Simple Connections-Riveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
Simple Connections-Riveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
Simple Connections-Riveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
o !onne!tions is ,uite !om$le& %ue to a!tors su!h as -eometri! im$er e!tions, -eometri! !om$le&ities, la!" o it, resi%ual stresses, et!*, ma"in- it %i i!ult to assess an% anal'1e the 2oints* To sim$li ' the anal'sis an% %esi-n, a num#er o assum$tions an% a$$ro&imations are ma%e #ase% on e&$erimental results, $ast $er orman!e an% %u!tilit' o steel* It is the %u!tilit' o steel that assists the %istri#ution o or!e /ithin the 2oints* I %u!tile #ehaviour !an #e ensure%, the !om$le&ities in the anal'sis as a#ove ma' #e i-nore%* The ultimate aim o !onne!tion %esi-n is to $ro%u!e a 2oint that is sim$le, !om$ati#le, easi#le, eas' to a#ri!ate an% is sa e an% e!onomi!al* The !onne!tion %esi-ne% shoul% #e !onsistent /ith the assum$tions ma%e in the anal'sis
o stru!tures an% !om$l' /ith the s$e!i i!ations %is!usse% in the se!tions to ollo/* O the various t'$es o sim$le !onne!tions use% in stru!tures, rivete%, #olte% an% $inne% !onne!tions #ehave ali"e, an% are there ore -rou$e% to-ether* These are %is!usse% in the ollo/in- arti!les* 3el%e% !onne!tions are %is!usse% in Cha$ter 4*
The rivets ma' #e $la!e% in a variet' o $atterns, %e$en%in- u$on the s$a!e availa#le or !onne!tion an% the sha$e o mem#ers to #e !onne!te%* The most !ommon t'$es o rivet $atterns are !hain rivetin- (.i-* 5*6 (a)), an% %iamon% rivetin- (.i-* 5*6 (#))* Sta--ere% $atterns !an also #e $rovi%e% as sho/n in (.i-s* 5*6 (!, %))* Sta--ere% !hain rivetin- (.i-* 5*6 (!)) is $re erre% over !hain rivetin- (.i-* 5*6 (a)) as it results in -reater net area o the mem#er, /hile %iamon% $attern is the #est*
PP 21 21 P 21 21 P B PP 431 321 P 321 321 P B 2 (a) Chain (c) Staggered chain (b) Diamond (d) Staggered diamond Fig. 4.2 Rivet patterns, shown with the help of a single cover butt joint
4.3.1 Design Due to the inherent %emerits, rivete% !onstru!tion is not in $ra!ti!e no/ an% there ore in the rest o the !ha$ter #olte% !onne!tions are %is!usse% onl'* 7o/ever a %esi-ner is a/are that the %esi-n o rivete% !onne!tions is same as that o #olte% !onne!tions /ith or%inar' #olts an% /ith the ollo/in- %i eren!es8 9* The %iameter o rivet to #e use% in the !al!ulation is %iameter o hole /hereas or #olte% !onne!tions it is the nominal %iameter o #olt in !ase the holes are %rille%* 6* The %esi-n stresses are sli-htl' %i erent (re eren!e ma' #e ma%e to IS8 :;; 9<:5)0 lesser or #olts* Note The re,uirements re-ar%in- $it!h an% e%-e %istan!es are same as that or or%inar' #olts*
A #olt ma' #e %e ine% as a metal $in /ith a hea% at one en% a shan" threa%e% at the other en% to re!eive a nut as sho/n in .i- 5*= (a)* Steel /ashers are usuall' $rovi%e% un%er the #olt as /ell as un%er the nut to serve t/o $ur$oses8 9* to %istri#ute the !lam$in- $ressure on the #olte% mem#er, an% 6* to $revent the threa%e% $ortion o the #olt rom #earin- on the !onne!tin$ie!es* Bolts !an #e use% or ma"in- en% !onne!tions in tension an% !om$ression mem#ers* The' !an also #e use% to hol% %o/n !olumn #ases in $osition, an% as se$arators or $urlins an% #eams in oun%ations, et!* In or%er to assure $ro$er un!tionin- o the !onne!tion, the $arts to #e !onne!te% must #e ti-htl' !lam$e% #et/een the #olt
