Mahmoud Shaaban, Curriculum Vitae

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Mahmoud Shaaban

PhD student, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant

Aeroacoustics and Noise Control Lab
University of Ontario
Institute of Technology
2000 Simcoe st. N.,Oshawa, ON
Canada L1H 7K4
Phone: +1.905.721.8668
Fax: +1.905.721.3178

691 Simcoe st. N.,Oshawa, ON
Canada L1G 4V6
Mobile: +1.289.600.6430

MSc. Eng, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo
University, 2013.
Distinction (GPA 3.95), 1st Position Honors.
BSc. Eng, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo
University, 2010.
Distinction with Honor Degree (93.91%), 1st Position Honors.

Ontario Trillium Scholarship 2013
A significant initiative to attract more of the best qualified international students to
Ontario for PhD studies.

Teaching and Research Experience

Faculty of Engineering,Cairo University
Research Assistant, MSc student 2010-2013
Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Power Engineering Department(2011-2013):
Tutoring, grading, and lab instructing for the courses:
- MEP 407: Mechanical Engineering Laboratories
- MEP 403a: Fundamentals of Terbomachinary
- MEP 403b: Applications of Terbomachnary

YJ-STRC, American University in Cairo

Research Assistant, School of Science and Engineering (2011-2013)
Desert Development Project in collaboration with KAUST: Modeling and develop-

ment of thermoacoustic prime-movers on a large and micro-scale and performance

investigation with integrated solar power input.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Teaching Assistant and lab instructor, Faculty of Science (2013-present)
- Physics PHY-1010
- Physics PHY-1020
Reseach Assistant, Aeroacoustics and Noise Control Laboratory

Journal articles
[1] Shaaban M. and Mohany A., Control of Acoustic Resonance in Shallow Rectangular
Cavities Using Surface Mounted Blocks, Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique canadienne , Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 78-79, 2014.
[2] Sadek O. and Shaaban M. and Mohany A., Suppression of Acoustic Resonance in
Piping System Using Passive Control Devices, Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique
canadienne , Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 58-59, 2014.

Conference proceedings
[1] Ibrahim, Abdelmaged and ElBeltagy, Ahmed and Emam, Mahmoud and AbdelRahman, Ehab, Development and Analysis of Non-linearity in the Pressure Waves
Resulting from Thermoacoustic Heat Engines, Proceeding of Acoustics 2012, Nantes,
France , 2012.
[2] Ibrahim, Abdelmaged and Emam, Mahmoud and Elbeltagy, Ahmed and Omar, Hosny
and Abdel-Rahman, Ehab, Performance Evaluation of Thermoacoustic Engine
Using Different Gases, Proceeding of 9th International Congress on Sound and
Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania , 2012.
[3] Ibrahim, Abdelmaged and Elbeltagy, Ahmed and Emam, Mahmoud and Abdou,
Moamen and Omar, Hosny and Abdel-Rahman, Ehab, Suppressing Harmonics in
Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Engines, International Summer School and Workshopon Non-Normal and Non-Linear Effects in Aero- and Thermo-acoustics, Munich, Germany , 2013.

[1] Emam, Mahmoud, Experimental Investigations on a Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic
Engine, Master Thesis, Mechanical Power Engineering Dept., Cairo University ,

July 2009 to Aug 2009: Internship in the Institute of Thermal Technology and Thermodynamics, Technische Universitaet Freiberg, Germany: Project on Gas Thermal
Conductivity in Porous Materials under supervision of K. Raed and U. Gross.

Research Motive
Aeroacoustics is the study of noise generated either by turbulent fluid motion or aerodynamic forces interacting with surfaces. Aeroacoustics is important in the design of
buildings, heat exchangers, bridges, wind turbines, vehicles and aircrafts to minimize vibrations and noise. Aeroacoustics is a growing area and has received fresh emphasis due
to advances in air, ground and space transportation as well as power transfer. Having
worked as a part of a thermoacoustic project team, my experience in the laboratory techniques of the acoustic field gave me the chance to interact with the field of aeroacoustics.
I developed an experience in the measurement techniques that are vital to the research
in aeroacoustics. Measurement of acoustic field using particle image velocometry (PIV)
and measurements of acoustic power using the two-sensor method are regular procedures
in the thermoacoustic research labs.
Acoustic resonance is a design concern in many engineering applications such as tube
bundles in heat exchangers, boiler plants, turbomachines, piping systems, and reactor
vessels. It occurs when the flow surrounding a bluff body, such as a circular cylinder,
vibrates in a resonant manner. This often leads to the generation of acute noise problems
and/or excessive vibrations. Since the acoustic resonance phenomenon is not yet fully
understood, it can be dangerously unpredictable and may cause catastrophic failures in
many applications such as power generation and transport. Due to the complexity of
the flow-sound interaction mechanisms in tube bundles, the simplified cases of a single
cylinder and two cylinders in various arrangements (tandem or staggered) have been
investigated in some detail. However, it is not clear whether this knowledge can be
applied for the case of multiple bluff bodies (e.g. tube bundles) or not. Therefore, the
main objective of my PhD research is to investigate the flow-excited acoustic resonance
for the case of multiple bare cylinders in cross-flow. Research will significantly contribute
to the growth of the energy and environmental technologies in Canada, which are among
the top strategic sectors that the Canadian government supports in order to achieve
economic sustainability.

Arabic, Native speaker
English, Fluent, TOEFL score of 113 on October 2011.
German, Fair oral and reading skills, Goethe-Zertifikat B2 test score: gut on Jan. 2012.

Dr. Atef Mohany, PEng, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied
Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Email:,

Tel: 905.721.8668x5720, Fax: 905.721.3370

Dr. Essam E. Khalil, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Cairo University, Email:
Dr. Ehab Abdel Rahman, Associate Provost for Research, American University in
Cairo, email: ehab

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