What Is The Project About?: Year 12 IPT Assessment Task 1 Due Date: Term 4 Week 9 6 December 2011 Weighting: 15%
What Is The Project About?: Year 12 IPT Assessment Task 1 Due Date: Term 4 Week 9 6 December 2011 Weighting: 15%
What Is The Project About?: Year 12 IPT Assessment Task 1 Due Date: Term 4 Week 9 6 December 2011 Weighting: 15%
Topics: Project Management (5%) and Information Systems and Databases (10%)
___________________________________________________________________________________ Outcomes to be assessed:
H1.1 applies and explains an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical situation H2.1 analyses and describes a system in terms of the information processes involved H2.2 develops and explains solutions for an identified need which address all of the information processes H3.2 demonstrates and explains ethical practice in the use of information systems, technologies and processes H4.1 proposes and justifies ways in which information systems will meet emerging needs H5.1 justifies the selection and use of appropriate resources and tools to effectively develop and manage projects H6.2 selects, justifies and applies methodical approaches to planning, designing or implementing solutions H7.2 uses methods to thoroughly document the development of individual and team projects.
2. You will need to create a user friendly FORM which opens on start up. The form will have ways of entering the data easily, buttons to make tasks easier, buttons for queries and reports. 3. You will need to create a number of QUERIES that will make it easy for the users to find out what videos are borrowed, available etc. Who has borrowed the video, what is due back today? Etc.
This is just a guideline on the tables you
4. You will need to create a number of REPORTS that will look like printout of most of the queries. A report should also be made to look like a receipt for the customer on what they have borrowed and when it has to be returned.
9-10 The Context diagram, Data flow diagram, Problem statement, Feasibility study and Data dictionaries 20 marks HC A detailed description of the database that is easy to read and understand. All parts of the diagrams work, are concise and follow the rules on how to create them. C A detailed description of the database that is easy to read and understand. Most parts of the diagrams work, are concise and follow the rules on how to create them. D A description of the database that is easy to read and understand. Some parts of the diagrams work, are concise and follow the rules on how to create them. ED A simple description of the database with little or no understanding. The creation of the database with tables 10 marks HC Has multiple and detailed tables that ensures all data has data integrity, reduces data redundancy and checks data validation. C Has multiple and detailed tables that ensures most of the data has data integrity, reduces data redundancy and checks data validation. D Has multiple and detailed tables that ensures some of the data has data integrity, reduces data redundancy and checks data validation. ED Has simple tables and shows little or no understanding of how to ensure data integrity, reducing data redundancy and checking data validation. The creation of the database with forms 10 marks HC Has a detailed and working form that opens on start up. The form always allows ease of data entry by having buttons for all queries and reports, tab order and an effective screen design. C - Has a detailed and working form that opens on start up. The form mostly allows ease of data entry by having buttons for all queries and reports, tab order and an effective screen design. D The form sometimes allows ease of data entry by having buttons for all queries and reports, tab order and an effective screen design. ED - The form shows little or no understanding of effective screen design and understanding of form creation. The creation of the database with queries 5 marks HC Has detailed and working queries that make it easy for the users to find out what videos are borrowed, available etc. The queries allow users to find data quickly and easily. They are always beneficial for the everyday tasks needed to run the video business. C Has mostly detailed and working queries that make it easy for the users to find out what videos are borrowed, available etc. These queries should allow users to find data quickly and easily. They mostly beneficial for the everyday tasks needed to run the video business. D Has some detailed and working queries that make it easy for the users to find out what videos are borrowed, available etc. These queries should allow users to find data quickly and easily. They are sometimes beneficial for the everyday tasks needed to run the video business. ED Has little or no understanding of how to create queries to ensure that data is found quickly and easily. The creation of the database with reports 5 marks HC Has reports for all the queries. They look like documents that the video store would use. Customer receipts are created and show the necessary detail needed as well as added information to help the user understand the information printed for them. (Labels, headings etc) C Has reports for all the queries. They mostly look like documents that the video store would use. Customer receipts are created and show the necessary detail needed as well as added information to help the user understand the information printed for them. (Labels, headings etc) D Has reports for some of the queries. The reports mostly look like the Report Wizard Designs provided by MS Access with little or no added labels, heading or other formatting. ED Has little or no understanding of how to modify a report to show extra information. Testing and Evaluation 10 marks In relation to the questions: HC Has detailed and concise explanations demonstrating an excellent understanding of testing and evaluating a solution. C Has detailed and concise explanations demonstrating a good understanding of testing and evaluating a solution. D A simple explanation demonstrating some understanding of testing and evaluating a solution. ED An explanation demonstrating little or no understanding of testing and evaluating a solution.