Let Her Feel The Word "Independance" ..Please.

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LET HER FEEL THE WORD INDEPENDANCE ..PLEASE.. Ahh..It's always been a pleasure narrating my notions over here.

Long before, I was not actually getting an issue over which I could blog but I would surely like to thank India's great rapists who made me to come and jot something down here. Rela , I will definitely not going to narrate any formal speech like we see many ones doing publicly. !ell..."o be honest I don#t know from where I should start praising this rippling crime. It has actually got a special and undoubtedly a major space in every newspaper. $very morning, we read about rape cases, trafficking cases, se ual harassment. $very news channel talks about this crime and updates us with such news. %ut we are left just one sentence.. "Is desh ka kuch ni ho skta!!" &o we ever think about the actual cause behind such disgusting crime' &o we ever think about the measures that could be taken' In almost every speech given by any of the ministers, we can listen to the long speeches which ultimately say, ()urveys show that India has got a remarkable progress in such and such fields(. I actually want them to add these daily basis rape cases in their list and I am very sure it will be on the top. Is it not showing any outstanding progress' !ell, if we do or do not talk about the surveys, we can easily see that these trafficking and rapes have broken all the records. I want to ask a *uestion. If rise in onion and tomato price can thrill the complete nation, why not a rape' &oes a girl's life worth lesser than these stuffs' If we the people can make the government to sell onion at Rs + per kg, can't we make them to make a fair justice' , &ays before, I was going through the news headlines and something made me to recapitulate the crime brutally accomplished i.e. &elhi gang rape on &ecember -.,/0-/. "hough I myself feel very pedestrian when I remember that ruthless crime, but only these so called humans or rather I would say Danavs has compelled me to do so. 1es, a one more victory of those rapists, 2umbai gang rape, done with a reporter by + rapists. !hat do they actually think of a girl' Is she nothing but just a toy with which these brutal rapists can play, can break, can fold anyway they want' Is she not borne with a desire to feel independence' 3or the first time, I want to promote female feticide because it is better to kill a inborn girl child rather than savagely undress a // year old girl and giving her pain as much as possible and ultimately seeing her giving up her life. I am shivering typing these lines but these rapists feel success after doing such heinous crime. And what after the rape' &oes each and every Indian have aggression for those criminals' !e are living in such nation where girls are told to be silent, to be dressed fully, to be patient, to be, to be and to be4It's actually a long list of rules which every girl has to take with her whenever she goes out. %ut when these girls are raped brutally, there is no one who doesn#t blame these girls. I ask (&o these rapists decide according to their dress whether they would like to rape her or not'

5r if a girl is in a proper salwar kameez , she would be spared by those wild animals'( then why do we Indians have this thinking' 6an't we think about the actions which are needed to be taken rather than blaming that shivered victim' !henever such crime is done, no doubt we Indians ponder upon these issues and protest so that government takes some severe action against these culprits. %ut why this enthusiasm slows down with time' !hy this unstoppable youth return back to home after few days' 7ave we forgotten "he 8essica Lal murder case' 9o, we still use it as an e ample when it#s the time to show the strength of Indian youth. "hen why not create one more e ample to show that we still have that :eal to provide justice to an accused girl. ;eople say that postponing hearings and delays in giving justice is the major reason for increasing the number of rape cases day by day. I am not saying I don't agree with them but I want to ask <Is that the only reason'= 9o, but slowing down the protest and forgetting the strength of unity is also the reason why girls don't get justice. I just feel so low when I memori:e this heinous crime done in the past days but one thought makes me feel numb.. "If this is the current scenario, shall not we girls beg for female feticide?" 1es..>ery soon but I don#t wish for..I just re*uest all the Indians.. "If God has chosen to give her life, please help her feel it and if you cant, please do not spoil it".

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