Module 1 Physics Basic Science

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Module 1 Physics: The Basic Science

What this module is about

The study of science has two branches namely, the life sciences and the physical sciences. The life sciences include biology, zoology and botany. The physical sciences branch into areas such as geology, astronomy, chemistry and physics. However, physics is more than part of physical sciences because it does not only deal with matter and energy but it also deals with the other basic concepts like motion, forces, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism and the composition of atoms. Science has different fields and yet physics is considered the basic science. Why do you think so? How does physics help improve our lives? How does physics help produce the different technologies that are introduced in society? How do physicists come up with the principles, theories, laws, and inventions, which are instrumental in providing the comforts of life? o you want to be clarified on these !uestions? Then read and work on the activities presented in this module. "odule # includes the following lessons$ Lesson 1 - Nature of Physics Lesson 2 - Physics Connections: Technology and Society Lesson 3 - The Physicists: Their Role in Society Lesson 4 - Thinking Physics: The Scientific ethod

What you are expected to learn

%fter going through this module, you are e&pected to$ #. (. ). *. +. ,. describe the nature of physics and e&plain its relationship to other sciences' relate physics to technology and society' give some contributions of physicists and technologists' use the scientific method to solve problems' perform the activities systematically' and appreciate the roles of physics in the modern world.

How to learn from this module

-elow are guidelines for you in going about the module$ #. .ead and follow instructions very carefully. (. %nswer the pre/test to determine how much you already know about the lessons in this module. ). 0heck your answers against the given answer key at the end of this module. *. .ead each lesson and do the activities that are provided for you. +. 1erform all the activities diligently to help you understand the topic. ,. Take the self/test after each lesson to determine how much you understand the topic. 2. %nswer the posttest to measure how much you have gained from the lessons. 3ood luck and have fun4

What to do before (Pretest

!" Select and #rite in a se$arate sheet of $a$er the letter of the %est ans#er" #. %ll of the following are physical sciences e&cept a. physics b. chemistry c. botany d. astronomy

(. Which of the statements below is a scientific hypothesis? a. b. c. d. Seawater is denser than freshwater 1hysics is the study of matter and energy. %toms are the smallest particles of matter. %lbert 5instein is the greatest physicist of the twentieth century.

). Which step in the scientific method involves giving a tentative answer to the problem? a. interpreting data b. formulating hypothesis c. predicting d. e&perimenting

*. Which of the following is a positive impact of technology on society?

a. pollutes the air b. improves industry

c. alters nature d. changes the values of man

+. Suppose you performed an e&periment on specific heat of metals but you forgot to record the initial temperature of the metal. Which of the following ways of action would you take? a. b. c. d. 1resent data that are not based on the e&periment. Start over again as soon as you realize your mistake. 0opy the data of the other groups who worked on the same activity. 0ontinue with the e&periment to see if the mistake makes any difference.

,. Which of the following is the application of science? a. law b. theory c. technology d. principle

2. To avoid accidents in performing a laboratory activity, you should a. b. c. d. ignore the scientific method. follow precautionary measures. talk with your friends as you work. skip the procedures that re!uire the use of breakable materials.

6. %ll of the following statements describe science 57051T one. Which is it? a. b. c. d. 8t is a logical way of thinking. 8t seeks to discover the truth about events. 8t is a body of knowledge that could not be !uestioned. 8t is a search for order in many different areas on nature.

&elo# are the $rocesses of the scientific 'ethod" !rrange these ste$s chronologically fro' nu'%ers (-1)" a. b. c. d. e. f. g. make predictions formulate hypothesis identify and state the problem accept hypothesis or theory conditionally gather observations, facts, and data test predictions by e&periments pass all tests 9 fail all tests completely or partially

:. #;. ##.

#(. #). #*.


