2013 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities - 0
2013 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities - 0
2013 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities - 0
For more than two decades the Air National Guard has demonstrated its value as a vital part of the worlds greatest Air Force. Ongoing combat operations, coupled with the strategic rebalance to the Pacific, demand a strong Air National Guard and a strong Total Air Force. Our national and state leaders rely on the Air Guards history of modernization innovation and efficiency, and the requirements contained within the 2013 Air National Guard Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities Book continue to build on that history. The Air National Guard is the most value-added enabler in the Air Force arsenal, providing one-third of the US Air Force capability at less than half the cost of regular forces. Today we are a ready and reliable operational force while retaining our strategic surge capability. We served nobly in Iraq, and continue to be an integral component of ongoing combat operations in Afghanistan and countless other locations around the globe. Our tactical experts remain energetic in purpose, offering outside-the-box solutions to a myriad of evolving challenges. While we are proud of what we have accomplished, there is still more work to do. To this end, over 600 battle-hardened and combat-tested experts and support personnel gathered this year to present our leaders with unencumbered, honest and direct input describing current critical material capability gaps. With the ever-increasing pressure to tighten our DoD budget, it is challenging to remain innovative, adaptable and resourceful. The modernization and recapitalization of the Air National Guard will persist as one of our greatest challenges, but I am confident we are equal to the task. The aptly themed Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter Air Reserve Component Weapons and Tactics Conference (WEPTAC) was an extraordinary success. I present the Air National Guard Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities Book as the culmination of our rigorous process and as a demonstration of our first-hand knowledge of what it takes to secure the home front and defend the nation. I continue to be incredibly proud of todays Air National Guard.
HARRY M.WYATT III Lieutenant General, USAF Director, Air National Guard
Release Policy: Information presented in this document is released to the public and may be distributed or copied; however, it is subject to change without notice. Neither the Air National Guard, nor any other Department of Defense agency, warrants the accuracy of any funding information contained in the document. Use of appropriate photo / image credits is requested. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please forward them to our Email: NGBA5.workflow@ang.af.mil for more information.
Table of Contents i Introduction v Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities vi Weapons Systems Reference Table by State xiv Contacts xv TAB A - A-10 Thunderbolt II Overview 1 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List 2 Executive Summary 3 A-10 Improved Positive Identification Through Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting and High Resolution Sensors and Displays 4 A-10 Operational Flight Program Software Upgrades 5 A-10 Fully-Integrated Communications Suite 6 A-10 Lightweight Airborne Recovery System (LARS) Upgrade 7 A-10 Increase Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Datalink Capability in a Contested Degraded Operations (CDO) Environment 8 A-10 Austere Airfield Capabilities 9 A-10 Airframe and Propulsion Enhancements 10 TAB B - Command and Control (C2) Overview 11 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List 12 Executive Summary 13 C2 Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Recurring Event (RE) 11/12/13 Upgrade 15 C2 Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Recurring Joint Range Extension (JRE) With Joint Distributed Operational Training System (JDOTS) 16 C2 Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Core Radio Package System (CRPS) 17 C2 Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA) 18 C2 Air and Space Operations Center Recurring (AOC) Targeting Applications Workstation Systems (TAWS) 19 C2 Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Modular Tactical Electrical Power Mission Support Systems 20 C2 Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Organic Integrated Mission Support Communications System 21 C2 Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Highly Mobile Medium Range Radar 22 C2 Air Defense Sector (ADS) Line-of-Sight (LOS) Communications 23 C2 Air Defense Sector (ADS) Battle Control Center (BCC) Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) Tactical Satellite Communications (TACSAT) 24 TAB C - C-17 Globemaster II and C-5 Galaxy Overview 25 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List 26 Executive Summary 27 C-17 Heads-Up Countermeasures Dispenser Control 29 C-17 Three-Engine Airdrop Escape Performance Data 30 C-17 Improved Infrared (IR) Missile Defense and 360-Degree Situational Awareness Displays 31 C-17 Class III Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) 32 C-17 and C-5 Integrated Real-Time in the Cockpit (RTIC) and Datalink (DL) 33 C-5 Structural Modernization 34 C-5 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) and Next Generation Threat Detection System 35 C-5 Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) 36 TAB D - C-130H/J Hercules and C-27J Spartan Overview 37 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List 38 Executive Summary 39 C-130H Propulsion Modernization 41 C-130H/J Enhanced Situational Awareness 42 C-130H/J Improved Self Protection 43 C-130H/J Single Pass Precision Guided Airdrop 44 C-130H Avionics Obsolescence Solution 45 C-130J Cargo Compartment Camera 46
C-130J Increased Firefighting Safety C-27J Enhanced Situational Awareness Displays C-27J Operational Flight Program (OFP) Software Upgrades C-27J Multi-Spectrum Sensor/Designator C-27J Loadmaster Armor C-27J Certified Primary Flight Display (PFD) Heads-Up Display (HUD) TAB E - EC/HC/MC/LC-130 Special Mission Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary EC-130J Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) EC-130J Intelligence Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) EC-130J Fly-Away Broadcast System EC-130J Arclight2 Ku Band Spread Spectrum (KuSS) Modem EC-130J Communication/Situational Awareness Suite HC/MC-130P/N Integrated Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS)/Secure-Line-of-Sight SLOS) Datalink HC/MC-130P/N Information Superiority HC/MC-130P/N Combat Penetrator Suite HC/MC-130P/N Enhanced Engine and Propeller Performance HC/MC-130P/N Mission Flexible Cargo Compartment HC/MC-130 P/N Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) Mission Area Working Group (MAWG) Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) LC-130H Eight-Bladed Propeller Replacement LC-130H Retractable External Arm and Crevasse Detection Radar (CDR) LC-130H In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) LC-130H Flight Deck Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility LC-130H Flight Deck Communications Upgrade TAB F - E-8C JSTARS and C-32B Gatekeeper Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary E-8C Personnel Recovery (PR) Compatible Interrogation Radio E-8C Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) Modernization E-8C Organic Combat Identification (CID) Capability For Targeting E-8C Mission Radio Calibration Tool E-8C Fleet-Wide Multi-Agency Communication Capability (MACC) C-32B Satellite Communication (SATCOM) System with Secure Ku Bandwith C-32B Communications Management System (CMS) Replacement TAB G - F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary F-15 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar F-15 Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) System F-15 Modernized Self-Protection Suite F-15 Cockpit Display Upgrades F-15 Updated Non-Cooperative Target Identification Capability F-15 Common Baseline Configuration TAB H - F-16 Fighting Falcon Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary F-16 Fully Integrated Sensor Enhancements - Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar And Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) F-16 Fully Integrated Sensor Enhancements - Block 30/32/40/42 Advanced Identification Friend/Foe (AIFF) F-16 Fully Integrated Sensor Enhancements - Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) Pod F-16 Integrated Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite F-16 Secure-Line-Of-Sight (SLOS) and Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) with 3D Audio Communications
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 101
F-16 Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) F-16 Day/Night Compatible Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) F-16 Additional High Resolution Display TAB I - HH-60 Pave Hawk Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary HH-60 Modernized Electronic Warfare System HH-60 Integrated Flight Deck HH-60 Helmet Mounted Cueing HH-60 3D Landing Zone (LZ) HH-60 Weapons Modernization TAB J - KC-135 Stratotanker Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary KC-135 Advanced Infrared Countermeasures (IRCM) Defensive Systems KC-135 Tactical Datalink and Situational Awareness Cockpit Display Units (CDU) KC-135 External Overt/Covert Lighting KC-135 Fuel Tank Fire Explosion Protection KC-135 Aircraft Ground Cooling Capability Tab K - Logistics Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary Logistics Obsolete Support Equipment Replacement Logistics Advanced Support Equipment Logistics Multiple Mission Design Series (MDS) Leak Detection Capability Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Radio Support Capability C-130 Isochronal Inspection Stands TAB L Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary RC-26B Mission Management System (MMS) with PRC-117G and Handheld Integration RC-26B Avionics Modernization RC-26B Full Spectrum Late Generation Downlinks and Communications RC-26B Common Upgraded Full Motion Video (FMV) Sensor RC-26B Self-Protection System (SPS) Provision for Block 20 and Upgraded SPS for Block 25 Senior Scout Receiver Modernization Senior Scout Multi-Phase Beam Array (Beamformer) Senior Scout Rip and Identification of Pre-detection Recordings (RIPR) Senior Scout High Frequency Communication Geo-location Senior Scout Analog-to-Digital Receiver Modernization Distribution Ground System Fully Integrated Suite of AFSOC Support Equipment and Software Loads Distribution Ground System Video Storage Capacity Required for High Definition Full Motion Video TAB M - Operational Support Aircraft (OSA) Overview 2012Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary C-38A Replacement Aircraft Program C-38A Avionics Modernization C-38A/C-40C High Speed Data C-40C Procurement C-40C Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) TAB N - Guardian Angel, Special Tactics, and Tactical Air Control Party Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary Guardian Angel (GA) Human Performance Optimization Guardian Angel (GA) Combat Survivability Suite Guardian Angel (GA) Weapon Modernization Suite
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159
Guardian Angel (GA) Rescue Recovery Vehicles Special Tactics (ST) Universal Datalink Special Tactics (ST) Dismounted Operator Suite Special Tactics (ST) Employment Enhancement Suite Special Tactics (ST) Environmental Assessment Suite Special Tactics (ST) Communications Enhancement Suite Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Dismounted Interoperable Sensor Acquisition Suite Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Rapidly Deployable Joint Operational Communications Suite Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) Tactical Network Suite Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Software Targeting and Data Management Suite TAB O - MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary MQ-1/MQ-9 Multi-Level Secure Communications Suite MQ-1/MQ-9 Independent and Redundant Data Architectures MQ-1/MQ-9 Ground-Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) MQ-1/MQ-9 High-Speed Exploitation Support Data (ESD) MQ-1/MQ-9 Rapid, Robust Data Transfer and Sharing TAB P - Simulation, Distributed Mission Operations and Range Instrumentation Overview 2012Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary Simulation C-130J Virtual Electronic Combat Training System (VECTS) Simulation Battle Control Center (BCC) Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) Simulation Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Tailorable Distributed Live-Fly Training Simulation Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Deployable Mission Simulation Training Simulation Cyberspace Training Environment (CTE) Simulation Air National Guard Advanced Joint Terminal Attack Controller Training System (AAJTS) Ranges High Fidelity Surrogate Targets Ranges Mobile High Fidelity Threat Simulators Ranges Communications and Tactical Datalink (CTDL) Architecture Support Ranges Rangeless Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) Ranges Joint Advanced Weapon Scoring System (JAWSS) TAB Q - Space, Cyber and Information Operations Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary Space Operations Domain Infrastructure Capability Enhancement (DICE) Cyber Warfare/Information Operations (CW/IO) Critical Infrastructure Range (CCIR) Cyber Warfare/Information Operations (CW/IO) Secure Infrastructure and Collaborative Capability (SIC2) Cyber Warfare/Information Operations (CW/IO) Portable Assessment for Wireless Network (PAWN) Cyber Remote Access Toolset (RAT) TAB R Security Forces Overview 2012 Weapons and Tactics Requirements List Executive Summary Security Forces (SF) Professional Bag Expansion and Modernization Security Forces (SF) Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation (STANO) Equipment Modernization Security Forces (SF) Explosive Detection Equipment Security Forces (SF) Less-than-Lethal (LTL) Equipment Security Forces (SF) Small Arms Range Solutions
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
The 2013 Air National Guard (ANG) Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities Book documents capability priorities identified during the October 2012 Air Reserve Component Weapons and Tactics (WEPTAC) Conference. WEPTAC hosted representatives from all ANG and Air Force Reserve (AFR) units, as well as representation from the active component. The 2013 Book is organized into 18 individual weapons systems Tabs. Each Tab begins with a summary page of capabilities identified at WEPTAC, categorized as Critical (Crucial within the next one to three years), Essential (Vital within the next three to five years), or Desired (Enhances mission success in the five-year timeframe). For each Critical capability identified, an information paper is included within the weapon system Tab. A header within each information paper identifies its appropriate Service Core Function or functional category as one of the following:
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack Space Superiority / Cyberspace Superiority Global Integrated ISR Agile Combat Support Rapid Global Mobility Command and Control Special Operations / Personnel Recovery Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations
The Executive Summary page within each Tab depicts the anticipated three-year cost projections by appropriation type for each Critical item. The total cost over three years for each critical item in the Executive Summary may or may not match the total program cost contained in each information paper depending on whether program completion occurs within or beyond the three-years depicted. Applicable Funding Appropriation Definitions
3840 - ANG Operations and Maintenance, one-year funding 3010 - Aircraft Procurement, three-year funding 3600 - Research and Development, two-year funding 3080 - Other Procurement, three-year funding (NOTE: In most cases, Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) costs are paid for with 3600 Research, Development, Test and Engineering (RDT&E) money, but in some cases they can be paid for with 3010 Procurement money.)
The State Matrix on each Tab page identifies ANG weapons systems locations by state/territory. These depictions reflect the force structure as of 30 Sept 2012, and are subject to change based on the final outcome of the 2013 Presidents Budget. The Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities Summary Table (p. vi-xiii) lists each Critical capability and its associated total program cost by funding-type. In some cases, critical priorities may overlap with items funded in the Air Force Future Years Defense Program (FYDP); they are included in this summary as WEPTAC-defined Critical Requirements, but the program costs associated with them are not included to avoid double-counting.
Type Funds
Units Required
Unit Cost
Program Cost
3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3600 3010 3010 3080 3010
$69,800 $9,000,000 $326,000 $1,500,000 $250,000 $1,700,000 $18,600,000 $5,000,000 $50,000 $7,000 $43,800 $1,000,000
$2,931,600 $9,000,000 $34,556,000 $15,000,000 $61,000,000 $176,800,000 $55,800,000 $5,000,000 $5,300,000 $1,113,000 $438,000 $1,000,000
3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010
$4,500,000 $155,000 $11,000 $20,000 $208,000 $10,000 $2,000,000 $100,000 $4,000,000 $330,000 $64,000,000 $66,000
$4,500,000 $16,430,000 $1,166,000 $1,260,000 $22,048,000 $1,060,000 $2,000,000 $12,600,000 $96,000,000 $69,960,000 $64,000,000 $13,992,000 $672,954,600
3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3010
AF Future Years Defense Program $272,000,000 $8,500,000 TBD TBD AF Future Years Defense Program AF Future Years Defense Program $82,500 $10,725,000 AF Future Years Defense Program $5,000,000 $440,000 $2,500,000 $11,330,000 $10,000,000 $750,000 $3,000,000 $2,200,000 $75,000 $5,000,000 $46,200,000 $2,500,000 $11,330,000 $10,000,000 $55,500,000 $3,000,000 $231,000,000 $900,000 $648,155,000
93 1 178 40
AF Future Years Defense Program $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $119,260,000 $670,000 $3,000,000 $120,000,000
1 66 79 1 78
Type Funds
3600 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3080 3010 3600 3010 3010 3080 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010
Units Required
1 267 1 69 60 69 75 1 259 1 259 311 10 10 244 104 49 129 188 308
Unit Cost
Program Cost
$4,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,000,000 $267,000,000 $50,000,000 $50,000,000 $340,000 $23,460,000 AF Future Years Defense Program $160,000 $11,040,000 $1,330,000 $99,750,000 $4,120,000 $4,120,000 $150,000 $5,200,000 $45,000 $6,700 $43,800 $38,850,000 $5,200,000 $11,655,000 $2,083,700 $438,000
Included in A-10 Info Paper Included in A-10 Info Paper Included in A-10 Info Paper $113,916 $240,000 $183,764 $176,061 $5,581,884 $30,960,000 $34,547,632 $54,226,788 $930,164,765 $2,251,274,365
Type Funds
Units Required
Unit Cost
Program Cost
3080 3840 3840 3080 3080 3840 3840 3840 3080 3080 3840 3840 3080 3080 3080
5 5 5 27 6 6 6 6 16 14 72 11 11 9 100
$135,000 $36,000 $11,600 $37,000 $250,000 $100,000 $40,000 $65,000 $8,000 $28,000 $135,000 $250,000 $600,000 $6,500,000 $40,000
$675,000 $180,000 $58,000 $999,000 $1,500,000 $600,000 $240,000 $390,000 $128,000 $392,000 $9,720,000 $2,750,000 $6,600,000 $58,500,000 $4,000,000
$592,000 $103,324,000 $7,840,000 $8,500,000 $4,250,000 $4,250,000 $2,762,500 $4,200,000 $19,125,000 $310,000 $880,000 $650,000 $5,100,000 $57,867,500 $161,191,500
3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3840 3080 3080 3080 3840 3080
$28,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $6,500 $140,000 $45,000 $155,000 $4,000 $650,000 $15,000
Type Funds
3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3600 3600 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010
Units Required
1 10 18 1 17 1 1 18 1 6 6 1 10
Unit Cost
$6,400,000 $300,000 $144,444 $7,500,000 $182,350 $41,198,000 $31,914,000 $384,000 $120,000,000 $65,000,000 $75,000 $500,000 $300,000
Program Cost
$6,400,000 $3,000,000 $2,599,992 $7,500,000 $3,099,950 $41,198,000 $31,914,000 $6,912,000 $120,000,000 $390,000,000 $450,000 $500,000 $3,000,000 $616,573,942 $500,000 $4,290,000 $300,000 $11,000,000 $400,000 $4,642,000 $500,000 $2,794,000 $2,600,000 $27,026,000 $3,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,255,000 $3,920,000 $3,255,000 $560,000 $1,380,000 $2,960,000 $2,610,000 $1,740,000 $22,080,000
1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 5
3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010
1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4
$3,200,000 $300,000 $1,255,000 $980,000 $3,255,000 $140,000 $1,380,000 $740,000 $2,610,000 $435,000
3080 3840
6 6
$860,000 $210,000
$5,160,000 $1,260,000
$1,200,000 $7,620,000 $3,600,000 $36,000,000 $2,100,000 $13,800,000 $6,300,000 $4,900,000 $5,600,000 $15,000,000 $7,000,000 $240,000 $1,400,000 $95,940,000 $769,239,942
3600 3080 3600 3080 3010 3010 3010 3600 3080 3080 3080
1 120 1 23 3 7 7 1 7 16 7
$3,600,000 $300,000 $2,100,000 $600,000 $2,100,000 $700,000 $800,000 $15,000,000 $1,000,000 $15,000 $200,000
Units Required 1 22 1
1 8 8 18 1 18 1 1 18 18 18 16 16 16 16
Program Cost
$1,500,000 $660,000 $3,000,000
$12,000,000 $12,000,000 AF Future Years Defense Program AF Future Years Defense Program $2,954,855 $53,187,390 $2,400,000 $240,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $100,000 $330,000 $100,000 $100,000 $330,000 $100,000 $9,400,000 $2,400,000 $4,320,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $1,800,000 $5,940,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $5,280,000 $1,600,000 $150,400,000
1 1 16 16 1 16 16
$10,000,000 $12,000,000 $72,000,000 $48,000,000 $3,000,000 $32,000,000 $32,000,000 $474,487,390 $8,000,000 $270,000,000 $111,375,000 $47,250,000 $756,000,000 $90,000,045 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $35,053,870 $3,000,000 $465,000,000
3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3600 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3600 3010 3600 3010 3010 3600 3010 3600
1 135 135 135 540 135 1 1 155 1 155 16 10 153 78 1 1 77 1 123 123 1 18 1
$8,000,000 $2,000,000 $825,000 $350,000 $1,400,000 $666,667 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $226,154 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
AF Future Years Defense Program AF Future Years Defense Program $420,000 $64,260,000 $774,855 $60,438,690 $16,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 TBD $5,700,000 $465,000 $2,000,000 $350,000 $7,000,000 $16,000,000 $3,000,000 $154,000,000 TBD $701,100,000 $57,195,000 $2,000,000 $6,300,000 $7,000,000 $2,860,472,605 $2,000,000 $1,680,000 $4,914,000 $5,000,000 $2,000,000 $15,000,000 $19,000,000
1 24 21 1 1 15 38
Type Funds
3010 3010
Units Required
15 18
Unit Cost
$60,000 $723,000
Program Cost
$900,000 $13,014,000 $63,508,000 $5,000,000 $1,500,000 $18,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $300,000 $2,625,000 $1,000,000 $275,000 $38,200,000 $10,000,000 $90,000,000 $64,000,000 $9,000,000 $21,600,000 $74,860,000 $13,790,000 $5,000,000 $54,000,000 $4,280,000 $346,530,000 $133,505,000 $133,505,000 $400,000 $400,000 $103,000,000 $320,000 $375,000 $371,505,000 $4,154,702,995
3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010
1 1 9 1 1 1 10 1 7 1 11
$5,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $350,000 $300,000 $375,000 $1,000,000 $25,000
3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010
$10,000,000 $500,000 $1,600,000 $9,000,000 $120,000 $380,000 $70,000 $5,000,000 $300,000 $40,000
2 2 2 2 1 1 3
Type Funds
Units Required
Unit Cost
Program Cost
$9,387,000 $9,387,000 $3,880,000 $26,400,000 $1,680,000 $4,649,130 $2,000,000 $9,600,000 $8,719,998 $60,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,719,998 $60,000 $3,000,000 $350,000 $4,500,000
3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010
4 6 4 6 1 6 7 1 1 8 7 1 4 7 8
$970,000 $4,400,000 $420,000 $774,855 $2,000,000 $1,600,000 $1,245,714 $60,000 $6,000,000 $500,000 $1,245,714 $60,000 $750,000 $50,000 $562,500
Type Funds
3600 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3080 3600 3010 3600 3010 3600 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010
Units Required
1 13 13 1 13 13 13 1 117 3 1 13 1 13 1 13 13 1 13 13 13 9 13
Unit Cost
$1,000,000 $500,000 $100,000 $2,000,000 $1,075,000 $192,300 $50,000 $6,000,000 $7,000 $58,500 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,300,000 $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $270,000 $6,000,000 $879,000 $350,000 $2,200,000 $1,800,000 $350,000
Program Cost
$1,000,000 $6,500,000 $1,300,000 $2,000,000 $13,975,000 $2,499,900 $650,000 $6,000,000 $819,000 $175,500 $5,000,000 $65,000,000 $2,000,000 $16,900,000 $5,000,000 $39,000,000 $3,510,000 $6,000,000 $11,427,000 $4,550,000 $28,600,000 $16,200,000 $4,550,000
$225,000 $326,500,526 $70,000,000 $2,800,000 $4,500,000 $77,300,000 $2,000,000 $19,200,000 $4,749,987 $761,508 $175,200 $3,966,661 $21,080,000 $6,896,000 $2,500,000 $1,800,000 $6,000,000 $6,035,292 $8,959,986 $6,719,964 $10,058,832 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $1,080,000 $2,400,012 $142,383,442 $1,605,000 $300,000 $78,300 $997,200 $300,000 $54,000 $1,380,000 $666,000
5 2 1
3600 3600 3010 3010 3080 3010 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010 3010 3600 3010 3010 3010
$2,000,000 $19,200,000 $279,411 $7,051 $58,400 $233,333 $1,240,000 $431,000 $2,500,000 $100,000 $6,000,000 $335,294 $87,843 $65,882 $558,824 $20,000,000 $1,000,000 $30,000 $66,667
3 3 54 72 150 30 150 36
Type Funds
3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080
Units Required
150 150 11 11 3 6
Unit Cost
$2,370 $550 $28,000 $12,500 $1,800,000 $150,000
Program Cost
$355,500 $82,500 $308,000 $137,500 $5,400,000 $900,000 $12,564,000 $800,000 $60,000 $750,000 $100,000 $210,000 $72,000 $255,000 $42,000 $105,000 $28,000 $20,000 $200,000 $300,000 $12,000 $550,000 $128,000 $44,000 $57,000 $520,000 $225,000 $39,600 $126,000 $30,000 $32,000 $90,000 $50,000 $4,845,600 $572,980,568
3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080
20 20 25 100 7 20 30 70 30 8 20 2 2 2 2 8 4 12 4 5 12 6 20 20 6 10
$40,000 $3,000 $30,000 $1,000 $30,000 $3,600 $8,500 $600 $3,500 $3,500 $1,000 $100,000 $150,000 $6,000 $275,000 $16,000 $11,000 $4,750 $130,000 $45,000 $3,300 $21,000 $1,500 $1,600 $15,000 $5,000
Type Funds
Units Required
Unit Cost
Program Cost
$12,000,000 $2,400,000 $1,500,000 $600,000 $4,600,000 $4,440,000 $6,716,000 $45,100,000 $94,156,000 $3,058,000 $3,240,000 $4,500,000 $4,160,000 $6,500,000 $48,260,000 $17,202,626 $4,555,200 $2,250,000 $4,435,336 $98,161,162 $192,317,162
3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080
$305,800 $202,500 $25,000 $160,000 $125,000 $2,540,000 $2,842 $29,200 $25,000 $554,417
Type Funds
Units Required
Unit Cost
Program Cost
$2,400,000 $2,400,000 $70,000 $1,020,000 $156,000 $420,000 $1,200,000 $2,320,000 $80,000 $613,500 $1,208,000 $800,000 $7,887,500 $10,287,500
3080 3080 3840 3080 3840 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080
1 2 2 7 6 8 8 5 2 2
$70,000 $510,000 $78,000 $60,000 $200,000 $290,000 $10,000 $122,700 $604,000 $400,000
Simulation C-130J Virtual Electronic Combat Training System (VECTS) NRE VECTS A Kits VECTS B Kits Simulation Battle Control Center (BCC) Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) Sim PROCONS Additional DMO Workstations Simulation Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Tailorable Distributed Live-Fly Training Support System Systems Simulation Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Deployable Mission Simulation Training Support Systems Systems Simulation Cyberspace Training Environment (CTE) CTE Systems CTE Laptop Packages Storage Area Network Simulation Advanced Air National Guard (ANG) Joint Terminal Attack Controller Training System (AAJTS) AAJTS Simulator Subtotal Ranges High-Fidelity Surrogate Targets High-Fidelity Targets Inflatable IR Targets Ranges Mobile High Fidelity Threat Simulators Mobile CTUs EW Emitters Surrogate RDR & TEL Ranges Communications and Tactical Data Link (CTDL) Architecture Support LVT-2 Link-16 Radios Battlefield Operational Support Systems Joint Range Extension Systems GPS Tracking Systems Range Radio Systems Ranges "Rangeless" Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) P-5 Pods Ranges Joint Advanced Weapon Scoring System (JAWSS) Replacement WISS Systems Site Communications Infrastructure JAWSS Spare/Upgrade Airspace Ranges Subtotal SIMULATION/DMO/RANGE TOTAL
Type Funds
3010 3010 3010 3080 3080
Units Required
1 18 20 4 35
Unit Cost
$5,000,000 $50,000 $250,000 $200,000 $11,000
Program Cost
$5,000,000 $900,000 $5,000,000 $800,000 $385,000
11 11 9 9
$16,500,000 $52,027,150 $7,360,000 $2,340,000 $4,600,000 $32,000,000 $4,480,000 $3,240,000 $3,861,000 $1,452,000 $1,625,000 $1,032,000 $22,950,000 $7,000,000 $3,500,000 $2,800,000 $98,240,000 $150,267,150
3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3080 3840 3840 3840 3080 3010 3840 3840 3840
46 65 2 4 32 12 13 11 13 12 135 14 14 14
$160,000 $36,000 $2,300,000 $8,000,000 $140,000 $270,000 $297,000 $132,000 $125,000 $86,000 $170,000 $500,000 $250,000 $200,000
MQ-1 MQ-1
MQ-1 MQ-9
Col Eric Mann NGB/A5 Director, Plans & Requirements 240-612-9366 (DSN 612-9366) Email: Eric.Mann@ang.af.mil Mr. Frank Ballinger NGB/A5 Associate Director, Plans & Requirements 240-612-9351 (DSN 612-9351) Email: Frank.Ballinger@ang.af.mil Col Paul Mancini NGB/A5R Chief, Operational Requirements 240-612-9363 (DSN 612-9363) Email: Paul.Mancini@ang.af.mil Lt Col Bobbi Doorenbos NGB/A5P Chief, Requirements Integration 240-612-9367 (DSN 612-9367) Email: Bobbi.Doorenbos@ang.af.mil Mr. Michael Regan NGB/A5D Chief, Domestic Requirements 240-612-9356 (DSN 612-9356) Email: Michael.Regan.1@ang.af.mil Col Richard Dennee AATC Commander 520-295-6900 (DSN 844-6900) Email: Richard.Dennee@.ang.af.mil Col Mary Burrus NGB/A1 Director, Manpower, Personnel & Services 240-612-9455 (DSN 612-9455) Email: Mary.Burrus@ang.af.mil Col Jessica Meyeraan NGB/A2 Director, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance 240-612-9307 (DSN 612-9307) Email: Jessica.Meyerann@ang.af.mil Col Kirk Pierce NGB/A3 Director, Operations 240-612-9454 (DSN 612-9454) Email: Kirk.Pierce.1@ang.af.mil Col Michael Ogle NGB/A4 Director, Logistics 240-612-8470 (DSN 612-8470) Email: Michael.Ogle@ang.af.mil Col Arthur Wunder NGB/A6 Director, Communications 240-612-8602 (DSN 612-8602) Email: Arthur.Wunder@ang.af.mil Col Peter Sartori NGB/A7 Director, Installation & Mission Support 240-612-8060 (DSN 612-8060) Email: Peter.Sartori@ang.af.mil Col Randolph Staudenraus NGB/A8 Director, Plans & Programs 240-612-9382 (DSN 612-9382) Email: Randolph.Staudenraus@ang.af.mil
2013 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities Book Credits: Editors: Lt Col Bobbi Doorenbos, NGB/A5P & Maj Paul Schultz, NGB/A5R Project Officer: Mr. Ronald Kornreich, NGB/A5P Production Coordinators: Lt Col Jeffrey Menges, NGB/A5P & Capt Benjamin Califf, NGB/A5P Graphics Coordinator: Ms. Nicole Savoy, NGB/A5E Cover Design: Mr. Thomas Savoy, NGB/CFXP
All photographs are the property of the US Government and copyright free. An online version of this document is available at: http://www.ng.mil/ll/default.aspx
xv Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter
Close Air Support Forward Air Controller Airborne Combat Search and Rescue ANG Units Provide 32% of the Total Fleet
The A-10 continues to prove itself as the premier Close Air Support (CAS) platform of choice for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). Its ability to land at and operate from austere airfields provides flexibility beyond that of any other fixed wing Air Force asset, and makes it extremely viable for future conflicts. With a near continuous presence since 2002 in either Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) or IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), the A-10 has proven its ability to minimize collateral damage with precision munitions and its 30MM cannon. Coupled with its extensive loiter time and targeting pod capabilities, it provides excellent coverage and capabilities for ground forces. Air National Guard (ANG) A-10s provided over 66 percent of A-10 deployments in 2011, and all were equipped with the AN/AAR-47 missile warning system and dual Secure-Line-of-Sight (SLOS) ARC-210 SATCOM radio. The next ANG A-10s to deploy will carry the Lightweight Airborne Recovery System (LARS) to aid in Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), and the Scorpion Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) system, which reduces the time to acquire targets with aircraft sensors from minutes to seconds. Current A-10 modernization priorities include a high resolution center display, which will allow pilots to see the High Definition (HD) picture provided by current targeting pods. Such a display will allow a significant improvement in positive identification of friendly and enemy combatants, while aiding in the search, surveillance, and tracking of enemy personnel, making up about 90 percent of each OCO mission. Near-term combat capability will include an integrated noise cancelling, 3D cockpit audio system, and an anti-jam embedded Global Positioning System (GPS), which will provide the ability to operate in a degraded, denied, or deceived GPS environment.
A-10 TAB A
2014 $2.93 2 $9.00 3 $30.00 2 $58.93 2 $18.60 3 $1.00 2 $5.00 3 $0.44 4 $9.40 2 $4.50 3 $1.17 2 $1.26 2 $8.74 2 $1.06 2 $2.00
2015 $17.25 2 $30.00 2 $58.93 2 $18.60 3 $3.21 2 $8.21 2 $8.74 2 $6.30 2 $27.72 2 $36.00 2
3080 Appropriation
2016 $17.25 2 $16.00 2 $58.93 2 $18.60 3 $3.21 2 $8.21 2 $4.56 2 $6.30 2 $27.72 2 $24.00 2
$36.00 2
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
Improved Positive Identification - Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) provides off-boresight rapid day/night target acquisition. Improved cockpit displays allow pilots to see the high resolution scene clarity provided by upgraded targeting pods. Fully Fund Operational Flight Program (OFP) - Ensures the A-10 is able to integrate new systems and weapons, while incorporating upgrades from sustainment programs. Fully Integrated Communication Suite - Directional audio enhances cockpit Situational Awareness (SA) with respect to communication and threat warning. SINCGARS SA Waveform and enhanced datalink will allow ground troop position data and other datalink participants to be viewed on all A-10 displays. Lightweight Airborne Recovery System (LARS) Upgrade - Allows A-10s to quickly and precisely find downed Airmen carrying the latest survival radios. Increase Capability in a Congested, Degraded Operation - Reduces the effects of jamming for improved GPS and datalink operation in a degraded, denied, or deceived environment. Austere Field Capabilities - Improves the A-10s ability to land at and sustain operations from unlit, unimproved, and unpaved airfields. Propulsion and Airframe Enhancement - Required to increase agility at medium/high altitude, provide increased combat munitions loads, and sustain the A-10 for 25 more years.
3 Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter
1. Background. Positive Identification (PID) of friendly forces and enemy combatants is crucial in any conflict. Every action must be taken to eliminate fratricide and civilian casualties. Currently, three capabilities can immediately help A-10 pilots minimize misidentification. The first of these is the Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) system. HMIT will reduce the time to acquire targets with aircraft sensors from minutes to seconds and allow pilots to quickly locate the position of friendly forces on the ground. The next key in finding and identifying hostile forces is the ability to see the best ground detail available. Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) technology can provide the scene clarity necessary for a pilot to find enemies previously undetectable from the air, while displaying the detail necessary to determine if an individual is carrying a weapon or a tool. By simply looking at these two locations, the pilot can immediately determine a 3D picture of the battlefield, while assessing risk to friendly forces and civilian personnel and property. These new Gen4 and Sensor Enhancement systems will make legacy targeting pods obsolete, requiring them to be upgraded to provide the most capable connectivity, improved software and tracking upgrades, as well as a digital port to send high resolution digital imagery to the cockpit. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the upgraded ATPs, A-10s require new high resolution displays able to fully utilize the targeting pod image quality, improve available processing power, and replace aging flight instruments. Connecting the new displays to the ARC-210 allows the pilot to securely transfer data such as ATP scenes, Joint Tactical Air Controller (JTAC) taskings, and updated target area imagery. 2. Source of Need. Combatant Commanders Urgent Operational Need dated 26 Sep 2008; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Pilots will take longer to locate enemy positions and be unable to exploit improved image quality of next generation targeting pods. This limits the ability to increase standoff, to determine enemy intent, and degrades the ability to execute Close Air Support (CAS), Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), and Time Sensitive Target (TST) taskings. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Unit Cost * $69,800 N/A $326,000 $1,500,000 $250,000 $1,700,000 Program Cost $2,931,600 $9,000,000 $34,556,000 $15,000,000 $61,000,000 $176,800,000 $299,287,600
Remaining Quantity Required 42 HMIT Group A Kits and Spares (3010) Display NRE (3600) 106 Color Displays (3010) 10 Gen4 TGP Upgrades ** (3010) 244 Digital Port Upgrades ** (3010) 104 ATP-SE Pods ** (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares. ** Quantities and Program Costs are shared with F-16s (see F-16 Info Paper).
1. Background. Ensuring the A-10 is viable beyond the year 2034 will require constant updates to the Operational Flight Program (OFP). A-10 OFP is the key to integrating and updating all systems and weapons carried on the aircraft. Currently, the A-10 OFP software is updated every 2 years, and requires $28 million per year to incorporate sustainment of aging systems, while integrating new aircraft and weapon capabilities. Presently, the OFP is being funded at $13.4 million per year, with $4 million of that money being used to stand up a System Integration Laboratory (SIL) at Hill AFB, as the OFP production responsibilities transition to that location. As a result, OFP development is funded at approximately 34 percent for the foreseeable future. Not providing complete funding for the OFP has a significant impact on future A-10 capabilities. First, it will require all funding be directed only at sustainment items to keep the aircraft flying, and with only 34 percent, it may not cover all of those items. Additionally, it will prevent the A10 from being able to carry updated, more capable weapons, and may preclude the use of the most up-to-date targeting pod, which is crucial in executing the primary missions of Close Air Support (CAS), Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), as well as support to Joint Terminal Air Controllers (JTAC). Lastly, it will prevent the A-10 from integrating any new systems, such as the high resolution display, or the jam-resistant Global Positioning System (GPS), both of which will provide tremendous capabilities to the aircraft. 2. Source of Need. A-10 Operational Requirements Document (ORD); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to increase the funding for OFP development will significantly degrade the A-10s ability to integrate emerging technologies with all aircraft subsystems, and greatly limit the ability to sustain essential systems. By not properly funding the OFP, the A-10 may no longer be able to meet Combatant Commanders requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Remaining Quantity Required 3 OFP Software Upgrades (3600) Total Unit Cost * $18,600,000 Program Cost ** $55,800,000 $55,800,000
* Annual cost to meet OFP development requirement. ** Total cost over a 3 year period.
1. Background. The requirement to operate the A-10 beyond the year 2034 requires a fullyintegrated communications suite. The A-10 communications suite improvements consist of the ARC-210 radio, 3D Audio, Enhanced Datalink, and Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) Situation Awareness (SA) Waveform. Two ARC-210 multi-band and multi-mode digital radios that include Satellite Communications (SATCOM) to meet the urgent operational need for Simultaneous Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) and Secure-Line-of-Sight (SLOS) communications have been fully funded and fielded. Integration of SINCGARS SA Waveform in the ARC-210 radio would allow ground troops Global Positioning System (GPS) data, transmitted by existing radios proliferated by the thousands to ground troops, to be displayed on the A-10 Tactical Awareness Display (TAD), the targeting pod field of view, as well as within the Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) system display. This capability reduces the risk of fratricide and lowers the workload on the pilot in a Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) or Close Air Support (CAS) scenario. The integration of noise-cancelling and 3D audio in the cockpit will increase SA by spatially separating aural warning and radio signals and providing angular cueing to ground and air threats when used in conjunction with the HMIT system. This spatial separation and reduction in ambient noise significantly increases the pilots ability to process information coming simultaneously from multiple radios and warning systems. The continued advancements in datalink systems and the proliferation of datalink to multiple aircraft and ground parties, requires the A-10 to constantly upgrade its current datalink architecture, ensuring the best possible connectivity and security with all fielded datalink variants. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Not funding 3D audio will severely impact the pilots ability to integrate the multitude of radio and aural warning cues in the aircrafts spatial environment, limiting SA, and reducing reaction time and survivability. Not funding SINCGARS SA Waveform increases the task loading on the pilot in time-critical CSAR and CAS missions, hindering mission coordination and timely recovery of isolated personnel. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Unit Cost * N/A $50,000 $7,000 $43,800 N/A Program Cost $5,000,000 $5,300,000 $1,113,000 $438,000 $1,000,000 $12,851,000
Remaining Quantity Required Directional Audio NRE (3600) 106 Directional Kits (3010) 159 Directional Audio Pilot Equipment (3010) 10 Unit Test Equipment (3080) SINCGARS SA Waveform Retrofit (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. There are numerous fielded Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) survival radios that provide a wide spectrum of capability. These radios range from the basic PRC-90 to the PRQ-7 Combat Survivor-Evader Locator (CSEL) radio. The AN/ARS-6(V)6 Lightweight Airborne Recovery System (LARS) cockpit radio currently installed in select A-10 aircraft is not compatible with the newer survivor radios and can only display range and bearing to the survivor. The newer survivor radios offer more accurate information (Geo-Location, Text Messaging, and Situation Reports) to CSAR forces attempting to rescue isolated personnel. The AN/ARS-6(V)12 LARS is compatible with all CSAR survival radios. It is integrated with all cockpit displays, and is capable of presenting geographic coordinates and text messaging transmitted from the newer survival radios, such as PRQ-7 CSEL and the Hook-112G. Additionally, the AN/ARS-6(V)12 LARS provides the ability to quickly and securely pass vital survivor data (coordinates and messaging) between all CSAR aircraft, providing a better coordinated and more covert rescue, while protecting both the survivor and the rescuers. The AN/ARS-6(V)12 LARS also has improved antennas for better coverage and reliability. 2. Source of Need. Combat Air Force (CAF) Operational Requirements Document (ORD) CAF 401-91-I/II/III-D for A/OA-10 Aircraft Multi-Staged Improvement Program (MSIP) Oct 1999; LARS AN/ARS-6(V)12 1067 Modification Proposal, 24 Jul 2008; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without upgrading to the AN/ARS-6(V)12 LARS, rescue forces lack secure communications and exact Global Positioning System (GPS) location to both the PRC-112G and the PRQ-7 CSEL survivor radios, which are currently fielded by ground forces and aircrew. These modern CSEL radios significantly shorten the time required to locate and recover downed Airmen, improving the chance of recovery and reducing rescue force exposure to enemy fire. The lack of these capabilities hinders mission coordination and represents a significant operational disadvantage during the inherently dangerous and time-critical CSAR scenario. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Remaining Quantity Required 63 LARS V12 (3010) Total Unit Cost * $149,000 Program Cost $9,387,000 $9,387,000
1. Background. The A-10 uses an Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) (EGI) for precision navigation and weapons employment. The EGI is the heart of the A-10 avionics system. Virtually every system on the aircraft depends on the highly accurate position, orientation, and velocity data it provides. Jamming equipment has evolved to counter this capability with technology that may degrade and deny the effectiveness of the EGI, affecting navigation, positional awareness, and the accurate employment of ordnance. To combat these enemy actions, the first step will be the installation of a Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) that can significantly nullify the effects of jamming systems based on the aircraft distance from that system. The follow-on step is Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Modules (SAASM), which combat these hostile outside jamming influences to protect Precise Positioning Systems and Standard Positioning Systems. Additionally, a current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ruling mandates a SAASM-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) EGI by 2020 for all aircraft to support its transition to the satellite-based air traffic control system from a radar-based system, capable of providing better surveillance precision and reliability. Upgrading the A-10s current EGI system will support this FAA ruling, while providing increased capability to keep the datalink functional in a CDO environment. In addition to GPS jamming, the datalink can also be affected through Radio Frequency (RF) jamming. To mitigate RF jamming, the datalink must be modified to increase the range of frequencies used, lowering the likelihood of jamming effectiveness. 2. Source of Need. FAA Rule - 14 CFR Part 91 [Docket No. FAA-2007-29305; Amdt. No.91314], RIN 2120-AI92 - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Performance Requirements to Support Air Traffic Control (ATC) Services, 28 May 2010; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Not funding a countermeasure for GPS jamming will severely impact the ability of the A-10 to operate in the Close Air Support (CAS) precision-dependent combat environment of current and future theaters of operation. The ability to identify targets and employ munitions with surgical precision will be hindered, while similar datalink jamming would increase the risk of collateral damage to both ground forces and civilians. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI 175 WG Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Remaining Quantity Required Anti-Jam EGI NRE (3600) 106 Anti-Jam EGI (3010) Total Unit Cost * N/A $155,000 Program Cost $4,500,000 $16,430,000 $20,930,000
1. Background. The A-10 is the only fighter aircraft in the Air Force inventory that has the ability to land at austere, unimproved airfields, including dry lake beds. This capability gives Combatant Commanders a tremendous amount of flexibility to pre-deploy A-10s closer to the expected battlespace and allows them less response time for the three primary missions of Close Air Support (CAS), Forward Air Controller - Airborne (FAC-A), and Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR). Emerging capabilities will further improve the A-10s ability to operate out of austere airfields, while lowering the number of maintenance and logistics personnel required to support such operations. The first of these new capabilities is an overt/covert landing light that will give pilots the option to select a night vision compatible landing light when the situation dictates. Additionally, a combat fuel tank will provide additional flight time and limit the requirement to put a tanker aircraft in harms way for extended missions in enemy territory. Next, to limit the support equipment footprint, an On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) would remove the requirement for maintenance personnel to refill the liquid oxygen system between missions. A parking break would allow pilots to sit in the aircraft waiting for launch instructions, and not require additional personnel to place and remove wheel chocks. Finally, the Smart Triple Ejector Rack (TER) allows the A-10 to carry up to eight more GPS-guided munitions, potentially reducing the requirement for weapons loaders to replace expended ordnance between sorties. 2. Source of Need. A-10 Operational Requirements Document (ORD); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without funding for these items, the A-10 will require a much larger footprint of support personnel and equipment when operating from austere fields. This will limit the size and type of locations that will be available, and will significantly limit the Combatant Commanders flexibility when planning for contingency operations. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Unit Cost * $11,000 $20,000 $208,000 $10,000 N/A $100,000 Program Cost $1,166,000 $1,260,000 $22,048,000 $1,060,000 $2,000,000 $12,600,000 $40,134,000
Remaining Quantity Required 106 Landing Lights (3010) 63 Combat Fuel Tanks (3010) 106 OBOGS (3010) 106 Parking Brakes (3010) Smart Triple Ejector Rack NRE (3600) 126 Smart Triple Ejector Racks (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack A-10 AIRFRAME AND PROPULSION ENHANCEMENTS
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) A-10s are over 30 years old and most are approaching 10,000 flight hours. Despite its age, the A-10 continues to prove its value in combat with a scheduled service-life beyond the year 2034. To keep these aircraft flying for 20 more years, there are two basic aircraft systems that need attention. The current wing assemblies are reaching their max service life, and as a result, a replacement program has been created to replace the pylons, flight controls, fuel cells, as well as the hydraulic and electrical lines. There is an option to repair wings; however, it will cost nearly twice as much as replacement to sustain over its planned life-cycle. Without any wing modifications, the first A-10s will become unserviceable in 2019. The second structural area that will require attention is the engines. The A-10 has documented thrust deficiencies in its operational environment. In order to meet Combatant Commander tasking at high-density-altitude locations, such as the current Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) theater, pilots must reduce fuel loads, restrict take-off times to early morning hours, or refuse tasking that increases gross weights to unsupportable and unsafe limits. In addition, the aircraft does not perform well at medium and high altitudes, placing pilots at increased risk to ground-based threats and forces commanders to provide separate lowaltitude A-10 air refueling tracks. There is a multi-phase program in place to upgrade the current engine. Phase 1 improves engine durability while lowering operating costs. Phase 2 builds on Phase 1 equipment by increasing turbine temperature, allowing for improved thrust, and providing a digital fan speed control that eliminates thrust droop and increases engine durability. Phase 3 is a thrust increase, including significant hardware changes that require more research before any cost estimates will be available. For over ten years the ARC WEPTAC has listed engine upgrades or new engines as a Critical Requirement for the A-10. 2. Source of Need. Concept Development Document (CDD) approved 17 Mar 2005 by the Air Force Requirements Oversight Council (AFROC); CDD Version 1.1 approved 21 Apr 2006; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without new or repaired wing assemblies, A-10s will become unserviceable starting in 2019. Future viability as a lethal platform is dependent on adequate thrust and agility in a maximum gross weight configuration at take-off and medium/high altitude. 4. Units Impacted.
