1 The Phasor Addition Theorem: N I 1 I I

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EE224: Signals and Systems Prof.

Aditya Ramamoorthy

Review Session #2

Complex numbers help simplify many of the signal processing operations that we perform on sinusoids. This was demonstrated in the last review session by proving a trigonometric identity with the help of complex numbers.

The Phasor Addition Theorem

In this section present the phasor addition theorem and its applications in dealing with sums of sinusoids with the same frequency. Theorem 1 Consider the signal x(t) = so that x(t) = A cos(t + ).
N i=1 Ai cos(t + i ).

Then it is possible to nd A and

Proof: We shall work with the complex exponential representation of sinusoids. Note that,

Ai cos(t + i ) =
i=1 i=1

Re{Ai ej (t+i ) }

= Re{
i=1 N

Ai ej (t+i ) } Ai eji ) ejt }

i=1 j

= Re{( = Re{A e

ejt }


N ji i=1 Ai e

= A ej

= A cos(t + ) The above theorem is very useful in summing sinusoids of the same frequency. As an example consider the simplication of the sum 2 cos(2 10t + /4) + 3 cos(2 10t + 3/4). 1. Identify the amplitude and the phase of the two signals and form the corresponding complex numbers. In this example we have z1 = 2ej/4 z1 = 3ej 3/4 2. Compute the sum of z1 and z2 and express it in polar form. z3 = 2ej/4 + 3ej 3/4 = 0.7071 + j 3.5355 = 3.6056 ej 1.7682 3. Finally we obtain the result 3.6056 cos(2 10t + 1.7682).

A word of caution about the previous theorem. It is important to realize that it holds only in the case when the sinusoids are of the same frequency. In fact when we add two sinusoids of dierent frequency we get very dierent and interesting behavior. As an example consider, x1 (t) = A cos(1 t + 1 ) x2 (t) = A cos((1 + 2)t + 2 )

Then we have x3 (t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t) = Re{Aej (1 t+1 ) + Aej ((1 +2)t+2 ) } = Re{Aej = Re Aej
(1 +)t+
1 +2 2 1 +2 2

(ej (t

1 2 ) 2

+ ej (t

1 2 ) 2


1 2 2 1 + 2 1 2 = 2A cos((1 + )t + ) cos t + 2 2
(1 +)t+

2 cos t +

Thus the sum of two sinusoids of dierent frequency actually yields a signal that is the product of two sinusoids. In Fig. 1 we present the curve in the case when A = 1, 1 = 2 100, = 2 10 and 1 = 2 = 0.
2 1.5 1 0.5 x (t) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2




0.08 t





Figure 1: Plot of 2A cos(2 110t) cos(2 10t). The signal is plotted in red. The envelope of the signal is shown by the broken blue line. Note that the signal is varying quite fast. However the envelope of the signal (in broken blue lines) is varying at 10Hz. We shall see later that the product of two sinusoids is the basic principle behind AM (amplitude modulation) radio. Basically the speech or audio signal functions as the low frequency signal that gets multiplied with a high frequency carrier signal. 2

Spectral representation of sinusoids

Every signal that we have considered so far has been represented in the time domain. For example x(t) = A cos(2f0 t + ) is a sinusoid that is specied by a function that returns its value at any point in time. However a signal can also be represented by specifying its frequency content. To see this observe that x(t) = (Aej (2f0 t+) + Aej (2f0 t+) )/2 Thus x(t) can be interpreted as a signal that consists of two frequencies f0 and f0 with the strength at these frequencies being Aej and Aej respectively. It is also obvious that if
Aej Aej



Figure 2: Spectral representation of a sinusoid we were given the set of frequencies and their corresponding amplitudes then one can reconstruct the time domain signal by simply computing a linear combination of complex exponentials at the appropriate frequencies. We can plot the spectrum of the signal as shown in Fig. 2. The spectral representation of a signal is also called its frequency domain representation. We shall see in later lectures that the frequency domain representation of a signal is very useful in designing systems such as low-pass , band-pass or high-pass lters that help emphasize or attenuate dierent regions of the signal spectrum.

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