Us9878121 Ventilation Mask
Us9878121 Ventilation Mask
Us9878121 Ventilation Mask
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US 9,878 ,121 B2
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US 9 ,878, 121 B2
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FIG . 11
US 9 ,878, 121 B2
VENTILATION MASK WITH HEAT AND of flexible , fibrous, gas-permeable media or material. As
MOISTURE EXCHANGE DEVICE indicated above , this media has the capacity to retain mois
ture and heat from the air that is exhaled from the patient' s
CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED lungs , and then transfer the captured moisture and heat to the
APPLICATIONS 5 inhaled air when the patient is inhaling with the assistance
of the flow generator. The fibrous material or media in the
Not Applicable HME device may be made of foam or paper or other suitable
materials that are untreated or treated with hygroscopic
RESEARCH /DEVELOPMENT 10 However , currently known HME devices possess certain
deficiencies which detract from their overall utility . More
Not Applicable particularly, the structural attributes of currently known
HME devices does not make them particularly well suited
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION for integration into ventilation masks such as nasal prongs or
15 nasal pillows masks. In this regard , nasal pillows masks
1. Field of the Invention typically comprise a housing or cushion , the size of which
The present invention relates to systems and methods for is adapted to allow it to be positioned below the patient's
controlling delivery of a pressurized flow of breathable gas nostrils and above the patient' s mouth . The resultant rela
to a patient and ,more particularly , to a ventilation mask such tively small size or profile of the cushion does not lend itself
as nasal mask , nasal prongs mask or nasal pillows mask for 20 to the easy integration of conventional HME devices directly
use in critical care ventilation , respiratory insufficiency or therein . Rather , such HME devices must typically be located
OSA (obstructive sleep apnea ) with CPAP ( Continuous within the tubing circuit proximate, but not directly within ,
Positive Airway Pressure ) therapy and incorporating a heat the cushion . As will be recognized , the integration of the
and moisture exchange device which is uniquely configured HME device within the cushion immediately adjacent the
to maximize the transmission of heat and moisture to and 25 patient's nostrils would optimize the ability of such HME
from air flowing through the ventilation mask . device to facilitate the desired heat and moisture exchange
2 . Description of the Related Art operation with air inhaled and exhaled by a patient wearing
The use of ventilator and breathing circuits to provide the corresponding nasal pillowsmask . The present invention
respiratory assistance to a patient is well known in the addresses this issue by providing a ventilation mask such as
medical arts. The ventilator and breathing circuit provides 30 a nasal pillows mask wherein an HME device is directly
mechanical assistance to patients who are having difficulty integrated into the housing or cushion thereof (thus residing
breathing on their own. In certain types of breathing circuits, in extremely close proximity to the patient's nostrils ), and is
a ventilator unit or flow generator is fluidly connected to a further uniquely configured to induce a flow pattern between
ventilation mask worn by the patient. Such fluid connection it and the cushion which maximizes the transmission of heat
is typically achieved through the use of ventilation tubing or 35 and moisture to air which is inhaled by and exhaled from the
a tubing circuit which is operative to deliver the ventilation patient through the nasal pillows mask . These, as well as
gas from the flow generator to the patient via the mask worn other features and advantages of the present invention will
by the patient. be described in more detail below .
In normal, unassisted respiration , heat and moisture are
absorbed from the exhaled air by the inner walls of the oral 40 BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
and nasal cavities of the patient as the air travels from the
patient' s lungs to the outside environment. This heat and In accordance with the present invention , there is pro
moisture is then transferred to the inhaled air in the next vided a ventilation mask (e . g ., a nasal pillows mask ) for
breath , helping to keep the mucus membranes of the achieving positive pressure mechanical ventilation ( inclu
patient' s lungs humidified and at the proper temperature . 45 sive of CPAP, ventilatory support, critical care ventilation ,
Mechanical ventilation bypasses this natural system , often emergency applications). The mask preferably includes a
resulting in dry air of incorrect temperature being introduced pressure sensing modality proximal to the patient connec
into the oral and nasal cavities , and hence the lungs of the tion . Such pressure sensing modality may be a pneumatic
patient. After a period of time, the respiratory tract of the port with tubing that allows transmission of the patient
ventilated patient becomes dried , often causing discomfort . 50 pressure back to the ventilator for measurement, or may
Thus, one of the known disadvantages of conventional include a transducer within the mask . The pressure sensing
breathing circuits is that the air delivered to the patient' s port is used in the system to allow pressure sensing for
lungs is not at the appropriate humidity and /or temperature achieving and /or monitoring the therapeutic pressures.
level. Alternately or additionally, the mask may include a flow
In order to provide for proper humidity and temperature 55 sensing modality located therewithin for achieving and/or
of the air in ventilator and breathing circuits , it is known to monitoring the therapeutic flows.
integrate a heat and moisture exchange (HME) device into The mask of the present invention also includes a piloted
the breathing circuit. Typically, HME devices are placed into exhalation valve that is used to achieve the target pressures/
the breathing circuit somewhere within the flow path of the flows to the patient. In the preferred embodiment, the pilot
warm ,moist air which is exhaled by the patient. The exhaled 60 for the valve is pneumatic and driven from the gas supply
air enters the HME device , where the moisture and heat are tubing from the ventilator. The pilot can also be a preset
absorbed by those materials used to fabricate the same. pressure derived in the mask , a separate pneumatic line from
These materials then impart the absorbed heat and moisture the ventilator, or an electro -mechanical control. In accor
to the inhaled air in the next breath . The retention of warmth dance with the present invention , the valve is preferably
and high humidity helps to prevent the patient' s lungs and 65 implemented with a diaphragm .
mucus layers from drying out. Currently known HME The mask of the present invention further includes a heat
devices generally consist of a housing that contains a layer and moisture exchange (HME ) device which is integrated
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
therein . The HME device can fully or at least partially Common reference numerals are used throughout the
replace a humidifier ( cold or heated pass -over ; active or drawings and detailed description to indicate like elements.
passive ) which may otherwise be included in the ventilation
system employing the use of the mask . The HME device is DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
positioned within the mask so as to be able to intercept the 5 INVENTION
flow delivered from a flow generator to the patient in order
to humidify it, and further to intercept the exhaled flow of Referring now to the drawings wherein the showings are
the patient in order to capture humidity and heat for the next for purposes of illustrating various embodiments of the
breath . The HME device can also be used as a structural present invention only , and not for purposes of limiting the
member of the mask , adding a cushioning effect and sim - 10 same, FIGS. 1 - 4 depict a ventilation mask 10 ( e . g ., a nasal
plifying the design of the cushion thereof. pillowsmask ) which is constructed in accordance with a first
The present invention is best understood by reference to embodiment of the present invention and has a heat and
the following detailed description when read in conjunction moisture exchange (HME) device 12 integrated therein .
with the accompanying drawings. Though the mask 10 is depicted as a nasal pillows mask , it
15 is contemplated that that the HME device 12 , as will be
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS described in more detail below ,may be integrated into other
types ventilation masks, such as nasal prongs masks, nasal
These, as well as other features of the present invention , masks, full face masks and oronasal masks. The mask 10
will become more apparent upon reference to the drawings includes an integrated , diaphragm -implemented , piloted
wherein : 20 exhalation valve 14 , the structural and functional attributes
FIG . 1 is top perspective view of a nasal pillows mask of which will be described in more detail below as well.
constructed in accordance with a first embodiment of the The mask 10 comprises a housing or cushion 16 . The
present invention and including a heat and moisture cushion 16 , which is preferably fabricated from a silicone
exchange device integrated into the cushion thereof; elastomer having a Shore A hardness in the range of from
FIG . 2 is an exploded view of the nasal pillows mask 25 about 20 to 60 and preferably about 40 , is formed as a single ,
shown in FIG . 1 ; unitary component, and is shown individually in FIG . 2 . The
FIG . 3 is a partial cross -sectionalview of the nasal pillows cushion 16 includes a main body portion 18 which defines
mask shown in FIG . 1 , further depicting the flow pattern a first outer end surface 20 and an opposed second outer end
through the cushion of the mask and the heat and moisture surface 22 . The main body portion 18 further defines an
exchange device disposed therein during an inhalation phase 30 interior fluid chamber 24 which is of a prescribed shape and
of a patient wearing the mask ; volume. In addition to themain body portion 18 , the cushion
FIG . 4 is a partial cross -sectional view ofthe nasal pillows 16 includes an identically configured pair ofhollow pillow
mask shown in FIG . 1 , further depicting the flow pattern portions 26 which protrude from the main body portion 18
through the cushion of the mask and the heat and moisture in a common direction and in a prescribed spatial relation
exchange device disposed therein during an exhalation 35 ship relative to each other. More particularly , in the cushion
phase of a patient wearing the mask ; 16 , the spacing between the pillow portions 26 is selected to
FIG . 5 is an exploded view of a nasal pillows mask facilitate the general alignment thereof with the nostrils of
constructed in accordance with a second embodiment of the an adult patient when the mask 10 is worn by such patient.
present invention and including a sub - assembly comprising As seen in FIGS. 3 and 4 , each of the pillow portions 26
a heat and moisture exchange device and a piloted exhala - 40 fluidly communicates with the fluid chamber 24 .
tion valve ; As shown in FIG . 2 , the main body portion 18 of the
FIG . 6 is a partial cross -sectional view of the nasal pillows cushion 16 includes an enlarged , circularly configured valve
mask shown in FIG . 5 , further depicting the flow pattern opening 28 which is in direct fluid communication with the
through the cushion of the mask and the heat and moisture fluid chamber 24 . The valve opening 28 is positioned in
exchange device of the sub - assembly disposed therein dur- 45 generally opposed relation to the pillow portions 26 of the
ing an inhalation phase of a patient wearing the mask ; cushion 16 , and is circumscribed by an annular valve seat 30
FIG . 7 is a side -elevational view of the sub-assembly also defined by the main body portion 18 . As also shown in
comprising the heat and moisture exchange device and FIG . 2 , the main body portion 18 further defines opposed
piloted exhalation valve as shown in FIG . 5 ; first and second inner end surfaces 32, 34 which protrude
FIG . 8 is top perspective view of a nasal pillows mask 50 outwardly from the periphery of the valve opening 28 , and
constructed in accordance with a third embodiment of the are diametrically opposed relative thereto so as to be spaced
present invention and including a heat and moisture by an interval of approximately 180°. The valve opening 28 ,
exchange device integrated into the cushion thereof ; valve seat 30 , and first and second inner end surfaces 32 , 34
FIG . 9 is an exploded view of the nasal pillows mask are adapted to accommodate the exhalation valve 14 of the
shown in FIG . 8 ; 55 mask 10 in a manner which will be described in more detail
FIG . 10 is a partial cross -sectional view of the nasal below .
