Chapter15 2
Chapter15 2
Chapter15 2
1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Which is a net ionic equation for the neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base? ) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) ') !(%#"aq) # %!-"aq) & !&%"l) C) !)"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $a)"aq) *) !)"aq) # %!-"aq) !&%"l) # )-"aq) nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions &) Which is a net ionic equation for the neutralization of a wea/ acid with a strong base? ) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) ') !(%#"aq) # %!-"aq) & !&%"l) C) !)"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $a)"aq) *) !)"aq) # %!-"aq) !&%"l) # )-"aq) nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions () Which is a net ionic equation for the neutralization reaction of a strong acid with a wea/ base? ) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) ') !(%#"aq) # %!-"aq) & !&%"l) C) !Cl"aq) # $!("aq) $!0Cl"aq) *) !(%#"aq) # $!("aq) $!0#"aq) # !&%"l) nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions
0) Which is a net ionic equation for the neutralization reaction of a wea/ acid with a wea/ base? ) !(%#"aq) # %!-"aq) & !&%"l) ') !)"aq) # $!("aq) $!0#"aq) # )-"aq) C) !)"aq) # %!-"aq) !&%"l) # )-"aq) *) !(%#"aq) # $!("aq) $!0#"aq) # !&%"l) nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions
5) What is the equation relating the equilibriu8 constant Kn for the neutralization of a wea/ acid with a wea/ base to the Ka of the acid6 the Kb of the base and Kw? ) Kn 9 KaKbKw K K ') Kn 9 a b Kw K K C) Kn 9 a w Kb K K *) Kn 9 b w Ka nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions :) What is the appro;i8ate <alue of the equilibriu8 constant6 Kn6 for the neutralization of acetic acid with sodiu8 h1dro;ide6 shown in the equation below? ,he Ka for acetic acid is 1.= > 13?5. C!(C%&!"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aC!(C%&"aq) ) 1.= > 13-1@ ') 5.: > 13-13 C) 1.= > 13-= *) 1.= > 13@ nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions A) What is the appro;i8ate <alue of the equilibriu8 constant6 Kn6 for the neutralization of p1ridine with h1drochloric acid6 shown in the equation below? ,he Kb for p1ridine is 1.= > 13?@. !Cl"aq) # C5!5$"aq) C5!5$!Cl"aq) ) 5.: > 13-13 ') 5.: > 13-: C) 1.= > 135 *) 5.: > 13= nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions =) What is the appro;i8ate <alue of the equilibriu8 constant6 Kn6 for the neutralization of nitrous acid with a88onia6 shown in the equation below? ,he Ka for !$%& is 0.5 > 13?0 and the Bb for $!( is 1.= > 13?5. !$%&"aq) # $!("aq) $!0$%&"aq)
) =.1 > 135 ') 1.= > 13@ C) 0.5 > 1313 *) =.1 > 131@ nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions
& Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
@) What is the appro;i8ate <alue of the equilibriu8 constant6 Kn6 for the neutralization of h1drochloric acid with sodiu8 h1dro;ide6 shown in the equation below? !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) ) 1.3 > 13& ') 1.3 > 13A C) 1.3 > 1310 *) 1.3 > 13&= nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 13) ,he neutralization constant Kn for the neutralization of acet1lsalic1lic acid "C@!=%0) and codeine "C1=!&1$%() is 0.= 130. ,he acid dissociation constant Ka for acet1lsalic1lic acid is (.3 13-0. What is the base dissociation constant Kb for codeine? ) 0.= 13-&0 ') :.( 13-&( C) 1.: 13-: *) 1.0 1315 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 11) ,he neutralization constant Kn for the neutralization of phenobarbital "C1&!1&$&%() and 8orphine "C1A!1@$%() is &.@. ,he acid dissociation constant Ka for phenobarbital is (.@ 13-=. What is the base dissociation constant Kb for 8orphine? ) 1.( 13-&& ') :.( 13-&( C) A.0 13-A *) 1.1 13A nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 1&) Which of these neutralization reactions has a p! 9 A when equal 8olar a8ounts of acid and base are 8i;ed? ) C!(C%&!"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aC!(C%&"aq) ') !Cl"aq) # C5!5$"aq) C5!5$!Cl"aq) C) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) *) !$%&"aq) # $!("aq) $!0$%&"aq) nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions
1() Which of these neutralization reactions has a p! C A when equal 8olar a8ounts of acid and base are 8i;ed? ) C!(C%&!"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aC!(C%&"aq) ') !Cl"aq) # C5!5$"aq) C5!5$!Cl"aq) C) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) *) !&-%0"aq) # & B%!"aq) & !&%"l) # B&-%0"aq) nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 10) Which of these neutralization reactions has a p! D A when equal 8oles of acid and base are 8i;ed? ) C!(C%&!"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aC!(C%&"aq) ') !Cl"aq) # C5!5$"aq) C5!5$!Cl"aq) C) !Cl"aq) # $a%!"aq) !&%"l) # $aCl"aq) *) !&-%0"aq) # & B%!"aq) & !&%"l) # B&-%0"aq) nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 15) What is the co88on ion in a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 3.13 M $aC!(C%& with 3.13 M C!(C%&!? ) !(%# ') $a# C) C!(C%&*) %!nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect 1:) When 53 8E of 3.13 M $!0Cl is added to 53 8E of 3.13 M $!(6 relati<e to the p! of the 3.13 M $!( solution the p! of the resulting solution will ) beco8e A. ') decrease. C) increase. *) re8ain the sa8e. nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect 1A) When 53 8E of 3.13 M $a) is added to 53 8E of 3.13 M !)6 relati<e to the p! of the 3.13 M !) solution the p! of the resulting solution will ) beco8e A. ') decrease. C) increase. *) re8ain the sa8e. nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect
