Miss ____________________________ S/o D/o of Shri _______________________________ is nd pursuing II Year of B.E/B.Tech course _______________________ Branch in Regular course during the Academic Year 2013-&14, which is of four year duration in________________________________________ Engineering College, Address___________________________________________________ which is the State Govt. College /Central Govt. college and the college is affiliated to ____________________________ University. (OR) (For students pursuing 2 year of B.E/B.Tech in IITs/ NITs): (Strike whichever is not applicable) 1. (b) Shri/Miss _______________________ S/o/D/o of Shri _________________________ is pursuing II Year of B.E/B.Tech course in _____________________________ Branch in Regular course during the Academic Year 2013-&14, which is of four year duration at ____________________ IIT / NIT situated at ____________________ . 2. The state of domicile of the above student is ____________________ . 3. The above student has cleared the 1st year of Engineering Course in a first attempt. 3.(a) He/She has secured ________ % of marks in 1st year Engineering Course (to be mentioned with two decimal points). (OR) 3. (b) He /She has secured ____________________ CGPA/SGPA/DGPA, which is equivalent to _________ % of marks to be mentioned with two decimal points) as per the rules/Norms followed by ours University /Institution. 4.(a)The above student has not received/hold any scholarship from any other source as per records of the Institute/College. (OR) 4. (b) He/She in receipt of scholarship amount of Rs ____________________ /- from ____________________ (Please mention the Name and source of Scholarship). In case, the above candidates selected for the award of RECPDCLs Scholarship, he shall forgo/return the scholarship received from the above source (s) (Strike whichever is not applicable) 5. General Conduct of the above bonafied student of this College / Institute is Satisfactory. 6. All the information furnished above by the above student in the application of RECPDCLs Meritorious Scholarship 2013-14 is in order and are correct as per records of the College/Institution. Date: (Signature of Head of Institution) Place: Principal/ Dean/ Registrar Seal of the Institution/ College
nd nd nd
1. Printout of the application registered online along with photo affixed on it and duly signed by the candidate 2. Original certificate issued by the Principal/Dean/Registrar of the Govt. Engineering Colleges/NIT/IIT as per the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure to the Online application. 3. Attested copy of certificate in proof of Date of Birth. 4. Attested copy of 1st Year Engineering Mark sheets. 5. Original Income Certificate issued by the Competent Revenue Authority. 6. State of Domicile Certificate of the candidate issued by the Competent Authority as per the Govt. Guidelines.
7. Attested copy of certificate for SC /ST /OBC NCL /PH/PC (as applicable for the candidates.) (Please OBCNCL tick the appropriate Certificate enclosed)
8. Check list
(Signature of the Applicant) Name of the Candidate :_____________________ RECPDCL Online Registration Number.:___________________ Place :_______________ Date :_______________