hea% an% nut* I the !onne!tion is su#2e!te% to vi#rations, the nuts must #e lo!"e% in $osition* Bolte% !onne!tions are ,uite similar to rivete% !onne!tions in #ehavior #ut have some %istin!t a%vanta-es as ollo/s8 9* The ere!tion o the stru!ture !an #e s$ee%e% u$* 6* Less s"ille% $ersons are re,uire%* =* The overall !ost o #olte% !onstru!tion is !hea$er than that o rivete% !onstru!tion #e!ause o re%u!e% la#our an% e,ui$ment !osts an% the smaller num#er o #olts re,uire% resistin- the same loa%* The -eneral o#2e!tions to the use o #olts are the ollo/in-8 9* Cost o material is hi-h, a#out %ou#le that o rivets* 6* The tensile stren-th o the #olt is re%u!e% #e!ause o area re%u!tion at the root o the threa% an% also %ue to stress !on!entration* =* Normall', these are o a loose it e&!e$tin- turne% #olts an% hen!e their stren-th is re%u!e%* 5* 3hen su#2e!te% to vi#rations or sho!"s, #olts ma' -et loose* The holes ma%e or $la!in- the #olts in the 2oints ma' either #e %rille% or $un!he%* .a#ri!ators $re er $un!he% holes #e!ause $un!hin- is sim$le, time savin- an% !ost e e!tive #ut %u!tilit' an% tou-hness is re%u!e% !ausin- #rittle ra!ture* IS8 :;; limits the use o $un!he% holes onl' in material /ith 'iel% stress less than =>; MPa an% /here thi!"ness (in mm) %oes not e&!ee% 4>;;?f mm* Stru!turall' %rille% holes are #etter an% shoul% #e re!ommen%e% as ar as $ossi#le* Sometimes /hen lar-e+si1e% holes are to #e %rille%, to a!ilitate ormation o holes, it ma' #e $un!he% 6 mm lesser in %iameter an% inall' %rille% to si1e0 oversi1e holes shoul% not #e use% or #earin-t'$e 2oints* Bolte% !onne!tions !an #e !lassi ie% in the ollo/in- /a's8 On The Basis of Resultant Force Transferred The #olte% !onne!tions are re erre% to as !on!entri! !onne!tions /hen the loa% $asses throu-h the C@ o the se!tion, e*-*, a&iall' loa%e% tension an% !om$ression mem#ers0 e!!entri! !onne!tions /hen the loa% is a/a' rom the C@ o the !onne!tion, e*-*, #ra!"et !onne!tions, seat !onne!tions (Cha$ter 9=)0 an% moment resistin- !onne!tions/hen 2oints
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
are su#2e!te% to moments, e*-*, #eam to !olumn !onne!tions in rame% stru!tures (Cha$ter 9=)* On the Basis of Type of Force The !onne!tions are !lasse% as shear !onne!tions /hen the loa% trans er is throu-h shear, e*-*, la$ 2oint an% #utt 2oint0 tension !onne!tions/hen the loa% is trans erre% #' tension on #olts, e*-*, han-er !onne!tion0 an% !om#ine% shear an% tension !onne!tions/hen an in!line% mem#er is to #e !onne!te% to a !olumn throu-h #ra!"et* On the Basis of Force Mechanism Conne!tions are re erre% to as #earin- t'$e #olts #ear a-ainst the holes to trans er the or!e, e*-*, sli$+t'$e !onne!tions0 an% ri!tion t'$e/hen the or!e is trans erre% #' ri!tion #et/een the $lates %ue to tensionin- o #olts, e*-*, sli$+!riti!al !onne!tions*
There are several t'$es o #olts use% to !onne!t the stru!tural elements* 7o/ever, the !ommonl' use% #olts are un inishe% #olts an% hi-hstren-th #olts* 4. .1 Un"inis#e$ Bo%ts An inishe% #olts are also !alle% ordinar , common, rough or blac! #olts* These are use% or li-ht stru!tures su#2e!te% to stati! loa%s an% or se!on%ar' mem#ers su!h as $urlins, #ra!in-s, roo trusses et!* The' are not re!ommen%e% or !onne!tions Fig. 4.3 "rdinar Bolts
(c) Locking nut by cotter pin Hole Castellated nut Cotter pin Grip Bolt length Steel
washers Head Nut (a) Bolt assembly Ordinary hexagonal head bolt Ordinary square head bolt (b)
su#2e!te% to im$a!t loa%, vi#ration an% ati-ue* These #olts are or-e% rom lo/ !ar#on rolle% steel !ir!ular ro%s, $ermittin- lar-e toleran!es* Or%inar' stru!tural #olts are ma%e rom mil% steel ro%s /ith s,uare or he&a-onal hea%, as sho/n in .i-* 5*= (#)* S,uare hea%s !ost less #ut he&a-onal hea%s -ive a #etter a$$earan!e, are easier to hol% #' /ren!hes an% re,uire less turnin- s$a!e* The #olts are availa#le rom 4 to => mm in %iameter an% are %esi-nate% as M4 to M=>* 7o/ever, in stru!tural steel /or" the most !ommon ones are M9>, M6;, M65 to M=;* The ratio o net tensile area at threa%s to nominal $lain shan" area o #olt is ;*B: (as $er IS8 9=>B ($art 9))* Instea% IS :;; sti$ulates that the net tensile area to #e !onsi%ere% is the area at the root o the threa%s* This area is also !alle% the stress area or proof area* The #olt hole is $un!he% a#out 9*> mm more than the #olt %iameter* The nuts on #olts are ti-htene% /ith s$u% /ren!hes, $ro%u!in- little tension* There ore, no !lam$in- or!e is in%u!e% on the se!tions 2ointe%* Sometimes a hole is %rille% in the #olt an% a !otter $in /ith !astellate% nut is use% to $revent the nut rom turnin- on the #olt, as sho/n in .i-* 5*= (!)