pillows mask shown in FIG . 8 , further depicting the flow The main body portion 18 of the cushion 16 further
pattern through the cushion of the mask and the heat and defines first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 which
moisture exchange device disposed therein during an exha - extend from respective ones of the first and second outer end
lation phase of a patient wearing the mask ; and 60 surfaces 20 , 22 into fluid communication with the fluid
FIG . 11 is a front - elevational view of the nasal pillows chamber 24 . Additionally, a pressure sensing lumen 40
mask constructed in accordance with either the first, second defined by the main body portion 18 extends from the first
or third embodiments of the present invention , and further outer end surface 20 into fluid communication with the fluid
depicting an exemplary tri - lumen tube, Y -connector, and chamber 24 . The main body portion 18 further defines a
pair of bi-lumen tubes which are used to collectively facili - 65 valve pilot lumen 42 which extends between the second
tate the operative interface between the nasal pillows mask outer end surface 22 and the second inner end surface 34 .
and a flow generating device . The use of the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 ,
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
the pressure sensing lumen 40 , and the valve pilot lumen 42 the body portion 70. The body portion 70 includes an
will also be discussed in more detail below . Those of annular lip 74 which circumvents and protrudes upwardly
ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the gas delivery from one side or face thereof. The flange portion 72 includes
lumens 36 , 38 may be substituted with a single gas delivery an arcuately contoured primary region and a distal region
lumen and/ or positioned within the cushion 16 in orienta - 5 which protrudes radially from the primary region . As such ,
tions other than those depicted in FIGS . 4 and 5 . For the primary region of the flange portion 72 extends between
example , the gas delivery lumen ( s ) of the cushion 16 may be the distal region thereofand the body portion 70 , and defines
positioned frontally, pointing upwardly, pointing down a continuous, generally concave channel.
wardly, etc . rather than extending laterally as shown in In the exhalation valve 14 , the flange portion 72 of the
FIGS. 4 and 5 . 10 diaphragm 48 is operatively captured between the flange
The exhalation valve 14 of the mask 10 is made of three portions 58 , 64 of the seat and cap members 44, 46 . More
( 3 ) primary parts or components, and more particularly a particularly, the annular distal region of the flange portion 72
seat member 44 , a cap member 46 , and a diaphragm 48 is compressed (and thus captured ) between the shoulder
which is operatively captured between the seat and cap
members 44
members 44 , 46 . The seat and cap members 44 , 4646 are each 1515 defined
are each delmed by the hange
by the flange portion
portion 64
04 of
01 the
the cap
cap member 46 ,, and
member 40 and
preferably fabricated from a plastic material, with the dia a complimentary annular shoulder which is defined by the
phragm 48 preferably being fabricated from an elastomer flange portion 58 of the seat member 44 proximate the
having a Shore A hardness in the range of from about 20 - 40 . exhaust vents 60 . The orientation of the diaphragm 48 within
The detailed structural and functional attributes of the exha - the valve chamber 68 when captured between the seat and
lation valve 14 are described with particularity in Appli- 20 cap members 44 , 46 is such that the channel defined by the
cant's co -pending U . S . patent application Ser. No. 13 /411, arcuately contoured primary region of the flange portion 72
348 entitled VENTILATION MASK WITH INTEGRATED is directed toward or faces the seating surface 54 defined by
PILOTED EXHALATION VALVE filed Mar. 2 , 2012 , now the wall portion 50 of the seat member 44 .
issued as U .S . Pat. No. 8 ,844 ,533 , the disclosure of which is The diaphragm 48 ( and hence the exhalation valve 14) is
incorporated herein by reference. 25 selectively moveable between an open position (shown in
The seat member 44 includes a tubular, generally cylin - FIG . 4 ) and a closed position (shown in FIG . 3 ). When in its
drical wall portion 50 which defines a distal, annular outer normal, open position, the diaphragm 48 is in a relaxed ,
rim 52 and an opposed annular inner seating surface 54. As unbiased state . Importantly, in either of its open or closed
shown in FIG . 4 , the diameter of the outer rim 52 exceeds positions, the diaphragm 48 is not normally seated directly
that of the seating surface 54 . Along these lines, the inner 30 against the inner surface defined by the base portion 62 of
surface of the wall portion 50 is not of a uniform inner the cap member 46 . Rather, a gap is normally maintained
diameter, but rather is segregated into first and second inner between the body portion 70 of the diaphragm 48 and the
surface sections which are of differing inner diameters, and inner surface of the base portion 62 . The width of such gap
separated by an annular shoulder 56 . In addition to the wall
portion 50 , the seatmember 44 includes an annular flange 355 when
W tothethediaphragm
48 is in its open position is generally
fixed distance separating the inner surface of the
portion 58 which protrudes radially from that end of the wall base portion 62 from the distal shoulder of the flange portion
portion 50 opposite the outer rim 52 . The flange portion 58
includes a plurality of exhaust vents 60 which are located 64 . Further, when the diaphragm 48 is in its open position ,
about the periphery thereof in a prescribed arrangement and the body portion 70 , and in particular the lip 74 protruding
spacing relative to each other. The seat member 44 is formed 40 therefrom , is itself disposed in spaced relation to the seating
such that each of the exhaust vents 60 normally fluidly surface 54 defined by the wall portion 50 of the seat member
communicates with the bore or fluid conduit defined by the 44 . As such , when the diaphragm 48 is in its open position ,
wall portion 50 . fluid is able to freely pass through the fluid conduit defined
The cap member 46 of the exhaust valve 14 comprises a by the wall portion 50 , between the seating surface 54 and
circularly configured base portion 62 which defines an inner 45 diaphragm 48 , and through the exhaust vents 60 to ambient
surface and an opposed outer surface . In addition to the base air. The flange portion 64 of the cap member 46 is further
portion 62, the cap member 46 includes an annular flange provided with a pilot port 76 which extends therethrough
portion 64 which circumvents and protrudes generally per - and , in the fully assembled exhalation valve 14 , fluidly
pendicularly relative to the inner surface of the base portion communicates with that portion of the valve chamber 68
62. The flange portion 64 defines a distal annular shoulder. 50 disposed between the body portion 70 of the diaphragm 48
The distal shoulder of the flange portion 64 and the inner and the inner surface of the base portion 62 of the cap
surface of the base portion 62 extend along respective ones member 46 . The use of the pilot port 76 will also be
of a spaced , generally parallel pair of planes . Formed in the described in more detail below .
outer surface of the base portion 62 is an elongate groove 66 In the exhalation valve 14 , the diaphragm 48 is resiliently
which extends diametrically across such outer surface . The 55 deformable from its open position ( to which it may be
use of the groove 66 will be described in more detail below . normally biased ) to its closed position . Since the diaphragm
The seat and cap members 44, 46 , when attached to each 48 is normally biased to its open position , it provides a
other in the fully assembled exhalation valve 14 , collectively failsafe to allow a patient to inhale ambient air through the
define an interior valve chamber 68 of the exhalation valve exhalation valve 14 and exhale ambient air therethrough (via
14 . More particularly , such valve chamber 68 is generally 60 the exhaust vents 60 ) during any ventilator malfunction or
located between the inner surface defined by the base when the mask 10 is worn without the therapy being
portion 62 of the cap member 46 and the seating surface 54 delivered by the ventilator. When the diaphragm 48 is
defined by the wall portion 50 of the seat member 44 . moved or actuated to its closed position , the lip 74 of the
The diaphragm 48 of the exhalation valve 14 , which body portion 70 is firmly seated against the seating surface
resides within the valve chamber 68, has a circularly con - 65 54 defined by the wall portion 50 of the seatmember 44 . The
figured , central body portion 70 , and a peripheral flange seating of the lip 74 against the seating surface 54 effectively
portion 72 which is integrally connected to and circumvents blocks fluid communication between the fluid conduit
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
defined by the wall portion 50 and the valve chamber 68 of the first and second connectors 80 , 82, the pressure port
(and hence the exhaust vents 60 which fluidly communicate 84 defines opposed inner and outer portions which each have
with the valve chamber 68 ) . a generally cylindrical, tubular configuration . The inner
In the mask 10 , the cooperative engagement between the portion 84 ' of the pressure port 84 is aligned and fluidly
exhalation valve 14 and the cushion 16 is facilitated by the 5 communicates with the pressure sensing lumen 40 of the
advancement of the wall portion 50 of the seat member 44 cushion 16 subsequent to being advanced and frictionally
into the valve opening 28 defined by the cushion 16 . Such maintained therein . The frame member 78 is also provided
advancement is limited by the ultimate abutment or engage
ment of a beveled seating surface defined by the flange with a pilot port 86 which is disposed adjacent the second
connector 82 and also defines opposed inner and outer
portion 58 of the seat member 44 against the complimentary 10 portions which
valve seat 30 of the cushion 16 circumventing the valve configuration . Theeachinnerhave a generally cylindrical, tubular
portion 86 ' of the pilot port 86 is
opening 28 . Upon the engagementof such seating surface of aligned and fluidly communicates with the valve pilot lumen
the flange portion 58 to the valve seat 30, the fluid chamber 42 of the cushion 16 subsequent to being advanced and
24 of the cushion 16 fluidly communicates with the fluider 15 frictionally maintained therein . The outer portions of the
conduit defined by the wall portion 50 of the seat member 15 Tric
44 . As will be recognized , if the diaphragm 48 resides in its pressure and pilot ports 84 , 86 of the framemember 78 are
normal, open position , the fluid chamber 24 is further placed adapted to be advanced into and frictionally maintained
into fluid communication with the valve chamber 68 via the within corresponding lumens of respective ones of the
fluid conduit defined by the wall portion 50 , neither end of aforementioned pair of bi- lumen tubes which are fluidly
which is blocked or obstructed by virtue of the gap defined 20 connected to the mask 10 within a ventilation system
between the lip 74 of the diaphragm 48 and the seating incorporating the same. The receipt of the frame member 78
surface 54 of the wall portion 50 . within the groove 66 of the cap member 46 ensures that the
When the exhalation valve 14 is operatively coupled to cushion 16 , the exhalation valve 14 and the framemember
the cushion 16 , in addition to the valve seat 30 being seated 78 are properly aligned , and prevents relative movement
against the beveled seating surface 59 of the flange portion 25 therebetween . Though not shown, it is contemplated that in
58 of the seat member 44 , the first and second inner end one potential variation of the mask 10 , the cushion 16 may
surfaces 32 , 34 of the cushion 16 are seated against respec - be formed so as not to include the valve pilot lumen 42 .