122 FW Ft Wayne IAP, IN 124 WG Boise AP, ID 127 WG 175 WG Selfridge ANGB, MI Martin State AP, MD 188 FW Ft Smith RAP, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 027131F
Unit Cost * $4,000,000 $330,000 N/A $66,000 Program Cost $96,000,000 $69,960,000 $64,000,000 $13,992,000 $243,952,000
Remaining Quantity Required 24 Enhanced Wing Assemblies (3010) 212 Phase 1 Engines (3010) Phase 2 Engine NRE (3600) 212 Phase 2 Engines (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
Command and Control 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
Component Numbered Air Force (C-NAF)/Air and Space Operations Center (AOC): Recurring Event (RE)-11 Upgrade Joint Range Extension (JRE) with Joint Distributed Operational Training System (JDOTS) Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Core Radio Package and Support Systems Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA) Targeting Application to Support AOC Control and Reporting Center (CRC): Distributed Live-Fly Training Support System - See Simulation Tab for Info Paper Deployable Mission Simulation Training Support System - See Simulation Tab for Info Paper Modular Tactical Electrical Power Mission Support Systems Organic Integrated Mission Support Communications Systems Highly-Mobile Medium Range Radar Air Defense Sectors (ADS): Have Quick/Secure Communications System Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) Multi-Spectral Radio Integration/Installation Combat Air Force (CAF)-Compliant Distributed Mission Operation (DMO) System
Modernization Priority Profiles ($ Million)
Program Component Numbered Air Force /Air and Space Operations Center (C-NAF/AOC) Recurring Event (RE) 11/12/13 Upgrade Joint Range Extension (JRE) with Joint Distributed Operational Training System (JDOTS) AOC Core Radio Package System (CRPS) Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA) AOC Targeting Applications Workstation Systems Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Modular Tactical Electrical Power Mission Support Systems Organic Integrated Mission Support Communications System Highly-Mobile Medium Range Radar Air Defense Sector (ADS) Line-of-Sight (LOS) Communications Battle Control Center (BCC) Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) Tactical Satellite Communications (TACSAT)
2014 $6.00 1 $0.24 1 $0.68 4 $0.59 4 $0.62 1 $0.75 4 $0.52 4 $2.75 1 $5.40 4 $3.30 4 $6.50 4 $4.00 4 $0.59 4
2015 $6.00 1 $0.40 4 $0.61 1 $0.75 4 $4.32 4 $3.30 4 $26.00 4 3080 Appropriation
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
C-NAF/AOC Recurring Event (RE) Theater Battle Management Core Systems (TBMCS) - Provides software/hardware upgrade providing improved internal Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) network capabilities. Joint Range Extension (JRE) with Joint Distributed Operational Training System (JDOTS) Provides critical training in support of the AOC. Core Radio Package System (CRPS) - Provides improved communication system for AOCs. Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA) - Provides a system that enables the AOC to develop and act upon a single integrated air picture. AOC Targeting Application - Targeting Application Work Stations (TAWS) provides additional workstations and storage capabilities that support point mensuration certification of personnel utilizing geospatial/imagery product libraries. CRC Modular Tactical Electrical Power Mission Support Systems - Provides state-of-the art electrical power distribution and power production. Organic Integrated Mission Support Communications System - Provides theater deployable communications equipment to Air Control squadrons. Highly-Mobile Medium Range Radar - Provides a radar system compatible with the CRC legacy C2 system of record.
ADS Line-of-Sight (LOS) Communications - Provides next generation Ultra High Frequency/Very High Frequency (UHF/VHF) HAVE QUICK-capable radio system to meet BCC requirements. Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) Tactical Satellite Communications (TACSAT) - Provides voice and data radio system to ensure 100% communications throughout the Area of Responsibility (AOR) that are well beyond LOS capabilities.
1. Background. Recurring Event (RE) 11 represents a considerable change to previous Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS) and is the core of the Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) weapon system baseline (12 and 13 will follow in planned releases). It contains a major system platform change, as well as an equipment upgrade. It provides improved internal AOC network capability, 83 percent client/server virtualization, security updates required to support recertification, and corrects vulnerabilities identified in the underlying applications and subsystems for previous REs. RE 11 has been programmed for installation for all active duty AOCs. However, only one Air Reserve Component (ARC)-aligned Air Operations Group (AOG) has been funded for this upgrade. Those that have been programmed are scheduled at a significant delay from their active duty-aligned counterpart. The AOC weapon system baseline funding shortfall creates a significant mismatch between active duty and ARC aligned units, affecting training standardization and ultimately preventing ARC Total Force Integration (TFI) from complying with the direction of PAD 10-2. At present, all ARC units are operating behind their active duty counterparts with regard to their current RE. 2. Source of Need. Program Action Directive (PAD) 10-2; CJCSI 3505.01A; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of a common AOC weapons system configuration will result in significant training/operational divergences between the ARC AOGs and their active duty aligned AOCs; specifically the Combat Operations Division (COD) and Combat Plans Division (CPD). These will severely impact the ability for all ARC AOGs to provide highly trained and qualified personnel to integrate seamlessly into their aligned Component Headquarters (CHQ) AOC, as well as to integrate into the air component of Geographic Combatant Command (GCC). There are significant Information Assurance (IA) issues involved with maintaining legacy REs due to the vulnerability of underlying applications and subsystems. It is estimated that ARC units could be IA non-compliant in as little as 13 months in the absence of the RE 11 upgrade as well as follow-on 12 and 13 upgrades. 4. Units Impacted.
102 IW 103 AW 109 AOG Otis ANGB, MA 112 AOS State College, PA Bradley ANGB, CT 152 AOG Syracuse IAP, NY Hickam AFB, HI 157 AOG Jefferson Barracks, MO 183 AOG 217 AOG Lincoln Capital IAP, IL Battle Creek IAP, MI
5. Cost.
PEC: 507411F
Remaining Quantity Required 8 RE 11 Upgrades (3080) Total Unit Cost $2,000,000 Program Cost $16,000,000 $16,000,000
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) units require a Joint Range Extension (JRE) with Joint Distributed Operational Training System (JDOTS) in order to meet Air Combat Command (ACC)-mandated Interface Control Team (ICT) Training Task Lists (TTL) in garrison. JRE allows the ICT to manage, manipulate, track, and link data in the AOC Combat Operations Division. JDOTS is a training suite necessary to train the ICT. Unlike the active duty, ANG units cannot consistently accomplish live training and thus require the additional simulation and training capability of JDOTS. In order to ensure seamless training capability, units also require installation, configuration, and 24/7 help desk support. 2. Source of Need. Program Action Directive (PAD) 10-2; ACC mandated Training Task List (TTL), associated with JRE, SATCOM, Multifunctional Information Distribution System/Low Volume Terminal Version 2 (MIDS/LVT2), Interim Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) Support System (IJSS), Data Transformation Services (DTS), Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Ultra-High Frequency (UHF), Network Database Language (NDL), NetWare Directory Database (NDD); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without a JRE, AOC units are unable to train their personnel to ACC-mandated weapons system TTLs. Obtaining JRE with the JDOTS software is critical in order to effectively train personnel on all the essential equipment regularly utilized in their duty positions. Insufficient training of AOC augmentation personnel will result, and ACC-mandated training requirements will go unfulfilled. The lack of training will severely impact AOC operations and lead to the overall degradation of Combat Operations Divisions (COD) situational awareness and other critical combat capabilities. 4. Units Impacted.
102 IW 103 AW Otis ANGB, MA Bradley ANGB, CT 112 AOS State College, PA 152 AOG Syracuse IAP, NY 157 AOG 183 AOG Jefferson Barracks, MO Lincoln Capital IAP, IL
5. Cost.
PEC: 507411F
Remaining Quantity Required 5 JRE (3080) 5 JDOTS (3840) 5 Help Desk/Support (3840) * Total Unit Cost $135,000 $36,000 $11,600 Program Cost $675,000 $180,000 $58,000 $913,000
1. Background. Air and Space Operations Centers (AOC) continue to use Radio Frequency (RF) as a means to communicate with the warfighter. The Core Radio Package System (CRPS) consists of at least two of the following radios: PRC-117F or PRC-117G model radio station, along with batteries, handset, speaker, antennas, and associated cables. With these components, the AOC operator and warfighter can communicate via Very High Frequency (VHF) or UltraHigh Frequency (UHF) Satellite Communication (SATCOM) frequencies. Air National Guard (ANG) units require the CRPS to properly train and equip operators and prepare maintainers for support of AOCs. Currently, most radio voice traffic amongst AOCs and warfighters travels over UHF SATCOM, and a matched high-gain antenna for those frequencies is required for training and support. ANG AOCs have an immediate need for the AN/PRC-117G CRPSs coupled with the proper high-gain fixed site UHF SATCOM antenna. The radios technology has substantially changed with its ability for integration as a network repeater, the ability to talk directly with aircraft, point-to-point secure and non-secure communications, and the capability to provide air picture links. Operating the CRPS gives ANG AOCs the capability to train to the same proficiency as, and communicate with, their aligned units. 2. Source of Need. Program Action Directive (PAD) 10-2, CJCSI 3505.01A; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG AOCs will be unable to train and equip assigned personnel. Without proper training, cyber maintainers will be unable to support a modern AOC and warfighters would potentially lose the capability to talk directly to AOC operators, which would severely degrade mission effectiveness. 4. Units Impacted.
102 FW 103 FW 109 AOG Otis ANGB, MA 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 157 AOG Jefferson Barracks, MO Bradley ANGB, CT 112 AOS State College, PA 183 FW Lincoln Capital IAP, IL Hickam AFB, HI 152 AOG Syracuse IAP, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 507411F
Remaining Quantity Required 27 CRPS (3080) Total Unit Cost $37,000 Program Cost $999,000 $999,000
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG)-aligned Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) augmentation units do not currently possess the same radar capabilities as their active duty counterparts, which could be resolved with the acquisition of Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA). NORA is a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) high-performance tracking and data processing engine that synthesizes radar track, datalink, and sensor information from multiple, dissimilar sources. It also provides a Single Integrated Picture (SIP). A SIP provides US military forces reliable information about ground, air, space, and undersea threats in a theater of operations, including the Continental United States (CONUS). 2. Source of Need. Program Action Directive (PAD) 10-2; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The divide between the active dutys AOC configuration and the ANG configuration will remain unchanged. Training and operational divergences will continue to occur. This ultimately will hinder all ANG AOCs ability to provide highly trained and qualified personnel to integrate seamlessly into their aligned AOCs. 4. Units Impacted.
101 AOG 103 AOG Tyndall AFB, FL Bradley ANGB, CT 152 AOG Syracuse IAP, NY 157 AOG Jefferson Barracks, MO 183 FW Lincoln Capital IAP, IL 217 AOG Battle Creek IAP, MI
5. Cost.
PEC: 507411F
Remaining Units Required 6 NORA Systems (3080) 6 Radar Feed (3840) 6 Contract Support * (3840) 6 Help Desk/Support * (3840) Total Unit Cost $250,000 $100,000 $40,000 $65,000 $455,000 Program Cost $1,500,000 $600,000 $240,000 $390,000 $2,730,000
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) units require two additional Targeting Application Workstation Systems (TAWS) and two 14.5 terabyte servers on Secure Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNET) in order to meet their Program Action Directive (PAD) 10-2 directed responsibilities to their aligned AOCs. PAD 10-2 directs the AOC units in the Air Reserve Component (ARC) to support their aligned AOC during all phases of operations. Targeteer positions in the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) require point mensuration certification, which requires Intelligence Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Divisions within the AOC to train and certify targeteers on point mensuration. The Air Force system of record and AOC baseline system for point mensuration is TAWS. Point mensuration requires a two-person accountability process - one TAWS per two targeteers. The ARC AOC units are currently allocated only two TAWS, consisting of one SIPRNET and one JWICS. One TAWS on SIPRNET is inadequate to train and certify personnel and provide aligned AOCs sufficient federated targeting support. Additionally, the Geospatial Product Libraries (GPL) and the Imagery Product Libraries (IPL) that holds Digital Point Positioning Database imagery has limited storage space that impedes functional and geographical mission readiness. All ANG AOC augmentation units require these TAWS workstations and additional storage capacity in order to meet training certification and provide targeting reach-back support for their aligned AOC. 2. Source of Need. PAD 10-2, CJCSI 3505.01A; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without the additional TAWS workstations and storage servers, continuation training and certification of personnel will be impeded. The units will be unable to produce certified targeteers to meet current deployment tasking requirements, and unable to provide aligned AOCs sufficient federated targeting support. ANG AOC units will remain limited to certifying or training only two targeteers at a time during Unit Training Assemblies (UTA). Additionally, large geospatial and imagery datasets will have to be downloaded, delaying operations and consuming essential communication resources on the installation. 4. Units Impacted.
102 IW 103 AW 110 AW Otis ANGB, MA Bradley ANGB, CT Battle Creek IAP, MI 112 AOG State College, PA 152 AOG Syracuse IAP, NY 157 AOG Jefferson Barracks, MO 183 FW Lincoln Capital IAP, IL
5. Cost.
PEC: 507411F
Remaining Quantity Required 16 TAWS (3080) 14 GPL/IPL Storage (3080) Total Unit Cost $8,000 $28,000 Program Cost $128,000 $392,000 $520,000
1. Background. The Modular Tactical Electrical Power Support System provides personnel and mission system protection and is comprised of: integrated power grids, load-supported Power Distribution Panel Systems (PDPS), all-weather tactical power cables, and state-of-the-art tactical generators. This system enables consolidation and reduction of numerous legacy electrical power production units and support systems. The primary power grid interconnected with PDPS should be capable of load-balancing 400 Amps, 3-phase, 120/208 VAC, and includes (5) wire, with cam-type/Class L cables and receptacles sized for individual mission load requirements. This system must meet National Electrical Code NEMA 3R requirements. Each cascaded power distribution box is typically a 100 Amp, 3-phase, 120/208 VAC, input, with 120/208 VAC, 3-phase Class L outputs with appropriately-sized interconnecting cables. Each tertiary PDPS is capable of a minimum of 30 Amp, 3-phase and single-phase loads, 120/208 VAC input with 120/208 VAC single- and 3-phase outputs and requirements. All systems will have user-defined inputs, outputs, and amperage ratings meeting specifications for the equipment configurations supported. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Lack of proper power distribution and interconnection capabilities at each element of the CRC will contribute to critically unsafe and potentially catastrophic mission failures. Additional manpower and logistical resources will be required to meet power grid operational demands within units. Lack of properly sized interconnecting cables will increase operational risk to mission personnel and equipment with potential loss of life and/or catastrophic equipment failure. The CRC will continue to be limited in response, operation, flexibility to changing mission requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
103 ACS 109 ACS 116 ACS 117 ACS Orange, CT Salt Lake City IAP, UT Warrenton, OR Savannah IAP, GA 121 ACS 123 ACS 128 ACS 133 TS St Louis, MO Blue Ash, OH Volk Field, WI Ft Dodge, IA 134 ACS McConnell AFB, KS 141 ACS Punta Borinquen ANGS, PR 255 ACS Gulfport CRCT, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0502672F
Remaining Quantity Required 72 Electrical Systems (3080) 11 Electrical Systems (3840) Total Unit Cost $135,000 $250,000 Program Cost $9,720,000 $2,750,000 $12,470,000
1. Background. The Control and Reporting Center (CRC) is a mobile Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) capability with deployable radar elements of the Theater Air Control System (TACS). The CRC integrates a comprehensive air picture via multiple datalinks from air-, sea-, and land-based sensors, as well as from embedded surveillance and control radars. The CRC performs decentralized C2 of joint operations by conducting threat warning, battle management, theater missile defense, weapons control, combat identification, and strategic communications. Air National Guard (ANG) Air Control Squadrons (ACS) are critically short of various major end items of Theater Deployable Communications (TDC) and network support equipment. Current Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) TDC realignment plans will critically impact day-to-day training opportunities for the ANG CRC. Legacy TDC assets are nearing end-of-life and will no longer be supported or permitted to tie into the AF network. ANG CRC units require organic internal switches, routers, voice systems, and multiplexers to enable and continue to meet rigid training and Design Operational Capability (DOC) tasked requirements. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG ACS units will no longer be able to train on a daily basis to meet the unique needs of the CRC mission and Drill Status Guardsman (DSG). Mission support to various flying wings and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) will be degraded. Training opportunities and ability to meet Combatant Commander (COCOM) tasking due to the lack of specialized equipment required to support combat operations will be severely degraded. Specifically, the lack of accredited networking equipment across the CRC will eliminate the CRCs ability to meet the Joint Force Air Component Commanders (JFACC) expectations of support. 4. Units Impacted.
103 ACS 109 ACS 116 ACS 117 ACS Orange, CT Salt Lake City IAP, UT Warrenton, OR Savannah IAP, GA 121 ACS 123 ACS 128 ACS 133 TS St Louis, MO Blue Ash, OH Volk Field, WI Ft Dodge, IA 134 ACS 141 ACS 255 ACS McConnell AFB, KS Punta Borinquen ANGS, PR Gulfport CRTC, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 502672F
Unit Cost $600,000 Program Cost $6,600,000 $6,600,000
1. Background. Current operations continue to present new challenges for the Control and Reporting Center (CRC) that validate the need for a mobile, rapidly-deployable, tactical, multimission ground radar system that meets the requirements for both contingency and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). This lightweight system must be capable of operations in a fixed environment or mounted on the High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). The system must provide 360-degrees of coverage with a range of 10-125 miles, altitude up to 60,000 feet, and include Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) capabilities. It must successfully detect, track, and identify several targets simultaneously consisting of various cross-sections ranging from very small ultra-light aircraft and drones, to various general aviation and military aircraft. This capability will provide a real-time air picture that can be integrated and utilized by the CRC or in support of DOMOPS as a stand-alone system. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Immediate Command and Control (C2) capability to provide airspace coordination and awareness in response to urgent contingency requirements, natural disasters, border security, drug interdiction, and homeland defense missions will be compromised. 4. Units Impacted.
103 ACS 109 ACS 116 ACS 117 ACS Orange, CT Salt Lake City IAP, UT Warrenton, OR Savannah IAP, GA 121 ACS 123 ACS 128 ACS 133 TS St Louis, MO Blue Ash, OH Volk Field, WI Ft Dodge, IA 134 ACS 141 ACS 255 ACS McConnell AFB, KS Punta Borinquen ANGS, PR Gulfport CRTC, MS
5. Cost.
PE: 0502672F
Remaining Quantity Required 9 Mobile Radar Systems (3080) Total Unit Cost $6,500,000 Program Cost $58,500,000 $58,500,000
1. Background. Air Defense Sector (ADS) Battle Control Centers (BCC) require the capability to communicate via next-generation Ultra High Frequency/Very High Frequency (UHF/VHF) channels in the high band, anti-jam (HAVE QUICK), and secure modes. BCCs must be able to directly manipulate their integrated Line-of-Sight (LOS) UHF and VHF waveforms by having access to the operational radios at their location. The communications device must be located at the BCCs and the operational connectivity architecture should allow access via modem to remote antennae at strategic locations throughout the Area of Responsibility (AOR). Access to these antennae will be on a demand-basis, allowing the BCCs to focus their communications architecture to desired regions based on weight of operational effort. LOS communications are the primary means of communicating with Homeland Defense (HD), Aerospace Control Alert (ACA), and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) assets. While the LOS communications network cannot provide 100 percent coverage of the AOR, it must provide the same coverage as the current communications system. The BCCs require LOS radios capable of both voice and data at each ADS location. BCC operators must have the capability to adjust the parameters of HAVE QUICK, load/clear crypto real-time, and switch between red (clear) and green (secure/anti-jam) channels from the operations floor. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Command and Control (C2) entities will be unable to communicate with aircraft during contested and degraded operations. The lack of datalink situational awareness will degrade C2 and the pilots ability to successfully execute the mission with all available data. The inability to manipulate the waveforms between anti-jam, secure, and UHF/VHF is an unnecessary risk in the execution of North American Aerospace Defense Command-Northern Command (NORAD-NORTHCOM) missions. 4. Units Impacted.
169 ACWS WADS Wheeler AAF, HI McChord AFB, WA 176 ACS Elmendorf AFB, AK EADS Rome, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 51311F
Remaining Quantity Required 100 LOS Radio Systems (3080) Total Unit Cost $40,000 Program Cost $4,000,000 $4,000,000
1. Background. Battle Control Centers (BCC) require a baseline capability to use BeyondLine-of-Sight (BLOS) Tactical Satellite Communications (TACSAT) to achieve 100 percent radio and data coverage in the US and its territories. TACSAT must be voice and data capable and have the ability to support connectivity in the extreme northern latitudes (North of 74). Radios must be located at the BCC to allow direct control of the waveform by the BCC operators. While the primary method of communication in Homeland Defense (HD) will continue to be via Line-of-Sight (LOS), the vast expanse of the Area of Responsibly (AOR) means there are significant LOS gaps. Because of these gaps, the BCCs require communications via satellite, enabling 100 percent communication connectivity for HD. Employment of TACSAT at the BCC will positively affect voice and data connectivity in all North American Aerospace Defense Command-Northern Command (NORAD-NORTHCOM) mission sets to include Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA), HD, and Aerospace Control Alert (ACA). 2. Source of Need. ARC 2008 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Command and Control (C2) entities will be unable to communicate with aircraft during no-fail missions due to LOS limitations. Furthermore, the lack of datalink situational awareness due to LOS limitations will degrade C2 and the pilots ability to successfully execute the mission with all available data. Relying on legacy LOS communications is an unnecessary risk in the execution of NORAD-NORTHCOM and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) missions. 4. Units Impacted.
169 ACWS Wheeler AAF, HI 176 ACS Elmendorf AFB, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 51311F
Remaining Quantity Required 16 TACSAT Radios (3080) Total Unit Cost $37,000 Program Cost $592,000 $592,000
C-17: The C-17 Globemaster III is the Nations core military airlifter and continues to excel in a wide range of operational mission scenarios. It provides the flexibility to support both inter-theater and intra-theater missions and allows Air Mobility Command (AMC) to significantly improve throughput during contingency operations. Using C-17s as an intra-theater airlift platform has provided relief to the C-130 fleet and also reduced ground forces dependence on vehicle convoys. The Air National Guard (ANG) operates 18 C-17 aircraft assigned to the 105 AW, Stewart ANGB, NY and the 172 AW in Jackson, MS. The 154 AW in Hickam AFB, HI and the 176 WG at Elmendorf AFB, AK are ANG associate units.
C-5: The C-5 Galaxy, with its unmatched payload capability and delivery speed, provides AMC inter-theater airlift in support of U.S. national defense strategy. The C-5 provides allweather passenger and outsized/oversized cargo airlift, air-land, and special operations-type missions. With the C-5s unique visor door and kneeling capability, the aircraft can both load and unload (roll-on/roll-off) simultaneously. The aircraft can carry fully-equipped, combatready military units to any point in the world on short notice, and provide critical field support to sustain the fighting force. The ANG operates a fleet of 16 C-5A aircraft located at 164 AW at Memphis, TN and 167 AW at Martinsburg, WV.
C-17 & C-5 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
C-17: Integrated Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) and Datalink (DL) Integrated Class III Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Three-Engine Airdrop Escape Performance Data Improved Infrared (IR) Missile Defense and 360-Degree Situational Awareness Displays Heads-up Countermeasures Dispenser Control C-5: Structural Modernization Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) and Next Generation Threat Detection Equipment Rack for Portable Electronic Equipment Integrated Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) and Datalink (DL) Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS)
2014 $2.00 2 $10.00 3 $2.16 2 $2.40 3 $3.02 $18.70 2 $12.00 3 $1.50 3 $.66 2 $39.48 1 $10.00 3 $12.00 3 $2.00 2 $10.00 3 $4.00 2 $3.00 3
2015 $3.77 2 $2.16 2 18.70 2 $39.48 1 $15.00 2 $20.00 2 $3.24 2 $28.00 2 3080 Appropriation
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
C-17 Integrated Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) and Datalink (DL) - Provides a robust, secure, and scalable Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) connectivity with the network centric battlefield. Integrated Class III Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) - An electronic information management device that improves situational awareness, cockpit efficiency, productivity, and allows aircrews to safely adapt to in-flight mission changes. Three-Engine Airdrop Escape Performance Data - Ensures aircrew have proper three-engine performance data after crossing a drop zone (with or without) executing a drop. Improved IR Missile Defense and 360-Degree Situational Awareness Displays - Allows aircraft to survive in lethal threat environments by providing non-pyrotechnic countermeasures against widely proliferated Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS). Provides a 360-degree (azimuth and elevation) picture displayed at the navigator, loadmaster, and cockpit flight stations. Heads-up Countermeasures Dispenser Control - Aircraft equipped with a stick- or glare shield-mounted dispense switch greatly enhances situational awareness, increased combat effectiveness, and decreased flare launch time during time critical maneuvering.
C-5 Structural Modernization - Replaces aging cracked structures which are currently driving cargo weight reduction requirements by nearly 20 percent. Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) and Next Generation Threat Detection System - Allows aircraft to survive in lethal threat environments where MANPADS are widely used by providing non-pyrotechnic countermeasure solutions. Provides a 360-degree (azimuth and elevation) picture displayed at the navigator, loadmaster, and cockpit flight stations. Integrated Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) and Datalink (DL) - Provides a robust, secure, and scalable Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) connectivity with the network-centric battlefield. Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) - Provides critical information if heavy braking is required or after the discovery of a brake malfunction.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) C-17s operate worldwide in environments where Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) Infrared (IR) seeking missiles are widely available and represent a significant threat during take-off and landing. Currently, the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) for all C-17s is to defeat IR missiles with flares, as not all aircraft have the integrated Large Aircraft Countermeasures (LAIRCM) system. In the C-17, the flare dispenser switch is located on the center pedestal. If crews are required to launch flares during an engagement, one crewmember is required to go heads-down to verify flares are launched during this critical phase of flight. The remedy is to place a dispense switch on the stick or glare shield, allowing the pilot monitoring the flares to remain heads up during critical maneuvering, maintain Crew Resource Management (CRM) and situational awareness while dispensing flares simultaneously. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Operating in the current configuration risks damage to or loss of aircraft and ultimately the potential loss of life. Without a stick-or glare shield-mounted dispenser switch, situational awareness and combat effectiveness is reduced, and flare launch time is increased during time critical maneuvering. 4. Units Impacted.
105 AW Stewart IAP, NY 172 AW Jackson-Evers IAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401130F
Unit Cost N/A $30,000 Program Cost $1,500,000 $660,000 $2,160,000
Remaining Quantity Required * Stick- or Glare Shield-Mounted Flare Dispense Switch NRE (3600) 22 Stick- or Glare Shield-Mounted Flare Dispense Switch (3010) Total
* Includes 4 spares.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) C-17s operate worldwide in airdrop environments (extreme mountainous) where three-engine escape data is unknown. Mountainous terrain in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) exceeds heights of 24,000 feet. Airdrop operations in these environments place the aircraft in extremely vulnerable areas. Aircrews do not have data to conduct pre-mission planning nor is Mission Computer (MC) data available during actual airdrops that can demonstrate the required performance to climb to a safe three-engine altitude. Aircrews have three-engine go-around gradient data with slats-only from the T.O. 1C-17A-1-1; however, this data is inconclusive since airdrop minimum configuration is flaps and the aircraft usually operates in flap regime. The charts in T.O. 1C-17A-1-1 demonstrate gradients with little correlation to actual Climb Out Factors (COF) based on actual conditions and aircraft configurations. There is no means to determine COF to the regulatory altitudes during threeengine airdrop escape. 2. Source of Need. AFI 11-2C-17V3, Para 19.10.6; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. C-17s currently operate in environments of increasing levels of threat complexity and lethality while employing in an extreme mountainous environment. If a mechanical malfunction or enemy threat causes an aircraft to climb out after crossing a drop zone (with or without) executing a drop in a three-engine condition, aircrews have no assurance that a climb can be accomplished prior to impacting terrain. 4. Units Impacted.
105 AW Stewart IAP, NY 172 AW Jackson-Evers IAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401130F
Unit Cost N/A Program Cost $3,000,000 $3,000,000
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) C-17s operate worldwide in environments where Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) Infrared (IR) seeking missiles are widely available and represent a significant threat during take-off and landing. These missiles are extremely advanced and are designed to defeat flare-based defensive systems. Flares are also extremely volatile, require special handling, and supply is limited on the aircraft. The AN/AAQ-24 (V) Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) system provides the most effective countermeasures against MANPADS. C-17s transferring to the ANG may not arrive with Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) installed. LAIRCM and its sensors are a prerequisite to having the Next Generation Threat Detection System installed. An upgrade to the current AAR-54 missile launch detectors is available which would provide better IR threat detection and significantly increase flare or LAIRCM effectiveness. The upgraded launch detect system must be capable of providing a 360-degree (azimuth and elevation) picture displayed at the navigator, loadmaster, and cockpit flight stations allowing crewmembers to see previously blind sectors and react accordingly. New sensors are capable of providing an Advance Threat Warning (ATW) system with IR images at a 960 Hz/sec refresh rate, allowing not only high fidelity of IR missile engagements but also allows the system to detect small arms and their lethality based on location and trajectory. This system would enhance the combat survivability of C-17s/C-5s by allowing 360-degree visual detection of threats both in the air and on the ground. It will also aid in low visibility operations for ground operations and secondary references during extremely low visibility approaches. 2. Source of Need. LAIRCM Operational Requirements Document 314-92, Aug 1998; AMC Requirements and Planning Council ranked Defensive Systems (LAIRCM) as #4 out of 50 at the Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking numbers 11-170, 11-169, and 11-168; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. C-17s currently operate in environments of increasing levels of threat complexity and lethality while employing less than state-of-the-art aircraft defensive systems. Operating in this configuration risks potential damage or loss of aircraft and ultimately the potential loss of life. Aircraft equipped with a threat detection system would greatly enhance the survivability rate while operating in high threat areas. 4. Units Impacted.
105 AW Stewart IAP, NY 172 AW Jackson-Evers IAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401130F
Unit Cost N/A $2,100,000 $3,000,000 $2,954,855 Program Cost $12,000,000 $16,800,000 $24,000,000 $53,187,390 $105,987,390
Remaining Quantity Required Next Generation NRE (3600) 8 LAIRCM Group A Kits (3010) 8 LAIRCM Group B Kits (3010) 18 Next Generation Sensors (3010) Total
1. Background. The definition of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), according to the Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC No. 120-76A), is an electronic display system intended primarily for cockpit/flight deck or cabin use. EFB devices can display a variety of aviation data or perform basic calculations. In short, an EFB is an electronic information management device that helps to improve situational awareness, cockpit efficiency, productivity, and safety. They typically consist of a screen and a control unit that may be installed, mounted, or contained in one sole portable unit. EFBs can electronically store and retrieve documents required for flight operations, such as Technical Orders, Air Force Instructions, Flight Operations Manual, Minimum Equipment Lists, as well as providing the most current Flight Information Publications (FLIP). Additional motivators for using an EFB are significant cost savings on annual paper FLIP purchases and the considerable reduction of paper waste associated with each FLIP changeover. The potential to receive significant mission changes during worldwide cargo and personnel transport missions is extremely high. The aircrew needs the ability to have all possible mission information and performance calculation capability at their fingertips. 2. Source of Need. AMC Requirements and Planning Council ranked EFB as #23 out of 50 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking number 09-164; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Not funding the EFB might place the crew in a position where a single mission change could jeopardize mission success. Without the EFB, crews will continue to make critical decisions without accurate real-time information in the cockpit and wont realize cost savings and extraneous time with paper FLIP changes. 4. Units Impacted.
105 AW Stewart IAP, NY 172 AW Jackson-Evers IAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401130F
Unit Cost N/A $240,000 Program Cost $2,400,000 $4,320,000 $6,720,000
Remaining Quantity Required Electronic Flight Bag NRE (3600) 18 Electronic Flight Bags (3010) Total
1. Background. Current information-based dynamic battlespace environments require secure airborne data communications with other aircraft, Command and Control (C2) agencies, and ground-based forces. Datalink (DL) and data transfer will provide aircrews the ability to report and receive battlespace information from monitoring C2 agencies such as position of other aircraft, weather, threat, mission events, mission status, task completion, resource status, etc. This increased situational awareness allows agencies the ability to track mission progress and facilitate rapid decisions and adjustments during mission execution. Additionally, near real-time aircrew reporting will enable information exchanges with global and theater Air and Space Operations Centers and Mobility Air Force (MAF) assets (to include those that are airborne), which will improve synchronization of supporting and supported forces. 2. Source of Need. Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council ranked Integrated RTIC and DL #8 out of 50 (C-17) and #7 out of 37 (C-5) at the 2012 Executive Session; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without DL and data transfer capability, aircrew flexibility and situational awareness is inadequate in current and evolving mission environments. Critical battlespace information is not available to aircrew members or to monitoring C2 agencies tasked with execution of the assigned missions. Additionally, the inability to rapidly transfer critical information will further hamper battlespace driven adjustment to mission requirements and increases the potential for damage to the aircraft and/or loss of life. 4. Units Impacted.
105 AW 164 AW Stewart IAP, NY 167 AW Memphis IAP, TN Eastern WV RAP, WV 172 AW Jackson-Evers IAP, MS
5. Cost.
(C-5) 0401119F
Unit Cost N/A $100,000 $330,000 $100,000 N/A $100,000 $330,000 $100,000 Program Cost $10,000,000 $1,800,000 $5,940,000 $1,800,000 $10,000,000 $1,600,000 $5,280,000 $1,600,000 $38,020,000
1. Background. The C-5A fleet provides 22 percent of the US outsized cargo airlift capability. Confirmed cracking of the C-5A aft crown skins due to stress and corrosion requires replacement fleet-wide to avoid extensive groundings and flight restrictions. 2. Source of Need. AMC Requirements and Planning Council ranked Structural Modernization as #2 out of 37 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking number 08001; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The initial restriction will reduce the cargo load factor by 20 percent and will adjust further downward depending on the severity of the cracking. Because of the unpredictable nature of the cracking, accumulation may lead to unsafe structural integrity and a potential catastrophic failure. 4. Units Impacted.
164 AW Memphis IAP, TN 167 AW Eastern WV RAP, WV
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401119F
Unit Cost $9,400,000 Program Cost $150,400,000 $150,400,000
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) C-5s operate worldwide in environments where Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) Infrared (IR) seeking missiles are widely available and represent a significant threat during take-off and landing. These missiles are extremely advanced and designed to defeat flare-based defensive systems. Flares are also extremely volatile, require special handling, and supply is limited on the aircraft. The AN/AAQ-24 (V) Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) system provides the most effective countermeasures against MANPADS. C-5A aircraft are equipped with a flare-based Aircraft Defensive System (ADS). LAIRCM and its sensors are a prerequisite to having the Next Generation Threat Detection System installed. An upgrade to the current AAR-54 missile launch detectors is available and provides better IR threat detection, significantly increasing flare and LAIRCM effectiveness. The upgraded launch detect system must be capable of providing a 360-degree (azimuth and elevation) picture displayed at the navigator, loadmaster, and cockpit flight stations allowing crewmembers to see previously blind sectors and react accordingly. 2. Source of Need. LAIRCM Operational Requirements Document 314-92, Aug 1998; AMC Requirements and Planning Council LAIRCM and Next Generation Threat Detection System as #25 out of 37 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking numbers 09009, 07-011, and 06-091; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. C-5s operate in environments of increasing levels of threat complexity and lethality while employing less than state-of-the-art aircraft defensive systems. Operating in this configuration risks potential damage or loss of aircraft and ultimately the potential loss of life. Aircraft equipped with a threat detection system would greatly enhance the survivability rate while operating in high threat areas. 4. Units Impacted.
164 AW Memphis IAP, TN 167 AW Eastern WV RAP, WV
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401119F
Unit Cost N/A N/A $4,500,000 $3,000,000 Program Cost $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $72,000,000 $48,000,000 $142,000,000
Remaining Quantity Required LAIRCM NRE (3600) Next Generation NRE (3600) 16 LAIRCM Group A Kits (3010) 16 LAIRCM Group B Kits (3010) Total
1. Background. Several recent brake fires have resulted in damage to aircraft and disruption of flight operations. Aircrews have no real-time data to alert them of an impending brake fire, and must rely on experience to determine when a brake temperature estimate should be accomplished. This temperature estimate on 24 different sets of brakes is manually accomplished by the flight engineer and can take as long as 30 minutes. It is during this time that crew actions, such as egress and coordinating for ground fire support can significantly limit the potential for loss of life and/or assets. The installation of a Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) first requires the installation of an upgraded brake system. These brakes are planned to be utilized on the C-5M as it can accommodate heavier cargo loads. Currently, the C5A fleet is not programmed to receive the new brakes and will only receive them through attrition. 2. Source of Need. Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council ranked BTMS as #23 out of 37 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking numbers 09-103 and 09-104 refer to upgrades to the brake system; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Lack of situational awareness that BTMS provides could result in decreased reaction times and lead to potential loss of life and/or damage to assets. 4. Units Impacted.
164 AW Memphis IAP , TN 167 AW Eastern WV RAP, WV
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401119F
Unit Cost N/A $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Program Cost $3,000,000 $32,000,000 $32,000,000 $67,000,000
Remaining Quantity Required BTMS NRE (3600) 16 Upgraded Brake Systems (3010) 16 Brake Temperature Monitoring Systems (3010) Total
enhanced situational awareness, improved selfprotection, single-pass precision airdrop, and avionics obsolescence issues. These capabilities will ensure the ANG remains viable and relevant in tomorrows fight. C-27J: The C-27J supports operational and tactical priorities in the movement of timesensitive/mission-critical equipment, supplies, and personnel across the last tactical mile. It will complement the existing Air Force tactical airlift capability by adding a more efficient means to move small payloads over shorter distances and into remote and austere locations. Modernization requirements for the ANG C-27J fleet include loadmaster armor, enhanced situational awareness, Operation Flight Program (OFP) software upgrades, mission customizable external sensor, and Heads-Up Display (HUD)/Primary Flight Display (PFD).