* As these #olts have relativel' lar-e toleran!e in shan" an% threa% %imensions, their %esi-n stren-th are a$$re!ia#l' smaller than those or hi-h+stren-th #olts* The #olts o $ro$ert' !lass 5*> an% :*: are availa#le* O these, the most !ommonl' use% #la!" #olt is o $ro$ert' !lass 5*>* 7ere, the num#er #e ore %e!imal in%i!ates 9?9;;th o the nominal ultimate tensile stren-th an% the num#er a ter %e!imal in%i!ates the ratio o 'iel% stress to ultimate stress, e&$resse% as a $er!enta-e* Thus, the ultimate tensile stren-th o !lass 5*> #olt is 5;; N?mm 6 an% the 'iel% stren-th is 65; N?mm6 (;*> times 5;;)* The tensile $ro$erties o these #olts are -iven in Ta#le 5*9* Normall', or or%inar' #olte% 2oints, the or!e is trans erre% throu-h the interlo!"in- an% #earin- o #olts an% the 2oint is !alle% bearing#t pe joint*
Properties Specification %rade&Classification 'ield stress f (ltimate tensile )longation *Pa +min, stress fub Percentage *Pa +min, +min, =*> 9:; ==; 64 5*> 65; 5;; 66 5*: =6; 56; 95 4*> =;; 4;; 6; 4*: 5;; 46; 9; >*: 5:; >;; : :*:8 (% C 9> mm) >5; :;; 96 (% D 9> mm) >>; :=; 96 <*: B6; <;; 9; 9;*< <5; 9;5; < 96*< 99;; 966; : IS 9=>B ($art =) (ISO :<:) S$e!i i!ations o asteners threa%e% steel or te!hni!al su$$l' !on%itions
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
4. .2 *ig# St+engt# Bo%ts The hi-h stren-th #olts (.i-* 5*5 (a)) are ma%e rom #ars o me%ium !ar#on heattreate%
steel an% rom allo' steel* These #olts ma' #e ti-htene% until the' have ver' hi-h tensile stresses, t/o or more times that o or%inar' #olts, so that the !onne!te% $arts are !lam$e% ti-htl' to-ether #et/een the #olts an% nut hea%s0 this $ermits loa%s to #e trans erre% $rimaril' #' ri!tion an% not #' shear* The sur a!es in !onta!t must #e ree o mill s!ale, rust, $aint, -rease, et!*, /hi!h /oul% $revent soli% !onta!t #et/een the sur a!es an% lo/er the sli$ a!tor* Thus, or hi-h stren-th #olte% 2oints this trans er o or!es is a!!om$lishe% throu-h the ri!tion #et/een the inter a!es orme% #et/een loa% !arr'in- elements 2ointe% as sho/n in .i-* 5*5 (#)* Due to this ri!tion, the sli$ in the 2oint, /hi!h is there in 2oints /ith or%inar' #olts, is eliminate%* This ri!tion is %evelo$e% #' a$$l'in- a loa% normal to the 2oint #' ti-htenin- these #olts to $roo loa%* That is /h' these #olts are also "no/n as friction#t pe bolts* Their hi-h stren-th is a!hieve% throu-h ,uen!hin- an% tem$erin- $ro!esses or #' allo'in- steel* The 2oint usin- hi-h+stren-th ri!tion+-ri$ #olts is !alle% non#slip connection or friction#t pe connection* Steel /ashers o har% steel or !ar#uri1e% steel are $rovi%e%, to evenl' %istri#ute the !lam$in- $ressure on the #olte% mem#er an% to $revent the threa%e% $ortion o the #olt rom #earin- on the !onne!tin- $ie!es*
TT FF FF T Steel washers T (b) Slip resistance Washer Wasted shank Washer Parallel shank (a) Types of high-strength bolts F = mf T Fig. 4.4 -igh#Strength Bolted Connection
Care must #e ta"en that #olts are ti-htene% u$ to the re,uire% tension, other/ise sli$ ma' o!!ur at servi!e loa%s an% the 2oint /ill a!t as an or%inar' #olte% 2oint* The !orre!t shan" tension !an #e a!hieve% #' either $art+turnin- metho% or tor,ue !ontrol metho% or #' usin- loa%+in%i!atin- /ashers* I the #olts are ti-htene% #' the $artturninmetho%, also !alle% turn of nut metho%, the nut is ma%e snu- an% is ti-htene% a hal turn more #' han% /ren!hes, then the /ashers are not re,uire%* In the tor,ue !ontrol metho% a $o/er o$erate% or han%+tor,ue /ren!h is use% to %eliver a s$e!i ie%
tor,ue to the nut* In the loa%+in%i!atin- /asher an% #olt metho%, the /ashers have $ro2e!tions as sho/n in .i-* 5*4 (a) /hi!h s,uash %o/n as the #olt is ti-htene%* A eeler -au-e is use% to measure the tension /hen the -a$ has rea!he% the re,uire% si1e* On ti-htenin- the #olt, the -a$ #et/een the un%ersi%e o the #olt hea% an% the loa% in%i!ator a!e re%u!es as the $rotrusions %e$ress* 3hen this -a$ is a#out ;*5 mm, the #olt tension /ill #e not less than the re,uire% minimum* .i-ure 5*4 (#) sho/s the #olte% 2oint #e ore an% a ter ti-htenin- the #olt*
