PIS Ariel Powder Anti-Bac BOX PGP
PIS Ariel Powder Anti-Bac BOX PGP
PIS Ariel Powder Anti-Bac BOX PGP
Ariel Professional
Washing Powder Antibacterial
Technical information
Research & Development Corner
Adjust the dosage according to your local water hard- Please make sure your employees read and understood the
ness and the soil level of your laundry items as recom- product label and your COSHH assessment (Chemical Risk
mended in the dosing instructions. Assessment in EU) before using this product. The label contains
directions for use and both label and SDS contain hazard warnings,
= 115ml
precautionary statements, first aid procedures and storage
± 65g
information. SDS are available on-line at our website
www.pgpro-msds.com or can be provided to you via the call center
40 ml
+ (UK 0800 716 854, ROI 1800 535 119).
Soft 85 ml 140 ml Prewash
+ 58 ml
Medium 115 ml 175 ml
For stubborn
Hard 145 ml 205 ml stains + 62 ml
Dosage Temperature Contact Time
MRSA (Methicillin
resistant / Straphyl- 5 g/L 40°C 10 min
lococcus aureus