Basic Customer Service

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Competence Building
Building Seminar
for Pit
Pit Supervisor

Basic Customer
SBM Dario V. Cordero
Customer Statistics
Why customers stop doing business with a particular
hotel or establishment:
1% - Die
3% - Move away
5% - Develop other friendships
9% - Leave for competitive reasons
14% - Dissatisfied with the product
68% - Quit because of an attitude of
indifference toward the customer
by an employee

Source: Michael LeBoeuf’s How to win customers and keep them for life
• The average business never hears from 96% of its unhappy
customers. (But 90% or more of them will not visit or buy from tthat
business again)
• For every complaint received, the average company in fact has 26
customers with problems.
• Complainers are more likely than non -complainers to do business
again with the company that upset them, even if the problem wasnwasn't't
satisfactorily resolved
• Of the customers who register a complaint, between 54% and 70%
will do business with you again if you resolved their complaint. That
figure jumps to a staggering 95% if the customer feels the probl em
was resolved quickly.
• Customers who hear complained to an organization and had their
complaints satisfactorily resolved tell an average of five peopl
peoplee about
the treatment they resolved.

Source: A survey conducted by Technical Assistance Research Pro grams,

Inc. located in Washington D.C.
• Greeting and meeting customers
9Verbal Communication
ƒGood Morning, Good Evening, etc.
ƒThank You, Good Luck and others
Six Rules for Saying “ Thank You
1. Thanks should be sincere.
2. Say it – Don ’t mumble it.
3. Thank people by name.
4. Look at the person you are thanking.
5. Work at thanking people.
6. Thank people when they least expect it.
• Greeting and meeting customers
9Verbal Communication
ƒGood Morning, Good Evening, etc.
ƒThank You, Good Luck and others
9Non-verbal Communication
ƒGesture, Eye contact, Smile, etc.
Smile Training
Work miracles with a smile.
Smile pointers:
1. What A Smile Says
2. Smile From Way Down Deep
3. Let Go and Smile
4. How to Use Mirror Magic
5. Develop a Genuine Smile
A smile is the million -peso asset in
your human relations inventory …
USE IT !!!
• Greeting and meeting customers
9Verbal Communication
ƒGood Morning, Good Evening, etc.
ƒThank You, Good Luck and others
9Non-verbal Communication
ƒGesture, Eye contact, Smile, etc.
• Providing information and services
• Settling misunderstandings and disputes
The Customer
… Are the most important people who will ever be in
the casino.
… Are those special VIPs who call on the phone.
… Are not interruptions of our work
…Are …they are the
reason for it.
… Are individuals with names and feelings.
… Are not people I argue with.
… Are the reasons I have a job.
It takes months to find a
customer; seconds to lose one.
The goal of customer service
is to make people want to do
business with us.
Customer service is listening…
and hearing… what customers
say and don’t say.
Customer service, above all, is
an attitude that the customer
is our purpose for being.
Customer service is a smile
and a pleasant voice.
Customer service
is a commitment.
Customer service makes
every client feel like
“the most important”.
Tell customer you
appreciate their business.
Customer service means that
every employee knows that
“no one is more important
than the customer”.
Always be courteous
and polite during each
customer contact.
Never be
“the reason”
A customer doesn't
come back.
The customer may not always
be right, but they are always

The Customer.
“ It is not even whether or not the guest’s
desired service can be fulfilled that is most
important… what really counts is the attitude
with which the guest is treated.”
- Peter G. Demos, Jr.
“ Our business is serving the entertainment
and gaming needs of the public. If we can do
that better than the other casino hotels, we’ll
get the business. If we can’t, we won’t get
the business and we don’t deserve to.”

- Donald Trump
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