Load indicator washer Feeler gauge 0.4 (a) Load indicator washer Gap Nut Washer Laod indicator washer under bolt head (b) Before tightening Nut Gap (b) After tightening Fig. 4. Bolt installation with load indicating washers
7i-h+stren-th #olte% 2oints ma' #e snug#tight an%, slip#critical t pes* The t'$e o 2oint use% is %e$en%ent on the t'$e o loa% that the #olts /ill have to !arr'* .or snu-ti-ht
#olte% 2oints, the ti-htness is o#taine% #' usin- the ull e ort o a $erson usinthe s$u% /ren!h, or the ti-htness a!hieve% #' a ter a e/ im$a!ts o the $neumati! /ren!h* Snu- ti-ht #olts are mu!h more e!onomi!al to install an% shoul% #e use% /here $ermitte%* In #uil%in- !onstru!tion, snu-+ti-ht #earin-+t'$e !onne!tions !an #e use% or most !ases, in!lu%in- !onne!tions su#2e!t to stress reversal %ue to /in% or lo/ seismi! loa%in-* A slip#critical connection is a!hieve% /hen the snu-+ti-ht #olts are urther ti-htene% until the' rea!h a ull' tensione% !on%ition* As the #olts are in tension u$ to $roo loa%, loosenin- o nut an% /asher is !he!"e%* Be!ause o this $ro$ert', the vi#rations an% im$a!t resistan!e o the 2oint is also im$rove%* The nut an% hea% o #olts are "e$t su i!ientl' lar-e to $rovi%e an a%e,uate #earin- area* These #olts have a tensile stren-th several times that o or%inar' #olts* Due to their hi-h tensile stren-th as !om$are% to #la!" #olts, a e/er #olts are re,uire% or ma"inthe !onne!tion* These are most suita#le or #ri%-es /here stress reversal ma' o!!ur or sli$$a-e is un%esira#le* Also, or seismi! loa%in-s an% or ati-ue loa%s these are i%eal* The hi-h stren-th #olts are availa#le in si1es rom 9> to => mm an% are %esi-nate% as M9>, M6;, M65 an% M=;* These #olts are i%enti ie% #' the $ro$ert' !lass i%enti i!ation s'm#ol su!h as :S, :*:S, 9;S or 9;*<S em#osse% on the hea% o the #olt* 7ere, S stan%s or hi-h stren-th* The most !ommonl' use% #olts are o :*:S an% 9;*<S $ro$ert' !lass* The s$e!i i!ations or hi-h stren-th #olts are lai% in IS8 =B4B+9<:4 an% IS8 5;;;+9<<6* Their tensile $ro$erties are -iven in Ta#le 5*9 7i-h stren-th #olts
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
have re$la!e% rivets an% #la!" #olts an% are #ein- use% in stru!tures, su!h as hi-h rise #uil%in-s, #ri%-es, ma!hines et!* Advantages of High-Strength Bolts 7i-h+Stren-th .ri!tion+@ri$ #olts (7S.@) have re$la!e% rivets an% or%inar' #olts #e!ause o their %istin!t a%vanta-es as %is!usse% #elo/* 7o/ever, the material !ost is a#out 4;E -reater than that o or%inar' #olts an% s$e!ial /or"manshi$ is re,uire% in installin- an% ti-htenin- o these #olts* 9* 7S.@ #olts $rovi%e a ri-i% 2oint* There is no sli$ #et/een the elements !onne!te%* 6* Lar-e tensile stresses are %evelo$e% in #olts, /hi!h in turn $rovi%e lar-e !lam$in- or!e to the elements !onne!te%* 7i-h ri!tional resistan!e is %evelo$e% $rovi%in- a hi-h stati! stren-th o the 2oint* =* Be!ause o the !lam$in- a!tion, loa% is transmitte% #' ri!tion onl' an% the #olts are not su#2e!te% to shear an% #earin-* 5* The ri!tional resistan!e is e e!tive outsi%e the hole an% there ore lesser loa% is transmitte% throu-h the net se!tion8 the $ossi#ilit' o ailure at the net se!tion is minimi1e%* 4* There is no stress !on!entration in the holes, an% there ore, the ati-ue stren-th is more* >* The tension in #olts is uni orm* Also, the #olts are tensione% u$ to $roo loa% $reventin- the nuts rom loosenin-* B* .e/ $ersons are re,uire% to ma"e the !onne!tions, thus !ost is re%u!e%* :* Noise nuisan!e is not there an% there is no %an-er o tossin- o the rivet* 9;* Alterations !an #e %one easil'* 99* .or same stren-th, lesser num#er o #olts are re,uire% as !om$are% to rivets? or%inar' #olts /hi!h #rin- overall e!onom'*