C-130H/J & C-27J 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
C-130H: Propulsion Modernization Enhanced Situational Awareness Improved Self-Protection Single-Pass Precision Airdrop Avionics Obsolescence Solutions C-130J: Improved Self-Protection Cargo Compartment Camera Autonomous On-Board Wind-Sensing for Single-Pass Airdrop Increased Firefighting Safety Enhanced Training (Flight Simulator, On-Board Electronic Warfare Training) See Simulation Tab for Info Paper C-27J: Enhanced Situational Awareness Displays Operation Flight Program (OFP) Software Upgrades Multi-Spectrum Sensor/Designator Loadmaster Armor Certified Primary Flight Display (PFD)/Heads-Up Display (HUD) C-130J: Block Upgrade High Speed CDS Improved HUD readability during NVIS Mode SELCAL Call Enhanced Personal Firearms for Aircrew C-27J: Integrated Defensive Systems Squadron Level Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) Aircraft Simulator IFF Mode V Upgrade Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast (ADS-B) Flight Deck Electrical Outlets
2014 $8.00 3 $20.00 2 $6.50 3 $15.00 2 $8.00 3 TBD $60.00 2 $2.00 3 $8.00 3 $5.00 3 $3.60 2 $5.00 3 $11.00 2 $2.00 3 $0.90 2 $5.00 2
2015 $50.00 2 $50.00 2 $50.00 2 $30.00 2 TBD $60.00 2 $3.15 2 $10.00 2 $3.00 2 $12.00 2 $4.00 2
2016 $50.00 2 $50.00 2 $50.00 2 $30.00 2 $60.00 2 $60.00 2 $3.15 2 $10.00 2 $2.00 2 $11.00 2 $4.00 2
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
C-130H C-130H Propulsion Modernization - Provides increased performance, efficiency, and reliability through incorporating modular blade technology (NP2000), Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS) and In-flight Propeller Balancing Systems (IPBS). C-130H Enhanced Situational Awareness - Provides an increase in datalink capability, onboard/off-board threat correlation, data sharing, automated countermeasures, and route replanning when integrated with Airlift Integrated Electronic Combat System (AIECS) C-130H Advanced Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM)/Missile Warning System with Hostile Fire Indicator (HFI) - Allows aircraft to survive in an environment of complex threats and lethality. Enhances existing missile warning system to provide operationally acceptable probabilities of detection and false alarms, to include a Hostile Fire Indication capability. C-130H/J Single-Pass Precision-Guided Airdrop - Eliminates multiple passes for wind sonde data during airdrops decreasing risk to aircrew while meeting U.S. Army requirements.
C-130H Avionics Obsolescence Solution - Addresses the Communication Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic management (CNS/ATM) mandates, to include avionics, gauges, and instrumentation obsolescence.
C-130J C-130J Advanced Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM)/Missile Warning System with Hostile Fire Indicator - Allows aircraft to survive in an environment of complex threats and lethality. Enhances existing missile warning system to provide operationally acceptable probabilities of detection and false alarms, to include a Hostile Fire Indication capability. Note: See the LAIRCM information paper found in the C-130H section. C-130J Cargo Compartment Camera - Provides monitoring from cargo compartment and flight deck during parachute deployments, condition of extraction parachutes, cargo pallet extraction, as well as personnel movement within the cargo compartment. C-130J Single-Pass Precision Airdrop - Eliminates multiple passes for wind sonde data during airdrops decreasing risk while meeting US Army requirements. Note: See the Single Pass Precision Airdrop information paper found in the C-130H section. C-130J Increased Firefighting Safety - Provides aircrew the ability to silence an audible landing gear warning while performing aerial firefighting. C-27J C-27J Enhanced Situational Awareness Displays - Provides integrated digital map display with moving map data by displaying real-time mission changes to the crew. Additionally, Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) data capability is displayed along the route of flight reducing the potential for Controlled Flight into Terrain accidents. C-27J Operational Flight Program (OFP) Software Upgrades - Allows CNI-SP Parachute Ballistics Data updates to increase C-27J airdrop accuracy and upgraded Mission Computer digital performance data will result in lower aircrew workload, thus reducing error potential. C-27J Multi-Spectrum Sensor/Designator - Provides enhanced Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capability to include current tactical mission survivability and accuracy by allowing surveillance of drop/landing zone prior to arrival. C-27J Loadmaster Armor - Provide increased safety for the loadmaster against small arms fire likely to be encountered during critical phases of flight in close proximity to the ground. C-27J Heads-Up Display (HUD)/Primary Flight Display (PFD) - New HUD will align the eye movement box with the C-27J cockpit design eye point allowing pilots to sit at the proper height in the cockpit and view all HUD symbology without any control yoke interference.
1. Background. Current operations and the need for increased performance, efficiency, and reliability have highlighted the need for a comprehensive, propulsion upgrade to the C-130H fleet. Incorporating modular blade technology (NP2000), Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS), and In-flight Propeller Balancing System (IPBS) will provide increased performance and reliability. EPCS improves safety by accelerating response time when throttles are rapidly advanced; an issue in previous mishaps. The legacy propeller control system uses 1950s technology and is a significant maintenance driver; while the EPCS improves propeller system reliability by 50 percent. Upgrading the T-56 engine with the Rolls Royce 3.5 modification, with redesigned compressors and turbines, will increase engine life-cycle and improve fuel economy. Oil Cooler Augmentation (OCA) is required to decrease engine wear and prevent engine shutdowns during ground operations in hot climates. The NP 2000 eight-bladed propeller decreases propeller maintenance time by being modular, increases aircraft efficiency while being transported by taking up less pallet space, and increases performance. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Until propulsion deficiencies are addressed, legacy aircraft will continue to lag behind modern counterparts, missing the opportunity to decrease operational risk and increase utility and effectiveness in the evolving combat and special mission environments. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW 123 AW 130 AW 133 AW 136 AW Schenectady CAP, NY Louisville IAP, KY Yeager AP, WV Mpls-St Paul IAP, MN JRB Fort Worth, TX 139 AW 145 AW 152 AW 153 AW 156 AW St Joseph AP, MO Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne RAP, WY San Juan IAP, PR 165 AW 166 AW 176 AW 182 AW 189 AW Savannah IAP, GA New Castle CAP, DE JB Elmendorf, AK Peoria IAP, IL Little Rock AFB, AR
5. Cost.
Remaining Quantity Required * EPCS/IPBS NRE (3010) 135 NP2000 * (3010) 135 EPCS * (3010) 135 IPBS * (3010) 540 T-56 3.5 MOD Engines * (3010) 135 OCA * (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. Recent combat operations highlighted the need for comprehensive, networked, Command and Control (C2) battlespace awareness, and integration of aircraft systems. Upgrades to the C-130 Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) program to increase the datalink capability and integrate with aircraft defensive systems will provide the required capability for on-board/off-board threat correlation, data sharing, automated countermeasures, and route replanning when integrated with the Airlift Integrated Electronic Combat System (AIECS). Additionally, integrating Electronic Take-off and Landing Data (ETOLD), Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), and electronic weight and balance into the system, will greatly increase aircrews ability to execute missions in complex and dynamic situations. The lack of Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) and ETOLD degrades Crew Resource Management (CRM) and increases cockpit workload that can be eliminated through displays and automation. EFB presents Flight Information Publications (FLIP) to the aircrew in a digital format relieving the need for multiple paper products. 2. Source of Need. Mobility Air Forces (MAF) Network Enabling Concept, 26 Apr 2006; AMC MAF Data Link Integration Technical Requirements Document (TRD), 25 Oct 2006; Tactical Data link Transformation CDD, Increment 1, JROCM, 23 Jun 2004; AMC R&PC Mission Essential 2007 and 2008; AMC Advanced Situational Awareness Countermeasures (ASACM) CDD, Jan 2008; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without tactical datalink upgrades and integrated defensive systems, C-130 aircrews will continue to lack the situational awareness and flexibility to operate in dynamic situations and contested environments. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW 123 AW 130 AW 133 AW 136 AW Schenectady CAP, NY Louisville IAP, KY Yeager AP, WV Mpls-St Paul IAP, MN JRB Fort Worth, TX 139 AW 145 AW 152 AW 153 AW 156 AW St Joseph AP, MO Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne RAP, WY Luis Munoz IAP, PR 165 AW 166 AW 176 AW 182 AW 189 AW Savannah IAP, GA New Castle CAP, DE JB Elmendorf, AK Peoria IAP, IL Little Rock AFB, AR
5. Cost.
(C-130J) 0401134
Unit Cost N/A N/A $226,154 N/A $3,000,000 Program Cost $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $35,053,870 $3,000,000 $465,000,000 $506,553,870
1. Background. C-130 aircraft perform demanding missions worldwide in low- to mediumthreat environments, where shoulder-fired, Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) are widely available, creating a significant threat during all phases of flight operations. Future operational concepts have the C-130 operating closer to the battle to reinforce the Army, which relies heavily on airlift for logistical support. The current C-130 AAR-47 Missile Warning System (MWS) has many weaknesses creating vulnerabilities for the aircraft. The ANG requires the AN/AAQ-24 LAIRCM system, which provides the best countermeasures against MANPAD threats and does not rely on pyrotechnic expendables. The Next Generation (NexGen) configuration, currently being fielded, is comprised of two Guardian Laser Transmitter Assemblies, five NexGen Ultra Violet sensors, one processor, and one Control Indicator Unit that would provide greater warning, less false alarm rates, and higher reliability. To address the Radio Frequency (RF) environment, C-130s will require a modern digital Radar Warning Receiver (RWR). In conjunction with defensive system improvements, situational awareness and data fusion is essential to maximize the use of these systems and increase both survivability and mission accomplishment. To improve the situational awareness (SA) of crews, Real-Time in the Cockpit (RTIC) upgrades including integration of the Airlift Integrated Electronic Combat System (AIECS) will enhance safety and mission effectiveness. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; AMC Advanced Situational Awareness Countermeasures (ASACM) CDD, Jan 2008. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The aging C-130 defensive systems will lag the current threat environment and negatively impact future operations. In addition, less-than-optimal SA and sensor correlation through RTIC upgrades will increase aircrew workload, impinging on mission effectiveness and survivability. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW 123 AW 130 AW 136 AW 139 AW Schenectady CAP, NY Louisville IAP, KY Yeager AP, WV JRB Fort Worth, TX St Joseph AP, MO 143 AW 145 AW 146 AW 152 AW 153 AW Quonset SAP, RI Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Channel Islands ANGS, CA Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne AP, WY 165 AW Savannah IAP, GA 166 AW New Castle CAP, DE 176 AW JB Elmendorf, AK 182 AW Peoria IAP, IL 189 AW Little Rock AFB, AR
5. Cost.
(C-130J) 401132F
Unit Cost $970,000 $4,400,000 $420,000 $774,855 Program Cost $15,520,000 $44,000,000 $64,260,000 $60,438,690 $184,218,690
Remaining Quantity Required * 18 C-130J LAIRCM Group A Kits * (3010) 10 C-130J LAIRCM Group B Kits * (3010) 153 NexGen Group A Kits * (3010) (135 C-130H, 18 C-130J) 78 NexGen Group B Kits * (3010) (68 C-130H, 10 C-130J) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG) C-130 fleet has several shortfalls in its ability to precisely deliver airdrop loads. The Armys requirement for airdrop accuracy is 50 meters Circular Error Average (CEA); however, traditional methods only provide accuracy to a 300 meter CEA. Additionally, the Improved Container Delivery System (ICDS) requires multiple passes over the drop zone for wind sonde deployment and atmospheric calculations before dropping actual bundles. Upgrades to the APN-241 radar, designator pods with Laser Radar (LIDAR), towplate extraction mechanisms, and wireless gate release will provide more accurate data on a single-pass and reduce human induced errors. The APN-241 radar can be equipped with ballistic wind sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capabilities through software upgrades. Target designation pods with LIDAR will aid in precisely locating drop zones, measuring ballistic winds, continuously calculating impact points and assessing post-drop effectiveness. The pods will also allow greater flexibility in future airdrop methods. 2. Source of Need. Mission Need Statement AMC/CAF/AETC/AFSOC/AFMC 301-97; C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) System Requirement Document dated 31 March 2000; Required Theater CEA/Mitigate ADE; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of improved technology and wind gathering capabilities will require C-130s to make multiple passes, and unlikely make the required 50 meters CEA from safe drop altitudes in accordance with US Army requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW 123 AW 130 AW 133 AW 136 AW 139 AW Schenectady CAP, NY Louisville IAP, KY Yeager AP, WV Mpls-St Paul IAP, MN JRB Ft Worth, TX St Joseph AP, MO 143 AW 145 AW 146 AW 152 AW 153 AW 156 AW Quonset SAP, RI Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Channel Island ANGS, CA Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne AP, WY San Juan IAP, PR 165 AW Savannah IAP, GA 166 AW New Castle CAP, DE 176 AW JB Elmendorf, AK 182 AW Peoria IAP, IL 189 AW Little Rock AFB, AR
5. Cost.
Remaining Quantity Required * Laser Designator Pod NRE (3600) APN-241 Radar Upgrade * (3600) 77 Laser Designator Pod * (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. The delay of the Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) resulted in a tight timeline for Air National Guard (ANG) C-130H models to meet the 2020 deadline for international Communication Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) mandates. The C-130 fleet is also facing sustainability challenges with mission-required avionics equipment. Currently, C-130H models will not meet 2020 Precision and Area Navigation (P-RNAV) requirements to operate worldwide. In addition, current cockpit lighting is substandard for Night Vision Goggle (NVG) operations requiring intensive pre-mission preparation and reducing crew visual acuity. Also, Self-Contained Navigation System (SCNS) is unsupportable in approximately 2015. A modern Flight Management System (FMS) with Global Positioning System (GPS) approach capability and a modern glass flight deck will increase mission capability and training effectiveness rates with higher equipment reliability, lower maintenance costs, and enhanced safety. Updated avionics will address CNS/ATM mandates when new regulations come into effect, increase operational effectiveness and efficiency by opening up airspace that requires more stringent navigational requirements and allow the use of GPS approaches currently prohibited to the legacy C-130 fleet. In addition, a glass cockpit will reduce crew workload due to the ability to present a consolidated situational awareness picture when used in conjunction with a system integrator such as the Airlift Integrated Electronic Combat System (AIECS). Improving the Night Vision Instrument System (NVIS) lighting compatibility will ensure compliance with AFI 11-2C130 V3/MIL-STD-3009 and increase capability/sustainability to operate safely in night environments. NVIS upgrades are required immediately prior to CNS/ATM upgrades. The AF is aggressively pursuing a replacement for the AMP program. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of C-130H improved communications and avionics technology will restrict them from operating in European airspace. Additionally, tactical night operations will continue to suffer with non-NVIS compliant lighting. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW 123 AW 130 AW 133 AW 136 AW Schenectady CAP, NY Louisville IAP, KY Yeager AP, WV Mpls-St Paul IAP, MN JRB Fort Worth, TX 139 AW 145 AW 152 AW 153 AW 156 AW St Joseph AP, MO Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne AP, WY San Juan IAP, PR 165 AW 166 AW 176 AW 182 AW 189 AW Savannah IAP, GA New Castle CAP, DE JB Elmendorf, AK Peoria IAP, IL Little Rock AFB, AR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401115
Remaining Quantity Required * NRE (3600) 123 Avionics Kits * (3010) 123 NVIS (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $5,700,000 $465,000 Program Cost TBD $701,100,000 $57,195,000 $758,295,000
1. Background. C-130J aircrews require the capability to monitor activity within the cargo compartment during heavy equipment airdrops and Engine Running On-load and Off-load (ERO) operations. This capability must permit operations within the cargo compartment to be simultaneously monitored in the cargo compartment and on the flight deck. The ability to monitor parachute deployments, condition of extraction parachutes, cargo pallet extraction, as well as personnel movement within the cargo compartment is required. This solution, to include all sensors, controls, and displays, must be Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible. The existing C-130J crew complement does not permit using a primary crewmember to serve as a safety observer for operations within the cargo compartment during ERO operations. Safety observation is accomplished by the navigator in the C-130E/H aircraft and through the use of a pilot observation bubble on the C-17. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Essential Item. 3. Impact If Not Funded. During ERO operations, the possibility exists for the loadmaster to be injured and not visible to the remaining crewmembers. A delay in detection could prevent necessary and immediate medical attention and result in serious injury or death to crewmember. During airdrops of Heavy Equipment (HE), monitoring the condition of the extraction parachutes and extraction sequence is critical to preventing damage to the aircraft, and maintaining safety within the cargo compartment and on the drop zone. 4. Units Impacted.
143 AW Quonset SAP, RI 146 AW Channel Islands ANGS, CA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Unit Cost N/A $350,000 Program Cost $2,000,000 $6,300,000 $8,300,000
1. Background. C-130J pilots require the ability to silence an audible landing gear warning while performing aerial firefighting. The aerial firefighting flight profile requires maneuvering a maximum gross-weight aircraft to a drop altitude of 150 feet Above Ground Level (AGL), at a speed of 120 knots. In order to maintain a safe margin between stall speed and retardant dispersal speed, 100 percent flaps are required. At flap settings greater than 70 percent, an audible LANDING GEAR warning is repeated non-stop until flaps are retracted below 70 percent. Under normal flight conditions, the audible warning promotes safety by warning the flight crew to not land the aircraft with the gear up. However, while performing aerial firefighting, this audible warning produces a dangerous and annoying distraction, significantly reducing flight safety in an environment which is arguably one of the most risky that the C-130 aircraft and crews operate in. An automated method to disable/enable the audible landing gear warning and modified checklist procedures that properly ensure the warning will trigger in conditions other than aerial firefighting is necessary. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Mission Need Item. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Audible landing gear warning horn while performing aerial firefighting creates a dangerous and annoying distraction to the flight crew that degrades situational awareness, increases risk, and reduces mission effectiveness. It distracts pilots from their focus on terrain, smoke plumes, other aircraft, and retardant drop. This is an unnecessary risk that can be mitigated by revising aircraft computer system software. 4. Unit Impacted.
146 AW Channel Islands ANGS, CA
5. Cost.
1. Background. C-27J aircraft have no integrated digital map system despite the fact that it is incorporated into its design. The integrated digital map system enhances mission accomplishment and reduces crew workload during two-person flight deck operations. This eliminates the need for the two independent Electronic Data Manager (EDM) systems that are not integrated into the aircraft Flight Management System (FMS). The Cockpit Working Group (CWG) identified the independent EDMs as a Crew Resource Management (CRM) degrader and increased cockpit workload that could be eliminated with an integrated system. The C-27J Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) provides alerts for terrain and obstacles, but no display is provided showing the location of the offending terrain or obstacle. This results in reduced terrain awareness, limited look ahead capability and an increased risk of Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents. Tactical Digital Terrain Elevation Data (Level 2 DTED) is essential for accurate moving map and TAWS displays. Furthermore, the avionics suite does not include the seamless ability for the addition of essential future capabilities [e.g. Blue Force Tracker (BFT), Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC), electronic pubs (E-pubs), Situational Awareness (SA) Waveform, Combat Track II (CTII), communications upgrades, etc.]. This ability is enhanced by installing two High-Definition Smart Multi-Function Color Displays (SMFCD) with a minimum of six inputs. 2. Source of Need. Capability Development Document (CCD) for the Joint Cargo Aircraft, Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Essential Item; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Item. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of an integrated digital map system increases cockpit workload and heads down time resulting in increased potential for mid-air collisions and undetected threat engagements against the aircraft. Without a TAWS terrain and obstacle display in the C-27J, pilot SA of high terrain and obstacles is reduced, and the potential for CFIT accidents is increased. 4. Units Impacted.
103 AW Bradley ANGB, CT 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 120 FW Great Falls IAP, MT 175 WG Martin SAP, MD 179 AW Mansfield-Lahm RAP, OH 186 AW Meridian RAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 51138F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3010) 24 Kits * (3010) 21 TAWS (DTED) * (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $70,000 $234,000 Program Cost $2,000,000 $1,680,000 $4,914,000 $8,594,000
1. Background. C-27J aircraft mission computers and system processors use outdated airdrop parachute ballistics and incorrect exit times to calculate the Computed Air Release Point (CARP). Additionally, aircraft Take-off and Landing Data (TOLD) is unusable and inaccurate. The C-27J participates in tactical operations in and out of remote, austere, unprepared, and short runways where accurate aircraft performance data is critical for safe operations. The C-27J is the only mobility tactical airlifter with a two-person flight deck that does not have certified mission computer TOLD. Improvements in C-27J parachute ballistic data increase airdrop accuracy and consistency, opening up smaller drop zones, providing greater flexibility, and survivability of recovery forces. Upgrading Operational Flight Program (OFP) software to a level commensurate with industry standard capabilities and human interface would remedy these two deficiencies. 2. Source of Need. Capability Development Document (CDD) for the Joint Cargo Aircraft; Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Essential Item; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Using current C-27J parachute ballistics data decreases airdrop accuracy and increases workarounds and crew workload during the mission planning process. Without accurate mission computer TOLD, aircrews must manually calculate performance data on the flight deck. These methods pose a high potential for error when calculating TOLD on the aircraft in the tactical environment, possibly leading to an aircraft mishap during take-off, climbout, or landing. 4. Units Impacted.
103 AW Bradley ANGB, CT 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 120 FW Great Falls IAP, MT 175 WG Martin SAP, MD 179 AW Mansfield-Lahm RAP, OH 186 AW Meridian RAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 51138F
Remaining Quantity Required * OFP Upgrades (3600) Total Unit Cost N/A Program Cost $5,000,000 $5,000,000
1. Background. The C-27J is under consideration to support SOCOM/AFSOC combat operations and state/local authorities in support of Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). In addition to its tactical airlift mission, to better fulfill this role, the addition of an external multi-spectrum sensor/designation pod is required. As an example; with the addition of a multi-spectrum sensor the C-27J would be able to support SOCOM/AFSOC with a "God's-eye" view of any friendly ground forces during an operation with route recognition as it delivers needed supplies to forward operating bases. This same capability could be used to support a myriad of civil agencies with Search and Rescue (SAR) or Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) during a variety of contingencies/events. This capability would enhance both Tactical Airlift/Airdrop accuracy and survivability by being able to survey austere drop/landing zones for enemy activity, incursions, or obstacles prior to arrival. It would also allow for post-drop assessment/security of an airdrop. The ability to locate/survey a Drop Zone/Landing Zone (DZ/LZ) prior to arrival would help ensure first pass delivery as well as provide added survivability and situational awareness for the crew. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, the C-27Js ability to support various Federal and State missions will be reduced. Also, without such a capability the C-27J will be more vulnerable to threats and less effective at its current Airdrop/Air Land missions. 4. Units Impacted.
103 AW Bradley ANGB, CT 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 120 FW Great Falls IAP, MT 175 WG Martin SAP, MD 179 AW Mansfield-Lahm RAP, OH 186 AW Meridian RAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 51138F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE * (3010) 15 Systems (3010) 38 A Kit Installs (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $1,000,000 $500,000 Program Cost $2,000,000 $15,000,000 $19,000,000 $36,000,000
* Could be absorbed by contractor with larger buy order /covered through MC-27J development.
1. Background. C-27J aircraft are not equipped with designated loadmaster armor protection in the observer position. During combat operations loadmasters are directed to sit at the observer windows and perform scanning duties. Loadmasters take positions at the observer windows and scan the ground for Surface-to-Air Fire (SAFIRE). The C-27Js direct support mission providing time sensitive/mission critical airlift to US Army forces at the last tactical mile will require it to operate frequently in areas and at altitudes where the small arms threat is prevalent. Baseline aircraft armor is incapable of protecting the loadmaster from the majority of threats. New armor provides the required level of protection. 2. Source of Need. Capability Development Document (CDD) for the Joint Cargo Aircraft; Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Critical Item; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of loadmaster armor protection at the scanner windows puts observing loadmasters at risk to small arms threat which could result in serious injury and/or loss of life. 4. Units Impacted.
103 AW Bradley ANGB, CT 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 120 FW Great Falls IAP, MT 175 WG Martin SAP, MD 179 AW Mansfield-Lahm RAP, OH 186 AW Meridian RAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 51138F
Remaining Quantity Required 15 Kits (2 sets per kit) (3010) Total Unit Cost $60,000 Program Cost $900,000 $900,000
1. Background. Engineering analysis of the C-27J Heads-Up Display (HUD) indicates that the HUD eye movement box is not collocated with the cockpit design eyepoint. Anthropometric studies have determined that only a limited range of the pilot population can adjust the seat height to see all HUD symbology without excessive head movement and/or control yoke interference with the pilots legs. HUD viewing and flight control interference is further aggravated when wearing aircrew protective equipment such as body armor and survival vests. Lowering the HUD approximately two inches will align the HUD eye movement box and the cockpit design eye point. Certifying the HUD as primary flight display will allow additional situational awareness information to be displayed on Head Down Displays (HDD) 1 and 5, which are currently reserved for primary flight displays only. 2. Source of Need. Capability Development Document (CDD) for the Joint Cargo Aircraft; Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) Essential Item; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. If the HUD is not modified, the C-27J will not accommodate the full range of the pilot population to operate the aircraft while wearing protective equipment without control yoke interference. Additionally, pilots need be able to see all HUD symbology without excessive head movements, which ultimately degrades mission performance when operating in the tactical environment. 4. Units Impacted.
103 AW Bradley ANGB, CT 110 AW Battle Creek IAP, MI 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 120 FW Great Falls IAP, MT 175 WG Martin SAP, MD 179 AW Mansfield-Lahm RAP, OH 186 AW Meridian RAP, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 51138F
Remaining Quantity Required * 18 HUD Sets (3010) Total Unit Cost $723,000 Program Cost $13,014,000 $13,014,000
EC-130J: The EC-130J Commando Solo conducts information operations, psychological operations, and civil affairs broadcasts. Procurement efforts continue for Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasure (LAIRCM) system, tactical datalink Secure-Line-of-Sight/BeyondLine-of-Sight (SLOS/BLOS) capability, and radio communication upgrades, and loadmaster crashworthy seats. HC/MC-130: The Air National Guard (ANG) provides 35 percent of the AFs HC/MC-130 combat search and rescue capability. ANG HC/MC-130 units continue to deploy in support of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and provide emergency rescue and relief support during Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). Upcoming modernization efforts for the ANG HC/MC-130 fleet include loadmaster crashworthy seats, Aircrew Flight Equipment Racks, Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) Sensor Upgrades and Heavy Equipment (HE) airdrop capability. LC-130: The LC-130 operates on snowfields in remote areas of the Polar Regions in support of the National Science Foundation (NSF). In order to keep the aircraft up-to-date, several modification efforts are underway including the Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS), eight-bladed propellers, and the Crevasse Detection Radar (CDR). The ANG is also working with the NSF to develop a pod-based scientific payload capability for the LC-130s.
C-130 Special Mission 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
EC-130J: Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Fly-Away Broadcast System ArcLight2 Ku Band Spread Spectrum (KuSS) Modem Communication/Situational Awareness Suite HC/MC-130P/N: Integrated Beyond-Line-ofSight/Secure-Line-of-Sight (BLOS/SLOS) Datalink Information Superiority Combat Penetrator Suite Enhanced Engine and Propeller Performance Mission Flexible Cargo Compartment Electronic Flight Bags LC-130H: Eight-Bladed Propeller Replacement Retractable External Arm and Crevasse Detection Radar (CDR) In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) Flight Deck Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility Flight Deck Communications Upgrade
2014 $5.56 2 $2.00 3 $0.35 2 $4.50 2 $1.30 2 $1.00 3 $5.00 2 $2.00 3 $3.51 2 $6.00 3 $4.55 2 $24.5 2 $3.00 2 $3.50 2 $3.00 3 $2.93 2 $1.25 2
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
EC-130J Large Aircraft Infrared Counter Measures (LAIRCM) - Allows survival in a complex and lethal threat environment. All Group A kits are procured but not installed. Need all Group B kits to complete the program. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) - Provides Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) transmissions and support for Full Motion Video (FMV). The EC-130J is the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) weapon system of choice to provide an ISR capability. Fly-Away Broadcast System (FABS) - The FABS is designed to support Military Information Support Operations (MISO) broadcasting. ArcLight 2 Ku Band Spread Spectrum (KuSS) Modem - The KuSS is used to send/receive airborne (FMV) ISR feeds, stream audio/video content for MISO broadcast, in addition to providing a data-link for other critical Command and Control (C2) functions.
55 Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter
Communication/Situational Awareness Suite - Provides the AFSOC standard Special Operations Forces Air Mission Suite/Enhanced Situational Awareness (SAMS/ESA) installed on all of the commands airframes. The system is a computer network-based communication and datalink integration system. HC/MC-130P/N Integrated Beyond-Line-of-Sight/Secure-Line-of-Sight (BLOS/SLOS) Datalink - Networks the HC/MC-130 with other assets in-theater enhancing Situational Awareness (SA) during Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) Task Force (TF) missions. Information Superiority - Provides the ability to transmit and receive Full Motion Video (FMV) from upgraded Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors, coupled with Internet on Board (IOB), alleviates the need for high-demand Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. Combat Penetrator Suite - Provides an integrated defensive system that alerts the crew to small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire while also allowing the aircraft to suppress radar threats utilizing a jammer capability. Enhanced Engine and Propeller Performance - The Oil Cooler Augmentation allows HC-130Ps to operate for extended periods on the ground without having to shut down engines due to excessive oil temperature. The Electronic Propulsion Control System (EPCS) and the eight-bladed props will dramatically increase efficiency, responsiveness, and power availability. The In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) system will reduce maintenance and increase aircraft availability. Mission Flexible Cargo Compartment - Addresses safety issues and introduces standardization to the cargo and aircrew flight equipment compartment by utilizing crashworthy seats, palletized fuel tanks, wireless headsets, an Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) rack, and Heavy Equipment (HE) airdrop capabilities. LC-130H Eight-Bladed Propeller Replacement - Replaces the existing four-bladed propellers with eight-bladed propellers that improve the take-off performance of the aircraft. Retractable External Arm and Crevasse Detection Radar (CDR) - Updates the current radar system used by the LC-130 to identify crevasses/hazards on snowfields for deep field landing sites. The CDR is mounted on the aircraft using the external articulating arm. In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) - Provides In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) system to eliminate the need for regular maintenance. The propeller is continuously balanced at all times, virtually eliminating propeller balance induced vibration resulting in reduced noise, less vibration damage, and improved aircraft availability. Flight Deck Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility - Provides NVG capability to LC130 crews to effectively operate in VMC during night operations. Required night operations utilizing NVGs include airdrop, airland and Search and Rescue (SAR) missions. Flight Deck Communications Upgrade - Provides polar missions with reliable long range Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communications.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) EC-130Js perform demanding missions worldwide in a low-to-medium threat environment where shoulder-fired, Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) infrared-seeking missiles are widely available creating a significant threat during all phases of flight. The ANG requires the AN/AAQ-24 LAIRCM system, which provides the best countermeasures against MANPAD threats and does not rely on pyrotechnic expendables. The Next Generation (NexGen) configuration, currently being fielded, is comprised of two Guardian Laser Transmitter Assemblies, five NexGen Ultra Violet sensors, one processor, and one Control Indicator Unit that would provide greater warning, less false alarm rates, and higher reliability. Group A kits are being procured, but there is no AF funding for the Group B kits. 2. Source of Need. LAIRCM ORD 314-92, Aug 1998; AFSOC Statement of Need, 001-91, Infrared Countermeasures Improvements; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The EC-130J operates in an increasingly complex and lethal threat environment. The aircrew and aircraft will be tasked to operate in this environment while employing a less than state-of-the-art aircraft defensive system, as well as an increased use of pyrotechnic expendables. 4. Unit Impacted.
193 SOW Harrisburg IAP, PA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Remaining Quantity Required 4 LAIRCM Group A Kits (3010) 6 LAIRCM Group B Kits (3010) 4 NexGen Group A Kits * (3010) 6 NexGen Group B Kits * (3010) Total Unit Cost $970,000 $4,400,000 $420,000 $774,855 Program Cost $3,880,000 $26,400,000 $1,680,000 $4,649,130 $36,609,130
1. Background. The Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Commander has identified the 193rd Special Operation Wings C-130J, with its sustained loiter time, to support an immediate theater requirement to provide Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capability. There is an immediate need to install a retractable external arm and ISR collection systems on a C-130J. The retractable external arm requires a crashworthy seat for the observer and the system should be equipped with a MX-20 sensor turret with appropriate controls and recording equipment at the work station. The system must include the capability to store and transfer ISR data to a Processing Exploitation Dissemination (PED) ground station post-mission and should be capable of Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) transmissions. Additionally, the system should transmit Full Motion Video (FMV) to Line-of-Sight (LOS) ground forces via current Special Operations Forces video transmission devices. The retractable external arm is a flexible system capable of holding multiple pod mounted sensors, kinetic weapons, Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) control systems, and/or antennae, and would make the aircraft multi-mission capable. 2. Source of Need. AFSOC 1067 SOC #12047; 193 SOW Strategic Plan FY12-37; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this system, AFSOC will have to resource another platform to conduct this immediate theater requirement, ultimately causing delays in providing necessary ISR assets to the Combatant Commanders to support Special Operations Forces. 4. Unit Impacted.
193 SOW Harrisburg IAP, PA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Remaining Quantity Required ISR NRE (3600) 6 MK20 EO/IR Sensors (3010) 7 Retractable Arm Kits (3010) 1 Crashworthy Seat Kit (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $1,600,000 $1,245,714 $60,000 Program Cost $2,000,000 $9,600,000 $8,719,998 $60,000 $20,379,998
1. Background. Only three of the seven EC-130J aircraft are capable of performing the primary mission of Military Information Support Operations (MISO) broadcasting. The Fly-Away Broadcast System (FABS) is a US Army-developed and -fielded portable transmitter system used to broadcast MISO messages. This is a low-cost solution to mounting systems on C-130 aircraft without the need for permanent modifications to either the airframe or power systems. Systems are designed to be installed in just 2 to 3 hours and use existing power ports, cargo floor, and/or cargo rails. Some systems are palletized, thus they can potentially be configured in the cargo compartment allowing for cargo or personnel delivery and parallel employment of the system. The retractable external arm is a flexible system capable of holding multiple pod mounted sensors, kinetic weapons, Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) control systems, and/or antennae. The retractable external arm makes the aircraft multi-mission capable. The retractable external arm is a flexible system capable of holding multiple pod mounted sensors, kinetic weapons, Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) control systems, and/or antennae, and would make the aircraft multi-mission capable. The retractable external arm requires a crashworthy seat for the observer. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF); 193 SOW Strategic Way Ahead FY12-37. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this system, four EC-130Js will be incapable of carrying out their primary mission of MISO broadcasting. The retractable external arm and pods are an integral part of providing a low-cost, removable MISO and/or multi-mission capability on the aircraft. 4. Unit Impacted.
193 SOW Harrisburg IAP, PA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Remaining Quantity Required FABS NRE (3600) 8 FABS Systems (3010) 7 Retractable Arm Kits (3010) 1 Crashworthy Seat Kit (3010) 4 FABS Operator Stations (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $500,000 $1,245,714 $60,000 $750,000 Program Cost $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,719,998 $60,000 $3,000,000 $21,779,998
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery EC-130J ARCLIGHT2 Ku BAND SPREAD SPECTRUM (KuSS) MODEM
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) EC-130Js perform a variety of missions, which require the use of the Airborne Ku Band Spectrum (KuSS) Hatch Mounted Satellite System. The 193rd Special Operations Group (SOG) uses the KuSS to send/receive airborne Full Motion Video (FMV) Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance feeds, stream audio/video content for Military Information Support Operation (MISO) broadcasts, in addition to providing a datalink for other critical Command and Control (C2) functions. The ArcLight2 modem request is in direct support of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) mission taskings, which requires modem technology for sufficient bandwidth and accurate geographic location. ArcLight2 modems are backwards compatible, a direct one-for-one swap, and support regions currently unsupported with legacy ArcLight satellite footprints. Specifically, the HQ U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR) does not support legacy ArcLight satellite footprints, and the HQ U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) has extremely limited resources supporting the legacy ArcLight. In addition to access into previously denied AOR's, the modem upgrade provides four times the upload/transmit speeds from 512 Kilo Bytes Per Second (Kbps) up to 2.5 Mega Bytes Per Second (Mbps). The speed enhancement alone will shift broadcast quality from marginal to exceeding current standards. 2. Source of Need. USSOCOM Lessons Learned; MC-130J Enhanced Situational Awareness/Mission Networking Requirement; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without immediate approval and installation of the ArcLight2 modem, the 193 SOG will not have ViaSat satellite coverage in the AFRICOM AOR, and only limited coverage in CENTCOM. This would result in a critical shortfall with the Super-J or Commando Solo to provide services that require Command and Control (C2) support with airborne streaming data. 4. Unit Impacted.
193 SOW Harrisburg IAP, PA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Remaining Quantity Required 7 VMBR 1520 Modems (3010) Total Unit Cost $50,000 Program Cost $350,000 $350,000
1. Background. Special Operations Forces Air Mission Suite/Enhanced Situational Awareness (SAMS/ESA) is the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) standard situational awareness system to be installed on all of the commands airframes. The system is a computer network-based communication and datalink integration system. It is made up of multiple Lineof-Sight (LOS) and Over-the-Horizon (OTH) radios, an electronic flight publication database, software for in-flight planning and re-planning, secure internet, and live video reception and transmission, all provided to the crew thru dedicated Multi-Function Color Displays (MFCDs). SAMS/ESA Phase 1 has been funded for EC-130s, but a follow-on Phase 2 capability is still required. Phase I of SAMS/ESA includes Situational Awareness Data Link, Beyond-Line-ofSight (BLOS) and Line-of Sight (LOS) Radios, Air Force Tactical Receiver System-Ruggedized, Touch Screen Displays and Ruggedized Computers. Phase II will provide Full Motion Video Send and Receive Capability. Additionally, all AFSOC aircraft require Satellite Communications (SATCOM) to conduct tasked U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) missions. Currently four EC-130J aircraft are utilizing a nonintegrated manportable PRC-117 SATCOM radio. 2. Source of Need. AFSOC 1067 #11104, #09037, USSOCOM Lesson Learned and TERESA CDD; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. As the AFSOC standard datalink suite, integration of the EC-130J into AFSOC operations will be significantly reduced or eliminated if this capability is not funded. This fully integrated, low-cost, stand-alone system is critical for operating on the modern digital data field. Failure to implement the SATCOM solution reduces accessibility and readiness of EC-130J airframes to Combatant Commanders in the Area of Responsibility (AOR). 4. Unit Impacted.