tive , diametrically opposed sections of the flange portion 64 Rather, a suitable valve pilot lumen would be formed
defined by the cap member 46 . The orientation of the directly within the framemember 78 so as to extend therein
exhalation valve 14 relative to the cushion 16 is such that the 30 between the pilot port 86 thereof and the pilot port 76 of the
end of the valve pilot lumen 42 extending to the second inner exhalation valve 14 .
end surface 34 is aligned and fluidly communicates with the In themask 10 , the exhalation valve 14 is piloted , with the
pilot port 76 within the flange portion 64 of the cap member movement of the diaphragm 48 to the closed position
46 . As such , in the mask 10 , the valve pilot lumen 42 is in described above being facilitated by the introduction of
continuous, fluid communication with that portion of the 35 positive fluid pressure into the valve chamber 68 . More
valve chamber 68 defined between the inner surface of the particularly, it is contemplated that during the inspiratory
base portion 62 of the cap member 46 , and the body portion phase of the breathing cycle of a patient wearing the mask
70 of the diaphragm 48 . 10 , the valve pilot lumen 42 will be pressurized by a pilot
To assist in maintaining the cooperative engagement line fluidly coupled to the pilot port 86 , with pilot pressure
between the exhalation valve 14 and the cushion 16 , the 40 being introduced into that portion of the valve chamber 68
mask 10 is further preferably provided with an elongate normally defined between the body portion 70 of the dia
frame member 78 . The frame member 78 has a generally phragm 48 and the inner surface defined by the base portion
V - shaped configuration , with a central portion thereof being 62 of the cap member 46 via the pilot port 76 extending
accommodated by and secured within the complimentary through the flange portion 64 of the cap member 46 . The
groove 66 formed in the outer surface defined by the base 45 fluid pressure level introduced into the aforementioned
portion 62 of the cap member 46 . The opposed end portions region of the valve chamber 68 via the pilot port 76 will be
of the frame member 78 are cooperatively engaged to sufficient to facilitate the movement of the diaphragm 48 to
respective ones of the first and second outer end surfaces 20 , its closed position described above .
22 of the cushion 16 . More particularly , as shown in FIG . 2 , Conversely , during the expiratory phase of the breathing
the framemember 78 includes an identically configured pair 50 cycle of the patient wearing the mask 10 , it is contemplated
of first and second connectors 80, 82 which extend from that the discontinuation or modulation of the fluid pressure
respective ones of the opposed end portions thereof. The first through the valve pilot lumen 42 and hence into the afore
and second connectors 80, 82 each define opposed inner and mentioned region of the valve chamber 68 via the pilot port
outer portions which have generally cylindrical, tubular 76 , coupled with the resiliency of the diaphragm 48 and /or
configurations . The inner portion 80 ' of the first connector 80 55 positive pressure applied to the body portion 70 thereof, will
is advanced into and frictionally retained within the first gas facilitate the movement of the diaphragm 48 back to the
delivery lumen 36 of the cushion 16 . Similarly , the inner open position or to a partially open position . In this regard ,
portion 82 ' of the second connector 82 is advanced into and positive pressure as may be used to facilitate the movement
frictionally retained within the second gas delivery lumen 38 of the diaphragm 48 to its open position may be provided by
of the cushion 16 . As will be described in more detail below , 60 air which is exhaled from the patient during the expiratory
the outer portions of the first and second connectors 80 , 82 phase of the breathing circuit and is applied to the body
of the frame member 78 are each adapted to be advanced portion 70 via the pillows portions 26 of the cushion 16 , the
into and frictionally retained within a corresponding lumen fluid chamber 24 , and the fluid conduit defined by the wall
of a respective one of a pair of bi-lumen tubes fluidly portion 50 of the seatmember 44 . As will be recognized , the
coupled to the mask 10 . 65 movement of the diaphragm 48 to the open position allows
The framemember 78 further includes a pressure port 84 the air exhaled from the patient and entering the valve
which is disposed adjacent the first connector 80 . Like each chamber 68 to be vented to ambient air after via the exhaust
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
vents 60 within the flange portion 58 of the seatmember 44 enlarged end portions 88 having a reduced width , integral
which , as indicated above , fluidly communicate with the central portion 90 extending between the end portions 88 .
valve chamber 68 . Prior to its advancement into the fluid chamber 24 of the
As will be recognized , based on the application of pilot cushion 16 , the HME device 12 has the generally flat or
pressure thereto , the diaphragm 48 travels from a fully open 5 planar profile shown in FIG . 2 . As shown in FIGS . 3 and 4
position through a partially open position to a fully closed and as will be described in more detail below , the size and
position . In this regard , the diaphragm 48 will be partially shape of the HME device 12 relative to that of the fluid
open or partially closed during exhalation to maintain chamber 24 and the exhalation valve 14 partially advanced
desired ventilation therapy. Further, when pilot pressure is therein causes the HME device 12 to assume a generally
discontinued to the diaphragm 48 , it moves to an open 10 arcuate profile when operatively positioned within the fluid
position wherein the patient can inhale and exhale through chamber 24 .
the mask 10 with minimal restriction and with minimal The HME device 12 preferably has a layered construction .
carbon dioxide retention therein . This allows a patient to More particularly , the HME device 12 is preferably fabri
wear the mask 10 without ventilation therapy being applied cated to include three layers including a low density layer
to the mask 10 . The aforementioned structural and func- 15 92 , a medium density layer 94 and a high density layer 96 .
tional features of the mask 10 also make it more comfortable The medium density layer 94 is interposed between the low
to wear, and further allow it to be worn without carbon and high density layers 92 , 96 . Those of ordinary skill in the
dioxide buildup, thus making it highly advantageous for the art will recognize that the use of the three layers 92, 94 , 96
treatment of obstructive sleep apnea wherein patients com - to construct the HME device 12 is exemplary only, and that
plain of discomfort with ventilation therapy due to mask and 20 it may alternatively be fabricated from a single layer of
pressure discomfort . When it is detected that a patient material, two layers, or more than three layers without
requires sleep apnea therapy, the ventilation therapy can be departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention .
started (i.e ., in an obstructive sleep apnea situation ). As indicated above , the size and shape of the HME device
To succinctly summarize the foregoing description of the 12 relative to the shape and internal volume of the fluid
structural and functional features of the mask 10 , during 25 chamber 24 is selected such that the HME device 12
patient inhalation , the valve pilot lumen 42 is pressurized , assumes a prescribed contour or profile when operatively
which causes the diaphragm 48 to close against the seating positioned within the fluid chamber 24 . In the mask 10 , the
surface 54, thus effectively isolating the fluid chamber 24 of advancement of the HME device 12 into the fluid chamber
the mask 10 from the outside ambient air. The entire flow 24 occurs prior to the operative engagement of the exhala
delivered from a flow generator fluidly coupled to the mask 30 tion valve 14 to the cushion 16 in the above -described
10 is inhaled by the patient, assuming that unintentional manner. In this regard , prior to the cooperative engagement
leaks at the interface between the cushion 16 and the patient of the exhalation valve 14 to the cushion 16 , the HME device
are discarded . This functionality differs from what typically 12 is advanced into the fluid chamber 24 via the valve
occurs in a conventional CPAP mask , where venting to opening 28 defined by the cushion 16 . Though , as is appar
ambient air is constantly open , and an intentional leak flow 35 ent from FIG . 2 , the size of the HME device 12 exceeds that
is continuously expelled to ambient air. During patient of the valve opening 28 , the pliable nature of the material( s )
exhalation , the pilot pressure introduced into the valve pilot preferably used for the layers 92 , 94 , 96 of the HME device
lumen 42 is controlled so that the exhaled flow from the 12 allows the same to be compressed and/or folded in a
patient can be exhausted to ambient air through the exha - manner which facilitates the advancement through the valve
lation valve 14 in the aforementioned manner. In this regard , 40 opening 28 and into the fluid chamber 24 .
the pilot pressure is “ servoed ” so that the position of the When the HME device 12 is operatively positioned within
diaphragm 48 relative to the seating surface 54 is modulated , the fluid chamber 24 , at least portions of the continuous
hence modulating the resistance of the exhalation valve 14 peripheral side surface of the HME device 12 are abutted
to the exhaled flow and effectively ensuring that the pressure against corresponding regions of the interior surface of the
in the fluid chamber 24 of the mask 10 is maintained at a 45 main body portion 18 of the cushion 16 which defines the
prescribed therapeutic level throughout the entire length of fluid chamber 24 . For instance, as seen in FIGS. 3 and 4 ,
the exhalation phase . When the valve pilot lumen 42 is not portions of the peripheral side surface of the HME device 12
pressurized , the exhalation valve 14 is in a normally open defined by each of the opposed end portions 88 thereof are
state , with the diaphragm 48 being spaced from the seating abutted against corresponding interior surface regions of the
surface 54 in the aforementioned manner, thus allowing the 50 main body portion 18 which are located between the inlet
patient to spontaneously breathe in and out with minimal ends of respective ones of the first and second gas delivery
pressure drop (also referred to as back -pressure ) in the order lumens 36 , 38 , and corresponding ones of the pillow por
of less than about 2 cm H , O at 60 1/min . As a result, the tions 26 . In this regard , the size and shape of the HME
patient can comfortably breathe while wearing the mask 10 device 12 is preferably such that when fully deployed within
and while therapy is not being administered to the patient. 55 the fluid chamber 24 , the HME device 12 will form a
As indicated above , the mask 10 includes an HME device complete or substantially complete barrier between the open
12 which is integrated therein . More particularly , the HME interiors of the pillow portions 26 and the fluid chamber 24 ,
device 12 is positioned within the fluid chamber 24 of the yet will not obstruct the inlet ends of either of the first and
cushion 16 . The HME device 12 is operative to partially or second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 . Though not apparent
completely replace a humidifier ( cold or heated pass -over ; 60 from FIGS. 3 and 4 , it is contemplated that the pressure
active or passive ) which would otherwise be fluidly coupled sensing lumen 40 may be formed within the main body
to the mask 10 . This is possible because the average flow portion 18 of the cushion 16 such that the inlet end thereof
through the system envisioned to be used in conjunction which extends to the fluid chamber 24 is not covered or
with the mask 10 is about half of a prior art CPAP mask , due otherwise obstructed by the fully deployed HME device 12 .