There are t/o t'$es o #olte% 2oints su#2e!te% to a&ial or!es (the loa%s are assume% to $ass throu-h the !entre o -ravities o the -rou$ o #olts)8 lap joint an% butt joint* E!!entri!all' loa%e% !onne!tions are %is!usse% in Cha$ter 9=* Lap oint The t/o mem#ers to #e !onne!te% are overla$$e% an% !onne!te% to-ether* Su!h a 2oint is !alle% lap joint as sho/n in .i-* 5*> (a)* A sin-le #olte% la$ 2oint an% a %ou#le #olte% la$ 2oint are sho/n in .i-s* 5*> (# an% !) res$e!tivel'* The loa% in the la$ 2oint has e!!entri!it', as the !entre o -ravit' o the loa% in one mem#er an% the !entre o -ravit' o loa% in the se!on% mem#er are not in the same line, as sho/n in
.i-* 5*> (%)* There ore, a !ou$le is orme% /hi!h !auses un%esira#le #en%in- in the !onne!tion an% the #olts ma' ail in tension* To minimi1e the e e!t o #en%in- in la$ 2oints at least t/o #olts in a line shoul% #e $rovi%e%* Also, %ue to the e!!entri!it' the stresses are %istri#ute% unevenl' a!ross the !onta!t area #et/een the #olts an% mem#ers to #e !onne!te%* This $uts a limitation on the use o la$ 2oints*
Butt oint The t/o mem#ers to #e !onne!te% are $la!e% en% to en%* A%%itional
$late?$lates $rovi%e% on either one or #oth si%es, !alle% !over $lates, are $la!e% an% are !onne!te% to the main $lates as sho/n in .i-s* 5*> (e an% h)* I the !over $late is $rovi%e% on one si%e as in .i-s* 5*> (e, an% -), it is !alle% a single cover butt joint #ut i the !over $lates are $rovi%e% on #oth si%es o the main $lates, it is !alle% a double cover butt joint as sho/n in .i-s* 5*> (h, i an% 2)* .i-ures 5*> (" an% l) sho/ trans er o or!es in a la$ 2oint an% %ou#le+!over #utt 2oint* It is more %esira#le to $rovi%e a #utt 2oint rather than a la$ 2oint or snu-+ti-ht #olts or t/o main reasons8 9* In the !ase o a %ou#le !over #utt 2oint, the total shear or!e to #e transmitte% #' the mem#ers is s$lit into t/o $arts an% the or!e a!ts on ea!h hal as sho/n in .i-* 5*> (l)* But in the !ase o la$ 2oints (.i-* 5*> (")), there is onl' one $lane on /hi!h the or!e a!ts an%, there ore, the shear+!arr'in- !a$a!it' o a #olt in a %ou#le !over #utt 2oint is %ou#le that o a #olt in a la$ 2oint*
(a) Lap joint (c) Double bolted lap joint (e) Single-cover butt joint (g) Single-cover double bolted butt joint (b) Single bolted lap joint P e P (d) Eccentricity in lap joint (d) Single-cover single bolted butt joint (h) Double-cover single bolted butt joint
$able Contd.
6* In the !ase o a %ou#le !over #utt 2oint, e!!entri!it' o or!es %oes not e&ist an% hen!e #en%in- is eliminate%, /hereas it e&ists in the !ase o a la$ 2oint*
De$en%in- u$on the t'$e o #oltsor%inar' or hi-h+stren-th #olts the loa% trans er rom one !onne!te% $art to another ma' #e #' shear an% #earin- or #' ri!tion0 the ormer #ein- !alle% bearing#t pe !onne!tion an% the latter the slip#critical or slip#resistant connection* The !onne!tions ma%e /ith hi-h+stren-th #olts ma', ho/ever, #e sli$+resistant or #earin-+t'$e* In sli$+resistant !onne!tions, a ver' %e$en%a#le hi-h tension is o#taine% in the hi-h+stren-th #olts resultin- in lar-e !lam$in- or!es an% lar-e amounts o ri!tional resistan!e to sli$$in-* The entire or!es are resiste% #' ri!tion an% the 2oints are not reall' $la!e% in shear or #earin-* The #olts are irst #rou-ht to snu-+ti-ht !on%ition an% are then urther ti-htene%* Foints /ith so ti-htene% #olts are also !alle% pre#tensioned joints* 7o/ever, /hen the loa% e&!ee%s the ri!tional resistan!e there /ill #e sli$$a-e an% !onse,uentl' the #olts /ill #e $la!e% in shear an% #earin- an% /ill #ehave li"e #earin-+t'$e 2oint* Sli$+resistant !onne!tion is the most e&$ensive* 7o/ever, these have the a%vanta-e in #uil%in- !onstru!tion that /hen use% in !om#ination /ith /el%s ma' #e !onsi%ere% to share the stress* Also, /hen the hi-h+stren-th #olts are not ti-htene% su i!ientl' (sun-+ti-ht #olts) so as to si-ni i!antl' s,uee1e the $lates to-ether, there /ill #e ne-li-i#le ri!tion #et/een the $lates* On the a$$li!ation o loa%s the $lates sli$ a little an% the loa% /ill
$able Contd.