193 SOW Harrisburg IAP, PA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F
Remaining Quantity Required 8 SAMS/ESA Systems (3010) Total Unit Cost $562,500 Program Cost $4,500,000 $4,500,000
1. Background. Installation of a Tactical Datalink (TDL) provides comprehensive Command and Control (C2) and maximizes HC/MC-130P/N aircrew situational awareness with BeyondLine-of-Sight/Secure-Line-of-Sight (BLOS/SLOS) capabilities. It provides critical real-time data to aircrews so they can participate in the present day network-centric battlespace. A TDL capability should be compatible with any situational awareness cockpit display units utilized by the community. TDL capabilities need to be compatible with existing Task Force TDL technology. To comply with Personnel Recovery (PR) Doctrine the HC/MC-130P/N needs to perform as an Airborne Mission Commander/Rescue Mission Commander and On-Scene Commander. The community is unable to perform these roles effectively without a full picture of the battlespace. Gateways are crucial today to allow different datalinks to communicate together. Currently the HC/MC-130P/N cannot see PR forces on any datalink to include fighter and C2 datalinks. Today we still have aircraft that are unable to track and locate all survival radios in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) and during domestic civil emergencies. New technology like the 406 MHz beacon or the Combat Survivor Evader Locator cant be located or tracked by HC/MC-130P/N aircraft, creating a capability gap in locating survivors. This upgraded communication and avionics suite should be equipped with modern data loading capabilities such as the Digital Mapping Interface System. Secure Internet Protocol (SIPR) data will enable aircrews to receive near-real-time Blue Force data and text messaging from the battlefield. Blue Force Tracker (BFT) is a modernized joint tracking system which is complimentary with Situational Awareness Datalink (SADL) and Link-16 providing BLOS interactive data communication between aviation assets and C2. 2. Source of Need. Mobility Air Forces (MAF) Network Enabling Concept, 26 Apr 2006; Air Mobility Command (AMC) MAF Datalink Integration Technical Requirements Document (TRD), 25 Oct 2006; Tactical Data link Transformation CDD, Increment 1, JROCM, 23 Jun 2004; AMC R&PC Mission Essential 07/08; CAF MNS 316-92, Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC); Global Information Grid CRD, JROCM 134-01, 30 Aug 2001; AF Tactical Data Link Master Plan; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without a tactical datalink, Air National Guard (ANG) HC/MC-130P/N assets will remain outside the C2 networks in theater. Crews will not be able to access critical real-time data resulting in degraded mission performance and exposure of aircrews to unnecessary threats. Crews will remain unable to perform basic PR missions or requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
1. Background. Rescues performed in combat and during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina highlighted the need to modernize the HC/MC-130P/N situational awareness capability. Realtime information exchange is paramount during personnel recovery operations, requiring great precision and speed in asymmetric battle space environments. Recent technical advancements provide the means to integrate existing HC/MC-130P/N sensors with modern processors and data links facilitating superior Command and Control (C2) and tactical coordination from either an overhead or offset orbit. Having an integrated eye-safe laser range finder, illuminator, and designator capability in a state-of-the-art Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensor that can Find, Fix, Track, and Target (F2T2) Targets of Interest (TOI), or to precisely determine survivor location information, takes the search out of search and rescue and provides the Combined Force Air Component Commander (CFACC) with a powerful collaboration tool in uncertain tactical environments. Equipping HC/MC-130P/N aircraft with an enhanced EO/IR infrared sensor capable of Full Motion Video (FMV) relieves reliance on high-demand Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. In order for rescue forces to fully support information superiority operations they require the ability to utilize the Internet while on board the aircraft. The Internet on Board (IOB) allows for efficient information sharing across a digital network. 2. Source of Need. The Personnel Recovery (PR) Core Function Master Plan (CFMP); AMC, RMC and OSC duties as outlined in AFTTP 3-3.HC/MC-130; AMC R&PC Mission Essential 07/08; CAF MNS 316-92, Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC); Global Information Grid CRD; JROCM 134-01, 30 Aug 2001; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The Combat Search and Rescue Task Force will have no precision marking for fixed or dynamic targets and no F2T2 capability for cross-cueing. Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) is reliant on Low-Density/High-Demand (LD/HD) weapons systems to provide these critical capabilities during recovery operations despite on-going tactical requirements of equal priority. Personnel Recovery (PR) doctrine fulfillment capability will continue to be limited. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 13 EO/IR Sensor Upgrades (3010) 13 FMV (3010) 13 IOB (3010) Total
1. Background. The HC/MC-130P/N rescue platform is unprepared to survive a combat rescue in a peer-on-peer conflict due to its inability to counter radar threats. In order to operate in a high threat environment the HC/MC-130P/N requires a Radio Frequency (RF) jammer, improved radar detection capability (ALR-69A), and Terrain Following and Terrain Avoidance (TFTA) radar system. The ALR-69A will provide more sensitivity and improved range and accuracy for supplying the crew with information on radar threat type and location. A Radio Frequency (RF) jammer will allow the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) Task Force (TF) to perform rescues in an elevated radar threat environment. When penetrating an elevated threat environment, the aircraft requires TFTA radar in order to utilize terrain by navigating at low altitude to defeat a radar threat. The ALQ-213 Electronic Combat system is required to integrate these Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, providing easy-to-understand information which will allow for timely threat reactions by the crew. The ALQ-213 will also pave the way for future growth into 3D audio and the Virtual Electronic Countermeasure Training System (VECTS), which provides advanced training to the crews and further increases their likelihood of surviving a threat engagement. The NexGen sensor is capable of detecting small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire which cannot be detected by current aircraft defensive systems, even though they are widely proliferated in virtually every threat environment. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. The HC/MC-130P/N operates in environments of increasing levels of threat and lethality and therefore must have a robust self-defense capability. Reaction time and survivability will continue to be an issue at low altitude until a more capable and userfriendly system is used. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
Remaining Quantity Required Directional Audio (NRE) (3600) 117 3D Audio Pilot Kits (3010) 3 Unit Test Equipment (3080) RF Jammer NRE (3600) 13 RF Jammer (3010) ALR-69A NRE (3600) 13 ALR-69A (3010) TFTA NRE (3600) 13 TFTA (3010) 13 Hostile Fire Indicator (3010) Total
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery HC/MC-130P/N ENHANCED ENGINE AND PROPELLER PERFORMANCE
1. Background. Currently the HC/MC-130P/N aircraft is performance-limited creating a safety hazard for the aircrew. They routinely operate with the heavy gross weights associated with fuel loads for Helicopter Air-to-Air Refueling and Forward Area Refueling Procedures (FARP), and fly in conditions with high outside air temperatures and high pressure altitudes. The HC/MC130P/N also operates in the low-altitude environment (<500 feet) in mountainous terrain, requiring enhanced engine performance in order to prevent Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) incidents. Multiple aircraft upgrades are required to include the Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS), NP2000, Oil Cooler Augmentation (OCA), In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) system, and Electronic Takeoff and Landing Data (ETOLD). The EPCS enhances performance because of improved synchrophasing during ground operations and improved thrust responsiveness from the controls (very little delay after making throttle adjustments). The NP2000 is an eight-bladed, composite propeller that significantly improves the thrust output of the current HC/MC-130P/N engines during take-off and at low altitude. The OCA is critical for FARP operations in desert climate and humanitarian operations for the older HC/MC-130Ps that have difficulty keeping engine oil from overheating in hot desert environments. The IFPB system eliminates the need for regular maintenance and results in reduced noise, less damage from vibration, and improved aircraft availability. ETOLD is a system that electronically calculates engine performance data and significantly reduces the time a crewmember spends manually extracting the information from charts. 2. Source of Need. Air Combat Command (ACC) Validated 1067; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. HC/MC-130P/N crews will continue to operate underpowered aircraft in unforgiving environments. The HC/MC-130P/N fleet would not be able to benefit from the reduced cost of maintenance and increased reliability the increased performance would provide. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
Remaining Quantity Required EPCS, IFPB, & NP2000 NRE (3600) 13 EPCS (3010) 13 IFPB (3010) 13 NP2000 * (3010) Total
* Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS) is pre-requisite component replaces mechanical valve housing.
1. Background. The HC/MC-130P/N has recently been modified with the dual-rail system which increases the mission capability of the aircraft. The increased mission capability requires a more survivable and capable cargo compartment, to include an Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) Rack, Palletized Fuel Tank, Loadmaster Crashworthy Seats, Heavy Equipment (HE) Airdrop capability and wireless communication. A standardized equipment rack must not interfere with a palletized fuel tank, Benson fuel tank, or cargo on-loading and off-loading operations. Non-standard loading of rescue equipment and AFE create a potential safety hazard by having loose items in the cargo compartment. A palletized fuel tank compatible with the dual-rails will allow for more expeditious reconfiguration that will provide greater mission flexibility. It is also capable of withstanding small arms fire and is equipped with fire retardant material creating a safer flight environment. Loadmasters are required to scan for enemy threats through the paratroop doors in a low-level environment. If an aircraft is hit by a threat or experiences a hard landing, the loadmasters do not have a survivable crash seat. Wireless interphone communication systems allow loadmasters to move freely about the cargo compartment and the immediate area outside the aircraft for Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPAS) and Forward Area Refueling Point (FARP) operations. The wireless interphone system enhances safety by keeping the loadmaster connected to communication systems and improves visibility by enabling freedom of movement. In order to support evolving rescue missions the HC/MC-130P/N aircraft must be capable of supporting Guardian Angel requirements. These requirements demand an alert asset capable of performing HE airdrops for large terrain and ocean rescue craft. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Class A Mishap MC-130P 20020213FTEV016A SIB2 Recommendation; 20020612FTEV033A Report, ORS 6, Fall 04/05/06/07. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Safety will continue to be compromised for crewmembers. Missions will be affected by limiting the amount of fuel that can be passed to receivers, as well as limiting the range of the HC/MC-130P/N. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
1. Background. Rescue aircrews are required to carry approximately 20 pounds of paper publications on each flight and each aircraft is required to carry approximately 100 pounds of Flight Information Publications (FLIP). The average cost to each squadron per year to maintain paper copies of instrument approach procedures, navigational charts, technical orders, and maps alone is approximately $150,000. The Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) program allows crews to carry the required publications and flight manuals electronically, review or study them at any time, and to receive updates more efficiently. There have been multiple historical examples where rescue aircraft have experienced safety of flight incidents where out-of-date publications on board were found to be a contributing factor. Department of Defense (DoD) Memorandum titled Use of Commercial Mobile Devices not connected to DoD Networks dated 31 July 2012, has approved the use of commercial electronic devices. Air Mobility Command (AMC) and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) have already approved electronic devices to be used as EFBs. Air Combat Command (ACC) is currently in the process of providing approval for electronic devices to be used as electronic flight bags. These electronic devices would be issued to each member on active flying status and would be maintained with unit O&M funds. These devices are required by all three rescue weapons systems: Guardian Angels, HC-130s, and HH-60s. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Rescue Wings will continue to use non-standardized methods of electronic publications or antiquated paper copies. Units will continue to spend O&M funds on unnecessary paper publications. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
1 Background. Air National Guard (ANG) LC-130Hs from Schenectady, NY have skiequipped landing gear to enable landings and take-offs on snow and ice. The current fleet consists of six AF-owned and four National Science Foundation (NSF)-owned aircraft. A significant portion of their mission requires landing on deep field runways and unimproved snow and ice. In order to ensure successful takeoff from deep field bases, the use of Jet Assisted TakeOff (JATO) rocket motors is required. Dwindling supplies of circa-1950 JATO motors will require replacements at a cost of more than $8.0 million per year. The NP2000 is an eightbladed, composite propeller that improves the thrust 20 percent over the current C-130 engines during take-off and negates the need for JATO in most cases. An added benefit of the eightbladed propeller is the availability of this additional power at any time during a mission, as well as reduced vibration and shock during take-off and in flight. The Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS) is a prerequisite and integral subsystem of the NP2000. It replaces current (1950s design) mechanical valve housings and synchrophasers (1970s design) with modern Electronic Valve Housings and Electronic Propeller Controls. The EPCS enhances performance because of improved synchrophasing during ground operations and improved responsiveness from the controls. The increase in system reliability will directly contribute to an improvement in readiness and aircraft availability. The EPCS also increases crew comfort and reduces maintenance actions due to vibration damage. 2. Source of Need. NP2000 - AF 1067, A4MY 11-066, 10 Oct 2011; EPCS - AF 1067, 09-003, 31 May 2011; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. If a propulsion system upgrade for the LC-130H is not funded the AFs JATO supply will quickly disappear. The resulting loss of capability will seriously reduce future polar operations. Also, the fleet would not realize the reduced cost of maintenance and reduced mobility footprint, or experience the improved performance and reduced noise signature of the eight-bladed propellers and the EPCS. Note: EPCS is a pre-requisite component for the eight-bladed propeller. 4. Unit Impacted.
109 AW Schenectady, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Remaining Quantity Required * NRE (3010) EPCS Spares (3010) 9 ** NP2000 *** (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A N/A $2,000,000 Program Cost $5,000,000 $1,500,000 $18,000,000 $24,500,000
* Includes 10% spares. ** The unit has a total of 10 LC-130H aircraft, six AF and four NSF-owned but operated by the ANG. However, in support of operational testing one of the ANG LC-130Hs is already equipped with the NP2000. *** EPCS is pre-requisite component - replaces mechanical valve housing and its cost is not included in this estimate.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) LC-130s from Schenectady, NY have ski-equipped landing gear to enable landing and take-offs on snow and ice. The 109th AW supports both polar operations and National Science Foundation (NSF) polar research missions using specialized, ski-equipped LC-130H aircraft. Over the last four decades, LC-130H aircraft have sustained serious damage while landing on unsurveyed ice- and snow-covered areas. Current methods to identify hazards with national imaging assets entail long lead-times and increasing unreliability. The 109th AW has a need for Crevasse Detection Radar (CDR) with additional capabilities including survivability enhancements, polar search and rescue, and airborne sensing. The Air National Guard (ANG) completed the evaluation and implementation of a Sandia Labs X-band radar that meets the requirement. The system is fielded but additional changes are required to improve the performance and operational capabilities of the system. Also, the CDR is mounted on the aircraft using a flexible external articulating arm. Additional effort is required to establish the retractable external arm as a permanent modification in the LC-130H fleet. Although partially funded, additional funding is required for updating and supporting the CDR and the retractable external arm. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067 A4MY 07-007, 19 Nov 2004; AF Form 1067 A4MY 11012, 15 Apr 2011; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Although partially funded, additional funding is required for updating and supporting the CDR and the retractable external arm. The lack of surveillance data significantly increases risk to aircraft and personnel. 4. Unit Impacted.
109 AW Schenectady CAP, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Unit Cost N/A N/A Program Cost $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000
Remaining Quantity Required CDR Operational Improvements (3010) Retractable External Arm Modification (3010) Total
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) LC-130Hs from Schenectady, NY have skiequipped landing gear to enable landings and take-offs on snow and ice. The current fleet consists of six AF-owned and four National Science Foundation (NSF)-owned aircraft. Their mission requires them to operate out of austere environments where there are no shelters, and very little normal base infrastructure where maintenance to the aircraft can be performed. One such maintenance item that requires regular attention is the propeller balancing system. This is a manual system which requires a maintainer-in-the-loop to balance the propellers. As the propellers go out of balance, there is additional vibration on the aircraft, and the system again needs to be rebalanced to remain within acceptable tolerances. This regular servicing is difficult to accomplish at bare-base locations and reduces aircraft availability when down for maintenance. The In-Flight Propeller Balancing (IFPB) system eliminates the need for regular maintenance as the propeller is continuously being balanced while operating. As a result, it virtually eliminates propeller balance induced vibration, which equates to reduced noise, less damage, and improved aircraft availability. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The LC-130H aircraft would not benefit from the improved performance, increased mission availability, or reduced maintenance associated with the IFPB system. 4. Units Impacted.
109 AW Schenectady CAP, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Remaining Quantity Required IFPB NRE (3600) 10 IFPB (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $350,000 Program Cost $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $6,500,000
1. Background. The LC-130H fleet consists of six AF- and four National Science Foundation (NSF)-owned aircraft. Currently, the 109 AW has seven LC-130Hs which are not Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible. In accordance with regulations and current procedures, NVG operations have become a core competency of the USAF, particularly in Mobility aircraft. All C-130 aircrew deploying to combat zones are required to be proficient in Air Force Tactics Techniques and Procedures (AFTTP) 3-3.C-130E/H, AFI 11-2C-130V1, and V3 NVG guidance. As the arctic air operations grow in importance LC-130Hs and crews will be tasked to perform Search and Rescue (SAR) and air-land/airdrop. The drawbacks of non-compatible aircraft are self-evident as aircrew members go overdue on NVG events due to lack of a compatible aircraft. All LC-130Hs should be standardized and available for crews to maintain NVG currency and proficiency to safely and efficiently execute all of the unit's missions. 2. Source of Need. Approved and Validated AF 1067 (A4MY 09-060, 8 Mar 2010); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The 109 AW aircrews will not be able to qualify and maintain proficiency in NVG operations in accordance with existing AF guidance. Furthermore, LC130H aircraft will not be standardly equipped to perform NVG-required mission tasking. 4. Unit Impacted.
109 AW Schenectady CAP, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Unit Cost N/A $375,000 Program Cost $300,000 $2,625,000 $2,925,000
Remaining Quantity Required * NRE (3010) 7 Cockpit NVG Upgrades (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) LC-130Hs from Schenectady, NY have skiequipped landing gear to enable landings and takeoffs on snow and ice. The current fleet consists of six AF-owned and four National Science Foundation (NSF)-owned aircraft. Because of the remote locations that the LC-130H operates from they require long-range Beyond-Line-ofSight (BLOS) communications for the polar mission. Satellite Communications (SATCOM) is limited at polar high latitudes and High Frequency (HF) radios are unreliable during periods of high solar flare activity. Weather, Air Traffic Control (ATC), and Command and Control (C2) communications (voice and text) are critical to ensure safe flight operations in Antarctica and the Arctic. The LC-130H currently uses a portable system with the Iridium phone and associated components are housed in a tailored pelican case. Although the portable system is functional, it is not a robust package and can be unreliable. Window-mounted antennas have poor reception and the sextant port antenna needs to be frequently removed for celestial navigation. Additionally, the box becomes a hazard with exposed wires on the flight deck that often needs repair due to fragile connections. A permanently installed Iridium voice and data solution with an external flush-mount antenna, capable of secure communication with text capability is required. 2. Source of Need. AF 1067 submitted to NGB/A4MA 20070212; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Safe and efficient polar flight operations rely extensively on reliable Iridium voice and text communications to ensure mission accomplishment. Without this upgrade the LC-130Hs are subject to safety issues and operational concerns associated with the short term fix currently in place for the Iridium radio and the inconsistent performance of the High Frequency (HF) radios. 4. Unit Impacted.
109 AW Schenectady CAP, NY
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Remaining Quantity Required * NRE (3010) 11 Flight Deck Upgrades (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $25,000 Program Cost $1,000,000 $275,000 $1,275,000
E-8C: The E-8C Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) is the world's premier widearea surveillance Moving Target Indicator (MTI), airborne battle management, and Command and Control (C2) aircraft. It brings a unique combination of robust communication and real-time surveillance to air, ground, and surface domains. The aircrafts capability to find, fix, track, and orient shooters to air, ground, and surface Targets of Interest (TOI) puts friendly forces in a position to respond rapidly to a changing battlefield environment. The 116 ACW at Robins AFB, GA is home to 16 E-8Cs and the only E-8(T)C. With an enviable combat record to include continuous deployments since 2001 in support of missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Pacific Command (PACOM), Team JSTARS has accrued more than 87,000 combat hours and 8,175 combat sorties; a testament to the associate unit 1 concept and to the men and women who employ this weapon system. The active associate wings of the 116 ACW (Air National Guard (ANG)) and 461 ACW (Active) are manned by approximately 750 full-time and 350 traditional ANG personnel, approximately 1,300 active duty Airmen, and 100 active duty Army Soldiers. Modernization efforts are underway to enhance the warfighting capabilities of the E-8C well into the 21st century through programs including the Communication/Network Upgrade, enhanced target identification utilizing Enhanced Land/Maritime Mode (ELMM), Multi-Agency Communications Capability (MACC), and a cross-domain security solution to include multi-theater chat, e-mail, and web access. C-32B: The C-32B provides dedicated rapid response worldwide airlift to the Department of Defense (DoD), through the Commander, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), in support of the US Government crisis response activities, both domestically and abroad. The 150 SOS of the New Jersey ANG operates the C-32B from Joint Base McGuireDix-Lakehurst, NJ.
E-8C & C-32B 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
E-8C: E-8C Personnel Recovery (PR) Compatible Interrogation Radio Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) Modernization Non-Cooperative Target Combat Identification Modernization Mission Radio Calibration Tool Fleet-Wide Multi-Agency Communication Capability C-32B: Communications Management System Replacement Ku Bandwidth
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
E-8C: Personnel Recovery Compatible Interrogation Radio - Provides overwatch of potentially hostile extraction areas guiding isolated personnel and extraction teams via secure messaging. Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) Modernization - Provides JSTARS intelligence reports of Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) for fusion with local sensor information in support of target nomination and identification. Organic Combat Identification (CID) Capability for Targeting - Provides organic combat identification capability to allow multiple sensors on the aircraft to provide targeting quality identification to other forces. Mission Radio Calibration Tool - Allows aircrew to calibrate multi-band radio systems after performing in-flight adjustments. Fleet-Wide Multi-Agency Communication Capability - Provides ground Special Operations, Homeland Defense (HD), law enforcement, and US Customs and Border Protection agencies with enhanced access to Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) resources through interoperability with the E-8C. C-32B: Satellite Communication System With Secure Ku Bandwidth - Provides a Ku transmit/receive capability currently fielded on similar aircraft. Communication Management System (CMS) Replacement - Provides the operators means to control mission radios and user system access. The CMS is the mission communications backbone, and without it no mission communications, voice or data, enters or leaves the aircraft.
1. Background. The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Radar System (JSTARS) supports Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) by providing overwatch of potential hostile extraction areas, guiding isolated personnel and extraction teams via secure messaging, and providing Command and Control (C2) to strike assets when needed to support extraction operations. JSTARS has a requirement to support CSAR operations using a Personnel Recovery (PR) compatible radio capable of interrogating isolated personnel (downed member). The overall objective of the PR program is to provide isolated personnel and extraction teams with enhanced surveillance, connectivity, and security through interoperability with the E-8C via the secure PR datalink. JSTARS, with the PR capability, provides a persistent airborne C2, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) node to support isolated personnel and extraction teams. The PR system offers interoperability with all US and many North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) deployed combat survival radios, to include the PRC-112B/G, PRC-434, and PRQ-7 (CSEL). 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Air Combat Command (ACC) JSTARS Requirements List (CSAR Support). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, isolated personnel and extraction teams have a higher risk of confrontation with hostile forces and fratricide occurrences during PR missions. 4. Unit Impacted.
116 ACW Robins AFB, GA
5. Cost.
PEC: 27581F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3010) 10 Modular PLS Units (3010) 18 Group A Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $300,000 $144,444 Program Cost $6,400,000 $3,000,000 $2,599,992 $11,999,992
1. Background. Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) is the primary threat warning system to the Joint Surveillance Target Radar System (JSTARS) and those interacting with JSTARS. Additionally, IBS provides intelligence reports of Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) reports for fusion with local sensor information in support of target nomination and identification. Production of Commanders Tactical Terminal/Hybrid, Receive Only (CTT/H-R) terminals that supply IBS information to users has ended with repair support ending in 2013. The systems internal components are no longer supplied through the commercial market with repairs taking 90-180 days. Furthermore, the CTT/H-R terminals cannot be modified to support new Common Message Format nor Common Interactive Broadcast waveform migration; and its crypto requires replacement with a Crypto Modernization Program compliant device/algorithm. Air Force Tactical Receiver System-Ruggedized (AFTRS-R) terminals are fully capable of supporting IBS requirements and as replacements for CTT/H-R terminals. AFTRS-R National Security Agency (NSA)-certified Block II terminals are already readily available for JSTARS; however, these assets require integration and test with the aircraft. 2. Requirement. JSTARS Operational Requirements Document - Rev 5, Dec 2004; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without IBS, JSTARS experiences degraded targeting and situational awareness, thereby degrading overall battle management. Additionally, JSTARS will have no future threat warning capability. This deficiency will severely reduce the aircrafts survivability in hostile threat environments and reduces the aircrafts awareness of friendly or neutral emitters in semi-permissive environments. 4. Unit Impacted.
116 ACW Robins AFB, GA
5. Cost.
PEC: 27581F
Remaining Quantity Required AFTRS-R NRE (3600) 17 AFTRS-R (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $182,350 Program Cost $7,500,000 $3,099,950 $10,599,950
1. Background. An on-board Combat Identification (CID) capability on the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) aircraft increases lethality of the weapons system by reducing the length of the sensor-to-shooter kill chain. This capability enables an accurate characterization of detected objects in the joint battlespace and provides decision quality data to the operator for the timely application of military options and weapons. There may not be a single solution to field this requirement. A Family-of-Systems (FOS) approach may be used to find a balanced combination of sensors with the capability to collectively provide the identification information required to perform all mission area tasks. These systems may include Blue Force Tracker (BFT) and any number of multi-spectral, Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors that are cued by the radar and incorporate an aided target recognition upgrade to the current radar system. 2. Source of Need. JSTARS Operational Requirements Document (USAF 001-84) I/II/II A (Rev 5) (Dec 2004) contains a requirement for CID; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Organic CID is critical to JSTARS future warfighting capability. Without a CID capability JSTARS is unable to internally identify a target, thereby requiring integration with additional ground or air assets to provide or confirm the identification. This delay can add minutes or even hours to the kill chain. Because JSTARS lacks an onboard CID capability, its stand-off capability is not utilized and additional personnel and equipment are placed in harms way. 4. Unit Impacted.
116 ACW Robins AFB, GA
5. Cost.
PEC: 27581F
Unit Cost N/A N/A $384,000 N/A $65,000,000 Program Cost $41,198,000 $31,914,000 $6,912,000 $120,000,000 $390,000,000 $590,024,000
Remaining Quantity Required Aided Target Recognition (ATR) Software Development (3600) Net-Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT) NRE (3600) 18 NCCT Kits (3010) MS-177 EO/IR Sensor NRE (3600) 6 EO/IR Sensors (3010) Total
1. Background. JSTARS is an all-weather Airborne Theater Air Control System (ATACS) tasked to orient and pair shooters, solve problems, up-channel battlefield assessments, and execute the kill chain as the premier counter-land/counter-sea Command and Control (C2) asset supporting the joint warfighter during all phases of combat operations. The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Radar System (JSTARS) maintenance personnel do not have the capability to test, adjust, and baseline certain features and parameters of the aircraft's Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) radios. The maintenance personnel require the ability to test and adjust the radio once it is connected to the aircrafts receiver/transmitter, associated Line Replaceable Units (LRU), and circuitry to ensure optimal performance. Northrop Grumman Field Service Engineering Report (FSER) 05-0130 provided a recommendation for periodic evaluation and checkout which includes testing/base lining transmit modulation, transmit power out, cable standing wave ratio, receive sensitivity, and receive squelch setting. The recommendation to accomplish the procedures identified in FSER 05-0130 should be formalized in the JSTARS Integrated Maintenance Information System (JIMIS) as a general aircraft maintenance procedure. These limiting factors lead to degradation of the aircraft radios and ultimately impact communication effectiveness during flight. 2. Source of Need. JSTARS Operational Requirements Document (USAF 001-84) I/II/II A (Rev 5) (Dec 2004); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without the ability to properly calibrate multi-band radio systems prior to flight, the communications system may experience inadvertent degradation that impedes aerial communication and the aircrafts ability to provide tactical direction. 4. Unit Impacted.
116 ACW Robins AFB, GA
5. Cost.
PEC: 27581F
Unit Cost $75,000 N/A Program Cost $450,000 $500,000 $950,000
Remaining Quantity Required 6 Test Sets (3010) T.O.s and Training Materials (3010) Total
1. Background. The objective of the Multi-Agency Communication Capability (MACC) program is to provide ground Special Operations, special tactics teams, Homeland Defense (HD), Law Enforcement, and US Customs and Border Protection agencies with enhanced access to Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) resources. The system also enables E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Radar System (JSTARS) to execute its Northern Command mission in support of Customs and Border Protection and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) organizations meeting the required Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Type 2 Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) encryption standards in the frequency spectrum (152.000 to 173.975 MHz). The MACC system was initially funded to enable limited fleet capability by installing new antenna kits fleet-wide, while providing six roll-on, roll-off radio kits comprising of a PRC-117G for Special Operations Forces (SOF) missions and Motorola XTL 5000 for DHS missions. In order to gain full MACC capability and lower logistical efforts and complexity for operators and maintainers, additional radio kits need to be acquired. Once equipped, the E-8C will be able to provide the above mentioned capabilities at any time with any type of aircraft. 2. Source of Need. JSTARS Operational Requirements Document (USAF 001-84) I/II/II A (Rev 5) (Dec 2004); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; 116 ACW Capability Needs list (MACC). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, disadvantaged ground force units, law enforcement units and HD agencies (JSTARS high emphasis domestic mission area) have little capability to coordinate tactical missions and have a higher risk of missed opportunities to locate, apprehend, or engage Time Sensitive Targets (TST) or High Value Targets (HVT). This is exacerbated if all six existing MACC units are in use in other Areas of Responsibility (AOR). The risk exists that with only six MACC units, JSTARS, may not be able to conduct these varying missions. Also, logistics costs will continue to increase when MACC units are moved from theater to theater. 4. Unit Impacted.
116 ACW Robins AFB, GA
5. Cost.
PEC: 27581F
Unit Cost $300,000 Program Cost $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Remaining Quantity Required 10 MACC units - Motorola XTL 5000, PRC117G, Modular Electronics Enclosure (MEE) (3010) Total
1. Background. The current system does not provide reliable, sufficient, secure, and dedicated bandwidth to meet the C-32B nor the Operational Requirements Document (ORD) defined requirements. The legacy system relies on a commercially available service and therefore competes for a finite amount of bandwidth against any and all other system users, both commercial and government. This system was sufficient at the time of installation but has since been commercially proliferated to the point of system saturation. Additionally, the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO) recently declared this legacy system must be replaced. A Ku transmit/receive capability exists and has been fielded on similar aircraft. In order to proceed with installation secure Ku bandwidth must be acquired with O&M funds. Procurement funding for the hardware and installation may be available; however, without securing bandwidth funding acquisition and installation of the Ku transmit/receive hardware cannot move forward. 2. Source of Need. USAF/National Guard Bureau classified ORD NGB ORD 001-57 I/II/III dated 8 Aug 2002; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without dedicated secure Ku bandwidth, C-32B communications will continue to degrade due to commercial proliferation and system saturation, critical communications will not occur, and may cause mission disruption or even failure. The legacy system will require replacement within the next 5 years in accordance with the DoD CIO memorandum titled Discontinuation of Legacy Inmarsat Services dated 25 Aug 2011. 4. Unit Impacted.
150 SOS JB McGuire, NJ
5. Cost.
PEC: 1160408BB
Unit Cost $14,000,000 $1,400,000 Program Cost $70,000,000 $2,800,000 $72,800,000
Remaining Quantity Required 5-Year Ku Bandwidth (3840) 2 Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Systems (3010) Total
1. Background. The Communications Management System (CMS) provides the operators a means to control mission radios and provides C-32B system access. Without the CMS no mission communications, voice or data, enters or leaves the aircraft. The current system is nearly a decade old, and multiple modifications have maintained its viability. The life expectancy of the current CMS is extremely limited; a replacement should be procured now before missions are impacted. Additionally, near-term replacement is necessary to eliminate diminishing manufacturing sources and obsolescence issues. 2. Source of Need. USAF/National Guard Bureau classified Operational Requirements Document (ORD) NGB ORD 001-57 I/II/III dated 8 August 2002; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The current CMS is outdated and unsustainable. A near-term component failure may cause mission degradation or mission failure. 4. Unit Impacted.
150 SOS JB McGuire, NJ
5. Cost.
PEC: 1160408BB
Remaining Quantity Required 1 CMS Replacement (3010) Unit Cost $4,500,000 Program Cost $4,500,000 $4,500,000
F-15 & F-22 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Combat Capabilities List
F-15: Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar/Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) System Modernized Electronic Warfare Suite (Digital Radio Frequency Memory Jammer, Digital Radar Warning Receiver, BOL AN/ALE-58 Countermeasures Dispenser, Fiber-Optic Towed Decoy) Upgraded Cockpit Displays Updated Non-Cooperative Target ID Capability Common Baseline Configuration F-22: ACC Modernization Roadmap Through Common Configuration and Increment 3.2C Color Helmet-Mounted Display Survivability Enhancements Communications Upgrade (Broadband Datalink, Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) Communications, 4th/5th Generation and 5th/5th Generation Datalink) Missile Launch Detector (MLD) Enhancements Improving Infrared (IR) Spectrum Capability
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar - State-of-the-art capability to detect, track, and target traditional and asymmetric threats for homeland and in-theater air defense. Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) System - Passive sensor that couples with AESA radar to enable effective targeting in radar jamming environments and against asymmetric threats. Modernized Self-Protection Suite - Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) - A robust integrated electronic attack suite to enable the F-15C to counter current and future radar and infrared threats. The system shall incorporate a digital radar warning receiver, digital radio frequency memory jammer and ALE-58 BOL. Upgraded Cockpit Displays - Current legacy displays are incapable of properly displaying appropriate information due to small size and outdated technology. Smart color display systems are required to intuitively display and process data. Updated Non-Cooperative Target Identification (ID) Capability ALQ-128 - F-15C requires fully integrated ID capabilities to detect and identify aircraft and related targets with friendly systems in a collaborative environment. Combat Identification - Improved ID capability enables pilots to rapidly identify targets in contested or degraded radio frequency environments. Common Baseline Configuration Advanced Display Core Processor (ADCP) II - ADCP II is the mission computer for all future F-15C combat systems upgrades, however, a significant number of ANG F-15C/D aircraft are not currently scheduled to receive ADCP II. Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT) - CFTs significantly reduce domestic Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) air refueling requirements and project the F-15Cs capabilities worldwide with minimal air refueling support. Enhanced Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation (EGI) - Enhanced capability through precise positional data delivery and instrumentation is required for ANG nonEGI modified F-15C aircraft.
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack F-15 ACTIVE ELECTRONICALLY SCANNED ARRAY (AESA) RADAR
1. Background. Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology exponentially increases detection and track ranges of airborne targets and greatly improves identification capability. AESA radar gives the F-15C true multi-target track and attack capability, as well as a vastly increased capability against advanced Electronic Attack (EA) from enemy systems. AESA radars are critical for Homeland Defense (HD) missions because the system enables pilots to locate a Target of Interest (TOI) in a saturated air traffic environment or detect and track small, asymmetric threats. AESA radars also eliminate the hydraulic and electrical systems associated with mechanically operated radars such as the APG-63(v)0, resulting in dramatically improved reliability and maintainability. The APG-63(v)0 is 1970s technology and unable to keep pace with current and postulated threats. Additionally, the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for the (v)0 is 10 - 12 hours of flight time, while the MTBF for an AESA radar is over 30 times greater. To date, Congressional appropriations have purchased 39 AESA radars for the Air National Guard (ANG) based on an original 48 AESA requirement. However, ANG F-15C units also continue to operate the only combat-coded APG-63(v)0 radar systems in the Combat Air Forces (CAF) and the radar systems are not currently planned for conversion to AESA. The Department of Defenses (DoD) strategic pivot to the Pacific has adjusted the ANG requirement for F-15C AESA radars in order to effectively support combatant commands and preserve the commitment to HD. The ANG requirement has been modified to account for the 32 combatcoded (v)0 ANG aircraft that are not otherwise scheduled to receive an AESA upgrade. Further, the amendment allows each operational ANG unit to provide AESA-equipped F-15Cs for worldwide deployment while simultaneously providing 24/7 HD at Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) locations. Finally, the AESA is required to create the physical space needed for installation of ADCP II, which is the foundation of fleet commonality. 2. Source of Need. F-15C/D Radar Improvement Program, APG-63(v)3 CDD, 21 Apr 2005; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without additional AESA radars, the F-15C may be unable to counter both asymmetric threats and enemy aircraft under the latest DoD strategic scenarios. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207130F
Unit Cost * $6,500,000 $8,500,000 Program Cost $58,500,000 $272,000,000 $330,500,000
Remaining Units Required 9 V1 to V3 AESA Systems (3010) 32 V0 to V3 AESA Systems (3010) Total
* Includes installation, spares, and program costs.
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack F-15 INFRARED SEARCH-AND-TRACK (IRST) SYSTEM
1. Background. The Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) system is an external pod carried by the F-15 and is a passive sensor that detects and tracks the heat generated by an airborne target. The current fighter threat employs Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) Electronic Attack (EA) methods that degrade radar performance, but IRST is completely passive and not susceptible to EA. IRST offers robust tracking capabilities against nearly all airborne targets. IRST provides a complementary capability to a fighter aircrafts radar for detection and weapons cueing. It is not a capability that is used in lieu of AESA radars, but as part of the integrated firecontrol system in a radar jamming environment. IRST is a game-changing capability essential to current and future air dominance, and a critical enabler for currently unfilled mission sets, such as airborne ballistic missile defense. 2. Source of Need. F/A-18 Infrared Search-and-Track System CDD, Mar 2011, USAF Annex; F/A-18 Infrared Search-and-Track System CDD; 2012; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Air National Guard (ANG) F-15s are tasked for threat areas throughout the world as part of the Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) while defending the homeland. Based on current and emerging threats, both traditional and asymmetric, the F-15 will be unable to provide tasked Homeland Defense (HD) and is vulnerable when countering enemy airborne fighters in a deployed environment. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207130F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE * (3600) 50 IRST Systems ** (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $3,900,000 Program Cost TBD $195,000,000 $195,000,000
*Additional 3600 may be provided by USN and/or USAF. **Assumes Full Rate Production.
1. Background. The existing F-15C/D Electronic Warfare (EW) internal self-protection suite is comprised of 1980s era EW equipment and is incapable of providing adequate defensive situational awareness and countermeasures against present and future radar systems. The AF documented these shortfalls in a Capabilities Design Document (CDD) entitled Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) and plans on initiating funding in Fiscal Year 2013 in concert with the removal of sustainment funding for the existing EW suite. A robust integrated Electronic Attack (EA) suite is required to enable the F-15 to counter current and future radars, to include enemy fighters. The attributes of this integrated suite shall incorporate a digital Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), a Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) jammer, the ALE-58 BOL, and integration with the replacement for the ALQ-128. While the AF plans to begin fielding EPAWSS on the F-15C in Fiscal Year 2018, the expected fielding date for ANG F-15C/D aircraft is much later, requiring the fielding of an interim gap filler system. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Forces (TAF) 304-80-I/II/III-C System ORD for the F-15A-D Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite dated 7 Apr 1992; JROC EPAWSS CDD Jun 2007; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The F-15C/D is at risk from the current and future threat systems proliferating throughout potential deployment areas. The lack of robust self-protection directly affects combat capability and survivability. F-15s will be restricted from entering contested airspace, preventing mission execution and ultimately resulting in mission failure. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207130F
Remaining Quantity Required 103 EPAWSS Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost * $6,600,000 Program Cost $697,800,000 $697,800,000
1. Background. The current displays in the F-15 cockpit were designed based on the amount of information displayed to the pilot in the 1970s. The F-15 fleet has experienced an exponential growth in capability and lethality in its 30+ years of combat-proven service due to the modernization of radars, weapons, sensors, and datalinks. Fully utilizing these enhancements requires a complex pilot interface. The current legacy displays are incapable of properly displaying this information due to their small size and outdated monochromatic technology. Replacement of legacy displays with larger color and/or smart color display systems increases the lethality of Air National Guard (ANG) F-15s by more intuitively displaying and processing data. The addition of a color display allows the pilot to interpret the data quicker, increases the effectiveness of the Pilot-to-Vehicle Interface (PVI), and allows the pilot to make full operational use of current and planned aircraft capabilities. Addition of these new displays not only improves pilot awareness, but also facilitates rapid integration of advanced capabilities into the F-15 fleet. 2. Source of Need. F-15C/D ORD; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without the addition of new displays, ANG F-15 pilots cannot process the information provided by on- and off-board sensors, thereby reducing operational effectiveness. The time sensitive aircraft, sensor, and instrument cross-check is often interrupted in an attempt to distinguish geographically co-located targets. The additional pilot workload dramatically decreases situational awareness and reduces time available for safety of flight tasks. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
1. Background. The current F-15C/D non-cooperative target identification capability cannot provide adequate target identification during critical phases of Homeland Defense (HD) and contingency operations. Verification of friendly or enemy aircraft is fundamental to virtually all theater Rules of Engagement (ROE). The current and emerging environment demonstrates the need to counter adversaries who quickly adapt using commercially available products and military systems to deny or degrade identification. Current identification systems cannot provide high reliability or near-100 percent operating confidence in contested or degraded Radio Frequency (RF) environments and often result in false indications, or worse, no indications when friendly or enemy aircraft or systems are present. Based on recent experience and Air-Sea Battle plans, future conflicts will include a combination of friendly, hostile, and neutral targets. These targets could be air, ground, or naval vehicles with a mix of civil or military targets. Therefore, target identification functions must be effective in different, RF-contested environments with a significant variety of targets. F-15C/D aircraft will require fully integrated identification capabilities that not only detect and identify aircraft and related targets, but also integrate with the wide array of friendly systems in a collaborative environment. 2. Source of Need. TAF 304-80-I/II/III-C System ORD for the F-15A-D Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite dated 7 Apr 1992; JROC EPAWSS CDD Jun 2007; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The F-15C/D is at risk from systems proliferating throughout the world that deny or degrade identification capabilities. The inability to identify friendly or enemy aircraft reduces capability and survivability while greatly increasing the risk of fratricide. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207130F
Unit Cost * N/A $440,000 N/A $11,330,000 Program Cost $5,000,000 $46,200,000 $2,500,000 $11,330,000 $65,030,000
Remaining Quantity Required ALQ-128 NRE (3600) 105 ALQ-128 Systems (3010) Combat Identification NRE (3600) 1 Combat Identification (3010) Total
1. Background. The F-15C/D is expected to remain in service beyond 2035, therefore, fleetwide avionics and combat systems upgrades are critical to maximize survivability and deliver persistent, lethal air superiority. Upgrades such as Advanced Display Core Processor (ADCP) II, Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT), and Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial (EGI) Navigation System establish the baseline for a common configuration of enabling systems. ADCP II serves as a common mission computer for 175 F-15C/D and all F-15E aircraft because current mission computers have reached speed, memory, throughput, and security limits. ADCP II is the mission computer for all future F-15C combat systems upgrades because of its ability to display and process data, allowing full operational use of current and planned aircraft capabilities. However, 62 Air National Guard (ANG) F-15C/D aircraft are not scheduled to receive the ADCP II upgrade, creating severe capability gaps and fleet management issues because these aircraft are distributed across every ANG squadron. An F-15C/D configured with CFTs significantly reduces domestic Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) air refueling requirements and projects the F-15Cs capabilities worldwide, delivering combat-ready air superiority with minimal tanker support. Additionally, every ANG F-15C must be ready to accept the rapid implementation of advanced capabilities via the Passive Attack Sensor System (PASS). Enhanced capability through precise positional data delivery and instrumentation is achieved with the EGI modification on all F-15C aircraft. 2. Source of Need. F-15C/D ORD, 7 Apr 1992; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Many, but not all, F-15C/D aircraft are undergoing extensive modifications to address modern combat requirements. Failure to maintain a common configuration forces separate F-15C training requirements, increases aircraft maintenance costs, and significantly reduces combat survivability and effectiveness of any unmodified aircraft. 4. Units Impacted.
104 FW 120 FW 125 FW Westfield-Barnes RAP, MA 142 FW Portland IAP, OR Great Falls IAP, MT 144 FW Fresno IAP, CA Jacksonville IAP, FL 159 FW 173 FW JRB New Orleans, LA Klamath Falls AP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207130F
Remaining Quantity Required ADCP II NRE (3600) 74 ADCP II (3010) CFT NRE (3600) 105 CFT (3010) 12 EGI (3010) Total Unit Cost * N/A $750,000 N/A $2,200,000 $75,000 Program Cost $10,000,000 $55,500,000 $3,000,000 $231,000,000 $900,000 $300,400,000
Close Air Support/Interdiction/Precision Strike Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD/DEAD) Air Superiority for Homeland Defense ANG F-16 Units Provide 37% of the Total Fleet
Air National Guard (ANG) F-16s directly support and have proven to be critical to the success of contingencies around the globe including Operations NOBLE EAGLE (ONE), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), NEW DAWN (OND), and Homeland Defense (HD) scrambles. Since 2003, ANG F-16Cs have fulfilled over 30 percent of AFCENT Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) and Close Air Support (CAS) taskings, including convoy escort, dedicated infrastructure defense, border patrol, and raid support. The ANG operates 379 Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52 F-16C/Ds. Block 25/30/32 aircraft are equipped with Situational Awareness Datalink (SADL) and provide a near-constant presence in operational theaters conducting CAS and armed reconnaissance taskings. Capability enhancements to the Block 40/42 and Block 50/52 aircraft will make them the AFs only Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD)-capable platform until future 5th Generation, SEAD-capable aircraft become fully operational. Modernization efforts are underway to improve the warfighting capabilities of ANG F-16s by fielding affordable systems with Secure-Line-of-Sight and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (SLOS/BLOS) communication suites, smart displays with data processing capability, advanced helmet mounted target cueing for air and ground weapons employment, enhanced self-protection suites, and improved radar performance and reliability.