to the absence of any intentional leak in such system . 65 In addition to at least portions of the peripheral side
The HME device 12 is preferably formed to have a surface of the HME device 12 being abutted against corre
generally hour- glass shape defining an opposed pair of sponding regions of that interior surface of the main body
US 9,878 , 121 B2
portion 18 defining the fluid chamber 24 , it is also contem the open interiors of the pillow portions 26 and into the
plated that a portion of the bottom surface of the HME exhalation valve 14 through the HME device 12 . Along
device 12 (as viewed from the perspective shown in FIGS. these lines , the material(s ) preferably used to facilitate the
3 and 4 ) as defined by the low density layer 92 thereof will fabrication of the HME device 12 provide for the easy
be abutted against the distal rim defined by the wall portion 5 passage of exhaled air through the HME device 12 and into
50 of the seat member 44 upon the cooperative engagement the exhalation valve 14 without causing the patient to exert
of the exhalation valve 14 to the cushion 16 . Further, as also any greater exhalation force, i.e ., the patient does not sense
viewed from the perspective shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , a that there is an obstruction within the mask 10 during the
portion of the top surface of the HME device 12 as defined exhalation phase. As explained above , during the exhalation
by the high density layer 96 thereof is abutted against a 10 phase, the diaphragm 48 of the exhalation valve 14 is
portion of the interior surface of the main body portion 18 actuated to its open position , thus allowing air passing
which is defined by that segment thereof extending between through the HME device 12 and into the exhalation valve 14
the pillow portions 26 . The abutment of the opposed top and to be vented to ambient via the vent ports 60 within the seat
bottom surfaces of the HME device 12 against the main member 44 of the exhalation valve 14 . As will be recog
body portion 18 of the cushion 16 and seat member 44 of the 15 nized , the HME device 12 is operative to retain moisture and
exhalation valve 14 in the aforementioned manner , coupled heat from the air exhaled by the patient and passing there
with the abutment of the peripheral side surface of the HME through during the exhalation phase, and to transfer such
device 12 against the main body portion 18 , results in the moisture and heat to the patient in the aforementioned
HME device 12 assuming and being maintained in the manner during the inhalation phase .
arcuately shaped profile shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 . As indi- 20 It is contemplated that the HME device 12 can be per
cated above , when it assumes the position shown in FIGS. manently assembled to the cushion 16 , or may alternatively
3 and 4 , the HME device 12 effectively segregates or be removable therefrom and thus washable and/ or dispos
separates the open interiors of the pillow portions 26 of the able. In this regard , the HME device 12 , if removable from
cushion 16 from the fluid chamber 24 . within the cushion 16 , could be replaced on a prescribed
Referring again to FIG . 3 , during an inhalation phase of 25 replacement cycle . Along these lines, it is further contem
a patient using themask 10 , air enters the fluid chamber 24 plated that the HME device 12 may be impregnated with a
via the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 which , as chemical agent which facilitates a color change therein when
indicated above , are preferably unobstructed by the HME certain conditions are satisfied indicative of a need for the
device 12 . Due to the permeability of the HME device 12 , replacement thereof. Additionally , it is contemplated that the
the air is able to pass through the HME device 12 and into 30 HME device 12 can be used as an elastic member that adds
the nostrils of the patient via the pillow portions 26 of the elasticity to the cushion 16 . In this regard , part of the
cushion 16 . This flow path is identified by the arrows shown elasticity of the cushion 16 may be attributable to its silicone
in FIG . 3 . Moisture and heat retained by the HME device 12 construction , and further be partly attributable to the com
is transferred into the air passing therethrough prior to the air pression and deflection of the HME device 12 inside the
reaching the nostrils of the patient. Though air delivered into 35 cushion 16 . Still further, it is contemplated that the HME
the fluid chamber 24 via the first and second gas delivery device 12 may be infused with any one of a number of
lumens 36 , 38 is also capable of flowing through the HME different scents which may be chosen by the patient accord
device 12 into the exhalation valve 14 , during the inhalation ing to preference .
phase of the patient, the exhalation valve 14 is normally Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 6 , there is shown a nasal
maintained in its closed position as described above . As a 40 pillows mask 10a constructed in accordance with a second
result, any gas entering the exhalation valve 14 via the HME embodiment of the present invention . The mask 10a is
device 12 during the inhalation phase is prevented from substantially similar in construction to the above -described
being vented via the exhaust vents 60 as a result of the mask 10 , with only the distinctions between the masks 10 ,
diaphragm 48 being sealed against the seatmember 44 in the 10a being highlighted below . The primary distinction
aforementioned manner . 45 between the masks 10 , 10a lies in the substitution of the
In the mask 10 having the HME device 12 positioned in above - described HME device 12 of the mask 10 with an
the cushion 16 in the aforementioned manner, the size and HME device 12a in the mask 10a . In the mask 10a , theHME
shape of the HME device 12 relative to the shape and device 12a is permanently attached to the exhalation valve
internal volume of the fluid chamber 24 is also selected such 14 , with the HME device 12a and the exhalation valve 14
that the resultant shape of that portion of the fluid chamber 50 thus collectively defining a HME subassembly 98 of the
24 which is separated from the pillow portions 26 by the mask 10a .
HME device 12 is operative to maximize flow over the The HME device 12a is preferably formed to have a
exposed portions of the bottom surface of the HME device generally frusto - conical shape , and preferably has a layered
12 defined by the low density layer 92 thereof . Such shape construction . More particularly, the HME device 12a is
is also selected to impart a prescribed measure of turbulence 55 preferably fabricated to include three layers including a low
to the air flowing into the fluid chamber 24 via the inlet ends density layer 92a, a medium density layer 94a and a high
of the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 . This density layer 96a . The medium density layer 94a is inter
turbulence , and the vortices resulting therefrom , assists in posed between the low and high density layers 92a , 96a .
maximizing flow over the exposed portions of the bottom Those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the use
surface of the HME device 12 . This in turn optimizes the 60 of the three layers 92a , 94a , 96a to construct the HME
level of moisture and heat transferred into the air passing device 12a is exemplary only , and that it may alternatively
through the HME device 12 and to the patient via the pillows be fabricated from a single layer of material, two layers, or
portions 26 during the inhalation phase of the patient. An more than three layers without departing from the spirit and
exemplary airflow pattern during the inhalation phase of the scope of the present invention . In the HME subassembly 98 ,
patient is shown by the arrows included in FIG . 3 . 65 a portion of the bottom surface of the HME device 12a (as
Referring again to FIG . 4 , during the exhalation phase of viewed from the perspective shown in FIGS . 6 and 7 ) as
the patientwearing the mask 10, exhaled air travels through defined by the low density layer 92a thereof is abutted
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
13 14
against and permanently attached to the distal rim defined by valve 14 via the HME device 12a during the inhalation
the wall portion 50 of the seat member 44 . phase is prevented from being vented via the exhaust vents
The size and shape of the HME device 12a relative to the 60 as a result of the diaphragm 48 being sealed against the
shape and internal volume of the fluid chamber 24 is selected seat member 44 in the aforementioned manner.
such that the HME device 12a assumes a prescribed orien - 5 In the mask 10a having the HME device 12a positioned
tation within the fluid chamber 24 when operatively posi- in the cushion 16 in the aforementioned manner, the size and
tioned therein . Since the HME device 12a is part of the HME shape of the HME device 12a relative to the shape and
subassembly 98 in the mask 10a (i. e ., is attached to the internal volume of the fluid chamber 24 is also selected such
exhalation valve 14 ), the advancement of the HME device that the resultant shape of that portion of the fluid chamber
12a into the fluid chamber 24 occurs concurrently with the 10 24 which is separated from the pillow portions 26 by the
process of attaching the exhalation valve 14 to the cushion HME device 12a is operative to maximize flow over the
16 in the above -described manner. In this regard , the HME exposed portions of the bottom surface of the HME device
device 12a is initially advanced into the fluid chamber 24 via 12a defined by the low density layer 92a thereof. Such shape
the valve opening 28 defined by the cushion 16 , with the is also selected to impart a prescribed measure of turbulence
exhalation valve 14 thereafter being cooperatively engaged 15 to the air flowing into the fluid chamber 24 via the inlet ends
to the cushion 16 . Though , as is apparent from FIG . 5 , the of the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 . This
size of the HME device 12a exceeds that of the valve turbulence, and the vortices resulting therefrom , assists in
opening 28 , the pliable nature of the material( s ) preferably maximizing flow over the exposed portions of the bottom
used for the layers 92a , 94a , 96a of the HME device 12a surface of the HME device 12a . This in turn optimizes the
allows the same to be compressed and / or folded in a manner 20 level of moisture and heat transferred into the air passing
which facilitates the advancement through the valve opening through the HME device 12a and to the patient via the
28 and into the fluid chamber 24 . pillows portions 26 during the inhalation phase of the
When viewed from the perspective shown in FIG . 6 , when patient. An exemplary airflow pattern during the inhalation
the HME device 12a is operatively positioned within the phase of the patient is shown by the arrows included in FIG .
fluid chamber 24 , at least a peripheral portion of the top 25 6 .
surface of the HME device 12a defined by the high density During the exhalation phase of the patient wearing the
layer 96a thereof is abutted against corresponding regions of mask 10a , exhaled air travels through the open interiors
the interior surface of the main body portion 18 of the of the pillow portions 26 and into the exhalation valve
cushion 16 which defines the fluid chamber 24 . More 14 through the HME device 12a . Along these lines , the
particularly, the peripheral portion of the top surface of the 30 material (s) preferably used to facilitate the fabrication of the
HME device 12a is abutted against a corresponding interior HME device 12a provide for the easy passage of exhaled air
surface region of the main body portion 18 which is located through the HME device 12a and into the exhalation valve
between the inlet ends of the first and second gas delivery 14 without causing the patient to exert any greater exhala
lumens 36 , 38 and the pillow portions 26 . Further, as also tion force, i. e., the patient does not sense that there is an
viewed from the perspective shown in FIG . 6 , a central 35 obstruction within the mask 10a during the exhalation
portion of the top surface of the HME device 12a as defined phase. As explained above, during the exhalation phase , the
by the high density layer 96a thereof is abutted against a diaphragm 48 of the exhalation valve 14 is actuated to its
portion of the interior surface of the main body portion 18 open position , thus allowing air passing through the HME
which is defined by that segment thereof extending between device 12a and into the exhalation valve 14 to be vented to
the pillow portions 26 . In this regard , the size and shape of 40 ambient via the vent ports 60 within the seat member 44 of
the HME device 12a is preferably such that when fully the exhalation valve 14 . As will be recognized , the HME
deployed within the fluid chamber 24 , the HME device 12a device 12a is operative to retain moisture and heat from the
will form a complete or substantially complete barrier air exhaled by the patient and passing therethrough during
between the open interiors of the pillow portions 26 and the the exhalation phase, and to transfer such moisture and heat
fluid chamber 24 , yet will not obstruct the inlet ends of either 45 to the patient in the aforementioned manner during the
of the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 . As is inhalation phase .
further shown in FIG . 6 , the inlet end of the pressure sensing Since the HME device 12a is permanently assembled to
lumen 40 which extends to the fluid chamber 24 is not the exhalation valve 14 in the HME subassembly 98 , is may
covered or otherwise obstructed by the fully deployed HME be easily removed from within the fluid chamber 24 upon the
device 12a. 50 detachment of the exhalation valve 14 therefrom , thus
As shown in FIG . 6 , during an inhalation phase of a making it washable and/ or replaceable . In this regard , the
patient using the mask 10a , air enters the fluid chamber 24 HME device 12a could be replaced on a prescribed replace
via the first and second gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 which , as m ent cycle . Along these lines , it is contemplated that the
indicated above , are preferably unobstructed by the HME HME device 12a may be impregnated with a chemical agent
device 12a . Due to the permeability of the HME device 12a , 55 which facilitates a color change therein when certain con
the air is able to pass through the HME device 12a and into ditions are satisfied indicative of a need for the replacement
the nostrils of the patient via the pillow portions 26 of the thereof . It is also contemplated that the HME device 12a
cushion 16 . This flow path is identified by the arrows shown may be infused with any one of a number of different scents
in FIG . 6 . Moisture and heat retained by the HME device which may be chosen by the patient according to preference .