bolted butt joint PP P P P P (k) Lap joint, bolt in single shear P 2 P 2 P 2P 2 P 2 P 2 (l) Butt joint, bolt in double shear P Fig. 4.6 $ pes of bolted joints
ten% to shear the #olts o on the inter a!e (the $lane #et/een the $lates) an% $ress or #ear a-ainst the si%e o the #olts* The loa% trans er /ill #e as or #earin-+t'$e !onne!tion* The #olts /ill #e in sin-le shear (.i-* 5*> (")) an% #earin- an% in %ou#le shear (.i-* 5*> (l) an% #earin-* In situations /here ati-ue is e&$e!te%, the snu-+ti-ht #olts are not re!ommen%e%*
The #olte% 2oints ma' ail in an' o the ollo/in- si& /a's, out o /hi!h some ailures !an #e !he!"e% #' a%heren!e to the s$e!i i!ations o e%-e %istan!e (Se!tion 5*<*=)* There ore the' are not o mu!h im$ortan!e, /hereas the others re,uire %ue !onsi%eration* There are t/o #roa% !ate-ories o ailure8 ailure o the #olt an% the ailure o the $arts #ein- !onne!te%* Shear Failure of Bolts Shear stresses are -enerate% /hen the $lates sli$ %ue to a$$lie% or!es* The ma&imum a!tore% shear or!e in the #olt ma' e&!ee% the nominal shear !a$a!it' o the #olt* Shear ailure o the #olt ta"es $la!e at the #olt shear $lane (inter a!e)* The #olt ma' ail in sin-le shear or %ou#le shear as sho/n in .i-* 5*B (a)* Bearing Failure of Bolts The #olt is !rushe% aroun% hal !ir!um eren!e* The $late ma' #e stron- in #earin- an% the heaviest stresse% $late ma' $ress the #olt shan" (.i- 5*B (#))* Berin- ailure o #olts -enerall' %oes not o!!ur in $ra!ti!e e&!e$t /hen $lates are ma%e o hi-h stren-th steel* Bearing Failure of !lates 3hen an or%inar' #olt is su#2e!te% to shear or!es, the sli$ ta"es $la!e an% #olt !omes in !onta!t /ith the $lates* The $late ma' -et !rushe%, i the $late material is /ea"er than the #olt material as sho/n in .i-* 5*B (#)* The #earin- $ro#lem !an #e !om$li!ate% #' the $resen!e o a near #' #olt or the $ro&imit' o an e%-e in the %ire!tion o the loa%* The #olt s$a!in- an% en%+%istan!e /ill in luen!e the #earin- stren-th* A $ossi#le ailure mo%e resultin- rom e&!essive #earin- is shear tear+out at the en% o !onne!te% mem#er as sho/n in .i-* 5*B (!)* Tension Failure of Bolts Bolts su#2e!te% to tension ma' ail at the stress area* In !ase i an' o the !onne!tin- $lates is su i!ientl' le&i#le a%%itional $r'in- or!es in%u!e% in the #olts must also #e !onsi%ere%* Tension or Tearing Failure of !lates Tearin- ailure o!!urs /hen the #olts are stron-er than the $lates* Tension on #oth the -ross area an% net e e!tive area must #e !onsi%ere%* The tension ailure o a $late is sho/n in .i-* 5*B (%)* Bloc" Shear Failure Bolts ma' have #een $la!e% at a lesser en%+%istan!e than re,uire% !ausin- the $lates to shear out /hi!h, ho/ever, !an #e !he!"e% #' o#servinthe s$e!i i!ations or en%+%istan!e* The ailure o !onne!tions in bloc! shear as sho/n in .i-* 5*B (e) ma' o!!ur /hen a #lo!" o material /ithin the #olte% area #rea"s a/a' rom the remain%er area* The $ossi#ilit' o this in!reases /hen hi-h stren-th #olts are use%0 e/er #olts /ill #e use% or ma"in- !onne!tion* This t'$e o
ailure o!!urs /ith shear on one $lane an% tension on $er$en%i!ular $lane lea%in- to all o hat!he% $ortion o the $late*
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
4.).1 Di'.ete+ o" Bo%ts In -eneral, a !onne!tion /ith a e/ lar-e+%iameter #olts !osts less than one o the same !a$a!it' /ith man' small+%iameter #olts* The e/er the #olts, the e/er the num#er o holes to #e orme% an% the less installation /or"* The lar-er %iameter #olts are $arti!ularl' avoura#le in !onne!tions /here shear -overns, #e!ause the #olt !a$a!it' in shear varies as s,uare o the #olt %iameter* 4.).2 S/'0ing o" Bo%t *o%es Pit!h, e%-e %istan!e an% en% %istan!e %e ine the s$a!in- o #olt holes in a 2oint* These are sho/n in .i-* 5*:* .i-ure 5*: (a) sho/s a %ou#le !over #utt 2oint an% .i-* 5*: (#) sho/s a la$ 2oint !onne!tin- /i%e $lates*
(a) Shearing at bolt shank Single shear Double shear Crushing Crushing (b) Bearing on plate and bolt (c) Shear tear-out of plate (d) Tension failure of plate Failure (e) Block shear failture Tension member Tension member Gusset plate Gusset plate Fig. 4.7 /ailure modes of bolted joints
