Construction Specification:
This set of Specifications shall govern the methods of construction and kinds of materials to
be used for the proposed Project shown on the accompanying plans and details drawings.
The plans, detail drawing and the specifications shall be considered as complementing each
other so that what is mentioned or showed in one, although not mentioned or shown in other, shall be
considered as appearing in both,. Any conflict to be found between the two should be referred to the
designing Architect for clarification
G!"A# $%!&'T'%!S
All parts of the construction shall be finished with first class workmanship to the fullest talent
and meaning of the plans and the Specifications, and to the full satisfaction of the designing Architect
and the project owners.
Any defective material or poor workmanship should be replaced or improved by the
contractor without additional cost to the owner.
The construction shall conform to all the re(uirements of the !ational )uilding $ode of the
Philippines and the rules and regulations enforced in the locality.
$#A"'!G T* S'T
The building site shall be leveled to a suitable grade according to the plans. 't should be
cleared of rubbish roots and other perishable materials.
Such unsuitable materials shall be spread over areas adjacent to the proposed building, or
disposed of as may be directed by the Architect or ngineer who is in charge of the construction.
STA+'!G %,T T* ),'#&'!G #'!S
The building lines shall be staked out and all lines and grades shown in the drawings
accurately established before any e-cavation is started.
)atter boards where construction reference marks have been indicated should be erected such
that they would not be disturbed during the e-cavation for the foundation of the building.
/$A0AT'%! 1%" 1%,!&AT'%!
All e-cavation shall be made to grade indicated in the drawings. 2here the building site is
covered with any kind of fill, the e-cavation for footings shall be made deeper until the specified safe
bearing capacity of the soil is reached.
'f water is present at the e-cavation site, it shall be removed by bailing or pumping. Great care
should be taken in order that the surrounding soil is not eroded or cave in.
)A$+1'##'!G %1 /$A0AT'%!S
2hen the concrete poured for foundation has hardened and can already withstand the pressure
resulting from fills, the materials removed from e-cavations shall be used for backfilling them.
The fills and backfills shall be placed in layers not more that .34mm 5678 in thickness each
succeeding layer shall be thoroughly compacted by wetting, tamping and rolling.
$%!$"T 2%"+S
$oncrete should be mi-ed thoroughly such that there is uniform distribution among the
cement and aggregates. The concrete should be vibrated and its forms should be tapped as it is
deposited to its final position, to prevent formation of voids in the concrete member which will
weaken the building.
2ater to be used for mi-ing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil,
acids, salt, alkalis and other organic materials.
P"%P%"T'%!'!G %1 $%!$"T 9'/T,"
All concrete works for this project shall be undertaken in accordance with the standard
specification for plain and reinforced concrete as approved by the government.
The following proportions of concrete shall be used for the various parts of the building.
: 1ooting and columns ;;;;;.$lass A 5 .< =< > 8
: Girders, )eams and Slabs;;..... $lass A 5 .< =< > 8
: Septic 0ault slab and cover ;;.. $lass A 5 .< =< > 8
: $onc. *oll. )lk. 1ootings ;;;. $lass ) 5 .< =:.?= < 38
: $oncrete Slab on fill;;;;;.. $lass $ 5. < @ < 6 8
$lass A concrete shall be a mi-ture of . part cement, = parts fine aggregate and > parts coarse
aggregate by volume, plus enough water to make the mi-ture into a pliable paste.
$lass ) concrete shall be a mi-ture of . part cement, =:.?= parts fine aggregate and 3 parts
coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough water to make the mi-ture into a pliable paste.
$lass $ concrete shall be a mi-ture of . part cement, @ parts fine aggregate and 6 parts coarse
aggregate by volume, plus enough water to make the mi-ture into a pliable paste.
The fine aggregate for concrete shall consist of natural sand or of inert materials with similar
characteristics, having hard, clean and durable grains, free from organic matters or loam.
The coarse aggregate for concrete shall be of crushed rock of durable (ualities, or clean and
hard gravel. SiAe of the coarse aggregate to be used shall vary from =44mm 5@?>78 to >44mm 5.:
$oncrete slabs on fill shall be poured on a layer of hard gravel fill spread over well compacted
and thoroughly tamped earth fill. ach concrete slab course to be poured shall not be more than one
meter wide, and each course shall be poured alternatively to the indicated floor finishes.
1%"9S 1%" $%!$"T 2%"+S
1orms for all reinforced concrete shall be ade(uately supported and braced or tied together to
maintain the correct positions and the shapes of poured concrete. 2ooden forms shall be constructed
sufficiently tight to prevent the bulging of concrete members upon pouring or leaking? drinking of
water during curing.
The forms shall not be moved until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to support its
own weight and any temporary loads placed on it. The side forms of girders and beams may be
removed earlier than the bottom forms. *owever, additional supports and shoring must be placed
under until they have attained strength.
ST# "'!1%"$'!G )A"S
Steel reinforcing bars to be used for this project shall consist of standard deformed structural
bars meeting AST9 specifications.
The steel reinforcements for concrete shall be formed accurately according to the siAes of the
columns, beams and girders, footings, slabs etc. where they are to be used. They shall be tied together
at each bar intersection with Gauge !o. .6 G. '. wire or by welding.