-. Classify #hether each ite' re$resents technology or $ure science . #,. improvised -oyle<s =aw apparatus #2. improved procedure on determining the relative density of solids #6. the density of water is # g9cc #:. devices for measuring length (;. mass is the !uantity of matter
*ey to ans#ers on $age 1(

Lesson 1

Nature of Physics

%s mentioned in the early part of this module, physics falls under physical sciences and it is more than >ust a body of laws and facts. 8t deals with motion, forces, energy, heat, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, and the composition of atoms. 1hysics is a uni!ue activity of each physicist. 8t is a continuing activity that sometimes leads to discovery. 8t discusses the basic nature of matter and the various ways by which different forms of matter interact with one another. %nother form of study, which falls under physical science, is chemistry. 8t is a branch of science, which deals with how matter is put together, to make up the different things that are around us. ?n the other hand, biology is a life science, which deals with living organisms. The interrelationship between physics and biology has given birth to a new field of study known as biophysics. Similarly, the interrelationship between biology and chemistry has led to the emergence of biochemistry . The ideas of physics are basic to these fields of sciences, that is why physics is considered the most basic science, which simply means that you can understand other sciences better if you understand physics. 8n addition, physics helps us develop the different traits of scientists. The e&periments conducted in physics could provide students not only with the needed skills in operating laboratory e!uipment but also with the discipline to work systematically. @inally, the principles and laws of physics have practical applications in the home, transportation, industry, in communication, in amusements and many others.

What you will do

!cti+ity 1"1 -elow are e&amples of technology that operate on the principles, laws and theories of physics. 8dentify which of them have practical applications in the following areas$ home, transportation, industry, communication and information technology, and amusement. Technology 5&. #. videoke (. car ). computer *. fa& machine +. light/rail transit system B=.TC ,. refrigerator 2. generator 6. TD sets :. fluorescent lamps #;. air conditioning units !rea of !$$lication amusement AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

*ey to ans#ers on $age 2,

What you will do

Self-Test 1"1 #. (. ). *. What is physics? Why is physics considered the basic science? What field of study links physics to biology? How does physics relate to chemistry?

*ey to ans#ers on $age 2,

Lesson 2 Physics Connections: Technology and Society

We could not deny the fact that we live in a technological society and we live comfortably because of these products of science. %ll these technologies were made possible by breakthroughs in scientific research. -ut what is the difference between science and technology? Science is a body of systematized knowledge, which is based on observations, tests and e&periments while technology is an applied science. This means that if science ideas are put into practice, then that is technology, which could be a gadget, an instrument, an appliance, or an improved procedure made on the e&isting product. Enowledge of physics helps us understand our environment. "any of the things we do right at home involve physics. Say for e&ample, knowledge of heat and thermodynamics improves our understanding of the process of cooking and ironing clothes. How do you think the introduction of pressure cooker in the market affect society and what physics principle is applied in the operation of the pressure cooker? % pressure cooker allows us to cook food at a shorter time. This technology has a tight/fitting lid that does not allow steam to escape. %s vapor builds up inside the pressure cooker, pressure on the surface of the li!uid is increased and this results to an increase in the boiling point of water. The increased temperature of water cooks food faster.

What you will do

!cti+ity 2"1 @ill out the table below to show the connection of physics to technology and society. Physics Conce$ts 5&. .adiowaves, 5lectronics #. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ). AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Technology cellphone thermos car meterstick Society Fse as means of communication (. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

*ey to ans#ers on $age 2,

What you will do

Self-Test 2"1 8dentify which of the following represents pure science and which are technologies. #. (. ). *. +. light travels in a straight line acceleration is the rate of change in velocity construction of hydroelectric power plant the speed of sound is ))#.+ m9s at ;; 0 developing colored pictures

*ey to ans#ers on $age 2,

Physics !$$reciation
Enowledge of physics helps us understand our environment. Gou cannot dissociate yourself from the world of physics. %s even the simple activities we do at home involve physics. Say for e&ample, we apply the knowledge on heat and thermodynamics in understanding the process of cooking, ironing clothes, boiling water, and ice making. ?utside our home, all the activities that we do involve the application of physics principles such as the concept of motion in running an automobile, electricity in the operation of light/rail transit, the coefficient of e&pansion and pressure in the construction of bridges and dams, -ernoulli<s principle in flying an airplane, and the concept of energy transformation in the roller coaster, radio, television, and other means of modern day communication. %n understanding of physics is needed in the study of other sub>ect areas like biophysics, chemical physics, and astrophysics. 1hysics helps an individual develop scientific attitudes and solve problem systematically. The e&periments in physics provide students the needed practice and training in the manipulation of instruments, which serve as basis for operating more complicated machines like computers. ?ne who is skillful in the field of physics can either be a physics teacher, a laboratory technician, a mechanic, a meteorologist, an engineer, or a science researcher.