1=) What is the h1droniu8 ion concentration in a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M !C$ with 53.33 8E of $aC$? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e and that Ka 9 0.@ > 13-13 for !C$. ) &.0 > 13-13 M ') 0.@ > 13-13 M C) @.= > 13-13 M *) A.3 > 13-: M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect 1@) What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing &5.33 8E of 3.13 M C!(C%&! with &5.33 8E of 3.353 M C!(C%&$a? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) &.=A ') 0.00 C) 0.A0 *) 5.35 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect &3) What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M $!( with &5.33 8E of 3.13 M $!0Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Kb 9 1.= > 13-5 for $!(. ) =.@5 ') @.&: C) @.5: *) 11.1( nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect &1) What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing &5.33 8E of 3.13 M 8eth1la8ine6 C!($!&6 with &5.33 8E of 3.13 M 8eth1la88oniu8 chloride6 C!($!(Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Kb 9 (.A3 > 13-0 for 8eth1la8ine. ) 13.&A ') 13.5A C) 13.=A *) 11.A= nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect
&&) When equal 8olar a8ounts of the following sets of co8pounds are 8i;ed in water6 which will not for8 a buffer solution? ) $a!&4%0 with $a&!4%0 ') $!( with $!0Cl C) C!(C%&! with $aC!(C%& *) !$%( with $a$%( nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &() Which of the following co8binations of che8icals could be used to 8a/e a buffer solution? ) !ClF$a%! ') !ClF$!( C) !ClF!(4%0 *) $a%!F$!( nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &0) Which state8ent about buffers is true? ) 'uffers ha<e a p! 9 A. ') 'uffers consist of a strong acid and its conGugate base. C) buffer does not change p! on addition of a strong acid or strong base. *) 'uffers resist change in p! upon addition of s8all a8ounts of strong acid or strong base. nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &5) What is the p! of a buffered s1ste8 8ade b1 dissol<ing 1A.0& g of B!&4%0 and &3.01 g of B&!4%0 in water to gi<e a <olu8e of &33.3 8E? ,he Ka& for dih1drogen phosphate is :.& > 13-= and the equilibriu8 reaction of interest is !&4%0-"aq) # !&%"l) !(%#"aq) # !4%0-"aq). ) A.3( ') A.1A C) A.(= *) A.5= nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &:) What is the p! of a buffer s1ste8 8ade b1 dissol<ing 13.A3 gra8s of $!0Cl and &3.33 8E of 1&.3 M $!( in enough water to 8a/e 1.333 E of solution? Kb 9 1.= > 13-5 for $!(. ) @.1= ') @.&: C) @.(0 *) 11.3( nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions
&A) ,.7- H"!%C!&)(C$!&I is one of the 8ost co88on buffers used in bioche8istr1. solution is prepared b1 adding enough ,.7- and 1& M !Cl"aq) to gi<e 1.33 E of solution with J,.7-K 9 3.(3 M and J,.7-!#K 9 3.:3 M. What is the p! of this buffered s1ste8 if the pKb is 5.@&? ) 5.@& ') :.&& C) A.A= *) =.3= nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &=) buffer solution is prepared b1 dissol<ing 3.&33 8ol of $a!&4%0 and 3.133 8ol of $a%! in enough water to 8a/e 1.33 E of solution. What is the p! of the !&4%0-F!4%0&- buffer if the Ka& 9 :.& > 13-=? ) :.@1 ') A.&1 C) A.51 *) A.A1 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions &@) What is the p! of 1 E of 3.(3 M ,.7-6 3.:3 M ,.7-!# buffer to which one has added 5.3 8E of 1& M !Cl? ,he Kb for the ,.7-F,.7-!# is 1.& > 13-:. ) 5.@& ') :.(: C) A.(: *) A.:0 nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (3) buffer solution is prepared b1 dissol<ing &A.&& g of B!&4%0 and (.(A g of B%! in enough water to 8a/e 3.133 E of solution. What is the p! of the !&4%0-F!4%0&- buffer if the Ka& 9 :.& > 13-=? ) :.=0 ') A.33 C) A.&1 *) A.=0 nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (1) What is the JC!(C%&-KFJC!(C%&!K ratio necessar1 to 8a/e a buffer solution with a p! of 0.00? Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) 3.53+1 ') 3.@0+1 C) 1.1+1 *) &.3+1 nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions
A Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
(&) What is the p! of a buffer solution 8ade b1 8i;ing 53.3 8E of 3.133 M potassiu8 h1drogen phthalate with 1(.: 8E of 3.133 M $a%! and diluting the 8i;ture to 133.3 8E with water? ,he Ka& for h1drogen phthalate is (.1 > 13-:. ) (.&5 ') 5.3= C) 5.51 *) 5.@0 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (() What <olu8e of 3.133 M $a%! is needed to 8a/e 133.3 8E of a buffer solution with a p! of :.33 if one starts with 53.3 8E of 3.133 M potassiu8 h1drogen phthalate? ,he Ka& for potassiu8 h1drogen phthalate is (.1 > 13-:. ) &&.0 8E ') &A.: 8E C) (3.& 8E *) (A.= 8E nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (0) What is the 8agnitude of the change in p! when 3.335 8oles of !Cl is added to 3.133 E of a buffer solution that is 3.133 M in C!(C%&! and 3.133 M $aC!(C%&? ,he Ka for acetic acid is1.= > 13-5. ) 3.33 ') 3.&3 C) 3.0A *) 1.(3 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (5) What is the resulting p! when 3.335 8oles of B%! is added to 3.133 E of a buffer solution that is 3.133 M in !&4%0- and 3.133 M !4%0&- and the Ka& 9 :.& > 13-=? ) 5.&1 ') 5.:1 C) :.A( *) A.:@ nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions (:) What is the !enderson-!asselbalch equation for the acidic buffer ! F -? ) p! 9 -logJ!(%#K ') p! 9 10 - p%! C) p! 9 pKa # logHJ -KFJ! KI *) p! 9 pKa - logHJ -KFJ! KI nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation
= Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
(A) What is not a correct e;pression for the wea/ acid ! ? ) Ka 9 J!(%#KJ -KFJ! K ') pKa 9 p! - logHJ -KFJ! KI C) pKa 9 logKa *) pKa 9 10 - pKb nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation (=) Which is the best acid to use in the preparation of a buffer with p! 9 (.(? ) !%7 "Ka 9 &.3 > 13?11) ') !$%& "Ka 9 0.5 > 13?0) C) !$%( *) !7%( ""Ka 9 1.A > 13?1) nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation (@) Which is the best acid to use in the preparation of a buffer with p! 9 @.(? ) C!($!& "Kb 9 (.A > 13?0) ') $!( "Kb 9 1.= > 13?5) C) $!&%! "Kb 9 @.1 > 13?@) *) C:!5$!& "Kb 9 0.( > 13?13) nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 03) What is the percent dissociation of gl1cine if the solution has a p! 9 =.:3 and a pKa 9 @.:3? ) 53L ') @L C) 5L *) 1L nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 01) What is the percent dissociation of acetic acid if the solution has a p! 9 0.A0 and a pKa 9 0.A0? ) 133L ') 53L C) 13L *) 1L nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation
