Accounting For Non-Financial People-Part 1
Accounting For Non-Financial People-Part 1
Accounting For Non-Financial People-Part 1
PB SAN JOSE, JR., cpa, mba, cpv
Accounting Defined:
Accounting is the process of:
1. Identifying
2. Measuring, and
3. Communicating
Economic information to permit informed
judgment and decision by users of the
information. (American Accounting Association)
Accounting Defined
1. Economic Information
Refers to economic activities or business
transactions that have an effect on the business
assets, liabilities, income, expense or/and equity.
a. Internal transactions-economic events that
take place within the enterprise.
b. External transactions-economic events
involving one enterprise and another enterprise.
Accounting Defined
1. Identifying Economic Event
Is the process of recognition or non-
recognition of a business activities.
We only recognize business activities or
events when they affect on the firm’s assets,
liabilities, income, expense or/and equity
and can be quantified or expressed in terms
of a unit or measure.
Accounting Defined
1. Measuring Economic Event:
Is the process of assigning of peso
amounts to the economic or business
transactions and events.
Accounting Defined
Communication Economic Event
Is the process of preparing and distributing
accounting reports to potential users of
accounting information. (investors, owners,
management, creditors, government units
and other interested people).
Types of Business Activities
1. Service Companies
Perform services for a fee.
2. Merchandising Companies
Purchase goods that are ready for sale
(no additional processing is involved)
3. Manufacturing Companies
Buy raw materials and convert or process these
raw materials (by adding labor and overhead)
into finished products/goods.
1. Sole Proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Corporation
Sole Proprietorship
Is owned by one individual.
1. No formal charter is required.
2. Organizational costs are minimal.
3. Profits and controls are not shared with others.
4. The income is taxed as personal income.
5. Confidentiality is maintained.
1. Amount of capital is limited.
2. Unlimited liability.
3. Life of the business is limited to the life of the owner.
4. The owner must be “jack of all trades.”
Sole Proprietorship
How to organize a sole proprietorship
1. Register trade name with the DTI.
2. Get business permit from the local
government unit.
3. Register with the BIR as VAT or Non-
VAT business entity.
4. Register with the BIR –simplified books
of accounts.
Is the association of two or more persons
who bind themselves to contribute money,
property or industry to a common fund with
the intention of dividing the profits among
Basic Types of Partnership
1. General Partnership
2. Limited Partnership
General Partnership
Is the type of partnership where the
liabilities of the (general) partners extend
beyond their partnership contributions (up
to their personal assets).
Limited Partnership
Is the type of partnership whereby the
partners are limited partners with at least
one general partner. The liabilities of the
limited partners are limited only up to their
partnership contributions.
Types of Partners
1. Capitalist Partner
Whose contributions are in the forms of money
or property.
2. Industrial Partner
Whose contributions are in the form of industry
or skills.
3. Capitalist-Industrial Partner
Whose contributions are in the forms of money
or property and skills.
How to organize a Partnership:
1. Register with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) the partnership’s Article of Co-Partnership.
2. Get business permit from the local government unit.
3. Register with the BIR as to VAT or Non-VAT entity.
4. Register with the BIR books of accounts, official
receipts and other business forms to be used in the
5. Comply with the requirements of other government
units (such as SSS. etc.)
Causes of Partnership Dissolution
1. Admission of a new partner.
2. Withdrawal or retirement of a partner.
3. Death, incapacity, or bankruptcy of a
4. Incorporation of the partnership into
5. Agreement of the partners.
Is an “artificial being created by operation
of law having the right of succession and
the powers, attributes, and properties
expressly authorized by law or incident to
its existence.”
How to Organize a Corporation
1. Register with SEC, the corporate Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws.
(together with the corporate treasurer’s affidavit that at
least 25% of the authorized capital stocks had been
subscribed and at least 25% of the subscribed stocks had
been paid up).