Limit State Design of Steel Structures T T Gauge T Edge distance End distance End distance Pitch Pitch (Long direction) Gauge (short direction) P P (a) Double-cover butt joint (b) Lap joint with wide plates T Fig. 4.& Spacing of bolt holes
!itch #p$ It is the %istan!e #et/een the !enters o t/o !onse!utive #olts measure% alon- a ro/ o #olts* A ro/ -enerall' re ers to a line o #olts $la!e% $arallel to the stress in a mem#er* .or /i%e $lates $it!h ma' also #e %e ine% as the !?! %istan!e o #olts measure% alon- the len-th o the mem#er or the !onne!tion* 3hen the #olts are $la!e% sta--ere% the $it!h /ill #e re erre% to as staggered pitch* 1'2 -ini.3. Pit0# Bolts shoul% #e $la!e% a$art at a su i!ient %istan!e an% a minimum $it!h is ensure% or the ollo/in- reasons8 9* To $revent #earin- ailure o mem#ers #et/een the t/o #olts, an% 6* To $ermit e i!ient installation o #olts, i*e*, to ensure su i!ient s$a!e to ti-hten the #olts, $revent overla$$in- o the /ashers, an% $rovi%e a%e,uate resistan!e to tear+out o #olts* The %istan!e #et/een !entres o holes shoul% not #e less than 6*4 times the nominal %iameter o the #olt* I the #olts are s$a!e% !loser than this, ver' little !learan!e is le t #et/een the last+ orme% #olt an% the ne&t #olt to #e installe%* .urther, the installation o ne&t #olt /ill #e %i i!ult* 1(2 -'4i.3. Pit0# It is %esira#le to $la!e the #olts su i!ientl' !lose to-ether or the ollo/in- reasons8
9* To re%u!e the len-th o the !onne!tion an% -usset $late i*e*, to have a !om$a!t 2oint* 6* To have uni orm stress in the #olts* It is assume% that the loa% on the 2oint is %istri#ute% e,uall' amon- all the #olts* .or short len-th 2oints the or!e in the #olts /ill #e re%istri#ute% #' $lasti! a!tion an% hen!e the #olt /ill share the loa% e,uall'* This is true /hen there are onl' a e/ #olts in a line* 7o/ever, in a lon- 2oint (D 94 times %iameter o #olts), sho/n in .i-* 5*<, the situation !han-es an% the shear %istri#ution is not uni orm0 the #olts at the en%s o the 2oint are stresse% more* The or!es share% #' the en% #olts ma' #e so hi-h that it ma' lea% to $ro-ressive 2oint ailure !alle% unbuttoning. Sin!e the variation o stress in #olts, in a lon- 2oint, /ill #e more, i the s$a!in- o #olts, i*e*, $it!h is more, the $ossi#ilit' o un#uttonin- in!reases0 a !om$a!t 2oint is %esira#le*
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections Tn/ Bolts T T (a) Bearing-type connection (b) Assumed shear distribution (rigid plates) (c) Actual shear distribution (elastic plates) Tn/ T n - Tensile force - number of bolts Fig. 4.) Shear distribution in a long bolted connection
=* There is another $ro#lem /hi!h is /ith the #uilt+u$ tension an% !om$ression mem#ers* I the #olts are /i%el' s$a!e% or $it!he%, the !onne!te% $lates o the se!tions, es$e!iall' i thin, are a$t to -a$ a$art in the !ase o a #uilt+u$ tension mem#er* The same reasonin- a$$lies to a #uilt+u$ !om$ression mem#er, #ut /ith the a%%itional ,uestion o #u!"lin-* The various $lates o a !om$ression mem#er, e*-*, a !olumn, strut, or the to$ lan-e o an or%inar' $late -ir%er, #e!ome little in%ivi%ual !olumns hel% to the nei-h#ourin- $lates #' the #olts* The #olts are un%er tension, an% /i%er the s$a!in-, the -reater is the loa% on the #olt* A-ain, the arther a$art the #olts are, the more le&i#le #e!ome the little !olumns, so that shoul% one #olt -ive /a', an in%ivi%ual !olumn o t/i!e the or%inar' len-th o!!urs* This ma' inall' lea% to the entire ailure o the #uilt+u$ mem#er* The limits $la!e% on ma&imum $it!hes in various !ases are as ollo/s* 9* The %istan!e #et/een the !enters o t/o !onse!utive #olts in the %ire!tion o stress shoul% not e&!ee% 9>t or 6;; mm, /hi!hever is less in tension mem#ers, an% 96t or 6;; mm, /hi!hever is less in !om$ression mem#ers* In the !ase o !om$ression mem#ers in /hi!h or!es are transmitte% throu-h the #uttin- a!e this %istan!e shoul% not e&!ee% 5*4 times