12a is transferred into the air passing there through prior to 60 Referring now to FIGS. 8 - 10 , there is shown a ventilation
the air reaching the nostrils of the patient. Though air mask 110 (e . g ., a nasal pillows mask ) constructed in accor
delivered into the fluid chamber 24 via the first and second dance with a third embodiment of the present invention . The
gas delivery lumens 36 , 38 is also capable of flowing mask 110 includes an integrated , diaphragm - implemented ,
through the HME device 12a into the exhalation valve 14 , piloted exhalation valve 112 , the structural and functional
during the inhalation phase of the patient, the exhalation 65 attributes of which will be described in more detail below .
valve 14 is normally maintained in its closed position as As shown in FIGS . 8 - 10, the mask 110 comprises a
described above. As a result , any gas entering the exhalation housing or cushion 114 . The cushion 114 , which is prefer
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
15 16
ably fabricated from a silicone elastomer having a Shore A The wall portion further defines an outlet conduit 147 which
hardness in the range of from about 20 to 60 and preferably extends between the outer rim 148 and seating surface 149 .
about 40 , is formed as a single , unitary component, and is In addition to the wall portion 146 , the seat member 140
shown individually in FIG . 9 . The cushion 114 includes a includes an annular flange portion 150 which is integrally
main body portion 116 which defines a first outer end surface 5 connected to the wall portion 146 by a series of spoke
118 and an opposed second outer end surface 120 . Themain portions 151 . The spoke portions 151 extend to locations on
body portion 116 further defines an interior fluid chamber the wall portion 146 proximate the seating surface 149, with
122 which is of a prescribed volume. In addition to themain the flange portion 150 being positioned radially outward
body portion 116 , the cushion 114 includes an identically relative to the wall portion 146 . In the seat member 140 , the
configured pair of hollow pillow portions 124 which pro - 10 wall , flange and spoke portions 146 , 150 , 151 collectively
trude from the main body portion 116 in a common direction define a plurality of exhaust vents 152 which are located
and in a prescribed spatial relationship relative to each other. about the periphery of the wall portion 146 in a prescribed
More particularly , in the cushion 114 , the spacing between arrangement and spacing relative to each other . The seat
the pillow portions 124 is selected to facilitate the general member 140 is formed such that each of the exhaust vents
alignment thereof with the nostrils of an adult patient when 15 152 normally fluidly communicates with the outlet conduit
the mask 110 is worn by such patient. Each of the pillow 147 defined by the wall portion 146 .
portions 124 fluidly communicates with the fluid chamber The cap member 142 of the exhalation valve 112 com
122 . prises a circularly configured base portion 154 which defines
As shown in FIG . 9, the main body portion 116 of the an inner surface 156 . In addition to the base portion 154 , the
cushion 114 includes an enlarged , circularly configured 20 cap member 142 includes an annular flange portion 160
valve opening 126 which is in direct fluid communication which circumvents and protrudes generally perpendicularly
with the fluid chamber 122 . The valve opening 126 is relative to the inner surface 156 of the base portion 154 . The
positioned in generally opposed relation to the pillow por cap member 142 further includes an identically configured
tions 124 of the cushion 114 . The valve opening 126 is pair of tube portions 162 which are integrally connected to
adapted to accommodate an exhalation valve subassembly 25 the flange portion 160 in diametrically opposed relation to
111 of the mask 110 in a manner which will be described in each other (i.e ., approximately 180° apart). Each of the tube
more detail below . portions defines a lumen 164 extending therethrough and is
The main body portion 116 of the cushion 114 further used for reasons which will be discussed in more detail
defines first and second gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 which below . The seat and cap members 140 , 142 , when attached
extend from respective ones of the first and second outer end 30 to each other in the fully assembled exhalation valve 112 ,
surfaces 118 , 120 into fluid communication with the fluid collectively define an interior valve chamber of the exhala
chamber 122 . Additionally , a pressure sensing lumen 136 tion valve 112 , such valve chamber generally being located
defined by the main body portion 116 extends from the first between the inner surface 156 defined by the base portion
outer end surface 118 into fluid communication with the 154 of the cap member 142 and the seating surface 149
fluid chamber 122 . The main body portion 116 further 35 defined by the wall portion 146 of the seat member 140 .
defines a valve pilot lumen 138 which extends from the The diaphragm 144 of the exhalation valve 112 , which
second outer end surface 120 into fluid communication with resides within the valve chamber, has a circularly config
the fluid chamber. Those of ordinary skill in the art will ured , central body portion 166 , and a peripheral flange
recognize that the gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 may be portion 168 which is integrally connected to and circum
substituted with a single gas delivery lumen and/or posi- 40 vents the body portion 166 . The flange portion 168 includes
tioned within the cushion 114 in orientations other than an arcuately contoured primary region and a distal region
those depicted in FIG . 10 . For example, the gas delivery which protrudes radially from the primary region. As such ,
lumen (s ) of the cushion 114 may be positioned frontally, the primary region of the flange portion 168 extends
pointing upwardly , pointing downwardly, etc. rather than between the distal region thereof and the body portion 166 ,
extending laterally as shown in FIG . 10 . The main body 45 and defines a continuous , generally concave channel 170 .
portion 116 of the cushion 114 further includes a mounting The body portion 166 of the diaphragm 144 may optionally
aperture 139 formed therein . As seen in FIG . 10 , one end of be perforated , i. e., be provided with an array of small
the mounting aperture 139 communicates with the fluid apertures which extend therethrough .
chamber 122 , with the opposite simply terminating blindly In the exhalation valve 112 , the flange portion 168 of the
within the main body portion 116 . The use of the first and 50 diaphragm 144 is operatively captured between complemen
second gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 , the pressure sensing tary engagement surfaces defined by the flange portions 150 ,
lumen 136 , the valve pilot lumen 138 and the mounting 160 of the seat and cap members 140 , 142 . More particu
aperture 139 will be discussed in more detail below . larly , the annular distal region of the flange portion 168 is
The exhalation valve subassembly 111 of the mask 110 compressed ( and thus captured ) between an annular shoul
comprises the aforementioned exhalation valve 112 in com - 55 der defined by the flange portion 160 of the cap member 142 ,
bination with a shield plate 113. The exhalation valve 112 of and a complimentary annular shoulder which is defined by
the mask 110 is itselfmade of three (3 ) parts or components, the flange portion 150 of the seatmember 140 proximate the
and more particularly a seat member 140 , a cap member 142 , exhaust vents 152. The orientation of the diaphragm 144
and a diaphragm 144 which is operatively captured between within the valve chamber when captured between the seat
the seat and cap members 140, 142 . The seat and cap 60 and cap members 140 , 142 is such that the channel 170
members 140, 142 are each preferably fabricated from a defined by the arcuately contoured primary region of the
plastic material, with the diaphragm 144 preferably being flange portion 168 is directed toward or faces the seating
fabricated from an elastomer having a Shore A hardness in surface 149 defined by the wall portion 146 of the seat
the range of from about 20 -40 . member 140.
The seat member 140 includes a tubular, generally cylin - 65 The capture of the diaphragm 144 between the seat and
drical wall portion 146 which defines a distal, annular outer cap members 140 , 142 in the aforementioned manner results
rim 148 and an opposed annular inner seating surface 149. in the diaphragm 144 effectively segregating the valve
US 9,878 , 121 B2
chamber collectively defined by the seat and cap members chamber via the lumen 164 of the corresponding tube
140, 142 into a pilot section 172 and an exhaust section 174 . portion 162 . The remaining tube portion 162 of the cap
The pilot section 172 of the valve chamber is located member 142 (i.e ., that tube portion 162 not advanced into
between the diaphragm 144 and the inner surface 156 of the the pilot lumen 138 ) is advanced into and frictionally
base portion 154 of the cap member 142 . The exhaust 5 retained within the above -described mounting aperture 139
section 174 of the valve chamber is located between the in the manner shown in FIG . 10 . Importantly , the resilient
diaphragm 144 and both the exhaust vents 152 and the construction of the cushion 114 , and in particular the main
seating surface 149 of the wall portion 146 of the seat body portion 116 thereof, allows for the cushion 114 to be
member 140 . In this regard , the outlet conduit 147 defined bent, twisted or otherwise manipulated as is needed to
by the wall portion 146 fluidly communicates with the 10 facilitate the advancement of the tube portions 162 of the cap
exhaust section 174 of the valve chamber. In addition , the member 142 into respective ones of the pilot lumen 138 and
lumens 164 of the tube portions 162 of the cap member 142 mounting aperture 139 in the aforementioned manner. The
each fluidly communicate with the pilot section 172 of the advancement of the tube portions 162 into respective ones of
valve chamber. the pilot lumen 138 and mounting aperture 139 causes the
The diaphragm 144 ( and hence the exhalation valve 112 ) 15 exhalation valve 112 to assume a position within the fluid
is selectively moveable between an open position and a chamber 122 of the cushion 114 as is best shown in FIG . 10 .
closed position. When in its normal, open position , the In this regard , the majority of the exhalation valve 112
diaphragm 144 is in a relaxed , unbiased state . Importantly, resides within the fluid chamber 122 , with the exception of
in either of its open or closed positions, the diaphragm 144 a small distal section of the wall portion 146 of the seat
is not normally seated directly against the inner surface 156 20 member 140 which protrudes from the valve opening 126 of
defined by the base portion 154 of the cap member 142 . the cushion 114 .
