A New Compact Wideband Balun
A New Compact Wideband Balun
A New Compact Wideband Balun
M. C. Tsai Raytheon Company, Research Division 131 Spring Street Lexington, MA 02173
A novel wideband balun has been developed for MMIC applications. The new approach utilizes simple RF reflection and couplingprinciples to achieve a wideband performance in a simple micmstrip configuration. A balun with better than 2 dF3 of insertionloss, 1 dB and 5 of amplitudeand phase balance over 7 to 19 GHz has been realized. transmission line, the current will be at its maximum and the voltage will be equal and out of phase at d l and d2. Two short circuited impedance sections, 2 2 and 23, are coupled to the open circuit transmission line at the first half and the second half, respectively. Signals come in at port 1 will be induced at the output port 2 and port 3, with equal amplitudes and oppositephases. The induction, or the coupling is achieved by the interdigitalcouplers. Figure 2(a) shows a balun obtained by two crossed over interdigitalcouplers. Figure 2@) shows that the crossed over couplers a l l o w further simplification of the balun circuit.
The wideband MMIC balun has been a hot topic in recent years as it is a crucial element of the high performance mixers and transceivers. The difficulty often came ftom the wideband baluns being physically too big to fit into the MMIC chips. In some instances, it involved multilayer structures such as suspended substrates [l], which were impossible to fabricatein a monolithic form. h other cases, it involved multi-dielectric layer structureswhich required special processes. For example, Pavio [2] implemented a Marchand balun [3] in a multilayer dielectricform for the MMIC chip. Although the results were good, it required very thick dielectriclayer (20 pm) to achieve the tight coupling. Chen, et al. 141 used the same approach in a wideband mixer. The thickness of the dielectric layer was still 3 pm thick. Raytheons standard MMIC foundry process has a dielectriclayer thickness of 0.2 pm. To realize a Marchand balun in this configuration is nearly impossible. Esenberg, et al.[5] combined the co-planar waveguides, slot lines, and co-planar strips to realize a balun in a single planar structure, but the geometry was s t i l l too large because a good ground plane was hard to come by.
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This paper first describes how this wideband balun works for a MMIC chip, how it was designed and what the computer simulated results w e r e . A balun realized in a MMIC using Raytheons standard MMC-04 process is described. Test results which match the computer simulation closely are presented. This approach is not only ideal for the MMIC applications,but also can be realized in conventional hybrid circuits.
A simple schematic is shown in Figure 1. If the open circuit impedance section (Zl) is about half-wavelength long (2d), the standing wave will form a short circuit node near the center of the section. At this center portion of the opened
Figure 1. (a) A Schematic of the Balun, and @) the Voltage and Current Waveform of the Opened Transmission Line.
93CH3316-7/93/0000-0123$01 .OO 0 1993 IEEE
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Figure 2. (a) SchematicUsing Cross Over Couplers, and (b) Re-arranged SchematicFurther Simpllfylng the Circuit.
The two couplers used are the slightly under-coupled interdigital3 dB couplers. The width of the couplers was 10 ym. The spacingsbetween the lines were 12 ym on the coupler near the input port, coup 1, and 10 ym for coupler away from the input port, coup 2, to improve the coupling balance. These dimensionscan be easily fabricated by MMIC processes. The ground was achieved through a via hole. The length of the coupler was 1660 ym. The circuit was laid out on a 100 ym thick GaAs wafer and processed at Raytheon's M M C foundry, using MMC-04 standard process. The chip size is 1 mm by 2 mm, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4. (a) Simulated IS21I and IS3 1I of the Two Individual Couplers, and @) SimulatedInsertion Loss and Phase Difference of the Balun.
Figure 4(a) shows the computer predicted performance of the individualcouplers. Figure 4@) shows that of the balun circuit. It is interestingthat the balun circuit actually has a wider bandwidth than a coupler circuit. The &sign was intended for 8 to 18 GHz wideband mixer applications. The predictedperformance showed the insertion loss was better than 2 dB f r o m 7 to 19 GHZ,the amplitudebalance was less than 1 dB and the phase balance was less t h a n 5" from the 1SO" phase difference.
This Mh4IC chip with the wideband balun was evaluated using a flexible 4 port test jig. The jig was de-embedded to obtain the actual &vice performance. Figure 5 shows the insertion loss of the two output ports.
Figure 3. Photograph of the Balun.
Figure 6 shows the amplitude and phase balances. These results show a very good agreement with the predicted performance. It should be pointed out that the amplitude and phase balance are good through a very low frequency from 0.1 GHz to 20 GHz. This pedormance is different from many other types of baluns or the 90 couplers where the amplitude and phase balances are only good for a certain frequency bandwidth.
CONCLUSION The newly developed wideband balun can be used in many wideband mixers, modulators, and transceivers. The advantages of this balun are the ease of fabrication and the planar configuration that makes it suitable for both the MMIC and conventional hybrid circuit applications.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank many technical discussions with M. Schindler, Dr. Y. Tajima, M. Goldfarb, B. Cole, R. Binder, R. Waterman, and Dr. R. Pucel. He would also like to thank the support of D. Masse, Dr. H. Statz, Dr. J. Callerame, Dr. R. Lewis and Dr. L. Rosenheck Special thanks are due to Raytheons MMC foundry for the circuit fabrication. This paper was supported in part by Raytheons IDP funding.
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1. B. Climer, Analysis of Suspended Microstrip Taper t .H., No. 2, Baluns, IEEE Proceedings,Vol. 135, P April 1988.
2. A. M. Pavio and A. Kikel, A Monolithic or Hybrid Broadband Compensated Balun, 1990 IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 483-486.
3. N. Marchand, Transmission Line Conversion Transformers, Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 12, 1944, pp.142145.
4. T. H. Chen, K. W. Chang, S.B. Bui, H. Wang, G.S. Dow, L. C. T. Liu, T. S. Lin, and W.S Titus, Broadband Monolithic Passive Baluns and Monolithic DoubleBalanced Mixer, IEEE Trans. MlT, Vol. 39, No. 12, December 1991, pp. 1980-1986.
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5. J. Esenberg, J. Panelli, W. Ou, Double-Double Balanced MMIC Mixer, Applied Microwave, Fall 1991, pp. 101-106.