0&) What is the percent dissociation of ascorbic acid if the solution has a p! 9 5.53 and a pKa 9 0.13? ) @:L ') 13L C) 5L *) 1L nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 0() t what p! is the a8ino acid gl1cine with a Ka of &.51 > 13-13 si;t1-si; "::L) percent dissociated? ) @.:3 ') @.=@ C) 13.13 *) 13.:3 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 00) What <olu8e of 5.33 > 13?( M !$%( is needed to titrate 133.33 8E of 5.33 > 13?( M Ca"%!)& to the equi<alence point? ) 1&.5 8E ') 53.3 8E C) 133. 8E *) &33. 8E nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations 05) What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing (3.33 8E of 3.13 M !Cl with 03.33 8E of 3.13 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. ) 3.=5 ') 1.=5 C) 1&.15 *) 1(.15 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations 0:) Which of the following titrations result in a basic solution at the equi<alence point? ) !7 titrated with $aC!(C%& ') !%Cl titrated with $a%! C) !'r titrated with B%! *) 4b"$%()& titrated with $a7 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations
0A) What is the p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ acid-strong base titration? ) p! C A ') p! 9 A C) p! D A *) p! 9 10.33 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 0=) What is the appro;i8ate p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ acid-strong base titration if &5 8E of aqueous for8ic acid requires &@.=3 8E of 3.35:A M $a%!? Ka 9 1.= > 13-0 for for8ic acid. ) &.0: ') 5.== C) =.1& *) 11.50 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 0@) What is the appro;i8ate p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ acid-strong base titration if &5 8E of aqueous h1drofluoric acid requires (3.33 8E of 3.033 M $a%!? Ka 9 :.A: > 13-0 for !). ) 1.A0 ') 5.A5 C) =.&5 *) 1&.&: nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 53) ,he equi<alence point p! of the titration of four wea/ acids is gi<en. Which is the strongest acid? ) A.&0 ') A.=: C) =.1& *) =.0( nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 51) )or8ic acid "!C%&!6 Ka 9 1.= > 13-0) is the principal co8ponent in the <eno8 of stinging ants. What is the 8olarit1 of a for8ic acid solution if &5.33 8E of the for8ic acid solution requires &@.=3 8E of 3.35:A M $a%! to reach the equi<alence point? ) 3.31(0 M ') 3.30A: M C) 3.35:A M *) 3.3:A: M nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations
5&) What is the p! of the resulting solution if (3.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid is added to 13.33 8E of 3.13 M $a%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) @.5: ') =.@5 C) 5.35 *) 0.00 nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 5() What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing (3.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid with (3.33 8E of 3.13 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) 5.&= ') A.33 C) =.A& *) 13.3& nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 50) What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing (3.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid with 03.33 8E of 3.13 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) =.&: ') @.&: C) 11.1( *) 1&.15 nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 55) Which of the following titrations result in an acidic solution at the equi<alence point? ) C!(C%%! titrated with $a%! ') B) titrated with B%! C) !Cl titrated with $a%! *) C5!5$ titrated with !Cl nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations 5:) -odiu8 h1pochlorite6 $a%Cl6 is the acti<e ingredient in household bleach. What is the concentration of h1pochlorite ion if &3.33 8E of bleach requires &=.(3 8E of 3.533 M !Cl to reach the equi<alence point? ) 3.&3= M ') 3.(5( M C) 3.A3= M *) 1.&1 M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations
5A) What is the p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ base-strong acid titration if &3.33 8E of $a%Cl requires &=.(3 8E of 3.53 M !Cl? Ka 9 (.3 > 13-= for !%Cl. ) 3.(3 ') (.1= C) (.A: *) 0.3( nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations 5=) ,he equi<alence point p! of the titration of four wea/ bases is gi<en. Which is the strongest base? ) 0.&1 ') 5.:A C) :.(( *) A.5= nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations 5@) What is the p! of the resulting solution if &5 8E of 3.0(& M 8eth1la8ine6 C!($!&6 is added to 15 8E of 3.&(0 M !Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 &.A3 > 13-11 for C!($!(#. ) (.11 ') (.A0 C) 13.&: *) 13.=@ nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations :3) -ulfurous acid6 !&-%( has acid dissociation constants Ka1 9 1.5 > 13?& and Ka& 9 :.( > 13?=. What is the p! after 13.33 8E of 3.1333 M $a%! is added to 13.33 8E of 3.1333 M !&-%(? ) 1.=& ') (.:3 C) 0.&5 *) A.&3 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations :1) %;alic acid6 !&C&%0 has acid dissociation constants Ka1 9 5.@ > 13?& and Ka& 9 :.0 > 13?5. What is the p! after &3.33 8E of 3.3533 M $a%! is added to 5.33 8E of 3.&333 M !&C&%0? ) 1.&( ') &.13 C) &.=3 *) 0.1@ nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations
:&) ,he dissociation equilibriu8 constants for the protonated for8 of alanine "a diprotic a8ino acid6 !&M#) are Ka1 9 0.: > 13-( and Ka& 9 &.3 > 13-13. What is the p! of 53.33 8E of a 3.3533 M solution of alanine after &5.33 8E of 3.133 M $a%! has been added? ) &.(0 ') 0.=5 C) 5.5@ *) :.A& nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations :() ,he dissociation equilibriu8 constants for the protonated for8 of alanine "a diprotic a8ino acid6 !&M#) are Ka1 9 0.: > 13-( and Ka& 9 &.3 > 13-13. What is the p! of 53.33 8E of a 3.353 M solution of alanine after (A.53 8E of 3.133 M $a%! has been added? ) 0.=5 ') :.3& C) A.(@ *) @.A3 nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations :0) ,he dissociation equilibriu8 constants for the protonated for8 of alanine "a diprotic a8ino acid !&M#) are Ka1 9 0.: > 13-( and Ka& 9 &.3 > 13-13. What is the p! of 53.33 8E of a 3.133 M solution of alanine after 133.33 8E of 3.133 M $a%! has been added? ) @.A3 ') 13.:@ C) 11.11 *) 1&.A3 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations :5) ,he balanced equation for the solubilit1 equilibriu8 of )e"%!)& is shown below. What is the equilibriu8 constant e;pression for the Ksp of )e"%!)&? )e"%!)&"s) )e&#"aq) # & %!-"aq) ) Ksp 9 HJ)e&#KJ%!-K&IFHJ)e"%!)&KJ!&%KI ') Ksp 9 HJ)e&#KJ%!-K&IFJ)e"%!)&K C) Ksp 9 J)e&#KJ%!-K& *) Ksp 9 1FHJ)e&#KJ%!-K&I nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.13 -olubilit1 5quilibria