2. Get business permit from local government unit.
3. Register with BIR as VAT or Non-VAT entity.
4. Register with BIR corporate books of accounts, official
receipts and other business forms to be used in the
5. Comply with the requirements of other government
units (such as SSS, etc.)
Components of a Corporation
1. Corporators
2. Incorporators
3. Stockholders
4. Members
5. Board of Directors
6. Board of Trustees
7. Promoters
8. Underwriters (investment bankers)
Taxes for Partnership & Corporation
Partnership (except professional general
partnership-partners are taxed as individuals) and
corporation are taxed 30% of net taxable income.
Partnership and corporation unless specifically
VAT-Exempted by law are subject to payment of
12% VAT on sales (net of input taxes from
purchases) to be paid every quarter. They are also
required to withhold taxes from the compensation
of their regular employees. SSS premiums and
other mandatory deductions have to be complied
Understanding Financial Statements
The three basic financial statements are:
1. Income Statement
2. Balance Sheet
3. Statement of Cash Flows
Objective of Financial Statements
Is to provide quantitative information about the
financial position, performance, changes in
financial position of an enterprise that is useful to
a wide range of users in making economic or
business decisions.
Income Statement
Is the financial statement that shows the
result of operation of a business entity for a
specific given period of time (for the Period
Covering January 1, 2008 to December 31,
2008 or for the Year Ending December 31,
The income statement shows the revenues,
expenses, and the net income (loss) for the
specific given period of time.
Balance Sheet
Shows the financial condition or position of
the firm as of a particular date (As of
December 31, 2008).
It shows the balances of the assets,
liabilities and equity accounts.
Statement of Cash Flows
Shows the detailed sources and utilization of the cash asset
from its operating, investing, and financing activities.
Operating activities-involve activities from the business
day to day operations.
Investing activities-involve the purchase and sale of fixed
assets (such as property and equipment and the like).
Financing activities-involve the sale the company’s own
preferred and common stocks, bonds, mortgages and other
long-term debt instruments and collection of loans made to
other entities. They also include cash outflows for
repayments of long-term loans, reacquisition of treasury
stocks and payment of dividends.
Accounting Theories, Assumptions
and Concepts
Two Basic Assumptions:
1. Going Concern Assumption
When financial statements are prepared, the
assumption is that the firm will be in operation
from year to year.
2. Accrual Assumption
This assumption states that income and
expenses are recognized in the financial
statements when they are realized and incurred,
respectively, even if there is no cash receipt or
payment involved.
Basic Accounting Concepts
Time Period or Periodicity
States that financial statements are
prepared at the end of the business
operating period which is normally one
year. (interim financial reports are
sometimes prepared on a monthly, quarterly
or semi-annually for internal purposes).
Business Entity Concept
States that the business entity has a separate
and distinct personality different from its
owners. (a corporation has a distinct and
separate personality from its stockholders)
Materiality or Full Disclosure
States that all significant circumstances and
events that would make a difference to
financial statement users should be
Prudence or Conservatism Concept
States that profits should not be anticipated
but provision for possible losses should be
made. (like provisions for bad debts and
Cost Concept
States that business transactions should be
normally recorded at cost. (Recently, some
accounting rules had been changed allowing
recording certain assets at market value).
Qualitative Characteristics of
Financial Statements
Financial statements should be prepared in
such manner where they could be easily
understood by the different users.
The account titles used and the account
classification should follow the uniform
accounting system used internationally.
States that financial statements should be
prepared on time otherwise, they will lose
that capacity to influence the decision
The financial information is relevant when
it can make a difference in a business
States that financial statements should be
free from material misstatement of facts.
The financial information to be depended
and reliable, it should be verifiable, neutral,
factual and faithful representation of what it
purports to be.
States that the firm should use consistently
the same accounting principles and methods
from year to year in order that it can
compare its financial statements of the
current year with its prior years. (example
depreciation method or inventory valuation
Accounting Cycle
Is the process of collecting and processing transaction data up to the
preparation of the financial statements.