Rather, a gap is normally maintained between the body Due to the positioning of the majority of the exhalation
portion 166 of the diaphragm 144 and the inner surface 156 valve 112 within the fluid chamber 122 , the exhaust section
of the base portion 154 . The width of such gap when the 174 of the valve chamber is placed into direct fluid com
diaphragm 144 is in its open position is generally equal to 25 munication with the fluid chamber 122 via the exhaust vents
the fixed distance separating the inner surface 156 of the 152. Thus, irrespective of whether the diaphragm 144 of the
base portion 154 from the shoulder of the flange portion 160 exhalation valve 112 is in its open or closed positions, the
which engages the distal region of the flange portion 168 of pilot lumen 138 of the cushion 114 is maintained in a
the diaphragm 144 . Further, when the diaphragm 144 is in constant state of fluid communication with the pilot section
its open position , the body portion 166 is itself disposed in 30 172 of the valve chamber. Additionally , irrespective of
spaced relation to the seating surface 149 defined by the wall whether the diaphragm 144 is in its open or closed positions,
portion 146 of the seat member 140 . As such , when the the fluid chamber 122 is maintained in a constant state of
diaphragm 144 is in its open position , fluid is able to freely fluid communication with the exhaust section 174 of the
pass through the through the exhaust vents 152, between the valve chamber via the exhaust vents 152. When the dia
seating surface 149 and diaphragm 144 , and through the 35 phragm 144 is in its open position , the fluid chamber 122 is
outlet conduit 147 defined by the wall portion 146 to further placed into fluid communication with both the outlet
ambient air. conduit 147 (and hence ambient air ) via the open flow path
In the exhalation valve 112 , the diaphragm 144 is resil defined between the body portion 166 of the diaphragm 144
iently deformable from its open position ( to which itmay be and the seating surface 149 of the wall portion 146 of the
normally biased ) to its closed position . An important feature 40 seat member 140 . However , when the diaphragm 144 is
of the present invention is that the diaphragm 144 is nor - moved to its closed position , the fluid communication
mally biased to its open position which provides a failsafe to between the fluid chamber 122 and outlet conduit 147 is
allow a patient to inhale ambient air through the exhalation effectively blocked by the sealed engagement of the body
valve 112 and exhale ambient air therethrough (via the portion 166 of the diaphragm 144 against the seating surface
exhaust vents 152 ) during any ventilator malfunction or 45 149 of the wall portion 146 .
when the mask 110 is worn without the therapy being As indicated above, in addition to the exhalation valve
delivered by the ventilator. When the diaphragm 144 is 112 , the exhalation valve subassembly 111 includes the
moved or actuated to its closed position , the periphery of the shield plate 113. The shield plate 113 has a generally oval,
body portion 166 is firmly seated against the seating surface slightly arcuate profile , and includes a circularly configured
149 defined by the wall portion 146 of the seatmember 140. 50 opening 175 within the approximate center thereof. Addi
The seating of the body portion 166 of the diaphragm 144 tionally , formed within the peripheral side surface of the
against the seating surface 149 effectively blocks fluid shield plate 113 is an elongate groove or channel 176 . In the
communication between the outlet conduit 147 defined by mask 110 , the shield plate 113 is adapted to be advanced into
the wall portion 146 and the exhaust section 174 of the valve the valve opening 126 subsequent to the cooperative engage
chamber ( and hence the exhaust vents 152 which fluidly 55 ment of the exhalation valve 112 to the cushion 114 in the
communicate with the exhaust section 174 ) . aforementioned manner.More particularly, the advancement
In themask 110 , the cooperative engagement between the of the shield plate 113 into the valve opening 126 is
exhalation valve 112 and the cushion 114 is facilitated by the facilitated in a manner wherein the wall portion 146 of the
advancement of the cap member 142 into the valve opening seatmember 140 is advanced into and through the opening
126 defined by the cushion 114 . Subsequent to such 60 175 of the shield plate 113 . In this regard , the wall portion
advancement, one of the two tube portions 162 of the cap 146 and the opening 175 have complimentary configura
member 142 is partially advanced into and frictionally tions , with the diameter of the opening 175 only slightly
retained within the pilot lumen 138 of the cushion 114 in the exceeding that of the outer diameter of the wall portion 146 .
manner shown in FIG . 10 . The advancement of one tube Subsequent to the advancement of the wall portion 146
portion 162 of the cap member 142 into the pilot lumen 138 65 into the opening 175 , that peripheral edge or lip of the main
facilitates the placement of the pilot lumen 138 into fluid body portion 116 of the cushion 114 defining the valve
communication with the pilot section 172 of the valve opening 126 is advanced into and firmly seated within the
US 9,878 , 121 B2
19 20
complimentary channel 176 formed in the peripheral side The framemember 178 further includes a tubular, cylin
surface of the shield plate 113. The receipt of such edge or drically configured pressure port 184 which is disposed
lip of the cushion 114 into the channel 176 maintains the adjacent the first connector 180. The pressure port 184 is
shield plate 113 in firm , frictional engagement to the cushion aligned and fluidly communicates with the pressure sensing
114 . The spatial relationship between the exhalation valve 5 lumen 136 of the cushion 114 . Similarly , the framemember
112 and shield plate 113 when each is cooperatively engaged 178 is also provided with a tubular, cylindrically configured
to the cushion 114 in the aforementioned manner is such that pilot port 186 which is disposed adjacent the second con
the distal section of the wall portion 146 which defines the nector 182. The pilot port 186 is aligned and fluidly com
outer rim 148 thereof protrudes slightly from the exterior municates with the valve pilot lumen 138 of the cushion 114 .
surface of the shield plate 113 . 10 The pressure and pilot ports 184 , 186 of the framemember
As will be recognized , the shield plate 113 , when coop - 78 are adapted to be placed into fluid communication with
eratively engaged to the cushion 114 , effectively encloses corresponding lumens of respective ones of the aforemen
that portion of the fluid chamber 122 which would otherwise tioned pair of bi- lumen tubes which are fluidly connected to
be directly accessible via the valve opening 126 . Impor - the mask 110 within a ventilation system incorporating the
tantly , by virtue of the attachment of the shield plate 113 to 15 same, also in the samemanner as described in detail above
the main body portion 116 of the cushion 114 , virtually the in relation to the mask 10 . The receipt of the wall portion
entirety of the exhalation valve 112 is completely enclosed 146 of the seat member 140 into the opening 179 of the
or contained within the fluid chamber 122 of the cushion frame member 178 ensures that the cushion 114 , the exha
114 . As indicated above , only a small distal section of the lation valve subassembly 111 and the framemember 178 are
wall portion 146 of the seat member 140 protrudes from the 20 properly aligned , and prevents relative movement therebe
shield plate 113 , and in particular the opening 175 defined tween .
thereby. As a result, the exhaust vents 152 which facilitate In the mask 110, the exhalation valve 112 is piloted , with
the fluid communication between the fluid chamber 122 and the movement of the diaphragm 144 to the closed position
the exhaust section 174 of the valve chamber, and between described above being facilitated by the introduction of
the fluid chamber 122 and the outlet conduit 147 ( and hence 25 positive fluid pressure into the pilot section 172 of the valve
ambient air ) when the diaphragm 144 is in the open position , chamber. More particularly , it is contemplated that during
are effectively enclosed within the fluid chamber 122 as the inspiratory phase of the breathing cycle of a patient
provides noise attenuation advantages which will be dis wearing the mask 110 , the valve pilot lumen 138 will be
cussed in more detail below . pressurized by a pilot line fluidly coupled to the pilot port
To assist in maintaining the cooperative engagement 30 186 , with pilot pressure being introduced into that portion of
between the exhalation valve subassembly 111 and the the pilot section 172 of the valve chamber via the pilot
cushion 114 , the mask 110 is further preferably provided lumen 138 and the lumen 164 of that tube portion 162 of the
with an elongate reinforcement framemember 178 which is cap member 142 advanced into the pilot lumen 138 . The
attached to the cushion 114 . The framemember 178 has a fluid pressure level introduced into the pilot section 172 of
generally U - shaped configuration , with a central portion 35 the valve chamber will be sufficient to facilitate the move
thereof including a circularly configured opening 179 ment of the diaphragm 144 to its closed position described
formed therein which is adapted to accommodate that afore - above. When the diaphragm 144 is in its closed position ,
mentioned distal section of the wall portion 146 of the seat fluid pressure introduced into the fluid chamber 122 via the
member 140 which protrudes from the shield plate 113 . In gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 is prevented from being
this regard , the diameter of the opening 179 is sized so as to 40 exhausted to ambient air. In this regard , though such fluid
only slightly exceed the outer diameter of the wall portion may flow from the fluid chamber 122 into the exhaust
146 . The thickness of the central portion of the frame section 174 of the valve chamber via the exhaust vents 152 ,
member 178 is such that when attached to cushion 114 the engagement of the diaphragm 144 to the seating surface
subsequent to the advancement of the wall portion 146 into 149 defined by the wall portion 146 of the seatmember 140
the complementary opening 179 , the outer rim 148 defined 45 effectively blocks the flow of such fluid into the outlet
by the wall portion 146 is substantially flush or continuous conduit 147 defined by the wall portion 146 and hence to
with the exterior surface of the frame member 178 . ambient air.