F-16 TAB H
2014 $10.00 3 $15.70 2 $0.40 3 $44.50 2 $4.00 3 $50.00 3 $31.00 3 $0.62 2 $51.93 2 $4.12 3 $6.30 2 $4.72 2 $5.20 3 $30.00 2 $58.93 2 $2.79 2 $10.32 2 $15.00 2 $12.67 2
2015 $10.00 3 $7.20 2 $3.32 $60.30 2 $55.62 2 $4.76 2 $15.84 2 $4.76 2 $25.97 2 $12.60 2 $4.72 2 $30.00 2 $58.93 2 $2.79 2 $10.32 2 $15.00 2 $12.67 2
3080 Appropriation
2016 $24.12 2 $41.54 2 $30.00 2 $5.10 2 $3.00 2 $112.80 2$55.62 2 $9.52 2 $31.68 2 $1.86 2 $25.97 2 $6.00 2 $4.72 2 $16.00 2 $58.93 2 $10.32 2 $4.55 2 $3.87 2
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
F-16 Fully Integrated Sensor Enhancements Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar - Replaces mechanically scanned radar in Block 42/52 with AESA for improved detection and targeting of ground and air targets. APG-68+ will improve radar performance and reduce sustainment costs. A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) pod will provide critical mapping capabilities in all weather conditions.
Block 30/32/40/42 Advanced Identification Friend/Foe (AIFF) - Provides Block 30/32/40/42 aircraft with Mode 5/S and the capability to interrogate air targets utilizing the APX-125-60. Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) Pod - Enables passive detection and tracking of asymmetric and radar jamming threats for both Homeland Defense (HD) and deployed operations. F-16 Integrated Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite - Improves detection, identification, and geolocation of current and emerging radar guided threat systems. Increases processor speed (10x) and memory size (100x) while enabling capacity to facilitate future software updates. Upgrades pods with Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). Pylon-based Missile Warning System (MWS) provides capability to detect and counteract infrared guided threat systems. Secure-Line-Of-Sight (SLOS) and Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) with 3D Audio Communication - Provides advanced secure BLOS communications for integration with ground forces and HD agencies. Provides directional audio/noise cancelling to help pilot process information coming simultaneously from multiple radios. F-16 Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) Upgrades and Procurement - Allows warfighter to employ precision-guided munitions, coordinate with ground elements, and target airborne threats. F-16 Day/Night Compatible Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) - Provides day/night, self-cueing for air and ground weapons employment, standoff capability and full sensor-to-pilot fusion. F-16 Additional High Resolution Display - Center Display Unit (CDU) - Replaces flight instruments with color display to provide high resolution image from 4th generation targeting pods to the pilot. Allows aircrew to transmit and receive real-time data from national sources through the display while providing en-route threat warning.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) F-16 Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52 aircraft require new Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars to replace the current APG-68 mechanically scanned radar to effectively employ Homeland Defense (HD) and Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD/DEAD) roles. New AESA radars can perform detection, tracking, communication, and jamming functions in multiple directions simultaneously. They provide the capability to detect, track, and eliminate multiple airborne threats, allowing pilots to locate Targets of Interest (TOI) in dense civilian air traffic environments prevalent around major population centers, a critical capability for Aerospace Control Alert (ACA). Additionally, the AESA radar eliminates several components associated with mechanical radars, thus dramatically improving reliability and maintainability costs. A podded Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is necessary for all aircraft not receiving AESAs to engage surface targets and perform the full-spectrum of combat capabilities in all weather conditions. The SAR capability is available through several podded solutions and provides critical all weather mapping capabilities. An upgrade to the current legacy APG-68 radar system, APG-68+, will provide significant sustainment cost savings while at the same time will improve the radars performance characteristics for F-16s that may not receive an AESA radar upgrade. 2. Source of Need. TAF 303-76-I/II/III-A SORD for the F-16C/D, CAF ORD 303-76-I/II/III-D F-16C/D MSIP ORD (14 Aug 00); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. As the adversary technologies and capabilities mature, the existing capabilities on U.S. fighters are becoming less effective against asymmetric threats and enemy fighters. The survivability and lethality of the F-16, which makes up more than half of the AFs fighter aircraft inventory, will diminish without the inherent capabilities and reliability of an AESA radar. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Fld, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Unit Cost $2,500,000 N/A $670,000 $3,000,000 Program Cost $232,500,000 $20,000,000 $119,260,000 $120,000,000 $491,760,000
Remaining Quantity Required 93 Block 40/50 AESA Radars (3010) APG-68+ NRE (3600) 178 Block 30 APG-68+ Kits (3010) 40 SAR Pods (3010) Total
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) F-16s fulfill defensive counter-air taskings in the Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) as well as Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) missions over the US. The Advanced Identification Friend/Foe (AIFF) provides an interrogator capability enabling the F-16 to meet established Rules Of Engagement (ROE) for identifying aircraft. Furthermore, interrogator capability is vital in the ACA role to ensure proper Target of Interest (TOI) identification and avoidance of civilian air traffic in crowded Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-controlled civilian airspace, and timely intercept completion. The Block 50/52 F-16 fleets interrogators are being replaced with the updated APX-125-60, which addresses the new Mode S requirement for the Global Air Traffic Management System (GATMS) and the Congressionally mandated Mode 5 requirement. ANG Block 40s and 42s are tasked with ACA and require the same system as the Block 50/52 aircraft. Some ANG Block 25/30/32 aircraft are currently equipped with the APX-113-56, which does not have Mode 5 capability. Upgrading the Block 30/32 aircraft with APX-125-60 components resolves the aircraft Mode 5 capability gap. 2. Source of Need. TAF 303-76-I/II/III-A SORD, Jul 2091 for the F-16 Blk 40; NORTHCOM Integrated Priority List; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The system increases the intercept success of ACA missions in highdensity traffic areas, radar-cluttered environments, and limited air surveillance coverage areas. Lack of an interrogation capability risks intercepting the wrong target and improper TOI identification, delays intercepts, and presents a safety of flight concern in congested air traffic environments. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA 138 FW 140 WG 144 FW 158 FW Tulsa IAP, OK Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Unit Cost * N/A $322,224 $80,063 Program Cost $400,000 $21,266,784 $6,324,977 $27,991,761
Remaining Quantity Required Block 40/42 Integration NRE (3010) 66 Block 40/42 APX-125-60 Kits (3010) 79 Block 30 Mode 5 Upgrade Kits (3010) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. The Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) pod is a completely passive sensor that detects and tracks the heat generated by an airborne target. Asymmetric threats such as cruise missiles and small unmanned vehicles are difficult to detect with the existing conventional mechanically scanned F-16 radar. IRST systems offer robust tracking capabilities against nearly all airborne targets. Current fighter threats employ Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) Electronic Attack (EA) methods that degrade radar performance; however, the passive nature of IRST is not susceptible to such jamming. IRST provides a complementary capability to an active electronically scanned fighter radar for detection and targeting in both radar jamming and high priority Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) environments. The Air National Guard (ANG) requires a minimum of 78 IRST pods: 40 pods to support operations at 10 F-16 ACA sites, 20 pods to support training, and 18 pods to support Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). IRST pods can be shared between the F-16 and F-15 fleets. 2. Source of Need. TAF 303-76-I/II/III-A SORD for the F-16C/D, CAF ORD 303-76-I/II/III-D F-16C/D MSIP ORD, 14 Aug 2000; F/A-18 Infrared Search-and-Track System CDD, Mar 2011; USAF Annex, F/A-18 Infrared Search-and-Track System CDD, 2012; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG F-16s will face continued limitations in tracking and targeting asymmetric threats and operating in dense EA environments. IRST capability is a high interest Homeland Defense item for both North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 158 FW 162 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Burlington IAP, VT Tucson IAP, AZ 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 78 IRST Pods (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $3,900,000 Program Cost TBD $304,200,000 $304,200,000
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack F-16 INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC WARFARE (EW) SUITE
1. Background. Current F-16 Block 30/32/40/42/50/52 Electronic Warfare (EW) suite is comprised of a series of EW equipment designed in the 1980s which is incapable of providing adequate defensive situational awareness and countermeasures against present and future radar systems. Today, this suite of equipment suffers from sustainment issues and significant capability gaps against modern threat systems. A robust integrated electronic attack suite will enable all F-16 blocks to counter current and future threats. The attributes of this integrated suite will incorporate an upgraded digital Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), a digital Radio Frequency (RF) memory upgraded Electronic Attack (EA) pod, legacy ALE-50, a pylon-based Missile Warning System (MWS), adequate expendables and the ALQ-213 legacy Electronic Combat (EC) integration system. Additionally, these systems must be compatible with upgrades funded by the AFs Combat Avionics Programmed Extension Suite (CAPES). 2. Source of Need. AN/ALR-69A CPD approved by AFROC, 17 Nov 2005; CAF 301-01-B, F16 C/D Block 25/30/32 MSIP ORD, 15 Dec 2004; CAF ORD 303-76-I/II/III-D F-16C/D MSIP ORD, 14 Aug 2000; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. F-16s will remain at risk to many current and all advanced threat systems resulting in areas of denied access, significantly impacting the pilots ability to accomplish assigned missions and meet Combatant Commanders requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Unit Cost * N/A $1,000,000 N/A $340,000 $900,000 $160,000 $1,330,000 $4,120,000 Program Cost $4,000,000 $267,000,000 $50,000,000 $23,460,000 $54,000,000 $11,040,000 $99,750,000 $4,120,000 $513,370,000
Remaining Quantity Required ALR-69A NRE (3600) 267 ALR-69A (3010) ALR-56M Digital Upgrade NRE (3600) 69 ALR-56M Digital Upgrades (3010) 60 EA Pod Upgrades (3010) 69 ALQ-213 (3010) 75 MWS (3010) 1 MWS/3D Ground Support Equipment (3080) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. Current upgrades to F-16s provide Secure-Line-Of-Sight (SLOS) and BeyondLine-Of-Sight (BLOS) communications through the installation of a second ARC-210 radio. The ARC-210 modification provides an improved ability to securely communicate with ground forces and Command and Control (C2) nodes, but does not allow simultaneous operations on SLOS/BLOS frequencies. Homeland Defense (HD) and combat theater operations require simultaneous SLOS/BLOS communications to concurrently maintain contact with both C2 and friendly forces. A second ARC-210 permits growth to extended data and image transfer when linked to an advanced display. The combination of two ARC-210s plus a legacy radio (three radios total) allows in-theater communications on a C2 frequency, a secure tactical frequency with ground forces, and an intra-flight frequency. In the HD mission, this radio configuration enables monitoring C2, air traffic control, and intra-flight frequencies simultaneously. The integration of noise-cancelling and directional (3D) audio simplifies interpretation of simultaneous radio calls by spatially separating aural warning and radio signals and provides angular cueing to ground and air threats when used in conjunction with a helmet mounted cueing system. These capabilities are critical to operations in remote areas, dense threat environments, and dynamic HD missions. 2. Source of Need. TAF 303-76-I/II/III-A SORD for the F-16C/D; CAF ORD 303-76-I/II/III-D F-16C/D MSIP ORD, 14 Aug 2000; CENTCOM UON; NORTHCOM Integrated Priority List; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Combat and Air Control Alert (ACA) missions are vulnerable to encumbered intercept and engagement authentications that are caused by interrupted communications between fighters, ground forces, and C2 authorities. Furthermore, switching between radio channels to communicate with multiple parties slows mission execution and increases the likelihood aircrew members will miss vital information. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Unit Cost * $150,000 N/A $45,000 $6,700 $43,800 Program Cost $38,850,000 $5,200,000 $11,655,000 $2,083,700 $438,000 $58,226,700
Remaining Quantity Required 259 2nd ARC-210 Radio Kits (3010) Directional Audio NRE (3600) 259 Group A & B Directional Kits (3010) 311 Pilot Directional Audio Kits (3010) 10 Unit Test Equipment (3080) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack F-16 ADVANCED TARGETING POD (ATP)
1. Background. Positive identification of friendly forces and enemy combatants is crucial in any conflict. Every action must be taken to eliminate fratricide and civilian casualties. A key element in finding and identifying hostile forces, as well as civilian personnel and property, is providing the pilot the ability to see the best ground detail available. The constantly improving technology of Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) can provide the scene clarity necessary for a pilot to find enemy targets that were previously undetectable from the air, while displaying the detail necessary to determine if an individual is carrying a weapon or simply a tool. These new Gen4 and Sensor Enhancement systems are making legacy targeting pods obsolete, requiring legacy systems upgrades to provide the most capable connectivity, improved software and tracking upgrades, as well as a digital port, which will send high resolution digital imagery to the cockpit. Modernization with Gen4 capability, including 1K Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR), 1K Closed Coupled Device (CCD), Laser Target Image Processing, and digital video downlinks vastly improves day and night target acquisition at extended ranges in both air-to-ground and air-to-air roles. The Air National Guard (ANG) requires Gen4 capability on all ATPs. Up to 104 additional ATPs are required to meet all mission requirements for domestic Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) aircraft in order to track and target asymmetric threats, aid in target identification, and conduct maritime interdiction taskings. 2. Source of Need. Combatant Commander Urgent Need Request (UNR), Nov 2004; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Not funding will limit the ANGs ability to effectively fulfill its Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) and Homeland Defense (HD) taskings. It will severely restrict the capability of pilots to acquire, identify, and successfully engage hostile forces. It will also limit the standoff capability of current Global Positioning System (GPS) and laser-guided weapons and degrade the pilots ability to detect, track, and target threats in defense of the homeland during air sovereignty missions. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Unit Cost $1,500,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 Program Cost $15,000,000 $61,000,000 $208,000,000 $284,000,000
Units Required 10 Gen4 Upgrades * (3010) 244 Digital Port Upgrades * (3010) 104 ATP-SE Pods & Spares * (3010) Total
* Quantities and Program Costs are shared with A-10s (see A-10 Info Paper).
1. Background. The Helmet Mounted Integrated Targeting (HMIT) reduces the time required to acquire targets with aircraft sensors from minutes to seconds. This reduction in time can potentially make the difference between acquiring a high-value, fleeting target or not. Currently, pilots typically acquire targets by pointing the aircraft at the target to place it within the heads-up display field of view. This tactic is time consuming and maneuvers the aircraft closer to the threat. The system performs precise, head-steered weapons and sensor cueing enabling pilots to fly parallel to targets and maintain standoff distance, thus improving survivability. The cueing system allows rapid target acquisition, giving aircrew the ability to acquire targets simply by looking at them. Furthermore, the high resolution color display places information in front of the pilots eye, reduces heads-down time in the cockpit and improves the survivability rate. The display technology allows pilots to quickly build a 3D picture of the battlespace by placing data linked symbols over the actual target, threat, and friendly positions. HMIT is compatible with existing AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and fully supports night operations while retaining full color capability. ANG F-16 Block 40/42/50/52 aircraft are equipped with the dayonly Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) but require a night cueing and display module. 2. Source of Need. JHMCS ORD CAF-USN 308-93-II-A Dec 1996; CAF 301-01-B, F-16C/D Block 25/30/32 MSIP ORD, 15 Dec 2004; CENTCOM Urgent Operational Need (UON); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Target misidentification, collateral damage, and fratricide potential are much higher without the display benefits of a HMIT system. 4. Units Impacted
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Remaining Quantity Required 49 HMIT Kits (3010) 129 JHMCS Night Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost * $113,916 $240,000 Program Cost $5,581,884 $30,960,000 $36,541,884
Air Superiority / Global Precision Attack F-16 ADDITIONAL HIGH RESOLUTION DISPLAY
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) F-16 Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52 aircraft require a Central Display Unit (CDU) to transfer imagery with ground controllers, fully utilize Gen4 advanced targeting pod image quality, improve available processing power, and replace aging flight instruments. The CDU will directly connect to the ARC-210 radio and provide pilots with the ability to securely transfer data, such as a targeting pod scenes, Joint Tactical Air Controller (JTAC) taskings, and updated target area imagery. The ability to transfer data and exploit digital targeting pod video is critical for rapid coordination with ground units during Close Air Support (CAS) missions and with Command and Control (C2) assets during time sensitive and emerging target operations. Expanding CDU with an Integrated Broadcasting Service (IBS) capability allows aircrew to receive real-time data from national sources through the display while providing en-route threat warning. Furthermore, the CDU contains additional processing capacity that allows for the manipulation of data external to the aircraft Operational Flight Program (OFP). This additional processing capacity provides pilots with the ability to insert mission planning data pre-mission, while opening low cost pathways for the integration of new capabilities without the costly and time consuming process of changing the aircraft OFP software. Pilot selectable display options will provide electronic instrument flight displays (attitude, performance, and navigation) when required. 2. Source of Need. CAF 301-01-B, F-16C/D Block 25/30/32 MSIP ORD, 15 Dec 2004; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Pilots will remain unable to transfer imagery with ground controllers, exploit the improved image quality of next generation targeting pods in order to increase standoff while determining the intent of enemy combatants, and rapidly integrate emerging technologies, degrading their ability to effectively execute CAS, interdiction, and time sensitive target taskings. 4. Units Impacted.
113 WG 114 FW 115 FW 132 FW 138 FW JB Andrews, MD Sioux Falls RAP, SD Truax Field, WI Des Moines IAP, IA Tulsa IAP, OK 140 WG 144 FW 148 FW 149 FW 158 FW Buckley AFB, CO Fresno IAP, CA Duluth IAP, MN Kelly Fld, TX Burlington IAP, VT 162 FW 169 FW 177 FW 180 FW 187 FW Tucson IAP, AZ McEntire JNGB, SC Atlantic City IAP, NJ Toledo Express AP, OH Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 0207133F
Units Required 188 Color Display Kits (3010) 308 IBS Receiver Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost * $183,764 $176,061 Program Cost $34,547,632 $54,226,788 $88,774,420
Combat Search and Rescue ANG HH-60 Units Provide 18% of the Total Fleet
Air National Guard (ANG) Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) helicopters and crews play a critical and highly involved role in support of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) while also responding to increasingly high demands for Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). These ANG CSAR helicopters are based in Alaska, California, New Mexico, and New York. In Fiscal Year 2012, the 129 RQS continued to provide civil search and rescue capabilities to the state of California and flew numerous aerial firefighting missions. They also supported the nation to provide mission capabilities for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). The 210 RQS continues to hold a 24-hour, statewide, rescue alert in Alaska and has executed numerous missions in support of OEF resulting in numerous lives saved. The 101 RQS from New York provides lifesaving capabilities for domestic disasters and continues to execute missions in support of OEF. The 188 RQS is a classic associate unit in New Mexico that maintains readiness to respond to domestic disasters and provides training to produce mission ready aircrew. In Fiscal Year 2012, the AF continued modernization programs for the HH-60G to include the Improved Altitude Hover-Hold System (IAHHS) and the AN/ARS-6 v12 Personnel Locator System. ANG-funded programs expected to continue in the upcoming year are the Avionics Communication Suite Upgrade (ACSU) program and continued support for the Smart MultiFunction Display program. The ANG would also like to pursue modernization programs such as Blue Force Tracker and improved defensive equipment to include a hostile fire detector.
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
HH-60 Modernized Electronic Warfare System - Provides a defensive system that alerts the crew to small arms, Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) fire, and radar threats with an integrated control for all defensive systems and will host 3D audio to improve aircraft survivability and aircrew situational awareness. HH-60 Integrated Flight Deck - Integrates the Smart Multi-Function Color Display (SMFCD), Situational Awareness Datalink (SADL), and the Lightweight Airborne Recovery System Version 12 (LARS V12) while also providing an improved secure multi-spectrum radio. HH-60 Helmet Mounted Cueing System - Provides helmet mounted cueing and display capability to significantly increase pilot and crew situational awareness, weapons employment capability, enhance terminal area search and rescue operations, and speed internal communication during critical mission phases. HH-60 3D Landing Zone (LZ) - Provides 3D landing zone symbology to the pilots for a safe landing when landing zones are completely obscured due to main rotor down-wash during near-ground operations. HH-60 Weapons Modernization - Provides the GAU-21 .50 caliber machine gun with a high rate of fire that can suppress enemy threats up to 1,500 meters and the M134D mini-gun which is an ultra-reliable GAU-2B mini-gun replacement and provides overall weight savings.
1. Background. Personnel Recovery (PR) operations performed in combat highlight the need to modernize the HH-60G defensive systems. Rescue helicopters and crews have been lost due to their inability to detect and react to hostile enemy fire. The HH-60G requires a precise, integrated defensive system that permits the aircrew to detect and defeat threats such as small arms fire, Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS), and Radio Frequency (RF) tracking and guided weapons. The current method employed to detect these threats is visual detection or radio notification from a friendly ground party. Detecting threats visually or via radio contact from a ground party is not acceptable because it takes too long for the crew to build enough information to react accordingly, or even worse, the aircrew may not be able to detect enemy fire until it is too late. 3D audio capability is required to integrate with a Missile Warning System (MWS), Hostile Fire Indicator (HFI), Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), as well as communication and mission equipment. With this equipment, crews rapidly return precise and immediate defensive fire, effectively suppressing or destroying the enemy threat, or maneuver to avoid the threat as needed. 2. Sources of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from current operations PR OPLAN and CONPLANS require forces to penetrate near-peer contested airspace with advanced surface-to-air threat systems to recover isolated personnel in contested environments. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of a Modernized Integrated Electronic Warfare System (MIEWS) exposes the HH-60G crews and aircraft to unnecessary risks during operational missions. MIEWS will mitigate risk and provide a higher rate of combat survivability. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Field, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 53114F
Unit Cost N/A N/A $279,411 $7,051 $58,400 $233,333 $1,240,000 Program Cost $2,000,000 $19,200,000 $4,749,987 $761,508 $175,200 $3,966,661 $21,080,000 $51,933,356
Remaining Quantity Required Defensive System NRE (3600) Directional Audio NRE (3600) 17 Hostile Fire Indicators (3010) 108 3D Audio Kits (3010) 3 Unit Test Equipment (3080) 17 ALQ-213 w/ 3D Audio Kits (3010) 17 Radar Warning Receivers (3010) Total
1. Background. Current military and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) require HH-60G crews to process fragmented and dissimilar information presented by legacy systems to rapidly formulate courses of action in dynamic and time sensitive threat environments. To reduce crew workload and enhance mission effectiveness, the current Smart Multi-Function Color Display (SMFCD) installed on Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) HH-60Gs need to be fully integrated with Situational Awareness Datalink (SADL), Lightweight Airborne Recovery System Version 12 (LARS V12), and Air Force Tactical Receive SegmentRuggedized (AFTRS-R). The capability to quickly access mission essential data from one centralized display will enable HH-60G aircrews to reduce heads down time and vastly improve situational awareness. Secure Internet Protocol (SIPR) data will enable aircrews to receive Near Real-Time (NRT) Blue Force Tracker (BFT) data and text messaging from the battlefield. BFT is a modernized joint tracking system which is cooperative with SADL and Link-16 and provides BLOS interactive data communication between aviation assets and Command and Control (C2). A securable multi-spectrum radio capable of supporting SRW ensures military and civil command authorities that rescue helicopters will be ready for any and all relief operations. This also increases the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) capability by filling an existing secure radio shortfall. 2. Sources of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from current operations, PR OPLAN, and CONPLANS, and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) necessitate the requirement for LOS/BLOS situational awareness and modernized communications management. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Lack of system integration and a central source of essential mission data, combined with the inability to communicate with first responders and supporting assets will decrease crew situational awareness and drastically increase response times for both civil and military operations. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 53114F
Remaining Quantity Required 16 ACSU Kits (3010) 1 AFTRS-R Installation (3010) 18 Blue Force Tracker (3010) Total Unit Cost $431,000 $2,500,000 $100,000 Program Cost $6,896,000 $2,500,000 $1,800,000 $11,196,000
1. Background. The addition of day and night, helmet mounted cueing and display capability in the HH-60G would significantly increase aircrew Situational Awareness (SA) and weapons employment capability, enhance terminal area search and rescue operations, and speed overall internal communication during critical mission phases. A Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) allows all crewmembers to quickly build SA based on other crewmembers SA without the need for voice communication. Sensor and datalink symbols are visible on the helmet mounted display superimposed over the geographic location of friendly, hostile, and survivor positions. Additionally, the ability to display sensor pictures and datalink information while maintaining a heads-up posture will greatly enhance safety while flying in the low-level (<500ft) environment. Since the majority of the HH-60G mission employment occurs at night, this capability must be compatible with Night Vision Goggles (NVG). The HH-60G currently has no method to develop and transmit coordinates for a location that is not directly below the aircraft. This limitation requires the crew to use voice transmissions to talk crewmembers and supporting assets onto potential landing zones, threat locations or any point of interest. The ability to designate a location on the ground that is superimposed on the helmet mounted display and generate coordinates allows the crew to direct their navigation system directly to the point if required. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Heads-down time in the cockpit during low-level flight increases the chances of a mishap. For rescue operations and weapons employment, continued operation without the HMCS will hamper mission execution. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 53114F
Unit Cost N/A $335,294 $87,843 $65,882 $558,824 Program Cost $6,000,000 $6,035,292 $8,959,986 $6,719,964 $10,058,832 $37,774,074
Remaining Quantity Required HMCS NRE (3600) 18 HMCS Aircraft Kits (3010) 102 HMCS Helmet Kits (3010) 102 Night Vision Units (3010) 18 Coordinate Generating Lasers (3010) Total
1. Background. Solutions are urgently needed for brown-out, white-out, and other restricted visibility conditions, which can cause issues during helicopter landing and take-off operations. Intense blinding conditions caused by the aircrafts main-rotor down-wash during near-ground flight can cause helicopter pilots to suddenly lose all visual cues. This creates significant flight safety risks from aircraft and ground obstacle collisions, and rollover due to sloped and uneven terrain. In restricted visibility operations, the pilot cannot see nearby objects which provide critical outside visual references necessary to control the aircraft near the ground. The loss of visibility can also cause spatial disorientation and loss of situational awareness leading to an accident. 3D LZ symbology provides pilots with sufficient situational awareness to maneuver the aircraft in less than ideal visibility conditions. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without a technological solution to restricted visibility operations the HH-60 community will likely continue to see aircraft attrition and damage requiring lengthy repair down time. Ultimately, lives will continue to be at risk. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 53114F
Remaining Quantity Required 3D Landing Zone NRE (3600) 18 3D Landing Zone Kits (3010) Totals Unit Cost N/A $1,000,000 Program Cost $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $38,000,000
1. Background. The HH-60G has a requirement to provide reliable defensive firepower to support various combat mission operations. Currently fielded are the GAU-2B and the GAU-18 weapons systems. The GAU-21 .50-caliber machine gun is an accurate, reliable, lightweight, high rate of fire, open-bolt weapon that can effectively suppresses threats out to 1,500 meters, and is scheduled to replace the GAU-18 weapon system. The GAU-2B weapon system is a 7.62 mm weapon system allowing aircrews the ability continue operating with a reliable defensive capability but at a lower mission weight. Since the HH-60G routinely operates at maximum allowable gross weight, it is necessary to find weight savings whenever possible. The M134D mini-gun is a GAU-2B weapon system that, once updated with the improved weapon components, will provide overall weight savings and bring the weapon system to an up-to-date capability. Improved weapons components include an ergonomic designed grip, safing sector housing cover, 3,000-round firing trigger, direct current drive motor with battery and cable set, low-drag ammo feed chute, rigid expended brass link chute, and a barrel clamp safety retainer. Currently the system relies on an electronic control unit and aircraft alternating current power to operate. In the event an aircraft must land in an austere environment and lose aircraft power, there is no capability to fire the weapon for aircrew self-defense. Though electronic control units are difficult to replace, removal increases cabin space, and reduces aircraft overall gross weight. 2. Source of Need. Air Combat Command (ACC) Project 96-012A HH-60G Cabin Configuration FOT&E Final Report dated April 1997, and Combat Air Forces (CAF) ORD 30600-I/II/III HH-60G Block 152 both state the requirement for a .50-caliber machine gun on the Rescue HH-60Gs; ACC / CENTCOM C-MNS 02-501, approved ACC GAU-21 AF Form 1067; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The HH-60G fleet will continue to have an unreliable defensive capability to support their missions. Not having the ability to add and upgrade capabilities to the aircraft weapons systems affects reliability and hampers operations. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 53114F
Unit Cost $30,000 $66,667 Program Cost $1,080,000 $2,400,012 $3,480,012
Remaining Quantity Required 36 M134D Minigun Components (3010) 36 M134D Miniguns (3010) Totals
Air Refueling Aeromedical Evacuation Airlift ANG KC-135 Units Provide 43% of the Total Fleet
Air refueling is vital to air mobility and serves to enable and multiply the effects of airpower at all levels of warfare. The KC135 Stratotanker is Air Mobility Commands primary air refueling platform providing approximately 88 percent of air refueling in support of US, allied, and coalition military aircraft. The KC-135 enhances air refueling capabilities and supports deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment
of joint forces across the full range of military operations including nuclear warfare, routine military activities, and irregular warfare. In todays ever-changing environments, the KC-135 is being tasked to operate closer and closer to high-threat areas. Defensive systems are necessary to prevent shoulder-fired surfaceto-air missile systems from destroying aircraft during take-off, landing, and in low-altitude flight over mountainous terrain. Tactical datalink technologies and situational awareness displays that bring real-time threat information, as well as secure radio capability, will greatly enhance KC-135 air refueling, airlift, and aeromedical evacuation missions.
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
Advanced Infrared Countermeasures (IRCM) Defensive Systems - Provides an integral laserbased self-protection system to combat Infrared (IR) threats to large aircraft. Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) are a significant threat during takeoffs, landings, and low-altitude refueling missions. An advanced IRCM system is needed to counter MANPAD threats. Existing pyrotechnic systems (flares) are incompatible with the air refueling mission because of the highly combustible fuel load and lack of tank inerting. Tactical Datalink (TDL) and Situational Awareness Cockpit Display Units (CDU) - Provides a robust, Secure-Line-of-Sight (SLOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) connectivity with the network centric battlefield allowing tankers more flexibility to carry out effective operations closer to enemy airspace. Supplies increased situational awareness to aircrew by providing critical Real-Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC). External Overt/Covert Lighting - Provides Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Military Specification (MILSPEC) compliant external lighting. Also provides covert mode to reduce mid-air collision potential during nighttime blacked-out operations, and improved reliability with significantly increased Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). Fuel Tank Fire Explosion Protection - In the event a tanker is struck by a projectile, this type of protection reduces the possibility of ignition of fuel vapors in the aircrafts fuel tank and increases the chances of survivability. Aircraft Ground Cooling Capability - Allows crews and aircraft a more robust operating capability, reduces crew fatigue, and minimizes unsafe temperature conditions.
1. Background. Changes in employment tactics place KC-135 aircraft in high threat areas. Low altitude refueling, forward positioning, and mission sets establishing the tanker as a Command and Control (C2) relay are subjecting the KC-135 to increasingly hostile operational environments. This threat environment is widely populated with shoulder-fired, Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) infrared-seeking missiles. MANPADS are a significant threat during take-offs, landings, and low-altitude refueling missions. An advanced Infrared (IR) countermeasures system is needed to counter MANPAD threats; one that does not rely on pyrotechnic expendables that are incompatible with a fuel-laden aircraft, and leverages previous government investments in laser-based countermeasures. 2. Source of Need. Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) ORD 314-92, Aug 1998; LAIRCM Equipage Study; AMC Requirements and Planning Council ranked Defensive Systems as #2 out of 38 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking numbers 10-137 and 12-053; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. KC-135 aircraft are uniquely vulnerable to MANPAD threats due to their size, lack of maneuverability, and a large combustible fuel load. Without defensive systems, a MANPAD attack against a KC-135 has a high probability of a kill. Additionally, lack of defensive systems limits the KC-135 from operating out of Forward Operating Bases (FOB) causing increased flying time and fuel consumption thus decreasing mission effectiveness by limiting fuel available for offload. 4. Units Impacted.
101 ARW 108 ARW 117 ARW 121 ARW 126 ARW 127 WG Bangor IAP, ME JB McGuire, NJ Birmingham IAP, AL Rickenbacker IAP, OH Scott AFB, IL Selfridge ANGB, MI 128 ARW 134 ARW 151 ARW 154 WG 155 ARW 157 ARW Gen Mitchel IAP, WI McGhee Tyson AP, TN Salt Lake City IAP, UT Hickam AFB, HI Lincoln AP, NE Pease ITAP, NH 161 ARW 168 ARW 171 ARW 185 ARW 190 ARW Phoenix IAP, AZ Eielson AFB, AK Pittsburgh IAP, PA Sioux Gateway AP, IA Forbes Fld, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401134F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3010) 180 Group A Kits (3010) 40 Group B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $500,000 $1,600,000 Program Cost $10,000,000 $90,000,000 $64,000,000 $164,000,000
1. Background. Recent combat operations highlighted the need for comprehensive, networked Command and Control (C2) throughout all theaters of operation. Installation of a robust, secure, Tactical Datalink (TDL) provides this C2 link and maximizes KC-135 aircrew situational awareness with Beyond Line-of-Sight and Line-of-Sight capabilities. TDL provides critical realtime information to KC-135 aircrews such as positions of other aircraft, especially those about to receive fuel, as well as weather conditions and current threat locations, thus greatly increasing the tankers ability to effectively participate in the present day network-centric battlespace. The resulting connectivity enables C2 elements near-real-time monitoring of mission events, mission status, task completion, and resource status. It also enhances the situational awareness of both tanker formations and the joint and coalition aircraft involved in aerial refueling operations. 2. Source of Need. Draft annex to Tanker Operational Requirement Document (AF/A5R); Mobility Air Forces (MAF) Network Enabling Concept, 26 Apr 2006; AMC MAF Datalink Integration Technical Requirements Document (TRD), 25 Oct 2006; TDL Transformation CDD, Increment 1, JROCM, 23 Jun 2004; AMC Requirements and Planning Council Ranked RealTime Information in the Cockpit (RTIC)/Tanker TDL #3 out of 38 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking number 11-143; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without datalink and data transfer capability, aircrew flexibility and situational awareness will be inadequate to be effective in current and evolving mission environments. Critical battlespace information would not be available to aircrew members or to monitoring C2 agencies tasked with execution of the assigned missions. Additionally, the inability to rapidly transfer critical information will further impede battlespace-driven adjustments to mission requirements and has the potential for damage to the aircraft and/or loss of life. 4. Units Impacted.
101 ARW 108 ARW 117 ARW 121 ARW 126 ARW 127 WG Bangor IAP, ME JB McGuire, NJ Birmingham IAP, AL Rickenbacker IAP, OH Scott AFB, IL Selfridge ANGB, MI 128 ARW 134 ARW 151 ARW 154 WG 155 ARW 157 ARW Gen Mitchel IAP, WI McGhee Tyson AP, TN Salt Lake City IAP, UT Hickam AFB, HI Lincoln AP, NE Pease ITAP, NH 161 ARW 168 ARW 171 ARW 185 ARW 190 ARW Phoenix IAP, AZ Eielson AFB, AK Pittsburgh IAP, PA Sioux Gateway AP, IA Forbes Fld, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401218F
Unit Cost N/A $120,000 $380,000 Program Cost $9,000,000 $21,600,000 $74,860,000 $105,460,000
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 180 Group A Kits (3010) 197 TDL Radios and Processors (3010) Total
* Includes 1 spare per unit.
1. Background. Current KC-135 exterior lighting does not meet Military Specification (MILSPEC) illumination standards. This deficiency has been highlighted during ground testing conducted by Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). By replacing the existing incandescent lighting with updated Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, the KC-135 combat and peacetime operations benefit in three areas: safety, survivability, and sustainability. LED lighting increases safety margins by providing significantly better aircraft visual acquisition during ground and airborne operations. The covert mode allows KC-135 crews the ability to operate in accordance with theater requirements while allowing friendly forces using night vision devices to see the aircraft. Covert lighting drastically reduces the potential of a mid-air collision which has been highlighted as a safety concern during night operations in theater. The upgraded lighting will increase Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) from 40 to 60 hours for incandescent bulbs to over 10,000 hours with LEDs. This significant increase in MTBF will reduce supply costs and decrease maintenance requirements. 2. Source of Need. Air Mobility Command (AMC) Requirements and Planning Council ranked external overt/covert lighting as #23 out of 38 at the 2012 Executive Session; AF Form 1067 with AMC tracking number 10-044; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Aircraft are vulnerable to mid-air collisions in blacked-out conditions where covert lighting would make them visible to friendly forces utilizing night vision devices. The deficient lighting also creates safety hazards in day and night operations. 4. Units Impacted.
101 ARW 108 ARW 117 ARW 121 ARW 126 ARW 127 WG Bangor IAP, ME JB McGuire, NJ Birmingham IAP, AL Rickenbacker IAP, OH Scott AFB, IL Selfridge ANGB, MI 128 ARW 134 ARW 151 ARW 154 WG 155 ARW 157 ARW Gen Mitchel IAP, WI McGhee Tyson AP, TN Salt Lake City IAP, UT Hickam AFB, HI Lincoln AP, NE Pease ITAP, NH 161 ARW 168 ARW 171 ARW 185 ARW 190 ARW Phoenix IAP, AZ Eielson AFB, AK Pittsburgh IAP, PA Sioux Gateway AP, IA Forbes Fld, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401218F
Remaining Quantity Required * 197 LED Light Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost $70,000 Program Cost $13,790,000 $13,790,000
* Includes 17 spares.
1. Background. Changes in employment concepts are placing KC-135 aircraft in a threat environment that is widely populated with shoulder-fired, Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS), Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA), and small arms. All of these threats are significant during take-off, landing, and low-altitude flight over mountainous terrain. When struck by projectiles, tankers do have some advantages, including multiple engines and redundant flight control systems. However, fires and wing structural damage induced by fire would be enough to cause even the most resilient of these systems to fail and destroy the aircraft. Fuel tank fire explosion protection reduces that vulnerability. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), through FAA RIN 2120-AI23 Fuel Tank Flammability Inerting, sets acceptable flammability exposure values in tanks most prone to explosion or requires the installation of an ignition mitigation system in an affected fuel tank. These aircraft are flying into less hostile airspace and are required to have this capability, while the KC-135 is flying into areas with potential MANPAD threats and have no explosion protection in their fuel tanks. 2. Source of Need. FAA RIN 2120-AI23 Fuel Tank Flammability Inerting; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Tankers equipped with fuel tank fire explosion protection would increase their survivability and subsequent combat effectiveness. Without this capability, any attack against a tanker has an increased probability of a kill. The increased vulnerability limits the tanker fleet from operating from Forward Operating Bases (FOB) causing increased flying time and fuel consumption, limiting fuel available for offload and decreasing mission effectiveness. 4. Units Impacted.
101 ARW 108 ARW 117 ARW 121 ARW 126 ARW 127 WG Bangor IAP, ME JB McGuire, NJ Birmingham IAP, AL Rickenbacker IAP, OH Scott AFB, IL Selfridge ANGB, MI 128 ARW 134 ARW 151 ARW 154 WG 155 ARW 157 ARW Gen Mitchel IAP, WI McGhee Tyson AP, TN Salt Lake City IAP, UT Hickam AFB, HI Lincoln AP, NE Pease ITAP, NH 161 ARW 168 ARW 171 ARW 185 ARW 190 ARW Phoenix IAP, AZ Eielson AFB, AK Pittsburgh IAP, PA Sioux Gateway AP, IA Forbes Fld, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401218F
Unit Cost N/A $300,000 Program Cost $5,000,000 $54,000,000 $59,000,000
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 180 Fuel Tank Conversions (3010) Total
1. Background. KC-135 aircraft currently have no internal means of cooling when below 2,000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL), which is the point at which the cockpit becomes pressurized and cooling systems become effective. Current and future employment locations require crews and aircraft to operate in extreme environments. Temperatures at deployed locations routinely exceed 100 F. This ambient temperature results in cockpit temperatures of 140 F and cargo compartment temperatures of 170 F. Crews generally spend greater than one hour in these conditions, and is not conducive to mission accomplishment. Currently ground cooling carts are the primary method to attempt aircraft and crew temperature reduction. Ground cooling carts are removed prior to engine start and are not usable if mission delays occur. Multiple civilian companies build vapor cycle air conditioning units for aircraft to supplement ground cooling. The KC-135 can leverage this capability to provide a limited amount of cooling for crew and aircraft performance. A demonstrated system can produce 24,000 British Thermal Units (BTU) of cooling at 600 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM); approximately a normal house-sized air conditioner, within normal aircraft power and weight requirements. This limited system provides crews and aircraft a more robust operating capability, reduces crew fatigue, and minimizes unsafe temperature conditions. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067 with Air Mobility Command (AMC) tracking number 06-131; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. KC-135 aircraft will continue to operate in extreme high temperature environments. Aircraft will continue to experience degraded system effectiveness during those extreme temperature windows. Crews will experience increased fatigue and a reduced ability to operate during aircraft delays. Ground cooling carts will remain the only limited means to reduce cockpit operating temperatures. 4. Units Impacted.
101 ARW 108 ARW 117 ARW 121 ARW 126 ARW 127 WG Bangor IAP, ME JB McGuire, NJ Birmingham IAP, AL Rickenbacker IAP, OH Scott AFB, IL Selfridge ANGB, MI 128 ARW 134 ARW 151 ARW 154 WG 155 ARW 157 ARW Gen Mitchel IAP, WI McGhee Tyson AP, TN Salt Lake City IAP, UT Hickam AFB, HI Lincoln AP, NE Pease ITAP, NH 161 ARW 168 ARW 171 ARW 185 ARW 190 ARW Phoenix IAP, AZ Eielson AFB, AK Pittsburgh IAP, PA Sioux Gateway AP, IA Forbes Fld, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401218F
Unit Cost $40,000 Program Cost $4,280,000 $4,280,000
Homeland Defense Provide Agile and Responsive Forces Viability Through Modernization
The contributions of our citizen Airmen are without equal and provide both State Governors and Combatant Commanders with highly skilled, professional, and flexible forces on a daily basis. Air National Guard (ANG) Logistics is the largest career field in the United States Air Force, encompassing over 21 different occupational series. They range in scope from aircraft maintenance and inventory management, to Traffic Management and Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Management. Logistics operations in the 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia prepare and train for their dual mission of supporting worldwide contingency deployments as well as responding to State emergencies. Each and every member of the Logistics team plays a key role in getting people and supplies where they need to be and when they need to be there, to generate sorties in support of Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). Presently the ANG has functioned at a prolonged high operations tempo, driving the need to concurrently modernize and recapitalize our fleet of aircraft. Overall, the average age of aircraft within the ANG is 27.8 years, evidence that the ANG operates and maintains the oldest aircraft in the Air Force inventory. Todays increasingly austere fiscal environment drives the need for logisticians to reduce both product lifecycle costs and the cost of enterprise logistics processes. Procurement of devices that enhance maintenance efficiency and safety, while improving capabilities, will ultimately lead to improved aircraft availability, diminished operating costs, and enhanced Agile Combat Support (ACS) capabilities. Devices such as the C-130 Isochronal (ISO) inspection stands, SATCOM radio testers, leak detectors, digital test equipment, etc., will reduce aircraft downtime, permit Logistics personnel to maintain a high rate of sortie generation, ensuring the longevity of our aging fleet in a safe and efficient manner.