Thus, the principles and laws of physics are applied practically in all our activities. 1hysics is applied in the home, in transportation, communication, amusement, sports, and industry. 5verything you see, hear or feel has links with physics.

What you will do

!cti+ity 2"2 0ut some pictures from newspapers and magazines, which show applications of physics. iscuss each picture briefly.

*ey to ans#ers on $age 21

What you will do

Self-Test 2"2 0lassify whether the following technologies9events9processes of physics apply to the home, transportation, industry, sports, amusement or communication. Technology / Process / 0+ent #. (. ). *. +. boat gym hydroelectric power plant radio melting !rea transportation AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA

*ey to ans#ers on $age 21

Lesson 3 The Physicists: Their Role in Society

o you want to know who are the people behind the development of physics? What do you think are the different traits these people e&hibit while working on their inventions9discoveries? The succeeding discussion will give you answers to these !ueries. #. He studied the behavior of falling bodies and formulated laws covering the behavior of these ob>ects.

3alileo 3alilei B#+,*/#,*(C

(. He discovered that the planets move in an elliptical orbit. The laws of Eepler are used in calculating the flight paths of today<s space vehicle.

Hohannes Eepler B#+2#/#,);C

). He formulated -oyle<s law, which states that at constant temperature the volume of gas is inversely proportional to pressure.
.obert -oyle B#,(2/#,:#C

*. He formulated the laws of motion and the universal law of gravitation.

Sir 8saac Iewton B#,*(/#2(2C

+. He is noted for his e&periments on electricity. His renowned kite e&periment to study lightning led him to the invention of the lightning rod.

-en>amin @ranklin B#2;,/#2:;C

,. His invention was the generator, which worked on the principle that magnets can be used to produce electric current.

"ichael @araday B#2:#/#6,2C

2. He worked on electromagnetism and made important contributions to the development of the kinetic theory of gases.

Hames "a&well B#6)#/#62;C

6. He discovered &/rays in #6:+. Studies on radioactivity led to the development of nuclear physics.
Wilhelm .oentgen B#6*+/#:()C

:. He discovered radioactivity in #6:,. Hust like .oentgen<s discovery, his study led to the development of nuclear physics.

Henri -ec!uerel B#6+#/#:;6C

#;. % 3erman physicist who formulated the !uantum theory, which is the basis of !uantum mechanics.

"a& 1lanck B#6+6/#:*2C


##. He formulated the theory of relativity and his famous e!uation, 5 J mc(.

%lbert 5instein B#62:/#:++C

2etting to kno# our 3ili$ino scientists #. %rturo %lcaraz was responsible for the discovery of geothermal energy in the country. (. "elecio "agno worked as an atmospheric physicist. He studied how the principles of physics are applied to the study of weather elements. @urther, he e&plained how the laws of thermodynamics e&plain the different phase changes. ). 0hristopher -ernido provided the rationale for the unification of the four fundamental interactions of elementary particles. *. Henry .amos is famous for his first plasma e&perimental device, which can produce gases that can be manipulated for the generation of energy. +. -en>amin %lmeda is known as the Thomas 5dison of the 1hilippines. He invented the automatic cooler and the electric grinder. ,. 3regorio Kara is the inventor of an aircraft engine using alcohol as fuel with an airplane propeller that is made of local materials. He also invented the video telephone. 2. %luminada dela .osa conducted a study on the use of agriculture cellulose waste materials for energy production. Her study won her the third prize in the #:6( IST%/ ?ST most outstanding research award. 6. =inda 1osadas researched on the applications of lasers in communications, medicine, defense, architecture, space, science and entertainment. o you want to be one of these physicists9scientists? o you ever know that the success of science has more to do with the attitudes common to scientists? What do you think are these traits? These scientific attitudes are as follows. Curiosity % scientist is a curious person. He9She asks !uestions as to the causes of some events, which are not yet known' he9she keeps on reading to find information.