!o steel reinforcement should be installed unless it is free from rust, scale or other coating
which would destroy or reduce the bond with concrete. The reinforcement bards must be positioned
such that there is space between the steel at the sides and bottom of the forms.
$%!$"T *%##%2 )#%$+S
$oncrete hollow blocks to be used in this project shall be Approved (ual brand or any other
brand of e(ual (uality readily available in the locality. ,se of such alternative brand shall be
approved by the Project Architect or ngineer and the %wner?s.
All cells of concrete hollow blocks to be laid shall be filled with cement mortar mi-ture of .
part cement and @ parts sand, by volume. The horiAontal joints between units shall be provided with
.< @ cement mortar mi-. At least .4mm thick.
The siAe of concrete hollow blocks to be used for these walls shall be >7 - B7 - .67
a. all e-terior walls at all floor
b. 2alls where plumbing pipes will be located
1or interior walls at the 1irst 1loor and for both e-terior and interior walls at the Second
1loor, concrete hollow blocks to be used shall be >7 - B7 - .67
All concrete hollow block walls shall be reinforced with .4mm diameter deformed bars both
ways for every concrete hollow block laid horiAontal and vertically.
"%%1 1"A9'!G, "%%1'!G A!& A$$SS%"'S
The materials to be used for the roof framing such as trusses, struts and web members shall
consist of steel angles @?.67 thick. %ther accessories for the roof frames are shown in the details of
truss joints and in the "oof 1raming plan.
"oofing sheets shall be Gauge !o. =6 longspan. The ridge rolls, shall be 4.4>mm thick
longspan prepainted metal with epo-y baked finish.
All downspouts shall be @7 diameter Schedule >4 P0$ pipes.
$'#'!G )%A"&S
*ardilite, shall be used for the ceiling of the building<
&%%"S, 2'!&%2S A!& A$$SS%"'S
The designs and specifications of materials for doors and windows to be installed for this
project are shown in the Schedule of &oors and 2indows detail drawing.
-terior doors shall be fitted with bolts which are looked and unlocked at the interior side of
the building. %ne can only unlock the dead bolts from outside by using a key.
P#,9)'!G 2%"+S A!& 1'/T,"S
Plumbing works and materials shall be in accordance with the !ational Plumbing $ode of the
Philippines. Soil and waste pipes shall be properly graded or pitched downward to facilitate easy
discharge of the solid and li(uid wastes from the plumbing fi-tures or receptacles to their place of
disposal. Sloping pipes must be well supported and rigidly suspended to prevent sagging,
displacement or pipe breakage, resulting in leakage of waste matter.
All plumbing fi-tures should be connected to a vertical vent pipe, with its top end e-tending
above the roof at least 4.64 meter or = feet.
The water closets to be installed in the Toilet and )athrooms for these rooms shall be
Approved (ual brand<.
1or the Toilet:)athroom Approved (ual water closets shall be installed.
Toilet papers holder, soap holders shower heads and valves shall be Approved (ual brand, to
be installed in all Toilet and )athrooms.
P#,9)'!G P'PS A)& 1'TT'!GS
Pipes and fittings to be used shall be used as follows<
a. $old water pipes ;.. 9olde- brand
b. Service entrance pipes;;..SiAe =7 diameter
c. Sewer line pipes ;;;;;Sanimold )rand with %:rings
d. Stainless steel floor drains ;.siAe >7 - >7 heavy duty
All downspouts from the roof shall be @7 diameter P0$ pipes Schedule >4. the lower ends
shall terminate ' concrete catch basins. ,nderground reinforced concrete pipes, B7 and .4< in diameter
shall connect to the catch basins for draining the water to the street fronting the building.
#$T"'$A# 2%"+S
Specifications for electrical works are included in the electrical plans of this project.
1or brands of materials to used, the following are to be followed<
.. 2ires : T**! wire .C3 s(.mm 59ain Source8
T**! wire @.3 s(.mm 5$onvenience %utlet8
T**! wire 3.3 s(.mm 5#ightings %utlet8
=. Switches : %mni )rand or Approved (ual
@. %utlets : %mni )rand or Approved (ual
>. Pipes : D 7 P!S Pipe for lightings and $onvenience outlet
=7 P!S Pipe for main source.
3. 9ain Source : =E )ranches Panel bo- with $ircuit breaker.
PA'!T'!G A!& 0A"!'S*'!G
All painting and varnishing works for this project shall be e-ecuted in first class workmanship
using )oysen brand products. Surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned to remove mortar, dust, grease,
rust and other foreign substances that may be present on areas to be painted or varnished.
Surface defects such as cracks, dents and holes must be filled with putty and sandpapered
before final coat of paint or vanish is applied.
All concrete surfaces to be painted shall first be given a coat of concrete neutraliAer. 9etal and
steel must be primed with anti: rust paint before the application of subse(uent coats of paint.
Schedule of paint and varnish finishes to be followed for this project<
9asonry walls;;;;;;;;;;;;..Gloss late- paint
'nterior ceiling ;;;;;;;;;;;;.1lat enamel paint
All rough and finishing wood materials such as door frames, must be treated with anti:termite
solution such Solignum or any other brand approved by the Architect and %wner.
The overall color scheme to be followed in painting and varnishing the building, including
those of other materials like tiles, plumbing fi-tures and other accessories shall be left to the decision
of the %wners and the Architect.
Prepared and $ertified by<
$'0'# !G'!"
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