Logistics TAB K
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
Obsolete Support Equipment Replacement - Provides replacement support equipment items to ensure continued maintenance success and long-term aircraft supportability. Advanced Support Equipment - Enhances routine maintenance efficiency and safety, while improving maintenance capabilities and reducing overall operating costs. Multiple Mission Design Series (MDS) Leak Detection Capability - Improves troubleshooting capabilities of pressurized aircraft systems, reducing non-mission capable time, and improves aircraft availability. Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Radio Support Capability - Provides necessary troubleshooting capability for advanced aircraft radio frequency systems. C-130 Isochronal (ISO) Inspection Stands - Enhances scheduled maintenance in hard-toreach places of the aircraft.
1. Background. Many support equipment items critical to daily operations at Air National Guard (ANG) units are quickly nearing the end of their expected life. As these items age, they become increasingly difficult to sustain and uneconomical to repair. In many cases, the original manufacturer is no longer in business, is unwilling to produce outdated equipment, or is unwilling to allow other sources to produce proprietary equipment. The net effect is that the ANG has a diminishing source for manufacturing items required for aircraft maintenance. During the 2012 ARC Weapons and Tactics Conference, replacements for the following systems were identified as critical maintenance capabilities requiring immediate attention: A-10 Fuel Quantity Tester, C-130 engine removal and replacement vehicle system, and 50/60 Stray Voltage Pre-Load Tester. The A-10 Fuel Quantity Gull tester currently lacks a source of supply or repair, which needs to be identified, or fielding of the PATS-70 tester needs to be accelerated in order to avoid critical shortfalls. A vehicle-mounted C-130 engine removal and replacement system capable of performing all required tasks is needed to ensure maximum aircraft availability on a daily basis. The F-16, A-10, and F-15 50/60 tester currently in use is unsustainable, requiring fielding of a replacement tester suitable for use during deployed F-16 fighter sortie generation. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to field replacements for the identified equipment will significantly reduce the Fully Mission Capable (FMC) rates for the affected fleets. In most cases, the failure to field replacements will result in aircraft grounding. 4. Units Impacted. The A-10 Fuel Quantity Tester impacts all five ANG A-10 units. The C-130 engine removal and replacement system impacts all 16 ANG C-130 units. The replacement 50/60 tester impacts all 28 ANG Combat Air Forces (CAF) units (F-15/F-16/A-10). 5. Cost. PEC: 207133F
Unit Cost * $305,800 $202,500 $25,000 Program Cost $3,058,000 $3,240,000 $4,500,000 $10,798,000
Remaining Quantity Required 10 A-10 Fuel Quantity Testers (3080) 16 C-130 Engine R/I (3080) 180 50/60 Testers (3080) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. Current maintenance operations depend upon equipment based on technology from the 1970s and 1980s. Legacy equipment is cumbersome to use, expensive to operate, and often produces significant safety concerns. Procurement of devices that enhance maintenance efficiency and safety, while improving capabilities, will ultimately lead to improved aircraft availability, diminished operating costs, and enhanced Agile Combat Support (ACS) capabilities. Procurement of an alternative tow vehicle will utilize new technology to provide improved maneuverability and visibility during towing operations, resulting in better utilization of hangar space as well as improved sheltering of aging aircraft. This vehicle is intuitive to operate and requires less time to position aircraft which decreases man-hours, enhances operational safety, and reduces current deployment footprint. Procurement of MJ-1E electric jammers will improve load crew training effectiveness while enhancing safety by eliminating noise and pollution from legacy diesel engines in enclosed training facilities. Both vehicles support the Presidential Directive to reduce use of fossil fuels within the Department of Defense (DoD). Procurement of the VXI-based mid-life upgrade for the Improved Avionics Intermediate Shop (IAIS) will update electronics, rectify diminishing manufacturing source issues, and extend the shops useful life to 2030. This upgrade is projected to result in more than $85 million in cost avoidance for IAIS sustainment, improve reliability by 37 percent, and contribute to an average $48M annual Consolidated Asset Management (CAM) cost avoidance (CAM cost avoidance relates to Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) exchange costs flying units avoid by having IAIS stations and base repair capability). The enhanced e-Tools reader replacement program will eliminate the use of expensive laptop devices that introduce safety concerns when used in certain maintenance activities, by utilizing tablet technology in the same role. Potential candidates reduce the cost of the e-Tools program to roughly one-third of the current cost while improving technical order access and usability. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to field state-of-the-art replacement equipment that rely on advanced technologies will adversely impact the ability to ensure longevity of our aging fleets in a safe and efficient manner. 4. Units Impacted. MJ-1E electric jammer and alternative tow vehicles will be fielded at all ANG Combat Air Force (CAF) units. The VXI-IAIS systems would be fielded at all ANG F-16 and A-10 units. The e-Tools will be used at all ANG bases. 5. Cost. PEC: 207133F
Unit Cost $160,000 $125,000 $2,540,000 $2,842 Program Cost $4,160,000 $6,500,000 $48,260,000 $17,202,626 $76,122,626
Remaining Quantity Required 26 Alternative Tow Vehicles (3080) 52 MJ-1E Electric Jammers *(3080) 19 VXI-IAIS Upgrade Kits (3080) 6,053 e-Tools (3080) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. Existing leak detection procedures employ ineffective and time-consuming methods. The tools used for these procedures have not kept up with advances in technologies that identify minute or multiple leaks. Modern leak detection equipment uses tracer gas or ultrasonic sound to identify leaks in a fraction of the time compared to legacy tools and methods currently used. Compounding problems with existing leak detection procedures is the lack of support equipment capable of maintaining sufficient pressure in a system to identify leaks. Without this capability, technicians are required to refuel aircraft to determine the validity of a fuel system repair. If a leak is still noted, the aircraft must be defueled to facilitate further repairs, and then refueled again to check the validity of the repair, thus creating a timeconsuming cycle to resolve the discrepancy. The new detector systems utilize tracer gas instead of fuel to identify multiple leaks in areas difficult to reach within aircraft fuel systems. Fielding a nonspecific Mission Design Series (MDS) leak detector, similar to that approved for use on the F-16, will improve leak detection capability and eliminate the find, fix, and repeat cycle of current fuel system repair and will increase aircraft availability to meet operational requirements. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Maintainers will have to continue using lengthy troubleshooting procedures for fuel system and cabin/cockpit leak detection, resulting in reduced aircraft availability. 4. Units Impacted. All ANG manned aviation units. 5. Cost. PEC: 027131F
Unit Cost $29,200 Program Cost $4,555,200 $4,555,200
* Includes 10% spares. ** Two per unit minus 29 previously funded for F-16 units.
1. Background. In 2009, the A-10 and F-16 System Program Offices (SPO) fielded a Satellite Communication (SATCOM)-capable ARC-210 radio system for Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) aircraft. This was in response to a United States Central Command (CENTCOM) Urgent Operational Need (UON) request for an A-10/F-16 robust, Secure-Line-of-Sight (SLOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communications capability. Subsequently, similar combatant commander requirements to add SATCOM radio capabilities have been levied against other Air Reserve Component (ARC) Mission, Design, and Series (MDS) aircraft. SATCOM radio systems, including the ARC-210, were tested and fielded without immediate consideration for maintainability and sustainability. Presently, there is no test equipment available at the units for ground testing or troubleshooting specific SATCOM functionality on recently acquired radio systems on any aircraft. High demand for available satellite frequency and time prevents any pre-deployment training. Similar requests for system maintenance would also likely be denied. Ideally, the new capability/tester should be usable for all radio systems (including SATCOM) on all ANG MDS aircraft. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without SATCOM radio test capability, maintainers are unable to test, troubleshoot, or repair the SATCOM radio systems installed on ARC aircraft. 4. Units Impacted. All SATCOM equipped ANG units. 5. Cost. PEC: 207133F
Remaining Quantity Required * 90 Testers (3080) Total
* Includes 10% spares.
1. Background. C-130 Isochronal (ISO) inspection stands no longer meet Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Administration (AFOSH) or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Many stands currently in use are 40+ years old, require frequent maintenance actions in order to maintain serviceability, and are still critical to accomplishing periodic inspection requirements. Established workarounds delay production, effectively doubling inspection times, and negatively impact aircraft availability. New stands alleviate unneeded risk mitigation and allow maintainers to re-focus energy on aircraft-specific tasks. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; OSHA standards, 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Units will continue to accept and manage safety risks associated with using these older stands in order to keep aircraft flowing through the inspection process. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW 109 AW 123 AW 129 RQW Gabreski AP, NY Schenectady CAP, NY * Louisville IAP, KY * Moffett Fld, CA 133 AW 145 AW 152 AW 153 AW MPNLS-St Paul IAP, MN Charlotte-Douglas IAP, NC Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV Cheyenne RAP, WY * 156 AW 165 AW 166 AW 182 AW Luis Munoz IAP, PR Savannah IAP, GA* New Castle AP, DE Peoria IAP, IL *
5. Cost.
PEC: 401115F
Unit Cost $544,417 Program Cost $4,435,336 $4,435,336
Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
RC-26B: Mission Management System (MMS) with PRC-117G and Handheld Integration Upgraded Avionics Including Autopilot Full-Spectrum Late Generation Downlinks and Communications Common Upgraded Full Motion Video (FMV) Sensor AAR/ALE-47 Provisions for Block 25 SENIOR SCOUT: Analog-to-Digital Receiver Modernization Multi-Beam Phased Array Antenna Receiver to Exploit Modern Low Power Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Communications Modernized High Frequency Communication Geolocation Signal of Interest Automation DISTRIBUTED COMMON GROUND SYSTEM (DCGS): Fully Integrated Suite of Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) Equipment to Archive, Exploit, Sort, and Retrieve FMV Adequate Storage For Retrieval of Archived High Definition FMV Signals Intelligence, Camera, Laser Designator) Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Capability With Existing Cockpit Dual FMV Sensor Capability SENIOR SCOUT: Direction Finding (DF) Calibration Tool Integration CAMELHAIR Next Generation Flight Deck Situational Awareness DISTRIBUTED COMMON GROUND SYSTEM (DCGS): Full Signals Intelligence Simulation Capability for All ANG Core and Distributed Mission Sites Single Source Geospatial Information System
2014 $4.29 2 $0.50 3 $6.00 2 $0.30 3 $4.64 2 $0.40 3 $2.79 2 $0.50 3 $0.52 2 $1.20 2 $3.20 3 $3.92 2 $1.26 3 $0.56 2 $3.26 3 $2.96 2 $1.38 3 $1.70 2 $2.60 3
2015 $5.00 2 -
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
RC-26B Mission Management System (MMS) with PRC-117G and Handheld Integration - Replaces obsolete and unsustainable mission management system for aircraft sensors Avionics Modernization - Provides avionics upgrades needed due to obsolescence and sustainment issues. Frequency Modulation (FM) immunity is required for the radios in
accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations. Full-Spectrum Late Generation Downlinks and Communications - Provides a common fleetwide communications configuration to rapidly adapt to different mission downlink and radio requirements in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) taskings. Common Upgraded FMV Sensor - Provides a reliable and sustainable high definition FMV sensor. Self-Protection System (SPS) Provision for Block 20 and Upgraded SPS for Block 25 Provides a new SPS capability for the Block 20 and 25, resulting in a common SPS configuration for the fleet. SENIOR SCOUT Receiver Modernization - Provides Senior Scout with improved Communications Intelligence (COMINT) capability to search for, detect, and characterize new low-power conventional and spread-spectrum radio signals at extended stand-off ranges in the presence of interference. Multi-Beam Phased Array Antenna - Provides a specialty antenna for both transmit and receive capability and will be optimized to operate in multiple Radio Frequency (RF) bands with simultaneous independent steerable beams for each frequency band. Rip & Identification of Pre-detection Recordings (RIPR) - Allows SENIOR SCOUT to detect signals in and out of a wideband recording, identify the detections, and deliver the data to system data storage by their identification or non-identification. High Frequency (HF) Communication Geo-location - Allows SENIOR SCOUT operators to identify HF communications, determine signal type, collect, and geolocate the signals of interest. Analog to Digital Receiver Modernization - Improves SENIOR SCOUTs Communication Intelligence (COMINT) signals internal capability to exploit new and modern low-power LPI radio signals at extended stand-off ranges in the presence of interference. DCGS Fully Integrated Suite of AF Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Support Equipment and Software Loads - Provides ANG DCGS with the capability to properly and effectively process, exploit, and disseminate information for USSOCOM Tier 1 and Tier 2 missions. Video Storage Capacity Required for High Definition (HD) Full Motion Video (FMV) Increased speed of data transfer and overall storage capacity of high definition video.
1. Background. The RC-26B fleet currently consists of two completely different Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) configurations of Mission Management Systems (MMS). One configuration is obsolete and unsustainable, while the other configuration does not meet basic mission nor Combatant Commander (COCOM) capability requirements. Current missions require comprehensive integrated sensor capabilities throughout all theaters of operation including Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). As a threshold, the RC-26B requires a common and expandable supportable mission system to operate sensors and communication equipment via MMS console operations. Basic system requirements include the following capabilities: software control of multiple Electro-Optical (EO) sensor systems, real-time data sharing and networking, integration with terrestrial and space-based data sharing capabilities, independent panel controls, integrated mission radio software control, and Mission Sensor Operator (MSO) station dual monitors. An MMS integrated with the PRC-117G will ensure basic voice and data connectivity with ground elements through datalinks and high performance waveforms and is a key component of a common Air National Guard (ANG) RC-26B fleet configuration. RC-26B aircraft need improved, modern, and more reliable MMS equipment to execute COCOM combat missions and directly support NORTHCOM and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA). RC-26 crews supporting Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) require equipment that will provide the highest level of operational viability in various theaters of operation. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067 06-317, 13 Nov 2006; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The legacy equipment is unreliable, outdated, and technically insufficient to meet mission requirements. The impacts to mission success include: failed intelligence gathering, unreliable communications, inefficient operations, and an inability to effectively sustain intelligence collection and management. The overall impact to mission success is RC-26B irrelevance in OCO and DOMOPS. 4. Units Impacted.
115 FW 125 FW 130 AW 141 ARW Truax Fld, WI Jacksonville IAP, FL Yeager AP, WV Fairchild AFB, WA 144 FW 147 RW 150 FW 162 FW Fresno IAP, CA Ellington IAP, TX Kirtland AFB, NM Tucson IAP, AZ 174 ATW Syracuse Hancock IAP, NY 186 ARW Meridian RAP, MS 187 FW Montgomery RAP, AL
5. Cost.
PEC: 502889F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 11 Shipset Kits (3010) * Total Unit Cost N/A $390,000 Program Cost $500,000 $4,290,000 $4,790,000
* Including spares.
1. Background. RC-26B avionics are obsolete and unsustainable due to diminishing manufacturing sources. The affected areas of the overall avionics system are the Global Positioning System (GPS), Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) Displays, Flight Management System (FMS), as well as the navigation and communication radios. The FMS is not certified to perform GPS approaches and does not comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) requirements. A GPS failure would restrict crews to operating in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) only. The RC26B does not have Frequency Modulation (FM) frequency immunity on any of its navigation radios, and the communication radios do not have the proper frequency spacing requirements to legally operate in todays congested European Command (EUCOM) area of operations. Modernization of the avionics system will ensure the RC-26B is compliant with FAA and ICAO mandates for continued operations in US and European airspace. Additionally, battlefield requirements now demand the use of night vision compatible cockpits and utilization of certified GPS approaches to safely depart and land at austere and remote airfields. The current RC-26B avionics suite and GPS does not meet these requirements. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The current configuration compromises safety as the airspace worldwide becomes increasingly congested. FM frequency immunity is required to ensure safe operation of aircraft when flying terminal area approaches to prevent a mishap and possible Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT). Many systems listed above have no spares available or are no longer supportable by the vendor. Failure of any single part would effectively ground an aircraft indefinitely. 4. Units Impacted.
115 FW 125 FW 130 AW 141 ARW Truax Fld, WI Jacksonville IAP, FL Yeager AP, WV Fairchild AFB, WA 144 FW 147 RW 150 FW 162 FW Fresno IAP, CA Ellington IAP, TX Kirtland AFB, NM Tucson IAP, AZ 186 ARW 187 FW 174 ATW 745 SOS (P) Meridian RAP, MS Montgomery RAP, AL Syracuse Hancock IAP, NY Hurlburt Fld, FL
5. Cost.
PEC: 502889F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 11 Shipset Kits (3010) * Total Unit Cost N/A $1,000,000 Program Cost $300,000 $11,000,000 $11,300,000
* Including spares.
1. Background. There are currently two configurations of the RC-26B: a Block 20 Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) version and a Block 25 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) version, each with different communication equipment configurations. This makes personnel training, currency, and sustainment problematic. Both configurations communication architectures are rapidly becoming obsolete due to technology advances and threaten the weapon systems relevance. Radio and communication equipment currently installed has not been able to be used to its full capability. This modification allows both aircraft blocks to transmit and receive Positive Position Locating Information (PPLI) for Link-16 or Situational Awareness Datalink (SADL). Air and ground tracks, location of friendly forces, as well as Sensor Point of Interest (SPI) need to be transmitted to the network and displayed in the RC-26B mission system. The expected result of this modernization effort is to enhance operational situational awareness and enable platform-to-platform data exchange and sensor slewing. A communications suite to include Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS), VORTEX, and voice and data communications through late generation tactical radios capable across the full spectrum of current DOMOPS and OCO requirements is critical. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Given a lack of comprehensive, full-spectrum communications, the RC-26 will not be Fully Mission Capable (FMC) in combat or DOMOPS. Aircraft need to be datalink capable for safety and interoperability. Without reliable voice communication and datalink the potential for target misidentification and fratricide exists. 4. Units Impacted.
115 FW 125 FW 130 AW 141 ARW Truax Fld, WI Jacksonville IAP, FL Yeager AP, WV Fairchild AFB, WA 144 FW 147 RW 150 FW 162 FW Fresno IAP, CA Ellington IAP, TX Kirtland AFB, NM Tucson IAP, AZ 186 ARW 187 FW 174 ATW 745 SOS (P) Meridian RAP, MS Montgomery RAP, AL Syracuse Hancock IAP, NY Hurlburt Fld, FL
5. Cost.
PEC: 502889F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 11 Shipset Kits (3010) * Total Unit Cost N/A $422,000 Program Cost $400,000 $4,642,000 $5,042,000
1. Background. The RC-26B fleet currently operates two configurations (Block 20 and Block 25) with two completely different Full Motion Video (FMV) sensors. Each FMV sensor has a low Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) rate, hindering sustainability. Each sensor also faces obsolescence in the near future when comparing its capabilities to current operational capabilities. High Definition (HD) FMV-capable sensors on the Block 25s require upgrades to meet current battlefield FMV HD standards, provide a common configuration across the fleet, and improve sustainability at minimal cost. Additional government owned HD-capable sensors would also be upgraded and replaced in current Block 20 sensors to ensure a common configuration across the RC-26B fleet. Current mission requirements dictate a comprehensive integrated HD sensor capability throughout all theaters of operation, including domestic. Minimally, the RC-26B requires a standard level of integration between digital combat sensors and communications equipment via the Mission Management System (MMS), as well as the ability to process and distribute HD FMV. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067; ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. RC-26B aircraft face obsolescence by failing to meet basic Combatant Commander (COCOM) and domestic FMV HD capability requirements. While the airframe itself is very capable, without the required sensor modernization effort, it will struggle to remain a relevant and effective Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) platform. Impacts to mission success include: failed intelligence gathering and decreased over-watch effectiveness jeopardizing the safety of ground forces, civil support authorities, and law enforcement. 4. Units Impacted.
115 FW 125 FW 130 AW 141 ARW Truax Fld, WI Jacksonville IAP, FL Yeager AP, WV Fairchild AFB, WA 144 FW 147 RW 150 FW 162 FW Fresno IAP, CA Ellington IAP, TX Kirtland AFB, NM Tucson IAP, AZ 186 ARW 187 FW 174 ATW 745 SOS (P) Meridian RAP, MS Montgomery RAP, AL Syracuse Hancock IAP, NY Hurlburt Fld, FL
5. Cost.
PEC: 502889F
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 11 Shipset Kits (3010) * Total Unit Cost N/A $254,000 Program Cost $500,000 $2,794,000 $3,294,000
Global Integrated ISR RC-26B SELF-PROTECTION SYSTEM (SPS) PROVISION FOR BLOCK 20 AND UPGRADED SPS FOR BLOCK 25 1. Background. The RC-26B aircraft is a Low Density/High-Demand (LD/HD) manned Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) aircraft that distributes critical tactical and intelligence information to the warfighter. It can be tasked to operate worldwide in high-threat environments where Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) heat-seeking missiles are widely available, posing a significant threat during take-offs and landings. To counter MANPAD threats, the RC-26B requires all aircraft to be configured with a missile warning and countermeasures Self Protection System (SPS) featuring a high probability of missile launch detection and a low false alarm rate. The five domestically configured aircraft (Block 20) currently have no self-protection capability, which limits their ability to respond to any Combatant Commander (COCOM) tasking, as they are essentially dedicated to the Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) only. While the remaining six Block 25 aircraft are configured for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) with selfprotection capability, they are using outdated, legacy components no longer available through Air Force supply. To bring the fleet into a common configuration, Block 20 aircraft require a full SPS sensor, receiver (AAR) and expendable (ALE) capability. The Block 25 requires modernization of existing capability including a sensor upgrade to the A(V)2 sensor from the A(V)0 configuration. Although, all A(V)2 sensor equipment has been procured, resources to install and commonly configure aircraft are required. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067; ARC 2010 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The use of a configuration comprised of sensors prone to both high false alarms rates and low probability of missile detection reduces the aircrews survivability and safety. Unsupportable and ineffective defensive systems will result in a loss of capability to the warfighter and/or loss of personnel and equipment. 4. Units Impacted.
115 FW 125 FW 130 AW 141 ARW Truax Fld, WI Jacksonville IAP, FL Yeager AP, WV Fairchild AFB, WA 144 FW 147 RW 150 FW 162 FW Fresno IAP, CA Ellington IAP, TX Kirtland AFB, NM Tucson IAP, AZ 186 ARW 187 FW 174 ATW 745 SOS (P) Meridian RAP, MS Montgomery RAP, AL Syracuse Hancock IAP, NY Hurlburt Fld, FL
5. Cost.
PEC: 502889F
Units Required 5 Shipset Kits (3010) * Total Unit Cost $520,000 Program Cost $2,600,000 $2,600,000
1. Background. There is an immediate need to add improved Communication Intelligence (COMINT) capability to exploit new and modern low power/low probability of intercept radio signals at extended stand-off ranges in the presence of interference. The current SkyHawk systems are currently able to detect, identify, and support geo-location of these emitters, but are not able to exploit the actual communication channel information, which limits intelligence collection capabilities. This effort will provide an upgrade to the existing SkyHawk systems to permit a full COMINT signals exploitation system for Very High Frequency/ Ultra High Frequency (VHF/UHF) band. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Force (TAF)/Electronic Security Command (ESC) Statement of Need (SON) 1-83; Network Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT) requirements as pertains to wideband reachback capability; Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Air Force Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC), 002-88-I/II/III-a, 9 May 1999; Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRAA) issue #22, ISR Sensor Capabilities, CRAA issue #30, ISR - Characterization of Electromagnetic Environment; Integrated Priority List (IPL) #1 for CENTCOM and SOUTHCOM; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, the Air Force's ability to exploit these advanced modern communication systems will be limited. 4. Unit Impacted.
169 IS Salt Lake City IAP, UT
5. Cost.
PEC: 53115
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 4 Group B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $300,000 Program Cost $3,200,000 $1,200,000 $4,400,000
1. Background. There is an immediate need to add improved Communications Intelligence (COMINT) collection capability to search for, detect, and characterize new and modern lowpower conventional and spread spectrum radio signals at extended stand-off ranges in the presence of interference. The current antenna systems are not able to detect these specific signal sets, which limits intelligence collection capabilities. A beamforming specialty antenna, providing both transmit and receive capability, will be optimized to operate in the Radio Frequency (RF) bands from 400-500 MHz, 800-1,000 MHz and 1,700-2,100 MHz with simultaneous independently steerable beams for each frequency band. The array would provide simultaneous coverage on both sides of the aircraft with independently steerable beams. The antenna would be designed to fit into a modified C-130 wing-mounted fuel tank, and meet all performance requirements and environmental factors of the C-130E/H/J model aircraft. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Force (TAF)/Electronic Security Command (ESC) Statement of Need (SON) 1-83; Network Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT) requirements; Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Air Force Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC), 002-88-I/II/III-a, 9 May 99; Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRAA) issue #22, ISR Sensor Capabilities, CRAA issue #30, ISR - Characterization of Electromagnetic Environment; Integrated Priority List (IPL) #1 for CENTCOM and SOUTHCOM; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, the Air Force's ability to detect and collect advanced modern communication system signals in a dense signal environment will be limited. 4. Unit Impacted.
169 IS Salt Lake City IAP, UT
5. Cost.
PEC: 53115
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 4 Group B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $980,000 Program Cost $1,255,000 $3,920,000 $5,175,000
1. Background. Current SENIOR SCOUT operational need requires the implementation of a product with the capability to detect signals in a wideband recording, select the signal detection out of a wideband recording, identify the detections and deliver the data to system data storage by their identification or non-identification. This effort will procure, integrate, and implement the new Rip and Identification of Pre-detection Recordings (RIPR) capability into the SENIOR SCOUT shelters. Files in the directories will then be processed through a logical series of processing, categorization, and evaluation. Computer-controlled interfaces will allow these collection assets to be integrated with existing platform tool suites providing operators with seamless capabilities. The collected energy will also be used for cooperative geo-location after which sorting and further processing and/or analysis may occur. When analytical processing and evaluation is complete, some data and metadata will be tagged and used for mission simulation purposes. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Force (TAC)/Electronic Security Command (ESC) Statement of Need (SON) 1-83; Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Air Force Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC)(AFIC) 002-88I/II/III-a (9 May 1999); Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRAA) issue #22, ISR Sensor Capabilities; CRAA issue #35, ISR - Processing and Exploitation to support Dynamic Targeting; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Senior Scouts ability to cull through the mass of signals data collected will be limited, thereby reducing the ability to provide complete picture of the threat environment. 4. Unit Impacted.
169 IS Salt Lake City IAP, UT
5. Cost.
PEC: 53115
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 4 B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $140,000 Program Cost 3,255,000 $560,000 $3,815,000
1. Background. The High Frequency (HF) radio communication geo-location capability will allow SENIOR SCOUT operators to identify HF communications, determine signal type, collect and geo-locate the signals of interest. As new advanced communication systems are fielded, SENIOR SCOUT operators are constrained in their ability to provide adequate force protection information to troops on the battlefield. In order to provide optimized support, the SENIOR SCOUT platform requires new HF collection subsystems with high performance capabilities for computer-controlled search in order to determine location of sources. Computer-controlled interfaces will allow these collection assets to be integrated with existing platform tool suites providing platform operators with seamless capabilities. This effort will procure, integrate, and implement the new HF geo-location subsystem into the SENIOR SCOUT shelters. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Force (TAC)/Electronic Security Command (ESC) Statement of Need (SON) 1-83; NCCT requirements as pertains to wideband reach-back capability; Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Air Force Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC)(AFIC) 002-88-I/II/III-a (9 May 99); Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRAA) issue #22, ISR Sensor Capabilities; CRAA issue #35, ISR - Processing and Exploitation to support Dynamic Targeting; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Senior Scouts ability to detect and track friendly forces in relationship to the threat environment will be limited. 4. Unit Impacted.
169 IS Salt Lake City IAP, UT
5. Cost.
PEC: 53115
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 4 Group B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $740,000 Program Cost $1,380,000 $2,960,000 $4,340,000
1. Background. There is an immediate need to add improved Communications Intelligence (COMINT) capability to search for, detect and characterize new and modern low-power conventional and spread-spectrum radio signals at extended stand-off ranges in the presence of interference. The current systems are not able to detect these specific signal sets, which limits intelligence collection capabilities. The effort will provide a single receiver set with multiple tuners (two per band for a total of eight) to provide direct, pre-detection Radio Frequency (RF) to Intermediate Frequency (IF) from the advanced directional antenna set. This IF would then be fed into other systems for processing. Receiver controls and a smaller IF distribution for this set will have to be developed. 2. Source of Need. Tactical Air Force (TAF)/Electronic Security Command (ESC) Statement of Need (SON) 1-83; Operational Requirements Document (ORD), Air Force Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (AFC2ISRC), 002-88-I/II/III-a, 9 May 99; Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRAA) issue #22, ISR Sensor Capabilities, CRAA issue #30, ISR Characterization of Electromagnetic Environment; Integrated Priority List (IPL) #1 for CENTCOM and SOUTHCOM; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, the Air Force's ability to detect and collect advance modern communication system signals will be limited. 4. Unit Impacted.
169 IS Salt Lake City IAP, UT
5. Cost.
PEC: 53115
Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) 4 Group B Kits (3010) Total Unit Cost N/A $435,000 Program Cost $2,610,000 $1,740,000 $4,350,000
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) and AF Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) lack the system capability to efficiently provide Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) support to current and future Combatant Commander (COCOM) tasked Full Motion Video (FMV) missions. The current system configuration is neither robust nor reliable enough to support COCOM requirements. To support todays fast-paced tactical missions and avoid the software limitations inherent in the current architecture, ANG DCGS analysts are growing increasingly reliant on workarounds and supplemental systems. Use of multiple systems has led to task saturation, making it difficult to meet the stringent timelines implemented by COCOMs. Current architecture requires the use of five separate systems to accomplish current COCOM mission taskings. Moving from five systems to a single standardized hardware and software solution immediately reduces exploitation timelines by an average of 50% and will result in less reliance on workarounds, thus enhancing overall analytical support. In addition, the AF DCGS enterprise has migrated to United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) standards as the baseline for mission execution. As such, it is paramount to implement a solution which provides the same functionality and support employed by Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). This capability would reduce complexity and interface seamlessly with existing AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapons system architecture, which will enhance support to both Conventional and Special Forces ground commanders. Production timelines significantly decrease while providing proven data archival, exploitation, sort, and retrieval capabilities. Additionally, integration into COCOM and AF voice/data networks is essential to providing threat warning while maintaining situational awareness for DCGS analysts. The solution exists and includes the required exploitation capabilities for current and future mission requirements. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG DCGS units will be unable to properly and effectively PED USSOCOM Tier 1 and Tier 2 missions. Failure of these missions could jeopardize the safety of US forces. 4. Units Impacted.
102 IW 117 IS Otis ANGB, MA Birmingham IAP, AL 123 IS 152 IS Little Rock AFB, AR Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV 181 IW 184 IW Terre Haute IAP, IN McConnell AFB, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 5031174F
Remaining Quantity Required 6 Suites (3080) 6 Installs/Training (3840) Total Unit Cost $860,000 $210,000 Program Cost $5,160,000 $1,260,000 $6,420,000
1. Background. AF Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) video storage capacity is only large enough to store standard definition video feeds currently streaming into DCGS sites at the rate of 6MB per second. Standard definition sensors have been replaced with High Definition (HD) on all AF Special Operations Command (AFSOC) MQ-9A aircraft. All standard-definition sensors are mandated to be replaced on all Air Combat Command (ACC) MC-12, MQ-1B, and MQ-9A aircraft within the immediate future. The data rate will increase from the stated 6MB per second for standard definition sensors to the rate of 45MB per second for HD sensors with this upgraded capability. This is an increase of more than seven times the amount of data being ingested currently into the AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapons system. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG DCGS units will be unable to work any FMV missions that employ HD FMV sensors for current and future missions set forth from COCOM taskings. The lack of having the appropriate storage capacity will ultimately impede the ANG AF DCGS ability to archive, exploit, and retrieve HD feeds. 4. Units Impacted.
102 IW 117 IS Otis ANGB, MA Birmingham IAP, AL 123 IS 152 IS Little Rock AFB, AR Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV 181 IW 184 IW Terre Haute IAP, IN McConnell AFB, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 5031174F
Unit Cost $200,000 Program Cost $1,200,000 $1,200,000
Provides Special Mission Transportation of Distinguished Visitors (DV) ANG OSA Units Provide: C-38 - 100%, C-40 25%, C-21 - 36% of the Total Fleet
The Air National Guard (ANG) supports crucial special missions including Distinguished Visitor (DV) transportation. Each of these missions has unique requirements beyond the traditional support provided to the rest of the ANGs fleet. The ANGs Operational Support Aircraft (OSA) include the C-40C and C-38A flown by the D.C. Air Guards 201 AS at Andrews AFB, MD and the C-21A flown by the 200 AS at Colorado Springs, CO; the 119 WG at Fargo, ND; the 103 AW at Bradley, CT; and the 110 AW at Battle Creek, MI. The 201 AS aircraft provide worldwide VIP transportation for Congressional, Department of Defense (DoD), AF and National Guard (NG) travel missions. The primary mission of all OSA aircraft is to ensure passenger safety and comfort while providing the utmost in reliability. The ANGs modernization efforts will continue to focus on keeping these aircraft modern and safe. Since the ANG began the C-40C mission, demand has increased significantly. In order to improve service and increase mission availability an additional C-40C aircraft is required. The C-38A was originally acquired to support CONUS operations. However, the evolution of National Guard OCONUS commitments has driven a fundamental mission change. The two C-38As are non-standard airframes within the AF inventory, lack the range and reliability to meet new mission requirements, and need to be replaced.
* = District of Columbia
145 Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter
Operational Support Aircraft 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
C-38A Replacement Aircraft C-38A Avionics Modernization C-38A/C-40C High Speed Data, On-Board Internet Capability C-40C Procurement C-40C Electronic Flight Bag
2016 $66.75 2 -
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
C-38A Replacement Aircraft Program - Replaces existing C-38 aircraft with longer range aircraft to support evolving worldwide Congressional and Department of Defense (DoD) missions. C-38A Avionics Modernization - Enables C-38A to comply with next-generation Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates. Includes Future Air Navigation System-1/A (FANS-1/A), Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV), and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Contract (ADS-C). C-38A/C-40C High Speed Data (HSD) - Allows the DVs and their staffs traveling on the C38A the ability to conduct time-critical business via internet, e-mail, and phone while airborne. C-40C funded in FY11 and FY12, but system not installed yet. C-40C Procurement - Completes the requirement for the C-40C aircraft in the Air National Guard (ANG). This aircraft supports worldwide Congressional, DoD, Air Force, and National Guard Distinguished Visitor (DV) support missions. C-40C Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) - Adds an electronic information management device that helps to improve situational awareness, cockpit efficiency, productivity, and most important, allows aircrews to safely adapt to in-flight mission changes.
1. Background. A C-38A replacement aircraft is required to support the existing Distinguished Visitor (DV) transportation fleet at the 201 AS. The unit supports Congressional members and Delegations, Executive Branch, Department of Defense (DoD), AF, and National Guard (NG) travel missions worldwide. Current requirements identify four small DV support aircraft. The 201 AS currently operates only two C-38A aircraft. Replacing the C-38A fleet addresses several operational shortfalls and significantly improves the mission capability. The replacement aircraft will extend the non-stop range of the aircraft well into European airspace and complement the existing larger C-40Cs for smaller contingents. This capability eliminates time-consuming enroute refueling stops and decreases extended duty days for passengers and aircrews. In addition to the lack of range, the C-38A has historically demonstrated a substandard mission capable rate, which is unacceptable for aircraft in the DV transportation arena. 2. Source of Need. Air Mobility Command Operational Requirements Document (ORD) 00090 dated 12 June 1995 modified 3 May 1996; NGB Mission Need Statement 002-94 and NGB ORD 002-94 dated 24 July 1994; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Item. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The unit is currently operating with only two short range aircraft to fulfill taskings. Requests for support are unfilled because the current aircraft are tasked or dont have the range to complete the mission. Without additional aircraft, the Air National Guard (ANG) assets will remain over tasked and unable to effectively accomplish the units primary mission. 4. Unit Impacted.
201 AS JB Andrews, MD
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401314F
Remaining Quantity Required 2 Replacement Aircraft (3010) 2 Additional Aircraft (3010) Total Unit Cost $66,752,500 $66,752,500 Program Cost $133,505,000 $133,505,000 $267,010,000
1. Background. The changing technological landscape has re-defined the equipment and tools necessary to effectively conduct business in todays corporate/government environment. The C38A is not equipped to take advantage of, nor comply with, the emergence of several nextgeneration Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) capabilities. These capabilities include: Future Air Navigation System-1/A (FANS-1/A) which provides a direct datalink between the aircraft and air traffic control (ATC), Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) which augments the aircrafts Global Positioning System (GPS) by improving its accuracy, integrity, and availability, and allows the aircraft to rely on GPS for guidance during precision approaches, Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approaches which are the highest precision GPS (WAAS enabled) approaches, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and -Contract (ADS-C) which enhances safety by making an aircraft visible real-time to ATC and to other appropriately equipped aircraft, and which will be mandatory by 1 January 2020. These capabilities allow the aircraft to operate with increased safety. However, the current flight management system (FMS) and displays will not support FANS-1/A, WAAS, LPV approaches, or ADS-B and ADS-C, and are approaching the end of their life expectancy. 2. Source of Need. Air National Guard Operational Requirements Document 002-02 dated 19 Feb 01; AMS Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) requirements matrix, July 2010; ANG sponsored AF Form 1067 submitted to AMC; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Item. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of an upgraded FMS and associated displays will result in a substantial loss of capability, limit the number of available airfields with suitable approaches, and will lead to eventual non-compliance with FAA and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) airspace requirements. Additionally, the life expectancy of the existing FMS and displays will require their replacement in the near term. The quantity of spares is limited and diminishing. 4. Unit Impacted.
201 AS JB Andrews, MD
5. Cost:
PEC: 0401314F
Remaining Quantity Required 2 Avionics Suites (3010) Total Unit Cost $200,000 Program Cost $400,000 $400,000
1. Background. The 201 AS utilizes the C-40C and C-38A aircraft to provide worldwide air transportation to Congressional Members and Delegations, the Executive Branch, Department of Defense (DoD) officials, and high-ranking US and foreign dignitaries. The changing technological landscape has re-defined the equipment and tools necessary to effectively conduct business in todays corporate/government environment. The Distinguished Visitors (DV) and their staffs on these aircraft require the ability to conduct time critical unclassified business via internet, e-mail, and phone while airborne; however, the aircraft currently do not provide a wireless internet capability to its passengers. 2. Source of Need. Air National Guard (ANG) Operational Requirements Document 002-02 dated 19 Feb 2001; AMS Requirements and Planning Council (R&PC) requirements matrix, Jul 2012; AMC Form 1067 10-106 C-40C High Speed Data Internet; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Although the aircraft currently provides an excellent service to the DV travelers, it does not meet their technological needs for effectively conducting business while airborne. Not funding the incorporation of wireless internet into the aircraft will significantly impact the units ability to provide an adequate airborne work environment. 4. Unit Impacted.
201 AS JB Andrews, MD
5. Cost:
PEC: 0401314F
Unit Cost $200,000 Program Cost $400,000 $400,000
Remaining Quantity Required 2 C-38 High Speed Data Systems (3010) Total
1. Background. The 201 AS, District of Columbia Air National Guard (ANG) provides worldwide air transportation for Congressional Members and Delegations, Executive Branch, Department of Defense (DoD) officials, high-ranking US and foreign dignitaries and HQ USAF inspection team travel. The 201 AS currently operates three C-40Cs (military modified Boeing 737 Business Jets). The ANG is one aircraft short of meeting operational requirements. A fourth aircraft will significantly improve fleet readiness and reliability. Scheduled maintenance reduces unit capability and if unscheduled maintenance actions ground additional aircraft, there is a good chance that flights will be cancelled. An additional aircraft allows the unit to overlap schedules and significantly improves aircraft availability. Another aircraft is required in order to increase airlift capability, reliability and support additional airlift requests. 2. Source of Need. Mission Need Statement NGB 001-97 dated 10 Jun 1997; ANG Operational Requirements Document 002-02 dated 19 Feb 2004; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Not funding a fourth aircraft impacts aircraft availability, mission readiness, and the units ability to meet all Congressional taskings. 4. Unit Impacted.
201 AS JB Andrews, MD
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401314F
Remaining Quantity Required 1 C-40C Aircraft (3010) Total Unit Cost $103,000,000 Program Cost $103,000,000 $103,000,000
1. Background. The definition of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), according to the Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC No. 120-76A) is, an electronic display system intended primarily for cockpit/flight deck or cabin use. EFB devices can display a variety of aviation data or perform basic calculations. In short, an EFB is an electronic information management device that helps to improve situational awareness, cockpit efficiency, productivity, and safety. They typically consist of a screen and a control unit that may be installed, mounted or contained in one sole portable unit. EFBs can electronically store and retrieve documents required for flight operations, such as Technical Orders (TO), AF Instructions (AFI), Flight Operations Manual, Minimum Equipment Lists, as well as provide the most current Flight Information Publications (FLIP). Additional motivators for using an EFB are significant cost savings on annual paper FLIP purchases and the considerable reduction of paper waste associated with each FLIP changeover. 2. Source of Need. AF Form 1067 with Air Mobility Command (AMC) tracking number 03119; AMC Operational Support Airlift/Executive Airlift (OSA/EA) Requirements Matrix; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The potential to receive significant mission changes during Distinguished Visitor (DV) transport missions is extremely high. The aircrew needs to have all possible mission information and performance calculation capability at their fingertips. Not funding the EFB places the crew in a position where a single mission change could jeopardize mission success because the crew may not have the needed paper publications with them. It is not practical to carry all possible publications. Without the EFB, crews will continue to make critical decisions without accurate or complete information. 4. Unit Impacted.