::) What is the equilibriu8 constant e;pression for the Ksp of Ca("4%0)&? ) Bsp 9 JCa&#K(J4%0(-K& ') Bsp 9 HJCa&#K(J4%0(-K&IFJCa(4%0K C) Bsp 9 HJCa&#K(J4%0(-K&IFHJCa(4%0KJ!&%KI *) Bsp 9 1FHJCa&#K(J4%0(-K&I nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.13 -olubilit1 5quilibria :A) What is the sil<er ion concentration for a saturated solution of g&C%( if the Ksp for g&C%( is =.0 > 13-1&? ) &.@3 > 13-: M ') &.3( > 13-0 M C) &.5: > 13-0 M *) 0.3: > 13-0 M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp :=) What is the chro8iu8 ion concentration for a saturated solution of Cr"%!)( if the Ksp for Cr"%!)( is :.A > 13-(1? ) =.1@ > 13-1: M ') 1.&: > 13-= M C) &.1A > 13-= M *) (.A: > 13-= M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp :@) What is the 8ost soluble salt of the following set? ) 'a"%!)& with Ksp 9 5.3 > 13-( ') Ca"%!)& with Ksp 9 0.A > 13-: C) Cd"%!)& with Ksp 9 5.( > 13-15 *) )e"%!)& with Ksp 9 &.5 > 13-(A nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp A3) What is the 8ost soluble salt of the following set? ) gC$ with Ksp 9 :.3 > 13-1A ') l"%!)( with Ksp 9 1.@ > 13-(( C) )e"%!)( with Ksp 9 &.: > 13-(@ *) -n"%!)& with Ksp 9 1.: > 13-1@ nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp
A1) Calculate the Ksp for sil<er sulfate if the solubilit1 of g&-%0 in pure water is 0.5 gFE. ) (.3 > 13-: ') 1.& > 13-5 C) &.1 > 13-0 *) 0.& > 13-0 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp A&) Calculate the solubilit1 "in gFE) of sil<er carbonate in water at &5NC if the Ksp for g&C%( is =.0 > 13-1&. ) =.3 > 13-0 gFE ') (.5 > 13-& gFE C) 0.0 > 13-& gFE *) 5.: > 13-& gFE nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp A() What is the 8olar solubilit1 of Ca)& in 3.13 M $a) solution at &5NC? ,he Ksp for Ca)& is ) =.5 > 13-13 M ') (.0 > 13-13 M C) (.0 > 13-@ M *) &.3 > 13-0 M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 A0) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of Mg"%!)& in a basic solution with a p! of 1&.33? Ksp for Mg"%!)& is 5.: > 13-1&. ) 5.: > 13-13 M ') 5.: > 13-= M C) &.0 > 13-: M *) 1.1 > 13-0 M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 A5) Calculate the 8olar solubilit1 of thalliu8"7) chloride in 3.(3 M $aCl at &5NC. Ksp for ,lCl is 1.A > 13-0. ) 5.1 > 13-5 M ') 5.A > 13-0 M C) A.1 > 13-( M *) 1.( > 13-& M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1
1: Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
A:) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of lead"77) chro8ate in 3.13 M !$%( if the Ksp for 4bCr%0 is &.= > 13-1(? and the Ka& for !&Cr%0 is (.3 > 13-A? $ote that !&Cr%0 is considered to be a strong acid. ) @.& > 13-11 M ') &.@ > 13-13 M C) @.( > 13-A M *) (.1 > 13-0 M nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 AA) 7n which of the following solutions would solid 4bCl& be e;pected to be the least soluble at &5NC? ) 3.1 M !Cl ') 3.1 M $aCl C) 3.1 M CaCl& *) 3.1 M B$%( nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 A=) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of gCl in 3.13 M $!(? Ksp for gCl is 1.= > 13-13 and the Kf for g"$!()&# is 1.A > 13A. ) 1.( > 13-5 M ') 5.3 > 13-( M C) 5.5 > 13-( M *) 5.5 > 13-& M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 A@) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of gCl in 1.3 M B&-&%( if the co8ple; ion g"-&%()&(- for8s? ,he Bsp for gCl is 1.= > 13-13 and the Bf for g"-&%()&(- is &.@ > 131(. ) 3.53 M ') 1.3 M C) 1.5 M *) &.3 M nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 =3) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of gCl in 3.13 M $aC$ if the colorless co8ple; ion g"C$)&- for8s? Ksp for gCl is 1.= > 13-13 and Kf for g"C$)&- is ) 3.353 M ') 3.13 M C) 3.&3 M *) 3.03 M nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1
1A Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
=1) Which of the following 8etal h1dro;ides are a8photeric? ) l"%!)(6 On"%!)&6 Cr"%!)(6 -n"%!)& ') Cu"%!)&6 Mn"%!)&6 )e"%!)&6 )e"%!)( C) 'e"%!)&6 Ca"%!)&6 'a"%!)&6 -r"%!)( *) Ei%!6 $a%!6 B%!6 .b%! nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 =&) Which of the following reactions are not consistent with the concept of acid base a8photeris8? ) l"%!)("s) # %!-"aq) P l"%!)0-"aq) ') l"%!)("s) # ( !(%#"aq) P l(#"aq) # : !&%"l) C) !&%"l) # !&%"l) !(%#"aq) # %!-"aq) *) l"%!)("s) l(#"aq) # ( %!-"aq) nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 =() 4recipitation of an ionic co8pound will occur upon 8i;ing of desired reagents if the initial ion product is QQQQQQQQ. ) greater than the Ksp ') equal to the pKsp C) equal to the Ksp *) less than the Ksp nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds =0) 4otassiu8 chro8ate is slowl1 added to a solution containing 3.&3 M g$%( and 3.&3 M 'a"$%()&. *escribe what happens if the Ksp for g&Cr%0 is 1.1 > 13-1& and the Ksp of 'aCr%0 is 1.& > 13-13. ) ,he 'aCr%0 precipitates first out of solution. ') ,he g&Cr%0 precipitates first out of solution and then 'aCr%0 precipitates. C) 'oth 'aCr%0 and g&Cr%0 precipitate si8ultaneousl1 out of solution. *) $either 'aCr%0 nor g&Cr%0 precipitates out of solution. nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds =5) 3.13 M potassiu8 chro8ate is slowl1 added to a solution containing 3.&3 M g$%( and 3.&3 M 'a"$%()&. What is the g# concentration when 'aCr%0 Gust starts to precipitate? Ksp for g&Cr%0 and 'aCr%0 are 1.1 > 13-1& and 1.& > 13-136 respecti<el1. ) :.5 > 13-5 M ') 1.( > 13-0 M C) (.& > 13-0 M *) 0.( > 13-& M nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds
1= Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
=:) Which 8etal sulfides can be precipitated fro8 a solution that is 3.31 M in Mn On 4b&# and Cu&# and 3.13 M in !&- at a p! of 1.3?