% scientist is an open/minded person who considers suggestions and accepts criticism, shares ideas with others, and considers several possibilities when investigating a problem. % scientist !uestions the inconsistencies in statements and conclusions, and makes decisions after collecting all/important facts. %lso, a scientist challenges the validity of unsupported statements. % scientist is one who checks consistency of observations, considers and evaluates ideas presented by others, and consults available data before drawing a conclusion.

5uestioning !ttitude

Res$ect for 0+idence

&elie+ing in Cause-and-0ffect % scientist believes that for every effect there is a Relationshi$ corresponding cause and accepts a statement as fact only if supported by evidence. 6onesty % scientist reports the data truthfully, gives comments as situations demand, and acknowledges the work done by others. % scientist shows awareness of one<s shortcomings and indicates willingness to ask help from someone who can assist him9her. % scientist carries out investigations in spite of limited time, keeps working in spite of several failures, and remains firm even in the face of criticisms.


Patience and 7eter'ination

Resourcefulness and Creati+ity % scientist makes optimum use of e!uipment and suggests substitutes for material that are not available in the school or in the community. 8ntellectual Res$onsi%ility % scientist performs assigned tasks dutifully, shows willingness to do e&tra work if necessary, and accepts failures if any are made during an investigation.

Try to develop the above scientific attitudes and who knows you will be the %lbert 5instein of the 1hilippines someday.


What you will do

!cti+ity 3"1 "atch column % with column -. !" Scientists #. Sir 8saac Iewton (. %lbert 5instein ). "ichael @araday *. .obert -oyle +. 3alileo 3alilei ,. Henry .amos 2. =inda 1osadas 6. 3regorio Kara :. -en>amin %lmeda #;. %rturo %lcaraz &" Contri%utions a. 8nvented the lightning rod b. =aw of universal gravitation c. 1D J E d. 5 J mc( e. 8nvented the generator f. 1lasma e&periment device g. Thomas 5dison of the 1hilippines h. iscovered geothermal energy in the 1hilippines i. 8nventor of aircraft engine >. .esearch on applications of laser k. Studied the behavior of falling bodies

*ey to ans#ers on $age 21

What you will do

Self-Test 3"1 Write the letter of the best answer for numbers #/(. #. % student demonstrates honesty when he a. recognizes conclusions as tentative. b. looks for inconsistencies in statements. c. reports the data truthfully. d. challenges the validity of unsupported statements. (. % person e&hibits open/mindedness when he a. discusses his ideas with others. b. agrees with the ideas presented by others. c. evaluates ideas, which do not agree with his9her ideas. d. asks others to provide evidences to support their arguments. )/+. 3ive at least three scientific attitudes and describe each trait.
*ey to ans#ers on $age 21


Lesson 4 Thinking Physics: The Scientific


We know that some scientific concepts were discovered by accident, which we call serendipity. However, most of these science ideas are the results of carefully planned investigation by scientists. Scientists solve scientific problems through a systematic approach. -elow are the processes of the scientific method applied to every scientific investigations. 8dentify and state the problem

3ather observations, facts and data

@ormulate hypothesis

"ake predictions

Test predictions by e&periments 1ass all tests

.evise hypothesis or theory

@ail tests completely or partially

%ccept hypothesis or theory conditionally' set additional tests and data 3ig" 4"1 !n 4utline of the Scientific ethod

Several important points should be remembered about the scientific method$ #. Science does not demand that we have no ideas when we engage on the processes of the scientific method, only that we be ready to change those ideas if the evidence forces us.