201 AS JB Andrews, MD
5. Cost.
PEC: 0401314F
Unit Cost N/A $125,000 Program Cost $320,000 $375,000 $695,000
Remaining Quantities Required Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) (3010) 3 Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) (3010) Total
The ANG has three Guardian Angel squadrons: the 103 RQS, Francis S. Gabreski Airport, NY; 131 RQS, Moffett Federal Airfield, CA; and 212 RQS, Joint Base Elmendorf, AK. Pararescue consists of Combat Rescue Officers (CROs) and Pararescue Jumpers (PJ) and their mission is to recover downed and injured aircrew members in austere and non-permissive environments. Pararescue provides emergency medical treatment necessary to stabilize and evacuate injured personnel while acting in an enemy-evading recovery role. The ANG has two Special Tactics Squadrons (STS): the 123 STS, Standiford Field, KY and 125 STS, Portland IAP, OR. Special Tactics Teams (STT) are quick-reaction, deployable AF units, which are uniquely organized, trained, and equipped to facilitate the air/ground interface during joint special operations and sensitive recovery missions. Special tactics personnel provide quick-reaction Command and Control (C2), Close Air Support (CAS), positive air traffic management, and casualty recovery, treatment and evacuation staging during joint air and ground/maritime operations including short notice, sensitive contingencies. TACP is a small team of AF airspace de-confliction and firepower onto enemy ground provide advice, assistance, and employment of air and space Air Support Operations Center subordinate to the Air Operations advise ground commanders on the establish and maintain Command, Communications (C3), and terminal attack guidance. personnel who provide terminal control of CAS targets. TACPs also planning for the power in support of the (ASOC) which is Center (AOC). TACPs best use of airpower, Control, and provide precision
Guardian Angel, Special Tactics, & Tactical Air Control Party 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
Guardian Angel: Human Performance Optimization Combat Survivability Suite Weapons Modernization Suite Rescue Recovery Vehicles Special Tactics: Universal Datalink Dismounted Operator Suite Employment Enhancement Suite Environmental Assessment Suite Communications Enhancement Suite Tactical Air Control Party: Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) Training Simulator - See Simulation Tab for Info Paper Dismounted Interoperable Sensor Acquisition Suite Rapidly Deployable Joint Operational Communications Suite Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) Tactical Network Suite Software Targeting and Data Management Suite Covert Night Marking Capability Modular Maritime Command and Control (C2) Kit Two-Channel Radio Operator Wireless Network Air-Ground Two-Way Datalink JTAC Simulation Suite Alternate Insertion and Extraction (AIE) Tower Tactical Air Control Party: Ancillary Equipment to Increase Dismounted Ground-to-Ground Communications TACP Small Arms Weapons Modernization 110 VAC Lightweight Generator
Modernization Priority Profiles ($ Million)
Program Guardian Angel Human Performance Optimization Combat Survivability Suite Weapon Modernization Suite Rescue Recovery Vehicles Special Tactics Universal Datalink Dismounted Operator Suite Employment Enhancement Suite Environmental Assessment Suite Communications Enhancement Suite Tactical Air Control Party Dismounted Interoperable Sensor Acquisition Suite Rapidly Deployable Joint Operational Communications Suite Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) Tactical Network Suite Software Targeting and Data Management Suite
2014 $1.74 4 $0.45 4 $0.81 4 $0.51 4 $1.29 4 $0.45 4 $0.20 4 $13.80 4 $13.76 4 $0.31 4 $0.65 1
2015 $0.80 1 $0.87 4 $0.44 4 $0.90 4 $0.80 4 $0.33 4 $0.45 4 $6.90 4 $4.78 4 $0.88 4
3080 Appropriation
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
Guardian Angel Human Performance Optimization - Provides Pararescue Jumpers (PJ) optimal fitness methods to include both rest and rehabilitation of injuries sustained while training that negatively impact mission readiness. Upgraded Combat Survivability Suite - Provides improvements in communication equipment, handheld daytime laser markers, navigation tools, and night vision devices to accomplish rescue missions in both hostile and friendly environments. Weapon Modernization Suite - Provides weapon upgrades and marksmanship training in both lethal and non-lethal weapons against an enemy threat or unknown hostile forces. Rescue Recovery Vehicles - Provides ground vehicles and watercraft to respond quickly to over-land or water rescue mission. Special Tactics Universal Datalink - Provides Special Tactics Squadrons (STS) with the lightest and easiest to operate situational awareness datalink receivers available. Dismounted Operator Suite - Provides STS with protective equipment, weapon upgrades, situational awareness enhancements, and night vision optics necessary for accurately targeting the enemy.
Employment Enhancement Suite - Provides STS operators with small light tactical vehicles and watercraft for overland and water movement to transverse to their objective area as quickly and efficiently as possible. Environmental Assessment Suite - Provides STS operators special assault zone and weather equipment to conduct special reconnaissance missions and report environmental and runway data in a non-permissive or friendly environment. Communication Enhancement Suite - Provides STS with lightweight multi-band communication radios and accessories to talk to aircraft and other networks securely. Tactical Air Control Party Dismounted Interoperable Sensor Acquisition Suite - Provides integrated target sensor points of interest to airborne platforms and shortens the kill chain. Rapidly Deployable Joint Operational Communications - Provides modular multi-band and High Frequency (HF) tactical radio and network protocol capability. Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) Tactical Network Suite - Provides a lightweight, portable, tactical network suite capable of linking JTACs with tactical airborne platforms. Software Targeting and Data Management Suite - Provides a software solution that transmits digital information (data and voice) to maintain proper ground situational awareness and determine near-mensuration of target locations.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) Guardian Angles have fallen behind in progressive methods of fitness, and rest and rehabilitation of injuries sustained while executing or training for missions that are consistent with other Special Operations Forces weapon systems. Ideally, we should optimize human performance so that we field (human) weapon systems superior to those of current and potential adversaries. Injuries are having a negative impact on the health and readiness of the Guardian Angel Weapon System and are resulting in excessive and unnecessary lost work-days and a subsequent impact to mission-ready status. The current medical system does not provide a detailed initial medical screening for elite Air Force Specialties, nor does it address past injuries and structural concerns. In order to enhance human performance and mitigate injuries, Guardian Angels require a Human Optimization System that consists of both contracted physical training personnel and physical training equipment. The Human Optimization System would provide contracted personnel such as a professional team of physical therapists, injury managers, strength coaches, nutritionists and physicians assistants that would be capable of addressing structural concerns and tracking data through the lifecycle of the operator. The second part of the Human Optimization System is procuring the required equipment necessary to execute the program. Many Guardian Angel units already own physical training equipment but this equipment is not suited for recovery and rehabilitation. Additional rehabilitation, physical training, strength conditioning and reconditioning equipment are required. In summary, Guardian Angels require a Human Optimization System that will optimize education, guidance, injury tracking, and expedited return-to-work programs. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Human Performance Optimization (HPO) requirement identified by the GA Senior Leaders Working Group and supported by the Rescue Senior Leaders Panel; It is referenced as "Sustainment" of the Force in the GA Vision 2020 document currently in coordination; THOR3 (Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning) Program and current AFSOC HPO program. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Pararescue personnel will continue to experience unnecessary injuries, delayed return-to-work, and a substandard historical tracking mechanism leading to injury mismanagement. These methods will increase lost work days to the operator, increase medical costs to USAF and will compromise mission readiness. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK.
5. Cost.
PEC: 53119F
Unit Cost $535,000 $100,000 Program Cost $1,605,000 $300,000 $1,905,000
Remaining Quantity Required 3 Human Performance Optimization Teams (3840) 3 Human Performance Optimization Equipment Systems (3840) Total
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery GUARDIAN ANGEL (GA) COMBAT SURVIVABILITY SUITE
1. Background. Guardian Angel (GA) missions demand an agile combat capability to defeat conventional and guerrilla-style threats in a broad range of environments. The key to success is having an inherent flexibility that combines a unique blend of equipment designed to function globally and is effective against current and emerging enemy threats. Guardian Angels require enhancements to the combat survivability suite. Lessons learned show that in prosecution of the GA mission it is extremely difficult for the operator to determine the direction of incoming fire. To alleviate this constraint, a light-weight, man-portable, hostile fire indicator is essential. Similarly, the proliferation of Global Positioning System (GPS)-denial systems require enhanced equipment that is less susceptible to jamming and is capable of providing improved navigation accuracy in both mounted and dismounted applications. Another requirement is the capability to see into areas of reduced visibility (low ambient light, fog, smog or concealment measures). A fusion goggle that operates day or night, incorporating thermal and Night Vision Goggle (NVG) technology, and giving the operator heads-up information such as distance and bearing to a chosen objective could fill this capability gap. GA success on the battlefield also depends heavily on its ability to designate threats to supporting parties. A handheld day/night target designator is essential. Additionally, the force-multiplying effect of advanced communications cannot be overstated. Acquisition of a lightweight and compact communication system, capable of delivering voice and high-speed data in both line-of-sight and over-the-horizon while on the move, would dramatically improve GA capability. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF); Mission Required Equipment; Shortfalls identified in the Guardian Angel (GA) Modernization Initial Capabilities Document and the GA Capabilities-Based Assessment Final Report. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Degradation of mission accomplishment resulting from equipment and communication capability gaps. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK.
5. Cost.
PEC: 53119F
Unit Cost $1,450 $13,850 $2,000 $1,800 $9,200 $18,500 Program Cost $78,300 $997,200 $300,000 $54,000 $1,380,000 $666,000 $3,475,500
Remaining Quantity Required 54 MicroDAGR (3080) 72 PRC-152A (3080) 150 Invisio V60 (3080) 30 HFI (3080) 150 Fusion Goggles (3080) 36 Night/Day Target Designators (3080) Total
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery GUARDIAN ANGEL (GA) WEAPON MODERNIZATION SUITE
1. Background. Guardian Angel (GA) missions demand agile combat capability to defeat conventional and guerrilla-style threats in a broad range of day/night-time environments. The key to success is the flexibility that comes from having a unique blend of weapons and equipment designed to function globally and be effective against common and emerging enemy threats. In an effort to continually modernize and improve the safety of rescue operations, GAs require a simple, versatile and long-range weapon for the defense of personnel and mission objectives against an entrenched enemy when Close Air Support (CAS) is not available. GAs also need the capability to control crowds and unknown hostiles, and hold them at an ineffective and safe distance from an incident site. Lessons learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) have highlighted the need for improvements to current GA outdated weapons capabilities (lethal and non-lethal) which would greatly improve the chances of mission success. The current 9mm weapon has insufficient stopping power for personal defense, has a heavy trigger-pull reducing accuracy, is heavy, and the components easily corrode. A modification or replacement of the 9mm is required. The M-4 has an unacceptable malfunction rate of 1 in 5,000. Modifications could improve malfunction rates to 1 in 50,000. GA also needs more Enhanced Battle Rifles. Lastly, GAs require the resources to train consistently on current weapons which will greatly enhance their successful employment. Training quality and quantity could be substantially improved with the purchase of suitable multilane 25m ranges. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF); Mission Required Equipment; Shortfalls identified in the Guardian Angel (GA) Modernization Initial Capabilities Document and the GA Capabilities-Based Assessment Final Report. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Outdated weapons jeopardize mission accomplishment and the safety of GA personnel. GAs lack the ability to control and deter unruly crowds and prevent further escalation. Insufficient and inconsistent training leads to a significant decline in proficiency, specifically in target acquisition and target engagement with small arms weapons. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK.
5. Cost.
PEC: 53119F
Unit Cost $2,370 $550 $28,000 $12,500 $1,800,000 Program Cost $355,500 $82,500 $308,000 $137,500 $5,400,000 $6,283,500
Remaining Quantity Required 150 M-4 Modernization (3080) 150 M-9 Modernization (3080) 11 Multi-role Stand-off Systems (3080) 11 Non-Lethal Weapons (3080) 3 25M Live Fire Ranges (3080) Total
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery GUARDIAN ANGEL (GA) RESCUE RECOVERY VEHICLES
1. Background. Guardian Angel (GA) teams are required to operate in any environment and recover isolated personnel in the full spectrum of terrain, in both combat operations and domestic response events. A water rescue craft capable of being air-dropped and operated in the open ocean is required to replace the legacy water rescue craft. Due to the more stringent safety regulations and an increase in the number of team members, the support required for jump and dive operations has also increased. A larger support boat is necessary to facilitate this training. Additionally, ground rescue vehicles (both armored and unarmored) are needed to ensure ParaRescue Jumpers (PJ) can respond quickly and survive over-land rescue scenarios. Currently, the Pararescue community is acquiring armored vehicles that will support their operational requirements, though fielding for the Air National Guard (ANG) is not projected until late-2013 or early-2014. ANG teams are currently operating without this critical mission equipment. 2. Source of Need. Guardian Angel, Air-Deployable, Recovery Vehicle System Development Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Shortfalls identified in the Guardian Angel (GA) Modernization Initial Capabilities Document and the GA CapabilitiesBased Assessment Final Report. 3. Impact If Not Funded. PJ personnel will continue to rely on legacy vehicles and watercraft with limited range and capability, risking operator and patient safety as well as potential mission accomplishment. 4. Units Impacted.
106 RQW Gabreski AP, NY 129 RQW Moffett Fld, CA 176 WG JB Elmendorf, AK.
5. Cost.
PEC: 53119F
Unit Cost $150,000 Program Cost $900,000 $900,000
Remaining Quantity Required 6 Search and Rescue Tactical Vehicles (3080) Total
1. Background. Special Tactics Combat Control Teams (CCT) deployed in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) are often ambushed by the enemy at various ranges from one meter to three hundred meters. As Special Operations Forces in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) transition to Village Stabilization Operations (VSO), CCT personnel find themselves moving with small teams in all-terrain vehicles and/or on foot through hostile territory. CCT operators currently carry multiple radios to ensure interoperability with the various types of aircraft that may support them. CCTs require the lightest and easiest situational awareness equipment available, and they must be universally compatible with the equipment on all strike aircraft. Examples of this type of equipment would include mini ruggedized laptops, and Video Downlink (VDL) receivers. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF); all equipment items requested are continuation of AFSOC/A5KB and USAF Battlefield Airman Requirements Working Group (BARWG) fielding efforts that are either unfunded or still in the procurement process. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Real-time information exchange between ground party personnel and aircraft is critical to conducting ground operations in hostile territory. Lack of datalink communication creates high potential for mission failures, lost personnel, lost aircraft and an increased likelihood of collateral damage. The situational awareness suites must be interoperable with all air packages. 4. Units Impacted.
123 STS Louisville IAP, KY 125 STS Portland IAP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 53130F
Unit Cost $40,000 $3,000 $30,000 Program Cost $800,000 $60,000 $750,000 $1,610,000
Remaining Quantity Required 20 Universal Datalink (3080) 20 Ruggedized Planning Computers (3080) 25 Video Downlink Receivers (3080) Total
Special Operations / Personnel Recovery SPECIAL TACTICS (ST) DISMOUNTED OPERATOR SUITE
1. Background. Special Tactics Squadron (STS) Operators supporting Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) find themselves engaging the enemy with their personal weapons at close range while providing precision strike capabilities on targets at various ranges from two hundred to three thousand meters. Lessons learned indicate that the key to victory is rapid and accurate return fire on the enemy, followed by immediate and accurate precision air strikes. As aircraft technology has advanced, the need to carry additional devices to employ those capabilities has increased the dismounted operators load. STS Operators require the lightest, most accurate, and easiest to use gear available. This suite provides a single light-weight system to increase their lethality on the battlefield by first using personal weapons and then gaining situational awareness to quickly bring precise airpower to bear on the enemy while avoiding fratricide. Capabilities of the components are complementary and interoperable throughout the entire STS mission set in wartime and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). The package includes protective clothing, a small tactical information display, wireless interface between night vision devices and peripherals, a range finder, hands-free optics, and improved weapons accessories. 2. Source of Need. Lessons Learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; all equipment items requested are continuation of AFSOC/A5KB and USAF Battlefield Airman Requirements Working Group (BARWG) fielding efforts that are either unfunded or still in the procurement process. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to provide STS operators with lighter, more precise, and easily operated equipment will result in decreased mission capability, possible fratricide events, and potential casualties among STS operators. 4. Units Impacted.
123 STS Louisville IAP, KY 125 STS Portland IAP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 53130F
Unit Cost $1,000 $30,000 $3,600 $8,500 $600 $3,500 $3,500 $1,000 Program Cost $100,000 $210,000 $72,000 $255,000 $42,000 $105,000 $28,000 $20,000 $832,000
Remaining Quantity Required 100 Personal Protection Equipment (3080) 7 Integrated Tactical Interface (3080) 20 Fusion Goggle Wireless Upgrade (3080) 30 Next Generation Small LRF (3080) 70 Next Generation GPS (3080) 30 Helmet Mounted Binoculars (3080) 8 Improved Weapons Accessory Mounts (3080) 20 Improved M-203 Sight (3080) Total
1. Background. Special Tactics Squadrons (STS) consist of Combat Control, Pararescue, and Special Operations Weather Teams who utilize a wide variety of employment vehicles for both Overseas Contingency and Domestic Response operations. The operators rely heavily on small, light tactical vehicles and watercraft to reach their objective area as quickly and efficiently as possible. It has been five years or more since the majority of these vehicles have been updated and their reliability is rapidly degrading. Advancements in technology now provide improvements to both land and marine rescue vehicles. The Maritime Support Boats are larger, more seaworthy craft with new, more reliable motors and a heated cabin capable of supporting life-saving emergency operations in the case of an injured jumper. The Maritime Parachute Operations Kit is required to safely employ precision jump masters at sea, and the Maritime Forward-Looking IR system will greatly enhance safety by enabling rapid detection and marking the location of personnel in the water. Replacement of aging small swift-water boats permits STS to safely conduct reconnaissance and recovery operations in fast moving waters in the rivers of Afghanistan or the floods in the heartland. Additionally, Battlefield Airman currently utilize small All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) to conduct ground transportation in remote environments. These ATVs suffer from a low cargo capability, minimal range, and are extremely terrain limited. A vehicle capable of transporting a minimum of two personnel plus equipment over extremely rugged terrain is urgently required. New snow machines are needed to replace the current underpowered and undersized fleet. They also add greater range and the ability to traverse extreme snow conditions. Replacing a portion of the fleet will enable STS operators to successfully respond to events and accomplish the mission commanders intent. 2. Source of Need. Lessons Learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; all equipment items requested are continuation of AFSOC/A5KB and USAF Battlefield Airman Requirements Working Group (BARWG) fielding efforts that are either unfunded or still in the procurement process. 3. Impact If Not Funded. STS operators may experience mission degradation due to aging and less-capable equipment. These employment platforms are used to respond to both hostile engagements and homeland disaster relief efforts. 4. Units Impacted.
123 STS Louisville IAP, KY 125 STS Portland IAP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 53130F
Unit Cost $100,000 $150,000 $6,000 $275,000 $16,000 $11,000 $4,750 Program Cost $200,000 $300,000 $12,000 $550,000 $128,000 $44,000 $57,000 $1,291,000
Remaining Quantity Required 2 Maritime Parachute Ops Kit (3080) 2 Maritime Support Boat (3080) 2 Swift-Water Boats (3080) 2 Maritime FLIR Mounting Systems (3080) 8 Improved Tactical ATVs (3080) 4 Snow Machines (3080) 12 Manpowered Transition Systems (3080) Total
1. Background. Special Tactics Squadrons (STS) consist of Combat Control Teams (CCT), Pararescue Teams and Special Operations Weather Teams, and are charged with providing special reconnaissance and environmental data (both weather and assault zones) to higher headquarters for both contingency and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). The operators currently operate with outdated, heavy and bulky weather sensors and assault zone survey equipment that are unreliable and have not been updated in many years. The size and weight of this legacy equipment, coupled with the lengthy time they take to gather data, exposes operators to greater risk than any other mission set in Special Tactics. Technology advancements promise to lighten the load of the individual operator by 25 percent and reduce data collection times by 50 percent. Procurement of new environmental assessment equipment will enable STS operators to conduct their vital reconnaissance missions safely, with far greater efficiency. 2. Source of Need. Lessons Learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; all equipment items requested are continuation of AFSOC/A5KB and USAF Battlefield Airman Requirements Working Group (BARWG) fielding efforts that are either unfunded or still in the procurement process.
3. Impact If Not Funded. STS operators may experience mission degradation due to aging and unreliable equipment, with a potential negative impact on both hostile engagements and homeland disaster relief efforts. 4. Units Impacted.
123 STS Louisville IAP, KY 125 STS Portland IAP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 53130F
Unit Cost $130,000 $45,000 $3,300 $21,000 Program Cost $520,000 $225,000 $39,600 $126,000 $910,600
Remaining Quantity Required 4 Next Generation LZ Assessment Kits (3080) 5 LZ Assessment Modular Upgrades (3080) 12 Riverine Analysis Kits (3080) 6 Tactical Atmospheric Sounding Kits (3080) Total
1. Background. Special Tactics Squadrons (STS) consist of Combat Control Teams, (CCT) Pararescue Teams and Special Operations Weather Teams. The teams must communicate Command and Control (C2) information to a variety of assets on the battlefield and in Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) via both Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) scenarios. Critical C2 data and voice transmissions must be clear, while the equipment must be light weight, durable, and easy to operate. The communications enhancement suite allows operators to communicate more effectively in maritime and very loud environments through LOS and Satellite Communication (SATCOM) radios with all military and US emergency responders. Procurement of enhanced communications equipment will enable STS operators to safely conduct their vital missions in any environment with far greater efficiency. 2. Source of Need. Lessons Learned from Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; all equipment items requested are continuation of AFSOC/A5KB and USAF Battlefield Airman Requirements Working Group (BARWG) fielding efforts that are either unfunded or still in the procurement process.
3. Impact If Not Funded. STS Operators may experience mission degradation if communications are degraded or interrupted due to aging or unreliable equipment. The effectiveness of both contingency and DOMOPS could be impacted. 4. Units Impacted.
123 STS Louisville IAP, KY 125 STS Portland IAP, OR
5. Cost.
PEC: 53130F
Unit Cost $1,500 $1,600 $15,000 $5,000 Program Cost $30,000 $32,000 $90,000 $50,000 $202,000
Remaining Quantity Required 20 Advanced Tactical Headsets (3080) 20 Radio Software Upgrades (3080) 6 Multi-Spectrum Radio Remote Units (3080) 10 Advanced SATCOM Antennas (3080) Total
1. Background. Dismounted Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) currently lack an integrated solution capable of providing Sensor Points of Interest (SPI) and covert marking detection. In order to maintain and provide situational awareness, JTACs need the capability to simultaneously operate geospatial mapping, navigation, and precision targeting software with the option to provide direct, near real-time connectivity with supporting aircraft and ground forces. These capabilities will shorten the kill chain timeline and help mitigate collateral damage and fratricide. This requirement would also provide SPI and other J-series messages on a common datalinked system, with or without the use of a gateway. The ability to visually determine the location of pulse-coded frequency lasers is paramount in order to confirm that aircraft-based lasers are tracking the same intended target that ground forces are designating. The legacy Laser Range Finder (LRF) system is cumbersome and not conducive for use in high-speed and rugged terrain environments where JTACs are expected to operate. JTACs need LRFs with integrated eye-safe magnified optics, capable of identifying a tank-sized target out to 5 kilometers for day and 1 kilometer for night recognition. The device should have RS-232 cables and USB interfaces, and be capable of wireless integration for future applications with a total weight less than 2 lbs. JTACs lack the ability to record direct combat operations and require a helmet mounted system that would facilitate mission recordings and debriefings. 2. Source of Need. ACC TACP RWG validated requirement; AFRL request for solutions solicitation number BAA-RWK-10-0003; AFMC RFP Solicitation Number TACPCASS061512; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Air National Guard (ANG) JTACs will be unable to effectively navigate, maintain situational awareness, and communicate digitally with supporting aircraft and will be reliant upon legacy technology to complete mission objectives. 4. Units Impacted.
113 ASOS Terre Haute IAP, IN 116 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 118 ASOS New London, NC 122 ASOS Camp Beauregard, LA 124 ASOS Boise AP, ID 146 ASOS Will Rodgers World AP, OK 147 ASOS Ellington IAP, TX 148 ASOS Ft Indiantown Gap, PA 165 ASOS Garden City, GA 169 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 227 ASOS Atlantic City IAP, NJ 238 ASOS Meridian RAP, MS 274 ASOS Syracuse IAP, NY 284 ASOS Smoky Hill, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 52671F
Unit Cost $28,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $6,500 Program Cost $ 7,840,000 $8,500,000 $4,250,000 $4,250,000 $2,762,500 $27,602,500
Remaining Quantity Required 280 JTAC Dismount Computer Kits (3080) 170 TACP Day/Night Spot Trackers (3080) 170 TACP Handheld LOS SPI/VDL (3080) 170 Lightweight Handheld LRFs (3080) 425 Helmet Mounted Recording Systems (3080) Total
1. Background. It is essential to communicate with military, law enforcement, and civilian agencies on the appropriate frequencies, with an adequate amount of power, during Federal contingencies as well as Homeland Defense (HD) and disaster relief missions. The ability to package multi-band tactical radios and High Frequency (HF) tactical radios would facilitate improved communication with tactical and disaster response agencies. It should be a modular container that can be installed, operated and maintained in either a strategic or highly-mobile tactical environment. The system should be integrated requiring only the user to provide power from any world-wide source with an auto-sensing power distribution system, antennas, cables and initial radio programming for net operations. The set-up time for two-person operations should be ten minutes or less. Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) are also in an everevolving communications-intensive operating environment under direct combat conditions. They require the ability to talk to and maintain persistent communications with aircraft and other remote sites in a non-permissive environment. This radio should be capable of multiple waveforms with a desired capability of 2 to 512 MHz, and Video Downlink (VDL) frequencies. This device should be capable of communications with aircraft within approximately eight nautical miles at low to medium altitudes without an additional amplifier. It should weigh three pounds or less, should possess network and Voice-Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) potential with the smallest signature on the JTACs body-worn kit. 2. Source of Need. ACC TACP RWG and LOGDET Review validated requirement; AFMC Pre-Solicitation reference number R1550; AFRL request for solutions solicitation number BAARWK-10-0003; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without this capability, JTACs risk mission degradation or failure both in combat and disaster response due to limitations of current communication equipment. 4. Units Impacted.
111 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 113 ASOS Terre Haute IAP, IN 116 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 118 ASOS New London, NC 122 ASOS Camp Beauregard, LA 124 ASOS Boise AP, ID 146 ASOS Will Rodgers World AP, OK 147 ASOS Ellington IAP, TX 148 ASOS Ft Indiantown Gap, PA 165 ASOS Garden City, GA 168 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 169 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 227 ASOS Atlantic City IAP, NJ 238 ASOS Meridian RAP, MS 274 ASOS Syracuse IAP, NY 284 ASOS Smoky Hill, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 52671F
Unit Cost $140,000 $45,000 Program Cost $4,200,000 $19,125,000 $23,325,000
Remaining Quantity Required 30 Radio Communications Suites (3080) 425 Next Generation Handheld Radios (3080) Total
1. Background. Air Support Operations Centers (ASOC) serve as the principal air control agency of the Theater Air Control System (TACS), and are responsible for the direction and control of air operations supporting the ground combat element. They process and coordinate requests for immediate air support, and coordinate air missions requiring integration with other supporting air and ground forces. They normally collocate with the US Army tactical headquarters senior Fire Support Coordination Center (FSCC) within the ground combat element. The ASOCs aid with long-haul voice and data communications and serve as the primary link between Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) and airborne assets. The ASOCs lack a lightweight, transportable, tactical network suite capable of linking JTACs, aircrews, and senior echelons in the TACS. This tactical network should include approximately 3 routers, 3 switches, and crypto to facilitate both classified and unclassified transmissions. The solution needs a Voice-Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) server and VOIP phones to support voice demand, and must support a minimum bandwidth of 5 Mbps. 2. Source of Need. AFRL request for solutions solicitation number BAA-RWK-10-0003; USSOCOM sponsored recommendation for deployable C4I requirements; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Air National Guard (ANG) ASOCs will continue to work with antiquated assets for tactical network capability which require large amounts of vehicle support to move. Additionally, there wont be a connection from the JTACS and aircrew to the senior decision makers. 4. Units Impacted.
111 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 168 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL
5. Cost.
PEC: 52671F
Remaining Quantity Required 2 Tactical Network Suites (3080) Total Unit Cost $155,000 Program Cost $310,000 $310,000
1. Background. Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) require a software solution capable of digitally aiding them to maintain proper ground situational awareness and determine accurate target locations in a format that can quickly and easily be transmitted to all attack aviation platforms. Currently, Digitally-Aided Close Air Support (DaCAS) systems are designed to manage assets from a command and control construct. There needs to be a JTAC-centric solution that allows for timely and accurate targeting solutions that translate to airborne platforms directly without requiring Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communications through a remote gateway. JTACs also require a means to share ideas in a collaborative environment and take advantage of social media venues in order to better develop Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP). Additionally, JTAC computing solutions are tied to equipment which requires numerous cables for connectivity. A secure wireless network would increase the combat capability of JTACs while decreasing the weight carried during combat operations. Enhanced Sensor Point of Interest (SPI) and situational awareness capabilities can dramatically decrease required voice communications, decrease the propensity for target misidentification, and expedite kinetic strikes on known targets. 2. Source of Need. AFRL request for solutions solicitation number BAA-RWK-10-0003; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of these capabilities will decrease mission effectiveness. Air National Guard (ANG) JTACs will be reliant upon legacy technology to complete mission objectives and will be unable to effectively navigate, maintain situational awareness, and communicate digitally with supporting aircraft. 4. Units Impacted.
113 ASOS Terre Haute IAP, IN 116 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 118 ASOS New London, NC 122 ASOS Camp Beauregard, LA 124 ASOS Boise IAP, ID 138 CTF Camp Gruber, OK 146 ASOS Will Rodgers World AP, OK 147 ASOS Ellington IAP, TX 148 ASOS Ft Indiantown Gap, PA 165 ASOS Garden City, GA 169 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 227 ASOS Atlantic City IAP, NJ 238 ASOS Meridian RAP, MS 274 ASOS Syracuse IAP, NY 284 ASOS Smoky Hill, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 52671F
Unit Cost $4,000 $650,000 $15,000 Program Cost $880,000 $650,000 $5,100,000 $6,630,000
Remaining Units Required 220 JTAC Targeting Software Kits (3080) 1 TACP/ASOC Collaborative Login (3840) 340 JTAC Equipment Wireless Kits (3080) Total
MQ-1 PREDATOR REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT: The MQ-1 Predator is a medium-altitude, long endurance, Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) system. The MQ-1s primary mission is to act as an ISR asset, employing sensors to provide real-time data to commanders and intelligence specialists at all levels. The MQ-1 conducts interdiction and armed reconnaissance with a system integrating Electro-Optical, Infrared (EO/IR) laser designator and laser illuminator into a single sensor package. The aircraft can employ two laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. Additionally, the MQ-1 is a theater asset for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition organic to the Joint Force Air Component Commanders (JFACC) forces. The MQ-1 Predator is flown by ND, AZ, TX, OH, and CA Air National Guard (ANG) units. The NV ANG supports active duty MQ-1 operational and training sorties. MQ-9 REAPER REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT: The MQ-9 Reaper is a medium-to-high altitude, long-endurance, RPA system. Because of its robust weapons payload capacity, long endurance and on-station times, the MQ-9s primary mission is hunter-killer operations against emerging targets. The MQ-9s secondary mission is to act as an ISR asset, employing sensors to provide real-time data to commanders and intelligence specialists at all levels. It is larger and more powerful than the MQ-1 Predator, and is designed to prosecute time-sensitive targets using its capabilities of precision targeting and long endurance to find, fix, and destroy or disable those targets. The NY and TN ANG operate the MQ-9 Reaper, and the NV ANG supports active duty MQ-9 operational and training sorties.
MQ-1 & MQ-9 2012Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
Multi-Level Secure Communication Suite Independent and Redundant Data Architectures Ground-Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) High Speed Exploitation Support Data Rapid, Robust Data Transfer and Storage
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
Multi-Level Secure Communications Suite - Provides the ability for tactical aircrew to send and receive vital, time-sensitive information to both Command and Control (C2) agencies and other battlefield entities. Independent and Redundant Data Architectures - Provides the ability for tactical aircrew to gain and maintain situational awareness through independent and redundant digital networkbased connectivity, reducing the reliance on non-combat related networks. Ground-Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) - Provides Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) access to the National Airspace System (NAS) by linking a network of low-cost, scalable, and deployable 3D radars to RPA Ground Control Stations (GCS). High Speed Exploitation Support Data (ESD) - Provides RPA GCSs with significantly faster ESD resulting in improved aircraft and sensor point of interest position data and situational awareness. Rapid, Robust Data Transfer and Sharing - Provides the ability to rapidly archive and distribute extremely large data files, such as those associated with Full Motion Video (FMV) and crew communications, in order to improve cross-organizational information sharing.
1. Background. Currently, both MQ-1 and MQ-9 aircraft lack sufficient on- and off-board means to establish and maintain communication with vital Command and Control (C2) agencies and tactical assets in the Area of Responsibility (AOR). The Ground Control Station (GCS) is currently limited to utilizing external audio sources, such as standard phone and Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems (i.e., WAVE, a radio-over-IP system, voice-over-secure-IP, and TOP SECRET voice-over-IP) for extended communications, and has no inherent extended radio capability. Both aircraft have a single on-board radio, but suffer from significant limitations due to antenna placement and poor operation. MQ-1/9 operators require a multi-level secure communications suite for use during current and future operations, both domestically and abroad, involving a variety of mission partners at multiple classification levels. This suite must include provisions for clear, consistent, reliable, and timely communications across all classified enclaves. It would optimally consist of a single pilot-selectable interface and a single-point reception capability, but may require multiple control interfaces due to certification and accreditation limitations. The suite must also integrate the ARC-210 aircraft radio with IP-based systems. This capability would supplement the textual communication standard established with internet relay chat. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2009 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Historically, the lack of a multi-level secure communications suite has been a leading causal factor for the ineffectiveness of MQ-1/9 missions. This will remain true for both current and emerging missions, unless operators are provided with a reliable and effective means to communicate with a range of agencies and assets, across all classified enclaves. 4. Units Impacted.
118 AW Nashville IAP, TN 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 147 RW Ellington IAP, TX 163 RW March ARB, CA 174 ATW Syracuse IAP, NY 178 FW Springfield-Beckley MAP, OH 214 RS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
5. Cost.
PEC: 53219F
Unit Cost N/A $300,000 N/A $600,000 Program Cost $3,600,000 $36,000,000 $2,100,000 $13,800,000 $55,500,000
Remaining Quantity Required 1 2nd Radio NRE (3600) 120 2nd Radio Mod Kits (3080) 1 GCS Intercom NRE (3600) 23 GCS Intercom Mod Kits (3080) Total
1. Background. The MQ-1 and MQ-9 weapons systems are unique as tactical airpower assets as they require ground-based systems to operate effectively. The ability for the aircrew to gain and maintain situational awareness in todays battlefield hinges on digital network-based connectivity, and more specifically, effective support to ground forces requires uninterrupted access to mission-critical network systems. The presence of this connectivity is often the difference between mission success or mission failure. The MQ-1 and MQ-9 currently lack independent and redundant data architectures to maximize uninterrupted connectivity. Reliance on other agencies for sustainment and control of the required network connections signifies a potential and often realized weakness, resulting in mission failure. This effort would provide squadron-level direct connection and control over current systems, in addition to future systems that are installed as mission enablers. This requires a separate Point of Presence (PoP) and a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for all tactical networks that are independent of normal base-level communications squadron control. Local remotely piloted aircraft leadership will maintain complete control over this PoP and DMZ. Having complete control of this equipment (i.e. router, switch, and firewall) allows local leadership to protect the ISR assets against unauthorized access and unnecessary services which can inadvertently shutdown missionessential equipment during critical mission phases. Additionally, this capability will allow significant flexibility as the Air National Guard (ANG) supports emerging missions in other areas of responsibility, as well as Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). 2. Source of Need. ARC 2009 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of an independent and redundant data architecture will result in degraded mission effectiveness resulting from lengthy periods of non-connectivity. 4. Units Impacted.
118 AW Nashville IAP, TN 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 147 RW Ellington IAP, TX 163 RW March ARB, CA 174 ATW Syracuse IAP, NY 178 FW Springfield-Beckley MAP, OH 214 RS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
5. Cost.
PEC: 53219F
Unit Cost $2,100,000 $700,000 $800,000 Program Cost $6,300,000 $4,900,000 $5,600,000 $16,800,000
Remaining Quantity Required 3 Dual Diverse Infrastructure (3010) 7 Defense Information Systems Agency Service Delivery Point (3010) 7 RPA DMZ (3010) Total
1. Background. The MQ-1/9s current configuration and equipment, along with international and Federal aviation safety requirements, limit their ability to operate in international and domestic airspace outside of Military Restricted Areas. MQ-1/9 flight operations require specific, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or foreign authority approval which restricts the aircraft to insufficient airspace, and specific or limited routing and/or altitudes. Such restrictions prevent optimal aircrew training and degrade operational flexibility during Federal and State missions. Before the ICAO and FAA will approve unrestricted flight operations for unmanned aircraft, there is a requirement to achieve an Equivalent Level of Safety, analogous to manned aircraft (pilot on board). Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 91.113 requires all pilots to see-and-avoid other aircraft. The FAA will authorize an equivalent sense-and-avoid solution once one is developed and certified. An MQ-1/9 operating with a Ground-Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) system meets the intent of collision avoidance contained in the ICAO Rules of the Air and FAA Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR). GBSAA systems incorporating active radar sensors, such as the Lightweight Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar (LSTAR) high precision ground radar are Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), low-cost solutions that provide the National Guard with a unique, scalable, and transportable system critical for the State Title 32 Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) mission. Air National Guard (ANG) MQ-1/9 operations centers configured with a GBSAA system will improve and expedite the assimilation of the MQ-1/9 into operations in both international and domestic airspace. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010 and 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; 2012 Joint Domestic Operations Equipment Requirements (JDOER) Conference Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG MQ-1/MQ-9 units will continue to lack the ability to Sense and Avoid, and continue to require specific airspace approval prior to conducting operations in International and Federal Airspace. Training will be sub-standard and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) response virtually non-existent for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). 4. Units Impacted.
118 AW Nashville IAP, TN 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 147 RW Ellington IAP, TX 163 RW March ARB, CA 174 ATW Syracuse IAP, NY 178 FW Springfield-Beckley MAP, OH 214 RS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
5. Cost.
PEC: 53219F Remaining Quantity Required NRE (3600) * 7 GBSAA Systems (3080) Total
* Includes certification.
1. Background. Exploitation Support Data (ESD) is the telemetry stream from the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) that powers essential situational awareness and war fighting tools in both the Squadron Operations Center (SOC) and Ground Control Station (GCS). Current ESD arrives at the GCS and is parceled to external users at .3 Hz, or once every three seconds. This results in aircraft positional updates that are relatively slow and choppy in tactical situation displays such as Zeus and Google Earth. Simple hardware modifications can increase this sample rate to 20 Hz, creating a 600 percent improvement in aircraft and Sensor Point of Interest (SPI) positional refresh. This increased refresh rate also enables automated population of several essential war fighting tools including Hellfire Missile Impact Tool and Skynet. This higher fidelity navigational data will be key to flying in the National Airspace System (NAS) for Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). It also supports off-board threat warning systems, crucial to increasing survivability in major combat operations, as well as geo-registration of the Full Motion Video (FMV) feed. These capabilities will not function with the current low-speed ESD configuration. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Air National Guard (ANG) RPA will be unable to participate in DOMOPS due to insufficient sample rate of positional data, required for operation in the NAS. ANG RPAs ability to prosecute missions in contested environments will be severely degraded due to lack of interoperability with off-board threat warning technology. Crew workload will be needlessly increased because low-speed ESD does not allow for automation of menial tasks such as updating Height Above Target (HAT) in the Hellfire Missile Impact Tool software. Finally, Mission Intelligence Coordinators (MIC) will be unable to take advantage of crucial features of imagery exploitation software, such as geo-registration of the FMV feed. 4. Units Impacted.
118 AW Nashville IAP, TN 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 147 RW Ellington IAP, TX 163 RW March ARB, CA 174 ATW Syracuse IAP, NY 178 FW Springfield-Beckley MAP, OH 214 RS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
5. Cost.
PEC: 53219F
Unit Cost $15,000 Program Cost $240,000 $240,000
1. Background. A universally accessible server which utilizes a large bandwidth and multidomain capability is necessary to provide access to mission essential information rapidly enough to positively affect mission and training success. Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) crews and their targeting pods amassed a treasure trove of locally stored data during the past 11+ years, and archives are overflowing with data that remains unshared because this information, combined with Full Motion Video (FMV), is typically too large to share across the community. While these materials and lessons learned are effectively distributed within the operating unit to improve aircrew knowledge, it is problematic for external users to access and benefit from this data. The system limitation is due to the lack of an effective electronic medium for the storage of the required products and an inability to easily and rapidly access the required information from non-local networks. This system must be able to share these lessons across the entire enterprise. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; CDD 6.1.8 and 8.0, TRI-MAJCOM SOC Requirement Working Group. 3. Impact If Not Funded. MQ-1 and MQ-9 mission effectiveness will continue to be limited and distribution of lessons learned will be hampered; all of which may increase the risk of civilian casualties and friendly fire situations. 4. Units Impacted.
118 AW Nashville IAP, TN 119 WG Hector IAP, ND 147 RW Ellington IAP, TX 163 RW March ARB, CA 174 ATW Syracuse IAP, NY 178 FW Springfield-Beckley MAP, OH 214 RS Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ
5. Cost.
PEC: 53219F Remaining Quantity Required 7 Data Storage & Transfer Systems (3080) Total
Simulation, Distributed Mission Operations & Range Instrumentation 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference * Critical Capabilities List
Simulation & Distributed Mission Operations (DMO): C-130J: Enhanced Training (Flight Simulator, On-Board Electronic Warfare Training) C2 ADS: Battle Control Center (BCC) Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) CRC: DMO & Live-Mission Integration CRC: Self-contained Simulation Suite Supporting Joint Kill Chain Training CSAR: Region & Unit level DMO Simulation Capability Cyber: Cyberspace Training Environment (CTE) TACP: JTAC Simulation Suite for DMO and Stand Alone Simulation Ranges: High-Fidelity Targets - Multispectral Capability Mobile High-Fidelity Threat Emitters Communications and Tactical Data Link Architecture Support P5CTS Rangeless Training System Joint Advanced Weapons Scoring System C-27J: Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) Squadron Level Simulator CCT: Training/Simulation AIE Tower CRC: EA Suite for TPS-75 Jamming Training & Simulation DCGS: SIGINT Simulation ANG/DMS F-15C: High Fidelity Simulators F-16: High Fidelity RAP Simulators HH-60G: DMO Capable Simulator KC-135R: Boom Operator Simulation System (BOSS) MC/HC-130: DMO/T & Weapon System Training Simulators MC/HC-130: Visual Threat Recognition & Avoidance Training Fielding SF: Combat Training Simulators Ranges: IR MANPAD Threat Simulators GPS Ground Target and Safety Tracking JTAC Training Simulation
* Note: Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations did not have a separate breakout session at WEPTAC 2012. Capabilities are extracted from the referenced Tab and weapon system and repeated in this Tab for clarity.