) Mn') CuC) 4b-6 Cu*) On-6 4b-6 Cunswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds =A) Which 8etal sulfides can be precipitated fro8 a solution that is 3.31 M in Mn On 4b&# and Cu&# and 3.13 M in !&- at a p! of 3.53?
) Mn') CuC) 4b-6 Cu*) On-6 4b-6 Cunswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds ==) Which 8etal ions can be precipitated out of solution as chlorides? ) g#6 !g Co&# ') Cu Cd 'i(# C) g#6 !g& 4b&# *) $a#6 B#6 Mg&# nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds
=@) solution 8a1 contain the following ions g#6 Cu Cd Mn $i&# and $a#. white precipitate for8ed when 3.13 M $aCl was added and after this was re8o<ed the solution was treated with !&- gas under acidic conditions and no precipitate for8ed. When the solution was 8ade basic and again treated with !&- gas a dar/ colored precipitate for8ed. 7f no further tests were 8ade then what conclusions can 1ou draw? ) possible ions present g#6 Mn $i&# ') possible ions present g#6 Mn $i $a# C) possible ions present g#6 Cu Cd&# *) possible ions present g#6 Cu Cd $a# nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds @3) solution 8a1 contain the following ions g#6 Cu Mn Ca and $a#. $o precipitate for8ed when 3.13 M $aCl was added but a dar/ colored precipitate for8ed when !&- was added to an acidic portion of the solution. fter the re8o<al of the solid the solution was 8ade basic and 8ore !&- was added and a dar/ precipitate again for8ed. ,reat8ent of the filtrate with "$!0)&C%( resulted in a white precipitate. 7f no further tests were 8ade then what conclusions can 1ou draw? ) possible ions present Cu Mn $a# ') possible ions present Cu Mn Ca&# C) possible ions present Cu Mn Ca $a# *) possible ions present g#6 Cu Mn Ca $a# nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds @1) Which set of ions precipitate as sulfides? ) g#6 4b Mn&# ') 4b )e Ca&# C) Co 'a B# *) $!0#6 $a#6 B# nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds @&) Which pair of ions can be separated b1 the addition of chloride ion? ) g# and Co&# ') Cu&# and 'i(# C) 4b&# and !g&&# *) Ca&# and 'a&# nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.10 -eparation of 7ons b1 -electi<e 4recipitation
@() Which pair of ions can be separated b1 the addition of sulfide ion? ) g# and Cu&# ') Cu&# and 'i(# C) 4b&# and Ca&# *) Ca&# and 'a&# nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.10 -eparation of 7ons b1 -electi<e 4recipitation ,he following pictures represent solutions that contain a wea/ acid ! andFor its potassiu8 salt B . Rnshaded spheres represent ! ato8s and shaded spheres represent - ions. "B#6 !(%#6 %!-6 and sol<ent !&% 8olecules ha<e been o8itted for clarit1.)
@0) Which solution has the highest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s @5) Which solution has the lowest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s @:) Which solution has the largest percent dissociation of ! ? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
@A) Which of the solutions are buffer solutions? ) "1) and "&) ') "1) and "() C) "&) and "() *) "&) and "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s @=) Which solution has the greatest buffer capacit1? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s @@) )or which solution"s) is p! 9 pKa? ) onl1 solution "1) ') onl1 solution "&) C) onl1 solution "() *) solutions "1) and "() nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s ,he following pictures represent solutions that contain a wea/ acid ! "pKa 9 5.3) and its potassiu8 salt B . Rnshaded spheres represent ! ato8s and shaded spheres represent - ions. "B#6 !(%#6 %!-6 and sol<ent !&% 8olecules ha<e been o8itted for clarit1.)
133) Which solution has the highest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
131) Which solution has the lowest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 13&) Which solution has the largest percent dissociation of ! ? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 13() Which of these solutions are buffers? ) "1) and "&) ') "1) and "() C) "1)6 "&) and "() *) ll are buffer solutions. nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 130) Which solution has the greatest buffer capacit1? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 135) )or which of these solutions is p! 9 pKa? ) ll ha<e p! 9 pKa. ') "1)6 "&) and "() C) "1) and "0) *) "&) and "() nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
,he following pictures represent solutions that contain a wea/ acid ! "pKa 9 5.3) and its potassiu8 salt B . Rnshaded spheres represent ! ato8s6 blac/ spheres represent o;1gen ato8s6 and shaded spheres represent - ions. "B#6 !(%# initiall1 present6 %!- initiall1 present and sol<ent water 8olecules ha<e been o8itted for clarit1.)
13:) Which picture represents the equilibriu8 state of the solution after addition of one !(%# ion to the solution shown in picture "1)? ) "&) ') "() C) "0) *) "5) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 13A) Which picture represents the equilibriu8 state of the solution after addition of one %!- ion to the solution shown in picture "1)? ) "&) ') "() C) "0) *) "5) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
,he following pictures represent solutions at <arious points in the titration of a wea/ acid ! with aqueous B%!. Rnshaded spheres represent ! ato8s6 blac/ spheres represent o;1gen ato8s6 and shaded spheres represent - ions. "B#6 !(%# initiall1 present6 %!- initiall1 present and sol<ent water 8olecules ha<e been o8itted for clarit1).
