Eqn Reference ASME BPVC r1s
Eqn Reference ASME BPVC r1s
Eqn Reference ASME BPVC r1s
1. Circumferential Stress (Longitudinal Joints): thickness not greater than half inside radius
and P does not exceed 0.385SE
a. Min Thickness: t = or t = based on O.D.
SE − 0.6 P SE + 0.4 P
b. Max Pressure: P = or P = based on O.D.
R + 0.6t R0 − 0.4t
2. Longitudinal Stress (Circumferential Joint): thickness not greater than half inside radius
and P does not exceed 1.25SE
a. Min Thickness: t =
2 SE + 0.4 P
b. Max Pressure: P =
R − 0.4t
c. To be used only when Ecirc for the circumferential joint is less half of Elong.
3. Spherical Shells: Thickness does not exceed 0.356R and P does not exceed 0.665SE
a. Min Thickness: t = or t = based on O.D.
2 SE − 0.2 P 2 SE + 0.8 P
2 SEt 2 SEt
b. Max Pressure: P = or P = based on O.D.
R + 0.2t R0 − 0.8t
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UG-32 Thickness of Formed Heads and Sections with Pressure on
Concave Side
t: minimum required thickness of shell, in.
P: internal design pressure, psi.
D: Inside diameter of the head skirt; inside length of major axis for ellipsoidal head;
Inside diameter of a conical head at the point under consideration perpendicular to
longitudinal axis in the corroded condition, in.
Di: Inside Diameter of conical portion of toriconical head at tangent to knuckle;
Di = D − 2r (1 − cos α )
r: inside knuckle radius, in
S: maximum allowable stress, psi.
E: joint efficiency (see UW-12 for welded vessels)
L: inside spherical or crown radius, in.
α: half of the included (apex) angle of the cone at center line of the head
1. Ellipsoidal Heads: ½ of minor axis equals ¼ of the inside diameter; 2:1 Ellipsoidal Head
1 D
a. Shape Factor: K = 2 +
6 2h
b. Min Thickness: t = or t = based on O.D.
2 SE − 0.2 P 2 SE − 2 P( K − 0.1)
2 SEt 2 SEt
c. Max Pressure: P = or P = using O.D.
KD + 0.2t KD0 + 2t ( K − 0.1)
d. An acceptable approximation of a 2:1 ellipsoidal head is one with a knuckle
radius of 0.17D and spherical radius of .90D.
2. Torispherical Heads:
.885 PL SEt
a. t = or P = when the knuckle radius (r/L) > 6% of crown
SE − 0.1P .885L + 0.1t
radius, L/D < 1; t/L>0.002
b. For general torospherical heads where L<D
1 L
i. Shape Factor: M = 3 +
4 r
ii. Min Thickness: t = or t = on O.D.
2 SE − 0.2 P 2 SE − P ( M − 0.2)
2 SEt 2 SEt
iii. Max Pressure: P = or P =
ML + 0.2t ML0 + t ( M − 0.2)
c. Torispherical heads fabricated with materials exceeding 80,000 psi shall be
designed with S=20,000 psi at room temperature and reduced proportionally to
reductions found at temperature for the material (per UG-23)
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3. Hemispherical Heads: Thickness is not to exceed 0.356L or P does not exceed 0.665SE
a. t = or P =
2 SE − 0.2 P L + 0.2t
4. Conical Heads and Sections (w/o transition knuckle)
PD 2 SEt 2 cos α
a. t = or P =
2 cos α (2 SE − 0.6 P ) D + 1.2t cos α
5. Toriconical Heads and Sections: knuckle radius neither less than 6% of O.D. nor less than
3x knuckle
a. t for the cone is determined by equation 4 above using Di in place of D.
b. t for the knuckle is determined by equation 3 with the substitution L =
2 cos α
1. Flat unstayed circular heads, covers and blind flanges
CP SEt 2
a. t = d or P =
SE Cd 2
b. Not for use where attachment is by bolt such that edge moments are present.
c. For a seal plate C = 0.33 per fig UG-34(h). See UG34 (d) for less conservative
d. tr= required seamless shell thickness; ts = required shell thickness
2. Flat unstayed circular flanges attached by bolt causing edge moments
CP 1.9WhG
a. t = d + ; W being calculated in accordance with formulas 3 & 4 of
SE SEd 3
Appendix 2 of the Code
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UG-37 Reinforcement Required for Openings in Shells and Heads
Reinforcement is not required if: A ≥ A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5 where A42 and A5 are 0
because no reinforcement is added where each of the areas must fall within the limits of
reinforcement as described in UG-40.
A: Total cross sectional area of opening in vessel. Includes nozzle area if Sn/Sv < 1.0
A1: Area in excess thickness of vessel within the limits of reinforcement
A2: Area in excess thickness of nozzle outward of vessel within the limits of reinforcement.
A3: Area in excess thickness of vessel penetrating vessel within the limits of reinforcement.
A41: Outward nozzle weld area.
A42: Outward reinforcement weld area.
A43: Inward nozzle weld area
A5: Reinforcement thickness within the limits of reinforcement
NOTE: All excess areas A1-A4x do not include corrosion allowance. A5 is NOT affected by
corrosion allowance.
NOTE: UG-36 allows exemptions for certain openings. Usually openings of Ø2⅜” are exempt
for shells of t>⅜” and in some cases openings to Ø3½” are exempt.
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UCS-66 Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)
1. Minimum Design Metal Temperature is the minimum temperature for which the material
is certified for the designed service without requiring impact testing.
Category A Joints
Longitudinal & spiral welded joints within a main shell, joints connecting shells and
communicating chambers, transitions in diameter, any welded joint in formed heads, or flat
walls, and circumferential welds between hemispherical heads and connecting shells.
Category B Joints
Circumferential joints within any walls, nozzles, within transitions of diameter, or between
communicating chambers, and circumferential welds connecting formed heads to a main shell
except for hemispherical heads.
Category C Joints
Joints at flat heads & flanges
Category D Joints
Joints connecting nozzles to main shells, heads, spheres, and transitions of diameter.
UW-11 Radiography
Pay special attention to UW11 (a) (7)
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