$5.00 2 $0.39 4 $3.75 1 $4.26 1 $3.10 4 $16.50 4 $3.35 4 $16.30 4 $2.00 1 $1.52 4 $7.65 2 $4.44 1
$3.00 2 $0.39 4 $3.131 $4.261 $1.704 $3.35 4 $14.30 4 $2.00 1 $1.52 4 $7.65 2 $4.44 1
3080 Appropriation
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) C-130J Virtual Electronic Combat Training System (VECTS) - Places aircraft defensive systems into a training mode and injects real-time Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) threat simulations that allow aircrews to plan against, and practice defensive maneuvering in an electronic combat scenario. Battle Control Center (BCC) Distributive Mission Operations (DMO) - Provides a LVC Operational Training Flight Plan to achieve and maintain combat mission readiness, improve training capabilities, and effectively integrate with joint, interagency and coalition partners to support Homeland Defense (HD) and Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) training. Control and Reporting Center (CRC) Tailorable Distributed Live-Fly Training Support System - Provides equipment with Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) and net-centric capabilities to enable units to train and match mission requirements to available aircraft
mission across the US reducing cost and maximizing training events. Eventual integration into the Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) battlespace. Deployable Mission Simulation Training Support System - Provides a fully-integrated comprehensive simulation suite to enable mission crews to maintain extremely high levels of proficiency in the Air and Space Battle Management weapon system. Cyber Training Environment (CTE) - Provides a remote, distributed distance learning system that can be accessed by drill status personnel in cyber warfare units. Content/scenarios (unclassified) populated by units provide for accelerated advanced cyber training based on mission, technology, and currency needs. Advanced ANG JTAC Training System (AAJTS) - Provides Joint Terminal Air Controllers (JTAC) from Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP) and Combat Control Teams (CCT) with a robust Distributed Mission Operations (DMO)-capable and standalone simulation system. Ranges High-Fidelity Surrogate Targets - Provides an additional 111 realistic target surrogates to replicate real-world complex target sets for target identification and acquisition training. Mobile High-Fidelity Threat Emitters - Provides simulators to replicate an Integrated Air Defense (IADS) environment with associated surrogate threat emitters. Communications and Tactical Data Link Architecture Support Provides LVC Integrated Air Defense (IADS) environment. Rangeless Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) - Provides 135 P5 pods to complete ANG conversion to Rangeless ACMI configuration. Joint Advanced Weapons Scoring System (JAWSS) - Provides immediate scoring feedback to aircrew.
1. Background. In light of the recent budgetary environment, coupled with the list of advanced threat systems operated by potential adversaries, the need for low-cost and robust training opportunities is increasing. The ability to put the C-130J defensive systems into a training mode and inject real-time Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) threat simulations would allow aircrews to plan against, and practice defensive maneuvering in an electronic combat scenario without the need for a dedicated range or special use airspace. Off-the-shelf systems, such as Virtual Electronic Combat Training System (VECTS), provide unmatched realism to the operator and allow for post-mission playback and debrief; something not provided by traditional methods of electronic combat training. VECTS is a low-cost system with unmatched training potential. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The lack of VECTS will result in C-130J aircrews with few quality training opportunities in robust threat scenarios likely to be experienced in future combat operations. 4. Units Impacted.
143 AW Quonset SAP, RI 146 AW Channel Islands ANGS, CA
5. Cost.
PEC: 401132F Remaining Quantity Required * NRE (3010) 18 VECTS A Kits (3010) 20 VECTS B Kits (3010) Total
1. Background. Battle Control Centers (BCC) require the capability to train in a Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) environment to achieve and maintain combat mission readiness. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) BCCs have limited capability to train in a LVC environment. This is largely due to limited numbers of workstations and lack of integration into the mission system, the Battle Control System-Fixed (BCS-F). Integrating Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) into the BCS-F requires the ability for simulation installed at each DMO site to securely link the virtual environment to the mission system while complying with Information Assurance (IA) requirements. An adequate number of operator workstations will enable DMO training across the spectrum of classifications and users. Integrating DMO into the BCS-F would allow the sectors to train as they fight from the operations floor positions they fight in. DMO connectivity will network all four NORAD BCCs and the AF Northern Command (AFNORTH) with Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) mission training centers and support Homeland Defense (HD) and ACA training. Addition of the DMO Suite, comprised of the BCS-F Shadow System, Simulation Generator, Communications Suite, and connectivity to the Distributive Missions Operations Network (DMON) and its associated customers will provide the necessary training environment. DMO supports training across a wide spectrum of mission areas including detection/identification, weapons engagement, and battle staff functions in a realistic mission environment. Currently, live training events meet only 60 percent of controller requirements at Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) and Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS). LVC training events account for 70 percent of activity at the Alaskan Regional Aerospace Operations Center (AKRAOC). Employment of DMO at the BCC will enable training in all air defense mission sets including Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA), HD, Maritime Defense, and ACA. 2. Source of Need. DODD 1322.18, AFI 36-2251, USAF Live, Virtual, and Constructive Operational Training Flight Plan, and CONPLAN 3310; ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Command and Control (C2) entities will be unable to maintain CMR status. 4. Units Impacted.
WADS EADS McChord AFB,WA Rome, NY HIRAOC AKRAOC Wheeler Army Airfield, HI JB Elmendorf, AK
5. Cost.
PEC: 0501311
Unit Cost $200,000 $11,000 Program Cost $800,000 $385,000 $1,185,000
Remaining Quantity Required 4 Sim PROCONs (3080) 35 Additional DMO Workstations (3080) Total
1. Background. Loss of Command and Control (C2) mission training opportunities, proposed airframe reductions and Theater Deployable Communications (TDC) divestiture plans will have long-standing critical impacts to Control and Reporting Center (CRC) mission crew readiness. Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) enhanced by Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) netcentric capabilities will ensure battle management mission crew training is feasible. The COTS system must support battle management, weapons control, wide area surveillance, combat identification, airspace management, and Tactical Data Link (TDL) to ensure comprehensive mission crew training. The system must be scalable and flexible to support Tactical Display Framework (TDF), and accept inputs from the CRC systems of record. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Air National Guard (ANG) Air Control Squadrons will be unable to meet Combatant Commander (COCOM) tasking due to the lack of specialized training required to support mission crew requirements. Specifically, the lack of live missions, TDC assets, and reduced training opportunities across the CRC will break the ANGs ability to fill Design Operational Capability (DOC) tasked requirements with qualified personnel. The CRC will continue to be limited in response, operation, flexibility, and to changing mission requirements identified to meet urgent war fighter needs. 4. Units Impacted.
103 ACS 109 ACS 116 ACS 117 ACS Orange, CT Salt Lake City IAP, UT Warrenton, OR Savannah IAP, GA 121 ACS 123 ACS 128 ACS 133 TS St Louis, MO Blue Ash, OH Volk Fld, WI Ft Dodge, IA 134 ACS McConnell AFB, KS 141 ACS Punta Borinquen ANGS, PR 255 ACS Gulfport CRTC, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0502672
Remaining Quantity Required 11 Systems (3840) Total Unit Cost $625,000 Program Cost $6,875,000 $6,875,000
Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations SIMULATION CONTROL AND REPORTING CENTER (CRC) DEPLOYABLE MISSION SIMULATION TRAINING SUPPORT SYSTEMS 1. Background. The Control and Reporting Center (CRC) integrates a comprehensive air picture via multiple datalinks from air-, sea-, and land-based sensors, as well as from its embedded surveillance and control radars. It performs decentralized Command and Control (C2) of joint operations by conducting threat warning, battle management, theater missile defense, weapons control, combat identification, and strategic communications. Simulation and wellscripted training events are a critical part of the training required to meet these mission crew capabilities. The organic CRC simulation system is not able to simulate Higher Headquarters (HHQ) or robust training scenarios. A man-portable, fully-integrated, comprehensive CRC Simulation Suite that is high-fidelity and capable of providing training in Battle Management, Weapons Control, Wide Area Surveillance, Combat Identification (CID), Airspace Management, and Tactical Data Link (TDL) is critical to CRC mission crew training. The system must be a scalable, Distributed Mission Operation (DMO)-capable and able to be networked with other like-systems. It must also be flexible enough to run Tactical Display Framework (TDF) and accept inputs from the Non-Organic Radar Access (NORA) system of record. It must also include an integrated communications capability that is compatible with the TYQ-23/Operations communications group. 2. Source of Need. ACCI 13-1 Mission Training Program (MTP); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. CRC crews will continue to experience degraded training and missed opportunities for simulation integration with other Theater Air Control System (TACS) elements utilizing the standardized CRC simulation software package. Ultimately, units may not be able to field Combat Mission Ready (CMR) personnel. The CRC will continue to be limited in response, operation, flexibility, and to changing mission requirements needed to meet urgent warfighter needs. 4. Units Impacted.
103 ACS 109 ACS 116 ACS 117 ACS Orange, CT Salt Lake City IAP, UT Warrenton, OR Savannah IAP, GA 121 ACS 123 ACS 128 ACS 133 TS St Louis, MO Blue Ash, OH Volk Fld, WI Ft Dodge, IA 134 ACS McConnell AFB, KS 141 ACS Punta Borinquen ANGS, PR 255 ACS Gulfport CRTC, MS
5. Cost.
PEC: 0502672
Remaining Quantity Required 11 Systems (3080) Total Unit Cost $1,065,000 Program Cost $11,715,000 $11,715,000
Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations SIMULATION CYBERSPACE TRAINING ENVIRONMENT (CTE)
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) cyber warfare squadrons lack the capability to deliver remote, distributed advanced skills training to Drill Status Guardsmen (DSG). A solution is needed that will provide an unclassified, remotely-accessible environment that can deliver advanced skills practice and training to personnel. Desired training capability will provide scenarios that are tailored and then accessed by cyber warfare personnel across the ANG. Ideally, this capability will be comprised of a cyber-training system which can be designed, populated, and operated by ANG personnel and is accessible from anywhere. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Individual advanced skills training applicable to mission qualification will remain ad-hoc, with continued difficulty in maintaining currency in rapidly changing cyber warfare environment. 4. Units Impacted.
101 IOF 102 NWS 143 NWS 166 NWS Salt Lake City IAP, UT Quonset SAP, RI Camp Murray, WA New Castle AP, DE 175 NWS 177 IAS 261 NWS 262 NWS Martin SAP,MD McConnell AFB, KS Sepulveda ANGB, CA JB Lewis-McChord, WA 275 IOS Kelly Fld, TX
5. Cost.
PEC: 05356F
Remaining Quantity Required * 11 CTE Systems (3080) 9 CTE Laptop Packages (3080) 9 Storage Area Network (3080) Total Unit Cost $278,000 $134,350 $65,000 Program Cost $3,058,000 $1,209,150 $585,000 $4,852,150
* Starting in FY13.
1. Background. Joint Terminal Air Controllers (JTAC), at both Air Support Operations Squadrons (ASOS) and Special Tactics Squadrons (STS), have currently fielded simulators with limited training capability. Training requirements are rapidly approaching the point where the lack of live-fly air assets will reduce the JTACs ability to maintain Combat Mission Readiness (CMR) training requirements. There is an urgent need for an immersive simulator at each squadron, with both stand alone and Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) capabilities, in order to facilitate training opportunities. This simulation system will consist of a multi-channel visual display system including image generators, screens, and projectors; a robust Instructor Operating Station (IOS) with scenario generation capability; high resolution visual models and terrain databases; and associated hardware and software. The IOS will include functionality to access both virtual and constructive forces to facilitate the configuration of environment generation capabilities required for standalone event control. In addition, the total training system will include a two position Tactical Operations Center (TOC) fully integrated into the IOS. Due to delays in fielding the AFs Program of Record, the Air National Guard (ANG), with support from other commands, has initiated an interim program to equip ANG ASOS and STS with the AAJTS. 2. Source of Need. AFI 13-112v1 JTAC, AFI 13-114v1; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without a simulation system for mission rehearsal, combat efficiency will be impacted and CMR-capable operators will not be ready for deployments. 4. Units Impacted.
111 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 113 ASOS Terre Haute IAP, IN 116 ASOS Camp Murray, WA 118 ASOS New London, NC 122 ASOS Camp Beauregard, LA 124 ASOS Boise AP, ID 146 ASOS Will Rodgers World AP, OK 147 ASOS Ellington IAP, TX 148 ASOS Ft Indiantown Gap, PA 165 ASOS Garden City, GA 168 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 169 ASOS Peoria IAP, IL 227 ASOS Atlantic City IAP, NJ 238 ASOS Meridian RAP, MS 274 ASOS Syracuse IAP, NY 284 ASOS Smoky Hill, KS 902 MSG/TD Randolph AFB TX
5. Cost.
PEC: 52671
Remaining Quantity Required 15 AAJTS (3080) Total Unit Cost $1,100,000 Program Cost $16,500,000 $16,500,000
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG) has a shortfall in realistic target identification and acquisition training. To meet Ready Aircrew Program (RAP) tasking requirements, the ANGs primary training ranges require realistic target surrogates to replicate real-world complex target sets. These ranges have the airspace and real estate infrastructure necessary to fully utilize surrogate assets. High-value complex target arrays mimicking unique vehicles, tanks, mobile communication equipment and other targets require the physical characteristics to include visual footprint, density, and heat signatures to simulate real systems. High-fidelity surrogate target arrays, used in conjunction with complex mission scenarios, advanced aviation targeting pods and electronic sensors, provide a cost effective solution to providing both visual target density as well as targeting pod identification and acquisition associated with physical and heat signatures of real systems. Acquisition of these systems will provide local access to ANG units to accomplish realistic training from home station and during deployments to the Combat Readiness Training Centers (CRTC). This accurate re-creation of target systems will allow aviators to hone their skills and add increasingly difficult training scenarios for a constantly changing environment. These high-fidelity target arrays are used at ANG training ranges to support primary users (both air and ground forces) during all phases of training to include air-toground gunnery, laser operations, and Close Air Support (CAS) training and exercises. 2. Source of Need. RAP Tasking messages; ANG Training Ranges and Airspace Roadmap, FY 10; ANG MD 10.01; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Units will not have home station access to high-fidelity target capability to meet minimum training requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
Adirondack Range, NY Bollen Range, PA Hardwood Range, WI Razorback Range, AR Townsend Range, GA Airburst Range, CO Cannon Range, MO Jefferson Range, IN Shelby Range, MS Warren Grove Range, NJ Atterbury Range, IN Grayling Range, MI McMullen Range, TX Smoky Hill Range, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 52634
Remaining Quantity Required 46 High-Fidelity Targets (3080) 65 Inflatable IR Targets (3080) Total Unit Cost $160,000 $36,000 Program Cost $7,360,000 $2,340,000 $9,700,000
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG) has a shortfall in realistic Electronic Warfare (EW) threat training. To meet Ready Aircrew Program (RAP) tasking requirements, the ANGs Combat Readiness Training Centers (CRTC) ranges require realistic simulators to replicate an Integrated Air Defense (IADS) environment. These ranges have the airspace and real-estate infrastructure necessary to fully utilize EW assets. These EW packages will consist of three major components: mobile Control Threat Units (CTU) - to provide regional support in moving current Joint Threat Emitters (JTE); high fidelity threat surrogates - replicate physical threat system characteristics; and upgraded JTE emitters - currently being re-bid by ACC. Acquisition of these systems will provide regional access to ANG units to accomplish realistic IADS training from home station and during deployments to the CRTCs through Distributed Mission Operations (DMO). This accurate re-creation of threat signals will allow aviators to hone their initial EW skills and add increasingly difficult threat scenarios to simulate a constantly changing environment. Threat simulators will be tied into the Air Combat Maneuver Instrumentation (ACMI) systems located at the CRTCs. 2. Source of Need. RAP Tasking messages; ANG Training Ranges and Airspace Roadmap, FY 10; ANG MD 10.01; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Units will not have home station access to regional advanced EW simulators to meet minimum training requirements. 4. Units Impacted. 5. Cost. PEC: 27429
Remaining Quantity Required 2 Mobile CTUs (3080) 4 EW Emitters (3080) 32 Surrogate RDR & TEL (3080) Total Unit Cost $2,300,000 $8,000,000 $140,000 Program Cost $4,600,000 $32,000,000 $4,480,000 $41,080,000
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG) has a shortfall in realistic communications and datalink immersive environment at the critical nodes in the range training infrastructure. To meet Ready Aircrew Program (RAP) tasking requirements, the ANGs Combat Readiness Training Centers (CRTC) and Primary Training Ranges (PTR) require realistic, standardized, full spectrum, and immersive electronic training environments that include appropriate levels of communications and datalink systems. These ranges have the airspace and real estate infrastructure necessary to support every phase of ANG combat training from employment through After Action Review (AAR). These systems include: radios, data links, radars, and display Global Positioning System (GPS) Target/Blue Force Trackers; which are systems required to replicate the operating environment and record/score employment and relay that in a useable format back to the warfighter. Acquisition of these systems will provide ANG units the ability to accomplish realistic full-spectrum training from home station. This accurate recreation of the electronic wartime operating environment, and recording of aircrew actions and performance, will allow aviators to hone their cockpit resource management skills and push their personal envelopes of task saturation prior to experiencing them on the battlefield. The systems will be located at the CRTCs and PTRs with distributed AAR to the squadron level. 2. Source of Need. RAP Tasking messages; ANG Training Ranges and Airspace Roadmap, FY 10; Training Range Infrastructure Connectivity CONOPS FY 09, ANG MD 10.01; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Units will not have home station access to operational levels of CTDL for daily and spin up training before deploying to support the Combatant Commanders. 4. Units Impacted.
4 CRTCs; 14 PTRs; ANG A-10, C-130, C-17, C-27, C-5, F-15, F-16 Flying Units
5. Cost.
PEC: 52634
Unit Cost $270,000 $297,000 $132,000 $125,000 $86,000 Program Cost $3,240,000 $3,861,000 $1,452,000 $1,625,000 $1,032,000 $11,210,000
Remaining Quantity Required 12 LVT-2 Link-16 Radios (3080) 13 Battlefield Operational Support Systems (3840) 11 Joint Range Extension Systems (3840) 13 GPS Tracking Systems (3840) 12 Range Radio systems (3080) Total
Simulation Simulation and and Distributed Distributed Mission Mission Operations Operations RANGES RANGELESS AIR COMBAT MANEUVERING INSTRUMENTATION (ACMI)
1. Background. Rangeless instrumentation capability has been a long-standing requirement of the Combat Air Force (CAF). The next generation of the Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) pod (P-5) provides this capability by leveraging Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, data recorders, and on-board simulation technology to provide ACMI training independent of ground infrastructure. This technology allows training to occur at any location to support home station and deployed training. This capability provides greater training to pilots by increasing development of situational awareness and more effective debriefing. Without this capability, Air National Guard (ANG) units must deploy to a Combat Readiness Training Center (CRTC) to train with a traditional tethered ACMI system. The P-5 pod system reduces operations tempo while providing higher levels of more complex training. With the limited availability of traditional, part-time ANG pilots, and the high operations tempo being maintained, it is essential to maximize training opportunities. The CAF Combat Training Range Review Board has programmed 250 P-5 pods for the ANG. The ANG requires a total of 135 more pods to meet immediate requirements and complete transition to the rangeless system. 2. Source of Need. Ready Aircrew Program Tasking messages; ANG Training Ranges and Airspace Road Map, FY 10; ANG MD 10.01; ANG ACMI/EW CONOPS; CAF MNS 330-88 Improved Combat Training Space, 22 Sep 1999 and is revision #5 to CAF ORD #305-76-I/II/IIIH for P-5 Combat Training System, dated 29 July, 2004 (based upon TAF ROC 305-76, Improvements to TAF Ranges, validated 6 Dec 76); ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Units will not have home station access to ACMI capability to meet minimum training requirements. ANG units will have to deploy to receive this training. 4. Units Impacted.
CRTC Alpena, MI CRTC Gulfport, MS CRTC Savannah, GA CRTC Volk Fld, WI
5. Cost.
PEC: 27429
Remaining Quantity Required 135 P-5 Pods (3010) Total Unit Cost $170,000 Program Cost $22,950,000 $22,950,000
Simulation and Distributed Mission Operations RANGES JOINT ADVANCED WEAPON SCORING SYSTEM (JAWSS)
1. Background. Using off-the-shelf technology, Joint Advanced Weapon Scoring System (JAWSS), upgrades the Tactical Ordnance Scoring System (TOSS) with a joint Air Force/Navy system by providing night and laser scoring capabilities. These systems provide greater accuracy, night and day scoring capabilities, laser scoring, strafe scoring, virtual reality Imaging Weapons Training System (IWTS), No-Drop Weapon Scoring (NDWS), and automated remote feedback for home-station debrief. JAWSS consists of five systems: Weapon Impact Scoring System (WISS), Laser Evaluation System-Mobile (LES-M), Large Scale Target Sensor System (LSTSS), Remote Strafe Scoring System (RSSS), and the Imaging Weapons Training System (IWTS). Upgrading systems currently in use at our 14 Air Gunnery Ranges would provide pilots immediate feedback during training events at local ANG ranges to meet training and Ready Aircrew Program (RAP) requirements. 2. Source of Need. Range Working Group, Combat Training Range Group; RAP. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Limited or no scoring capability at ANG ranges limits immediate feedback from training sorties. Units risk not meeting RAP and other training requirements. 4. Units Impacted.
Adirondack Range, NY Bollen Range, PA Hardwood Range, WI Razorback Range, AR Townsend Range, GA Airburst Range, CO Cannon Range, MO Jefferson Range, IN Shelby Range, MS Warren Grove Range, NJ Atterbury Range, IN Grayling Range, MI McMullen Range, TX Smoky Hill Range, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 52634
Unit Cost $500,000 $250,000 $200,000 Program Cost $7,000,000 $3,500,000 $2,800,000 $13,300,000
Remaining Quantity Required 14 Replacement WISS Systems (3840) 14 Site Communications Infrastructure (3840) 14 JAWSS Spare/Upgrade (3840) Total
SPACE OPERATIONS The Air National Guards (ANG) contribution to Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) space missions includes over 1,300 personnel within 10 squadrons operating eight distinct weapons systems. These units support three of the four AFSPC functional mission areas. From the 137 SWS (CO), which is the nations sole provider of mobile, survivable, and endurable ballistic missile warning for the defense of North America, to the 148 SOS (CA), which is responsible for command and control of 40 percent of the Military Strategic and Tactical Relay (MILSTAR) satellite constellation. CYBER WARFARE AND INFORMATION OPERATIONS (CW/IO) The ANG Cyber Warfare and Information Operations (CW/IO) force is made up of eight units in DE, KS, MD, RI, TX, UT, VT, and WA. Together, they provide CW/IO capabilities supporting federal- and state-level agencies, the AF, and Combatant Commanders (COCOM), by conducting cyberspace force application, cyberspace defense, cyberspace support, influence operations, and related planning activities. Guardsmen participating in these missions draw upon synergies with their related civilian careers, leveraging skills developed by high-tech companies. Specific missions assigned to ANG units range from network vulnerability assessments to digital media/network analysis to full-spectrum cyber warfare support in both exercises and operations. Execution of these activities occurs from home station, AF locations, and national facilities. In 2013, ANG CW/IO units will continue to employ the Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure Range (CCIR) for training, capability testing, and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) development. The remaining unfunded requirements related to individual training, infrastructure connectivity, and updated software tools/suites are needed for normalizing ANG CW and could prevent the ANG from being efficiently employed and tasked to support the Air Force and US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) if not addressed.
195 Persistent Conflict - Enabling the Warfighter
Space, Cyber Warfare, & Information Operations 2012 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
Space Operations: Domain Infrastructure Capability Enhancement (DICE) Cyber Warfare/Information Operations: Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Range (CCIR) Cyberspace Training Environment (CTE) - See Simulation Tab for Info Paper Secure Infrastructure Collaborative Capability (SIC2) Portable Assessment for Wireless Network (PAWN) Remote Access Toolkit (RAT)
2016 -
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
Space Operations Domain Infrastructure Capability Enhancement (DICE) - Provides capability for Command and Control Squadrons (CACS) to equip facilities, provide independent network access, global situational awareness, and information collaboration capabilities for civilian and military forces. Cyber Warfare & Information Operations Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Range (CCIR) - Equipment and software that provides the capability to emulate a variety of Department of Defense (DoD) and critical infrastructure networks that can be joined to the Joint Information Operations Range (JIOR). Provides the means for Air National Guard (ANG) Cyber Warfare (CW) units to exercise, rehearse, and conduct qualification and collective training with cyber tools and other cyber organizations. Secure Infrastructure Collaborative Capability (SIC2) - Provides the software and equipment to enable real-time secure conferencing, data and information sharing, and collaboration through access to Joint World Wide Intelligence Communication Systems (JWICS) and Secure Internet Protocol Routing Network (SIPRNET). Portable Analysis for Wireless Networks (PAWN) - Portable equipment and network analysis software that enable cyber defense and assessment teams to detect, map, and analyze Wi-Fi and cellular networks used by AF and Joint Forces for communications and operations. Remote Access Toolkit (RAT) - Software suite that provides for remote execution of cyber exploits and attacks that replicate current and advanced threat signatures and behaviors. Enables realistic Red Team and Opposing Force presentation to assess cyber defense operators, sensors, and processes.
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) Command and Control Squadrons (CACS) operate two national Command and Control (C2) facilities that provide for a redundant and independent communications network for global situational awareness and information collaboration capabilities for state, federal, and military personnel during national emergencies and response. In the event of a large scale disaster or emergency, capability provides access to the CACS infrastructure, across various classification levels, by 169 simultaneous users between 127 CACS and 212 CACS. The Department of Defense (DoD)-provided Clear Cube Technology, Inc. infrastructure in its current configuration, does not provide this capacity or allow for crossdomain access of appropriate, unclassified information residing on classified networks. The DICE provides the additional workstations and National Security Agency (NSA)-approved equipment and software that integrates with the existing Clear Cube and CACS infrastructure. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. ANG CACS will be under-equipped and unable to provide direct access to available national information and communications for events and situations that do not involve the National Command Authorities (NCA). 4. Units Impacted.
127 CACS McConnell AFB, KS 212 CACS Boise IAP, ID
5. Cost.
PEC: 53116F
Remaining Quantity Required * 2 DICE (3080) Total Unit Cost $1,200,000 Program Cost $2,400,000 $2,400,000
* Starting in FY13.
1. Background. Cyberspace warfare units in the Air National Guard (ANG) require a virtual (cyber) range in order to conduct the practical training, team exercises, and operational skills development required for offensive and defensive cyber operations missions. The Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Range (CCIR) is a combination of equipment, software, and infrastructure configurable to virtually simulate a wide variety of network architectures employed within Department of Defense (DoD) and the real-world, along with associated users. The CCIR operates as a stand-alone range or can be connected as a node on a national range network such as the Joint Information Operations Range (JIOR). The ANG has already successfully deployed five CCIR ranges in WA, DE, KS, RI, and DE. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2010, 2011, and 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Ability to train, rehearse, exercise, and remain mission ready will be compromised. 4. Units Impacted.
102 NWS 143 IOS 166 NWS Quonset SAP, RI Camp Murray, WA New Castle IAP, DE 175 NWS 177 IAS 261 NWS Martin SAP, MD 262 NWS McConnell AFB, KS Sepulveda ANGB, CA McChord AFB, WA
5. Cost.
PEC: 53056F
Unit Cost N/A $510,000 $78,000 $60,000 200,000 Program Cost $70,000 $1,020,000 $156,000 $420,000 $1,200,000 $2,866,000
Remaining Quantity Required * CCIR NRE (3080) 2 CCIR (3080) ** 2 CCIR Refresh (3840) 7 JIOR Pico Nodes (3080) 6 DREN Service Delivery Points (SDP) (3840) Total
* Starting in FY13. ** Procure 2 CCIR (262nd and 261st).
1. Background. Air National Guard (ANG) Information Operations (IO) and Network Warfare (NW) squadrons lack the capability to access secure, classified, real-time communications, and networks used by the AF and US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) for collaboration, threat, and unique cyber situational awareness. The requirement was highlighted in recent mission planning and US Cyber Command (USCC) exercise planning (Cyber Guard 12-1). ANG units operate from squadron operation spaces that are at a distance from service and national cyber locations, while most planning, operations activities and cyber warfare information sharing occurs in classified, collaborative environments, primarily through the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS) and National Security Agency-Network (NSANet) infrastructure. At a minimum, SIC2 would consist of the equipment and technologies to enable real-time Secure Video Teleconferencing and information sharing across SIPR (Secret) and JWICS (Top Secret) networks. 2. Source of Need. USCC Cyber Guard 12-1; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. The inability to be present during secure USCC planning and operational video teleconferences/virtual session results in erosion of access to real-time understanding of and situational awareness concerning the relevant cyber environment. 4. Units Impacted.
101 IOF 102 NWS 143 NWS Salt Lake City IAP, UT 166 NWS New Castle AP, DE 261 NWS Sepulveda ANGB, CA Quonset SAP, RI 175 NWS Martin SAP, MD 262 NWS McChord AFB, WA Camp Murray, WA 177 IAS McConnell AFB, KS
5. Cost.
PEC: 05356F
Unit Cost $290,000 $10,000 $122,700 Program Cost $2,320,000 $80,000 $613,500 $3,013,500
Remaining Quantity Required * 8 JWICS SVTC (3080) 8 SIPRNET SVTC (3080) 5 JWICS Secure Packages (3080) Total
* Starting in FY13.
1. Background. The Air Force and Department of Defense (DoD) continue to employ wireless and mobile technologies in order to enable new kinds of operations and tactics. This cyber environment requires vulnerability assessment and analysis in order to develop offensive and defensive Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP). The Air National Guard (ANG) lacks the capability to replicate, assess, and analyze such environments. A solution is required that is portable/deployable, can identify and map wireless networks and devices, can conduct deep packet inspection on secure networks, and enable advanced testing and network analysis correlation of Wi-Fi, cellular, personal area networks, and resident mobile applications. 2. Source of Need. Executive Order to Incorporate Realistic Cyberspace Conditions into Major DoD Exercises, CJCSI 6510.01F dated 09 Feb 2011, and DoD Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace, dated Jul 2011; ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Situational awareness and defense of wireless networks and mobile communications networks that enable critical military operations will erode. 4. Units Impacted
177 IAS McConnell AFB, KS 262 NWS McChord AFB, WA
5. Cost.
PEC: 05356F
Remaining Quantity Required * 2 Wireless Analysis Systems (3080) Total Unit Cost $604,000 Program Cost $1,208,000 $1,208,000
* Starting in FY13.
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG), as the AF Cyber Red Team, employs cyber threat tactics to operationally assess both cyber defense systems and sensors, and conducts training for cyber defense operators and maintainers. The existing software platform lacks the agility to employ updated malware and signatures required to replicate advanced threat behaviors. Remote Access Toolset (RAT) is commercial software that enables the control and behavior of cyber threat techniques presented to targeted networks and computers. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Executive Order to Incorporate Realistic Cyberspace Conditions into Major DOD Exercises, CJCSI 6510.01F dated 09 Feb 2011. 3. Impact If Not Funded. Without RAT capabilities, the ability to maintain an effective Cyber Red Team will erode and cyber defense operators and their associated sensors will not be exposed to new, advanced cyber threat activities. 4. Units Impacted.
177 IAS McConnell AFB, KS 262 NWS McChord AFB, WA
5. Cost.
PEC: 53056F
Remaining Quantity Required * 2 RAT Suites (3080) Total Unit Cost $400,000 Program Cost $800,000 $800,000
* Starting in FY13.
Security Forces
Mobilize and Deploy Integrated Base Defense Homeland/Fulltime Security
Air National Guard (ANG) Security Forces (SF) personnel from the 54 states and territories prepare and train for their dual mission of supporting worldwide
Security Forces
contingency deployments as well as responding to State emergencies. With more than 7,000 assigned SF members, they provide security to personnel and priority resources at home-station and deployed locations through law enforcement patrols, integrated base defense, and anti-terrorism/force protection initiatives. By using Integrated Base Defense principles, SF control terrain both inside and outside the base perimeter. As the battlefield dictates, SF train to encounter hostile threats while conducting Military Operations in Urban Terrain, Area Security Operations, Close Precision Engagement, Raven Missions, Fly-Away Security, Detainee Movement
Operations, Agricultural Development missions, Personal Security Details, Mounted/Dismounted Individual and Team Patrols, Convoy Operations, High-Risk Vehicle Inspections, Suspect Apprehension/Detention, Installation Access Control, and Heavy Weapons Support. Security Forces professionals also provide nuclear security, information/industrial/physical security, and combat arms training.
Security Forces 2013 Weapons and Tactics Conference Critical Capabilities List
Professional Bag Expansion and Modernization Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation (STANO) Equipment Explosive Detection Equipment (EDE) and Training Less-Than-Lethal (LTL) Equipment and Training Small Arms Range Solutions
3840 Appropriation
3010 Appropriation
3600 Appropriation
3080 Appropriation
Professional Bag Expansion and Modernization - Provides Security Forces (SF) personnel replacement and upgrade of their daily operational equipment specific to their duties used at both home and deployed locations. Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation (STANO) Equipment - Provides enhanced combat and domestic capability to fight and operate in a nighttime environment. Explosive Detection Equipment (EDE) - Provides the procurement of handheld explosive detection equipment, in the absence of highly trained dogs (K-9), to fill an explosive detection critical gap. Less-Than-Lethal Equipment (LTL) - Provides the capability for SF personnel to respond with less-than-lethal force in any given situation. Small Arms Range Solutions - Procures a modular small arms range to provide all warfighters with the capability and immediate availability to complete mission-required small arms training.
1. Background. Security Forces (SF) deploy at an extended and more frequent rate than most other Airmen, causing SF professional bag equipment to degrade at a higher rate. The content of the SF professional bag includes specialized equipment specific to SF duties and is utilized both in deployed Areas of Responsibility (AOR) as well as in normal, daily operational use. Professional bag items include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and SF mission specific duty gear. The current inventory of SF clothing does not meet current AOR requirements for fire-retardant clothing, placing SF members at a greater risk of severe injuries when exposed to indirect fire or improvised explosive devices. Ballistic eye protection is another equipment item used by SF members to combat environmental and wartime hazards inherent to force protection missions. SF units are currently unable to maintain the required number of professional bags necessary to meet mission requirements due to a lack of funding. Professional bag expansion and modernization brings improved capabilities to ensure mission success. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) as well as Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), and NEW DAWN (OND). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to procure the individual protective equipment items significantly degrades mission effectiveness, increases ANG personnel vulnerability, and reduces Total Force standardization. 4. Units Impacted. All 96 SF squadrons within the 54 states and territories require the professional bags. 5. Cost. PEC: 52625F
Unit Cost $2,000 Program Cost $16,800,000 $16,800,000
1. Background. The nature of combat and Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) requires that Security Forces (SF) fight and operate in a nighttime environment. To gain nighttime advantages SF personnel require Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation (STANO) equipment. The AN/PAS-13 (V2) Night Vision Scope enhances combat capability of SF personnel required to fight and operate with the M-240B and M-249 machine guns in a lowvisibility environment. This new equipment is the only authorized night vision scope for the M240B/M-249. The AN/PAS-13 (V3) Night Vision Scope enhances combat capability of SF personnel required to fight and operate with the MK-19 grenade launcher and M-2 .50 caliber machine gun in a low-visibility environment. This new equipment is the only authorized night vision scope for MK-19 and M-2. The M-4, M-203, M-240B, and M-249 require the AN/PEQ-15 Advanced Target Pointer Illuminator Aiming Light. This equipment provides critical infrared and individual tactical illumination capabilities. An additional optic needed for the M-203 is the AN/PSQ-18 Infrared Quadrant Sight. This sight is specifically designed for the M-203, enabling the grenadier to effectively engage targets in both daytime and nighttime operations. The SF Unit Type Code (UTC) QFELB requires SF Combat Arms Training and Maintenance (CATM) personnel have the ability to repair any small arms item in the AF inventory in an austere environment. This kit provides the required tools and weapons parts in a mobile and easily transported package. The funding of this STANO equipment aligns ANG SF with their active duty counterparts. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), and NEW DAWN (OND). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to procure the required STANO items significantly degrades mission effectiveness and increases the vulnerability of SF personnel and all protected resources. SF personnel will be unable to effectively engage targets in any operation during hours of limited light and visibility. Personnel are prohibited from deploying without this required equipment. Limited on-hand stocks translate to limited number of deployable personnel per SF squadron. 4. Units Impacted. Shortfalls impact all 96 ANG SF squadrons within the 54 states and territories. 5. Cost. PEC: 52625F
Remaining Quantity Required 1000 AN/PAS-13 (V2) (3080) 200 AN/PAS-13 (V3) (3080) 750 AN/PSQ-18A (3080) 500 AN/PEQ-15 * (3080) 92 QFELB (3080) Total Unit Cost $12,000 $12,000 $2,000 $1,200 $50,000 Program Cost $12,000,000 $2,400,000 $1,500,000 $600,000 $4,600,000 $21,100,000
1. Background. Security Forces (SF) maintain an extremely high operations tempo including Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) deployments and Homeland Defense (HD) responsibilities. Explosive device threats and incidents are increasing in number and complexity, and the Air National Guard (ANG) SF community has zero capability to detect this threat, resulting in a major vulnerability. The active duty SF community combats the same threat through the use of electronic Explosive Detection Equipment (EDE) and highly trained dogs (K9). The ANG SF has no K-9 support and the ability to procure K-9 resources is not an option. The procurement of handheld electronic EDE is the optimal solution to fill this critical capability gap. The ability to detect explosives at base entry control points, at home stations and overseas, will fortify installation security as well as provide a higher level of safety and security for all Airmen. The procurement achieves standardization between the ANG and active duty forces. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) as well as Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), and NEW DAWN (OND). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to procure electronic EDE significantly degrades mission effectiveness and increases the vulnerability of SF personnel and all protected resources. The inability to detect explosives at installation entry control points is a threat to all ANG operations. 4. Units Impacted. All 96 SF squadrons will be impacted within the 54 states and territories. 5. Cost. PEC: 52625F
Unit Cost $40,000 Program Cost $4,440,000 $4,440,000
Remaining Quantity Required 111 Handheld Explosive Detection Devices (3080) Total
1. Background. AF Use of Force (UoF) regulations mandate Less-Than-Lethal (LTL) options between basic verbal commands and lethal force. In many circumstances, the ability of Air National Guard (ANG) Security Forces (SF) personnel to employ LTL force is a more appropriate solution than the use of deadly force. Security incidents often involve an increased risk to the public until first responders can secure the scene, and having a LTL capability is essential to mitigating the associated risk. Due to limited funding, ANG SF do not currently have a LTL capability creating a liability and putting the safety of our Airmen at risk. The funding of this LTL requirement aligns ANG SF with their active duty counterparts. A single LTL kit equips a 13-person squad with tasers and LTL munitions such as beanbag rounds and tear gas. Additionally, each kit equips ANG SF with helmets, pads, shields, batons, and Oleoresin Capsicum (pepper) spray for each member. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2011 - 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; AFI 31-207 (Arming and Use of Force); Lessons Learned from Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) as well as Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), and NEW DAWN (OND). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to procure the individual equipment items will significantly degrade mission effectiveness, increase ANG personnel vulnerability, and reduce Total Force standardization. 4. Units Impacted. All 96 SF squadrons will be impacted within the 54 states and territories. 5. Cost. PEC: 52625F
Unit Cost $46,000 Program Cost $6,716,000 $6,716,000
1. Background. The Air National Guard (ANG) owns and operates 12 small arms ranges, costing in excess of $1 million per year for maintenance and sustainment of each range. The conditions of these small arms ranges continue to deteriorate over time because of their age and frequent use, and are in constant need of upkeep and repairs. The costs to maintain the current ranges outweigh the benefits of sustaining these ranges. Additionally, with only 12 ranges in operation within the ANG, Security Forces (SF) personnel rely heavily upon other agencies to utilize small arms range space in order to prepare SF personnel for their wartime mission, driving scheduling conflicts and expenses for the use of other small arms ranges. This becomes a daunting task to integrate our training in ranges owned and operated by outside agencies, both civilian and military. Every ANG Airman is required to meet small arms training requirements prior to deployment in support of overseas contingency operations, as well as maintaining small arms proficiency in support of the homeland defense mission. The limited number of training ranges affects all ANG warfighters; SF is merely the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for small arms ranges. As the OPR, ANG SF Combat Arms Training and Maintenance (CATM) personnel are tasked with the small arms training of all members of the ANG at every installation. The procurement of a modular small arms range at various ANG installations provides a significant increase in the number of ANG warfighters able to complete the required small arms training to meet mission requirements. 2. Source of Need. ARC 2012 WEPTAC Critical Requirement; Lessons Learned from Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) as well as Operations ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), and NEW DAWN (OND). 3. Impact If Not Funded. Failure to procure the small arms modular range solutions will significantly degrade mission effectiveness because Airmen will lack sufficient training facilities to maintain proficiency. It will also increase SF personnel vulnerability and reduce Total Force readiness. 4. Units Impacted.
114 FW 118 WG 123 AW 142 FW Sioux Falls RAP, SD 147 RW Nashville IAP, TN 148 FW Louisville IAP, KY 152AW Portland IAP, OR Ellington IAP, TX Duluth IAP, MN Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV 154 WG 156 AW 183 FW Hickam AFB, HI Luis Munoz IAP, PR Lincoln Capital IAP, IL
5. Cost.
PEC: 52625F
Unit Cost $4,510,000 Program Cost $45,100,000 $45,100,000