13=) Which picture represents the solution before the addition of an1 B%!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 13@) Which picture represents the solution before the equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 113) Which picture represents the solution at the equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 111) Which picture represents the solution after the equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
,he following pictures represent solutions at <arious stages in the titration of a wea/ diprotic acid !& with aqueous B%!. Rnshaded spheres represent ! ato8s6 blac/ spheres represent o;1gen ato8s6 and shaded spheres represent &- ions. "B#6 !(%# initiall1 present6 %!- initiall1 present and sol<ent water 8olecules ha<e been o8itted for clarit1).
11&) Which picture represents the s1ste8 halfwa1 to the first equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 11() Which picture represents the s1ste8 at the first equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 110) Which picture represents the s1ste8 halfwa1 between the first and second equi<alence points? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 115) Which picture represents the s1ste8 be1ond the second equi<alence point? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
11:) Which picture represents the s1ste8 with the highest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 11A) Which picture represents the s1ste8 with the lowest p!? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s Rse the graphs below to answer the following questions.
11=) What is the characteristic p!-titrant cur<e for the titration of a strong acid b1 a strong base? ) ') ' C) C *) * nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 11@) What is the characteristic p!-titrant cur<e for the titration of a strong base b1 a strong acid? ) ') ' C) C *) * nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&3) What is the characteristic p!-titration cur<e for the titration of a wea/ acid b1 a strong base? ) ') ' C) C *) * nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
&A Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
,he following plot shows two titration cur<es6 each representing the titration of 53.33 8E of 3.133 M acid with 3.133 M $a%!.
1&1) Which point a-d represents the equi<alence point for the titration of a strong acid? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&&) Which point a-d represents the equi<alence point for the titration of a wea/ acid? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&() t which point a-d is the pKa of the acid equal to the p!? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&0) Which points a-d represent the half-equi<alence point and the equi<alence point6 respecti<el16 for the titration of a wea/ acid? ) points a and b ') points a and c C) points b and d *) points c and d nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
&= Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
1&5) Which point a-d represents a buffer region? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s ,he following plot shows a titration cur<e for the titration of 1.33 E of 1.33 M diprotic acid !& with $a%!.
1&:) buffer region is indicated b1 which point"s) a-d? ) point a ') points a and c C) point b *) points b and d nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&A) Which point a-d represents the !M-FM&- buffer region? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
1&=) Which point a-d represents the !&MF!M- buffer region? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1&@) Which point a-d represents the first equi<alence point? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(3) Which point a-d represents the second equi<alence point? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(1) Which point a-d represents pKa1? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(&) Which point a-d represents pKa&? ) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(() What is the p! at the first equi<alence point? ) p! 9 pKa1 ') p! 9 10 - pKa1 C) p! 9 "pKa1 # pKa&)F& *) p! 9 pKa1 # pKa& nswer+ C ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
(3 Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
1(0) ,he following plot shows a titration cur<e for the titration of 1.33 E of 1.33 M diprotic acid !& # with $a%!. Which point a-d represents the isoelectric point?
) point a ') point b C) point c *) point d nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s ,he following pictures represent solutions of Cu-6 which 8a1 also contain ions other than Cu&# and -&which are not shown. Sra1 spheres represent Cu&# ions and dotted spheres represent -&- ions.
1(5) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of Cu-6 which of solutions "&)-"0) are unsaturated? ) onl1 "&) ') onl1 "() C) onl1 "0) *) "() and "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
1(:) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of Cu-6 which of solutions "&)-"0) are saturated? ) "&) ') "() C) "0) *) $one of these nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(A) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of Cu-6 which of solutions "&)-"0) are supersaturated? ) "&) ') "() C) "0) *) $one of these nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s ,he following pictures represent solutions of gCl6 which 8a1 also contain ions other than g# and Clwhich are not shown. Sra1 spheres represent g# ions and dotted spheres represent Cl- ions.
1(=) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of gCl6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of !Cl is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 1(@) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of gCl6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of !$%( is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
103) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of gCl6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of g$%( is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 101) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of gCl6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of $!( is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s ,he following pictures represent solutions of CaC%(6 which 8a1 also contain ions other than Ca&# and C%(&- which are not shown. Sra1 spheres represent Ca&# ions and unshaded spheres represent C%(&ions.