As shown in FIG . 10 , the opposed end portions of the Conversely, during the expiratory phase of the breathing
framemember 178 are cooperatively engaged to respective cycle of the patientwearing the mask 110 , it is contemplated
ones of the first and second outer end surfaces 118 , 120 of 50 that the discontinuation or modulation of the fluid pressure
the cushion 114 . More particularly , the frame member 178 through the valve pilot lumen 138 and hence into the pilot
includes an identically configured pair of first and second section 172 of the valve chamber, coupled with the resil
connectors 180 , 182 which are formed on respective ones of iency of the diaphragm 144 and /or positive pressure applied
the opposed end portions thereof. An inner portion of the to the body portion 166 thereof, will facilitate the movement
first connector 180 is advanced into and frictionally retained 55 of the diaphragm 144 back to the open position or to a
within the first gas delivery lumen 132 of the cushion 114 . partially open position . In this regard , positive pressure as
Similarly, an inner portion of the second connector 182 is may be used to facilitate the movement of the diaphragm
advanced into and frictionally retained within the second gas 1 44 to its open position may be provided by air which is
delivery lumen 134 of the cushion 114 . In addition to the exhaled from the patient during the expiratory phase of the
inner portions advanced into respective ones of the first and 60 breathing circuit and is applied to the body portion 166 of
second gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 , the first and second the diaphragm 144 via the pillows portions 124 of the
connectors 180, 182 of the frame member 178 each further cushion 114 , the fluid chamber 122 , the exhaust vents 152 ,
include an outer portion which is adapted to be advanced and the exhaust section 174 of the valve chamber. As willbe
into and frictionally retained within a corresponding lumen recognized , the movement of the diaphragm 144 to the open
of a respective one of a pair of bi-lumen tubes fluidly 65 position allows the air exhaled from the patient into the fluid
coupled to the mask 110 , in the same manner as described chamber 122 via the pillow portions 124 to be vented to
in detail above in relation to the mask 10 . ambient air after flowing from the fluid chamber 122 into the
US 9,878 , 121 B2
exhaust section 174 of the valve chamber via the exhaust within the fluid chamber 122 as needed for periodic cleaning
vents 152 , and thereafter flowing from the exhaust section or replacement thereof. As will be recognized , such removal
174 between the diaphragm 144 and seating surface 149 of is facilitated by first detaching the shield plate 113 from the
the wall portion 146 into the outlet conduit 147 also defined cushion 114 by removing the lip of the cushion 114 defining
by the wall portion 146 . 5 the valve opening 126 from within the channel 176 of the
As will be recognized , based on the application of pilot shield plate 113 . Thereafter , the exhalation valve 112 is
pressure thereto , the diaphragm 144 travels from a fully simply grasped and pulled from within the fluid chamber
open position through a partially open position to a fully 122 , the flexibility /resiliency of the cushion 114 allowing for
closed position . In this regard , the diaphragm 144 will be the easy removal of the tube portions 162 of the cap member
partially open or partially closed during exhalation to main - 10 142 from within respective ones of the pilot lumen 138 and
tain desired ventilation therapy. Further, when pilot pressure mounting aperture 139 . The re -attachment of the exhalation
is discontinued to the diaphragm 144 , it moves to an open valve subassembly 111 to the cushion 114 occurs in the
position wherein the patient can inhale and exhale through reverse sequence , the exhalation valve 112 being advanced
the mask 110 with minimal restriction and with minimal into the fluid chamber 122 and attached to the cushion 114
carbon dioxide retention therein . This is an important feature 15 in the aforementioned manner prior to the attachment of the
of the present invention which allows a patient to wear the shield plate 113 to the cushion 114 in the aforementioned
mask 110 without ventilation therapy being applied to the manner.
mask 110 , the aforementioned structural and functional As further shown in FIGS. 9 and 10 , the mask 110 also
features of the mask 110 making it more comfortable to includes the above - described HME device 12 integrated
wear, and further allowing it to be worn without carbon 20 therein .More particularly , the HME device 12 is positioned
dioxide buildup . This feature is highly advantageous for the within the fluid chamber 122 of the cushion 114 , and has
treatment of obstructive sleep apnea wherein patients com both the shape and layered construction described with
plain of discomfortwith ventilation therapy due to mask and particularly above in relation to the mask 10 . Prior to its
pressure discomfort. When it is detected that a patient advancement into the fluid chamber 122 of the cushion 114 ,
requires sleep apnea therapy, the ventilation therapy can be 25 the HME device 12 has the generally flat or planar profile
started (i.e ., in an obstructive sleep apnea situation ). shown in FIG . 9 . The HME device 12 is operative to
To succinctly summarize the foregoing description of the partially or completely replace a humidifier ( cold or heated
structural and functional features of the mask 110 , during pass- over ; active or passive) which would otherwise be
patient inhalation , the valve pilot lumen 138 is pressurized ,fluidly coupled to themask 110 . This is possible because the
which causes the diaphragm 144 to close against the seating 30 average flow through the system envisioned to be used in
surface 149, thus effectively isolating the fluid chamber 122 conjunction with the mask 110 is about half of a prior art
of the mask 110 from the outside ambient air. The entire flow CPAP mask , due to the absence of any intentional leak in
delivered from a flow generator fluidly coupled to the mask such system .
110 is inhaled by the patient, assuming that unintentional The size and shape of the HME device 12 relative to the
leaks at the interface between the cushion 114 and the patient 35 shape and internal volume of the fluid chamber 122 is
are discarded . This functionality differs from what typically selected such that the HME device 12 assumes a prescribed
occurs in a conventional CPAP mask , where venting to contour or profile when operatively positioned within the
ambient air is constantly open , and an intentional leak flow fluid chamber 122 . In the mask 110 , the advancement of the
is continuously expelled to ambient air . During patient HME device 12 into the fluid chamber 122 occurs prior to
exhalation , the pilot pressure introduced into the valve pilot 40 the operative engagement of the exhalation valve subassem
lumen 138 is controlled so that the exhaled flow from the bly 111 to the cushion 114 in the above - described manner. In
patient can be exhausted to ambient air through the exha - this regard , prior to the cooperative engagement of the
lation valve 112 in the aforementioned manner. In this exhalation valve subassembly 111 to the cushion 114 , the
regard , the pilot pressure is “ servoed ” so that the position of HME device 12 is advanced into the fluid chamber 122 via
the diaphragm 144 relative to the seating surface 149 is 45 the valve opening 126 defined by the cushion 114 . Though ,
modulated , hence modulating the resistance of the exhala - as is apparent from FIG . 9 , the size of the HME device 12
tion valve 112 to the exhaled flow and effectively ensuring exceeds that of the valve opening 126 , the pliable nature of
that the pressure in the fluid chamber 122 of the mask 110 the material(s ) preferably used for the layers 92, 94 , 96 of
is maintained at a prescribed therapeutic level throughout the HME device 12 allows the same to be compressed and /or
the entire length of the exhalation phase . When the valve 50 folded in a manner which facilitates the advancement
pilot lumen 138 is not pressurized , the exhalation valve 112 through the valve opening 126 and into the fluid chamber
is in a normally open state , with the diaphragm 144 being 122 .
spaced from the seating surface 149 in the aforementioned When the HME device 12 is operatively positioned within
manner, thus allowing the patient to spontaneously breathe the fluid chamber 122 , at least portions of the continuous
in and out with minimal pressure drop (also referred to as 55 peripheral side surface of the HME device 12 are abutted
back -pressure ) in the order of less than about 2 cm H , O at against corresponding regions of the interior surface of the
60 1/min . As a result, the patient can comfortably breathe main body portion 116 of the cushion 114 which defines the
while wearing the mask 110 and while therapy is not being fluid chamber 122 . For instance , as seen in FIG . 10 , portions
administered to the patient . Importantly, the effective con of the peripheral side surface of the HME device 12 defined
tainment of the exhaust vents 152 within the fluid chamber 60 by each of the opposed end portions 88 thereof are abutted
122 substantially mitigates or suppresses the noise generated against corresponding interior surface regions of the main
by the mask 110 attributable to the flow of fluid into the body portion 116 which are located between the inlet ends
exhaust section 174 of the valve chamber via the exhaust of respective ones of the first and second gas delivery
vents 152 . lumens 132 , 134 , and corresponding ones of the pillow
In the mask 110 , it is contemplated that exhalation valve 65 portions 124 . In this regard , the size and shape of the HME
subassembly 111, and in particular the exhalation valve 112, device 12 is preferably such that when fully deployed within
may be detached from the cushion 114 and removed from the fluid chamber 122 , the HME device 12 will form a
US 9,878 , 121 B2
23 24
complete or substantially complete barrier between the open air passing through the HME device 12 and to the patientvia
interiors of the pillow portions 124 and the fluid chamber the pillows portions 124 during the inhalation phase of the
122, yet will not obstruct the inlet ends of either of the first patient. An exemplary airflow pattern during the inhalation
and second gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 . phase of the patient is also similar to that shown by the
In addition to at least portions of the peripheral side 5 arrows included in FIG . 3 .
surface of the HME device 12 being abutted against corre - During the exhalation phase of the patient wearing the
sponding regions of that interior surface of themain body mask 110 , exhaled air travels through the open interiors of
portion 116 defining the fluid chamber 122 , it is also the pillow portions 124 and into the exhalation valve
contemplated that a portion of the bottom surface of the 112 through the HME device 12 . Along these lines, the
HME device 12 (as viewed from the perspective shown in 10 material (s ) preferably used to facilitate the fabrication of the
FIG . 10 ) as defined by the low density layer 92 thereofwill HME device 12 provide for the easy passage of exhaled air
be abutted against the base portion 154 of the cap member through the HME device 12 and into the exhalation valve
142 of the exhalation valve 112 upon the cooperative 112 without causing the patient to exert any greater exha
engagement of the exhalation valve subassembly 111 to the lation force, i.e ., the patient does not sense that there is an
cushion 114 . Further, as also viewed from the perspective 15 obstruction within the mask 110 during the exhalation phase .
shown in FIG . 10, a portion of the top surface of the HME As explained above , during the exhalation phase , the dia
device 12 as defined by the high density layer 96 thereof is phragm 144 of the exhalation valve 112 is actuated to its
abutted against a portion of the interior surface of the main open position, thus allowing air passing through the HME
body portion 116 which is defined by that segment thereof device 12 to be vented to ambient via the vent ports 152 , the
extending between the pillow portions 124 . The abutment of 20 exhaust section 174 , and the outlet conduit 147 of the
the opposed top and bottom surfaces of the HME device 12 exhalation valve 112 . As will be recognized , the HME
against the main body portion 116 of the cushion 114 and device 12 is operative to retain moisture and heat from the
cap member 142 of the exhalation valve 112 in the afore air exhaled by the patient and passing therethrough during
mentioned manner, coupled with the abutment of the periph - the exhalation phase , and to transfer such moisture and heat
eral side surface of the HME device 12 against the main 25 to the patient in the aforementioned manner during the
body portion 116 , results in the HME device 12 assuming inhalation phase .