the %iameter o the #olt an% or a %istan!e rom the #uttin- a!e, e,ual to 9*4 times the /i%th o the mem#ers, /here t is the thi!"ness o the thinner outsi%e $late in mm* 6* The %istan!e #et/een the !enters o t/o a%2a!ent #olts shoul% not e&!ee% =6t or =;; mm, /hi!hever is less* =* The %istan!e #et/een the !enters o an' t/o !onse!utive #olts in a line a%2a!ent an% $arallel to an e%-e o the outsi%e $late shoul% not e&!ee% (9;; mm G 5t) or 6;; mm, /hi!hever is less* 5* 3here the #olts are sta--ere% at e,ual intervals an% -au-e %oes not e&!ee% B4 mm, the %istan!e s$e!i ie% in (9) an% (=) ma' #e in!rease% #' 4;E su#2e!t to ma&imum s$e!i ie% in (6)*
%auge #g$ It is the %istan!e #et/een a%2a!ent #olt lines, or the %istan!e #et/een
the #a!" o the rolle% se!tion an% the irst #olt line, or !entre to !entre %istan!e
#et/een t/o !onse!utive #olts measure% alon- the /i%th o the mem#er or !onne!tion* The -au-e lines are s$e!i ie% on the se!tions ta#ulate% in the IS 7an%#oo" No* 9 an% the #olts shoul% #e $la!e% on them in or%er to a!ilitate an% sim$li ' o i!e an% sho$ /or"* %auge lines are also !alle% the bolt lines* 4.).3 E$ge Dist'n0e This is the %istan!e at ri-ht an-le to the %ire!tion o stresses rom the !entre o the #olt hole to the a%2a!ent e%-e o the mem#er /hereas the %istan!e in the %ire!tion o stress rom the !entre o a hole to the en% o the element is !alle% the end distance* Bolt holes shoul% not #e $la!e% too near the e%-es or the ollo/in- reasons8 9* The ailure o $late in tension ma' ta"e $la!e, an% 6* The steel o the $late o$$osite the hole ma' #ul-e out an% ma' !ra!"* The minimum %istan!e rom the !entre o an' hole to the e%-e o a $late shoul% not #e less than that -iven in Ta#le 5*6* The ma&imum e%-e %istan!e to the nearest line o #olts rom an e%-e o an' unsti ene% $art shoul% not e&!ee% 96te /here e H I JJJJJ 64;?f an% t is the thi!"ness o thinner outer $late* The $ur$ose o su!h re,uirement is to re%u!e the !han!es o moisture -ettin- #et/een the $arts* 3hen asteners are too ar rom the e%-es o the $arts #ein- !onne!te%, the e%-es ma' sometimes, se$arate, thus $ermittin- the entran!e o moisture* This ma' lea% to %evelo$ment an% a!!umulation o !orrosion, !ausinin!rease% se$aration o $arts*
0ominal diameter Diameter of hole Distance to Sheared Distance to rolled, of bolt +mm, +mm, or hand flame machine flame cut, +d, +do or dh, cut edge +mm, sawn or plained edge +e, +mm, 96 9= an% a#ove 6; 9< 95 94 6> 6= 9> 9: =; 6B 9: 6; =5 =; 6; 66 =B == 66 65 5; => 65 6> 55 =< 6B =; 49 54 =; == 4> 4; Over == mm Bolt %iameter 9*B K hole %iameter 9*4 K hole %iameter G= mm
4.).4 T'05ing Bo%ts Ta!"in- or stitch bolts are use% to ma"e the se!tions a!t in unison, an% to $revent #u!"lin- in !om$ression mem#ers, /hen t/o or more se!tions are in !onta!t* 3hen
Simple ConnectionsRiveted, Bolted and Pinned Connections
the %istan!e #et/een the !enters o t/o !onse!utive #olts in su!h !ases e&!ee%s the ma&imum s$e!i ie% $it!h o 96t or 6;; mm, /hi!hever is less in !om$ression mem#ers0 an% 9>t or 6;; mm, /hi!hever is less in tension mem#ers a%%itional #olts are $rovi%e%* These #olts are not su#2e!te% to !al!ulate% stresses an% are !alle% ta!"inor stit!h #olts* 9* Ta!"in- #olts shoul% have a $it!h in line not e&!ee%in- =6 t or =;; mm /hi!hever is less* 3here it is e&$ose% to /eather, $it!h, in line shoul% not e&!ee% 9>t or 6;; mm* In #oth !ases, the lines o #olts shoul% not #e a$art at a %istan!e -reater than these $it!hes* 6* .or !om$ression mem#ers, ma&imum $it!h o ta!"in- #olts shoul% not #e more than >;; mm* =* In !ase o tension mem#ers the ta!"in- #olts shoul% #e $rovi%e% at a $it!h in line not e&!ee%in- 9;;; mm* 4.). Co.(in'tion o" F'stene+s 3hen %i erent orms o asteners are use% to !arr' a shear loa% or /hen /el%inan% asteners are !om#ine%, then one orm o asteners shoul% normall' #e %esi-ne% to !arr' the total loa%* As an e&!e$tion, ull' tensione% ri!tion -ri$ #olts ma' #e %esi-ne% to share the loa% /ith /el%in-, $rovi%e% the #olts are ull' ti-htene% a ter /el%in-*