10&) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of CaC%(6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of $a%! is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 10() 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of CaC%(6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of !$%( is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s
(( Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
100) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of CaC%(6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of Ca"$%()& is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ ' ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 105) 7f solution "1) is a saturated solution of CaC%(6 which of solutions "1)-"0) represents the solution after a s8all a8ount of B&C%( is added and equilibriu8 is restored? ) "1) ') "&) C) "() *) "0) nswer+ * ,opic+ Conceptual 4roble8s 15.& lgorith8ic Questions
1) What is the h1droniu8 ion concentration in a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M !C$ with 53.33 8E of 3.3(3 M $aC$? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e and that Ka 9 0.@ > 13-13 for !C$. ) 1.5 > 13- 13 M ') 0.@ > 13-13 M C) 1.: > 13- @ M *) A.3 > 13-: M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect &) What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing &5.33 8E of 3.13 M C!(C%&! with &5.33 8E of 3.3 13 M C!(C%&$a? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) &.=A ') (.A0 C) 0.A 5 *) 5. A0 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect
() What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M $!( with 5.33 8E of 3.13 M $!0Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Kb 9 1.= > 13-5 for $!(. ) =. &5 ') 13.&: C) 13.&5 *) 11.1( nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect 0) What is the p! of a solution prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M 8eth1la8ine6 C!($!&6 with &3.33 8E of 3.13 M 8eth1la88oniu8 chloride6 C!($!(Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8e of the solutions are additi<e and that Kb 9 (.A3 > 13-0 for 8eth1la8ine. ) 13.1A ') 13.5A C) 13.@A *) 11.A= nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect 5) What is the p! of a buffer s1ste8 prepared b1 dissol<ing 13.A3 gra8s of $!0Cl and &5.33 8E of 1& M $!( in enough water to 8a/e 1.333 E of solution? Kb 9 1.=3 > 13-5 for $!(. ) @.3= ') @.&: C) @. 0( *) 11. (& nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions :) What is the JC!(C%&-KFJC!(C%&!K ratio necessar1 to 8a/e a buffer solution with a p! of 0.(0? Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) 3. (@+1 ') 3. @1+1 C) 1. 3@+1 *) &.5+1 nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.( 'uffer -olutions A) What <olu8e of 5.33 > 13?( M !$%( is needed to titrate =3.33 8E of 5.33 > 13?( M Ca"%!)& to the equi<alence point? ) 13.3 8E ') 03.3 8E C) =3.3 8E *) 1:3. 8E nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations
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=) What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing &5.33 8E of 3. 133 M !Cl with 03.33 8E of 3.133 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. ) 3.:0 ') 1.:0 C) 1&.(: *) 1(.(: nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations @) What is the appro;i8ate p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ acid-strong base titration if &5 8E of aqueous for8ic acid requires &@.=3 8E of 3.(5:A M $a%!? Ka 91.= > 13-0 for for8ic acid. ) &. 3: ') 5. 0= C) =. 5& *) 11.@0 nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 13) What is the appro;i8ate p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ acid-strong base titration if &5 8E of aqueous h1drofluoric acid requires (3.33 8E of 3.033 M $a%!? Ka 9 :.A: > 13-0 for !). ) 1.A0 ') 5.A5 C) =.&5 *) 1&.&: nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 11) )or8ic acid "!C%&!6 Ka 9 1.= > 13-0) is the principal co8ponent in the <eno8 of stinging ants. What is the 8olarit1 of a for8ic acid solution if &5.33 8E of the for8ic acid solution requires &@.=3 8E of 3.35:A M $a%! to reach the equi<alence point? ) 3.31(0 M ') 3.3 0A: M C) 3.35:A M *) 3. 3:A: M nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 1&) What is the p! of the resulting solution if &5.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid is added to 13.33 8E of 3.13 M $a%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&! ) @. 0( ') @.3= C) 0.@& *) 0. 5A nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations
1() What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing 13.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid with 13.33 8E of 3.13 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 91.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) 5.&= ') A.33 C) =.A& *) 13.3& nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 10) What is the p! of a solution 8ade b1 8i;ing (3.33 8E of 3.13 M acetic acid with 53.33 8E of 3. 133 M B%!? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 1.= > 13-5 for C!(C%&!. ) =.&: ') @.&: C) 11.1( *) 1&. 03 nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations 15) -odiu8 h1pochlorite6 $a%Cl6 is the acti<e ingredient in household bleach. What is the concentration of h1pochlorite ion if &3.33 8E of bleach requires (&.33 8E of 3.533 M !Cl to reach the equi<alence point? ) 3. (33 M ') 3. (1& M C) 3. =33 M *) 1. (3 M nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations 1:) What is the p! at the equi<alence point of a wea/ base-strong acid titration if &3.33 8E of $a%Cl requires &=.(3 8E of 3. 53 M !Cl? Ka 9 (.3 > 13-= for !%Cl. ) 3.(3 ') (. 1= C) (.A: *) 0. 3( nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations 1A) What is the p! of the resulting solution if 05 8E of 3.0(& M 8eth1la8ine6 C!($!&6 is added to 15 8E of 3.&(0 M !Cl? ssu8e that the <olu8es of the solutions are additi<e. Ka 9 &.A3 > 13-11 for C!($!(#. ) &.AA ') 0.3@ C) @.@1 *) 11.&( nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations
(A Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
1=) Calculate the Ksp for sil<er sulfite if the solubilit1 of g&-%( in pure water is 0.: > 13-( gFE. ) (.= > 13-15 ') 1.5 > 13-10 C) &.0 > 13-13 *) 0.= > 13-13 nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp 1@) Calculate the solubilit1 "in gFE) of sil<er chro8ate in water at &5NC if the Ksp for 1.1 > 13-1&. ) (.5 > 13-0 gFE ') :.5 > 13-5 gFE C) &.A > 13-& gFE *) (.0 > 13-& gFE nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp g&Cr%0 is
&3) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of Mg"%!)& in a basic solution with a p! of 1&.53? Ksp for Mg"%!)& is 5.:1 > 13-1&. ) 1.= > 13- 13 M ') 5.: > 13- @ M C) &.0 > 13-: M *) 1.1 > 13-0 M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 &1) Calculate the 8olar solubilit1 of thalliu8"7) chloride in 3. 03 M $aCl at &5NC. Ksp for ,lCl is 1.A > 13-0. ) :.= > 13-5 M ') 0.& > 13- 0 M C) =.& > 13-( M *) 1.( > 13-& M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 &&) 7n which of the following solutions would solid 4b'r& be e;pected to be the least soluble at &5NC? ) 3.1 M ! 'r ') 3.1 M $a'r C) 3.1 M Ca'r& *) 3.1 M B $%( nswer+ C ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1
