The Conceptual Process of 2 Becoming 1 (Repaired)
The Conceptual Process of 2 Becoming 1 (Repaired)
The Conceptual Process of 2 Becoming 1 (Repaired)
(Genesis 2 : 18 – 25)
Inevitable Demise of either
the Husband or the Wife.
level of relationship should
not last longer than six
months in order to avoid
matrimonial relationship Medical and Legal Clearance of a man and a woman falling prey to premarital
made by a man and accepted A tentative mutual agreement betrothed to each other. sex temptations due to the
by a woman, both of whom and public declaration of intent closeness of the man and
are spiritually, physically, between a man and a woman to the woman. However, the
economically, intellectually, form a marital union. At this level, type and size of marriage
and emotionally attracted to, you have graduated into a full- ceremony often determine
and compatible with each blown romantic relationship but the time lapse of this level.
other. still devoid of any sexual activity.
Here, you are focused on
preparing for your marriage
of the one individual of the purpose of life, your values, and This is your DEFINED EXPECTED LIFE PARTNER. import of this stage is to
opposite sex who meshes your personality. receive revelatory
functionally into your purpose knowledge and
and philosophy of life. discernment from God in
Definition of Expected Life Partner: (Critical Factors to order for you to be able to
Consider in lieu to your own personal vision for the know your expected life
future). partner in your spirit
before you see him or her
with your eyes.
Stage 8: Discover Level 1: Purpose of This is a continuous
process throughout your
Self lifetime. God will initially
reveal your fundamental
The search for the unknown This is YOURSELF. The real you, ready to take purpose of life to you
and hidden truths, personality responsibility and live a fruitful and successful life. within months of
Questions you need to ask:
traits, and potentials of consistent prayer and
yourself. meditation, but after that,
you will continue to
discover your potential
(1) Who Am I?
and other natural abilities
which are linked to your
(2) Where Do I Come From?
purpose of life throughout
(3) Where Am I? your lifetime. Your life’s
purpose is pre-destined by
(4) Why Am I Here? God, but it is your choice
within your will-power to
(5) Where Am I Going? accept your God-given
destiny or craft your own
destiny. Note that your
God-given destiny comes
Level 1 is a place to first know with great potential which
about yourself and the quality of is an unlimited reservoir of
life you desire to pursue. You do abilities and gifts that you
this prayerfully, realistically, and can shape and reshape to
consistently. It is the level where suit your purpose.
you work closely with God. At this Remember that even after
level, you must be ready for you transi-tion into
CHANGES in behavior, character, eternity, your purpose
attitude, perception, and conti-nues to live after you
assertion that God will introduce only if you live it according
you to, some subtle and others to God’s design. It is
drastic. termed as, “Leaving a
Legacy Behind for the Next