(. Scientists can and have started their work by making e&tensive observations, but they can also start with a theory and test it. 8t makes no difference where you enter the cycle because the scientific process takes you all the way round. ). Scientific results must be reproducible. *. The cycle is continuous, it has no end. Science does not provide final answers' nor is it a search for ultimate truth. +. @inally, the steps of scientific method shouldn<t be thought of as a kind of rigid cookbook style set of steps to follow. To give you a specific situation where the problem is solved scientifically, consider the case below$ The electric fan in your classroom is out of order. Gou tried investigating why it does not work. ?bservations on the wiring, on the chord, the plug and the outlet were done. Gou formulated a hypothesis on why it does not function. Series of testing were conducted to prove your hypothesis. @inally, you were able to find out that the main cause is a defective outlet. 8n this situation, you have followed a series of steps in solving the problem. o you think you have followed the steps of scientific method?

What you will do

!cti+ity 4"1 0ite a given problem where you can apply the steps of scientific method.
*ey to ans#ers on $age 22

What you will do

Self-Test 4"1 What are the steps of scientific method and describe each step.
*ey to ans#ers on $age 22

Lets summarize

#. 1hysics is considered the basic science because physics could e&plain science ideas in both chemistry and biology, which simply means that other sciences could be understood better if you understand physics. (. 1rinciples and laws of physics are applied in the home, in transportation, industry, communication, amusement, and information technology.


). Technology is an application of science. *. The following scientists contributed much to the development of physics$ 3alileo 3alilei Hohannes Eepler .obert -oyle Sir 8saac Iewton -en>amin @ranklin "ichael @araday Hames "a&well William .oentgen Henri -ec!uerel "a& 1lanck %lbert 5instein +. The @ilipino scientists who did a lot in the development of physics in the 1hilippines are as follows$ "elecio S. "agno 0hristopher -ernido Henry .amos -en>amin 3. %lmeda 3regorio Kara %luminada ela .osa =inda S. 1osadas ,. The following are the scientific attributes which are e&hibited by scientists$ 0uriosity ?pen "indedness Luestioning %ttitude .espect for 5vidence -elieving in 0ause/and/5ffect .elationship Honesty Humility 1atience and etermination .esourcefulness and 0reativity 8ntellectual .esponsibility 2. Scientists worked on their investigations 9 e&periments following the steps of the scientific method which are as follows$ 8dentify and state the problem. 3ather observations, facts, and data. @ormulate hypothesis. "ake predictions. Test predictions by e&periments. %ccept hypothesis or theory conditionally' set additional tests and data.


9rite only the letter of the %est ans#er" #. Which of the following fields of study is a physical science? a. biology b. botany c. zoology d. physics

(. When you perform an e&periment, what is the ne&t step to do after defining a problem? a. gather relevant data b. formulate the hypothesis c. test the hypothesis d. formulate a conclusion

). Hose saw big crabs crawling on the sand. He wondered where they came from so he started investigating. What scientific attitude did Hose show? a. open/mindedness b. resourcefulness c. curiosity d. patience

*. %ll of the following are positive effects of technology on society 57051T one. Which is it? a. improves industry b. pollutes the environment c. gives comfort to man d. makes work easier

+. Which of the statements below is a scientific hypothesis? a. b. c. d. 5nergy is the capacity to do work. 1hysics deals with matter and energy. The higher the temperature of the substance the faster its molecules move. "atter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

,. Which of the following steps involves giving an educative guess to the problem? a. making predictions b. gathering observations c. stating the problem d. formulating hypothesis

!rrange the different $rocesses of the scientific 'ethod chronologically fro' nu'%ers .-13" a. @ormulate hypothesis.


b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. 6. :. #;.

"ake predictions. %ccept hypothesis or theory conditionally. 8dentify and state the problem. 3ather observations, facts, and data. 1ass all tests 9 fails completely or partially. Test predictions by e&periments. ##. #(. #).

#*. Who formulated the laws of motion? a. Sir 8saac Iewton b. .obert -oyle c. %lbert 5instein d. -en>amin @ranklin

#+. Who was responsible for the discovery of geothermal energy in the country? a. "elecio S. "agno b. 0hristopher -ernido c. %rturo 1. %lcaraz d. Henry .amos

2i+e ) scientific attitudes that scientists $ossesses :1--2,;: #,. #2. #6. #:. (;.