&() What is the 8olar solubilit1 of gCl in 3. &3 M $!(? Ksp for gCl is 1.= > 13-13 and Kf for g"$!()&# is 1.A > 13A. ) 1.( > 13-5 M ') 1.3 > 13- & M C) 1.1 > 13- & M *) 5.5 > 13-& M nswer+ ' ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 &0) What is the 8olar solubilit1 of gCl in 3. 13 M $aC$ if the colorless co8ple; ion g"C$)&- for8s? Ksp for gCl is 1.= > 13-13 and Kf for g"C$)&- is 1.3 > 13&1. ) 3. 353 M ') 3. 13 M C) 3.&3 M *) 3.03 M nswer+ ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 &5) 3.13 M potassiu8 chro8ate is slowl1 added to a solution containing 3. 53 M g$%( and 3. 53 M 'a"$%()&. What is the g# concentration when 'aCr%0 Gust starts to precipitate? ,he Ksp for g&Cr%0 and 'aCr%0 are 1.1 > 13-1& and 1.& > 13-136 respecti<el1. ) :.5 > 13-5 M ') 1.( > 13-0 M C) (.& > 13-0 M *) :.= > 13-& M nswer+ * ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds
15.( -hort nswer Questions 1) ,he balanced net ionic equation for the neutralization reaction in<ol<ing equal 8olar a8ounts of !$%( and B%! is QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ !(%#"aq) # %!?"aq) & !&%"l) ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions &) ,he balanced net ionic equation for the neutralization reaction in<ol<ing equal 8olar a8ounts of !Cl and C!(C!&$!& is QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ !(%#"aq) # C!(C!&$!& C!(C!&$!(# # !&%"l) ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions () What is the equation relating the equilibriu8 constant Kn for the neutralization of a wea/ acid with a wea/ base to the Ka of the acid6 the Kb of the base and Kw? K K nswer+ Kn 9 a b Kw ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 0) ,he neutralization constant Kn for the neutralization of penicillin T "C1:!1=$&%5-) and er1thro81cin "C(A!:A$%1() is 1.( 13:. ,he acid dissociation constant Ka for penicillin T is &.3 13-(. What is the base dissociation constant Kb for er1thro81cin? nswer+ :.5 13-: ,opic+ -ection 15.1 $eutralization .eactions 5) ,he solution for8ed upon adding 53.33 8E of 3.13 M $!0Cl to 53.33 8E of 3.13 M $!( will ha<e a p! that is QQQQQQQQ the p! of the original $!( solution. nswer+ lower than ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect :) ,he p! of a solution of !7%( "Ka 9 1.A 13-1) and B7%( is 1.33. What is the 8olarit1 of B7%( if the 8olarit1 of !7%( is 3.3&5 M? nswer+ 3.30( M ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect A) ,he p! of a solution of eth1la8ine6 C&!5$!& "Kb 9 :.0 13-0) and eth1la88iu8 bro8ide6 C&!5$!('r is 11.33. What is the 8olarit1 of C&!5$!('r if the 8olarit1 of C&!5$!& is 3.3&5 M? nswer+ 3.31: M ,opic+ -ection 15.& ,he Co88on-7on 5ffect =) buffer prepared b1 8i;ing 53.33 8E of 3.13 M !) with 53.33 8E of 3.13 M $a) will ha<e a p! that is QQQQQQQQ A.3. nswer+ less than ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation
@) buffer prepared b1 8i;ing equal 8oles of an acid ha<ing Ka 9 0.5 > 13?0 and a salt of its conGugate base has a p! 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ (.(5 ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 13) ,he p! of a 3.153 M for8ic acidF3.&53 M sodiu8 for8ate buffer 9 QQQQQQQQ? ,he Ka of for8ic acid is 1.= > 13?0. nswer+ (.5: ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 11) ddition of 3.31&5 8ol B%! to 153 8E of a 3.153 M for8ic acidF3.133 M sodiu8 for8ate buffer results in a p! 9 QQQQQQQQ? ,he Ka of for8ic acid is 1.= > 13?0. nswer+ 0.0( ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 1&) ddition of 3.31&5 8ol !Cl to 153 8E of a 3.153 M for8ic acidF3.133 M sodiu8 for8ate buffer results in a p! 9 QQQQQQQQ? ,he Ka of for8ic acid is 1.= > 13?0. nswer+ (.=@ ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 1() What is the Ka of the a8ino acid gl1cine if it is A5.3L dissociated at p! 9 13.3=? nswer+ &.5 13-13 ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 10) What is the Ka of the a8ino acid gluta8ine if it is ((.3L dissociated at p! 9 =.=&? nswer+ A.5 13-13 ,opic+ -ection 15.0 ,he !enderson-!asselbalch 5quation 15) ,he addition of QQQQQQQQ 8E of 3.1533 M $a%! is required to titrate &5.33 8E of 3.&&53 M !Cl to the equi<alence point6 which occurs at a p! of QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ (A.536 A.33 ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations 1:) What is the p! of the solution for8ed when 53 8E of 3.&53 M $a%! is added to 53 8E of 3.1&3 M !Cl? nswer+ 1&.=1 ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations 1A) What is the p! of the solution for8ed when &5 8E of 3.1A( M $a%! is added to (5 8E of 3.(0& M !Cl? nswer+ 3.=@ ,opic+ -ection 15.: -trong cid - -trong 'ase ,itrations 1=) ,he half equi<alence point in the titration of 3.133 M !C%&! "Ka 9 1.= > 13?0) with 3.&53 M $a%! occurs at p! 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ (.A0 ,opic+ -ection 15.A Wea/ cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations
01 Cop1right 2 &31& 4earson 5ducation6 7nc.
1@) ,he half equi<alence point in the titration of 3.133 M C!($!& "Kb 9 (.A > 13?0) with 3.&53 M !Cl occurs at p! 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ 13.5A ,opic+ -ection 15.= Wea/ 'ase ? -trong cid ,itrations &3) -elenous acid6 !&-e%( has acid dissociation constants Ka1 9 (.5 > 13?& and Ka& 9 5 > 13?=. When &5.33 8E of 3.133 M selenous acid is titrated with 3.&33 M $a%! the first equi<alence point occurs at p! 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ 0.& ,opic+ -ection 15.@ 4ol1protic cid ? -trong 'ase ,itrations &1) t &5NC calciu8 fluoride has a solubilit1 product constant Ksp 9 (.5 > 13?11. ,he solubilit1 of Ca)& at this te8perature is QQQQQQQQ 8olFE. nswer+ &.1 > 13?0 ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp &&) -il<er o;alate6 g&C&%06 has a 8olar solubilit1 9 1.1 13-0 8olFE. g&C&%0 has a solubilit1 product Ksp 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ 5.0 13-1& ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp &() ,he artistUs pig8ent cad8iu8 1ellow6 Cd-6 has a water solubilit1 of 3.1( gFE. ,he solubilit1 product of Cd-6 Ksp 9 QQQQQQQQ. nswer+ =.1 13-A ,opic+ -ection 15.11 Measuring Bsp and Calculating -olubilit1 fro8 Bsp &0) -tate whether the solubilit1 of Cu"%!)& will increase or decrease upon the addition of aqueous solutions of a) !Cl6 b) $a%!6 c) $!(. nswer+ a) increase6 b) decrease6 c) increase ,opic+ -ection 15.1& )actors ,hat ffect -olubilit1 &5) Ca)& has Ksp 9 (.5 13-11. 7f &5 8E of =.3 13-0 M Ca"$%()& is 8i;ed with A5 8E of 0.3 13-0 M B)6 a precipitate of Ca)& QQQQQQQQ "will6 will not) for8. nswer+ will not ,opic+ -ection 15.1( 4recipitation of 7onic Co8pounds