and being maintained in the arcuately shaped profile shown It is contemplated that the HME device 12 can be per
in FIG . 10 . As indicated above , when it assumes the position manently assembled to the cushion 114 , or may alternatively
shown in FIG . 10 , the HME device 12 effectively segregates be removable therefrom and thus washable and/ or dispos
or separates the open interiors of the pillow portions 124 of 30 able . In this regard , the HME device 12 , if removable from
the cushion 114 from the fluid chamber 122 . within the cushion 114 , could be replaced on a prescribed
During an inhalation phase of a patient using the mask replacement cycle . Along these lines, it is further contem
110 , air enters the fluid chamber 122 via the first and second plated that the HME device 12 may be impregnated with a
gas delivery lumens 132 , 134 which , as indicated above , are chemical agent which facilitates a color change therein when
preferably unobstructed by the HME device 12 . Due to the 35 certain conditions are satisfied indicative of a need for the
permeability of the HME device 12 , the air is able to pass replacement thereof . Additionally, it is contemplated that the
through the HME device 12 and into the nostrils of the HME device 12 can be used as an elastic member that adds
patient via the pillow portions 124 of the cushion 114 similar elasticity to the cushion 114 . In this regard , part of the
to the flow path identified by the arrows shown in FIG . 3 . elasticity of the cushion 114 may be attributable to its
Moisture and heat retained by the HME device 12 is 40 silicone construction , and further be partly attributable to the
transferred into the air passing there through prior to the air compression and deflection of the HME device 12 inside the
reaching the nostrils of the patient. Though air delivered into cushion 114 . Still further, it is contemplated that the HME
the fluid chamber 122 via the first and second gas delivery device 12 may be infused with any one of a number of
lumens 132 , 134 is also capable of flowing into the exha - different scents which may be chosen by the patient accord
lation valve 112 , during the inhalation phase of the patient, 45 ing to preference .
the exhalation valve 112 is normally maintained in its closed Referring now to FIG . 11 , there is shown a front- eleva
position as described above . As a result, any gas entering the tional view of the nasal pillows mask 10 , 10a, 110 of the
exhalation valve 112 during the inhalation phase is pre - present invention as integrated into an exemplary ventilation
vented from being vented via the exhaust vents 152 as a system 100 wherein a tri-lumen tube 102 , Y - connector 104 ,
result of the diaphragm 144 being sealed against the seat 50 and pair of bi- lumen tubes 106 , 108 are used to collectively
m 140 in the aforementioned manner. facilitate the operative interface between the nasal pillows
In the mask 110 having the HME device 12 positioned in mask 10 , 10a , 110 and a flow generating device or flow
the cushion 114 in the aforementioned manner, the size and generator 120 . In the ventilation system 100 , the tri- lumen
shape of the HME device 12 relative to the shape and tube 102 is used to facilitate the fluid communication
internal volume of the fluid chamber 122 is also selected 55 between the Y -connector 104 and the flow generator 120 ,
such that the resultant shape of that portion of the fluid with one end of the tri -lumen tube 102 being fluidly con
chamber 122 which is separated from the pillow portions nected to the flow generator 120 , and the opposite end
124 by the HME device 12 is operative to maximize flow thereof being fluidly connected to the Y -connector 104 . The
over the exposed portions of the bottom surface of the HME bi- lumen tubes 106 , 108 are used to facilitate the fluid
device 12 defined by the low density layer 92 thereof. Such 60 communication between the Y -connector 104 and the mask
shape is also selected to impart a prescribed measure of 10 , 10a , 110 with one end of each of the bi -lumen tubes 106 ,
turbulence to the air flowing into the fluid chamber 122 via 108 being fluidly connected to the Y -connector 104 , and the
the inlet ends of the first and second gas delivery lumens opposite end thereof being fluidly connected to the mask 10 ,
132, 134 . This turbulence , and the vortices resulting there - 10a , 110 . A detailed description of the structural and func
from , assists in maximizing flow over the exposed portions 65 tional attributes of the tri-lumen tube 102 , Y -connector 104
of the bottom surface of the HME device 12 . This in turn and bi -lumen tubes 106 , 108 , as well as the manner in which
optimizes the level of moisture and heat transferred into the the bi- lumen tubes 106 , 108 are operatively connected to the
US 9,878 ,121 B2
25 26
mask 10 , 10a , is described with particularity in Applicant's gas delivery lumen and to extend at least partially
co -pending U . S . patent application Ser. No . 13 / 572 ,368 between the at least one gas delivery lumen and the
entitled VENTILATION MASK WITH INTEGRATED open interiors of the pillow portions.
PILOTED EXHALATION VALVE filed Aug . 10 , 2012 , the 2 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 1 further comprising :
disclosure of which is also incorporated herein by reference . 5 a valve pilot lumen defined by the cushion ; and
In each of the masks 10 , 10a , 100 the integration of the an exhalation valve cooperatively engaged to the cushion
exhalation valve 14 , 112 into the cushion 16 , 114 allows in a manner wherein the valve pilot lumen is fluidly
lower average flow compared to prior art CPAP masks . In coupled thereto , the exhalation valve being fluidly
this regard , the structural/ functional features of the exhala coupled to the fluid chamber ;
tion valve 14 , 112 ensure that all the exhaled gas of the 10 the exhalation valve being piloted , and selectively mov
patient goes to ambient. As a result , a vent flow is notneeded able between a closed position wherein fluid flow
for flushing any trapped carbon dioxide out of the system .
Further , during inspiration the exhalation valve 14 , 112 can between the fluid chamber and ambient air is at least
close , and the flow generator 120 of the system needs to partially obstructed thereby, and an open position
deliver only the patient flow , without the additional overhead 15 wherein at least a portion of the fluid chamber is vented
of the intentional leak flow . In turn , the need for lower flow to ambient air .
rates allows for the use of smaller tubes that have higher 3. The nasal pillows mask of claim 2 wherein the heat and
pneumatic resistance , without the need for the use of moisture exchange device is permanently attached to the
extremely powerful flow generators. The pneumatic power exhalation valve.
through the system 100 can be kept comparable to those of 20 4 . The nasal pillowsmask of claim 3 wherein the heat and
traditional CPAP machines , though the pressure delivered by moisture exchange device has a generally frusto -conical
the flow generator 120 will be higher and the flow lower. configuration .
In addition , the reduced average flow through the system 5. The nasal pillows mask ofclaim 1 wherein the heat and
100 in which the mask 10 , 10a , 110 is used means that less moisture exchange device is further configured to fully
humidity will be removed from the system 100 , as well as 25 segregate the pillow portions from the fluid chamber.
the patient. Conventional CPAP systems have to reintegrate 6 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 1 wherein :
the humidity vented by the intentional leak using a humidi the cushion defines first and second gas delivery lumens
fier, with heated humidifiers being the industry standard . which each fluidly communicate with the fluid cham
Active humidification introduces additional problems such ber, the first and second gas delivery lumens each
as rain -out in the system tubing, which in turn requires 30 having a fluid inlet end proximate the fluid chamber ;
heated tubes , and thus introducing more complexity and cost and
into the system . The system 100 of the present invention , as the heat and moisture exchange device is further config
not having any intentional leak flow , does not need to ured so as not to cover the fluid inlet end of either of the
introduce additional humidity into the system . As indicated first and second gas delivery lumens.
above , the HME device 12 , 12a can be introduced directly 35 7 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 1 wherein :
into the cushion 16 , 114 of the mask 10 , 10a , 110 so that the cushion further defines a pressure sensing lumen
exhaled humidity can be trapped and used to humidify the which fluidly communicates with the fluid chamber ;
air for the following breath . Because of its integration and
directly into the cushion 16 , 114 of the mask 10 , 10a , 110 in the heat and moisture exchange device is further config
extremely close proximity to the patient's nostrils, the HME 40 ured so as not to cover the pressure sensing lumen .
device 12 , 12a optimizes the desired heat and moisture 8 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 1 wherein :
exchange operation with air inhaled and exhaled by a patient the fluid chamber is formed to be of a prescribed shape
wearing the mask 10 , 10a , 110 . and internal volume; and
This disclosure provides exemplary embodiments of the the heat and moisture exchange device is configured
present invention . The scope of the present invention is not 45 relative to the shape and internal volume of the fluid
limited by these exemplary embodiments . Numerous varia chamber such that fluid flowing into the fluid chamber
tions , whether explicitly provided for by the specification or from the gas delivery lumen has a prescribed pattern of
implied by the specification , such as variations in structure , turbulence imparted thereto .
dimension , type of material and manufacturing process may 9 . The nasal pillowsmask of claim 1 wherein the heat and
be implemented by one of skill in the art in view of this 50 moisture exchange device has a multi- layer construction .
disclosure . 10 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 9 wherein the heat
What is claimed is : and moisture exchange device comprises:
1 . A nasal pillows mask , comprising : a high density layer ;
a cushion defining an internal fluid chamber, a pair of a low density layer ; and
pillow portions defining open interiors therein which 55 a medium density layer captured between the high and
each fluidly communicate with the fluid chamber, and low density layers ;
at least one gas delivery lumen which fluidly commu the heat and moisture exchange device being oriented
nicates with the fluid chamber, the at least one gas within the fluid chamber such that the high density
delivery lumen having a fluid inlet end proximate the layer is disposed closest to the pillow portions of the
fluid chamber ; and cushion .
a heat and moisture exchange device disposed within the 11. A nasal pillows mask , comprising :
fluid chamber of the cushion proximate the open inte a cushion defining at least one flow passage , wherein the
riors of the pillow portions thereof, wherein the heat cushion defines first and second gas delivery lumens
and moisture exchange device is configured to at least which each fluidly communicate with the flow passage ,
partially segregate the open interiors of the pillow 65 the first and second gas delivery lumens each having a
portions from the fluid chamber and further configured fluid inlet end proximate the flow passage , wherein the
so as not to cover the fluid inlet end of the at least one cushion further defines at least one delivery section that
US 9 ,878 , 121 B2
channels fluid flowing into the flow passage from the thereby, and an open position wherein at least a portion
first and second gas delivery lumens into a nose of a of the flow passage is vented to ambient air.
patient; and 13 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 12 wherein the heat
a heat and moisture exchange device disposed within the and moisture exchange device is permanently attached to the
flow passage; 5 exhalation valve.
wherein the heat and moisture exchange device is con 14 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 11 wherein :
figured relative to the flow passage such that fluid the cushion further defines a pressure sensing lumen
flowing into the flow passage has a prescribed pattern
of turbulence imparted thereto by the cushion and the which fluidly communicates with the flow passage; and
heat and moisture exchange device and further config - 10 the heat and moisture exchange device is further config
ured so as not to cover the pressure sensing lumen .
ured so as not to cover the fluid inlet end of either of the 15 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 11 wherein the heat
first and second gas delivery lumens and to extend at and moisture exchange device has a multi- layer construc
least partially between the first and second gas delivery tion .
lumens and the at least one delivery section .
12 . The nasal pillows mask of claim 11 further compris - 15 and16moisture
. The nasal pillows mask of claim 15 wherein the heat
exchange device comprises :
ing: a high density layer ;
an exhalation valve cooperatively engaged to the cushion a low density layer, and
and fluidly coupled to the flow passage ; a medium density layer captured between the high and
the exhalation valve being selectively movable between a low density layers.
closed position wherein fluid flow between the flow 20
passage and ambient air is at least partially obstructed * * * * *