*ey to ans#ers on $age 22


!ey to "nswers
Pretest !" #. c (. c ). b *. b +. b ,. c 2. b 6. c :. c #;. e ##. b #(. a #). f #*. g #+. d &" #,. technology #2. technology #6. pure science #:. technology (;. pure science Lesson 1 !cti+ity 1"1 #. videoke M amusement (. car M transportation ). computer M information technology *. fa& machine M communication +. =.T M transportation ,. refrigerator M home 2. generator M industry, home 6. TD set M home :. fluorescent lamps M home, industry #;. air conditioning unit M home, industry


Self-Test 1"1 #. 1hysics deals with matter and energy. (. 1hysics is considered the basic science because the principles, laws and theories of physics are needed in understanding other fields of sciences like chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy. ). -iophysics *. 1hysics deals with matter and energy while chemistry also deals with matter specifically the interaction between the atoms and the properties of the substances. Lesson 2 !cti+ity 2"1 #. (. ). *. 8t reduces the loss of heat by conduction, convection and radiation. Humans need hot water for mi&ing hot water with milk or coffee. "otion 1eople need cars to travel longer distances at the shortest possible time. 8t is a means of transportation. +. "easurement ,. 1eople need meterstick for measuring the length precisely and accurately. Self-Test 2"1 #. pure science (. pure science ). technology *. pure science +. technology !cti+ity 2"2 5&ample$ 1icture of moving electric fan. 8n this picture, transformation of energy is shown from electrical energy to mechanical energy and heat.

Iote$Students< collection of pictures may vary. Self-Test 2"2 #. (. ). *. +. boat M transportation gym M sports hydroelectric power plant M industry radio M communication melting / industry

Lesson 3 !cti+ity 3"1 #. b


(. d ). e *. c +. k ,. f 2. > 6. i :. g #;. h Self-Test 3"1 #. c (. a ). .esourceful and 0reative. He suggests a substitute for materials that are not available in the school or in the community. *. Humble. He does not belittle others whom he thinks do not meet his standards. +. .esponsible. He performs his assigned tasks dutifully' shows willingness to do e&tra work if necessary. Iote$ Students< answer may vary for items )/+. Lesson 4 !cti+ity 4"1 5&. "y grade in physics in the second grading period is much lower than the first grading. 8 would like to improve my class standing in the sub>ect so 8 decided to list down the possible reasons of getting low grades in physics. 8 came up with the following possible reasons$ a. 8 spend so much time watching TD at night. b. 8 only spend a little time studying physics compared with the time spent in other sub>ects. c. 8 do not answer my assignment in physics regularly. Then 8 tried to reduce the number of hours watching TD program, answered assignment promptly and have spent more time studying physics than in other sub>ects. @inally, when all these ways were tried in a month, 8 have noticed that my grade improved. Thus, 8 have found out that improving one<s study habit is a way of getting a good grade in the sub>ect.


Posttest #. d (. a ). c *. b +. c ,. d 2. d 6. e :. a #;. b ##. g #(. f #). c #*. a #+. c #,. curiosity #2. open/mindedness #6. !uestioning attitude #:. humility (;. resourcefulness and creativity Iote$ Students may have varied answers for item numbers #,/(;. -0nd of odule-

Hewitt, 1.3. B#::2C. Conceptual physics. FS%$ %ddison/Wesley 1ublishing 0o., 8nc. Iavasa, . and Daldez, -.H. B(;;#C. Physics. Luezon 0ity$ Sibs 1ublishing House, 8nc.

Salmorin, =.". and @lorido, %. B(;;*C. Physics IV. Luezon 0ity$ %biva 1ublishing House, 8nc. See Tho Weng @ong B#::+C. Science for secondary schools. Singapore$ =ongman Singapore 1ublishers. Taffel, %. B#::(C. Physics: Its methods and meanings. FS%$ 1rentice Hall 1ublishers. Tan, ".B(;;#C. TIMSS-LI ! test items in science and mathematics. sa mga 3uro ng %gham at "atematika, 8nk. Tillery, -.W. B#:::C. Physical science. Singapore$ W0- "c3raw/Hill. ?ST/S58, F1I8S"5 , 1undasyon 1ara


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